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University of Gujrat

Department of Information Technology

Title Cloud Computing

Code IT-318

Credit Hours 3.0

Prerequisite Data Structures & Algorithms

Instructor Ehtisham Rasheed

The course aims to provide an overview about the Cloud

Aims and Objectives
Computing and how it is different from other Computing
Paradigms such as Grid, Utility and Autonomous Computing. The
benefits, characteristics and cloud service models are discussed in
detail. Students are provided a comprehensive introduction to the
virtualization technologies and how they apply to the domain of
cloud computing. Server Virtualization, memory and IO
Virtualization, Storage Virtualization and Network Virtualization
are discussed in detail. The second part of the course aims to focus
on Web services and their composition to form value added
services and applications. Students are given introduction to WSDL
and SOAP standards and WS-BPEL language for Web services
composition. In the assignments and the project, students are
guided to manage and develop for various Cloud Computing
platforms such as Windows AZURE and Amazon Web Services.
The assignments and the project include both analytical and
programming exercises.

Text Books 1. Cloud Computing by Dr. U.S. Pandey, Dr. Kavita Choudhary

1. Mastering Cloud Computing by Rajkumar Buyya, Christian

Reference Books Vecchiola, S. Thamarai Selvi
2. Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigm by Rajkumar
Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej Goscinski
Assessment Criteria Sessional 25% Mid 25% Final 50%

Quizzes 10%

Assignments 10%

Project/Presentation 5%

Sixteen-week lecture plan

Week Lecture Topic

1 1,2 Orientation and Background Knowledge
2 3,4 Definition, Characteristics and Cloud Models
Cloud Concepts & Technologies: Virtualization, Load Balancing, Scalability &
3 5,6
Elasticity, Software Defined Networking, MapReduce etc
4 7,8 Distributed Systems & Technologies
5 9,10 Multicast Problem, Gossip Protocol, Membership Protocol
6 11,12 Key Value Stores: NOSQL, Cassandra, The Consistency Spectrum
Time & Ordering: Introduction, Christian Algorithm, NTP, Lamport Timestamp,
7 13,14
Vector Clocks
8 15,16 Mid Term
9 17,18 Snapshot Algorithm, Consistent Cut, Safety and liveliness
10 19,20 Multicast Ordering, Reliable Multicast
11 21,22 Concurrency & Replication Controls
12 23,24 Cloud Services & Platforms: Compute Services, Storage Services
13 25,26 Cloud Services & Platforms: Database Services, Application Services

14 27,28 Cloud Services & Platforms: Content Delivery Services, Identity & Access
Management Services
15 29,30 Evaluation of Projects & Presentations
16 31,32 Revision

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