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Week 1: Nature of Communication

 Communication Process:

 Communication involves the exchange of information, ideas, and

emotions between individuals.

 The communication process consists of sender, message, channel, receiver,

feedback, and context.

 Soft Skills Emphasized:

 Active Listening: Paying full attention to understand the speaker's


 Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.

 Mode of Learning:

 Lecture: Introduction to the communication process.

 Discussion: Engage students in analyzing real-life communication


Week 2: Principles of Effective Communication

 Interpersonal Communication:

 Focuses on communication between individuals, emphasizing mutual

understanding and respect.

 Principles include clarity in expression, active listening, feedback, and

cultural awareness.

 Soft Skills Emphasized:

 Clarity in Expression: Expressing thoughts and ideas clearly and


 Cultural Awareness: Understanding and respecting cultural differences in


 Mode of Learning:

 Lecture: Principles of effective interpersonal communication.

 Role-play: Practicing communication skills in simulated scenarios.

Week 3: Written Communication

 Rules for Effective Writing:

 Covers grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and organization in


 Emphasizes clarity, coherence, and conciseness in written communication.

 Soft Skills Emphasized:

 Writing Proficiency: Ability to express ideas clearly and effectively in


 Attention to Detail: Paying careful attention to grammar, spelling, and


 Mode of Learning:

 Lecture: Rules for effective writing.

 Exercises: Practice writing exercises to improve writing skills.

Week 4: Business Correspondences

 Mails and Emails:

 Discusses formats, language, and etiquette for writing business emails and

 Emphasizes professionalism, clarity, and brevity in business


 Soft Skills Emphasized:

 Organization: Structuring emails and letters logically and coherently.

 Time Management: Prioritizing and responding to business

correspondence promptly.

 Mode of Learning:

 Lecture: Business correspondence guidelines.

 Case Study: Analyzing and drafting sample business emails.

Week 5: Oral Communication

 Effective Listening:

 Focuses on the importance of active listening in oral communication.

 Strategies for improving listening skills and overcoming barriers to

effective listening.

 Soft Skills Emphasized:

 Persuasion: Influencing others through effective communication.

 Assertiveness: Expressing opinions and ideas confidently and


 Mode of Learning:

 Lecture: Techniques for effective listening.

 Role-plays: Practicing active listening skills in interpersonal scenarios.

Week 7: Nonverbal Communication

 Importance and Elements:

 Explores the significance of nonverbal cues such as body language,

gestures, and facial expressions.

 Discusses how nonverbal communication influences perceptions and


 Soft Skills Emphasized:

 Body Language Awareness: Understanding and interpreting nonverbal


 Cultural Sensitivity: Recognizing cultural differences in nonverbal


 Mode of Learning:

 Lecture: Importance and elements of nonverbal communication.

 Activities: Observing and analyzing nonverbal cues in real-life situations.

Week 8: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

 Principles and Methods of Delivery:

 Covers techniques for effective public speaking, including voice

modulation, body language, and visual aids.

 Emphasizes structuring presentations, engaging the audience, and

handling questions.

 Soft Skills Emphasized:

 Confidence: Projecting confidence and credibility while speaking in


 Public Speaking Skills: Articulating ideas clearly and persuasively to an


 Mode of Learning:

 Lecture: Principles and methods of effective public speaking.

 Practice: Opportunities for students to deliver presentations and receive


Week 9: Three-Step Writing Process

 Planning and Writing Messages:

 Introduces the three-step writing process: planning, writing, and revising.

 Emphasizes audience analysis, purpose identification, and message


 Soft Skills Emphasized:

 Critical Thinking: Analyzing information and selecting the most

appropriate message.

 Decision Making: Making informed decisions about message content and


 Mode of Learning:

 Lecture: Three-step writing process and its application.

 Exercises: Practice in planning and drafting various types of messages.

Week 11: Crafting Messages for Electronic Media

 Emails, Blogs, Podcasts:

 Discusses strategies for writing effective electronic messages, including

emails, blogs, and podcasts.

