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CBSE Solved Paper 2023 ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE Time:3 Hours CLASS-X Hi Mata: General Instructions: See eee reas wo 1 All po eee ere tin A peti ply ‘Section A= Reading Skills 1, Read the passage given below: 1. Hikingisa great source of pleasure tous besides being beneficial for health, Once we leave the crowded ste “acity and go out fora walking tour away from the mad world, we reall fel free. The open ir as bracing elit ‘on the mind. The congestion ofthe city the uproar and tumult th intolerable noise of trafic; the hectic daily outine all these are forgotten and the mind isa ease. We then fel ke running, leaping singing and laughing ‘We travel merrily mile after milein the company of friends and associates. 4 2. Hiking takes usin the midst of nature. The sight of waterfalls, flowers, streams, trees and bushes is leasing A toned is established between us and nature, (Various sounds of nature, like the murmur ofa brook othe song “pfabird, acquire a new meaning and significance tous) 5 Youenjy the beauty of nature. Minute obwervatos like a snake casting ts slough a mouse peping out ft ‘hole, 2 squirrel leaping about on the branches ofa tree, a bird fiying past us all hese are noticed and they arouse ‘Gur interest. We have no business worres,no fear ofthe eamination, no anety about the home. We have leisure towalkand talk ft is more thriling nd pleasurable to hike ina mountainous region than in the pains ‘of climbing up tothe top of a hill, the adventure of coming down slope, the grandeur of sunset 4 /a mountain ~All these sights lend a rare charm and interest to our journey. 4 Wewalk along a zizag motor ood oreut across 2 mountain pth in earch of adventure. We may hve bight ass esha fin Hema ok lo athe yg op eather of might get. eo “The feeling of unlimited freedom makes our hearts leap with joy. softhe healthiest sports Itensues a complete escape from the urgent and busy activites oft and ives solace fo our brain. It regains its lost ener ands abet do ice as mach works before aif mountains-majestic trees, chirping sound of birds make one's mind and sou at peace with ox = 19 of the passage, answer the questions below: () toramble (4) tosounter er say that the mind is at ease when you hike? {(b) because it brings families together (4) because the depressing dally routine i forgoten ol ‘Stand with CamScomer f i) Inlet One Teas00 FoF the followin | Acontactis established between, (0) Complete the following anatony aroma cooking :fgrance Give one reason why itis 9 (@)_ because observation i () because of the excite (0) because itis teisure (@) because there are no worries, (ui) Hiking ae the brain, the rest it needs because (@) itisa short time activity, ie (€)__itmakes us sleep peacefully, a a Snape fon eo aoe (vil) Listany to examples of minute observations ‘You make while on ai th (3) Supply one point to justify the fotlowing. , Hiking gives usa feeling of unto "8 based on information i Usand nature. Sortestly with a word from paragraph 2 In paragraph 2 Pleasure to hike in is sharpened, "ment of climbing. tostand, to walk the mountains than in the plains ‘up and adventure of cor 1s down, ited joy, 2 Read the extract given below: 1 Necessity is indeed the mother of invention, When aresin ad around Leh began too rience water shortages, life didnt grind toa halt. Why? Because sree hoi i Jaci dna Kasherts Government cane op with the idea of ariscial glaers, ** *8ted svil engineerin the Jammu and Kashmir Go teame up 4 Tis cated between the natural glacier above and the village below, The one closer to the village and lowest in altitude melts rst, providing water during April-May, the crucial sowing season. Further layers ol ne abore cle With the increasing temperature, thus ensuring continuous supply to the fields, Therefore, farmers have beet able fo manage two crops instead of one. It costs about 1,15,000 and above to ereate a glacier, 4 Fondly called the glacier man, he has designed over 15 artificial glaciers in and around Leh since 1987. In ‘ecognition of his pioneering effort, he was conferred the Padma Shri by the President of India, 5 There area few basic steps followed while creating an artificial glacier. River or stream water at high altitude is diverted toa shaded area ofthe hil, facing north, where the winier sun isblocked by aridge ora mountain range, At the start of winter ie, in November the diverted water is made to flow on sloping hills facing distrbuteon ‘Ghannels, Stone embankments are built at regular intervals which impede the flow of water, making shallow _ Pools which freeze, forming a cascade of ice along the slop. Ice formation continies for 3-4 months resulting in accumilation of ice which is referred to as an ‘artifical ghcier. ie) Meltwater Discharge [Sec feigation J Water Deft [Water Surplus] No Trgaton I, [woxi = 10) iS ‘Scamad with CanScemer CBSE Question Bank Chapterwise & Toplcwise, ENGLISH LANG. te LIT, Ciasy-x ‘Gelect from the passage the appropriate option to fill in the blanks: 8 ‘Agncuiture is completely dependent on ___unitke the rest of river shed it q (4) anal pte () climate change r (glaciers melt (4) extreme winter condi i (Sate he liowing analogy correctly witha wortphrae from paragraph feing cake © layers: venoms (iv) ‘Select the correct option to complete the following sent (i co wter he diverted wateris made to flow. (2) _onsloping hills facing distribution channels. (b) on high alttude (0) one ice-cold water level. (4) on mountain range (e)_ From the chart select the months of water surplus. {@)_ January, February. (6) November, December (©) July, August, September. (4) March, April. (vi). Fillin the blank by selecting from the passage the correct option: ‘The .-----~. have been the only source of water in areas in and around Ladakh, (a) glaciers (b) rivers (streams (4) water springs (oii) The word ocated' in paragraph 3 means: (a) found (b) locally found () situated (4) adapted {vili) Wiite any two steps followed while creating the glaciers, (ts) Listone reason whry artificial glaciers seem the best option. 1G). Selectthe mos suitable tie from the following for the passage: a) Water Shortage (b) New Ways to Pool Water | (0) Aries Gar (@) River Beds [SECTION=B) pas Grammar and Creative Writing Skills A. Altempt ANY TEN of the following questions: ftoxte1q, (i) Fill nthe blank by choosing the correct option: ‘Themud houses: sare not ...... the buildings in your city. (a) comparable to as a) ‘Read the conversation between 2 policeman and a driver. Complete the sentence by reporting the driver's reply correctly. ellcean: Why dl you park your ct here? area’ jasked the driv arbi iver: ‘he had parked the there and if he didn’t wasa' ‘. eee ay he had parked the car there and if he didn’ see it was a‘no parking we (Gi) Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given sentence: | Where were you? in the class at the right time. (a) shall (b) should ) (@) would the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following sentence: the fun and excitement in our lives comes from using our imagination. Correction Most The Of Use (0) havebeen. ‘Stand with CamScomer ens ; ‘SOLVED PAPER - 2023 EE 1 Ec nn ee ene aT lond ewes es fe) Gtiencing, SEPM (Oech) adats how er ead and wie {e) toteach {b) which taught (vi) Report the dialogue between (4) were teaching, ——- rs} Fe secession With Sahil about his travel plan. Report Kabirs plans. the correct option to complete the slogan: swe ONLY WEAPON TO FIGHT INJUSTICE 1S EDUCATION. mA (AN (4) THIS (03) ‘Select the