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Avoance & Stizati Insecurity & Hurricane Mara Product

Ctamt & Recovery Terrorism & Harvey  US Shortes

Co2 Shorte Rusa va Bloe of

 UK of Uke Suez Can
Custer Restance Recovery
Service Capacity Capacity World Clate Earthque & Growg Port
Market Change Tsunami - Japan Cgestis
De Freeze Vcanic Erupti Cov 19
What?  Texas  Icand Cases

Rercus Supply Cha Why? Gl Disruptis


Informati Inctive
Manufacturg Shpg
Days Bottle How? Sharg Alignmt

Hi Product Lger Clotive Resource

Price Divery Tes Cmunicati Sharg

Downzg Goods Shortes Deci Jot Creati

Lour /Spoe Vocity Coetiti
Synrizati & Procurt

Loss of Ses Inflati

Jot Shpg
Cpetiti Vibity
Extre Weather Emoti
Ctis Chlges

Flexity Cloti

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