 Emphasizes adapting communication style to different electronic media

and target audiences.

 Soft Skills Emphasized:

 Adaptability: Adjusting communication style to suit different electronic

media platforms.

 Digital Literacy: Proficiency in using electronic communication tools and


 Mode of Learning:

 Lecture: Guidelines for crafting messages for electronic media.

 Group Work: Collaborative exercises in creating and analyzing electronic


Week 12: Writing Routine and Persuasive Messages

 Routine, Negative, and Persuasive Messages:

 Covers formats and strategies for writing routine, negative, and

persuasive messages.

 Emphasizes clarity, professionalism, and persuasive techniques in

message crafting.

 Soft Skills Emphasized:

 Creativity: Using innovative approaches to make messages more engaging

and persuasive.

 Persuasion Techniques: Employing rhetorical strategies to influence

recipients' attitudes and behaviors.

 Mode of Learning:

 Lecture: Techniques for writing routine and persuasive messages.

 Role-plays: Practicing crafting and delivering persuasive messages in
simulated scenarios.

Week 13: Report Writing

 Types, Format, Preparation:

 Explores different types of reports, their formats, and the process of report

 Discusses the importance of clarity, conciseness, and objectivity in report


 Soft Skills Emphasized:

 Analytical Skills: Analyzing data and synthesizing information to create

meaningful reports.

 Report Writing Skills: Structuring and presenting information effectively

in written reports.

 Mode of Learning:

 Lecture: Types of reports and their components.

 Case Study: Analyzing and preparing sample reports.

Week 14: Proposal Writing

 Types, Content, Preparation:

 Examines the structure, content, and process of writing proposals for

various purposes.

 Emphasizes project management principles and persuasive techniques in

proposal writing.

 Soft Skills Emphasized:

 Project Management: Planning, organizing, and executing proposal

projects effectively.

 Proposal Writing Skills: Crafting compelling proposals that address the

needs of stakeholders.

 Mode of Learning:
 Lecture: Components and strategies for effective proposal writing.

 Group Work: Collaborative exercises in developing and presenting


Week 15: Interviewing for Employment

 Interview Process, Follow-up:

 Discusses the stages of the interview process, including preparation,

performance, and follow-up.

 Emphasizes interview etiquette, communication skills, and


 Soft Skills Emphasized:

 Interview Skills: Presenting oneself confidently and effectively in job


 Professionalism: Demonstrating appropriate behavior and communication

in professional settings.

 Mode of Learning:

 Lecture: Strategies for successful job interviewing.

 Exercises: Mock interview sessions and feedback discussions.

Week 1: Nature of Communication

Topic: Communication Process

 Definition: Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, and

emotions between individuals or groups.

 Components of Communication:
 Sender: Initiates the communication by encoding the message.

 Message: Information, ideas, or emotions being conveyed.

 Channel: Medium through which the message is transmitted (e.g., verbal,

nonverbal, written).

 Receiver: Interprets the message by decoding it.

 Feedback: Response or reaction provided by the receiver.

 Context: Surrounding circumstances that influence the communication


Soft Skills: Active Listening, Empathy

 Active Listening:

 Definition: Actively engaging in the process of listening to understand the

speaker's message fully.

 Skills:

 Maintaining eye contact.

 Avoiding interruptions.

 Asking clarifying questions.

 Paraphrasing to confirm understanding.

 Empathy:

 Definition: Understanding and sharing the feelings, thoughts, and

perspectives of others.

 Skills:

 Putting oneself in the other person's shoes.

 Validating emotions without judgment.

 Reflecting back the speaker's feelings.

 Offering support and reassurance.

Mode of Learning: Lecture, Discussion

 Lecture: Introduction to the communication process, explanation of each

 Discussion: Interactive session to explore real-life communication scenarios,

sharing experiences and insights.

Week 2: Principles of Effective Communication

Topic: Interpersonal Communication

 Definition: Communication between individuals that focuses on building

mutual understanding and rapport.