correct option to complete the narration ofa dialogue between a and a farmer. Passerby: Can you tell me the way to Rampur? ee Farmer: Drive for four kms and then turn right. ‘The passerby asked the farmer i he could tel him the way to Rampur The farmer replied that. (2) Re may drive for four kms and then turn right. (0) he should drive for four kms and then turn right (© hemight drive forfour kms and then turn right. (@) he had to drive for four kms and then turn right. (Gil) Tdentify the error in the statement given below and supply the correction. Use the given format for your response. ‘Water was vital to human health and fitness | SS 4. Attempt any one from A and B given below: (A) Technology today is an effective and convenient means of learning. TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION CONS = Distracting, Reduces problem solving sills — Reduces direct peer interaction Expensive to maintain Information may not be authentic = Communication ibhay and would like to share your views on the pros and cons of technology in education. othe Editor of a newspaper expressing your views in about 100-120 words F OR CCA incharge oft Joseph's HighSchool, Pune Cant. You have read anadvertisement Corporation, offering excellent prices for group tours. 5 ) n ‘tana with CamScomer \Oawanl CBSE Question Hank Chapterwise & Topicwise, ENGLISH LANG. & LIT., Class-X Welle a letier to enquire abou! the following: A 5 «= Duration of tour '* Sight seeing itinerary «= Cost of package discount + Mode of transport + Destinations being offered |5, Attempt any one from A and B given below: The; pie-chart shows how water ts MS Teton carehly aed wc a fepniiinintone anne ity In India. Stay ‘ath 16% OR 5. (B) The chart below gives the percentage of social media users by i analysing the given information in 100-120 words ead etek are eS OA Internet Activities by Age Group - [Searching for| 5 a 2B 2B a 2B a EE | [40 Maris] the extract given below and attempt the questions that follow: [5x1=3] the clouds, everything was suddenly black. It was impossible to see anything outside the aeroplane aeroplane jumped. and tivisted in the aic I looked at the compass coulda\t believe my eyes. The turning round and round and round. It was dead. It would not work. The other instruments ‘dead, too. [tried the radio, "Paris Control? Paris Control? Can you hear me?” There was no was dead too. I had no radio, no compass, and I could not see where was. was lst in ‘was inside the cloud (b) he was choked with fear. (4) He was jumping up and down. une Were... (b) broken completely. ‘Stand with CamScomer ‘g ———s (©) giving wron, readings, SOLVED PAPER (i) The Pass aie conan ian, (9) Select the option thas est PY the pots Po ome {Rage tice Raghav gt nN ePDicton fh wind eo ued n e Ze Intra Ragin twisted the story oe Shy by, ot } ” ‘comes through ut sent hs he Sees the compass turing round and round. (8), esd the extent given below and atten «cus Tomov:But ou can see fromthe donee tn eae that follow: Isx1=5) Seah Sublet of dispute bu nowy cee nue Natalya Stepanovna. Oe Meadows i'stnee cere ny aunts grandma qitows they are mine. There's nothing to argue about You ‘grandfather, in return for nis (these Meadows in perpetity to the peasants of your fathers randfather had the tree we of Masten fe at bcs fr hee The peanis balongng oor ae eit own, when it happened ther ty years, and had got into the habit of regarding them ae Natalya:No,itis’tat all like that py to Burnt Marsh-which means Overt graahetan grat grandfather reckoned hat ther landestended aS ws were ours. I don't see what there isto argue about, ifs simply rite 9 () The subject o dispute was regarding Parag, (a) free use of Meadows, (©) making ofbrice 3 (6) peasants using Meadows, (4) ownership of Meadows. . (HH) Bind the word from the extract which means‘continannee, oc (2) dispute ee, ~ ate (O)belonging (@) reckoned = (G3) Lomov’ssunt’s grandmother gave Oxen Meadows to Naalyas father’ grandfather in lew of, +a] (@v) “According to Natalya why did Oven Meadows belong to them? 2 | (¥) Fillin theblank with ONE WORD only: EPs ‘The peasants had free use of Meadows fot i... years. 7 | 7 (A). Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [x15] Don't eat that chocolate Amanda a Remember your acne, Amandat Will you please look at me when I'm speaking to you Amandla! (Lam Rapunzel, Ihave not a care; life in tower is tranquil and rare, Il certainly never let down my bright Z hair) ‘The Speakers tone is (a) lovir (b) hopeful ete (4) indifferent ‘Complete the analogy with a word form the extract: ‘are : uncommon «peace: .. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE: ‘Amanda did not want anyone to invade her privacy and silence, ‘Select the appropriate option: (©) disappointing weaning tothe word ‘dull? , (b) shady, (@) angry 4 oR given below and answer the questions that follow: ‘word in the extract is opposite in m ‘Scamad with CanScemer Onwaal CESE Quests He stalls in a whe tp The few steps of his cage ‘On pads of velvet quiet see te hrking in shadow, sor Mank Chapterwise & Topiewise, ENGLISH LANG. fe LIT., Class. a (8) he hasnot been able to hurt ay snot cme the water ole (4) he is not free Hes hkngin sade sentence approptately: ase wie ree cra ted rds of relat Seoaoe (clue-explain hoy ‘metaphor applies here), {G) Finda word from the extract which means-to walk with measured, stif or haughty strides (b) lurking one (©) stalk wether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE: o RE ge PAP GS Sunes cone the vies 8. Answer ANY FOUR ofthe following in about 40-50 words each: [sen (a) Why di thenight after the rains turn sorrowful for Lencho? (A letter To Goa) | (0) Describe the young seagulls fis fight. (Tiro Stories About Fiyng) (©) Whoae paders and why are they friends of children? (Glimpses of india) (d) How di Vali gather the details of the bus journey? (Madam Rides The Bus) (c) Describe how Custard the dragon fights with the Pirate, (he Tate of Custard the Dragon, 4. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40.50 words exch: S ft ' x36 (2). How did Mrs: Pumphery treat ricki? (ihe Triumph of Surgery) (6) Howdid Ausuble getrid of Max without using » weapon? (The Micinighs Visto) (6) Why did Richard Ebvight raise a flock of butterflies? (Making OF Scientst) ‘10, Answer ANY ONE ofthe following in about 100-120 words: (a) ‘Astipe fruits are in danger ‘peaceful life. We should be happy with what we have ye: patil suffered in lfebecause she was notcontent in her isaster What do you learn from her mistake inte? Yo tContentin her Be Grammar and Creative Writing Skills oe me [10x1=10, Miser Tt option to complete a school advisory. 