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This report is dedicated to Almighty God whom is the author and the finisher of
our faith, indeed God is worthy to be praise for his guidance and protection upon
my life.
Also my report won’t be great without my loving daddy and mummy Mr. Alagi
Moses & Mrs. Alice Eriba with me I sincerely thank you for your financial support
and I pray you will leave to eat the fruit of your labour, Amen.
Indeed, they is a backbone behind any human standing straight.
I sincerely want to acknowledge my able parent who saw value is education,
and also deaming it fit to send me to school and I also thank God for his provision
and strength.
I also acknowledge my able lecturers for their advises and lectures indeed
they are not just my lecturers but my role models in person of Mr. Nongomin Tor
the HOD of the Department of Mass Communication, Mr. Peter Ugbe the SIWES
director Mr. Aondo Jonathan my able examination officer and my Adoyi Francis
Sylvester may God reward you massively.
Finally, I appreciate my lovely course mates, whom are more than friend to
me in person of Agbala Paul AJA and Okanya Moses, may our labor not be in vain

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