 Principles of Effective Interpersonal Communication:

 Clarity in Expression: Articulating thoughts and ideas clearly and

concisely to avoid ambiguity.

 Active Listening: Giving full attention to the speaker and demonstrating

understanding through verbal and nonverbal cues.

 Feedback: Providing constructive feedback to enhance understanding and

resolve conflicts.

 Cultural Awareness: Recognizing and respecting cultural differences in

communication styles and norms.

Soft Skills: Clarity in Expression, Cultural Awareness

 Clarity in Expression:

 Techniques:

 Using simple and straightforward language.

 Structuring messages logically.

 Providing relevant examples or illustrations.

 Checking for understanding through feedback.

 Cultural Awareness:

 Importance:
 Avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts.

 Building trust and rapport with diverse audiences.

 Enhancing collaboration and cooperation in multicultural settings.

 Strategies:

 Learning about different cultural norms and values.

 Adapting communication style to accommodate cultural


 Showing respect and sensitivity towards cultural practices.

Mode of Learning: Lecture, Role-play

 Lecture: Explanation of principles of effective interpersonal communication,

discussion of cultural awareness.

 Role-play: Simulation exercises to practice applying communication principles in

various interpersonal scenarios.

Week 3: Written Communication

Topic: Rules for Effective Writing

 Definition: Written communication involves conveying messages through

written symbols such as letters, emails, reports, and memos.

 Rules for Effective Writing:

 Grammar and Punctuation: Following grammatical rules and using

correct punctuation marks to enhance clarity and readability.

 Sentence Structure: Crafting well-structured sentences with proper syntax

and coherence.

 Organization: Structuring written content logically and sequentially to

guide the reader's understanding.

 Clarity and Conciseness: Expressing ideas clearly and succinctly to avoid

ambiguity and verbosity.

Soft Skills: Writing Proficiency, Attention to Detail

 Writing Proficiency:

 Components:

 Vocabulary: Using appropriate and precise words to convey

intended meaning.

 Syntax: Constructing grammatically correct sentences with proper

subject-verb agreement and sentence variety.

 Tone: Adopting an appropriate tone and style based on the

audience and purpose of writing.

 Improvement Strategies:

 Reading extensively to expand vocabulary and exposure to

different writing styles.

 Practicing writing exercises regularly to refine writing skills.

 Attention to Detail:

 Importance:

 Ensuring accuracy and correctness in written communication.

 Enhancing professionalism and credibility.

 Avoiding misinterpretations and misunderstandings.

 Techniques:

 Proofreading carefully for spelling, grammar, and punctuation


 Checking formatting and layout for consistency and alignment.

 Verifying facts and figures for accuracy and reliability.

Mode of Learning: Lecture, Exercises

 Lecture: Explanation of rules for effective writing, demonstration of writing


 Exercises: Writing practice activities to apply writing rules and improve writing
Week 4: Business Correspondences

Topic: Mails and Emails

 Definition: Business correspondence refers to written communications

exchanged between individuals or organizations for business purposes.

 Types of Business Correspondence:

 Mails: Traditional postal letters used for formal communication, such as

inquiries, complaints, and orders.

 Emails: Electronic messages sent and received via email platforms for
quick and efficient communication.

Soft Skills: Organization, Time Management

 Organization:

 Structuring Business Correspondence:

 Introduction: Clearly stating the purpose of the communication.

 Body: Providing relevant information or details to support the


 Conclusion: Summarizing key points and indicating any follow-up


 Importance:

 Enhancing clarity and readability of the message.

 Facilitating understanding and response from the recipient.

 Demonstrating professionalism and attention to detail.

 Time Management:

 Strategies for Efficient Correspondence:

 Setting priorities and responding to urgent messages promptly.

 Using templates or standardized formats to streamline

 Avoiding unnecessary delays in sending or replying to messages.

 Benefits:

 Improving productivity and effectiveness in communication.

