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Chapter 7 and provides a protective layer around the


 Endoplasm The inner granular portion of
‘proto- zoa’ - first animals cytoplasm that contains nucleus is called
- grouped as the basal members of endoplasm. The endoplasm shows number
the animal kingdom. of structures:
- single celled organisms that exist - Golgi bodies, endoplasmic
as structurally and functionally reticulum, food vacuoles and
independent individual cells contractile vacuoles.
- different shapes and sizes ranging - Contractile vacuoles serve to
from an Amoeba which can change regulate the osmotic pressure.
its shape to Paramecium with its
fixed shape and complex structure. The Nucleus
- They live in a wide habitat - is usually single but may be double or
including fresh water, marine multiple; some species having as many as
environments and the soil; some 100 nuclei in a single cell.
live in the body of other organisms - contains one or more nucleoli or a central
PARASITIC PROTIST - Their chromatin may be distributed along
Major Characteristics of a Protozoa periphery (peripheral chromatin) or as
- A single cell performs all the functions: condensed mass around the karyosome.
reproduction, digestion, respiration,
- wide range of size (1 - 150 μm), shape and - usually occurs asexually in protozoans;
structure; yet all possess essential common however, sexual reproduction occurs in
features ciliates and sporozoans.
- They do not have cell wall; some however,
possess a flexible layer, a pellicle, or a Asexual Reproduction in Protozoa
rigid shell  Binary fission: method of asexual
- They have the ability to move from one reproduction, by which a single parasite
place to another during their entire life divides either longitudinally or
cycle. transversally into two or more equal
- They are heterotrophic number of parasites.
- They reproduce by asexual means, ~ Mitotic division of nucleus is
although in some groups sexual modes followed by division of the
also occur. cytoplasm. In amebae, division
- completely nonpathogenic but few may occurs along any plane, but in
cause major diseases such as malaria, flagellates, division is along
leishmaniasis and sleeping sickness. longitudinal axis and in ciliates, in
the transverse plane.
STRUCTURE OF A PROTOZOA  Multiple fission or schizogony:
A protozoan cell has a trilaminar unit membrane Plasmodium exhibits schizogony, in which
and a layer of contractile fibrils that enable it to nucleus undergoes several successive
move and alter form. divisions within the schizont to produce
large number of merozoiles.
Its cytoplasm is made of two portions:  Endodyogeny: Some protozoa like
 Ectoplasm: The outside, homogenous Toxoplasma, multiply by internal budding,
organ responsible for motility. Ectoplasm resulting in the formation of two daughter
is the engulfment of food by pseudopodia. cells.
It also aids in respiration, waste disposal,
Sexual Reproduction
 Conjugation: In ciliates, the sexual which possess whip-like flagella (e.g.
process is conjugation, in which two Trypanosoma and Trichomonas).
organisms join together and reciprocally
exchange nuclear material (e.g. Subphylum Sarcodina: Class Lobosea (Amoeba)
Balanlidium coli). Amoeba is a single cell protozoon that constantly
 Gametogony or syngamy: In Sporozoa, changes its shape.
male and female gametocytes are produced, ~ The word “amoeba” is derived
which after fertilization form the zygote, from the Greek word “amoibe”
which gives rise tonumerous sporozoites meaning “change”. They
bysporogony (e.g. Plasmodium). constantly change their shape due
to presence of an organ of
The life cycle of protozoa can be: “pseudopodia”.
 Single host: Protozoa like intestinal
flagellates and ciliates require only one Classification of Amoeba based on Habitat
host, within which they multiply asexually 1. Intestinal amoebae: They live in the large
in trophic stage and transfer from one host intestine of humans and animals.
to another by the cystic form. Entamoeba histolytica is the only
 Second host: In some protozoa like pathogenic species. Others are
Plasmodium, asexual method of nonpathogenic such as— E. dispar, E.
reproduction occurs in one host (man) and moshkovskii, E. coli, E. polecki, E.
sexual method of reproduction in another hartmanni, E. gingivalis, Endolimax nana,
host (mosquito). and Iodamoeba butschlii
2. Free-living amoebae: They are small free
CLASSIFICATION OF PROTOZOANS living and opportunistic pathogens.
Medical important parasitic protozoan has been Examples are Acanthamoeba species,
classified into kingdom Protista, subkingdom Naegleria fowleri, Balamuthia
Protozoa then further divided into the following mandrillaris and Sappinia diploidea
1. Sarcomastigophora Parasitic Amoeba
2. Apicomplexa Entamoeba histolytica
3. Microspora - E. histolytica was first described by Fedor
4. Ciliophora Losch (1875) from Russia.
- It one of the leading parasitic causes of
- includes many unicellular or colonial, - The species name was first coined by Fritz
autotrophic, or heterotrophic organisms. Schaudinn in 1903.
- Organisms under this phylum uses
flagellae, pseudopodia, or both for Morphology
locomotion. - E. histolytica has three stages- (1)
- Phylum Sarcomastigophora has been trophozoite, (2) precystic stage and (3)
subdivided into two subphyla based on cyst stage (immature and mature).
their modes of locomotion:
1. Sarcodina (sarcos meaningflesh or body): Trophozoite
have no permanent locomotory organs, but - invasive form as well as the feeding and
move about with the aid of temporary replicating form of the parasite found in
prolongations of the body called the feces of patients with active disease.
pseudopodia (e.g. amebae). - It measures 12–60 μm (average 15–20 μm)
in diameter. The parasite, as it occurs free
2. Mastigophora (mastix meaning whip or
in the lumen as a commensal is generally
flagellum): It includes those protozoa
smaller in size, about 15-20 μm and has
been called the minuta form
- It is large and actively motile in freshly-  It is the infective form as well as the
passed dysenteric stool, while smaller in diagnostic form of the parasite found in
convalescents and carriers. the feces of carriers as well as patients
- Cytoplasm of trophozoite is divided into a with active disease.
clear ectoplasm and a granular endoplasm.  It measures 10–20 μm (average 12–15 μm)
Granular endoplasm looks as ground in diameter. Nuclear structures are same as
glass appearance and contains red blood in trophozoites.
cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs)  First, the cyst is uninucleated; later the
and food vacuoles containing tissue debris nucleus divides to form binucleated and
and bacteria. RBCs are found only in the finally becomes quadrinucleated cyst.
stage of invasion  Cytoplasm of uninucleated cyst contains
- Pseudopodia: long finger like projections 1–4 numbers refractile bars with rounded
called as pseudopodia (organ of ends called as chromatoid bodies
locomotion); which exhibits active, (aggregation of ribosome) and a large
unidirectional rapid progressive and glycogen mass (stains brown with iodine)
purposeful movement  Both chromatoid body and glycogen mass
- Nucleus is single, spherical, 4–6 μm size, gradually disappear, and they are not
contains central dot like compact found in mature quadrinucleated cyst
karyosome surrounded by a clear halo.  Cysts are present only in the gut lumen;
Nuclear membrane is thin and delicate and they never invade the intestinal wall.
is lined by a layer of fine chromatin
granules. “Minuta” form of Entamoeba histolytica: They
- The space between the karyosome and the are the commensal phase of E. histolytica, living
nuclear membrane is traversed by spoke in the lumen of gut. They are usually smaller in
like radial arrangement of achromatic size (trophozoite 12–14 μm and cyst < 10 μm) and
fibrils (cart wheel appearance). often mistaken as E. hartmanni.
- Amoebic trophozoites are anaerobic
parasites They lack mitochondria, Life Cycle
endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi - Host: E. histolytica completes its life cycle
apparatus. in single host, i.e. man.
- The trophozoites divide by binary fission - Infective form: Mature quadrinucleated
in every 8 hours. cyst is the infective form.
- Trophozoites survive up to 5 hours at
37°C and are killed by drying, heat and Mode of Transmission
chemical sterilization. - Feco-oral route (most common): By
ingestion of contaminated food or water
Precyst (intermediate stage between trophozoite with mature quadrinucleated cysts
and cyst.) - Sexual contact: Rare, either by anogenital
 It is smaller to trophozoite but larger to or orogenital contact. (especially in
cyst (10–20 μm) developed countries among homo sexual
 It is oval with a blunt pseudopodia, Food males)
vacuoles and RBCs disappear. Nuclear - Vector: Very rarely, flies and cock
structures are same as that of trophozoite roaches may mechanically transmit the
 Before encystment, the trophozoite cysts from feces, and contaminate food
extrudes its food vacuoles and becomes and water.
round or oval, about 10-20 μmin size.
This is the precystic stage of the parasite. Note: Trophozoites and immature cysts can be
 It contains a large glycogen vacuole and passed in stool of amoebic patients, but they can’t
two chromatid bars. serve as infective form as they are disintegrated in
 It then secretes a highly retractile cyst wall the environment or by gastric juice when ingested.
around it and becomes cyst.
Development in man (small intestine)
Cystic Stage Man acquires infection by swallowing
food and water contaminated with cysts. As the
cyst wall is resistant to action of gastric juice, the
cysts pass through the stomach undamaged and  Factors that induce cyst formation include
enter the small intestine. food deprivation, overcrowding,
When the cyst reaches cecum or lower desiccation, accumulation of waste
part of the ileum, due to the alkaline medium, products, and cold temperatures
the cyst wall is damaged by trypsin, leading to  Mature quadrinucleated cysts released
excystation in feces can survive in the environment
 Excystation: In small intestine, the cyst and become the infective form. Immature
wall gets lysed by trypsin and a single cysts and trophozoites are sometimes
tetranucleated trophozoite (metacyst) is excreted, but get disintegrated in the
liberated which eventually undergoes a environment.
series of nuclear and cytoplasmic divisions
to produce eight small metacystic Clinical Manifestation of Amoebiasis
 Metacystic trophozoites are carried by  Asymptomatic amoebiasis
the peristalsis to ileocecal region of large - About 90% of infected persons are
intestine and multiply by binary fission, asymptomatic carriers and excrete
and then colonize on the mucosal surfaces cysts in their feces. Now it is
and crypts of the large intestine confirmed that many of these
 After colonization, trophozoites show carriers harbor E. dispar. The
different courses depending on various remaining 10% of people (who are
factors like host susceptibility, age, sex, truly infected by pathogenic E.
nutritional status, host immunity, intestinal histolytica) produces a spectrum of
motility, transit time and intestinal flora diseases varying from intestinal
 Asymptomatic cyst passers: In majority amoebiasis to amoebic liver
of individuals, trophozoites don’t cause abscess.
any lesion, transform into cysts and are  Intestinal amoebiasis
excreted in feces - Incubation period varies from one
 Amoebic dysentery: Trophozoites of E. to four weeks. Intestinal
histolytica secrete proteolytic enzymes that amoebiasis is characterized by four
cause destruction and necrosis of tissue, clinical forms:
and produces flask shaped ulcers on the 1. Amoebic dysentery: Symptoms include
intestinal mucosa. At this stage, large bloody diarrhea with mucus and pus cells,
numbers of trophozoites are liberated colicky abdominal pain, fever, prostration,
along with blood and mucus in stool and weight loss. Amoebic dysentery
producing amoebic dysentery. should be differentiated from bacillary
Trophozoites usually degenerate within dysentery
minutes. 2. Amoebic appendicitis: Presented with
 Amoebic liver abscess: In few cases, acute right lower abdominal pain
erosion and necrosis of small intestine are 3. Amoeboma: It present as palpable
so extensive that the trophozoites gain abdominal mass
entrance into the radicals of portal veins 4. Fulminant colitis: Presents as intense
and are carried away to the liver where colicky pain, rectal tenesmus, more than
they multiply causing amoebic liver 20 motions/day, fever, nausea, anorexia
abscess. and hypotension.

