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Test Case: HVGOP_ALLOC_Perform CA_Simulation_demand

In this case, we are performing the CA for item having allocation rules with assignments at Item, Item-Org level having
allocation percentage for each node, stealing protection of 100% & less than 100% with Node Rank. GOP should honor
the Allocation assignment hierarchy, allocation percentage, rank, stealing protection while promising the results and
verify review supply allocation report from CA.

Data Used:
Org: M1, M2 @100 onhand each
ATP rule: Item Level
Allocation Rule: HVGOP_Allocation_1 @ Item-Org level (Without Stealing) @M1

Allocation Rule: HVGOP_Allocation_2 @ Item (With Stealing)

Review Allocation Report:


1. Navigate to OM > GOP > Open > Review Allocation Report > Enter below details > Click on Apply

Organization: M2


Start Date: Start of the week (Monday)

Number of buckets: 3
Allocation Nodes: BLM-South-High Priority

2. Select Configure Allocation Rules > Add measure “Allocation from stealing” > OK

3. Verify Allocated supplies for measure BLM-Online

Allocated supply: 15, Available supply: 15, consumed supply: 0, Cumulative available supply: 15,
Total weekly supply: 100, Allocation from Stealing: 0 > Click on Done.


Step 1: Create Simulation Demand with below details

Step 2: Select MOPD > Perform CA

Step 3: Verify Status “Ontime” > Actions > View Availability details > Check no of pegging lines as ‘6’. Check Qty of 20 for
allocation node BLM-Online, 15 for allocation node BLM-Rest, 5 for allocation node ALL.

Step 4: Create Simulation Demand with below details

Step 5: Select MOPD > Perform CA

Step 6: Verify Status “Ontime” > Actions > View Availability details > Check no of pegging lines as ‘8’.

Step7: Verify icon for Allocation details in line 6 & icon of allocation line for redeployment in line 7.
Step8: Check Qty of 12 for allocation node BLM-South-High Priority, 23 for allocation node BLM-South, 10 for allocation
node ALL,
7 for allocation node BLM-Low Priority, 3 for allocation node BLM-SouthEast.

Step9: Select Line 7 > Actions > Review Allocation report > User able to see allocation report for node BLM-Low priority.
Test Case: HVGOP_ALLOC_Perform_CA_Schedule_Verify Pegging

In this case, we are performing the CA & schedule for item having allocation rules with assignments at Item, Item-Org
level having allocation percentage for each node, stealing protection of 100% & less than 100% with Node Rank. GOP
should honor the Allocation assignment hierarchy, allocation percentage, rank, stealing protection while promising the
results and verify consumption.

Data Used:
Org: M1, M2 @100 onhand each
ATP rule: Item Level
Allocation Rule: HVGOP_Allocation_1 @ Item-Org level (Without Stealing) & HVGOP_Allocation_2 @ Item (With
Customer: Computer Service and Rentals (1006)
Customer Site: 1156 River Street ATLANTA, GA 30010 (1220)
Ship from Org: M1
Requested date: System Date (Working day)
Promising Type: Arrival
No of lines in SO: 3
Requested Qty in input: FL 1,2 & 3: 38, 32 & 5
Allocation Nodes in Input: FL 1, 2 & 3: (BLM-Online, BLM-Rest, ALL), (BLM-South, ALL) & (ALL)

1. Create SO with the above data and Navigate to OM > Search for Order > Verify Status as “Manual Scheduling
Required” for all lines

2. Select all lines > Actions > Check Availability > Verify Status as “ontime” for all lines

3. Select line 2-1 > Actions > View Availability details > Verify pegging lines as 8 > Verify RI-HV-ANALOG-MS2
quantity 2 Each consumed from allocation node BLM-South at M6 in 8th line > Done
4. Select all lines > Actions > Schedule > Verify Status as “Manual Reservation required” for all lines

5. Select Line 1-1 and verify Scheduled Ship & Arrival dates as requested dates

6. Select Line 1-1 > Perform CA > Status “ontime” > Actions > Review Supply availability > Verify Consumption as
“65” > Done
7. Select all lines > Actions > Unschedule > Verify status “Manual Scheduling Process”.