 Building trust and reliability in business relationships.

 Meeting deadlines and achieving business objectives.

Mode of Learning: Lecture, Case Study

 Lecture: Guidelines for writing effective business correspondence,

demonstration of mail/email formats.

 Case Study: Analysis of real-life business correspondence examples,

identification of strengths and areas for improvement.

Week 5: Oral Communication

Topic: Effective Listening

 Definition: Effective listening involves actively receiving and understanding

verbal and nonverbal messages communicated by others.

 Characteristics of Effective Listening:

 Attention: Focusing on the speaker and maintaining eye contact to

demonstrate interest and respect.

 Understanding: Interpreting the speaker's message accurately by listening

for main ideas and key points.

 Response: Providing feedback through verbal and nonverbal cues to

indicate understanding and engagement.

 Empathy: Showing empathy by acknowledging and validating the

speaker's feelings and perspectives.

Soft Skills: Persuasion, Assertiveness

 Persuasion:

 Definition: Persuasion involves influencing others' attitudes, beliefs, or

behaviors through effective communication.

 Techniques:

 Building rapport and trust with the audience.

 Presenting compelling evidence and arguments to support the


 Using rhetorical devices such as storytelling and emotional appeals

to engage the audience.

 Application:

 Persuading others to adopt new ideas or behaviors.

 Negotiating and resolving conflicts effectively.

 Influencing decision-making in personal and professional contexts.

 Assertiveness:

 Definition: Assertiveness is the ability to express one's thoughts, opinions,

and feelings openly and respectfully.

 Characteristics:

 Standing up for oneself and asserting personal rights without being

aggressive or passive.

 Communicating clearly and directly, without resorting to

manipulation or coercion.

 Respecting the rights and opinions of others while expressing one's

own needs and boundaries.

 Benefits:

 Building self-confidence and self-esteem.

 Improving interpersonal relationships and resolving conflicts

 Enhancing assertive communication skills in professional and
social interactions.

Mode of Learning: Lecture, Role-plays

 Lecture: Strategies for effective listening, discussion of persuasion techniques

and assertive communication.

 Role-plays: Simulation exercises to practice active listening, persuasion, and

assertiveness in various interpersonal scenarios.

Week 7: Nonverbal Communication

Topic: Importance and Elements

 Definition: Nonverbal communication refers to the transmission of messages

through nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, gestures, and
tone of voice.

 Importance of Nonverbal Communication:

 Complements Verbal Messages: Nonverbal cues reinforce and clarify

verbal messages, enhancing understanding and impact.

 Expresses Emotions and Attitudes: Nonverbal signals convey emotions,

attitudes, and intentions more effectively than words alone.

 Influences Perceptions: Nonverbal cues shape others' perceptions of

credibility, trustworthiness, and likability.

 Cultural Sensitivity: Understanding and interpreting nonverbal cues help

navigate cultural differences and avoid misunderstandings.

Soft Skills: Body Language Awareness, Cultural Sensitivity

 Body Language Awareness:

 Understanding Nonverbal Cues:

 Facial Expressions: Convey emotions such as happiness, sadness,

anger, or surprise.
 Gestures: Hand movements, nods, and posture that accompany
and reinforce verbal messages.

 Eye Contact: Indicates attentiveness, sincerity, and confidence in


 Tone of Voice: Pitch, volume, and intonation that convey emotions

and attitudes.

 Interpreting Nonverbal Cues:

 Matching verbal and nonverbal signals to understand the speaker's

true intentions.

 Paying attention to congruence or incongruence between verbal

and nonverbal messages.

 Considering cultural differences in interpreting nonverbal cues.

 Cultural Sensitivity:

 Recognizing Cultural Differences:

 Nonverbal norms and gestures vary across cultures and may have
different meanings.

 Cultural context influences the interpretation of nonverbal cues and


 Adapting Communication:

 Showing respect for cultural norms and customs in nonverbal


 Avoiding gestures or behaviors that may be offensive or

misinterpreted in different cultural contexts.