Development in Man (Large intestine)  Amoebic liver abscess

 Encystation: After some days, when the - Presents with tender hepatomegaly,
intestinal lesion starts healing and patient fever with weight loss, sweating
improves, the trophozoites transform into and weakness, rarely jaundice, and
precysts then into quadrinucleated cysts cough.
which are liberated in feces
 Encystation occurs only in the large gut. Diagnosis of Intestinal Amoebiasis
Cysts are never formed once the  Stool microscopy by wet mount,
trophozoites are excreted in stool permanent stains, etc.—detects cysts and
 Stool culture  Flagella are slender, long and thread-like
 Polyxenic and axenic culture extension of cytoplasm.
 Stool antigen detection (copro-antigen)—  Its intracellular portion is called as
Counter Current Immune Electrophoresis axostyle or axoneme.
(CIEP), Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent  Flagella arise from kinetoplast (made up of
Assay (ELISA), Immunochromatographic copies of mitochondrial DNA) which in
TestICT turn consists of:
 Serology - Blepharoplast or basal body or
 Amoebic antigen— Enzyme Linked kinetosome from which flagellum
Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) arises
 Amoeboic antibody—Indirect - Parabasal body, through which it
hemagglutination Test (IHA), Enzyme passes as axostyle
Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
and Indirect fluorescent antibody Test Classification based on habitat
(IFA) 1. Lumen-dwelling flagellates: Flagellates
 Isoenzyme (zymodene) analysis found in the alimentary tract and
 Molecular diagnosis urogenital tract.
- Nested multiplex Polymerase 2. Hemoflagellates: Flagellates found in
Chain Reaction (PCR) and real blood and tissues
time PCR
Table 6.2. List of Lumen-dwelling flagellates
Diagnosis of Amoebic Liver Abscess

Microscopy—detects trophozoites
Stool culture
Antigen detection—ELISA
Antibody detection—IHA, IFA, ELISA, CIEP,
CFT, SAT, CIA, etc
Histopathology—PAS stain
Molecular diagnosis—PCR
Table 6.3. List of Hemoflagellates
 Metronidazole or tinidazole is the drug of
choice for intestinal amoebiasis and
amoebic liver abscess
 Other measures include fluid and
electrolyte replacement and symptomatic
treatment Lumen-dwelling Flagella: Giardia lambia
Giardia lamblia was first observed by A.V.
Prevention Leeuwenhoek in 1681 while examining his own
Preventive measures are as follows: stool. The parasite was named after Dr F. Lambl
 Avoidance of the ingestion of food and of Prague and Prof. A. Giard of Paris in 1859
water contaminated with human feces Giardia can be differentiated to various
 Treatment of asymptomatic persons who species based on the origin of the host.
pass E. histolytica cysts in the stool may  G. lamblia (infects humans and other
help to reduce opportunities for disease mammals)
transmission.  G.muris (infects mice)
 G.agilis (infects amphibians)
Subphylum Mastigophora: Class  G.psittaci (infects birds)
Zoomastigophora (Flagellates)  G. microti (infect voles).
 Flagellates are protozoans that uses It is the most common protozoan pathogen
flagella for locomotion. and is worldwide distributed.
Morphology - Remnants of the flagella and the sucking
disc may

