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2, FEBRUARY 2021

Grid Impedance Estimation Through

Grid-Forming Power Converters
Jingyang Fang , Member, IEEE, Han Deng , Student Member, IEEE, and Stefan M. Goetz , Member, IEEE

Abstract—In more-electronics power systems, grid-forming ac voltages. They allow a seamless transition between grid-tied
power converters, which operate as ac voltage sources, regulate and islanded operation. With respect to grid synchronization,
the grid frequency and voltages in replacement of synchronous grid-forming converters and synchronous generators share sim-
generators. Notably, grid impedances greatly influence the small
signal and voltage stability of grid-forming converters. As such, ilar fundamental principles. Therefore, the phase-locked-loop
prior knowledge of grid impedances can be very helpful for con- (PLL) is no longer a must after successful grid connection [3].
troller design. However, grid impedance estimation schemes are Because of these attractive features, grid-forming converters
normally designed for current-controlled grid-following convert- gain increasing popularity.
ers. Moreover, they are either very complicated or only yield grid Under grid-tied conditions, grid-forming converters are un-
inductances in a generally intrusive way. To fill this research gap,
an impedance estimation method well suited to grid-forming con- avoidably subject to the influence of grid impedances. On the
verters is proposed. The method consists of four operating modes, one hand, the nature of grid impedances determines the way of
which work well in voltage and power control cases. In the voltage active and reactive power control. Specifically, in the presence of
control case, the voltage amplitude perturbation or phase angle inductive lines, the regulation of ac voltage phase or frequency
information is exploited. Subsequently, the grid inductance and allows the control of active power, while the reactive power is
resistance are derived from power measurement. Alternatively, the
active or reactive power information serves to estimate the grid controlled through the change of voltage amplitudes [4]. How-
impedance in the power control case. The proposed method features ever, the opposite is true for resistive lines [5]. On the other hand,
an easy implementation without any harmonic distortion, safety grid impedances greatly affect the stability of power converters
concern, or dependence on control parameters. Moreover, the [6]–[8]. In this sense, prior knowledge of grid impedance is
method operates nonintrusively in most scenarios. Furthermore, important for stability.
a novel Kalman filtering scheme is proposed to provide added
incentives. Finally, simulation and experimental results validate The stability related to grid impedances is twofold. First,
the effectiveness and simplicity of the proposed method. control parameters are generally tuned at the steady-state op-
erating point of power converters so that small-signal stability is
Index Terms—Grid forming, impedance estimation, Kalman
filter, power converter, stability.
guaranteed [9], [10]. Second, the active power transfer capability
of power converters depends on grid impedances. In weak grids,
I. INTRODUCTION which feature large and variable grid inductances, an excessive
N MODERN more-electronics power systems, power elec- active power transfer gives rise to large-signal stability problems,
I tronic converters serve as grid interfaces for renewable gen-
eration systems, energy storage systems, electric motor drives,
e.g., a voltage stability problem [4]. As such, prior knowledge
of grid impedances will be highly beneficial for controller
etc. [1]. Generally, grid-tied power converters operate as either design.
ac voltage or current sources, seen from the power grid [2]. Grid impedance estimation approaches are largely classified
Although presently dominant, current-controlled converters lack into two groups, i.e., online and offline approaches. Despite
the ability of grid formation. They simply regulate grid-injected of high accuracy, offline approaches are not appropriate for
currents and power so as to follow the grid, and thus called grid- real-time applications. Moreover, they typically suffer from high
following converters [2]. Voltage-controlled or grid-forming complexity and cost due to the use of additional hardware [11],
converters, in contrast, regulate the amplitudes and frequency of [12]. Without any additional hardware, grid impedances can be
estimated from cable dimensions [13]. Besides compromised
Manuscript received January 14, 2020; revised April 13, 2020 and June 4, accuracy, the calculation approach depends on the availability
2020; accepted July 18, 2020. Date of publication July 21, 2020; date of current of cable, grid, and system configuration data.
version September 22, 2020. This work was supported by the National Science Online approaches benefit from fast response and low cost,
Foundation under Grant 1608929. Recommended for publication by Associate
Editor M. Liserre. (Corresponding author: Jingyang Fang.) and hence, enjoy growing research interests. Implementations
Jingyang Fang and Stefan M. Goetz are with the Duke University, Durham, NC of online impedance estimation methods can be further divided
27710 USA, and also with Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiser- into intrusive and nonintrusive (or known as active and passive
slautern, Germany (e-mail:;
Han Deng is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, [11]) approaches. After disturbing power systems, intrusive ap-
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore (e-mail: proaches estimate grid impedances by use of the information ob- tained from disturbances. For instance, an interharmonic, such as
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available online
at 75 Hz, can be added to the voltage reference of the current control
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2020.3010874 and injected into the network. The resulting 75 Hz current yields