 Building cross-cultural awareness and sensitivity to enhance

intercultural communication skills.

Mode of Learning: Lecture, Activities

 Lecture: Introduction to nonverbal communication, explanation of nonverbal

elements and their significance.
 Activities: Interactive exercises to observe and interpret nonverbal cues in real-
life situations, role-playing cultural scenarios to practice cultural sensitivity.

Week 8: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

Topic: Principles and Methods of Delivery

 Definition: Public speaking involves delivering speeches or presentations to

inform, persuade, or entertain an audience.

 Principles of Effective Public Speaking:

 Preparation: Thoroughly researching the topic, organizing the content,

and practicing delivery techniques.

 Engagement: Capturing the audience's attention through compelling

storytelling, humor, or visual aids.

 Clarity: Communicating ideas clearly and concisely, using appropriate

language and structure.

 Confidence: Projecting confidence through body language, voice

modulation, and eye contact.

Soft Skills: Confidence, Public Speaking Skills

 Confidence:

 Building Confidence:

 Preparation: Rehearsing the speech, knowing the content

thoroughly, and anticipating questions.

 Visualization: Mentally picturing a successful presentation and

positive audience reactions.

 Positive Self-Talk: Encouraging oneself with affirmations and

focusing on strengths.

 Overcoming Nervousness:

 Deep Breathing: Practicing relaxation techniques to calm nerves

before speaking.
 Audience Interaction: Engaging with the audience to create a
supportive and interactive environment.

 Perspective Shift: Viewing nervousness as excitement and

channeling adrenaline into energy and enthusiasm.

 Public Speaking Skills:

 Vocal Delivery: Using voice modulation, pace, and emphasis to convey

meaning and engage the audience.

 Body Language: Using gestures, facial expressions, and posture to

enhance communication and express confidence.

 Visual Aids: Incorporating visual aids such as slides, videos, or props to

illustrate key points and enhance understanding.

 Audience Interaction: Encouraging audience participation through

questions, polls, or discussions to maintain interest and involvement.

Mode of Learning: Lecture, Practice

 Lecture: Explanation of principles and methods of effective public speaking,

demonstration of delivery techniques.

 Practice: Opportunities for students to deliver speeches or presentations, receive

feedback, and practice delivery skills.

Week 9: Three-Step Writing Process

Topic: Planning and Writing Messages

 Definition: The three-step writing process is a systematic approach to

composing messages, including planning, writing, and revising.

 Steps of the Writing Process:

 Planning: Analyzing the audience, defining the purpose, gathering

information, and organizing ideas.

 Writing: Drafting the message, focusing on clarity, coherence, and

 Revising: Reviewing and editing the draft for grammar, punctuation,
style, and tone.

Soft Skills: Critical Thinking, Decision Making

 Critical Thinking:

 Analyzing Information: Evaluating the relevance, reliability, and

credibility of information sources.

 Synthesizing Ideas: Integrating diverse perspectives and data to develop

coherent and persuasive arguments.

 Problem-Solving: Identifying and addressing communication challenges

effectively through logical reasoning and creative solutions.

 Decision Making:

 Setting Objectives: Clarifying the purpose and goals of the message to

guide decision making.

 Choosing the Right Medium: Selecting the most appropriate

communication channel based on audience preferences, message
complexity, and urgency.

 Tailoring the Message: Adapting the content, tone, and style to suit the
needs and preferences of the audience.

Mode of Learning: Lecture, Exercises

 Lecture: Explanation of the three-step writing process and its application in

business communication.

 Exercises: Practice activities to plan, draft, and revise various types of messages,
emphasizing critical thinking and decision-making skills.

Week 11: Crafting Messages for Electronic Media

Topic: Emails, Blogs, Podcasts

 Definition: Electronic media encompass various digital platforms and tools used
for communication, including emails, blogs, podcasts, and social media.