Life Cycle of Giardia lambia

 Host: Giaridia completes its life cycle in
one host.
 Infective form: Mature cyst.
 Mode of transmission: Man acquires
infection by ingestion of food and water
contaminated with mature cysts or rarely
Figure 6.6 A to C. Giardia lambia (schematic by sexual route (mainly in homosexuals).
diagram) (A) Tropozoite front view, (B)  Excystation: Two trophozoites are
Trophozoite Lateral view, (C) Cysts released from each cyst in the duodenum
within 30 minutes of entry
1. Trophozoite  Multiplication: Trophozoites multiply by
- The trophozoite has a falling leaf-like longitudinal binary fission in the
motility, usually measures 10–20 μm in duodenum.
length and 5–15 μm in width.  Adhesion: Trophozoites adhere to the
duodenal mucosa by the bilobed adhesive
 Shape: ventral disc
- In front view, it is pear shaped (or tear - This is achieved by the
drop or tennis racket shaped) with rounded microtubules of median bodies,
anterior end and pointed posterior end contractile proteins and lectins
- Laterally, it appears as a curved portion of present on the surface of adhesive
a spoon (sickle shaped) disc that bind to the intestinal
- It is convex dorsally while the ventral receptors (sugar molecules)
surface has a concavity bearing a bilobed - The trophozoites live in the
adhesive disc. Hence, it appears as sickle duodenum and upper part of
shaped in lateral view jejunum, feeding by pinocytosis
- In active stage of the disease,
 Trophozoite is bilaterally symmetrical; sometimes the trophozoites are
on each side from the midline it bears: excreted in diarrhea stool
- One pair of nuclei  Encystation: Gradually when the
- Pair of median bodies trophozoites pass down to large intestine,
- Four pairs of basal bodies or encystation begins
blepharoplasty (from which the axoneme - Promoting factors for encystation
arises) are the conjugated bile salts,
- Four pairs of flagella—two lateral, one alkaline pH and cholesterol
ventral and one caudal pair of flagella starvation
- Pair of parabasal bodies (connected to - Encystation specific vesicles
basal bodies through which the axoneme (ESV) appear in the cytoplasm that
passes) helps in processing and
transportation of the cyst wall
- Pair of axoneme or axostyle (the
protein antigens to the exterior of
intracellular portion of the flagella).
the plasma membrane to synthesize
the cyst wall
2. Cysts (infective form)
- The cyst is small and oval, measuring 12 - Encystation begins with retraction
um x 8 um is surrounded by a hyaline cyst of the flagella followed by
wall. condensation of the cytoplasm and
finally formation of the cyst wall
- Its internal structure includes two pairs of
nuclei grouped at one end. A young cyst - On maturation, nuclei divide to
contains one pair of nuclei. become four. The mature cysts
excreted in feces can survive better
- The axostyle lies diagonally, forming a
dividing line within cyst wall.
in the environment and are 1. Asymptomatic carriers: Most infected
infective to man. persons are asymptomatic, harboring the
cysts and spreading the infection
Pathogenicity 2. Acute giardiasis:
 Infective dose: As few as 10–25 cysts can - Incubation period varies from 1 week to 3
initiate the infection weeks (average 12–20 days). Symptoms
 Risk factors: Children are commonly may develop suddenly or gradually
affected. Other high-risk groups are - Common symptoms include diarrhea,
elderly debilitated persons and patients abdominal pain, bloating, belching, flatus
with cystic fibrosis, poor hygiene, and and vomiting
immunodeficiency syndromes such as - Diarrhea is often foul smelling with fat and
common variable hypoglobulinemia. mucus but no blood
However, association with acquired - The acute stage lasts for 1 week but
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) usually resolves spontaneously. Very
patient is not been confirmed yet rarely, in some children may last for
 Several pathogenic mechanisms have 3. Chronic giardiasis:
been postulated that include: - It may present with or without a previous
- Trophozoites adhere to the duodenal acute symptomatic episode
mucosa and cause disruption of the - Symptoms are intermittent and recurring
intestinal epithelial brush border that leads - Common symptoms include recurrent
to increase permeability and malabsorption episodes of foul smelling diarrhea, foul
- Very rarely, elaboration of enterotoxin flatus, sulfurous belching with rotten egg
such as cystein rich surface protein 136 taste, and profound weight loss leading to
(CRP-136) growth retardation
- Uncommon symptoms such as—fever,
 Malabsorption: There could be various presence of blood and/or mucus in the
types which include: stools, and other signs and symptoms of
- Malabsorption of fat colitis
(steatorrhea)— leads to foul - Extra intestinal manifestations have been
smelling profuse frothy diarrhea described, such as urticarial, anterior
- Disaccharidase deficiencies (lactate, uveitis, salt and pepper retinal changes and
xylose)—leading to lactose arthritis.
- Malabsorption of vitamin B12 and Diagnosis
folic acid  Stool examination—detects cysts and
- Protein loosing enteropathy trophozoites
 Entero-test Antigen detection in stool
 Antigenic variation: (copro-antigen)— ELISA, ICT
- Giardia undergoes frequent antigenic  Antibody detection in serum—ELISA,
variation due to a cysteine rich protein on IFA
its surface called variant surface protein  Culture
(VSP)  Molecular method—PCR
- This helps the parasite in evasion of the  Radiological findings—barium meal, X-
host immune system and resistant to ray
intestinal proteases which in turn leads to
persistence of infection resulting into Treatment
chronic and recurrent illness.  Metronidazole (250 mg thrice daily for 5
days) is usually affective in more than
Clinical features of Giardiasis 90% of cases of giardiasis
Clinical course of giardiasis can be divided  Tinidazole (2 g once orally) is more
into three stages: effective than metronidazole
 Nitazoxanide (500 mg twice daily for 3
days) is an alternative agent for treatment
of giardiasis
 Furazolidone is given to children and
paromomycin can be given in pregnancy
 In patients with AIDS and
hypogammaglobulinemia, giardiasis is
often refractory to treatment. Prolonged
therapy with metronidazole (750 mg thrice
daily for 21 days) has been successful.

Giardiasis can be prevented by:
 Improved food and personal hygiene
 Boiling or filtering of potentially
contaminated water
 Treatment of asymptomatic carriers
It is pear (pyriform) shaped, measures 7–
 No vaccine is currently available 23 μm and 5–15 μm wide (Fig. 4.6), resides in
vagina and urethra of women and urethra, seminal
Lumen-dwelling Flagella: Trichomonas vesicle and prostate of men.
Trichomonas is the only flagellates that
 It shows characteristic jerky or twitchy
lacks the cyst stage. They exist as only
motility in saline mount preparation
trophozoites. There are three species of
 It bears five flagella—four anterior flagella
Trichomonas infect humans.
and one lateral flagellum called as
recurrent flagellum as it curves back on
1. Trichomonas vaginalis is the only
the surface of the parasite and traverses as
pathogen. It resides in the genital tract
undulating membrane and stops halfway
2. Pentatrichomonas hominis: Non-
down the side of the trophozoite. It doesn’t
pathogen, resides in large intestine
come out free posteriorly
3. Trichomonas tenax: Nonpathogen, resides
in mouth (teeth and gum).  The undulating membrane is supported on
to the surface of the parasite by a rod like
Trichomonas vaginalis structure called as costa
 It is the most common parasitic cause of  The axostyle runs down the middle of the
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). trophozoite and ends in the pointed end of
the posterior pole
 Females are commonly affected than
males  It has a single nucleus containing central
karyosome with evenly distributed nuclear
 It was first observed by Donne in 1836
chromatin and the cytoplasm contains a
from the purulent genital discharge of a
number of siderophore granules along the
 Though it is a eukaryote, its metabolism is
 The respiratory organelle is called as
similar to primitive anaerobic bacteria.
 Carbohydrate is utilized fermentative
pathway. It is unable to synthesize fatty
Life Cycle
acid, sterols, purines and pyrimidines and
Life cycle of T. vaginalis is completed in a
hence depends on exogenous sources.
single host either male or female
Mode of Transmission
In females, it lives in vagina and cervix
 The trophozoite cannot survive outside and
and may also be found in Bartholin 's glands,
so infection has to be transmitted directly
urethra and urinary bladder. In males, it occurs
from person-to-person. Sexual
mainly in the anterior urethra, but may also be
transmission is the usual mode of
found in the prostate and preputial sac.
 Trichomoniasis often coexists with other  Strawberry appearance of vaginal mucosa
sexually transmitted diseases like (Colpitis macularis) is observed in 2% of
candidiasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, or human patients. It is characterized by small
immunodeficiency virus (HIV). punctate hemorrhagic spots on vaginal and
 Babies may get infected during birth. cervical mucosa
 Vaginal pH of more than 4.5 facilitates  Other features include dysuria and lower
infection abdominal pain
 Fomites such as towels have been  In males, the common features are
implicated in transmission. nongonococcal urethritis and rarely
 Trophozoites divide by longitudinal binary epididymitis, prostatitis and penile
fission giving rise to a number of daughter ulcerations
trophozoites in the urogenital tract which
can infect other individuals Chronic infection: In chronic stage, the disease is
 Incubation period is roughly 10 days mild with pruritus and pain during coitus. Vaginal
discharge is scanty, mixed with mucus
 Trichomoniasis is the most common Complications: Rarely it is associated with
parasitic cause of STDs. It is worldwide in complications like pyosalpinx, endometritis,
distribution and accounts for 10% of cases infertility, t and cervical erosions. Low birth
of vulvovaginitis weight, neonatal pneumonia and conjunctivitis
 T. vaginalis particularly infects squamous have been reported in infants born to infected
epithelium and not columnar epithelium. It mothers
secretes cysteine proteases, adhesins, lactic
acid and acetic acid, which disrupt the Diagnosis
glycogen levels and lower the pH of the  Direct microscopy
vaginal fluid. - Wet saline mounting
- It is an obligate parasite and - Permanent stain
cannot live without close - Acridine orange fluorescent stain
association with the vaginal, - Direct fluorescent antibody test
urethral, or prostatic tissues.  Culture— gold standard method
- Parasite causes petechial  Antigen detection in vaginal secretion—
hemorrhage and mucosa! capillary ELISA, ICT, etc
dilation (strawberry mucosa),  Antibody detection—ELISA
metaplastic changes and  Molecular method—PCR
desquamation of the vaginal  Other supportive test
epithelium.  Raised vaginal pH
- Intracellular edema and so called  Positive whiff test
chicken-like epithelium, is the
characteristic feature of Treatment
trichomoniasis.  Metronidazole or tinidazole
 Drug of choice, 2g, single dose is usually
Clinical Features effective
Infection is often asymptomatic,  Both the sexual partners must be treated
particularly in males, although some may develop
simultaneously to prevent reinfection,
urethritis, epididymitis and prostatitis.
especially asymptomatic males
 Resistance to metronidazole:
Acute infection (vulvovaginitis):
 Resistance is rare but has been
 Females are commonly affected and are
presented as vulvovaginitis, characterized
- 2.5–10% to metronidazole
by profuse foul smelling purulent vaginal
discharge. Discharge may be frothy (10% - Less than 1% to tinidazole
of cases) and yellowish green color mixed  The mechanism of development of
with a number of polymorphonuclear resistance to metronidazole is
leukocytes controlled by hydrogenosome
 Metronidazole requires hydrogen from the anterior end. It is found in the
as an electron acceptor which is mid gut of insect vector. This is the
provided by hydrogenosome infective stage of Leishmania to man
present in T. vaginalis 3. Epimastigote form: Elongated,
 In metronidazole-resistant T. kinetoplast is placed close to the nucleus
vaginalis, the expression levels of (juxtanuclear kinetoplast). Flagellum
the hydrogenosomal enzymes like arises from the lateral side and traverses
ferredoxin are reduced dramatically, the body as a short undulating membrane
which probably eliminates the and comes out from the anterior end. This
ability of the parasite to activate form is seen for Trypanosoma in insect
metronidazole vector
 Resistance is relative and can be 4. Trypomastigote form: Elongated and
overcome with higher doses of oral spindle shaped with central nucleus.
metronidazole Kinetoplast lies near the posterior end.
Flagellum arises posteriorly and runs as
Prevention long undulating membrane. It is the
Trichomoniasis can be prevented by: infective stage of Trypanosoma found in
 Treatment of both the partners insect vector and peripheral blood of
 Safe sex practices like use of condoms humans.
 Avoidance of sex with infected person
 Vaccine: There is no effective vaccine
licensed so far. However, trials are going
on targeting potential immunogenic
antigens like 100 kDa protein.