Test Case: HVGOP_Create_ Allocation Rules

Flow: In this flow we are trying to create Allocation rules (Specification: Percentage) with Allocation Nodes and assign
to the same to the items.

Execution Steps:
1. Login: gop_auto_user1/Welcome1
2. Navigate to ATK home page > OM > Global Order Promising > Tasks > Order Promising Rules > Manage Supply
Allocation Rules.

3. Search for Allocation Rule: HVGOP_ALLOC_PER > Search

4. Delete allocation rule if exists and recreate the allocation rule.

5. Click on + /Actions > Create

6. Enter Allocation Rule Name, Description > Start date > Allocation Nodes with percentage, Node Rank, Stealing
Protection > Save

Allocation Rule name: HVGOP_ALLOC_PER

Allocation Rule Description: HVGOP_ALLOC_PER
Specfication Type: Percentage
Allocation Targets: Start date i.e Monday (current week)

Allocation Nodes: Percentage Node Rank Stealing Protection

ALL 10
BLM-Rest 15.5 1 100
BLM-High Priority 40 2 25.5
BLM-Low Priority 19.25 Blank (Remove 0) Blank (Remove 0)
BLM-Online 15.25 4 0

7. Date Range to Consider Shipping History > Enter Date (System date – 10 Days) = 14th March 2022 > Save
8. Allocation Assignments > Add > Assignment basis as Item-Org > Enter Org: D1, Item: RI-HV-ANALOG-MS2 > Save
and Close.

Expected result:
Rule should get created and assigned without any error

Automation checkpoints:
1. Search for the existing Allocation rules, if yes, delete the existing and recreate the allocation rule
2. If ATP rules are not creating – fail the test case
Test Case: HVGOP_Verify_Supply_Alloc_Report_Shipment History

Flow: In this flow we are verifying the allocation report to check whether the shipped sales order demand is
considering or not and shipment history to be considered in allocation report is controlled by updating the date range
for shipment history tab of allocation rule.

We are uploading SO with L1, L1+L2, L1+L2+L3 nodes in CSV & verifying the allocation report whether the inheritance is
considering or not for shipped SO.

Data Used: CSV upload for allocation rules for percentage and for Number based targets will be uploaded via rest
services and it is included in Prereq script of allocation rules for CSV based flows.


ATP Rule: Item Level

Allocation rule: Item-Org Level & Item level for Number based
Start date: Weekly bucket start date

Percentage based:

Specification Type: Percentage

Upload SO Qty: 600

1. Login: gop_auto_user1/Welcome1
2. Navigate to OM > GOP > Open > Search for Review Supply Allocation > Ok
3. Verify allocation report for allocation nodes  ALL, BLM-Rest, BLM-South, BLM-South-High Priority with
request date as system date, number of buckets as 2

Item Organization BLM-CustParentGrp BLM-CustGrp Measure 4/17/2023 4/24/2023
0.5HP GOP:GOPE12 ALL Allocated supply 149 0

Available supply 149 0

Consumed supply 0 0

Cumulative available supply 149 149

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 1,000 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 851 0

Gross consumed supply 0 0

Gross available supply 1,000 0

Gross cumulative supply 1,000 1,000

Allocation from stealing 0 0

Gross allocation from stealing 0 0

Supply allocated for stealing 0 0

Manual allocation 0 0

Total supply 1,600 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 11 11

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 600 600

0.5HP GOP:GOPE12 ALL BLM-Rest Allocated supply 83 0

Available supply 83 0

Consumed supply 0 0

Cumulative available supply 83 83

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 691 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 608 0

Gross consumed supply 0 0

Gross available supply 691 0

Gross cumulative supply 691 691

Allocation from stealing 0 0

Gross allocation from stealing 0 0

Supply allocated for stealing 0 0

Manual allocation 0 0

Total supply 1,600 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 37 37

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 37 37

0.5HP GOP:GOPE12 ALL BLM-South Allocated supply 0 0

Available supply 0 0

Consumed supply 0 0

Cumulative available supply 0 0

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 160 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 160 0