0) look into (8 lookup ‘Stanad with CamSconer Mi), Read the conversation between the cy vats yen A Read the : w crust Guest and the student: Compete the sentence by reporting the rep Chief guest: Who inspired you i. Student: I was inspired by my gear ass dance. The Chet Got ake me arate wh wa nd dace No had inspired the shudent to learn clasial dance. The student replied (i), Select the correct o iepihecn lean, Dos atk for he ven tine on a Save The Environment poster: (a). should (must Cer fx), Selet the option that identi 0 pens tage te spt i een er owing me Option Error Ti @) Sounds ” Taighte ae z Jaughing © was ee eo) AF fn of () Complete the given narrative by fli in the eye Intimes of toube you can always panne core option: ton tery nee ae Your parents fr help 1 Ay, OH ©) tunto (Glin (9, tumon (@) turs away Ps of fais (i) illin the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket cot esTigg Thestidens wih the help of ther aches trate ea porter thep, (vi) Report the dialogue between the receptionist and the customer by completing the sentence: Receptionist: When would you like to check into the hotet umph of 8 Customer: I willsend you an email and give the details € Midnigh 82), _Inresponse to the question regarding when he would like to move in the customer replied -o-- ight Ving s is (vi) Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction: NB OFA Scie The children were exciting when they saw the leopard, an Use the given format for your response at a = Ges ad oF hisreigti (x). Samiksha shared some information with Sameer regarding the annual blood donation camp, Report Sameer’s om’ : ‘question: How did you feel when you were donating blood? ‘examined the patient when the family errived. (b) had (@) have ‘Attempt any one from A and B given below: (A) Stakeh« associated with education of children are concerned about the poor reading habits of students oday. There ‘are multiple reasons for this disinterest in students. Academic pressure, technology and social media, parents don't read, children don't vist libraries, lack of leisure time are some of d parent {etter to the editor in about 100-120 words, expressing your concern. Suggest ‘ways in ath cildren can be brought batkto Books. You are SAN Sushila, OR .C.CA. incharge of St Joseph's High School, Pune Cantt Youhave read an advertisement ‘regarding admission into a foreign languages institute. j “Tbe 100-120 words to the Director ofthe institute Lingua for Al! making relevant inquires: ‘Scamad with CanScemer (OUI 0051 cue na cape Tope, NOLIN LANG LP Cex (e) Faculty (0) Placement Literature Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 words each: (¢) What character trait is revealed of Custard when he accepts that the other animals are braver than Delhi Set-In, eee Note: Except these all other Questions are from Delhi Set I & Il | SECTION B Grammar and Creative Writing Skills 3. Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions: (Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the online update headline: The Government has. * many changes to give relief to the common man. (2) broughtin (b) brought up (6) brought about (@) brought forth (8) Read the conversation between two students, Complete the sentence by reporting the reply cocrectl. Ramesh: you planning to participate in the Annual ‘Saera: I would like to but Idan’ think I will be selected. (The Taleo hte Do 2y PO Mary NOxtaI9 Ramesh asked Sacra whether she was planning to participate in the annual day to which Saera replied (it) Select the correct option to fill inthe blank forthe given line from school notice board: Students ........ walksilently in the corridor during class hours, (a) should. (b) may (©) must (@) would (i) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following ine: Rahul along with his cousins are leaving for sea. {Option Exror Correction @ along belong, (b) with, within iC) are is @ for te (¥) Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option: As stood in the balcony and watched the passers by throw paper out oftheir car Iwas... (a) putup (b) putin (@) putaway (8) put oft (vi). Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket: __ The policeman gave no (indicate) that there was a rood banner ahead. project did you enjoy working on the most? in which Thad to build a remote control car. question about his favourite project, the son said that .. ror in the given sentence and supply the correction: ‘Stanad with CamScomer by their behavioat C ; about tee planation Did you participate in the tree plantation driver Plantation drive. Report Shahid's question, ) TM, rasa shared some information with Shana 7 Fil In the blank with the correct option: ‘Since he woke up he .. = {@)_ hasbeen study (9 hadstudied (6) hasbeen studying (@) isstudying rt x 4. Aitempt any one from A and B given below: (A) Today the ratio of car to hou és 4 Ua) Marked on the recs rt use Members one isto one, This has ld to parking issues in colonics. Cars are a Co) leading tocongestion. parking space. tempered brawls and physical violencein colonies because of lack of ‘of India’ in about 100-120 words, drawing attention to this problem and ilmenite ost pte ese ats ge on (B) You are Rita/Rahul, you purchased a TV, ae . Wig.) sigpclwoning oyu ievckne culate tuatany seseccn sega Write a letter of complaint to the Mana, Rue cee eee ig dart ; replace the TV. st since it was wilh ony ea eer asking them to send a technician and if required 5, Attempt any one from A and B given below: (A) The reintroduction of cheetah in India has exci le because it is a st yard in the strategy to conserve threatened species and restore hottest pels i tep forward in the strategy t Reasons for extinction: } —hunting, poaching, illegal trade ~ diminishing habitat due to deforestation Climate change al era ‘Strategies to conserve wild life = mapping water bodies conering table habitat = government support-strict laws Based on the above information write a paragraph in about 100-120 words analysing the status of threatened. oss tniade OR ‘A survey was conducted by your school on how many children walk dawn to school, how many use their own, transport, how many. 1g coats and how many contin private vans The findings are ven below, nnalysing the information of Preference of Private Se ees ase parents i it more convenient and safer. Fpeses. Think of reasons for adam Rides The Bus) favourite pastime? (Madan i on) (Ihe tale of C ‘Scamad with CanScemer SECTION-A Reading Skills 1, Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: 1. Mankind’s fascination with gold is as old as civilization itself. The ancien Gold halos sinicance fr them, and King Tateritiloun te Tul Tha sont pa 10 ith eters wank s worshipped au cee ~ touched be turned into gold ‘ palden calf and the legendary King Matus asked thal whan 2. Not only is gold beautiful, but itis virtually indestructi Co ‘ =| fabricated from the metal have survived undamaged for entire totic, oro, Goldens tnd pray, ounce, which is about the size of a cube of sugar, can be beaten into a sheet nenry 100 arouse on Om becomes so thin that light can pass through it. An ounce of gold can also be stretched inte a wine son: 2 Gold conducts electricity beter than any other substance except copper and silver and it ah a in modern electronic industry, MH Particulatly importa 3, People have always longed to posses gold. Unfortunate! k ly, this longing has also brought out the wont Gharactez The Spanish conquerors robbed palaces, temples and graves and Kile? thonecede hes their ruthless search for gold. Even today, the economy of South African’s gold mines depend largcly 6° employment of black labourers who are paid about 40 pounds a mouth plus boarding and lodging. They yo Conditions that can only be described as cruel. About 400 miners die in South Africa each year’ SY "a 4. Mach of the golds value les in its scarcity. Only about 80,000 tons have been mined in the histo All of it can be stored in a vault 60 feet square, or a super tanker. Great Britain was the first Reo the gold standard, when the Master ofthe Mint, Sir Issac Newton, establihed a fied price of gold in 1717 1 discovery of gold in the last half of the nineteenth century in California, (1848) and later in Australie and Sou ‘Africa changed everything, Before the discovery there wasn't enough gold around for all the trading maton link their currencies to the precious metal, ° An out-of-work prospector named George Harrison launched South Africa into the gold age in 1886 when hy discovered the metal in a farm near what is now Johannesburg. Hartison was given a 12 pounds reward by te farmer. He then disappeared and was eaten by alion. : One of the biggest gold mining areas in the Soviet Union is the Kolyma River region, once infamous for its prison camp. The camp has gone, but in a way nothing has changed. Many ex-prisoners have stayed on to work in he tines and are supervised by ex-guards. 