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multiple choices 18 all from past papers 2 short question 2 marks 2 short question 3 marks 2 questions 5 marks total marks 38 Q: 1. difference between sniffing and IP adress spoofing? 2. tools to develop web server.? 3. write XML code of " welcome to virtual university" "of pakistan" to " IT430 students" 4. write java script code or variables and also show in alert box var 13.6 var 20.5 5. why used list in HTML? 6. briefly explain different terms virus worms back door Trojan horses

Total question 23 16 question of 01 number (objective) 03 question of 02 numbers (subjective) 02 question of 03 numbers 02 question of 05 numbers 70% quiz from old papers Objective 1-advantage of virtual private network (2) 2-how can we prevent our computer from virus attack (5) (virus protection page no 94) 3-what SQL stand for and its usage (2)

4(write html code for making borders which align left border color green.(5) 5-what is the function of reset button and submit button. 6-one more question about html about the functions of the tags (5)


Total questions (23) MCQS (16) Marks 1 Short Questions (3) Marks 2 Short Questions (2) Marks 3 SubJ Questions (2 Marks 5 Total Marks = 38 Long questions Question 1 Why * is used in SQL Question 2 Explain what will be displayed after this program is run and briefly explain what is the purpose of HIDDEN <FORM NAME="Form1"> <INPUT TYPE= "HIDDEN" NAME= "Shirt1" VALUE="25"> <INPUT TYPE= "CHECKBOX" NAME= "Check1">Blue Cotton Shirt <br> <INPUT TYPE= "HIDDEN" NAME= "Shirt2" VALUE="26"> <INPUT TYPE= "CHECKBOX" NAME= "Check2" >Green Cotton Shirt <br> <INPUT TYPE= "HIDDEN" NAME= "Shirt3" VALUE="27"> <INPUT TYPE= "CHECKBOX" NAME= "Check3">White Silk Shirt .

<P> <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="Go" VALUE="Register!"> <INPUT TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Reset!"></FORM> Question 3 How to evaluate the performance of web server 60% mcqs were from the past papers


differ virus and worms 5marks coding of mydate after seven days change 5 marks relational simply or flat and provide two file. 3 marks coding of alert massage 3marks arry is a varible are not discuss 2marks one of two name of network

1- web server 2 2- "target" attribute not used in frames. justify 2 3- xml coding karni thi question yad nai 5 4- "form" tag ki coding ki translation karni thi 5 5- position properties in style sheet 3

Question No.17: What will be the final value of variable a at the end: (Marks: 2) Var a = 4; Var b = 5; Var c =10; a = a+c=6; Question No.18: What is meant by Catalog Display and why it Use? (Marks: 2) Question No.19: Create text bob in HTML, having length 15, containing text IT430? (Marks: 2) Question No.20: Write XML code to print greeting Welcome to XML! from Virtual University of Pakistan to IT430 Students? (Marks: 3) Question No.21: How can you minimize the risk of outside attacks on Network? (Marks: 3) Question No.22: How can we differentiate between Server Side Processing & Client Side Processing? Give at least one example? (Marks: 5)

Question No.23: Given the following JavaScript Codes :- (Marks: 5) Str = new String (Welcome to Virtual University of Pakistan); StrArray = New Array (10); StrArray = str.split ( ); a) What will be the output of the following function? i) str.charAt (5) ii) str.Substring (8, 13) b) What will be the value of strArray [1] ?

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Today is my IT430 paper quite tough laga muja

1. At the end of all process what will be variable t contain Var S1=made Var S2=U Var S3=and me t =Si+4+S2+S3 2marks 2. Suppose there is applet at http// write code to include this applet in your browser page 2marks 3. How would you change a date MyDate to one week later? 3marks 4. Note on Application Gate way firewalls. 3marks 5. Essential feature of E-commerce software 5marks 6. Write HTML for Input field, reset button and submit button 5marks

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