Hemoflagellates are the flagellated
protozoa that are found in peripheral blood
circulation. They complete their life cycle in two
hosts, i.e. vertebrate host and insect vector;
therefore, called as digenetic or heteroxenous

Morphology Hemoflagellates: Trypanosoma

Hemoflagellates have an oval to elongated Trypanosomes are hemoflagellates that
body, nucleus, and a single flagellum arising from: reside in peripheral blood and tissues of their host.
 Kinetoplast: It consists of blepharoplasty
and parabasal body connected by a Classification of Trypanosoma
delicate fibril (cytoskeleton). It lies 1. Human Trypanosomes
tangentially or at right angle to the nucleus.  Trypanosoma cruzi: It is the
It represents multiple copies of causative agent of South American
mitochondrial DNA trypanosomiasis (also called as
 Axoneme (or axostyle): It extends from Chagas’ disease) in man and
blepharoplast to the cell wall. It represents transmitted by insect vector
the intracellular portion (root) of flagellum reduviid bug
 Trypanosoma brucei: It causes
Based upon arrangement of flagellum, they exist African trypanosomiasis,
in four morphological stages: transmitted by tsetse fly. It has
1. Amastigote form: Round to oval, lacks three important subspecies out of
flagellum, found in reticuloendothelial which only two of them infect
cells of man infected with Leishmania and humans
Trypanohsoma cruzi
2. Promastigote form: Lanceolate shaped; - Trypanosma brucei rhodesiense: It is the
kinetoplast is anterior to nucleus causative agent of East African sleeping
(antenuclear kinetoplast). Flagellum arises sickness
- Trypanosma brucei gambiense: It is the It is a zoonotic disease, having many
causative agent of West African sleeping animal reservoirs like dogs, cats, opossums and
sickness rodents.
- Trypanosoma rangeli: It is a
nonpathogenic species that rarely infects Morphology
humans in South America.  In vertebrate host, it exists mainly in two
forms—(1) trypomastigote form and (2)
2. Animal Trypanosomes amastigote form
 Trypanosoma brucei brucei: It causes  In insect vector (reduviid bug), it exists as
“nagana”, a disease affecting cattle in all four forms, i.e. (1) trypomastigote, (2)
Africa amastigote, (3) promastigote and (4)
- T. congolense and T.vivax cause epimastigote form.
disease similar to that of T. brucei
 Trypanosma evansi: It causes “Surra” in Life Cycle
horses and other animals. It is transmitted Host: T. cruzi passes its life cycle in two
by flies (tabanidae and stomoxys). Many hosts (1) humans and (2) vector reduviid bugs or
animal cases are reported in India kissing bugs or triatomine bugs (Triatoma
 Trypanosma lewisi: It causes a harmless infestans, Rhodnius prolixus and Panstrongylus
infection affecting rodents megistus) .
 Trypanosma equiperdum: It causes Infective form: Metacyclic trypomastigote
“Stallion’s disease” in horses. It is form is the infective forms, found in feces of
transmitted by sexual route (not by insect reduviid bugs.
Mode of transmission:
Trypanosoma cruzi  Reduviid bugs are nocturnal in habitat and
 It is the causative agent of South American humans get infection when abraded skin,
trypanosomiasis or Chagas’ disease. mucous membranes, or conjunctivae
 Discovered by Brazilian scientist Carlos become contaminated with reduviid bug’s
Chagas, isolated from reduviid bug feces containing infective form of the
(triatomine bugs) and blood of infected parasite.
monkeys. Later on he found it causing  T. cruzi can also be transmitted by the
human infection also. Hence the condition blood transfusion, organ transplantation.
is named as Chagas’ disease. He named From mother to fetus or very rarely by
the parasite as T. cruzi after his guide ingestion of contaminated food or drink,
Oswaldo Cruz. and most importantly by laboratory
In humans, T. cruzi exists in two forms:
(1) amastigote and (2) trypomastigoteform.
 Amastigotes are intracellular parasite
found in reticuloendothelial cells of spleen,
liver, lymph node, bone marrow, and
myocardium. They are also found in cells
of epidermis and striated muscles
 Trypomastigotes are extracellular and
found in peripheral blood.

Chagas’ disease is mainly restricted to
South and Central American countries like Brazil,
Development in Man
Argentina, Venezuela, etc. Currently, it is
 The parasite invades the
estimated that 8 million people are chronically
infected with T. cruzi and 14,000 deaths occur due reticuloendothelial cells and other tissues
to the illness every year like muscle (cardiac, skeletal and GIT
muscles) and nervous tissue and  Generalized lymphadenopathy and
transforms into amastigote form. hepatosplenomegaly may also appear
 In these tissues, the amastigotes multiply  Severe myocarditis and neurologic signs
by binary fission forming a cyst like mass like meningoencephalitis occur
of growth known as pseudocyst occasionally, especially in children
 Many amastigotes within the pseudocyst  Usually within 4–8 weeks, patient either
are transformed into motile C shaped non- recovers spontaneously or develops
multiplying trypomastigote forms. chronic T. cruzi infection.
 On rupture of the pseudocyst, the
trypomastogotes are liberated to blood. Chronic Chagas Disease
They are of two types: Chronic Chagas’ disease manifests years
1. Slender highly motile forms: Have an or even decades after the initial infection. It occurs
elongated nucleus, sub terminal kinetoplast due to multiplication of the parasites in the
and a short free flagellum. They are the muscles (skeletal, cardiac and GIT) and nervous
invasive forms, eventually migrate to tissue.
many organs, penetrate the cells and  Cardiac form: Occurs in 30% of the
continue the life cycle patients. Patient develops dilated
2. Broader less motile forms: Have an oval cardiomyopathy, rhythm disturbances like
nucleus, terminal kinetoplast and a long right bundle branch block, and
free flagellum. They persist in the blood to thromboembolism
be taken up by the insect vector during a  Gastrointestinal form: Involvement of
blood meal. muscles of GIT leads to megaesophagus
(manifested as dysphagia, chest pain, and
Development in Reduviid bug regurgitation) and megacolon (manifested
 Broader less motile trypomastigote forms as abdominal pain and chronic
are transmitted to reduviid bugs during the constipation)
blood meal.  Pulmonary form: Repeated episodes of
 They transform into amastigote forms in aspiration pneumonitis are common
the foregut. (especially during sleep) in patients with
 In the midgut, the amastigote forms severe esophageal dysfunction
multiply by binary fission and divide to  Mixed forms are observed in 10% of the
form epimastigote forms patients.
 They finally transform into metacyclic
trypomastigote forms in the hindgut and Congenital Trypanosomiasis
are excreted in the bug’s feces Rarely, T. cruzi can be transmitted
 The insect cycle takes about 10–15 days transplacentally both in acute and chronic stage of
(extrinsic incubation period). There is no the disease. It is manifested as low birth weight,
transovarian transmission seen in the bugs still birth, rarely myocarditis and neurological
and once infected, they retain the infection alterations.
throughout the life by the molting cycles
Diagnosis (T. cruzi)
Pathogenicity and Clinical features  Peripheral blood microscopy by wet mount,
thick or thin smear—detects
Acute Chagas Disease trypomastigotes
It is characterized by:  Culture—NNN medium or Yager’s liver
 Chagoma: An erythematous subcutaneous infusion tryptose medium
nodule is formed at the site of deposition  Antibody detection in serum—ELISA,
of bug’s feces. It is painful, commonly IFA, CFT, RIPA
occurs on face and may take 2–3months to  Antigen detection from serum, urine—by
resolve CLIA
 Romana’s sign: When the parasites enter  Molecular methods—PCR
through conjunctiva, they occur in  Animal inoculation—Mice
unilateral painless edema of the eye lid and  Xenodiagnosis—nymph of reduviid bugs
Treatment  At the site of inoculation, they transform
Therapy for Chagas’ disease is still into long slender trypomastigote forms
unsatisfactory. Only two drugs—(1) nifurtimox which multiply by binary fission
and (2) benznidazole have been available  They transform into an intermediate stage
and then into nondividing short stumpy
In acute disease: form without free flagellum
 Benznidazole is considered as the drug of  Subsequently the parasites invade the
choice in Latin America. The blood stream resulting in parasitemia and
recommended oral dosage is 5 mg/kg per migrate to various organs including CNS
day for adults and 5–10 mg/kg per day for  The short stumpy forms are the infective
children for 60 days form to the tsetse fly, hence the
 Nifurtimox is given 8–10 mg/kg for adults transformation of long slender
and 15–20 mg/kg for children in four trypomastigotes into short stumpy forms is
divided doses for 90–120 days critical for the transmission of the parasite.
In chronic disease: These drugs lack efficacy and Development in Tsetse fly
may cause many side effects.  The short stumpy trypomastigote forms are
taken up by the tsetse fly along with the
Trypanosoma brucei blood meal
T. brucei was first demonstrated by Sir  They become long slender forms in the
Bruce in 1895 from horses suffering from midgut and hindgut of the insect where
“nagana”. Forde in 1902 had demonstrated the they multiply and finally reach the salivary
parasite in man whereas Kleine had demonstrated gland
the parasite in the vector tsetse fly. The name  They attach to the epithelial cells of
“Trypanosoma” was coined by Dutton in 1902. salivary ducts and transform into broad
T. brucei complex consists of three subspecies: epimastigote forms
1. T. brucei gambiense: Agent of West  Finally, the epimastigotes develop into
African sleeping sickness metacyclic trypomastigote forms which
2. T. brucei rhodesiense: Agent of East are the infective forms to man
African sleeping sickness  It takes around 3 weeks from the time of
3. T. brucei brucei: Causes “nagana”, a blood meal till the fly becomes infective
disease affecting cattle in Africa. It doesn’t (extrinsic incubation period), then the fly
infect humans. remains infected throughout the life.
Life Cycle