 Crafting Effective Messages:

 Emails: Writing clear, concise, and professional messages for business

communication, including inquiries, requests, and responses.

 Blogs: Creating engaging and informative blog posts to share insights,

opinions, or updates with an online audience.

 Podcasts: Producing audio content to inform, entertain, or educate

listeners on specific topics or interests.

Soft Skills: Adaptability, Digital Literacy

 Adaptability:

 Flexibility: Adjusting communication style, tone, and format to suit

different electronic media platforms and target audiences.

 Responsiveness: Adapting quickly to changes in technology, trends, or

audience preferences to maintain relevance and effectiveness.

 Innovation: Experimenting with new formats, features, or tools to enhance

the impact and engagement of electronic messages.

 Digital Literacy:

 Proficiency in Technology: Understanding and using electronic devices,

software applications, and online platforms effectively for communication

 Information Management: Evaluating, organizing, and synthesizing

digital information from multiple sources to create meaningful and
credible content.

 Cybersecurity Awareness: Recognizing and mitigating risks associated

with online communication, including privacy concerns, phishing, and
cyber threats.

Mode of Learning: Lecture, Group Work

 Lecture: Guidelines for crafting messages for electronic media, discussion of best
practices and techniques.
 Group Work: Collaborative exercises in developing and analyzing electronic
messages, applying adaptability and digital literacy skills in practical scenarios.

Week 12: Writing Routine and Persuasive Messages

Topic: Routine, Negative, and Persuasive Messages

 Definition: Routine messages are standard communications used for everyday

business purposes, while negative and persuasive messages require special
attention due to their potential impact on recipients.

 Types of Messages:

 Routine Messages: Conveying routine information such as

announcements, confirmations, or acknowledgments in a clear and
concise manner.

 Negative Messages: Communicating unfavorable news, feedback, or

responses tactfully and professionally to minimize negative reactions.

 Persuasive Messages: Influencing recipients' attitudes, beliefs, or

behaviors through compelling arguments, evidence, or appeals to emotion
or reason.

Soft Skills: Creativity, Persuasion Techniques

 Creativity:

 Innovation: Generating fresh ideas, approaches, or solutions to engage

and captivate the audience in routine and persuasive messages.

 Imagination: Using imagination and originality to craft messages that

stand out and leave a lasting impression on recipients.

 Problem-Solving: Overcoming communication challenges creatively by

thinking outside the box and exploring unconventional solutions.

 Persuasion Techniques:

 Logical Appeals: Presenting evidence, facts, or reasoning to persuade

recipients based on logic and rationality.
 Emotional Appeals: Evoking emotions such as empathy, fear, or
excitement to connect with recipients on a deeper level and motivate

 Social Proof: Using testimonials, endorsements, or examples of others'

experiences to influence perceptions and behavior.

Mode of Learning: Lecture, Role-plays

 Lecture: Strategies for writing routine, negative, and persuasive messages

effectively, discussion of persuasion techniques.

 Role-plays: Simulation exercises to practice crafting and delivering routine and

persuasive messages, applying creativity and persuasion skills in realistic

Week 13: Report Writing

Topic: Types, Format, Preparation

 Definition: Reports are formal documents that present information, analysis, or

findings on a particular topic or issue for a specific audience.

 Types of Reports:

 Informational Reports: Providing factual data, summaries, or updates on a

topic without analysis or interpretation.

 Analytical Reports: Analyzing data, trends, or problems to provide

insights, recommendations, or solutions.

 Research Reports: Presenting findings from research studies, experiments,

surveys, or investigations in a structured format.

Soft Skills: Analytical Skills, Report Writing Skills

 Analytical Skills:

 Data Analysis: Analyzing quantitative and qualitative data to identify

patterns, trends, or relationships relevant to the report's objectives.
 Critical Thinking: Evaluating information, arguments, and evidence to
draw logical conclusions and make informed recommendations.

 Problem-Solving: Identifying issues, challenges, or opportunities and

proposing viable solutions or strategies in the report.

