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October /2023

Volume Number Vis/2023/0003


What you are about to read is a window to Vellore International School, a school that values all-
round growth and development of students, including academic learning, extra-curricular
activities and, most importantly, a positive mindset. This newsletter, which is written by both
students and teachers, will give you a glimpse of life in our school. Several students from various
backgrounds have written about school events, covering a wide range of experiences.

VIS stands elegant and serene on lush green grass and has an exceptional educational foundation.
Students have such a close relationship with their teachers that they forget they study in a
residential school. The teachers give a lot of importance to students’ education. And there are fun
events taking place frequently, which create the ripple effect of a happy and lively mood
throughout the school!

The students of VIS wanted to write and share their experiences with the world. This newsletter
talks about the events that the teachers and students have participated in, along with our personal
feelings and individual perspectives. We hope you look forward to reading it and enjoy these
stories from all of us who have written here - the story-tellers of VIS!



The school, in fact, has been conceptualised on
happiness - we believe that our children should
be happy people and only then can they be good
human beings. We want our students to be good
human beings with a good character. I often say,
“Be happy and keep others happy”, and I think
that the teachers and students are doing this
here. Learning with nature is a very important
part of becoming good humans and developing
good character. Our buildings, designed by one of
India’s best architects, reflect this. Our students
learn in the lap of nature as the architecture
blends with the natural surroundings.

DR. G.V.SELVAM - CHAIRMAN, VIS. We are completing the commitments made to all in
a systematic manner. The swimming pool will be
I would like to begin by thanking our esteemed getting ready shortly. All sports activities
parents for the trust that they have placed in VIS. including Silambam, Yoga, football and cricket
They have given us great responsibility and have started.
opportunity, and we will always try to meet their
expectations. Many siblings have been admitted I was once asked why I was building a school
in school and many references made by our when our university had 80,000 students. My
parents. These referrals mean a lot to us as it is a answer was that I want to create a good
genuine sign of our success. VIS will grow as a generation for our country. This is really my
brand because of our parents and the students reason for starting VIS. I know that it is not easy
studying here. I am deeply honoured by the to change the world, but we can definitely create
parents who admitted their girls in the first year. good youngsters who can work towards this. We
Their faith in our care has made us work harder are working towards building every child’s
to make this place a great place to grow and profile, not just in academics but also in other
learn. Our parents have become ambassadors for areas of life like communication, initiative,
VIS and even give their wonderful feedback of creativity and care for others. This kind of profile
their experience at VIS to prospective parents. is built naturally over time and will become an
identity of a VIS student. It has already begun
It is true that the success of a school is when with the help of our faculty proctors and
parents and students vouch for the school. Your professionals from outside the institution.
happiness is very important to us.

We selected the best teachers from different I observed our student editors interviewing the
states of India to teach in our school. They discuss former Chief Election Commissioner, Mr. T. S.
the best ways to engage children, the best ways Krishnamurthy, just before the annual day
to teach a topic in class, and how to make their celebrations commenced, and they were asking
subjects interesting. I thank all the faculty questions like reporters from any leading
members who made our first year a very newspaper! Our children are going to be the
successful one. That success encouraged us as we future leaders of India. In about twenty years. If
started with Grade 9 this year. you meet a successful hard-working person in the
upcoming years, you will find that the person was
a VIS student. That is the kind of culture we are
developing here. This is not just for the school or
family, it is for the country.

I would also like to extend my thanks to the staff

of VIT who have worked tirelessly for the
inauguration of VIS and will always hold a special
place in the story of VIS.


The economy is usually influenced by four factors:
Resources and their availability.
People and their availability.
Political and social events in a country.
Advances in technology.

How does Economics affect us and the world

around us? Economics gives us the framework for
the choices we must make about work, leisure,
consumption and saving. This in turn is influenced
by factors like inflation (price increase), interest
rates and economic growth of the country and the

India, for instance, is the fifth largest country by

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the third
As children, you may have heard of the economy largest by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). India
being mentioned in the news or being discussed is expected to become the third largest country by
amongst adults and felt curious about what it GDP by 2027. India is now at USD 3 trillion (about
really is. Let me explain this to you. INR 246 lakh crores). Only the American and
Chinese economies, then, are larger than that of
The economy largely consists of three aspects: India. In fact, as per estimates, the Indian economy
People making things. will overtake the US economy in 2048.
People using things.
People selling and buying things. India has a mixed economy with the right balance
of government intervention and freedom given to
Anyone can be a buyer or a seller depending on
private ownership to make business decisions.
the circumstances at any given time. One can sell
This leads to greater efficiency, greater
tangible assets as well as provide services,
productivity and greater stability for the future.
knowledge and even time! From a small setup, like
a family, right up to a big setup, like a country, the As the future of the country will be laid by young
economy is concerned with the creation, minds such as yourselves, understanding
consumption and transfer of wealth. The study of economics will help you as an adult to contribute
the economy is called Economics. to the country and the world! An interest in
Economics is the first big step towards this!
In an ideal world, the economy would be a stable,
continuous process, but in the real world, this is
not so.


The benefits to reading are plenty, but I would
like to focus on one - reading to inspire creativity
and independent thinking. Tales based on
fantasies are of great support to children in
negating fear. Added to this, stories which contain
imagination and magic usually pack a good
number of moral values which help in building
character. Parents are advised very often by
educators to encourage their children to read
these stories full of fantasy.

The school Library plays an important role in

inculcating this habit in children. It is done
through the issuing of books, insisting on the
students writing reviews after reading books,
displaying reviews on panels for the others to
Reading habits in both teachers and students are read and feel inspired, presenting information on
slowly diminishing. Some of you may object to this books for general reading, and so on. Students
by saying that you have been reading book after should feel privileged to own a book as well as
book and that the library does not have enough share it with their peers. To complement the work
books for reading. This group, I am sure, is not a done at the school level, it is encouraged that
majority in any community you consider. when parents and teachers come across good
books, the details be shared with the School
Recreational reading is approached in many Librarian who will be able to provide the same for
ways across the globe. Recently I was watching a the benefit of all. VIS is committed to providing
TV programme on a regional channel in which an excellent opportunities to our young readers as
eminent language professor was lamenting about well as the adults, in order to strengthen this
the lack of interest shown by people of all ages in activity. The purpose of education is not to
this activity. He then listed a few very interesting neglect fantasies but to make them useful in the
practices in various countries: in Japan, books for overall learning process.
all levels are stacked under the table in
I would like to now pose some questions as food
restaurants so that customers read as they wait
for thought: What is the role of educators in this
for their food to arrive; in Sweden, lamp posts at
fantastical world? How are we going to create the
the road junctions are provided with boxes, in
balance in the thought processes of young
which the citizens leave books after they
learners towards understanding the phenomenon
complete reading it (instead of throwing them
of “fantasy”? Now, this is a new challenge!
away); in South Africa, schools ask for donations
in the form of books, not money.