0885-8993 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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the impedance through Fourier analysis [14], [15]. However,

the interharmonic causes voltage and current distortions, which
must be well treated to comply with grid codes [16]. Moreover,
the impedance estimation is not very accurate due to time delays
and biased disturbance frequencies, and thereby complicating
the estimation of grid resistances in experiments [14], [15]. Since
the objectives of [14] and [15] are the detection of grid faults, Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of grid-forming power consversion systems.
this inaccuracy poses few challenges. However, high accuracy
is required for the guidance of controller design. Cespedes
and Sun replace the interharmonic by a triangular disturbance,
which allows the estimation of grid impedances in a wide band-
width [17]. However, distortion problems still exist. In fact, the
open-loop injection of harmonics or interharmonics, which can
interact with converter control, may distort disturbance signals
and give incorrect information for grid impedance estimation
[18]. One interesting approach estimates the grid impedance
via the excitation and detection of LCL filter resonances [19].
However, such an approach may destabilize power conversion
systems and be safety critical due to resonance amplifications,
particularly in the presence of other power converters. Moreover,
current controllers affect estimation accuracy, as the resonance
is determined by current control gains.
Nonintrusive approaches exploit the existing information in
power grids for grid impedance estimation, and hence free of
disturbances. As detailed in [20], the extended Kalman filter
proves to be a promising tool of estimating grid impedances
within several fundamental periods. This approach works well Fig. 2. Control structure of grid-forming power conversion systems.
even under distorted environments [21]. However, the extended
nonlinear Kalman filter is complicated by large system state-
space models and Jacobian matrix calculation. Moreover, the II. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND CONTROL STRUCTURE
tuning of noise covariance matrices (including measurement and This section provides a broad view of system configuration
process covariance matrices) are difficult, especially when the and control structure. The relevant contents lay a foundation
number of states is huge. In practice, the tuning is often a trial and for the subsequent descriptions of the proposed grid impedance
error procedure [21]. Therefore, it is highly desirable to simplify estimation method.
system models. In addition, a hybrid approach combining both Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of grid-forming power
intrusive and nonintrusive ideas (using recursive least square conversion systems, where the dc–ac or ac–dc power converter
algorithms) is developed, where disturbances are applied only is connected to the grid through an LCL filter. As common
when the estimation quality falls below a certain limit [22]. practice, we model the grid as a series connection of resistors
However, all these model-based approaches are designed for Rs , inductors Ls , and voltage sources vsabc [20], [22]. The LCL
grid-following converters and, therefore, they cannot be directly filter provides local voltage support through the capacitors Cgf ,
used in grid-forming converters. Thus, there is a gap in the art, while the grid-side inductors Lgg decouple the capacitors from
which this paper aims to fill. the grid voltages in stiff grids [23]. Dependent on applications,
This article proposes an impedance estimation method well the dc side can contain capacitors or dc voltage sources [24]. The
suited to grid-forming power converters. The method benefits two options differ in the outer active power control loop: with a
from easy implementation without any harmonic distortion or dc voltage source, the grid-forming converter regulates its active
safety concern. For stable grid-forming converters, control pa- power directly; otherwise, the dc voltage vgdc is controlled,
rameters will not affect impedance detection accuracy. More- whereas the active power cannot be flexibly regulated. In both
over, the method yields both grid inductances and resistances. cases, the ac capacitor voltages vgf abc should be tightly regulated
The proposed method contains four operating modes, most of through a voltage loop inside the dc voltage or power control
which operate nonintrusively without disturbing power systems. loop. Moreover, the converter currents or capacitor currents may
The rest of this article is organized as follows. Section II be sensed for resonance damping and protection purposes [25].
describes the system configuration and control structure of Fig. 2 details the control structure of grid-forming power con-
grid-forming power converters. In Section III, the proposed version systems, where PI and P stand for proportional integral
grid impedance estimation method is disclosed and detailed. and proportional controllers, respectively. LPF represents the
Section IV introduces a novel filtering scheme for better noise low-pass filter. dabc serve to generate driving pulses. Noticeably,
rejection. Section V verifies the proposed method through the voltage control is implemented with a cascaded structure in
extensive simulation and experimental results. Finally, Section V the synchronous dq-frame [2]. The two inputs of voltage con-
concludes this article. trol, namely the voltage amplitude vgf _ref (vgf _ref = Vgf _ref +
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chosen as a reference of zero degree. The grid current and volt-