7, Despite the current rush to buy gold, 75 percent of the metal goes into making jewellery. Italy is the biggest consumer of gold for this purpose, and many Italian jewellers even tear up their wooden floors and burn them recover the tiny flecks of gold. Historically, the desire to hoard gold at home has been primarily an occupation o the and peasant classes, who have had no faith in paper money. George Bernard Shaw defended their working. instincts eloquently, "You have to choose between trusting the natural stability of the honesty and intelligence ot the members of the government,” he said “and with due respect to these gentlemen, | advise to vote for gold” Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below: (i) When was King Tutankhamen buried? (b) 1886 (d) 1848 (b) because of its religious significance, {d) because itis indestructible. which of the following statements is NOT true? role in the modern electronics industry. ‘what the writer projects with reference to the following. lipped a golden calf (b) importance of the metal (d) can replace money ‘tana with CamScomer {Who launched South Africa into th, RES mecNewtin i Bold age? George Bernard Shaw (©) George Harrison x) Select the option that corresponds t ___ (#) Afacmer ‘he ancient Egyptians and the ee aie moder electronic Industry both hold gold in high esteem, 0) harsworking student came first because of his diligent practice, () Monesty + underrated whereas rategy apprise ae (9 Thevibrant colours made the interns look ese #8) Thesteaming food was both appetiing anda Supply one point to justify the fllowing. The desire to hoard gold at home has been pri oie below Se eFerlly an occupation of the working and peasant classes. Starting Monday, the country's low-cost Mars mission “blackout” phase snapping communication with the ol Earth snapping communication with thesatelite 2 Asenior Indian Space Research Organisation official said, "That will be for the first time that there will be communication break for such aon ‘of about 15 days. During thie
SECTION=C $. (a) The quarrel over Green Meadows is finally resolved. Explain, ) as Bets alist of instructions from her mother of do'sand don'ts, at do these tell you about the relationship between Amanda and her moth mothers? * ‘Stanad with CamScomer pampenisem ea Note: Except these atl other Questions are from Dethi Set | de iL Sy (seenion= A) De Fheword Instinct in the passage means the cane nee @ Be 0 (3) inabitty ) impulse (@) incapacity SECTION -B Grammar an. it fn shee mma and Creative Writing Skills - Airin the blank by choosing the correct option. Fhe couch hoped that in his abserice the texan ould - pre cenre a with the practise. NO tha conversation between Date ieteieee 5 " 2 Tourist and a guide. Remplete the sentence by reporting the seply conve Compe sneer rin ety Guide: tn the far comer, on the second lor ‘The tourist asked the guide where the exhibit section of the fort w: Select the correct option to fll in the blanks forthe given lines ns ee PUSS mm (#9) Fre treasurer and secretary .......... left from the bank. (a) haye (b) has (@) is ones aoe Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line: 9) echildren cheers loudly when their captain scored the winring goal, 2 ‘Option No. Error Correction @) cheers cheered ©) pes by 0 scored scoring, (@) winning winner (e) Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option: The teacher is hoping to ‘an art exhibition before the end of the year. fa) putotf (b) putup (Q putdown (4) puton (vi Fillin the blank by using the correct form of the word inthe bracket: The school wavs. (Is organise) an educational tour to Kashmir in the summer break. (sii). Report the dialogue between Lata and Usha by completing the sentence: Lata: What activity did you enjoy the most in the summer camp? Usha: | enjoyed art and craft class. Lata asked Usha what activity did she enjoy the most in the summer camp. Usha replied that the (vit) Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction: The orchestra performed on the central theatre in front ofa huge audience. Use the given format for your response: [tor | Cone ‘Stanad with CamScomer Se WARIINIPEI omens oti tn chp oplcwn, OLA LAND 1 hae a Gait nent trate pnts in ee coc Is your Grandmother feling better now? fi (9) Hillin the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the advisory by the Health Department: i Schools instruct students to wear full sleeved shirts during monsoon time. (®) ought (b) would (9 might (a) ought to, 4. (A) You are Anita/Anil of Panday Park You recently worked on a school project on the powerful impact of ‘media in promoting national integration. Write a letter to the editor of The Hindu, sharing your views on the role of media word limit 100-120 words. OR (®) You are Kamal/Kanishka living at G-59 Kirti Nagar. Writea letter to the Principal TI Pune in about 100-129 words enquiring about the diploma course available in the institution the duration of the course the free. structure placement services and the admission process. 5. (A) Global weather has been undergoing a drastic chance and global warming is responsible for creating arctic melt downs, Use the given pie-chart to write a paragraph analysing the reason for climate change in about 100-120 words. (8) Write an analytical paragraph based on the double bar graph showii F sectors ina developing country from the year 2012 to 2082 Ne Percentage growth in different ‘Scamad with CanScemer ‘ton \ 5 Men, v 4 SECTION-A 1), Option (cis correct i), Option (4) is correct {il) Acquire a new meaning and signifi iv) because hiking takes us in therm oo and the sight of waterfalls, flowers, etn trees and bushes is pleasing” — {v) flowers (vi) Option (b) is correct (vii) Option (4) is correct eles ‘of minute observations made while ona hike ae. A snake costes 2'A mouse peeping out ofits hole = "88h Hiking gives a feeling of ' Oe) {Sunline fredor and the phe ose lend charm toour journey. 9) ext " 2. {becuse a retired civil engineer in Jammu and Kashmir Goverment came up withthe den of (4) Option (c) is correct (i ee {iv) Option (a) is correct (x), Option (c) is correct (vi) Option (c) is correct (Option) ix comect ver or stream water at high altitude is (8 0) overt toa shaded res of fe hl acing north, where the winter sun is locked by 2 ridge oF a mountain range. (2) At the start of winter ie., in November ,the diverted walter is made to flow on sloping hills facing distribution channels (One reason why artificial glaciers seem like the (©) Fiat option s tha they provide a continuous supply of water for a ‘even in areas ‘where the natural glacier has melted. (9) Option (c) is correct SECTION -B 3. (i) Option (a) is correct es Re aaa had broken down (ii) Option (b) is correct {iv) Option (a) is correct {¥) Option (c) is correct (vi) Option (c) is correct 1 eth alway een interested in computer. (vil) was-is (a) Kabir told Sahil that he would go to Tripura the next day. (x) Option (a) is correct (i) Option (b) is correct (xii) was-is (A) A-24, Rajouri Garden New Delhi Answers SOLVED PAPER - 2023 o 20 28 February 20x ‘The Editor The Times of India New Delhi Subject Technology in