Host: T. brucei passes its life cycle in two

1. The vertebrate host is man and other
2. Invertebrate host is the tsetse fly (genus
Glossina). Both male and female flies bite
man and serve as vectors. Glossina
palpalis group serves as the vector for T.
brucei gambiense whereas Glossina
morsitans group is the vector for T. brucei
Pathogenesis and Clinical Features
Infective form: The metacyclic trypomastigote In general, T. brucei gambiense develops a
forms are found in salivary gland of tsetse fly chronic course with slow progression whereas T.
brucei rhodesiense runs an acute course with rapid
Mode of transmission: By the bite of tsetse fly, progression and early death
trypomastigote forms are transmitted to the
punctured wound from the saliva of the tsetse fly

Development in Man
Antigenic Variation
Trypomastigotes undergo periodic
antigenic variation leading to frequent change of
antigenic nature of variable surface glycoprotein
(VSG) antigens present on their surface. This
serves as the key mechanism of evading host
immune response.
 Genome of Tryponasoma brucei contains
thousands of genes that undergo gene
switching (like mutations, deletions,
Trypanosomal Chancre
additions or recombinations) leading to
A self-limited inflammatory lesion may
formation of new variant antigenic types
appear a week after the bite of an infected tsetse
 Every 5–10 days, a new wave of genes
evolves, that code for a new batch of
VATs. Host immunity is strain specific
Stage I Disease hence, is not able to eliminate the new
waves of parasitemia.
 It is characterized by a systemic febrile
illness that occurs due to dissemination of
Diagnosis (T. brucei)
the parasite through the lymphatics and
 Direct microscopy—detects
 Lymphadenopathy is prominent in West
African trypanosomiasis. The posterior - Serial blood sample examination
cervical nodes are commonly involved and - CSF examination
become soft, rubbery and nontender called - Lymphonode aspirate
as winterbottom’s sign  Antibodies from serum and CSF—card
 Pruritus, maculopapular rashes and agglutination test, ELISA, IFA
transient edema are common  Antigen from serum and CSF—ELISA
 Delayed sensation to pain is noted  Molecular method—PCR
(Kerandel’s sign)  Culture—inoculated into KIVI
 Hepatosplenomegaly may be seen in few  Animal inoculation in mice
 Hematologic manifestations include Treatment
moderate leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, The drugs used for treatment of African
anemia and production high levels of sleeping sickness are suramin and pentamidine.
polyclonal IgM. Alternate drugs are eflornithine, and the organic
arsenical melarsoprol. Treatment is based on type
Stage II Disease of disease (West or East African) and presence or
It involves invasion of the CNS. The absence of CNS invasion
presence of trypanosomes in perivascular areas of
CNS is accompanied by intense infiltration of Hemoflagellates: Leishmania
mononuclear cells. Leishmaniasis is caused by the obligatory
 Patient develops characteristic progressive intracellular protozoa of the genus Leishmania.
daytime somnolence (hence called as Primarily it affects the reticuloendothelial system
“sleeping sickness”), with restlessness and of the host. Leishmania species produce widely
insomnia at night varying group of clinical syndromes ranging from
 Other features include listless gaze, loss of self-healing cutaneous ulcers to fatal visceral
spontaneity, and abnormal speech with disease.
few extrapyramidal signs like choreiform Leishmaniasis is mainly a zoonotic
movements, tremors and fasciculations disease affecting dogs, foxes, jackals and rodents.
CSF fi ndings include increased pressure, Animal reservoir plays a major role for
elevated total protein and pleocytosis, with transmission; except in Indian subcontinent where
frequently demonstration of trypanosomes. it is anthropophilic affecting only humans. The
parasite is transmitted by bite of the female
sandfly vector.

Classification Leishmania
Leishmania has two subgenera L.
Leishmania and L. Viannia. The main difference
between the two subgenera is that promastigotes
of the subgenus Viannia develop in the midgut
and hindgut of sandfly where as that of subgenus
Leishmania develop in the anterior portion of the
alimentary tract of sandfly
 Old world leishmaniasis: Affects Asia,
Africa and Europe and transmitted by
sandfly (Genus Phlebotomus) Amastigote form
 New World Leishmaniasis: Affects  It is an obligate intracellular form and the
Central and South America and infective stage to vector, sandfly.
transmitted by sandfly (Genus Lutzomyia)  Found in reticuloendothelial cells like
macrophages, neutrophils, endothelial cells
Clinical syndromes of leishmaniasis include: of liver, spleen, bone marrow, etc. of the
 Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) vertebrate hosts like humans, dogs and
 Post–kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis rodents
(PKDL)  Round to oval, 3-5 μm in size
 Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL)  Nucleus: It measures less than 1 μm, oval
 Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL) to round, located in center or side of the
 Leishmaniasis recidivans (LR) cell
 Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL)  Kinetoplast: Consists of copies of
mitochondrial DNA. It is made up
Old World Leishmaniasis blepharoplasty and parabasal body
Leishmania donovani connected by a delicate fibril
Leishmania donovani causes visceral (cytoskeleton). It lies at right angle to the
leishmaniasis (VL) or kala azar (a hindi term nucleus
meaning “black fever”) It was named after two  Axoneme: It extends from blepharoplasty
scientists who discovered the parasite in the same to the cell wall. It represents the
year 1903: intracellular portion (root) of flagellum
1. Sir William Boog Leishman in London  There is no external flagellum and it is
observed the amastigotes form of the nonmotile
parasite in the liver of a British soldier  Vacuole: It is a clear space, lies adjacent
died at Dumdum, Kolkata. (Hence also to axoneme
known as Dum- Dum fever)
2. Sir Donovan who found the amastigotes in Promastigote form
the splenic smear from a patient from This is an extracellular form, infective
Chennai stage to humans.
 It is mainly found in sandfly and in culture
Charles Nicolle, a 1928 Nobel laureate, at the  It is motile and contains single anterior
Pasteur Institute of Tunis, characterized the new flagellum
world VL and cultivated the etiologic agent.
 Pear shaped, 8–15 μm length
 Nucleus is situated centrally and
kinetoplast is placed near the anterior end
 Axoneme: Represents the intracellular
portion of flagellum

Life Cycle
Host: Leishmania completes its life cycle in two
1. Vertebrate host (man, dog, rodents, etc.)
2. Insect vector (female sandfly):
Phlebotomus argentipes