We need to encourage critical thinking, problem-
solving and preparing the students for a dynamic

Moreover, it's essential to promote diversity and

inclusivity, fostering an environment where
everyone's voice is heard and respected. This
diversity of thought and culture enhances our
collective learning experience.

Together, let us embark on this journey of

education, guided by our commitment to
excellence, values, and innovation. Your future is
our collective responsibility, and we are here to
K. PRABHAKARAN - PRINCIPAL, VIS. nurture your growth in every aspect.

Education is not merely the acquisition of

knowledge; it is the cultivation of minds, the THE RED TREE
nurturing of character, and the shaping of future
citizens. In a boarding school like ours, the idea of
studying goes beyond textbooks and classrooms.
It's about holistic development, fostering
independence, and building lifelong friendships.

Inculcating values and morals in our students is

paramount. We aim to create individuals who are
not only academically proficient but also
empathetic, responsible, and ethical. Our
boarding environment provides a unique
opportunity to instill these values through daily
interactions, shared responsibilities, and a strong
sense of community.

To enrich education, we must adapt to the

evolving world. Embracing technology and
incorporating experiential learning are crucial DHRUVI (8A)


The value and scope of holistic education in a (c) respecting those who may speak with courage
residential school can be understood by from a place of vulnerability,
pondering three important elements that are (d) encouraging responsible expressions of
necessary in a holistic school ecosystem: the discontent,
engaged classroom, collegial learning and (e) inviting feedback,
nurturing students individually. (f) respecting diversity.

The Engaged Classroom Nurturing Students

Students actively learn in environments where The foundation of classical education in ancient
they experience autonomy and freedom from India was self-knowledge. Why? Because you
fear. Giving students autonomy involves giving cannot really be effective in nurturing integrated
choice to students through flexibility in human beings unless you yourself have embarked
assignments and projects and, more broadly, on the journey of self-knowledge.
adopting a "student-centric approach." Freedom
from fear comes naturally when the teacher From this inner orientation, the mentor can enable
listens without judgment and strives to create a the development of the students’ life skills and
safe but challenging classroom environment study skills, enhance the richness of their inner
where students can freely ask questions and lives and interpersonal relationships, and guide
engage in healthy debate. By the way, them to discover their passion - what they would
irresponsible behaviour has no place in the love to do in their lives.
engaged classroom, or anywhere else in the
Collegial Learning
The engaged classroom can readily become a
school-wide feature if a school actively STILL LIFE DRAWING
encourages collegial learning, which involves
teachers actively learning from each other. A
culture of slowed down, thoughtful conversation
is essential to our growth as educators, and as
human beings.
Here are some features of a culture of
conversation in school that may be worth
reflecting on:
(a) asking good questions rather than the right
(b) listening so that others may speak and
speaking so that others may listen,


A familiar sight on our campus holds plenty of concept was revisited and venues like the Globe
historical significance and most of us pass by Theatre in London served as open-air
it completely unaware. It’s our amphitheatre! performance spaces for Shakespearean plays.
The 18th and 19th centuries continued this style of
Amphitheatres have played a role in entertainment, with circuses and opera
entertainment and public gatherings, evolving houses adopting the circular design. Today, we’re
from all familiar with the likes of Taylor Swift
ancient structures to modern venues that have packing enormous stadiums across the globe for
captivated audiences since the beginning of concerts. The modern era has produced
time. amphitheatres that have advanced acoustics,
The Greeks constructed the earliest prototypes technology, and spectator comfort. They’re not
around 300 BCE, while the Romans limited to concerts but also include events like
perfected the design to create the immensely sports, theatrical performances, and public
popular Colosseum in Rome that still stands speeches.
today. These arenas were primarily used for The appeal of amphitheatres is the communal
gladiator contests, chariot races, and other experience. People gather to celebrate
public spectacles with thousands of spectators culture, sports, and the arts. Our very own
watching excitedly. amphitheatre is an example of this as we gather
During the medieval period, amphitheaters fell for our special events to cheer each other on and
into disuse, but their influence persisted with connect with one another in an arena that
jousting tournaments and plays. It wasn't until the blends the past with the present in seamless
Renaissance that the amphitheatre elegance.

Gayathri Sanjay
Academic Coordinator


Little children possess an innate sense of wonder It was a lazy afternoon on a serene hillside.
and curiosity about the world that is delightfully Engulfed in a newfound pastime watching birds,
evident in their open-eyed wonder at seemingly I sighted a magnificent eagle perched on a large,
ordinary things around them. Observation is a wild-Jamun tree overlooking a stream. A bunch of
window to discovery and naturally follows, or is boys had come along with me for the adventure.
followed by, curiosity. This, arguably, is the I trained the spotting-scope on the eagle and
Learning Mind. Over the past 24 years, I have had asked a child, about 10 years old, to look at the
the privilege of observing countless children in eagle. I still recall his astonished tone as he
natural settings, witnessing first-hand how their realized the size of the majestic creature. His
observations have led to moments of pure astonishment was infectious, and soon, a small
cognition, and how their creative ability is group of us stood there, gazing up at the
brought alive by their observations. magnificent creature for almost the entire
The Astonishment of a Child
One of my early experiences of seeing children in A Journey Through the Years
nature was when I witnessed a young child's Over the years, I've had the pleasure of observing
profound reaction to the sight of a Crested- numerous children in various natural settings,
serpent eagle in the Western Ghats while working from lush forests to sandy beaches and swampy
for a rather remarkable, small residential school. mangroves to inter-tidal zones.

What has consistently stood out is the inevitable A child who is encouraged to draw, write, or
emergence of their ability to perceive things that express themselves through art is more likely to
adults often overlook. Whether it's the intricate develop a keen eye for detail. They learn to
patterns on a dragonfly’s wings, the venation of notice the subtleties in colour, shape, and pattern,
leaves, or the differences between the scat (poop) which, in turn, deepens their observation of the
of animals, children's observations are like natural world.
treasures waiting to be discovered.

One of the most recent encounters I had was

during a nature walk in a forested area near our
school with a group of students. Among them was
a boy who had developed a reputation for being
disruptive in class. However, as we ventured into
the forest, something remarkable happened. This
young boy, whose attention span had often been
a challenge, suddenly became intensely focused.
As we discussed the forest, its diverse ecosystem,
and the concept of land designation as either
forest land or revenue land, his curiosity was
piqued. He bombarded me with questions about Nurturing a Connection with Nature
land classification, the rationale behind it, and The experience of observation and creativity
how it fits into the larger question of ecological plays a crucial role in nurturing a lifelong
balance. His questions were not just inquiries; I connection with nature and learning. When
sensed a deep pull of curiosity in his mind and the children are encouraged to observe and create in
exchange between us was as ancient as language natural settings, they develop a profound
itself. appreciation for the environment. This is not a
trivial or aspirational outcome but a generational
The Interplay of Observation and Creativity one that has served mankind well in our
The interplay between observation and creativity remarkable journey so far.
in children is fascinating. Observing the world Arun
around them provides children with a wealth of Head Boarding, VIS.
raw material to fuel their creative minds. When a
child sees a spider weaving a web, their PET WITH SUPERPOWER
observation can lead to questions about the
spider's behaviour, the purpose of the web, and
even spark imaginative stories about the spider's
adventures.Observation acts as a catalyst for
creativity and, like a mathematical theorem, the
converse is equally true: creativity enhances the
quality of observation.