age phasors are represented as Igg ∠ − φ and Vs ∠ − δ, respec-
tively. Special attention should be paid to the impedance Zgs ∠θ
connected between the two voltage sources. This impedance is
contributed by the grid-side inductance Lgg of the LCL filter,
the grid resistance Rs , and the grid inductance Ls . Zgs ∠θ is
mathematically described by
Fig. 3. Simplified schematic diagram for impedance estimation. (a) Circuit
diagram. (b) Phasor diagram. Zgs ∠θ = Rgs + jXgs = Rs + jω0 (Lgg + Ls ) (3)
where ω 0 represents the fundamental angular frequency.
Δvgf _ref ) and phase angle δgf _ref (δgf _ref = δref + Δδgf _ref ), are
Fig. 3(b) visualizes the relationships among various phasors in
determined by the outputs of power control. In particular, δgf _ref
Fig. 3(a) through a phasor diagram, from which the grid current
consists of two parts: δref (which refers to the phase angle of the
phasor is derived as
grid voltages in steady state) and Δδgf _ref (which denotes the
phase angle difference between the converter voltages and grid −
→ Vgf ∠0◦ − Vs ∠ − δ
I gg = Igg ∠ − φ =
voltages in steady state). Zgs ∠θ
Generally, the active power Pg is regulated through the change Vgf − Vs cos δ + jVs sin δ
of its reference Pg_ref or phase angle δgf _ref , while the reac- =
Rgs + jXgs
tive power Qg is controlled via its reference Qg_ref or voltage (4)
amplitude vgf _ref [26]. However, it is worth noting that this (Vgf − Vs cos δ)Rgs + Vs sin δXgs
= 2 + X2
statement holds valid only for inductive grids. For resistive Rgs gs
grids, the control philosophy will be opposite [5]. As such, [Vs sin δRgs − (Vgf − Vs cos δ)Xgs ]
power control is affected by grid impedances. In addition to +j 2 + X2
Rgs gs
power control, grid impedances also impact stability and per-
formances of grid-forming power converters [4]. Notably, the where the complex phasor operations can follow [23].
knowledge of grid impedances enables the implementation of Furthermore, the active power Pg and the reactive power Qg
adaptive controllers, which ensure better ac voltage and power injected by the converter to the grid are derived from the complex
regulation [27]. Moreover, as discussed in [14] and [15], grid product of voltage and conjugate current phasors as
impedances can predict grid fault and islanding conditions. 3 → −
− →
Also, the successful synchronization of multiple grid-forming Pg = Re( V gf I ∗gg )
converters is determined by grid impedances [31]. Therefore, it
3Vgf (Vgf − Vs cos δ)Rgs + 3Vgf Vs sin δXgs
is highly desirable to accurately estimate grid impedances, as = (5)
will be discussed in the following sections. 2(Rgs
2 + X2 )
In Fig. 2, the power measurement part calculates the active 3 → −
− →
power Pg and the reactive power Qg through the following Qg = Im( V gf I ∗gg )
equations [28]:
−3Vgf Vs sin δRgs + 3Vgf (Vgf − Vs cos δ)Xgs
3 = . (6)
Pg = (vgf d iggd + vgf q iggq ) (1) 2(Rgs
2 + X2 )
3 Assuming that the voltage controller operates normally, the
Qg = (vgf q iggd − vgf d iggq ) (2) voltage amplitude Vgf and phase angle δ are expressed as
where vgf d and vgf q or iggd and iggq denote the dq-axis com- Vgf = vgf _ref = Vgf _ref + Δvgf _ref (7)
ponents of vgf abc or iggabc , respectively. Pg and Qg can be δ = Δδgf _ref (8)
filtered by LPFs before sent to the power control part. Prior
to grid connection, the PLL synchronizes with grid voltages where Vgf _ref (Vgf _ref = Vs ) and δ ref (see Fig. 2) are obtained be-
and provides the phase angle reference δ ref . After successfully fore grid connection to avoid inrush currents. Moreover, Δvgf _ref
connected to the power grid, the grid-forming converter may and Δδgf _ref are derived from the controllers in Fig. 2. Therefore,
deactivate its PLL as long as the active power is well regulated. the only unknown information of Pg in (5) and Qg in (6) is
related to the grid impedance, i.e., Rgs and Xgs . This implies
III. PROPOSED IMPEDANCE ESTIMATION METHOD the possibility of using the power measurement information to
estimate grid impedances.
This section proposes an impedance estimation method well
suited to grid-forming power converters. Also, the theoretical
A. Amplitude Perturbation in the Voltage Control Case
bases and benefits are fully disclosed.
Before proceeding to method details, we can first refer to the Generally, grid-forming power converters can operate in ei-
simplified circuit diagram shown in Fig. 3(a). Upon achieving ther the voltage or power control case. In the voltage control
a stable grid connection, the grid-forming converter is modeled case, the power control part (see Fig. 2) should be ignored. In
as a controllable ac voltage source Vgf ࢬ0˚, where the capacitor this case, the converter voltage amplitude vgf _ref and phase angle
voltage phasor with its phase-to-line voltage amplitude Vgf is δgf _ref are regulated directly. Considering a voltage amplitude
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perturbation Δvgf _ref and a small phase angle difference, i.e., Despite the involvement of trigonometric operations, the
δ ≈ 0˚, we can simplify the power expressions (5) and (6) as phase angle mode presents a clear advantage from the imple-
follows: mentation point of view. It poses no disturbance, and thereby
3vgf _ref Δvgf _ref Rgs making free operation of grid-forming converters and local loads
Pg = (9) possible. The voltage control modes discussed in Sections III-A
2(Rgs2 + X2 )
and III-B allow flexible adaptations to various outer power loops,
3vgf _ref Δvgf _ref Xgs such as P-V and Q-δ control in low voltage grids.
Qg = . (10)
2(Rgs 2 + X2 )