Infective form: Promastigote forms present in the

midgut (majority) or foregut (small proportion) of
female sandfly

Mode of transmission: By bite of an infected

sandfly mainly during the late evening or the night
time. Minimum 10–1,000 promastigotes per
infective bite are required to initiate the infection
Pathogenicity and Clinical Features
In vertebrate hosts, including humans: Visceral leishmaniasis
 Promastigotes are regurgitated from the  Incubation period ranges from 2–6 months.
midgut rarely or directly discharged from  The hallmark of VL is a triad of fever,
foregut (proboscis) of the female sandfly hepatosplenomegaly and pancytopenia
into the skin of the vertebrate host
 Promastigotes are phagocytosed by the
skin macrophages and transform into Diagnosis
amastigote forms within 12–24 hours  Microscopy (detects LD bodies)
 The amastigote forms inside the  Culture (detects promastigotes)
macrophages multiply further causing cell  Antidbody detection in serum
rupture and release into the circulation
 Nonspecific tests to detect
 Amastigotes are carried out in the hypergammaglobulinemia
circulation to various organs like liver,
 Molecular method—PCR
spleen and bone marrow and invade the
 Leishmanin test (montenegro test)
reticuloendothelial cells like macrophages,
endothelial cells, etc.
Leishmania Tropica Complex
It includes three species:
In sandfly:
 L. tropica is reported from Western India
 During the blood meal taken up by the
(mainly Rajasthan), Middle East and
sandfly, the amastigotes are ingested and
Mediterranean coast. It mainly affects
transformed into promastigote forms in the
urban area hence known as agent of urban
insect midgut
anthroponotic CL
 Promastigotes multiply by longitudinal
 L. aethiopica infects people from Ethiopia,
fission and pass through various stages
Uganda and Kenya
such as:
 L. major is reported from Middle East,
- Amastigote → procyclic
India, China, Africa, and central and
promastigote → nectomonad
western Asia. It mainly affects rural area
promastigote → haptomonad
hence known as agent of rural zoonotic CL.
promastigote → leptomonad
promastigote → metacyclic
Life Cycle
The life cycle of the L. tropica complex is
 The metacyclic promastigotes multiply in
same as L. donovani except:
the midgut of vector by binary fission and
 The species of vector sandfly are different:
a small proportion migrates to the foregut
(proboscis). They infect a new host during - L. tropica—vector is P. sergenti
another blood meal - L. aethiopica—vector is P.
 The duration of the life cycle in sandfly longipes
varies from 4 to 18 days depending on the - L. major—vector is P. papatasi
species  Reservoir of infection:
- L. tropica—is man (anthrop onotic)
- L. aethiopica—is Hyraxes  Specifi c antileishmanial drugs -
(Zoonotic) Pentavalent antimonial, v Resistance to
- L. major—is rodents (zoonotic) antimonials Amphotericin B,
 In humans, the amastigote forms reside in Paromomycin, Miltefosine
reticuloendothelial cells of skin (they do
not migrate to viscera). New World Leishmaniasis
It is mainly caused by:
Clinical Features  Leishmania Viannia (L.V.) braziliensis
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis complex
It is caused by L. tropica complex. This  Leishmania Leishmania (L.L.) Mexicana
condition is also known as “Oriental sore”, Delhi complex
Boil, Aleppo Boil and Baghdad Button, etc  L.L. chagasi (new world variant of L.L.
 Oriental sore usually occurs on face and infantum) The morphology and life cycle
hands. It begins as papule, becomes of new world Leishmania species are
nodular and finally it ulcerates. The identical to that of L. donovani except:
margins of the ulcers are raised, painless  Geographical distribution-restricted to
and indurated. central and south America
 Lesions may be single or multiple and vary  Vector: Lutzomyia species
in size from 0.5 cm to more than 3 cm  Reservoir of infection: Dogs, foxes
Mostly, it heals spontaneously leaving (zoonotic)
behind a scar  The amastigote forms in humans reside in
 There may be satellite lesions, especially reticuloendothelial cells of skin and mucus
in L. major and L.tropica infections membrane (don’t invade viscera).

Leishmaniasis recidivans Clinical Features

It is a granulomatous response occurs L. mexicana complex infected people
years after healing of primary sore due to L. develop CL similar to those seen with old world
tropical. Characterized by new lesions formed on cutaneous disease. L. mexicana causes a specific
the face, usually scaly, erythematous papules and form of CL called as chiclero ulcer (or bay sore)
nodules develop in the center or periphery of a characterized by persistent ulcerations in pinna
previously healed sore. CMI is intact and skin test seen in Central America among workers living in
is positive. Very few parasites can be forests harvesting chicle plants to collect chewing
demonstrated in the smears from the lesions gum latex. 30% of people are infected during the
first year of exposure
Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis L. mexicana and L. amazonensis produce
It is a rare form of leishmaniasis, caused Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL)
by L. amazonensis and L. mexicana in South and similar to that is described earlier for L.
Central America (New World) and by aethiopica.
L.aethiopica in Ethiopia and Kenya (old World).
Characterized by the lack of a CMI response to Leishmania Viannia braziliensis
the parasite Low CMI leads to widespread - cause mucocutaneous leishmaniasis MCL
cutaneous disease—symmetric or asymmetric and also cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL)
distribution of various lesions like papules, similar to oriental sore but they are more
nodules, plaques, and areas of diffuse infiltration, severe
non- ulcerative lesions with heavy load of
parasites Espundia (mucocutaneous leishmaniasis)
L. braziliensis infects mucous membrane
Diagnosis of the nose, oral cavity, pharynx or larynx months
 Microscopy—detects amastigotes to years after the CL. It is seen in 1–3% of
 Culture—NNN medium patients infected with L. braziliensis, more in
 Montenegro test—positive except in males of age 10–30 years
diffuse CL  The initial symptoms are often nasal
stuffiness, erythema and mucopurulent
Treatment discharge.
 Supportive therapy
 It may eventually involve the upper lip,  Trials for recombinant and synthetic
buccal, pharyngeal, or laryngeal mucosa vaccines are also on going using gp-63
 Ulcerative lesions are formed with erosion antigen.
of the soft tissue and the cartilages leading
to loss of lips, soft part of nose and soft Control Measures
palate  Vector control measures to eradicate
 Gradually, the nasal septum may be sandfly:
destroyed, resulting in nasal collapse with  Personal prophylaxis by using insect
hypertrophy of upper lip and nose leading repellents or bed nets
to development of “tapir nose”  Control of canine or rodent reservoir
 Phlebotomus doesn’t fly high above the
Forest yaws and uta: The cutaneous lesions of L. ground level and it is nocturnal in habitat.
V. guyanensis and L. V. peruviana are known as  So, sleeping at top floors also can prevent
forest yaws (pain bois) and uta respectively. transmission
 Early treatment of all cases (mainly
Leishmania Leishmania chagasi anthroponotic VL and PKDL cases).
L.L. chagasi is the new world variant of L.
L. infantum. Phylum Sporozoa
 Causes mediterranean VL and CL Phylum Sporozoa (Apicomplexa) is
 Occurs in Central and South American distinguished morphologically by the presence of
region a specialized complex of apical organelles
 It is zoonotic (canine reservoir) (micronemes, rhoptries, polar ring, conoids and
 Vector: Lutzomyia species dense granules) which help in invasion into the
 Age: Children are aff ected commonly host cell.
Sporozoa contains one Class Coccidea
Diagnosis which in turn has three Orders Eimeriida,
 Microscopy—detects amastigotes Haemosporida, Piroplasmida. Order
 Culture—NNN medium Haemosporida and Order Pirop lasmida include
 Montenegro test—Positive (except in DCL the blood parasites belonging to genus
and active VL) Plasmodium (the causative agent of malaria) and
 Antibody detection—Poorly sensitive in Babesia (rare parasites infecting humans)
DCL and MCL respectively

Treatment Malaria
 In contrast to Old World CL, systemic Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease
therapy is recommended for New World caused by a parasite. People with malaria often
CL as the lesions are more chronic, experience fever, chills, and flu-like illness
multiple and shows tendency for mucosal
involvement The Causative Agent of Malaria
More than 125 species of Plasmodium
 Pentavalent antimonial is the drug of
exist infecting wide range of birds, reptiles and
choice, administered as a dose of 20 mg/kg
mammals. However, human infection is mainly
for 30 days
caused by five species such as:
 In case of relapse, liposomal amphotericin
1. P. vivax causes benign tertian malaria.
B (2–3 mg/kg for 20 days) or miltefosine
(periodicity of fever is once in 48 hours,
(2.5 mg/kg for 28 days) are given.
i.e. recurs every third day)
2. P. falciparum causes malignant tertian
Prevention Vaccine Trials
malaria. (severe malaria, periodicity of
 Currently no vaccine is available for the fever is once in 48 hours, recurs every
prevention of leishmaniasis. However, third day)
several trials are going on. 3. P. malariae causes benign quartan malaria.
 Both killed and live-attenuated vaccine (periodicity of fever is once in 72 hours,
trials are on going targeting antigens i.e. recurs every fourth day)
derived from killed promastigotes
4. P. ovale causes ovale tertian malaria.
(periodicity of fever is once in 48 hours,
i.e. recurs every third day)
5. P. knowlesi causes quotidian malaria.
(fever periodicity is once in 24 hours, i.e.
recurs every day). It is a parasite of
monkey but can also affect humans and
many cases affecting man were recently
reported from Asia.

