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Department of physics

Department of Physics
Multiple choice questions

Chapter 1
Electric charges and fields

1. On rubbing the two insulating bodies, the electric charge is produced. the charge on bodies is due to
the transfer of
a) Protons b)Atoms c)Neutrons d)Electrons
2. A system contains charges + q, -2q , 4q, -6q find the total charge on the system
a) -3q b) 3q c)-5q d) 5q
3. The number of electrons present in -1C of charge is
a) 6x 1018
b) 1.6x 1019
c) 6x 1019
d) 1.6x 1018
4. When two bodies are rubbed against each other they acquire
a) Equal and similar charges
b) Equal and opposite charges
c) Unequal and similar charges
d) Unequal and opposite charges
5. An object has charge of 1C and gains 5.0x 1018 electrons. The net charge on the object becomes
a) -0.80C b) +0.80C c) +1.80C d) +0.20C
6. Apparatus to detect charge on body is
a) Microscope b) telescope c) electroscope d)travelling microscope

7. In practice, which of the following is not used as unit coulomb

a) 1mC b) 1μc c)1C d) 1nC

8. Unit of volume charge density is

a) C/m b) C/m3 c) Cm d) C/m2

9. If a glass rod is rubbed with silk, it acquires positive charge because

a) protons are added to it b) protons are removed from it
c) electrons are added to it d) electrons are removed from it

10. Unit of linear charge density is

a) Cm2 b) Cm-2 c) Cm d) Cm-1

11. If q1q2 > 0, what is the nature of force between the two charges?
a) attractive in nature b) repulsive in nature
c) no force between them d) None of the above

Department of physics

12. If q1q2 < 0, what is the nature of force between them?

a) attractive in nature b) repulsive in nature
c) no force between them d) none of the above

13. When the distance between two charged particle is halved, the force between them becomes
a) 1 𝑡ℎ b) 1
4 2
c) double d) four times

14. Dimensions of ℇo are

a) [M-1L-3T4A2] b) [M0L-3T3A3]
c) [M-1L-3T3A3] d) [M-1L-1TA2]

15. An electric filed can deflect

a) X-rays b) neutrons c) α- particle d) γ- rays

16. The dimensional formula of electric field intensity is

a) [M1L1T3A-1] b) [M L-1T-3A1]
c) [M 1L1T-3A-1] d) [M1L2T1A1]

17. If an electric dipole is kept in a uniform electric field, then it will experience
a) a force b) a couple and move
c) a couple and rotates d) a force and moves

18. The tangent drawn at a point on a line of electric force shows the
a) intensity of gravity field b) intensity of magnetic field
c) intensity of electric field d) direction of electric field

19. If electric field flux coming out of a closed surface is zero, the electric filed at the surface will be
a) zero b) same at all places
c) dependent upon the location d) none of the above

20. Electric lines forces

a) exist everywhere b) are imaginary
c) exist only in the immediate vicinity of electric charges d) none of the above

21. If electric filed is uniform then the electric lines of forces are
a) divergent b) convergent c) circular d) parallel

22. The electric field inside a spherical shell of uniform surface charge density is
a) zero b) non zero
c) proportional to the distance from the centre d) none of the above

23. Charges reside on the

a) outer surface of the charged conductor
Department of physics

b) inner surface of the charged conductor

c) inner as well as outer surface of charged conductor
d) none of the above

24. A point charge is kept at the centre of metallic insulated spherical shell
a) electric field outside the sphere is zero b) electric field inside the sphere is zero
c) net induced charge on sphere is zero d) electric potential inside sphere is zero

25. SI unit of permittivity is

a) C2m2N2 b) C2m-2N-1 c) C2m2N-1 d) C-1m2N-2

26. A body can be negatively charged by

a) giving excess of electrons to it b) removing some electrons from it
c) giving some proton to it d) removing some neutrons from

27. If both the charges and distance between them is doubled then new electrostatics force will
a) F b) 2F C) 0 d) none of these

28. A comb run through ones dry hair attracts small bits of paper this is due
a) The atoms of the paper get polarized by the charged comb
b) The comb possesses magnetic properties
c) Comb is a good conductor
d) Paper is good conductor

29. Statics electricity is produced due to

a) Friction b)Conduction c) Induction d) Both A and C

30. A Charge q1 exerts some force on a second charge q2.A third charge q3 is brought near. Then force
exerted by q1 and q2 will
a) Decreases in magnitude
b) Increases in magnitude
c) Remain unchanged
d) Increases if q2 is of same sign as q1 and will decreases, if q2 is of opposite sign