Education Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, | would like to bring into kind notice of the cancemed authorities about the pros and cons of technology in the field of education, Technology is a two-sided sword which has been reaching. sky heights since nearly a decade. Almost every field or industry uses technology to perform one or the other taskasit reduces engagement and retention. Nowadays itis gaining popularity in the field of education for promoting collborative leaing, aiming children too. It has been noticed that the new tech savvy methods of teaching have a greater impact on children than the’ contemporary ‘ld school teaching and prepares students for the fature. It can be said that technology in education is beneficial and easily accessible and. ‘economical as well. It promotes technological skills. in students and provides current information. In this way it prepares them for the future. However, technology hasitsown disadvantages too. Children have greater chances to become addicted to technological devices like mobile phones, etc. They may also lose their interest in studies and indulge in other actviis, Use technology also reduces the problem-solving, skills in the children by providing them with cooked up solutions. Online teaching may also contribute to inculeating social anxiety among, children by denying them with peer-to-peer interaction, Sometimes technology used for teaching can be high tech and expensive to maintain as well due to which itis not accessible many. Search engines and blogs ike Quora, Wiigedis tune fot gunrenteel to promis us with authentic and correct information all the time, Use of technology can also be proven tobe a big boon too, but only if used correctly. It promotes students to be interactive in teaching sessions using certain virtual props. Apart from (Boe on ao prove to salubt technological literacy among children which can prove to be {quite beneficial for them in the nearby future. Thope my views would find a suitable place in your newspaper and help to spread general awareness. Thank you ‘Yours truly Vaibhav St. Joseph's High School 14A, Pune Cant. ‘Stanad with CamScomer ————_=* XX NEI omc omin men conee rre at 98 6 Maharashtra 27? February 20% The General Manager National Tourist Corporation Delhi Subject Enquiry about Group Tours SioMadam vith reference to your advertisement in Pa in Times dated 21 Februny eifenng excllent packages for SOUP OUTS ir school regularly. organizes 5.0u ar feelsen and teachers. Therefore, Tam interested in receiving the following Information in detail from your company: ‘Duration ofthe tour Sightseeing. tinerary with staring and ending point Cost of package discount Mode teapot - Any specific Destinations to whi Mhaltnbeng altered 1 would apprecate if you let me know the ‘above deta at the earliest. Thank you Yours faithfully ‘Aruna’ Arjun CCAIn charge WATER: A NECESSITY ‘The given pie chart shows the consumption Of water ina dit in the form of percentage, It “ignifies the wastage of water. Itiscleaty visible that the maximum amount of water & being used in toilets which is very alarming, 26% of the water is used to flash out the wastes of the people from theirtoilets. The second most water EGinsuming taskis washing of clothes, People in the locality use 22% of the water to wash their clothes: The faicetsor taps use 17% ofthe water which provide people with clean and potable Water, The locals also use 16% of the water in shower which isnot a good measure, They Should instead use a bucket which conservers ‘alot more water, Leaks also seem to be a major water wastage in the locality. They should be taken care of, and people should take steps on personal level to ensure that the leakages don't t for long. Dishwashing also takes up 1% along with 2% bath usage. Other water usages such as consume 2% of the water. The people of the locality can be seen wasting water ‘quite a lot. They need to take certain steps and measures to ensure conservation of water in a proper way. OR INTERNET- A LIFELINE ‘The given table shows the internet activities done by certain age groups. The first age group, is teens who do not do any product research. Instead, the teens indulge themselves in other activities more like online games, searching for news, Doing online shopping etc. An average teen tends to look for entertainment on the internet more than something, knowledgeable Then come the people in their 20s. Their wee po 5. (A) (B) 6 (A) (i) Option (c) is correct (8) () Option (d) is correct 7. (A) (i) Option (c) is correct @) 8 (a) (b) rT 5. rr., Clase set activity’ te drastically: different fro, iiten ee seen being indulpry the teens, and they cin be news, shopping es a eer irae pre hacen eo ane erp gat porns meray the cee ee Ee tney om, ok or PISS fr peace Ns tend tf Tee ss have Ske there etal fo the 208 people except for ct at te daching for Pes esemine men sed online Hae eects that the wage o Th sen daa lop howe ts mete nemo Ne eed pela ibyeat- ad crah Sound 6 he ae isa part and parc everyone'silfe SECTION -C {iiy Option (4) is correct {iiithe radio was dead {iv) Option (d) is correct fear { OR (ii) Option OS . {inane oF Nin Beer grandfather and seat (erect yer eedeoned. that their Tang eee up to te burnt marsh (») forty (i) tranquil (iyTrue (iv) Option (b) is correct (v) Option (c) is correct OR (i) Option (a) is correct (i heis trying to find a prey (iiijcomparison has been made between the ‘pads of a tiger and the softness of velvet, (iv) Option () is correct () True In the short story "A Letter to God” by Gregorio Lopez yFuentes, the nightafter the rains turned sorrowful for Lencho because the hailstorm had destroyed his entire crop, leaving him with no means to provide for his family. Nothing was left in his fields. He had suffered huge loss due to the hailstorm. ‘The young seagull who always underestimated himself; was hungry and thus he dived at the fish, After holding her he fell downwards and outwards into the area. The young seagull thought he would die but suddenly his wings spread outwards automatically. He moved outwards and downwards but landed safely on the sea and now he floated on the water without any fear. Thus he completed his fir flight which led him to lead a life of freedom from fear and dependency. ‘Stanad with CamScomer jee ‘The thud and jingle of the eng, Pedery bamboo are the signal of wheig wo bakers moming When the writer wag til IN the eine See tweed fost Por ues oe tar qi econ te Sexpanian and pies ee et Tia nt a Le and bangles. Sometimes they liked the nye OFS il foundout atthe bee (© ook 49 mints and te ee? Eel © the Converaions beeen weighbours and people who regulerne ne ee asked fe queso wed the alae Pieked up every all de fe) When the Plate ented all were scared and ranaway and dispppeared except Coated ne faced him boldly attacked hint hin tape : with his forceful tal and gobbled cn aes him. All of them later fel obliged Cae ot nag for saving their lives. Custard jumped in font of the pirate to fight him. The pirate fired tog him but missed bottor here eee Custard gobbled the whole of the pirate sna left no trace of him. Thus custard proved his worth in front of all the others, (a) Mrs, Pumphrey who was though an extremely rich lady , was foolishly indulgent in pampering her dog, Tricki. She treated Trick like a pampered child, feeding him gourmet meals and indulging his every whim. Being the mistress of Tricki; because of her loneliness she treated Tricki like her own child. She wanted to comfort him in each way. She gave Tricki all the things to eat. Since Tricki was also very