UNDP Application

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Data Scientist Junior

(+225) 01 50 59 49 48 / 07 69 80 18 80
Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

21 avril 2024

United Nation Developpement Program

New york, United States

REFERENCE: Data Science fellow

Dear Sir/Madam,

In a world where every line of code holds the potential to shape the future, I
am thrilled to apply for the Data Science Fellowship at the United Nations
Development Program (UNDP), driven by a firm belief in the transformative
power of data and artificial intelligence (AI). My diverse background and
unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth uniquely position
me to contribute significantly to your research endeavors and activities.

Despite encountering personal and financial challenges that briefly interrupted

my formal computer science education, I remained resolute in my pursuit of
knowledge. Stepping out of my comfort zone, I gained invaluable insights
during my time at Ouskra Oil, while concurrently advancing my skills through
online courses and practical projects such as Probettor AI. As a beginner in
the field, I immersed myself in learning and collaboration, ultimately
contributing to innovative solutions and demonstrating resilience, adaptability,
and a relentless drive to learn and grow.
My proficiency in programming languages such as Python (including key
libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib), SQL, and my solid
understanding of machine learning and deep learning, coupled with my
willingness to contribute to an organization with a global impact, set me apart
from other candidates.
Furthermore, I am drawn to UNDP's commitment to eradicating poverty,
reducing inequalities, and building resilience. These values closely align with
my own beliefs, and I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise towards
UNDP's mission of harnessing AI, machine learning, and geographic
information systems for sustainable development.
I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience to discuss my
application and motivations for joining your team. Thank you for considering
my application. Please accept, Sir/Madam, the expression of my distinguished
Data Analyst/Scientist junior


0150594948 Experienced in software engineering for three years, I've developed a fervent enthusiasm for
emerging technologies. My autodidactic approach has fueled continuous learning, fostering
autonomy and discipline. Versatile and adaptable, I thrive in diverse roles, embracing
Abidjan, Marcory challenges as opportunities for growth.


Université Internationale de
Data analyst/scientist junior 2022 – 2024
Bac +3 Software engineering ProBettor AI
2019 - 2022 A comprehensive data science initiative. This project encompassed various stages, from
data collection to the construction of a Machine Learning (ML) model. Through my
Lycée Moderne de Koumassi involvement, i enhanced and even discovered key skills within the field, including : data
exploration and visualization, a solid understanding of ML principles and techniques.
Baccalauréat D
Assitant and developer IT 2023 - 2023
OT corporation
Lycée Moderne de Koumassi
During my time at OT Corporation, a startup specializing in website creation and vehicle
BEPC sales and rental, I had the opportunity to explore innovative work methods such as Agile
2016 and Lean development. Additionally, I gained exposure to numerous creative tools to
enhance productivity and efficiency.

Production, maintenance, quality 2023 - 2024

Ouskra Oil
Ouskra oil is a company in the palm oil sector in Ivory Coast. This experience not only
Artificial Intelligence
provided me with insights into the secondary sector but also equipped me with technical
Python skills such as troubleshooting, improvisation, management and additional qualities
Supply service 2019- 2020
Linux / Windows OS Chic-Shop Palmeraie
HTML / CSS /JAVASCRIPT This work put me in regular contact with clients, where i was taken to resolve some of
their concerns. This requires always being available, helpful, attentive and remaining
Team work professional no matter the circumstances.

Team management


Udemy: Complete Python training

Trace Academia: Turn Data into Insights

BitDegree: Machine Learning tutorial

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