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Q.1: Define Core Type and Shell Type Transformer.

Find out which winding is

winded first in shell type and why. State the reasons and explain them.
Core type transformer: A core-type transformer has its primary and secondary coils
wrapped around the transformer's core. This design is called "core type" because the coils
encircle the core. The low-voltage coil is posi oned close to the core, and the high-voltage coil is
wound on top of the low-voltage coil. The core is made up of many thin layers called
lamina ons.
Shell type transformer: In a shell-type transformer, the core wraps around the windings.
This design is called "shell type" because the core surrounds the primary and secondary coils.
The core sits between the primary and secondary windings like a sandwich.

Winding Sequence in Shell type Transformer: The primary winding is wound first in a
shell type transformer, and then the secondary winding is wound over it.
The low-voltage winding can be placed near the core, while the high-voltage winding can be
posi oned outside the low-voltage winding. This setup reduces insula on costs and keeps the
windings dy. The low-voltage winding usually has a cylindrical shape, and the core lamina ons
are placed around it.
Pu ng the high-voltage winding near the core helps cool it down because high-voltage
windings o en produce more heat.
winding the primary first provides be er mechanical stability as it is closer to the core.

Which coil should be kept inside and its reasons:

when both coils are wound on top of one another in a transformer, low voltage winding should
be kept inside and the high-voltage winding outside.
When the low-voltage winding is posi oned on the outside, its magne c field can affect nearby
things like people and equipment. To prevent this, the low-voltage winding is usually placed
inside. This keeps the magne c field contained in a smaller area, reducing its impact on the
Pu ng the low-voltage winding inside the transformer makes be er use of the internal space.
This makes the transformer more compact, stronger, and easier to move and take care of.
By keeping the low-voltage winding inside, the transformer becomes stronger and more stable.
It is easier to test, monitor, and maintain because of the high-voltage winding on the outer layer.

Q.2: Why third-harmonics is important in power systems?

Harmonies are mul ples of the fundamental frequency in power systems. Consequently, the
third mul ple of the fundamental frequency is the third order harmonic.
An increase in the system's current is one of the main impacts of power system harmonics. This
is especially true for the third harmonic, which raises the current in the neutral conduc on by
sharply increasing the zero sequence current. When designing an electric system to handle non-
linear loads, this impact may need to be taken into account specifically.
Harmonics on the power system may cause various electrical devices to malfunc on in addi on
to increasing line current.
In power systems, third harmonics are a contribu ng factor to voltage distor on. Furthermore,
sensi ve electronic equipment's func onality may be impacted by voltage distor on.
In power systems, resonance problems are exacerbated by third harmonics.
Third, harmonics may cause power transformers to heat up and lose more energy. When
designing and opera ng transformers, third harmonies must be properly taken into account.
Transformers may get saturated with third harmonies.

Q.3: Diagram of the ter ary winding is connected to a Y connected transformer.

This is done to remove 3nd Harmonics, connected in Delta connec on
A ter ary winding must be linked to a big voltage transformer that is coupled as Y-Y in order to
remove the third harmonic.

Third harmonic induced voltages will occur if the main and secondary windings are coupled in a
star configura on, especially if the magne c circuits are divided. The ter ary winding, a third
winding linked by a delta, is posi oned on the same core as the other two windings in an
a empt to remove them. The resistance provided to zero sequence current is decreased by a
delta-connected ter ary winding, enabling a significant ground-fault current to flow for the
func oning of safety devices. In addi on, it limits voltage imbalance in the event of an
imbalanced load. In order to lower third harmonic voltage, it also permits the passage of third
harmonic currents.
In order to keep the third harmonic currents from harming the primary and secondary windings,
this configura on enables the ter ary winding to absorb them.

Q.4: In Sco T connec on of transformer, why are two windings kept at angle
The process of connec ng two single phase transformers to convert three phases to two phases
and vice versa is known as the Sco T connec on. Though not magne cally, the two
transformers are linked electrically. The main transformer is the one that is used, while the
auxiliary or teaser transformer is the other one. The outputs for the main and teaser are 90
degrees out of phase. The two windings are electrically orthogonal, or separated by one-fourth
of an electrical cycle, when they are posi oned at a 90-degree angle.
The Sco T connec on produces two independent, balanced single-phase outputs with a
regulated magnitude and phase rela onship thanks to the deliberate 90 degree phase shi .
The system can remain balanced and efficient throughout the conversion process because of
the 90-degree angle.
The system's harmonic content is reduced by the Sco -T connec on, which maintains the two
windings at a 90-degree angle.
Maintaining the transformer's efficiency and avoiding magne c satura on problems require
limi ng core satura on, which is achieved by posi oning the windings at this angle.

Q.5: Why the rotor bars are kept at an angle (skewed) rather than keeping
parallel to the sha ?
Rotor bars that are inserted into the rotor and wrapped around its surface from one end to the
other make up the rotor windings. The rota on of rotor teeth around the stator causes a
clogging effect, leading into vibra ons and noise. It is customary to place the rotor slots at an
angle rather than parallel to the sha axis in order to lessen this impact. Rotor bar skew is the
process of skewed rotor bars by one slot pitch to decrease cogging torque and enable faster
rotor opera on. Harmonies in the air gap magne c field are diminished in part by serving the
rotor bars. Unwanted consequences of harmonics include higher losses, noise, and vibra ons in
the rotor. By skewing the rotor bars, the magne c field is spread more uniformly, which reduces
harmonics and the noise they cause.
Addi onally, skewing aids in reducing the motor's torque ripple. Skewing contributes to a more
uniform distribu on of magne c forces, which enhances motor performance and produces a
more consistent torque produc on. Skewing aids in lowering vibra ons in the motor's rotor and
stator components. This is necessary to provide silent opera on, minimize wear and tear, and
preserve mechanical integrity. Skewing may enhance the rotor bars' ability to cool. Air may
move between the bars of a skewed rotor more efficiently, improving heat dissipa on and
avoiding localized overhea ng.
For this reason, rotor bars are maintained at an angle as opposed to parallel to the sha .

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