By use of (9) and (10), it is possible to derive (Pg2 + Q2g ), C. Active Power Information in the Power Control Case
based on which Rgs and Xgs are further derived as Returning to Fig. 2 and considering the power control part
3Pg vgf _ref Δvgf _ref without reactive power compensation, one can rearrange the (5)
Rgs = (11) and (6) as
2(Pg 2 + Qg 2 )
3Qg vgf _ref Δvgf _ref 3vgf _ref [(vgf _ref − Vgf _ref cos Δδgf _ref )Rgs
Xgs = . (12) +Vgf _ref sin Δδgf _ref Xgs ]
2(Pg 2 + Qg 2 ) Pg_ref = (20)
2 + X2 )
Finally, the grid resistance and inductance are given as
Rs = Rgs , Ls = Xgs /ω0 − Lgg . (13) 3vgf _ref [−Vgf _ref sin Δδgf _ref Rgs
+(vgf _ref − Vgf _ref cos Δδgf _ref )Xgs ]
Clearly, the voltage amplitude perturbation mode benefits 0= . (21)
2(Rgs2 + X2 )
from simplicity. However, its drawback lies in the modification
of voltage amplitudes, which may disturb the operation of local Furthermore, it is derived from (21) that
loads that are paralleled with filter capacitors.
(vgf _ref − Vgf _ref cosΔδgf _ref )Xgs
Rgs = . (22)
B. Phase Angle Information in the Voltage Control Case vgf _ref sinΔδgf _ref