Life Skills:
Beyond academics, a beach trip is an excellent
opportunity for students to develop life skills.
They built sandcastles, participated in beach
games, and worked together to clean up litter.
They developed life skills like teamwork and
cooperation. They also learnt how to manage
themselves in a crowded place. These
experiences help forge bonds among classmates
and teach valuable lessons in collaboration.

Sometimes the most important lessons in

education are learned outside of a traditional
classroom setting. One such learning experience
for the students was a trip to Blue Flag Beach,
Kovalam. The beach was a perfect location for
interdisciplinary learning. This article explores
the benefits of taking students on a beach trip and
highlights the unique opportunities it offers for
both academic and personal growth.

Learning Through Exploration:

Students were engaged in hands-on activities like
beachcombing, identifying various species of
marine life, and even collecting samples for
memories. These experiences instill in the
students a sense of wonder and an appreciation
for the beauty and complexity of the natural

Environmental Awareness and Responsibility:

In an era of growing environmental concerns, the
trip helped develop a sense of responsibility for
preserving our natural treasures. Encouraging
students to leave the beach cleaner than they
found it reinforces the idea that everyone plays a Mahaveer
role in protecting the environment. Deputy Academic Coordinator, VIS.


What does leadership mean to you? How can students like us develop leadership
A leader is a person who is supposed to lead qualities?
people; he must be a role model. He must have Some leaders are born, some leaders achieve
certain qualities which will inspire the followers. leadership by working for it. Sometimes, people
In my opinion a leader has to be a very attentive automatically take up the responsibilities of
person; He must excel in the art of listening. leading a school or a class, as a monitor does at
Instead of talking all the time, which can result in the school level. They assume these roles because
one-sided communication, he should listen to they may have the inbuilt qualities of leading
others with the intention of understanding their people and asserting their authority. A balance
problems and grievances, then try to find the must be struck between being tough and being
solution. The art of listening is very important in gentle. To some extent it depends upon the innate
leadership. Similarly, patience is very important. qualities of the individual, but it certainly can be
Taking ownership and responsibility are also key developed. Now coming to how we can develop
qualities: when faced with a challenging situation, these qualities, it is partly by observing others,
he should not try to put the blame on somebody and partly by learning from others. Additionally,
else. He should try to find out the source of the one must read a lot of books. In India,
problem, communicate with his team, and unfortunately, the reading habit is not at a
acknowledge that it could be because of a lapse satisfactory level. However, in most foreign
on his part that something is not working. A universities they encourage you to read on your
leader has to be a multifaceted personality, with own. Read biographies of people you are
an ability to communicate, understand, listen, as interested in knowing more about. Read
well as be friendly and harmonious in the autobiographies of political leaders and social
workplace. leaders alike.

One must try to develop these qualities by As the former Chief Election Commissioner
observing, reading, and learning. And sometimes of our country and a citizen, what do you
even on our own, by reflecting on our think is the prime reason for low turnout for
experiences. For instance, when a problem voting and how can it be improved?
comes, how do you tackle it? It must be dealt with Voter turnout varies from place to place, country
by thinking calmly and without feeling agitated. It to country. In Western countries it is hardly 60%,
is a combination of these factors that develop whereas in India it is between 60% and 70%. In
leadership. fact in states like Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh,
and Gujarat, it is 80-90%. In the recently
What are some of the challenges faced when conducted elections in the North East, we had an
an election official goes to remote areas to 80% voter turnout. It varies from state to state. In
collect votes from a small number of voters? order to encourage citizens to vote, a lot of
There are a few high-risk areas where the awareness programmes and literature is
election commission sends its officers to set up distributed by the Election Commission. They
booths, particularly in Sikkim and Jammu and conduct school visits to educate the youth on the
Kashmir. It is very difficult to conduct elections importance of voting. In my opinion, over the last
here. However, the official is provided with few years, there has been an improvement in the
necessary security apart from stay, etc. The voter turnout, but the international pattern is a
challenges faced by them can be varied. It could decrease in the same. There could be various
be the weather, like in Sikkim where it is snowing reasons for this. One of the reasons is that the
throughout. There could also be difficulties in youth are not keen to stand in a queue to vote.
reaching the voters: in Rajasthan we need to use They think it is a waste of time and question
camels to carry the officials and equipment, while whether their vote will actually make a
in Assam election officials have to go by elephant. difference. This attitude is wrong and we are
In fact, if you read my book (“The Miracle of trying our best to change it.
Democracy”), the cover page shows an election
official trying to climb an elephant in order to get Tharun S (9B) & Shri Hari Santosh (9A).
to the location. While these are environmental
challenges, there are human challenges too -
some political parties can be violent. For instance, SILBERZWEIG-ABSTRACT ART
in J&K there is always the threat of terrorism,
both homegrown and cross-border. Similarly, in
Sikkim, near the highest-located polling booth
where it borders China, there can be skirmishes
between the guards and so on. Social conflicts
pose a challenge as well. In certain locations,
there are festival seasons during which we do not
conduct our polls, but due to unavoidable
spillovers there can be unrest between groups.
Nevertheless, we have exhaustive instructions
for the officials; we provide a large amount of
support and ways for the officer to communicate
with higher officials in case of an emergency. KESHAV (7)


No one is born with intelligence, but everyone is

born with talent. Each of us is blessed with a
unique talent, some of which are recognised and
others are not. In a residential school like VIS, it is
really important that every student's talent is
recognised and appreciated. With this intention,
we were given guidance, resources, and the
opportunity to display our skills and talents.

The Talent Show was organized by the school on

the first of July and was held in the Amphitheatre.
The programme featured various performances
by the students who had recently joined school.
The function started with a folk song followed by
an "upside-down reading," solo and dance
performances, singing, instrumental
performances, speeches, and humorous skits. It
concluded with the Principal's closing remarks.