 Report Writing Skills:

 Clarity and Precision: Communicating complex information clearly and

accurately using appropriate language, terminology, and formatting.

 Structure and Organization: Structuring the report logically with clear

headings, subheadings, and sections to guide readers' understanding.

 Professionalism: Maintaining a professional tone and style throughout the

report, adhering to formatting and citation conventions as required.

Mode of Learning: Lecture, Case Study

 Lecture: Overview of report writing types, formats, and preparation guidelines,

discussion of analytical skills.

 Case Study: Analysis and preparation of sample reports, application of report

writing skills in practical scenarios.

Week 14: Proposal Writing

Topic: Types, Content, Preparation

 Definition: Proposals are formal documents that outline a plan, project, or idea
and request approval, funding, or support from stakeholders.

 Types of Proposals:

 Solicited Proposals: Responding to specific requests for proposals (RFPs)

or invitations to bid from potential clients or funders.

 Unsolicited Proposals: Proactively pitching ideas, projects, or solutions to

potential clients, partners, or investors without a prior request.

 Internal Proposals: Presenting plans, initiatives, or recommendations to

internal stakeholders within an organization for approval or
Soft Skills: Project Management, Proposal Writing Skills

 Project Management:

 Planning: Developing a detailed project plan, timeline, and budget to

guide proposal development and implementation.

 Coordination: Collaborating with team members, partners, or

stakeholders to gather information, develop content, and review drafts.

 Risk Management: Identifying potential risks, challenges, or obstacles and

proposing mitigation strategies to ensure successful proposal execution.

 Proposal Writing Skills:

 Audience Analysis: Understanding the needs, interests, and preferences of

the target audience to tailor the proposal content and approach

 Persuasive Communication: Presenting compelling arguments, evidence,

and benefits to persuade stakeholders to support the proposal.

 Clarity and Conciseness: Communicating the proposal's key ideas,

objectives, and outcomes clearly and succinctly to facilitate understanding
and decision-making.

Mode of Learning: Lecture, Group Work

 Lecture: Overview of proposal writing types, components, and best practices,

discussion of project management principles.

 Group Work: Collaborative exercises in developing and reviewing sample

proposals, applying proposal writing skills and project management techniques
in practical scenarios.

Week 15: Interviewing for Employment

Topic: Interview Process, Follow-up

 Definition: The employment interview is a structured conversation between a

job seeker and a potential employer to assess qualifications, skills, and fit for a

 Stages of the Interview Process:

 Preparation: Researching the company, reviewing the job description, and
preparing responses to common interview questions.

 Introduction: Greeting the interviewer, establishing rapport, and

providing a brief overview of qualifications and interests.

 Questioning: Responding to interview questions thoughtfully, providing

specific examples and achievements to support qualifications.

 Closing: Asking questions about the role or company, expressing

gratitude for the opportunity, and seeking clarification on next steps.

 Follow-up: Sending a thank-you email or note to the interviewer(s) within

24-48 hours, expressing appreciation for the interview and reiterating
interest in the position.

Soft Skills: Interview Skills, Professionalism

 Interview Skills:

 Communication: Articulating responses clearly, concisely, and

confidently, maintaining eye contact and positive body language.

 Active Listening: Paying attention to the interviewer's questions and cues,

providing thoughtful and relevant responses.

 Adaptability: Adjusting responses to different interview formats (e.g.,

behavioral, situational, competency-based) and interviewers' styles.

 Professionalism:

 Appearance: Dressing appropriately for the interview, presenting a

polished and professional appearance.

 Punctuality: Arriving on time for the interview, allowing extra time for
unexpected delays or traffic.

 Etiquette: Using polite language, demonstrating respect and courtesy

towards the interviewer(s) and other staff members.

Mode of Learning: Lecture, Exercises

 Lecture: Overview of the interview process, discussion of interview techniques,

and follow-up etiquette.
 Exercises: Mock interview sessions with peer feedback, practice in responding to
common interview questions and scenarios.

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