Pre-erythrocytic Schizogony
Other Plasmodium species are mainly of animal This stage occurs in liver and it is so
importance like P. cynomolgi, P. simium, etc named because it occurs before the invasion of
Life Cycle  It is also called Exoerythrocytic stage or
Host: Plasmodium completes its life cycle in two intrahepatic or tissue stage
hosts:  The motile sporozoites leave the
1. Female Anopheles (Anopheline) mosquito circulation within 30 minutes and enter
is the definitive host where the sexual liver
cycle (sporogony) takes place  Attachment: The circumsporozoite
2. Man acts as intermediate host where the protein present on the surface of
asexual cycle (schizogony) takes place sporozoites binds noncovalently to the
receptors on the basolateral surface of
Infective form: The sporozoites are the infective hepatocytes facilitating the entry of
form of the parasite. They are present in the sporozoites
salivary gland of female Anopheles mosquito.  After entering into hepatocytes, the spindle
When Plasmodium species is transmitted by blood shaped sporozoites become rounded and
transfusion or through placenta, merozoites act as lose their apical complex and transform
infective form. into trophozoites
 Trophozoite is the feeding stage of the
Mode of transmission: Man gets infection by the
parasite which later on undergoes several
bite of female Anopheles mosquito. Sporozoites
nuclear divisions (schizogony) and
from the salivary gland of the mosquito are
transforms into pre-erythrocytic schizont
directly introduced into the blood circulation.
 Pre-erythrocytic schizont contains
Rarely, it can also be transmitted by:
several merozoites; which are released
 Blood transfusion
outside on rupture and attack RBCs to
 Transplacental transmission. perform erythrocytic schizogony
 As only few hepatocytes are infected by
In humans, the asexual cycle takes place through
Plasmodium, so hepatic damage doesn’t
the following stages:
occur in malaria
 Pre-erythrocytic schizogony
 Duration of preerythrocytic schizogony
 Erythrocytic schizogony varies from 5 days to 15 days depending
 Gametogony. on the species
 Some sporozoites of P. vivax and P. ovale
don’t develop further and may remain in
liver as hypnozoites and cause relapse of
malaria after many years
 Relapse (reactivation of the infection via
hypnozoites) should be differentiated from
another phenomena seen in P. falciparum
and P. malariae called as recrudescence
(recurrence of infection with all malaria  Erythrocytic schizont: Late trophozoites
that lacks hypnozoites. This occurs when become compact, vacuoles disappear,
the infection (unless a new infection) has pigments scatter throughout cytoplasm and
persisted in the blood at undetectable nucleus becomes larger and lies at the
levels and then becomes detectable again) periphery. This form is known as
erythrocytic schizont
Erythrocytic schizogony  Schizogony: Erythrocytic schizont
 The hepatic merozoites after released from undergoes multiple nuclear divisions
preerythrocytic schizont, attack RBCs. (erythrocytic schizogony or merogony)
 Merozoites bind to the glycophorin and produces 6–30 daughter merozoites
receptors on RBC surface, enter by arranged in the form of rosette
endocytosis and are contained within a  Number of merozoites per mature schizont
parasitophorous vacuole inside the RBCs. varies:
The process of entry into RBC takes about ~ P. vivax—12–24 number (average
30 seconds 16)
 Trophozoite: Soon the pear shaped ~ P. falciparum—18–24 number
hepatic merozoites round up, lose their (average 20)
internal organelle and transform into ~ P. malariae—6–12 number
trophozoites (average 8)
 Ring form: Early trophozoite form is ~ P. ovale—8–12 number (average 8)
known as ring form. It is annular or signet  RBCs then rupture to release the daughter
ring appearance containing a central merozoites, malarial pigments and toxins
vacuole and peripheral thin rim of into the circulation which result in
cytoplasm and a nucleus malarial paroxysm of fever at the end of
 Ring form occupies one third of RBC each erythrocytic cycle
except in P. falciparum, where it occupies  Each merozoite is potentially capable of
one sixth of RBC invading a new RBC and repeating the
 Prepatent period: Ring forms are the first cycle. Intraerythrocytic life cycle takes
asexual form that can be demonstrated in roughly 48 hours for P. falciparum, P.
the peripheral blood. The time interval vivax and P. ovale, 72 hours for P.
between the entry of the parasite into man malariae and 24 hours for P. knowlesi
and demonstration of the parasite in the  Incubation period: The time interval
peripheral blood is called as prepatent between entry of the parasite to the body
period. It varies between the species; and appearance of the first clinical feature
~ P. vivax—8 days is known as incubation period. It varies
~ P. falciparum—5 days between the species:
~ P. malariae—13 days - P. vivax—14 days (ranges 8–17 days)
~ P. ovale—9 days - P. falciparum—12 days (ranges 9–14 days)
 Malarial pigment - P. malariae—28 days (ranges 18–40 days)
- Plasmodium feeds on hemoglobin. The - P. ovale—17 days (ranges 16–18 days)
undigested product of hemoglobin
metabolism like hematin, excess protein
and iron porphyrin combine to form
malarial pigment (hemozoin pigment)
- The appearance of malarial pigment varies,
mostly it is brown black in color and
numerous (except in P. vivax it is
yellowish brown in color and in P.
falciparum, it is few in number)
 Late trophozoite: Ring form enlarges and
becomes more irregular due to amoeboid
movement and transforms into late
trophozoite or amoeboid form
undergo further development (hence
Gametogony considered as infective form of the parasite
 After a series of erythrocytic cycles, some to mosquito)
merozoites after entering into RBCs,  Exflagellation:
instead of developing into trophozoites, - Nucleus of the male gametocytes
they transform into sexual forms called as divides into eight flagellated
gametocytes. actively motile bodies (15–20 μm
 The gametocytic development takes place length) called as microgametes.
in the blood vessels of internal organs such - Microgametes protrude out as
as spleen and bone marrow and only the thread like filaments, lash out for
mature gametocytes appear in the some time and then, break free
peripheral blood - This process is called as
 The gametocytes of all the species are exflagellation. At 28°C, it is
round in shape except in P. falciparum in completed in 15 minutes for P.
which they are crescent or banana shaped vivax and 15–30 minutes for P.
 They are of two types—(1) male falciparum. Female gametocytes
gametocyte (or microgametocyte) and (2) don’t divide and don’t undergo
female gametocyte (or macrogametocyte) exflagellation but each undergoes
 Microgametocytes in all the species are maturation to form one
smaller in size, lesser in number, their macrogamete or female gamete
cytoplasm stains pale blue, and nucleus is
larger, stains red and diffuse  Zygote: The male microgamete fertilizes
 In contrast, macrogametocytes are larger, with the female macrogamete by fusion of
numerous, their cytoplasm stains deep blue, their pronuclei and the zygote is formed.
nucleus is small, red and compact Fertilization occurs in about 30 minutes to
 The time of appearance of gametocytes in 2 hours after the blood meal
the circulation from the first appearance of  Ookinete: Within 24 hours, the nonmotile
asexual forms (i.e. ring forms) in the rounded zygote transforms into vermicular
peripheral blood varies between the motile elongated form with an apical
species complex (the ookinete stage). Till this
- P. vivax—4–5 days stage, the development takes place in the
- P. falciparum—10–12 days midgut of the mosquito
- P. malariae—11–14 days  Oocyst: The ookinete penetrates into the
- P. ovale—5–6 days stomach wall of the mosquito and lies just
 Neither gametocytes don’t cause any beneath the basement membrane. It
clinical illness nor they divide becomes rounded and covered by a thin
 Individuals harboring gametocytes are elastic membrane to form oocyst. This is
considered as carriers or reservoirs of the stage was discovered by Sir Ronald
infection and play an important role in the Ross. Several thousands of mature oocysts
transmission of the disease can be found; each measuring 500 μm
 A patient can be a carrier of several  Sporozoites: Oocysts undergo sporogony
Plasmodium species at the same time (meiosis) to produce thousands of spindle
 However, gametocytes are effective in shaped sporozoites measuring 10–15 μm
transmission of the infection if they are: length with apical complex anteriorly
mature, viable, and present in sufficient  On rupture of the mature oocyst, the
density (usually 12 per cubic mm of sporozoites are released and migrate to
blood) salivary gland
 Mosquito is said to be infective to man
Mosquito Cycle only when the sporozoites are present in
 A female Anopheles mosquito during the salivary gland. Once infected, it remains
blood meal, takes both the asexual forms infective throughout the life
and the sexual forms.  Extrinsic incubation period: Time
 The asexual forms get digested whereas required to complete the life cycle in
the sexual forms, i.e. the gametocytes mosquito is called as extrinsic incubation
period and it varies from 1 week to 4  Parasite induced RBC destruction—Lysis
weeks. At 25°C, it is: of RBC due to release of merozoites
- P. vivax—8–10 days  Splenic removal of both infected RBC and
- P. falciparum—9–10days uninfected RBC coated with immune
- P. malariae—25–28 days complexes
- P. ovale—14–16 days  Bone marrow suppression leading to
decrease RBC production
 Mixed infection: Different species of  Increased fragility of RBCs
Plasmodium can infect the same mosquito  Autoimmune lysis of coated RBCs
which in turn can transmit mixed
infections to man Splenomegaly
After a few weeks of febrile paroxysms,
spleen gets enlarged and becomes palpable.
Splenomegaly is due to massive proliferation of
macrophages that engulf parasitized and
nonparasitized coated RBCs.