The Talent Show explored various aspects -

ranging from culture to the lives of great people -
all presented in an aesthetic and remarkable way
by the students. It takes great courage to step up
on the stage. The students overcame their fear to
make the Talent Show a great success. Nikilesh (9B)


‘The Theatre Club which is held at VIS on ‘A lot of people seem to think that the Film Club is
Saturday nights after dinner is the best part of a place to be entertained, have a good time and
my week! We always start the club session with a slack off. But the Film Club is really a place to
few theatre games that need memorization and learn the art of analyzing. You learn how to
concentration. Then we move on to the trickier analyze the intricacies in the plot of the movie,
part of the club. spot the plot holes, raise questions about them
and even try to answer them. In the Film Club, we
The plays that we improvise in the club are don’t just watch the movie, we observe them with
created by us on topics given to us by our a keen eye. The Film Club is also about interesting
Theatre Club teacher. These topics are movies that make you wonder about the things
unexpected, and sometimes weird - like that happen in the world. They are usually by
"Downside-up" and "Born-Mad-true" - and they well-known directors who don’t merely want to
need a lot of thinking. But Sir only gives us 15 min entertain, but also wish to provoke the viewers
to create a script and perform it! and make them think. These movies can be really
complex, and not necessarily entertaining. They
Afterwards, we look at minor details that we can be confusing, weird, complex and eccentric.
missed. Sir also tells us what could have been We even watched a movie which was just about
better. Then we talk about how all the aspects of an ordinary man’s daily life - but even from that
the play were placed together. you learnt something. Even when the movie is
going in a flow and it is interesting, we sometimes
We also play group games that keep all of us pause it to notice a detail which might be
interacting with each other. We play games that important for its plot or its main idea. Some
are often silly and fun. Sir makes sure we cover students may not understand these movies, which
all aspects that will help us perform on stage, is why there is a teacher with us. We have a
write a script, narrate, and many more skills that discussion at the end of the movie in which we
are needed. This club is a stress buster for me share our own views and perspectives, whether
and I am sure it helps the others as well. we have grasped the hidden twists in the plot, or
what we felt about the theme. Those who
But the parts that keep me really interested in understand the movie and want to research
this club are the games that improve my memory further about the movie receive some articles
and concentration. The Theatre Club has not only related to that movie.
fulfilled my dream of acting, but now it also helps This is what the Film Club is: a place where we
me for my educational purpose as it improves my can explore the vast world of movies. These
memory capacity. movies are interesting and entertaining, but some
are just interesting. This club is recommended
Thrushna (8A) only for those who want to think, think and think!

Dhruva (9A) & Subanithish (9A)



The Quiz Club is simply a space where students The Critical Perspectives Club is an amazing place
gather together and have a chat about the world! to think. This club is very similar to a philosophy
It is a wonderful gathering of students who meet club; just that it's easier to understand.
every week to share what they have garnered
over the week about the world, or just any facts Our teacher gives us some topic ideas to consider,
they have learnt. and sometimes lets us choose our own topic. After
we choose our topic, he gives us a few articles
Here students get to learn and share, and even based on it. Then he gives us time to study the
conduct their own quizzes. The Quiz Club fosters articles and prepare a talk to be presented in the
a habit of reading and learning from newspapers. club.
This encourages us to keep ourselves informed
about current affairs all around the world, about In my case, I chose a topic on cognitive biases,
politics, business, Economics, and a lot more. We which I was mildly interested in at the time. Sir
get to immerse ourselves in knowledge about the gave me articles which taught me many things
world and in the endless sea of thoughts and about the topic and got me to my current level of
views about the world too! This brings in a lot of interest.
insight and perspective which we then get to
share with our peers. When I went to the club to give my talk, I was
surprised to find that other club members were
Furthermore, the Quiz Club creates opportunities also interested in cognitive biases. Instead of just
for students to participate in various quiz doing a boring lecture and going back to my seat,
competitions. From these experiences, students I initiated a discussion in which I presented my
tend to learn about the ethics of sportsmanship, points. During my presentation and afterwards
about leadership, and, most importantly, about the club members asked me questions, some of
teamwork! The Quiz Club is beneficial for the which had not occurred to me before!
students in several ways as it helps students keep
track of current affairs and develop their views Over the semester, this process of open-ended
based on the knowledge they have garnered. discussion continued, with other people going in
and explaining their own topic, each class just as
Parinika (9A) interesting as the previous one.

Aakash (9C)


‘Most students dreaded the phrase "morning
assembly" in my old school. Just imagine standing
still in the hot sun and having to listen to
someone going on and on, on the microphone.
Sometimes, it would seem like an endless rant.
It's different in VIS. Of course, we often have
chairs arranged for us to sit in the place outside
of the classrooms, in the academic block. But
what’s special about our assemblies is the activity
of public speaking, which is open to all grades.
Our students come forward to the lectern and
present a short talk on their chosen topic. The
topic could literally be about anything: current
affairs, or sports, or it could be about things most One fine Thursday, I decked up for the assembly
people in school haven't even heard about! to give a talk on a compound called propranolol,
introducing it as “A Drug to Cure Fear”. As soon
One of the main motives behind the morning as I went up to the lectern, I realized that if I
assemblies at VIS is to encourage students to wanted to give a good talk, I had to speak
effortlessly make a brief and understandable confidently and freely, as though it were a
presentation. Public speaking is a small but a conversation. I spoke to everyone just out of
very life-changing skill to have. Not only do you what I had understood and I made it interactive.
begin to feel confident talking at the lectern in
front of a sizeable and familiar audience, but you At the end, as I was wrapping it up, I asked the
also begin to open up in different social audience if they wanted to ask me a question or
environments. comment on anything I'd said. From the youngest
kids to the teachers, there were many responses.
It was here at VIS that I got my first public They all asked different questions: some answers
speaking opportunity. Earlier, I had only spoken I knew; others I didn't. But as I interacted with the
briefly, like saying the thought for the day, the audience, I realized, with some satisfaction, that
quote for the day, or the word for the day; but many people had actually understood what I'd
here, for the first time, I presented a 15-minute talked about.
speech at the morning assembly!
There's a process to be followed, if you wish to After the assembly was over, there were many
present a talk at the assembly. First, you have to people who complimented me for my speech. I felt
talk to one of our teachers, who provides you glad because I felt contented with my
with articles on your chosen topic so that you can presentation, and because the audience had
go over them to absorb the knowledge, build the enjoyed it too!
required perspective and make notes. Then you
polish off your talk with a rehearsal and go for it! Laaceya (9B)

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought profound As we navigate the post-pandemic world, we must
changes in the field of education, reshaping the carry the lessons learned into the future of
way we teach and learn. Before the pandemic, education, making it more inclusive and
traditional classroom learning was the norm, and accessible.
online education was seen as a supplement.
However, COVID-19 forced a significant evolution The truth of Albert Einstein's words, “In the
in how we choose to impart education. Nelson middle of difficulty lies opportunity,” was realized
Mandela's words reminded us why that evolution in the opportunity the pandemic presented us in
was urgent: “Education is the most powerful reimagining education for a more inclusive and
weapon which you can use to change the world.” dynamic future. But in keeping with Victor Hugo's
wisdom, “Change your opinions, keep to your
Before the pandemic, the classroom was a space principles; change your leaves, keep intact your
for face-to-face interaction, fostering roots,” although education has changed its leaves,
interpersonal skills. After it transitioned into the its core principles remain strong and vital as we
digital realm, John Dewey's words seemed to pose chart a new course forward.
a challenge: “Education is not preparation for life;
education is life itself.” The shift to online learning Bhuvaneswari
tested the adaptability of educators, students, and French Department, VIS.
institutions. But today both the forms are
embraced, although some have gone back to the
traditional form, keeping the online
form as plan B.

