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In perspective the ECD is a comprehensive approach to programmes and policies for children
from conception-birth to seven years .It allows for children to develop in totality in terms of
the cognitive[intelligence] ,emotional ,social and physical potential , whereby it is a journey of
embarking , exploring and learning allowing the children to reach their full potential


It is important we as practitioners build a common foundation for children to learn for future
reference and building their cognitive intelligence and have an academic success and shaping
their learning capacity for later in life , The importance of the ECD is a great opportunity for
children not be delayed in their speech therapy and so that the practitioners can identify their
struggles and communicating with the parents with challenges the child might face in the
future or when starting foundation phase


We as practitioners and parents must ensure that the establishment is safe and secure for the
young children and if it is protected from any harmful substances and health hazards that might
endanger the children’s life’s. We must ensure that staff of the ECD centre well qualified and
how was their past experience with children and we must also contact their old references from
their previous school and if they have passion for teaching the young children .Practitioners
must have good quality relationship with the parents regarding their children’s academic . The
ECD must provide nutritious meals and snacks or finger foods that will enhance the immune
system and to see if it has the right enzymes and every given meal must have a scheduled time.
Practitioners must teach the young children respect and responsibility and also discipline in
order to enhance independence in order to have a positive behaviour towards their life .

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Parents have ensure that the preschools that their children are attending are registered online
correctly and if it has good requirements and a good profile and good reviews


They must involve themselves in by supporting children and communicating with the educator
and asking what have they children learned during past week and always recapping on the
work that they done in the class. Parents must incorporate applicable resources or learning style
that will improve the speech therapy of the . Parents must be able to understand their children
in order to help out by identify their strength and weakness and their active needs of the child
in order to tell the practitioner what to do at any given time. Monitoring progress and the
educator must be informative so that they can identify the focus area earlier so that they
improve sufficiently and effective not to struggling the future

Commence to making a predictable routine that is scheduled from the morning when it’s drop-
off time to picking up the children in the afternoon. This routine must followed on regular bases
and they must not change it. The ECD centre must formulate a three hours plan whereby
parents come with their children to come take the stationary on the first day and on the second
day they must play with them on slides and jungle gym swings and bounding with them in this
way they build their confidence around peers and familiarising them with the institute in that
way separation will easy to them .A Transition ritual can be great opportunity because it is
shows a way of support and nurturing the children with love and support and reduce anxiety
from both individuals. Keep talking to the teacher to solve any problems and help your child
adjust. The ECD centre must formulate songs by welcoming them

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DEFINITIONS Refers to involving the use of Refers to involving the use of
small muscles found in the bigger muscle such as upper
hands and fingers to achieve and lower body to build core
find manipulation activities strength of the body

DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONE It will help for eye and It will help with coordination
coordination and for the grip of climbing swings and
of pre-writing skills gripping with both hands on
the swing
ACTIVITY Threading the beads or Learner can throw and catch
cutting and pasting paper the bean bag and climbing a
ladder can increase your
building core body strength


1. Anger , frustrated , Anxious
2. Firstly DW’s parents were forcing her to go the lake without her permission and also that
her dad put her on the shoulders and also something happened at the aquarium
3. Firstly as parents I would book a therapy session with a Psychologist to speak to her
about her current behaviour and expressing her feelings. Calling her and ask question
based on her recent tantrum. I would communicate with her teacher to keep an eye her
at school and if her behaviour has worsen. I would her pillow to scream out what ever
anger she would holding inside.
4. I would help the children by giving them an exercise schedule because exercising relives
stress in the body. I will give them copying mechanism of holding a stress ball whereby
they use it when stress builds up. I would make them think positive things and always
been calm and patient and speak about their feelings and past trauma.

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In perspective of the benefits of children attending preschool it is very good because of the
children get to have the privilege and honour to strive for socialization with their friends, but in
particularly their peers. In ECD centre children get to experience and develop social skills and
learning how to share with other individuals in the classroom and also cooperating the
academic and companionship. Attending preschool is very beneficial for younger children
because they get to learn about academic literacy concepts and introducing it to them. In terms
of independence it is very essential for children in preschool because it teaches them to have
self- respects and responsibility and how to dress themselves up and not depending on their
parents. Disadvantages of children attending preschool is that some children have social anxiety
and separation anxiety and normally it is a struggle for parents and also stress them out when
crying and children have developed a core strength of not being separated away from their
parents and it will be hard to familiarize themselves with the institute of the preschool.

Preschools are one of the most appealing and advantageous Institutions in South Africa. South
Africa preschools don’t follow up on the curriculum of the basic of education but they create
them by designing them for specific week of every month . The ECD centre get to provide
opportunities for early learning so that they get to build and develop the fundamental skills to
know different subjects . South Africa has nine provinces most preschool prefer learners to learn
the multilingual languages because most children come from different backgrounds in the ECD
centre so practitioner made easier for children to develop certain language and make
communication skills better .An ECD centre has to be a diversified environment so that children
can interact and promote a positive social skills through the language barriers and to have
tolerance in the ECD centre.

ECD centre must formulate a routine that the kids will get used to and how to focus on their
academics. The ECD must provide a nutritious diet plan and there has to be a given time slot of
different meals and snacks every day of the week and also water to hydrate the young bodies .
Each dish given to the children must contain the five food groups in order to balance their
immune system and to stimulate growth. In preschool we as the educator we must implement
safety in the institute and checking if the environment is safe for the young . In most preschool
especially in the rural or local preschool; there may be children who are anti –social so normally
can be overwhelmed by larger group and active people children in the classroom and this may
lead to children having stress and not attending preschool anymore

In South Africa most children comes from different background in rural communicates . Most
preschool children are unprivileged to attend school due to the high prices of school fess and
parents can’t afford to pay because some parents earn low remuneration and some other are
on probation at work maybe for about six month and so it will be difficult to put their children
through preschool. Other possible outcomes of not attending preschool is bullying , In ECD

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centre the practitioner must take this matter seriously because most children come with with
anger and violence from because this take such actions from their parents or legal guardian and
they start beating other children up and those kids go back home with bruises and injuries on
their visible bare skin and the educator doesn’t report the matter back to parents and doesn’t
have remorse or even showing it makes the parent to resent the educator and also the children
that have caused damaged to their children . when registering for your child online to attend a
preschool at any specific given they must check the recommendation and reviews of the
institute and its staff

An ECD centre must have well equipped resources and if the infrastructure is in good condition
and also if the educator have right qualification to teach these children and how was their
experience in the past with children. Parents normally look at the environment and to check if
this place is right place for education and if that they’re money doesn’t go to waste. Preschool
that are in the rural area normally the children don’t the quality level of education then most
children the urban settlements, because they get the more advanced quality of children and
also the language barriers are not the same so these ECD centre.

children should attend preschool at the age of two-five years because in that way mothers can
nurse their children from conception to birth until they’re ready to see the world in a differently.

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De Wit t ,M .2021.The young child in context: A psycho-social perspective . 2nd revised second
edition. Pretoria : Van Schaik [chapter 1] >school
Accessed on:20/03/2024
Accessed on :21/03/2024
https://www.caedence –education .com
Accessed on :20/03/2024
Accessed on :20/03/2024

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