greedy he didn't refuse to eat (b) Ausable was a secret agent who handled Max cleverly. He told Max that he would complain to the hotel authorities. There was a knock and he said it was the police. Max asked Ausable to send the police back and in the meantime, ‘Max would go and wait on the balcony. It was inning of him to say so as the balcony didn’t exist. With the result , he jumped down and died. this is how Ausable got rid of Max and thus used his intelligence and ingenuity to neutralize Max without resorting to violence. He demonstrates that a clever mind can be just as effective as a weapon in solving crimes and bringing criminals to justice. (¢) When Rend Wefan the’steand grade his mother bought him a children’s book titled the travels of Monarch X. At the end of the book, readers were invited to help study butterfly migrations by tagging the butterflies for research. Richard attached light adhesive tags to the wings of monarchs. But the butterfly tothetown Y fare was 60 SOLVED PAPER = 2023 | ss] at tng on ed er ny wt portant igi orn dc pepong cancer son dopant taney Bye acer Sclonihe fun mp cany ns Gkearened yanetedal Menges ae ‘hip indbnger ioe semen eneno Sete canes wc es Sango ade cmae a ae Bic the dey of ber ht, Ka, Gt i tha dat ena an Cat fe ene We Soy ae wana or unig fsa eds tobe tecpiedWitr shed es the ig rm he Sans ae tat the warn he ae cmon Teche ee bound to die one or the other day. Just like ripe tra lt lope ny sy humana go aay a apa Speen an ana nat oc ak sey te humanist pe ne Bs Bowes Thu KS Got condaded afer the Bui made her ort trey ae Isineviuble fori the boing cess oo he earth, oe o oR (©) No one is truly born hating a person due to their skin, background Sy tn: It is the society that teaches one to be hateful against ‘someone. The people need to be taught to hate someone. This means they can be teught to love too. In the chapter Nelson Mandela Long, walk to freedom, Nelson Mandela seems to be quite optimistic and says that even when he and his mates were pushed to thei limits in the Prison, he still could see a ray of goodness and shine in the eyes of one of the guards which ‘was enough to motivate him to keep going in the freedom struggle, Love comes more naturally to human heart than hatred. If people are taught to spread love amongst each other then issues like religious Hots and other man-made discriminations will surely no longer be persisting in the society, We are all born under the same sky and in the same world. Thus, all of us deserve equal rights and integrity to fulfill our obligations, 11, (a) Itisessential fora person tolivea contended life, One should believe in simple living and high thinking, Not everyone is born with a golden spoon. However, with honesty and hard work, ‘we can always achieve our best. A person will never be happy if he keeps craving for what he does not have. In this way, he may even ruin his present. Matilda had a loving and craving for a life of luxury and wealth, She immersed herself in glamour when her husband got an invitation to attend the ball. She did not care ‘Stanad with CamScomer CBSE Question Bank Chapterwise & Toplcwise, ENOLIBH LANO. & LIT., CiaseX for her loving middle class husba 08, nd, rather she NBs Fanning alter her fantasies. She always ‘ought beyond her limits. She could have Ears 0 the minister's partyin the theatre dress, Put abe insted on buying a new dress fr 40 francs by shattering her husband's dreams Then she longed for jewellery which was Accessorial and tu ; She borrowed 4 diamond necklace and lost To repay its sum, she had to sacrifice many years of her life and her husband's income as well. Both ee utter poverty to it, Matilda Jost all her eet it beauty in ses mom banlgy Fler ostentaion and vanity landed her in trouble, Thus, it is apt to say that itis better tobe satisfied with less rather showing off out of one’s limits and Matilda is a good example of this. OR in the story Hari Singh is a epee teeta od isbeing taken to prison. He narrates his story to a falow pastenger on the tran and shares his ‘and hardships that led him to a life of crime. The protagonist's life had been marked by poverty, hunger, and neglect, which forced him to take up stealing to survive. However, during his conversation with the kind and = Sa 3. (i) Option (b) is correct Explanation: Look into means to explore or research, oe (ii) The student replied that he had been inspired byhis grandmother who had been a renowned dancer. (ati) Option (cis comrect Explanation: Weuse must because itis essential to take the rules seriously and not waver from them. (iv) Option (a) is correct (%) Option (ois correct Explanation: Turn to means to consult. (vi) Created (vii) That he would send her an email and give the details. (viii exciting-excited (ix) Sameer asked Samiksha how she had felt when she was donating blood. () had (xi) Option (c) is correct (xii) was—is 4. (A) Examination Hall 28" February, 20XX The Editor Dainik Bhaksar XYZCity Sir understanding stranger, the thiel begin, to feel a sense of empathy and Compation from the stranger, This sense of empathy ang tanderstanding ib something that the thief hag ced before, and 1 10uChes hi ‘Kail listens to the thief’s story with weer atheic ear and tries to underslng the reasons behind his actions. A strangers Kindness and compassion towards the thie Creates a sense of trust and understanding Between them. This trust and understanding eads the thief to realize the wrongness of his actions and he began to. see the possibility of f better life. The thief starts to feel a sense of temorse for his past deeds and decides to turn Over a new life, In the end, the thief decides to give up his life of crime and starts a fresh, inspired by the kindness and trust shown to him by the stranger and he did not board the train, Anil's compassion and empathy for the thief led to his transformation from a hardened criminal to a reformed person. In conclusion, the story shows that trust and compassion ‘can indeed reform a person. The stranger's Kindness and understanding towards the thief created a sense of empathy and trust that ultimately led to the thief’s transformation, on never experiet fe aa Sub: Poor reading habits of students ‘Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the readers to the poor reading habits that ‘our children have these days. These days, most children are unable to read ‘well and thisis because they are not friends with books, The main reason for the development of poor reading habitsin children can be attributed to the increased use of technology and gadgets, Children are often seen indulging in social media or playing games on their gadgets rather than spending time reading books and newspapers. Moreover, children are not seen visiting libraries and neither do their parents read to them. With more of peer pressure and increasing load of studies and doing well in academics, children are left with no leisure time that they can devote to reading. The development of poor reading habits is a cause of concern as children will lose self-confidence and would not be able to gain knowledge. It 's time to take action by organising reading camps, encouraging children to go to libraries and also making them exchange books with friends. Developing healthy reading habits would benefit the children as well as society, Thope parents, schools, teachers and students will take an action on this issue, Thank you Yours truly Sushila ‘Stanad with CamScomer ‘a Zee WEES LE LELLELTELS) ze u S282327 237 om AOR AREREL AR ae OR & 8 StJO.EPIS High Scho, 2 March, 20XX Editor Lingua For All Bengalury ‘Sut Enquiry regardi oan ling admission Vth reference to the advertsem, DP petins qiiate aa 259 Retro tome of the students from our mae oe interested in pursuing admission ints et Languages Institute, ign rer, I would fil Beet a ne rae aa the following (a) Eligibility (b) Duration of Course (9) Time Schedule (Option ()Is correct Bre acations Brought about means created or aa (ii) That she would like to but didn’t think she would be selected. (li) Option (c) is correct tion: Must is used when rules need to bestrictly followed, Option (¢) is correct npiore mation: If we use are, there is subject-verb vent issue. So, the correct sentence would be: Rahul along with his cousins is leaving for sea. (d) is correct @ at To put off means to be repelled. idicatic Pte enjoyed the one in which he had to build a ‘temote control car. (sii) Error: Has oa Had is used to indicate an action that has already taken place. The correct sentence would be: _ The dog had eaten his food before the trainer ee 5 pasate (i) Shahid asked Raziyaif she had particpatedin tree plantation drive. 