The pandemic also revealed inequalities in access

to education, prompting policymakers to address
these issues. Malala Yousafzai's words, “One
child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can
change the world,” urged the world to recognise
the need for equitable education.

In conclusion, COVID-19 transformed education

from a brick-and-mortar institution to a flexible,
digital landscape. The crisis has highlighted the
resilience of the education sector and the
importance of adapting to new challenges.



Independence Day marks the end of British rule

on August 15th, 1947. We celebrate Independence
Day every year by watching and participating in
fireworks, parades and sporting events.

At VIS, we started our Independence Day

celebration by hoisting the Indian flag, which was
followed by a brief introduction of an Indian
freedom fighter, Matangini Hazra. We moved on
to a patriotic song in both Tamil and Hindi. Then
our Principal, Mr. K. Prabhakaran, offered a
memento to our chief guest Sri Palam
Kalyanasundaram who shared his life story with
the audience and gave us all some very useful
advice about living rightly.

After the sweet distribution, we proceeded to

lunch. All the students and staff of VIS wore
traditional outfits and had their lunch off banana
leaves, which is a tradition in India. The staff and
students of VIS all contributed to the decoration
of the assembly area by painting, drawing and
organizing the chairs.

We celebrate this historic event every year with

all the staff and students of VIS. It is a day filled
with respect to honor the freedom fighters who
fought for India’s freedom from the British Raj.

Abhinav (9A) & Saadhana (9C)




Witnessing the affinity and teamwork among

individual players was heart-warming. Badminton
had brought them together, teaching them to
support, encourage, and celebrate each other.

Inevitable adversities like injuries and tough

losses taught resilience and mental strength. The
tournament was challenging, but our students
learned to bounce back from setbacks.

On the tournament day, emotions ran high, from

nervousness to excitement. As a teacher,
watching my students' determination and
Education extends beyond textbooks and concentration filled me with admiration and pride.
classrooms, encompassing physical fitness and
character development. The State-Level, Inter-
School Badminton Tournament reaffirmed this Victories bring unparalleled thrill, but lessons
belief, creating a crucible of emotions, passion, from defeat are equally crucial. Being gracious in
and talent in young athletes. defeat, analyzing mistakes, and coming back
stronger are essential takeaways.
It all began with our school's badminton team
selection, a rigorous process that evaluates skills The tournament provided invaluable life lessons,
and commitment. As a teacher, witnessing emphasizing the importance of making one's best
students push their limits with unwavering effort, time management, and goal-setting.
dedication was remarkable. In conclusion, the State-Level, Inter-School
Badminton Tournament transformed our students.
The real work started after team selection, with Their dedication, perseverance, and
countless hours spent honing skills and refining sportsmanship, alongside invaluable life lessons,
techniques. Being a source of inspiration and make me proud as a teacher. I look forward to
support was my role, and watching these young their continued growth and success inside and
athletes grow was fulfilling. outside the classroom.

A special bond forms between the mentor and Prabhat

students, built on trust and shared goals. Chemistry Department, VIS.
Together, we celebrate victories and learn from

‘Many schools participated in this tournament, At the end of the tournament, the Chairman of
and we were one of them. Five teams sports awarded our school 4 trophies and 6
represented our school, VIS. medals. Our five teams left the campus happy
that we had won those awards. When we came
First they called us for a gathering and told us the back to our school, everyone congratulated us.
rules and how the matches would be held. In the
morning, we had a singles match and, in the Kadam (8A) & Srihari (8B)
evening, we had a doubles match.
Krystal and Karunya had practiced for a whole
month for this inter-school badminton
tournament. Unfortunately, Karunya fell ill at the
last moment; so Catherine stepped in for her.

Krystal and Catherine were nervous and tense

since they had never practiced with each other.
On the bus ride to the tournament, everyone was
a bundle of nerves as it was the first tournament
for most of them.

Naturally, they supported each other when any of

The first match was between Kadam and a them from VIS had a match. When it was Krystal
student from another the school in Chennai. The and Catherine's turn, they were nervous and
match was equally well-played by both players, scared. Krystal felt so nervous that she said, "I
but in the end Kadam won. After 20 minutes, was like a cat on hot bricks." Catherine was
Kadam had a match against another school. This impressed by how other people were playing.
match was very tough. Kadam felt that he lost Clearly, they all were experienced players, but
because of his silly mistakes. He was extremely "we didn't give up because we had that fire
disappointed, but hoped to make up for it in the burning inside us that wanted to win the
doubles. tournament." In the beginning, they were in the
lead but, as Krystal put it later, "It ain't over until
After Kadam and Srihari had lunch, they waited the fat lady sings!" Soon enough, the tables turned
to be called for their doubles match. In the first and their opponents gained points, eventually
doubles match, Kadam and Srihari played against winning the match.
two students from another school. This match was In the end they lost the finals and were
easily won. The second match was also an easy announced runners up. However, they were
one. The third match was the finals and turned grateful to have gotten the opportunity to play in
out to be the most difficult match in that a tournament and resolved to aim higher next
tournament. But they played well, won the first time.
two games and clinched the finals! Catherine (8A) & Krystal (8B)


‘In every walk with nature, one receives far more “What was that?”
than one seeks.’ It could be in terms of beauty, “Not certain. Seemed like a golden oriole. Let me
different birds, animals and trees or even the see if I can take a picture and we can identify it
peace one requires. later.”
“What are these big birds flying by? Are they
VIS is surrounded by the flora and fauna of the herons?”
Thaiyur forest and sometimes the students are “Didn’t they look like ducks?”
taken for a walk in the wilderness to find out “Yes, UID (unidentified) ducks.”
what mysteries lie out there. “What are we walking on?”
“Sand, Sir.”
“How did sand come here? We are 10 kms away
from the sea!”
“Don’t know, Sir.”
“It’s possible that a thousand years ago, this area
was covered with sea water. That water
evaporated and the sand and shells remained.”
After walking for an hour, discovering various
birds and trees and tombstones, we sit down in a
clearing. Arun sir, the Head of Boarding passes
two books around for children to see varied
Waking up early in the morning on Sunday, some species of birds and butterflies.
students gather near the dining hall area chatting “Notice something?”
away in the fresh morning western breeze. We “What, Sir?”
walk to the main gate, where the security “If you pay close attention, you will notice that in
personnel logs in the names of the outgoing the book there are paintings of birds, whereas
students and accompanying teachers and guards. you will find pictures of butterflies.”
All set to go, we head out onto the road with the “Sir!” comes a booming cry from one student.
students still talking nineteen to the dozen. “What is it?”
“Sir, see this huge ant.”
“Are we heading north or south today?” And so another half hour passes by with
“Last couple of times we have been to the south. questions, observations and some moments of
Let’s head north today.” peace, a joke here, a laugh there, and it is time to
And so we turn left and walk into the open field head back to the school.
where a red-wattled lapwing heralds our arrival. Nature walks in school are a great way to
A peacock is heard in the distance but is out of unwind, de-stress, and reconnect with the beauty
sight. One student is captivated by a few shells. of the natural world. They are also educational
Another, admires the dew on the cobweb on the and provide an opportunity to learn about the
ground. A golden oriole flies past. flora and fauna in our vicinity.
Darshana, Art Department, VIS.