31. A proton and an electron are placed in a uniform electric field. then
a) The electric forces acting on them will be equal
b) The magnitudes of the forces acting on them will be equal
c) Their acceleration will be equal
d) The magnitudes of their accelerations will be equal

32. Electric field varies as r-3 due to

a) A point charge b)An infinite line charge
c)An electric dipole d) An infinite plane sheet of charge

33. Electric field varies as r-1 due to

a) A point charge b) A quadrupole
c) An infinite line charge d) An infinite plane sheet of charge

34. The electric field inside a spherical shell of uniform surface charge density is
a) zero
b) uniform
c) non uniform
d) proportional to distance from the centre
Department of physics

35. The SI unit of electric flux is

a) Weber
b) Newton per coulomb
c) Volt x meter
d) Joule per coulomb
36. If Ea be the electric field strength of a short dipole at a point on its axial line and Ee that on the
equatorial line at the same distance then
a) Ee = 2Ea
b) Ea = 2Ee
c) Ee = Ea
d) None of the above

37. Electric field lines provide information about

a) Field strength
b) Direction
c) Nature of charge
d) All of these
38. Electric field at a point is
a) Always continuous
b) Continuous if there is no charge at that point
c) Discontinuous if there is a charge at that point
d) Both b) and c) are correct

39. The total electric flux through a cube when a charge 8q is placed at one corner of the cube
𝑞 𝑞
a) 𝑞𝜀0 b) c) 4𝜋𝜀0 𝑞 d)
𝜀0 4𝜋𝜀0

40. Torque on a dipole in uniform electric field is minimum when θ is equal to

a) 00 b) 900 c) 1800 d) Both a) and c)

Department of physics

Chapter 2
Electrostatic potential
and capacitance

1) which of the following is not true?

a) For a point charge, electrostatic potential varies as 1/r.
b) For a dipole, the potential depends on the magnitude of position vector
and dipole momentvector.
c) The electric dipole potential varies as 1/r at large distance.
d) For a point charge, the electrostatic field varies as 1/r2.

2) Equipotential surfaces
a) are closer in regions of large electric fields compared to regions of lower
electric fields
b) will be more crowded near sharp edges of a conductor
c) will always be equally spaced
d) both a & b are correct

3) SI unit electric potential

a) Volt b) Watt c) Farad d) coulomb
4) work done in moving a unit positive charge against the electric field from one point
to another is called
a) potential b) potential energy
c) potential difference d)potential energy difference
5) The ratio of one joule to 1coulomb is
a) 1 volt b)1 ampere c)1 farad d)1 ohm

6) The work done in bringing a 2mC charge from infinity to a point is 30J find the
potential at that point
a) 10x 105 V b) 15x 106 V c) 8 x 103 V d) 12x 104 V

7) Th potential at a point due to a charge of 2µC located 20 cm away is

a) 4.5x 105 V b) 4.5x 104 V c) 9 x 104 V d) 9 x 105 V

8) Nature of equipotential surface for a point charge is

a) Ellipsoid with charge at foci
b) Sphere with charge at centre of the sphere
c) Sphere with charge on the surface of the sphere
d) Plane with charge on the surface
9) What is the electric potential at a distance of 9cm from 3nC
a) 300V b)270 c)30V d)3V
10) In a region of constant potential
a) the electric field is uniform
b) the electric field is zero
c) there can be no charge inside the region
d) both b & c correct

11) What is the angle between electric field and equipotential surface?

Department of physics

a) 900 always b) 00 always c)00 to 900 d) 00 to 1800

12) Electric potential at a point due to a short dipole varies with orientation as
a) Cosθ b)Sinθ c)Tanθ d)Cos2θ

13) If we carry a charge once around an equipotential surface then work done by it is
a) Positive b) Negative c) Zero d) infinite
14) Potential energy due to a system of two charges is negative when
a) both charges are negative
b) both charges have unequal magnitude
c) one charge is positive and other is negative
d) both charges are positive
15) The electric field inside a cavity of a charged conductor is always
a) Positive b) Negative c) Zero
d) Greater than the field outside the conductor

16) Which among the following is an example of polar molecule?

a) O2 b) H2 c) N2 d) HCl

17) Choose the correct statement.

a) Polar molecules have permanent electric dipole moment.
b) CO2 molecule is a polar molecule.
c) H2O molecule is a polar molecule.
d) The dipole field at large distances falls
of as 1

18) Dielectric constant for a metal is

a) zero b) infinite c) 1 d) 10
19) Capacitor are used to
a) Destroy electric charges
b) Store electric charges
c) Produce electric charges
d) To produce high potential difference