4) Option (b) is correct 4. (A) Maya Nagar XYZ City 28" February, 20XX ‘The Editor Times of India XYZ City sono mren-20 EE! @ reStctue along with he owe cies (©) Experience ofthe faculty members {0 Miacement opportunities and name of the statutory body from where the course is recognised, Kindly send the above details within a week, Ti that the students seeking admission can take a decis fous inating io” And enroll at your presi Qustard accepts that the other animals are braver than him, It clearly depicts that he is ‘ery humble. He, in fact, has a low opinion of fanatt ‘That is why the other animals made fun of him, 243) Sir Sub: Lack of Parking Space Through the columns of your esteemed ewspaper, | would like to draw the attention of the readers and authorities to the isue of king space, Ww, the number of cars is increasing, ‘every day with every household having atleast one car. Moreover, with increasing construction activities, the parking spaces have decreased, and in some cases it became almost negligible. This leads to most people parking their cars on roads or narrow roads of colonies. These parked cars cause alot of traffic congestion and make difficult for commuters to reach a place ee time, In many cases, there are brawls and ts leading to injury to people and damage t0 vehicles, Therefore the problem ‘sede fo be addressed. Authorities should ensure that every colony has enough parking space so that people do not have to park their vehicles on roads leading to congestion. Additionally, it is also the responsibility of the vehicle owner to park their vehicles in the right manner to avoid any sort of parking issues and brawls, Looking forward to an early action by the concerned authorities as well as the vehicle owners. ‘Thank you Yours truly Sunita (8) Examination Hall 26 February 20% The Manager Capital Electronics xyz city ‘Stand with CamScomer (RITE ow cose iio san contri Dear Sir, Subject: Complaint for a recently purchased TVset 1 would like to draw your attention to my complaint regarding a TV set purchased from {your store on 1" February 20XX. The TV wae purchased in a functioning condition and was also setup in the co manner, However, after a few days the TV stopped functioning properly. The screen often Meet a and eves tne volume could not be adjusted. : TTrould request you to Send a technician to check the TV set and if required to replace as itis stllin the warranty period. Hoping fora quick action from your end. Thanking you Yours faithfully Rita Saving the Endangered Species Maintaining a balance in the ecosystem is ‘of paramount importance for a sustainable environment. It is essential that the environment be preserved and conserved so that we can continue benefitting fom it. Within the ecosystem, its equally important to take care of and preserve the flora and fauna. However, today, the environment and is flora and fauna is being degraded by the activities ‘of humans and this has led to the extinction of 5 (A) ivities like poaching and hun of wid animals are one of he major nso the extinction of many species, including the tiger, the national animal of India, Increasing. ‘human population has led to an increase in the number of houses required and in tum, this has ted to deforestation to make way for ‘more construction. However, this also reduces, the natural habitat available for the animals to live and survive in, leading to their extinction, Further, climate change is also making the ‘natural environment unfriendly for many animal species to thrive in, To maintain a balance in the ecosystem, it is very important to preserve and conserve the varous species. This can be done by ensuring that enough actions are taken to conserve and Protect the natural habitat of these animals and avoiding deforestation. The government ‘must put into action strict laws and policies 1. (i) Option (c) is correct (ii) Option (b) is correct (iii) Option (d) is correct (iv) Option (a) is correct ‘Topicwise, ENGLISH LAN. & LIT., Class: Bera ee emmei is OR ference of Private Vans to School Buses ning and trom school san acy that isa major consideration for many parents, Whenever a student has to join school, their commuting is a major concern for almost all parents. These days, many schools provide [Ghoul vans for the transportation of students ina safe and sound manner. There are parents | who also consider dropping and picking | their own. AXecent survey highlighted the fat that most parents prefer private vans to school buses ‘Almost 30% of students commute using private Vans and an equal number uses school buses. | But with the number of school buses that | schools make availble, this number is very | | low. Many parents consider private vans to | be safer as compared to school buses. There are also many parents who are of the opinion that the condition of private vans is much better than school buses and therefore they prefer sending their children in private vans. Moreover, private van owners also provide many facilities that school buses do not. This makes the parents opt for private vans. Many. parents are also observed comparing drivers of private vans and school buses and concluding that private van drivers drive better and in « ‘much safer manner and follow traffic rules as ‘opposed to school buses. Private vans also pick and drop students to their doorsteps which may not be the case in school buses. This makes private vans a more convenient option and therefore a preferred | mode of transport. SECTION -C Valli spent her time all alone because she had no friend. Her favourite pastime was to stand _ al the gate and watch everything happening in the street. The most fascinating thing for her was the bus that travelled between her village a el Me rearest town, (¢) The pirate who comes through the window has | a black beard. One of his ie Sra wood ve 8 (a ‘Stanad with CamScomer i ca Chapterwise & Topicwise, ENOLISH ’ ee esactrnien , (@), Goon baker is sll an important part of the li as ‘of a Goan village as the bab eal Sitaguese tradition and culture. The (8) Ropulsire very important for students as these res nice the Fe shysical stimulus for the also, provides the vil Soe es sandwiches an ratte Every student in required to indulge sodents Ee gnther a school Beate hyical health is important. to maintain Healthy mind el ane a wo of the most games in school a Tol Sues pedo e Jeans, the popularity of basketball as increased Yniicanty, Volleyball is also a popular game, iat in the year 2013 its