younger students (grades 5-7) strived to convey
the meaning behind the poem with apt
expressions and precise gestures. The inter-
house Spelling Bee Competition also provided an
opportunity for talented students to showcase
their spelling prowess.
Languages are about expanding horizons as much
as they are about diving deeper into the ideas you
have always known and grown up with. The book
talk sessions had some pieces of literature which
promised to whisk students away into worlds far
and wide, while others offered clarity on
concepts, theories and ideas about the world we
Language Week - seven days dedicated to live in; students and teachers presented book
language in all forms and in all its beauty - was an talks which ranged from fantastical stories to
enriching and enjoyable experience for the entire quaint towns, and non-fiction texts on the
school! Let’s take a trip down memory lane as we meaning of life and death to the importance of
recollect the variety of moments. financial literacy in our lives.
It doesn’t take much more than an all-
It promoted cultural diversity by encouraging encompassing quiz to expand our horizons… and
students to explore languages beyond their native that is exactly what we got during our inter-
tongue, fostering an environment of global house “Language, Literature and a little more”
awareness and tolerance. This was achieved Quiz Competition. There was a buzz of
through the poster-making inter-house excitement, and nerves zinged through the air
competition. Students presented their that Saturday morning, as the teams answered
interpretation of the theme through art and questions on words and idioms, sifted through
multilingual elements. Another event which gave their memories for names of books and authors,
importance to inclusivity and global awareness and even identified famous voices and faces in
was the Indian Sign Language session. It was an audio-visual rounds. The audience was certainly
engaging session where students learned to sign not left out as each round had one question for
the letters of the alphabet and a few basic words them too!
and phrases. Ultimately, Language Week at VIS was a
catalyst for fostering a love of languages,
Over the course of the week, many unique
nurturing a lifelong passion for learning new
opportunities were presented to students to
skills, and creating culturally aware and
enhance their communication skills for effectively
and creatively conveying their thoughts. The
globally-minded young individuals.
inter-house poetry recitation competition was a Sandhya
treat to watch as our English Department, VIS.


Things are finally looking ready to move to the
stage! Twenty-three students of grades 5 and 6
are in sukhasana position on the circular stage,
hands in chin mudra, chanting ‘Buddham
sharanam gachhami,’ and as their voices fill the
evening air, I feel the old thrill of working on a
play with children … the sense of creative
possibilities, the magic of finer and finer
performances unfolding over several iterations,
much like sculpting.

It’s a play I have done before, about twenty years

ago, a script created from a Jataka tale titled
‘Brighter Still’, retold by Graeme MacQueen. I
have happy memories of that performance, and
when my colleague says she feels the story will
work well for Theatre Nite, the culminating event
of Language Week at VIS, the decision is clinched

My mind is soon busy casting the children in roles

that will suit them … the sixths will make great
villagers, the fifths will make lovely dancing deer,
Aadithya should be the comical King Brahmadutta Individual scenes start taking shape, and the
who has a change of heart, Sai Nallan and narrators keep the storyline moving, but the
Parvesh can become the two deer kings, transitions, oh! The transitions are so troublesome.
Sudarshana will do well as the pregnant doe, and When will we remember the sequence just so, and
Harsha and Chandra can be the Courtiers … it’s all achieve a smooth flow? Then there is the business
falling in place! Then who will be the narrators? … of learning dialogues, giving up reliance on
Let the actors come forth also as narrators! That’s scripts, perfecting one’s position and stance,
the last tentative decision, and it works out well. getting the articulation and intonation right,
showing one’s reaction when others speak, and
The old script is reworked; the narration is shaped always remembering, if one is a deer or a
into rhyming couplets so the storytellers can have courtier, not to lapse into being just a child again
fun rendering their lines in pairs. Also, more when one’s lines are done.
dialogues are sewn in, so each participant has a
speaking part, however small.


Gradually, sticks, tools, and drums enliven our

rehearsals, and the keyboard creates a rich
atmosphere, bringing out the tension and the
pathos of the play. The day of the performance
arrives, and the troupe is ready, each child’s
confidence a pillar supporting the whole play. We
have had our costume rehearsal, our sound
rehearsal, and there has been no hitch. Spirits
soar; we are ready to gift the school what we
have crafted together painstakingly over half a

The last line still resonates after the play is done:

While the rehearsals go on, meetings are held Justice is brighter than the sun, but mercy is
among colleagues to decide on stage props, brighter still.
costume requirements, musical accompaniment,
and dance choreography. For what is a children’s
play without these varied elements? Many hands
make the work lighter, as one colleague steps in
to teach the dances, two others bring in the
costumes, a fourth creates the background and
props, and a fifth one provides the musical score.
Yet another one does a fantastic job of attiring
the villagers in dhotis.

English Department, VIS.



இந்தியாவின் தென் தமிழ்நாட்டில்

காணப்படும் நாட்டுப்புறக் கலைகளுள் ஒன்று.
இந்த உலகில் பல இசைக்கருவிகள்
இருந்தாலும் இக்கலைக்கு வில்லே
முதன்மையானது. மனிதன்
வேட்டையாடுதலைத் தொழிலாகக்
கொண்டிருந்த காலத்தில் அவனுக்கு
உதவியது வில் மற்றும் அம்பு. அதனையே
பயன்படுத்தி பொழுதைக் கழிக்கும்
நோக்கத்தில் உருவாக்கப்பட்டதே
வில்லுப்பாட்டு. தந்தனத்தோம் தந்தனத்தோம் என்று
வில்லினில் பாட - ஆமாம்
வில்லினில் பாட
வந்தருள்வாய் தமிழ் மகளே.....
தான தந்தோம் என்று சொல்லியே
வில்லினில் பாட - ஆமாம்
வில்லினில் பாட
வந்தருள்வாய் தமிழ் மகளே...
இன்றைய தொழில் நுட்ப வளர்ச்சியினாலும்
திரைப்பட மோகத்தினாலும் தொன்மையான
இக்கலை அழிவின் விளிம்பில் உள்ளது.
இதனை மீட்டுருவாக்கம் செய்து பாதுகாக்கும்
இந்தப் பொழுதுபோக்கு காலப் போக்கில் நோக்கத்தோடும் இந்த நாட்டுப்புறக்
வளர்ச்சி அடைந்து சமுதாய சீர்திருத்தக் கலையை அனைவரும் அறிந்து கொள்ளும்
கருத்துகளைப் பரப்புவதற்காகவும் பயன் நோக்கத்தோடும் நமது வேலூர் சர்வதேசப்
படுத்தப்பட்டது. இது பெரும்பாலும் பள்ளியில், ‘திருக்குறளின் பெருமை’ என்ற
இறைவனை வணங்கி விட்டு, தந்தனத்தோம் தலைப்பில் வில்லுப்பாட்டை மாணவர்கள் 16-
என்ற பாடலைத் தலைவர் பாட, அக்குழுவில் 10-2023 அன்று இரவில் நடைபெற்ற
இருப்போர் ஆமாம் என்ற இணை ஒலியை விழாவில் அழகுறப் பாடி அனைவரின்
எழுப்பிப் பாடத் தொடங்குவர். பாராட்டையும் பெற்றனர்.