Gross consumed supply 0 0

Gross available supply 160 0

Gross cumulative supply 160 160

Allocation from stealing 0 0

Gross allocation from stealing 0 0

Supply allocated for stealing 0 0

Manual allocation 0 0

Total supply 1,600 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 360 360

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 552 552

0.5HP GOP:GOPE12 ALL BLM-South BLM-South-High Priority Allocated supply 0 0

Available supply 0 0

Consumed supply 0 0

Cumulative available supply 0 0

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 0 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 0 0

Gross consumed supply 0 0

Gross available supply 0 0

Gross cumulative supply 0 0

Allocation from stealing 0 0

Gross allocation from stealing 0 0

Supply allocated for stealing 0 0

Manual allocation 0 0

Total supply 1,600 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 192 192

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 192 192

Test Case: HVGOP_EXT_Number_based_Verify_Supply_Alloc_Report_Shipment_History

Start Date should be Monday of the current week.
Allocation Nodes:

-----BLM-High Priority
-----BLM-Low Priority

1. Verify the Results and validate the values highlighted. If the validations are passed end the script with pass else go to step 2.

BLM-All BLM-CustGrp Measure 10/31/2022 11/7/2022
ALL Allocated supply 153 0
Available supply 153 0
Consumed supply 0 0
Cumulative available supply 153 0
Total weekly supply 1,000 0
ALL BLM-North Allocated supply 150 0
Available supply 150 0
Consumed supply 0 0
Cumulative available supply 150 0
Total weekly supply 1,000 0
ALL BLM-North BLM-North-High Priority Allocated supply 75 0
Available supply 75 0
Consumed supply 0 0
Cumulative available supply 75 0
Total weekly supply 1,000 0
ALL BLM-North BLM-NorthEast Allocated supply 60 0
Available supply 60 0
Consumed supply 0 0
Cumulative available supply 60 0
Total weekly supply 1,000 0
ALL BLM-North BLM-NorthWest Allocated supply 0 0
Available supply 0 0
Consumed supply 0 0
Cumulative available supply 0 0
Total weekly supply 1,000 0
ALL BLM-Rest Allocated supply 110 0
Available supply 110 0
Consumed supply 0 0
Cumulative available supply 110 0
Total weekly supply 1,000 0
ALL BLM-Rest BLM-High Priority Allocated supply 100 0
Available supply 100 0
Consumed supply 0 0
Cumulative available supply 100 0
Total weekly supply 1,000 0
ALL BLM-Rest BLM-Low Priority Allocated supply 100 0
Available supply 100 0
Consumed supply 0 0
Cumulative available supply 100 100
Total weekly supply 1,000 0
ALL BLM-Rest BLM-Online Allocated supply 100 0
Available supply 100 0
Consumed supply 0 0
Cumulative available supply 100 100
Total weekly supply 1,000 0
Allocated supply 153 0
Available supply 153 0
Consumed supply 0 0
Cumulative available supply 153 0
Total weekly supply 1,000 0

2. Data validation
i. If Allocated supply=1000 for “ALL” and 0 for other nodes, then go to Step3.

ii. If Allocated supply <> expected or if consumed>0, fail the script. The supply/demand picture needs to
be verified.

3. Upload Allocation targets data for the current week for Item: ALR-HV-NUM-0.5HP

Date needs to be updated as Monday of the current week

"BmRunId": -1,
"InventoryItemId": null,
"OrganizationId": null,
"AttributeId": null,
"AttributeValueId": null,
"Level1AttributeValueId": null,
"Level2AttributeValueId": null,
"Level3AttributeValueId": null,
"AllocationDate": "2022-06-13",
"AllocUserDef": 100,
"Level1AttributeName": "BLM-All",
"Level2AttributeName": "BLM-CustParentGrp",
"Level3AttributeName": "BLM-CustGrp",
"Level1AttributeValName": "ALL",
"Level2AttributeValName": null,
"Level3AttributeValName": null,
"InventoryItemName": "ALR-HV-NUM-0.5HP",
"OrganizationName": "Costrica Warehouse-GOP",
"OrganizationCode": "GOP:GOPE12",
"UpdateAsync": null,
"ESSJobId": null,
"Message": null,
"UpdateMode": null}