popularity. decre SS compared to basketball. However, both Sports are opted for by a significant number of students. ve bar graph depicts that students preterred ‘isin vollyalin the year 201 ut the interest gradually shifted to volleyball in 2016 as seen in the graph. The indulgence in a sport keeps the mind and body fit and healthy and students mast be encouraged to play sport. SECTION - C 6 (A) () Option (c)is correct | {ii) Option (c) is correct {iii) Me narrator means that the narrator 2s well 'as the teacher were crying while bidding farewell to each other: (iv) celebration (w) Option (bis correct (B) (i) Option (b) is correct fl {ii) Option (c) is correct {Gii) Option (A) is correct (remarkable (©) Option (c) is correct OR 7. (A) (i) Option (a) is correct (i) False {iijthe word lep and lep is used repeatedly to signify the action of a leopard. {iv)spots on yellow skin, () hide OR (8) (i) Option (4) is correct {ii) he wants to hunt and not scare his prey aways (ii) Option (¢) is correct (iv) the soft paddy feet of the tiger have been ‘compared to the softness of velvet. (©) Option (b) is correct 8, (a) After the death of her only son, Kisa Gotami went door to door asking for a drug that could cure her son, She was overwhelmed with grief and was unable to come to terms with the death of her son. _ (b) Raindrops have been compared to coins because the raindrops like money helped in L __ harvesting and growing crops. This in turn leads to prosperity like money helps make ‘more money. @ ©) (b) © 10. (a) (b) ray was very happy when LOMOV askeg Shinto repo nto tor eeced Lomoviand had tears of happiney, tris eyes. He also sought blessing of God fr Tomow and his daughter. Asana, wes 12 ay cove oy in sy and freely ‘move away 4n the ciclo ey geean waves and wants to Beat Peace, wgh smiled in the most appealing wa Hart Sing sof tn sory a5 he had ny {ahaformed intoan honest person. Throughout fagstory, Re was only dishonest and wanted AMp Anil However, atthe end of the story, Han Singh truly wants fo be educated and work for Kaif and therefore srales in the most appealing ‘way to make his way into Anil’ Mrs. Pumphery did not pay heed to advice qiven by Mr. Herriot. Mr. Herriot had advise Bur Tricki must be given lots of water and hy diet must be cut down for him to stay healthy, ‘The excuse she gave was that Tricki was very weak and she had to relent and give him Whatever he asked for to eat and drink. When Ebright did not win anything at the science fair, he realised that merely putting up a model of what was learnt in class was not enough. He realised that winners had tg work hard and conduct real experiments 19 Show that they had learnt and assimilated the knowledge. He learnt that science was not jug about display but could help one learn lot. Motivation plays a very important role in taking risks in life and seceding, Motivation is what urges people to take actions or risks to achieve their goals. Without motivation, i is not possible to reach the aims in life and be successful, The pilot of old Dakota is motivated to meet his family and have dinner with them. So, when he sees dark clouds ahead, he dos: not stop and risks his as well as the life o passengers to reach hid destination. The young seagull is afraid of flying. The seagull would go hungry because no one from his family gave him food. He saw others fying and when once risked to jump to take foo! from his mother, realised that he had to fh to live. Hunger is what motivated the yours seagull to fly. Valli is an extraordinary girl who is sth confident and has an adventurous spirit th! she uses to release her ambitions of seeking different adventures. As a young girl, she § curious and wants o learn a lot from others. Se isa keen observer and listens to conversatios to gain knowledge from them. She also asis? lot of questions and sometimes about differ? places and journeying to them. She eve ‘Scamad with CanScemer 3. i or val i ne befriends aconductor to oes her hunger for adventure It moet fll 8 planning and ability to know qyee8h all her oy is able to achieve her dreams of agar hatsh hu, in. (2) Bholl was a weak ang myc! ventures ~ nat loved and neither cared fot Ag nS girl she was ill-treated and eves yo" Nee ay was slow to understand things hee rs Yas considered awed and was crore v8 be married to 8 fifty-years old man feet =) « However, Bhol’s teacher shaped (or . confident young gel who wen syne, 2 Ey rights and her needs. As a confident cot woman, Bholi refuses to marry when dene aie demanded and decides to remain. ee mot sé her life. The changes aarate zn hele Thechangesin holland thenaseaa rai ‘ : ‘of her teacher make her ‘stand for 4; os SECTION-A “A 2 (x) Option (a) is correct thy SECTION -B Ba yy Opti is coree its Explanation: Broke through means to achieve success. (i) and asked when the competition was, (ii) Option (4) is correct (iv) Option (b) is correct Explanation: Correct- of (v) Option (a) is correct (vi) had completed (vii) they had a wide range of toys. (viti)Emor- were ‘Correction- was The use of were leads to subject-verb agreement issue. ‘The correct sentence is: The stage performance put up by the students was 5 : (&) Ruchi asked Rohini what had been the duration of her internship. (&) Option (d) is correct 4, (A) 45 Vijay Nagar Delhi 1 March 20XX The Editor The Times Of India New Delhi Sir, ‘Sub: My city, my pride ; n, eae eo expe ihe pide 1 el 8 citizen of Delhi. Delhi, the capital of Ind boasts of many places ia is a great city and that attract a lot of } borrowed a necklace to present herself as a distinguished lady. At the ball, her dreams ‘Were fulfilled as she was the centre of attention. However, she lost the necklace and then was Pushed into debts and ten years of poverty. She ‘Worked in other people’s houses and dressed in ordinary clothes and even saved every penny much unlike what she used to be. Therefore, her pride and beauty and fake charm led to her downfall. SOLVED PAPER - 2023 nn, herself and make a place in a conservative Society and theve int atilda was very proud of her beauty and charm and wanted more in life than what she could get. She wanted exquisite things in life and always longed for rich things. When she ‘Was invited to the tall, she felt on the top of the world and bought a new dress and even, heritage of India and has many historical ‘monuments. In addition, the shopping centres ‘and beautiful parks add to the interest of the locals as well as tourists. While these places are visited round the year, efforts can be made to increase the footfall at these places, In line with the government's initiative of free entry. to historical monuments in Delhi, other places ‘must also be made toll free. Moreover, schools, \ = bs f en tourists as well as local people on a daily ‘basis. Delhi is the seat of the rich cultural ‘must be encouraged to get educational trips to the places of cultural and historical significance. This would make the youth aware of the places that are important for Delhi and India. Thope that enough steps are taken to increase the footfall at these places Thank you Yours truly Sangeeta OR (B) Mahavir Public School Delhi 1 March 20XX The Director National Science Centre Delhi Sub: Enquiry About Astronomy Club Sir/Madam 1 am Ankita and have great interest in astronomy as stars and the universe fascinate me. I read an advertisement in the Times of India about your club starting new batches for the astronomy club, I have heard great reviews about this club of yours and would like to join ‘Scamad with CanScemer

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