20) Metallic sphere of radius R is charged to potential V. Then charge q is proportional

a) V b) R c) both V and R d) none of these

21) How much work is required to carry a 6µC charge from the negative terminal to the
positive terminal of 9v battery?
a) 54x10-3 J b) 54x10-6 J c) 54x10-9 J d) 54x10-12 J
22) A Test charge is moved from lower potential point to higher potential point . the
potential energy of test charge will
a) Remain the same
b) Increases
c) Decreases
d) Become zero
23) Dielectric constant for a metal is
a) Zero b)Infinite c)1 d)10

24) In a parallel plate capacitor, the capacity increases if

a) area of the plate is decreased b) distance between the plates increases
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c) area of the plate is increased d) dielectric constant decreases

25) Due to polarization, the electric field inside a dielectric
a) Is decreased b)Is increased
c) Remain same d)May increase or may decrease depending on material
26) Non polar molecule does not have permanent
a)Force b) Pressure c)Electric dipole moment d)torque
27) a conductor when given a charge of 5x10 C, acquires a potential of 500V. the
capacity of conductor is
a) 5 µF b) 10 µF c) 15 µF d) 20 µF
28) Three capacitor each of capacitance C and of breakdown voltage V are joined in
series. The capacitance and breakdown voltage of the combination will be
a) 3C , V/3 b) C/3, 3V c) 3C, 3V d) C/3, V/3
29) A capacitor has some dielectric between its plates, and the capacitor is
connected to a dcsource. The battery is now disconnected and then the
dielectric is removed, then
a) capacitance will increase. b) energy stored will decrease.

30) A test charge is moved from lower potential point to a higher potential point. The
energy of test charge will
a) remain the same b) increase c) decrease d) become zero

31) If 8 identical drops are joined to form a bigger drop, the potential on
bigger as comparedto that on the smaller drop will be
a) double b) four times c) eight times d) one time

32) A charge +Q is given to the positive plate and –Q to the negative plate of a
The charge on the capacitor is

a) zero b) Q C) 2Q d) infinite

33) A test charge is moved from lower potential point to a higher potential point.
energy of test charge will
a) remain the same b) increase c) decrease d) become zero

34) If 8 identical drops are joined to form a bigger drop, the potential on
bigger as comparedto that on the smaller drop will be

a) double b) four times c) eight times d) one time

35) A charge +Q is given to the positive plate and –Q to the negative plate of a
The charge on the capacitor
a) zero b) Q C) 2Q d) infinity

Chapter 9
Ray Optics

1. An object is placed at the principal focus of a convex mirror. The image will be at
a) Centre of curvature b) Principal focus
c) Infinity d) No image formed

2. According to sign convention, in ray optics

a) all distances are taken positive
b) all distances are taken negative
c) all distances in the direction of incident ray are taken positive
d) all distances in the direction of incident ray are taken negative
3. Transmission of light in optical fibre is due to
a) scattering b) diffraction
c) refracted d) multiple total internal reflection
4. Which of the following is not due to total internal reflection?
a) Working of optical fibre
b) Difference between apparent and real depth of a pond
c) Brilliance of diamond
d) Mirage on hot summer days

5. The reddish appearance of rising and setting of sun is due to

a) reflection of light b) diffraction of light
c) scattering of light d) dispersion of light

6. For relaxed eye, the magnifying power of a microscope is

𝐷 𝑓
a) 𝑣𝑜 × b) 𝑣𝑜 × 𝑒
𝑢𝑜 𝑓 𝑢𝑜 𝐷

𝐷 −𝐷
c) 𝑢𝑜 × d) 𝑢𝑜 × ( )
𝑣𝑜 𝑓 𝑣𝑜 𝑓𝑒

7. If the focal length of objective lens is increased then magnifying power of

a) microscope will decrease but that of telescope decrease
b) microscope and telescope both will increase
c) microscope and telescope will decrease
d) microscope will decrease but that of telescope will increase

8. The refraction of light is

a) Change of direction of propagation of light at the interface of two media as light passes from
one medium to another medium
b) none of the above
c) reversal of direction of propagation of light
d) the change of direction of propagation of light

9. Focal length of a mirror is given by

a) f = 𝑅, R = radius of curvature b) f = R2 /4
b) f =R/2 d) f = R
10. According to Snell’s law,
a) the ratio of angle of incidence to the angle of refraction is constant.
b) the ratio of the tangent of the angle of incidence to the tangent of angle of refraction
c) the ratio of sine of angle of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is constant
d) the ratio of cosine of angle of incidence to the cosine of angle of refraction in constant

