Geochemistry Assignment Amiya Sir

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no.ctomie nange
in Thaylemontsi 2 and 57
Lanth Rane 4-
le'."Compat phasos
usth solid
Thy the intion Panti
tadii åmallt alativgy hawe and Valent
a ition Trans 3-
Nb, HE, ~, Eg: (iquid
Tycations onge ( and ChaAeConcenlatad
high hawe
&l2men Thes9 E): (HFSEtamant& ongtth St
Fleld High 2
Ba nd S*Rb, K, :
are ble patr (om (angeg
"n thensfene
ay Tnliqud
liqud Cenlrate
ages in Con fore there oitl and
low radii
4 ionic (arge by ceriapd chana arp
leman Theae (LILE): Elamants phite Litho Ton Loge
ants lem Tnoce
E Lpeso
oets. aHficld cyal and vity $lacrons
tadius, on
on structwe Cnyaial
nal' nin in pored
od (oz in
io olements
get Ttalo
nthan and Z,,
Nb St, Ba, Rb, V,
are tudiss geochamical sments
in trace N,Se, (r,C, Ní,
ol mon Com
mulatieg tor iation oten diA magmatic for modrl3
în fut so moe theefare as and
thy ens, omg\ majo
by o-| ocks. 0eight)
in Unliko
CBolouw ationg Ce (on low Uet ocCun
ond ocka phse
in oLon oit form
th Unable
ohich thoe ano ements Intoduction:
'Patrogonasis ous igne In
Geochemi Elemant Thale Lmplications
Applicationd o naco elamont to ignsouz
Patnogencais :
1 Testing models 4 magmatte di 4enontial using
Relis on (alcul atia the nogmah'e (oncont aiond
4race elements Hemai oing io the liquid n o a Centaio
amount of a puti Cula
Method. can alBo be utilizec to datermine how
tnuch panti al molting is noodod to produle a spotitic
negma rom a giu on Hock tape Th ne fone if firds
appli catien &io to&ti rg modas f partal mol ting Ve
thortional cgslallzation.
2 Delnminatton f the depth gonaraten a prima
magma: BoCause dilanant traco elamonls hawe
ditlonen chemical cha acteistics, their Conlentsation
magma producod bg pantial melting a soure
depand cn the phoses o uting îoin hik
s0o ock and the abundanlo th93e ph o&98
fo $tam ple, lomont& such as S
fruchioratad in plazlocloso aldspat. In tho absonce
o plag pom the Bone k , S* coil ke incompatibe
and ul bo highly enichad in aa mogmo
fomsd by
Bmall doqgnoe pantial methog I{ the sowrBowt ce tok
i plagioclobe- bparing , the magma
ennichod. in Se (fon sama / patial melhag ) un ti
plog1ocl aso msts Conplets y.
koco, Prilna
maling dt di Hanon
pasalts 9 produced by partia)
dap ths in the mantle At Shallow
dopths ho mante Cordists f plogio cloáo Ihngolite
at dopths >so Km,it Con 312ts ef Jornot
gar not
Inerzelite · Bocause plagio claso , pin el nd garnot
Con (entnate c8, V, C and HREE
m"gmu poducod &mall
dogree g pantal malHng
shall ow depths w
wil be dopletod in Sr thss
from intanmoli ato dopthe co bo coplstod Inr V
and CX whe as those rom dop ths > go Km
(JW be doplatcd in HREE
HRETaco1naco olemn Conentz
4 aifferant tAps 4 primy magmas indi cate thet
those Can oe Con be producad bg diteant dogrseS
g partial melting at diai ffaneat depthe in the man He
as listed below :

Tape 4 Primag Magma. Depth Km) melt

Tholaite 25-9o 10-3o

AoB and Basanite So- (O0

Nophelinite, Kimbelite
and canbonotite

3- Prodiction of the phazes actonating rom a magma.

Tho same nationale pr9Bont in (2) above appli9s foy
the pho20> which hawe fractonatd
fnom a megma undangoing fnachion al Crgstali baton
spanoton :
a> Phagiocloso de plelog the romainlng msit in Sta Eu
b} oliving de plotos it in Ni and co
) Splnsl4 deplote iH in V, Cs, and Zn
a> K- feldspan. in Ga and Rb etc
4- REE and REE
liagrams i Thein con(ontions in an
ignoos nock cno Usually dividod by thain Con(onia tioos
in Stundard chondnit ndo to
Smooth out
out lage dien on Css in Con Cantration betwcn
Ss Si(oo
NDX25 l40 T
I0Mno Y.3
are ants emtrace mobile im
ely metamopbism)
of alteration
eting th cw2a as Buch gmnatie moPost b
ott mago (whih lemants eUents tnace (entnationa Con
ute the co~o thizQruptd).
than Ln
thr jta
they Ush
detrmioe to C Cooic Vol
Bome Batttng
f polectetonic phet tocka dosi toWsod
be Can ant elem aace nams; iminant
dia Dis S-
Lu La
mett 34
matt r5
heai2t the to
lighszt tho drom azis X- plottod
on REE
plottod fhon hese
a theM: oand REE

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