Tamil Department, VIS.

मातादीन चाँद पर

‘ “इंस्पेक्टर मातादीन चाँद पर” श्री हरिशंकर परसाई द्वारा

लिखी एक प्रसिद्ध कहानी है। इस कहानी के माध्यम से
लेखक ने शासनतंत्र के प्रतिनिधियों के चरित्र को प्रदर्शित
किया है। इन सत्ताधारियों के कारनामों से मानवतावादी
संस्कृ ति नष्ट हो रही है। समाज और राष्ट्र में नैतिक मूल्यों का
अनवरत पतन हो रहा है। इस कहानी में परसाई जी का
व्यंग्य प्रहार विशेष रूप से पुलिस व्यवस्था पर रहा है।
हमारे यहां एक उक्ति प्रसिद्ध है कि भले ही सौ अपराधी छू ट
जाए लेकिन एक निरापराधी को सजा नहीं होनी चाहिए।
लेकिन इसके विपरीत पुलिस असली अपराधी को पकड़ने
की मशक्कत से बचने के लिए निरापराधी के सर दोषारोपण
कर देती है। फलस्वरूप सामाजिक अव्यवस्थाओं का
पनपना स्वाभाविक है। परसाई जी ने व्यंग्य का सहारा लेते
हुए एक जटिल विषय को समाज के सामने रखने का प्रयास
किया है।
वेल्लोर इंटरनैशनल स्कू ल की कक्षा 6 से 9 तक विद्यार्थियों
ने थिएटर नाइट के दौरान इस कहानी को नाटक के रूप में
प्रस्तुत किया, जिसे दर्शकों ने खूब सराहा। नाटक दर्शकों का
मनोरंजन करने में तो सफल हुआ ही, साथ ही साथ इसने
दर्शकों को भ्रष्टाचार जैसे विषयपर सोचने के लिए मजबूर भी
Hindi Department, VIS.






One of our colleagues, an English teacher, enjoys going for walks every day, capturing the beauties of nature
in her camera, and shares the pictures in the school's nature group. Here are a few pictures of flora and
fauna in and around VIS.
Darshana, Art Department, VIS.


‘On August 13th, 2023, students from VIS went to In order to win a match in chess, you need to
Savitri Ammal Oriental Higher Secondary School move a perfect piece. Just like that, VIS has
to participate in the 5th RCA State-Level, moved its first step. That move was the start of
Children’s Open Chess Tournament. The the game. VIS is now thinking about its second
participating students, accompanied by our chess move. So wait for it!
teacher, entered the host school at 9.30 a.m. and Krishna (9C) & Nikhil (9C)
came out at 4.00 p.m.

The tournament consisted of 6 rounds. The player

who won all 6 rounds would win the tournament.
All of our students played in the under-15
category. Although encouraged by our chess
teacher, our students faced a bit of difficulty
playing against chess academy players. Our
students also received tips from the players who
won in order to help them improve their game.
All of the matches played by everyone were so A PROPER GROUND
compelling that parents stood near the door and
stared at the matches. The students themselves
were excited and keenly engaged in every single Since I was seven years old, I had a wish to play
match they played. They were deeply involved in football on a regular football ground. I thought I
chess for all the six and a half hours they stayed would be able to play a proper football game only
there. During their free time, they watched on a big ground. However, I wasn’t able to find a
videos of professional players to improve their good football ground for the next five years, till I
win rate. turned twelve. At that point, when I was in sixth
grade, I joined a boarding school named VIS,
Our students learn chess as a hobby in school. which offered a big ground, where both cricket
They never expected they would have a chance and football could be played. I felt happy that at
to explore chess as a competitive sport. And last I would be able to play on a standard football
that's why this chess tournament was a welcome ground. From then onwards, I have been able to
experience! Our students received certificates play extraordinary games on the new ground!
and were registered for Tamil Nadu State Chess
Association (TNSCA). They have planned to Parvesh (6)
attend many more tournaments to increase their
state ratings. All of the students aim to get FIDE
(International Chess Federation) ratings.


The teachers of Vellore International School

work hard to give us a well-rounded and
meaningful education. Naturally, when the
students of VIS had the opportunity of expressing
their gratitude to their teachers on the special
day of September 5th, 2023, they took it up with

Teachers' Day is celebrated all over India in

honour of India’s ex-President, Dr. S.
Radhakrishnan, who was one of the best teachers
of his time. His students were very fond of him,
but when they wished to celebrate his birthday
on September 5th, 1952, he insisted that the day
be celebrated as Teachers' Day instead.

The grade 9 students took charge of planning the

event in collaboration with our Dean. The
students prepared a lively and humorous
assembly consisting of a play which imitated our
teachers (after having taken due permission from
everyone concerned!), followed by a quiz about In addition to the morning programme, we also
our school. organized other things. The art students made
beautiful decorations, like banners and charts
A few students of grade 9 then decided to take around the school. They also drew amazing
the saying "the student becomes the teacher” portraits of all the teachers to gift to them
quite seriously, and taught selected topics to individually. The sports event in the evening was
students of grades 5-9. They also taught the a fierce volleyball match between the teachers
teachers! The topics included mental math, the and students followed by fun activities like tug of
nature of atoms, balancing equations, the periodic war, hopscotch, skipping and cycling. It all ended
table, game theory, wormholes, and the worship with a wonderful cake cutting ceremony for
of god. These classes, which included a quiz, took teachers, which was quickly followed by the
place between 9.30 and 10.15 a.m. Since grade 9 devouring of the cake!
students were coordinating the event, we had the The students of VIS love their teachers
special privilege of wearing traditional wear wholeheartedly. They will remain in our hearts
during the day. and memories in the years to come.

Rochana (9C)


‘Dhyan Chand, a former Indian Hockey team The upcoming week, however, was a task cut out
captain, revolutionized hockey in India. At a for the P.E. students as our P.E. teacher had an
young age, Dhyan Sharma joined the Indian injury.
Army. Every night, he used to practice hockey
with a stick under the moon. That’s how he got The next day arrived with great excitement
his nickname Dhyan ‘Chand’, from the Hindi about the next event - Volleyball! It was the first
‘Chaand’, meaning ‘moon.' He carried India to 3 inter-house team event. It went really well, and
consecutive gold medals in the Olympics in in between, for fun, even our Principal and Dean
1928,1932 and 1936. His most viewed final match had a go at it!
was in the 1936 Berlin Olympics, where they beat The following day, our Chemistry teacher who
Germany 7-2. Adolf Hitler himself offered Dhyan plays a lot of badminton and knows all the rules,
Chand a position in the German Army and to play was the referee for the event. Next up was
for the German hockey team. Dhyan Chand, a football, which took two days to complete but was
simple and honorable man, said no to Hitler. This really fun. One player somehow scored two half-
shows Dhyan Chand’s loyalty towards India. court goals and brought victory to his house. In
competitive events like these, it's really nice to
see students bring out their best in the true spirit
of sportsmanship.