Falciparum malaria (malignant Tertian malaria)

Pathogenesis of falciparum malaria

Pathogenesis Plasmodium falciparum possesses a
Benign malaria number of virulence factors and its pathogenesis is
Benign malaria is milder in nature, can be different from other species. Hence the disease is
caused by all four species. It is characterized by a more acute and severe in nature with more
triad of febrile paroxysm, anemia and complications than the benign malaria.
a. Febrile paroxysm Sequestration of the parasites: P. falciparum has
- Fever comes intermittently the ability to sequester (holding back) the
depending on the species. It occurs parasites in the blood vessels of deep visceral
every fourth day (72 hour cycle for organs like brain, kidney, etc. This leads to
P. malariae) and every third day blockade of vessels, congestion and hypoxia of
(48 hour cycle for other three internal organs. Sequestration is mediated by:
species)  Cytoadherence: It refers to binding of
- Paroxysm corresponds to the infected erythrocytes to endothelial cells.
release of the successive broods of It is mediated by a specialized antigen
merozoites into the bloodstream, at called as P. falciparum erythrocyte
the end of RBC cycle membrane protein-1 (PfEMP-1)
- Each paroxysm of fever is  Rosetting: It refers binding of infected
comprised of three stages: erythrocytes to uninfected erythrocytes.
1. Cold stage (patient feels lassitude, PfEMP1 also plays an important role in
headache, nausea, intense cold, chill and rosetting, as it can adhere to complement
rigor receptor 1 (CR1) and blood group A
2. Hot stage (Patient develops high grade antigen present on the uninfected
fever of 39–41°C and dry burning skin. erythrocytes
Headache persists but nausea diminish.  Deformability: Parasitized RBCs become
3. Sweating stage (Fever comes down with more spherical and rigid, and are less
profuse sweating. Skin becomes cold and filterable than uninfected cells
moist. Patient feels relieved and often - Since the parasites are sequestrated
asleep. This stage lasts for 2–4 hours) back in deep vessels, they can
avoid frequent spleen passage,
Anemia hence can escape splenic clearance
After a few paroxysms of fever, patient - PfEMP undergoes frequent
develops a normocytic normochromic anemia. antigenic variation, thus helps the
Various factors can attribute to the development parasite in evading the host
of anemia such as: immune response.
Complication of P. falciparum
 Cerebral malaria
- Occurs due to plugging of brain
capillaries by the rosettes of
sequestered parasitized RBCs
leading to vascular occlusion and
cerebral anoxia
 Renal failure
- It occurs due to erythrocyte
sequestration in renal
microvasculature leading to acute Vaccination for Malaria
tubular necrosis. It is common Several vaccine trails are done in Africa,
among adults than children Asia and the United States. Despite of intense
 Pulmonary edema and adult respiratory research, till date, there is no vaccine licensed for
distress syndrome human use. The approaches are made targeting the
- Severe falciparum malaria in adults various stages of malaria cycle. The main
may lead to non-cardiogenic problems in malaria vaccine include:
pulmonary edema often aggravated  The vaccine candidates are poor inducer of
by over hydration. Usually it cell mediated immune response
doesn’t respond to antimalarial  Antigenic variation in malarial antigens
therapy mortality rate more than such as PfEMP
80%  Different immune mechanisms occur in
 Tropical splenomegaly syndrome different stages of malaria life cycle.
- abnormal immunologic response to
repeated malaria infections Balantidium coli
Balantidium coli, is the largest protozoan
Laboratory Diagnosis of Malaria and the only ciliated parasite of humans. Though
Microscopic tests: it was observed by A.V Leeuwenhoek earlier
~ Peripheral blood smear—Gold standard while examining a dysentery stool but the proper
~ Thick smear—more sensitive description was given later by Malmsten (Sweden)
~ Thin smear—speciation can be done in man in 1856.
~ Fluorescence microscopy (Kawamoto’s  Taxonomy: It belongs to the Phylum
technique) Ciliophora, Class Litostomatea, Order
~ Quantitative buff y coat examination Vestibuliferida and Family Balantidiidae.
 Habitat: It resides in the large intestine of
Nonmicroscopic tests: man, pig (main reservoir) and other
~ Antigen detection tests (RDTs) or ICTs— animals.
detects parasitic LDH, HRP-II, aldolase
~ Antibody detection—ELISA Morphology
~ Culture—RPMI 640 medium It exists in two forms—(1) trophozoite
~ Molecular diagnosis—PCR using PBRK1 (found in dysenteric stool) (2) cyst (found in
primer carriers and chronic cases). Both the forms are
binucleated having a large macronucleus and a
Treatment small micronucleus.
 Trophozoite
- It is found in the active stage of the
disease and considered as the
invasive form.
- It is oval shaped, 30–300 μm in
length and 30–100 μm in breadth
- The whole body is covered with a
row of tiny delicate cilia (organ of
- Cilia present near to the mouth part Host: Life cycle is completed in a single host.
appear to be longer and called as  Pig is the natural host
“adoral cilia”  Man is the accidental host.
- Anterior end is narrow and the
posterior end is broad Infective form: Cyst
- Anterior end bears a groove
(peristome) that leads to a mouth Mode of transmission: Man gets infection by
(cytostome) followed by a short ingestion of food and water contaminated with
funnel shaped gullet (cytopharynx) cysts.
extending up to one- third of the
body Development in Large Intestine Excystation:
- There is no anus Posterior end is Probably occurs in the small intestine but
broad, round and bears an multiplication takes place in the large intestine
excretory opening called a  A single trophozoite is formed from each
cytopyge. cyst
- The cytoplasm is divided into  Trophozoites are the feeding stage of the
outer clear ectoplasm and inner parasite; they multiply either in the gut
granular endoplasm lumen or enter the sub mucosa of the large
- The endoplasm contains: intestine
~ Two nuclei: large kidney  Trophozoites divide by both sexual and
shaped macronucleus in the asexual methods:
center and a small  Asexual reproduction: Trophozoites divide by
micronucleus lies in the binary fission. Micronucleus divides first followed
concavity of the by the macronucleus and finally a transverse
macronucleus septum is formed that separates the cytoplasm into
~ Two contractile vacuoles: two halves
lie side by side or one  Sexual reproduction: Trophozoites also
above the other. They replicate sexually (syngamy) by conjugation
maintain the proper osmotic - Two trophozoites come in contact with
pressure inside the cell each other at their anterior ends and
~ Numerous food vacuoles: exchange the nuclear material for few
It contains food particles moments after which they detach
like debris from host gut, - There is no increase in numbers of
bacteria, starch grains, fat trophozoites
droplets and occasional red  Both trophozoites and cysts are excreted in
blood cells (RBCs), etc. the feces
Digestion of the food  Trophozoites disintegrate but the cysts are
particles takes place here. resistant and are infective to man and pig.
 Cyst
- It is round, measures 40–60 μm in size, Pathogenesis
surrounded by a thick and transparent cyst In a healthy individual, B. coli lives as
wall. lumen commensal and is asymptomatic.
- It also contains two nuclei (macronucleus  Clinical disease occurs only when the
and micronucleus) and vacuoles resistance of host is lowered by
- Cilia may be seen in younger cyst but on predisposing factors such as
maturation, cilia are absorbed and malnourishment alcoholism, a chlorhydria,
movement ceases concurrent infection by Trichuris trichiura,
or any bac terial infection.
 Clinical disease results when the
trophozoites burrow into the intestinal
mucosa, set up colonies and initiate
inflammatory reaction. This leads to
mucosal ulcers and submucosal abscesses,
Life Cycle resembling lesions in amebiasis.
 Unlike E. histolytica, B. coli does not
invade liver or any other extra intestinal

Clinical Features
Most infections are asymptomatic.
 Symptomatic disease or balantidiasis
resembles amebiasis causing diarrhea or
frank dysentery with abdominal colic,
tenesmus, nausea and vomiting.
 Balantidium ulcers may be secondarily
infected by bacteria.
 Occasionally, intestinal perforation
peritonitis and even death may occur.
 Rarely, there may be involvement of
genital and urinary tracts.
 In chronic balantidiasis, patients have
diarrhea alternating with constipation.

Laboratory Diagnosis of Balantidium coli

 Stool Examination—detects trophozoites
and cysts
 Histopathology - Histopathological
staining of the biopsy tissue or scrapping
of the ulcers taken by sigmoidoscopy
reveals cluster of trophozoites, cysts and
lymphocytic infiltration found in
 Culture

Prevention of Balantidiasis
Balantidiasis can be prevented by:
 Treatment of carriers shedding the cysts
 Hygienic rearing of pigs and prevention of
pig to human contact
 Prevention of contamination of food or
water with pig and human feces.

Treatment of Balantidiasis
Tetracycline is the drug of choice. It is
given 500 mg four times a day for 10 days
Alternatively, metronidazole can be given. It is
given 750 mg three times a day for 5– 7 days
 No relapse or drug resistance is reported so
 Treatment of carriers is also recommended
to prevent the spread of the disease

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