"BmRunId": -1,
"InventoryItemId": null,
"OrganizationId": null,
"AttributeId": null,
"AttributeValueId": null,
"Level1AttributeValueId": null,
"Level2AttributeValueId": null,
"Level3AttributeValueId": null,
"AllocationDate": "2022-06-13",
"AllocUserDef": 110,
"Level1AttributeName": "BLM-All",
"Level2AttributeName": "BLM-CustParentGrp",
"Level3AttributeName": "BLM-CustGrp",
"Level1AttributeValName": "ALL",
"Level2AttributeValName": "BLM-Rest",
"Level3AttributeValName": null,
"InventoryItemName": "ALR-HV-NUM-0.5HP",
"OrganizationName": "Costrica Warehouse-GOP",
"OrganizationCode": "GOP:GOPE12",
"UpdateAsync": null,
"ESSJobId": null,
"Message": null,
"UpdateMode": null}


"BmRunId": -1,
"InventoryItemId": null,
"OrganizationId": null,
"AttributeId": null,
"AttributeValueId": null,
"Level1AttributeValueId": null,
"Level2AttributeValueId": null,
"Level3AttributeValueId": null,
"AllocationDate": "2022-06-13",
"AllocUserDef": 100,
"Level1AttributeName": "BLM-All",
"Level2AttributeName": "BLM-CustParentGrp",
"Level3AttributeName": "BLM-CustGrp",
"Level1AttributeValName": "ALL",
"Level2AttributeValName": "BLM-Rest",
"Level3AttributeValName": "BLM-High Priority",
"InventoryItemName": "ALR-HV-NUM-0.5HP",
"OrganizationName": "Costrica Warehouse-GOP",
"OrganizationCode": "GOP:GOPE12",
"UpdateAsync": null,
"ESSJobId": null,
"Message": null,
"UpdateMode": null}


"BmRunId": -1,
"InventoryItemId": null,
"OrganizationId": null,
"AttributeId": null,
"AttributeValueId": null,
"Level1AttributeValueId": null,
"Level2AttributeValueId": null,
"Level3AttributeValueId": null,
"AllocationDate": "2022-06-13",
"AllocUserDef": 100,
"Level1AttributeName": "BLM-All",
"Level2AttributeName": "BLM-CustParentGrp",
"Level3AttributeName": "BLM-CustGrp",
"Level1AttributeValName": "ALL",
"Level2AttributeValName": "BLM-Rest",
"Level3AttributeValName": "BLM- Low Priority",
"InventoryItemName": "ALR-HV-NUM-0.5HP",
"OrganizationName": "Costrica Warehouse-GOP",
"OrganizationCode": "GOP:GOPE12",
"UpdateAsync": null,
"ESSJobId": null,
"Message": null,
"UpdateMode": null}


"BmRunId": -1,
"InventoryItemId": null,
"OrganizationId": null,
"AttributeId": null,
"AttributeValueId": null,
"Level1AttributeValueId": null,
"Level2AttributeValueId": null,
"Level3AttributeValueId": null,
"AllocationDate": "2022-06-13",
"AllocUserDef": 100,
"Level1AttributeName": "BLM-All",
"Level2AttributeName": "BLM-CustParentGrp",
"Level3AttributeName": "BLM-CustGrp",
"Level1AttributeValName": "ALL",
"Level2AttributeValName": "BLM-Rest",
"Level3AttributeValName": "BLM-Online",
"InventoryItemName": "ALR-HV-NUM-0.5HP",
"OrganizationName": "Costrica Warehouse-GOP",
"OrganizationCode": "GOP:GOPE12",
"UpdateAsync": null,
"ESSJobId": null,
"Message": null,
"UpdateMode": null}


"BmRunId": -1,
"InventoryItemId": null,
"OrganizationId": null,
"AttributeId": null,
"AttributeValueId": null,
"Level1AttributeValueId": null,
"Level2AttributeValueId": null,
"Level3AttributeValueId": null,
"AllocationDate": "2022-06-13",
"AllocUserDef": 150,
"Level1AttributeName": "BLM-All",
"Level2AttributeName": "BLM-CustParentGrp",
"Level3AttributeName": "BLM-CustGrp",
"Level1AttributeValName": "ALL",
"Level2AttributeValName": "BLM-North",
"Level3AttributeValName": null,
"InventoryItemName": "ALR-HV-NUM-0.5HP",
"OrganizationName": "Costrica Warehouse-GOP",
"OrganizationCode": "GOP:GOPE12",
"UpdateAsync": null,
"ESSJobId": null,
"Message": null,
"UpdateMode": null}