Every year on the 29th of August, we celebrate

National Sports Day in India. Vellore Cricket was initially a let down for the finalists -
International School planned a week full of inter- the Voyagers and Pioneers - because it rained
house sports competitions starting from the 23rd heavily for two days. When the match finally
of August. The houses were divided into 4 teams: happened, both teams were really happy to play.
Innovators (orange), Voyagers (blue), Explorers Winning was not their main motive; they just
(red) and Pioneers (green). The Students of VIS wanted to play!
were really excited for this much awaited event By the time the sports-week came to an end, we
as this was our first inter-house competition this had all had a great time. Many students learnt a
year. lot during the events, but above all the Sports
It was all kick-started on the 23rd of August by a Week taught us that one of the best kinds of
running event in which the Voyagers prevailed. enjoyment you can have in school is healthy
There was a really healthy competition during competition.
that event and all the participants and observers Akhil (9A) & Ardith (9B)
were enthusiastic.




Now that I am in a hostel, I know that I need to Ever since I have come to VIS, I miss my bicycle.
learn to start adjusting. Every day when I got home from school, I would
ride my bicycle with my older brother Sharma. We
I have had such tough luck for the past week. would have a race. Usually, Sharma would win,
When I played football last week, I lost every but once or twice I beat him.
match except one, which went down to penalties.
I cried, "Why only me, why?” My father would always go out for a walk at 5.30
in the morning and he would come back at 6.30. I
Then I felt that it was my fault that my team lost. would also often go with him on my bike. At times,
And so I punished myself that day. I ran for 30 my mother would tell me to go and buy some items
minutes straight, outside in the free space area. that she needed. I would take my bicycle, go to the
All my friends were staring at me and thought shop and buy whatever she had asked for. Again
that I had lost my mind. after dinner, I would ride my bicycle.

After that, I lost still more matches. On the phone On my first Sunday at VIS, I went home because I
call the other day, when I told my father about was feeling homesick. When I thought I would
this, he said, "It's all part of life. Don’t worry." have to go to school again, I felt upset. Sharma
After hearing these words, I felt more calm after suggested that we ride our bicycles. Then I felt
losing matches. However, I remain hungry for much better.
more goals.
Since I came to VIS, nobody has touched my bike.
Often, people pull me down and criticize me. But I It is still lying there just the way I left it. I like my
just keep quiet and play the next match. I always bike very much, and miss it a lot.
try to improve my skills and continue to love the
game, despite the setbacks.
Kameshwaran (5)

Adrian (6)


Earlier, I had stage fear, but this term I got rid of I got inspired by him, and came close to defeating
it. I had two experiences that helped me: first, my my stage fear. That day, I was one of only four
catwalk trophy, and next, the play on Theatre members who got collar mics.
Nite at VIS. I’ll tell you about the play. It was
called ‘Brighter Still’, and was based on a Jataka Soon, the 14th came, and I wore kurta pajamas
tale. and a waistcoat. The Art teacher painted a
moustache on my face, and the director placed a
First, the director of our play asked me if I would crown on my head. Finally, the big day came, and I
like to be the King in the play. I said, “Yes, m’am,” hoped that it would not rain. We waited
and I added, “When is the play gonna happen?” until 4:15 p.m. in our dorms. Then the director
gave us our costumes. The 6th graders got ready
She said, “16th September, and we’re starting the first, and at 4:30 p.m., we 5th graders got ready.
practice on 30th August.”
Suddenly, there was bad news. It was raining, and
I said, “Okay, ma'am,” and went back to my den. the venue had to be changed! I was super scared,
but unexpectedly, I did the play well. By the end
After a few days of writing exams and waiting, of the play, I realized I had got rid of my stage
the practice began. At first, I struggled to learn my fear.
lines, but slowly, I picked up my dialogues. The co-
director said, “On 12th September is the full audio At the end, after the play, I got picked up by my
rehearsal, and on 14th is the full dress and audio parents.
Aadithya Reddy (5)
Ma’am said, “By 8th September, you have to learn
your lines.” I felt scared that I would not be ready
on time. At the end of the practice session that
day, Ma’am said, “Whoever wants to practise and
learn their lines, come and take your script,” and
many children came forward, including me.

After dinner, when I took my script and practised

it while I was walking, I was surprised to find that
I already knew my lines, and this gave me
courage to fight my stage fear.

The days went by until the 12th arrived. That day,

the co-director was saying, “Come on, you can
defeat your stage fear!”

The next day, it was very interesting - for me, at
least - how the atmosphere and surroundings
changed almost as soon as I stepped out of the
school. It was a sudden feeling - something
between surprise and confusion, and the feeling
stayed with me throughout the journey. No
longer was the grass completely green and
always trimmed. No longer did everything seem
brand new. Unlike the school, which I had grown
accustomed to, there wasn’t an army of people
cleaning up the forest. Nor did anybody care
Recently, our Principal initiated the Community
Service effort by grades 8 and 9 in the forested
vicinity of the school. The semester was drawing
to a close and it was a good time for our students
to have a taste of what it means to take initiative
on behalf of the larger public good.

However, if the disappointingly large amount of

It is an urgent part of education in our times for
wrappers, plastic cups, and the occasional skull of
young people to understand what it means to step
a long dead animal, are not considered, I would
out of our bubbles of privilege and to make an
say the overall experience was a positive one. It
effort to do the right kind of work - work that the
was fun finding random wrappers and glass
earth needs us to do. This was a small step in that
pieces, and trying to connect the pieces as though
direction by our 8th and 9th graders.
we were detectives trying to imagine who and
Accompanied by teachers and the necessary what could make such a mess. The walks from
equipment - sacks, gloves, brooms and shovels - and to the school were very scenic, and would
the students walked along the forest road, have been utterly relaxing, had it not been for
picking up plastic and other waste material. What the 80 or so loud and excited kids buzzing along.
follows is an anecdotal narrative of what took
place - from the child’s point of view. I think, by the end of it all, when we had all gotten
back to school and were happily sipping at our
The first community service trip of VIS in its mango juice packs, the prevailing thought in
second academic year 2023-24 took place on everyone’s mind was quite different from the one
October 13th. The previous day, after dinner, an on the previous night: “I am glad I did this.” That
orientation for the trip was held and the thought is, of course, if they weren’t still mad at being
uppermost in the students’ minds was: “But what woken up at 5:00 a.m.!
exactly is the purpose of this?”
Madhumitha (8A)





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