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2 Evaluate how the current teaching strategies in non-degree English courses at

UASD Higüey address the diverse levels of language proficiency among students, and what

adjustments could be made to better cater to individual learning needs.

In analyzing the responses provided by the teachers regarding catering to different

proficiency levels when teaching writing in non-degree English courses at UASD Higüey,

notable patterns and distinct approaches emerge.

One of the teachers mentioned employing clear models and examples for writing tasks,

providing varying levels of complexity to accommodate different proficiency levels. This

instructor encourages analysis and discussion of these models among students, fostering peer

collaboration and feedback.

Two of the teachers articulated a strategy of adjusting writing tasks based on the students'

proficiency levels. They differentiate prompts, vocabulary, and guidance, offering simpler tasks

for beginners and gradually increasing complexity for intermediate and advanced learners.

Feedback and guidance are individualized to aid each student's progression at their own pace.

Another teacher referred to using a rubric or checklist to cater to varying proficiency

levels, possibly indicating a structured assessment approach rather than specific instructional


Additionally, there were mentions of supplementing vocabulary for lower proficiency

levels while challenging higher proficiency students with error correction and writing tasks

related to specific topics.

Overall, two of the teachers exhibited similar methods by tailoring tasks based on

proficiency levels, providing differentiated prompts and guidance. However, the remaining

teachers showcased varied strategies, including the use of models and examples, rubrics,

vocabulary supplementation, and adjustment of examples and explanations based on proficiency

levels. These distinct approaches highlight a diverse range of methods employed to address

varying levels of language proficiency among students in the context of writing instruction.

4.1.3 Understand the ways instructors integrate technology and contemporary

pedagogical methods to enhance writing instruction, and what barriers, if any, exist in

implementing these approaches effectively in the classroom setting.

In exploring the integration of technology and contemporary pedagogical methods to

enhance writing instruction and the potential barriers in implementing these approaches, the

responses from the teachers provide diverse perspectives and experiences.

Regarding the use of specific technology or resources to enhance writing instruction, the

first set of responses from teachers 1, 5, and 6 emphasizes the utilization of various technological

tools such as multimedia integration, online writing communities, digital prompts, Google Docs,

Grammarly, videos, projectors, and word processors like Microsoft Word. This illustrates a

proactive approach towards integrating technology into writing instruction.

However, teachers 2, 3, and 4 exhibit a more traditional approach, with limited use of

technology. While acknowledging the potential of modern tools as complements to traditional

methods, they primarily rely on conventional teaching resources such as books and homework

In terms of challenges faced in implementing technology and contemporary pedagogical

methods, the teachers' responses highlight several key issues. Teachers 1, 3, and 5 express

concerns about students' digital literacy skills, resistance to new methods, and occasional

technological hindrances like blackouts or connectivity issues. Teacher 6 also mentions

disparities in students' access to technology resources as a challenge.

Conversely, teachers 2 and 4 seem to have encountered minimal to no issues in

implementing these approaches. They emphasize trust in traditional methods and a lack of major

challenges faced in incorporating technology or contemporary pedagogical methods.

Overall, the responses from the teachers indicate a spectrum of attitudes and experiences

regarding the integration of technology and contemporary pedagogical methods. While some

actively embrace and utilize various technological tools, others exhibit a more cautious or

traditional approach, with varying levels of encountered challenges in implementing these

innovative approaches in the classroom setting.

4.14 Analyze how the students perceive the role of writing in their overall language

development, and what factors contribute to their motivation or lack thereof in engaging

with writing assignments.

When it comes to analyzing students' perceptions of writing in their language

development and the factors influencing their engagement with writing assignments, the

responses from the teachers offer varied insights and perspectives.

Teacher 1 highlighted the importance of seeking regular feedback from students to

understand individual experiences, preferences, and learning styles, advocating for methods like
surveys, discussions, or anonymous feedback forms to gather valuable insights for refining

writing instruction methods.

Regarding the role of motivation in students' engagement with writing assignments,

Teacher 1 emphasized its critical influence. They detailed how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

impact students' involvement, highlighting that genuine interest and connections to real-world

contexts significantly affect engagement.

Teacher 2 mentioned a lack of feedback received from students currently, while

emphasizing the critical role of motivation as the driving force behind students' commitment and


Teacher 3 offered insights into students' initial difficulties with writing but noted their

improvement over time as the tasks became more manageable.

Teacher 4 acknowledged not receiving explicit feedback but observed improvement in

students' writing, attributing it to their growing competence.

Teacher 5 observed the enjoyment derived by most students in creating new story

versions, albeit noting a need for more motivation among some individuals.

Teacher 6 highlighted students' comfort in writing about daily activities and the

importance of connecting topics to real-world relevance to enhance engagement. They also

echoed the significance of intrinsic motivation and connecting writing to practical contexts.

These diverse perspectives highlight the multifaceted nature of students' experiences and

perceptions regarding writing instruction. While some stress the importance of feedback and the
role of motivation in engagement, others note improvements and the significance of connecting

writing tasks to real-world contexts to foster meaningful engagement.

4.2 Results

The analysis of teachers' responses regarding teaching strategies for developing students'

writing skills at UASD Higüey non-degree English courses showcased a diverse range of

instructional approaches.

Among the strategies mentioned, the utilization of process writing stood out, emphasizing

stages like brainstorming, drafting, revising, and editing. Some instructors focused on modeling

by providing examples and models for emulation, while others incorporated peer feedback and

grammar instruction within the writing process. Additionally, the integration of cultural contexts,

use of technology (such as multimedia tools, Google Docs, and grammar checkers like

Grammarly), and differentiation of tasks for various proficiency levels were evident.

Teachers acknowledged the importance of intrinsic motivation, engaging students by

connecting writing tasks to real-world contexts and students' interests. They highlighted the

significance of seeking regular feedback from students to tailor writing instruction to individual

preferences and learning styles.

The findings underscore a dynamic teaching landscape integrating diverse strategies such

as process writing, modeling, peer feedback, cultural integration, technology use, and

differentiated tasks based on proficiency levels. These strategies collectively contribute to

fostering students' writing skills in the non-degree English courses at UASD Higüey in 2023.

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