"BmRunId": -1,
"InventoryItemId": null,
"OrganizationId": null,
"AttributeId": null,
"AttributeValueId": null,
"Level1AttributeValueId": null,
"Level2AttributeValueId": null,
"Level3AttributeValueId": null,
"AllocationDate": "2022-06-13",
"AllocUserDef": 75,
"Level1AttributeName": "BLM-All",
"Level2AttributeName": "BLM-CustParentGrp",
"Level3AttributeName": "BLM-CustGrp",
"Level1AttributeValName": "ALL",
"Level2AttributeValName": "BLM-North",
"Level3AttributeValName": "BLM-North-HighPriority",
"InventoryItemName": "ALR-HV-NUM-0.5HP",
"OrganizationName": "Costrica Warehouse-GOP",
"OrganizationCode": "GOP:GOPE12",
"UpdateAsync": null,
"ESSJobId": null,
"Message": null,
"UpdateMode": null}


"BmRunId": -1,
"InventoryItemId": null,
"OrganizationId": null,
"AttributeId": null,
"AttributeValueId": null,
"Level1AttributeValueId": null,
"Level2AttributeValueId": null,
"Level3AttributeValueId": null,
"AllocationDate": "2022-06-13",
"AllocUserDef": 60,
"Level1AttributeName": "BLM-All",
"Level2AttributeName": "BLM-CustParentGrp",
"Level3AttributeName": "BLM-CustGrp",
"Level1AttributeValName": "ALL",
"Level2AttributeValName": "BLM-North",
"Level3AttributeValName": "BLM-NorthEast",
"InventoryItemName": "ALR-HV-NUM-0.5HP",
"OrganizationName": "Costrica Warehouse-GOP",
"OrganizationCode": "GOP:GOPE12",
"UpdateAsync": null,
"ESSJobId": null,
"Message": null,
"UpdateMode": null}


"BmRunId": -1,
"InventoryItemId": null,
"OrganizationId": null,
"AttributeId": null,
"AttributeValueId": null,
"Level1AttributeValueId": null,
"Level2AttributeValueId": null,
"Level3AttributeValueId": null,
"AllocationDate": "2022-06-13",
"AllocUserDef": 100,
"Level1AttributeName": "BLM-All",
"Level2AttributeName": "BLM-CustParentGrp",
"Level3AttributeName": "BLM-CustGrp",
"Level1AttributeValName": "ALL-Regions",
"Level2AttributeValName": null,
"Level3AttributeValName": null,
"InventoryItemName": "ALR-HV-NUM-0.5HP",
"OrganizationName": "Costrica Warehouse-GOP",
"OrganizationCode": "GOP:GOPE12",
"UpdateAsync": null,
"ESSJobId": null,
"Message": null,
"UpdateMode": null}

4. Repeat the step 1 to ensure that values are correct.

5. Upload the salesorder.csv file to add the shipped sales order history.
6. Navigate to OM > GOP > Open > Review Supply Allocation > Provide below input

Select below nodes & System Date: Allocation Start date, Number of Buckets: 2






-----BLM-High Priority

-----BLM-Low Priority



Please validate the below for all nodes.

BLM-All BLM-CustParentGrp BLM-CustGrp Measure 6/27/2022 7/4/2022

ALL Allocated supply 0 0

Available supply 0 0

Consumed supply 0 0

Cumulative available supply 0 0

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 485 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 485 0

Gross consumed supply 26 0

Gross available supply 459 0

Gross cumulative supply 459 459

Allocation from stealing 0 0

Gross allocation from stealing 0 0

Supply allocated for stealing 0 0

Manual allocation 0 0

Total supply 1,751 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 528 528

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 738 738

ALL BLM-North Allocated supply 150 0

Available supply 150 0

Consumed supply 0 0

Cumulative available supply 150 150

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 285 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 135 0