11. TIR can take place only if light is travelling from

a) rarer to denser medium b) no two media
c) denser to rarer medium d) any two media

12. Rainbow is formed due to

a) refraction and absorption b) dispersion and focusing
c) refraction and scattering d) dispersion and total internal reflection

13. Dispersion is the phenomenon of

a) splitting of light into electric and magnetic fields
b) variation of refractive index from glass to glass
c) scattering of light from various molecules
d) splitting of light into its component colors

14. The bluish color predominates in a clear sky, since blue

a) has a shorter wavelength than red and scattered much more strongly
b) has a shorter wavelength than red and is scattered much less strongly
c) is radiated much more
d) has a longer wavelength than red and is scattered much more strongly

15. For a rectangular slab, refraction takes place at

a) three interfaces b) four interfaces
c) two interfaces d) one interface

16. Whenever light travels from denser medium to rarer medium

a) it bends away from the normal b) it bends towards the normal
c) it passes undeviated d) it always reflects back

17. The phenomenon of light bending due to change of medium is called

a) reflection b) refraction
c) dispersion d) TIR

18. The image which can be obtained on a screen is called

a) a virtual image b) a real image
c) either a real or a virtual image d) neither a real nor a virtual image

19. The distance between the focus and the pole of the mirror is called
a) focal length b) radius of curvature
c) principle axis d) diameter of curvature

20. If a ray of light goes from rarer medium to a denser medium, will it bend towards the normal
oraway from it?
a) bends away from the normal b) bends towards the normal
c) goes undeviated d) is reflected back

21. What causes chromatic aberration?

a) marginal rays
b) central rays
c) difference in radii of curvature of its surface
d) variation of focal length of lens with color

22. The rays of different colors fail to converge at a point after going through a converging lens.
Thisdefect is called
a) spherical aberration b) distortion
c) coma d) chromatic aberration

23. Which of the following signifies Snell’s law?

a) sin 𝑖 = constant b) sin 𝑟 = constant
sin 𝑟 sin 𝑖
c) sini + sinr = constant d) none of the above

24. Which of the following color of white light deviated most when passes through a prism?
a) light travels from rarer to denser medium
b) light travels from denser to rarer medium
c) light travels in air only
d) light travels in water

25. The position of the object to get virtual image in the case of concave mirror is
(A) Between F and P (B) Beyond C (C) At C (D) Between F and C

26. At which position of the object a concave mirror produces a magnification equal to -1
(A) Between F and P (B) Beyond C (C) At C (D) Between F and C

27. The mirror which produces only a virtual and diminished image is
(A) Plane mirror (B) Concave mirror (C) Convex mirror (D) None

28. The colour of the light which has highest refractive index is
(A) Violet (B) Red (C) Yellow ( D) Green

29. The colour of the light which has least refractive index is
(A) Violet (B) Red (C) Yellow (D) Green

30. The colour which has least critical angle of incidence is

(A) Violet (B) Red (C) Yellow (D) Green

31. The colour which has highest critical angle of incidence is

(A) Violet (B) Red (C) Yellow (D) Green

32. Convex mirrors are used as side view mirrors in cars because
(A) they form diminished, virtual images (B) they form enlarged, virtual images
(C) they form diminished, real images (D) they form enlarged, real images

33. Refractive index is the

(A) Ratio of speeds of light (B) Ratio of wavelengths of light
(C) Ratio of frequencies of light (D) Both A and B

34. The one which has lowest refractive index is

(A) Vacuum (B) Air (C) Water (D) Glass

35. When light travel from air to glass, frequency

(A) increases (B) decreases (C) remains same (D) may increase or decrease

36. For critical angle of incidence, Angle of refraction is

(A) 00 (B) 300 (C) 600 (D) 900

37. The SI unit of power of a lens is

(A) joule (B) farad C) dioptre (D) coulomb
38. Light travels through a glass plate of thickness ‘t’ and having refractive index 𝜇. If c is the
velocity of light in vacuum, time taken by the light to travel this thickness of glass is
𝑡 𝑡𝑐 𝜇𝑡
a) b) c) d) 𝜇𝑡𝑐
𝜇𝑐 𝜇 𝑐
39. An astronomical refracting telescope will have large angular magnification and high resolution
when it has an objective lens of
a) Small focal length and large diameter
b) Large focal length and small diameter
c) Large focal length and large diameter
d) Small focal length and small diameter
40. Which of the following color of white light deviated the most when passes through a prism?
a) red light b) violet light
c) yellow light d) both a & b

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