Gross consumed supply 0 0

Gross available supply 285 0

Gross cumulative supply 285 285

Allocation from stealing 0 0

Gross allocation from stealing 0 0

Supply allocated for stealing 0 0

Manual allocation 150 0

Total supply 1,751 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 0 0

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 0 0

ALL BLM-North BLM-North-High Priority Allocated supply 75 0

Available supply 75 0

Consumed supply 0 0

Cumulative available supply 75 75

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 75 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 0 0

Gross consumed supply 0 0

Gross available supply 75 0

Gross cumulative supply 75 75

Allocation from stealing 0 0

Gross allocation from stealing 0 0

Supply allocated for stealing 0 0

Manual allocation 75 0

Total supply 1,751 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 0 0

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 0 0

ALL BLM-North BLM-NorthEast Allocated supply 60 0

Available supply 60 0

Consumed supply 0 0

Cumulative available supply 60 60

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 60 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 0 0

Gross consumed supply 0 0

Gross available supply 60 0

Gross cumulative supply 60 60

Allocation from stealing 0 0

Gross allocation from stealing 0 0

Supply allocated for stealing 50 0

Manual allocation 60 0

Total supply 1,751 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 0 0

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 0 0

ALL BLM-North BLM-NorthWest Allocated supply 0 0

Available supply 0 0

Consumed supply 0 0

Cumulative available supply 0 0

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 0 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 0 0

Gross consumed supply 0 0

Gross available supply 0 0

Gross cumulative supply 0 0

Allocation from stealing 0 0

Gross allocation from stealing 0 0

Supply allocated for stealing 0 0

Manual allocation 0 0

Total supply 1,751 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 0 0

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 0 0

ALL BLM-Rest Allocated supply 0 0

Available supply 0 0

Consumed supply 0 0

Cumulative available supply 0 0

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 200 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 200 0

Gross consumed supply 26 0

Gross available supply 174 0

Gross cumulative supply 174 174

Allocation from stealing 0 0

Gross allocation from stealing 0 0

Supply allocated for stealing 0 0

Manual allocation 110 0

Total supply 1,751 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 110 110

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 210 210

ALL BLM-Rest BLM-High Priority Allocated supply 0 0

Available supply 0 0

Consumed supply 0 0
Cumulative available supply 0 0

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 0 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 0 0

Gross consumed supply 0 0

Gross available supply 0 0

Gross cumulative supply 0 0

Allocation from stealing 26 0

Gross allocation from stealing 26 0

Supply allocated for stealing 0 0

Manual allocation 100 0

Total supply 1,751 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 100 100

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 100 100

ALL BLM-Rest BLM-Low Priority Allocated supply 100 0

Available supply 100 0

Consumed supply 0 0

Cumulative available supply 100 100

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 100 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 0 0

Gross consumed supply 0 0

Gross available supply 100 0

Gross cumulative supply 100 100

Allocation from stealing 0 0

Gross allocation from stealing 0 0

Supply allocated for stealing 100 0

Manual allocation 100 0

Total supply 1,751 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 0 0

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 0 0

ALL BLM-Rest BLM-Online Allocated supply 100 0

Available supply 74 0

Consumed supply 26 0

Cumulative available supply 74 74

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 100 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 0 0

Gross consumed supply 26 0

Gross available supply 74 0

Gross cumulative supply 74 74

Allocation from stealing -26 0

Gross allocation from stealing -26 0

Supply allocated for stealing 100 0

Manual allocation 100 0

Total supply 1,751 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 0 0

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 0 0

ALL-Regions Allocated supply 515 0

Available supply 515 0

Consumed supply 0 0

Cumulative available supply 515 515

Total weekly supply 1,000 0

Gross allocated supply 515 0

Supply allocated to child nodes 0 0

Gross consumed supply 0 0

Gross available supply 515 0

Gross cumulative supply 515 515

Allocation from stealing 0 0

Gross allocation from stealing 0 0

Supply allocated for stealing 515 0

Manual allocation 0 0

Total supply 1,751 0

Consumed supply by shipped orders 13 13

Gross consumed supply by shipped orders 13 13

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