As mentioned, it is desirable to maintain a standard voltage Substitution of (22) into (20), it yields
amplitude in the voltage control mode, i.e., Δvgf _ref = 0. In this 3vgf _ref Vgf _ref sinΔδgf _ref
case, the nonzero phase angle information allows the estimation Pg_ref = . (23)
of grid impedances. To validate this statement, (5) and (6) are
changed into The grid impedance is derived from (22) and (23) as
Pg = 3vgf _ref (vgf _ref − Vgf _ref cos Δδgf _ref )
Rgs = (24)
3Vgf _ref 2 (1 − cosΔδgf _ref )Rgs + 3Vgf _ref 2 sinΔδgf _ref Xgs 2Pg_ref
2(Rgs 2 + X2 )
gs 3vgf _ref Vgf _ref sinΔδgf _ref
Xgs = (25)
(14) 2Pg_ref
Qg = where vgf _ref and Δδgf _ref are given in Fig. 2.
It is worthwhile to note that the active power information for
−3Vgf _ref 2 sinΔδgf _ref Rgs + 3Vgf _ref 2 (1 − cosΔδgf _ref )Xgs
. impedance estimation comes from the active power reference
2 + X2 )
gs Pg_ref instead of active power measurement. Moreover, the active
(15) power method estimates grid impedances using the existing
Upon manipulation, the unknown denominators are removed converter information without any disturbance.
as follows:
3Vgf _ref 2 (1 − cos Δδgf _ref ) D. Reactive Power Information in the Power Control Case
Pg Rgs + Qg Xgs = (16)
2 When compensating reactive power, the grid-forming con-
3Vgf _ref sin Δδgf _ref
2 verter operates as a distribution static compensator [29]. The
Pg Xgs − Qg Rgs = . (17) corresponding power equations take the form of
Subsequently, Rgs and Xgs are derived as 3vgf _ref [(vgf _ref − Vgf _ref cosΔδgf _ref )Rgs
3Vgf _ref [(1 − cos Δδgf _ref )Pg − sin Δδgf _ref Qg ]
2 +Vgf _ref sinΔδgf _ref Xgs ]
Rgs = 0= (26)
2(Pg 2 + Qg 2 ) 2(Rgs
2 + X2 )

(18) 3vgf _ref [−Vgf _ref sinΔδgf _ref Rgs

+(vgf _ref − Vgf _ref cosΔδgf _ref )Xgs ]
3Vgf _ref 2 [(1 − cos Δδgf _ref )Qg + sin Δδgf _ref Pg ] Qg_ref = .
Xgs = . 2(Rgs
2 + X2 )
2(Pg 2 + Qg 2 ) gs

(19) (27)

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Rearranging (26) entails

−Vgf _ref sinΔδgf _ref Xgs
Rgs = . (28)
vgf _ref − Vgf _ref cos Δδgf _ref
Substitution of (28) into (27) gives
−3vgf _ref Vgf _ref sin Δδgf _ref
Qg_ref = . (29)
The combination of (28) and (29) yields
−3vgf _ref Vgf _ref sinΔδgf _ref
Rgs = (30)
3vgf _ref (vgf _ref − Vgf _ref cosΔδgf _ref )
Xgs = . (31)
Similar to the active power mode, the reactive power mode
involves no disturbance or power measurement information.
Note that the proposed impedance estimation method cannot
differentiate the change of grid impedances when grid voltages
also change, because impedance and/or grid voltage changes
may lead to identical active and reactive power changes. In
this case, we have to reduce the power references to zero.
Subsequently, the information of grid voltages can be read from
converter voltages. Otherwise, if the change of grid voltages
is relatively small as compared to converter power ratings,
the errors of the estimated grid impedance will be minor, and
hence ignored. In summary, the impedance estimation method Fig. 4. Flowchart of the proposed Kalman filtering scheme.
containing four operating modes introduced in this section are
well suitable for grid-forming converters. They use the steady- Heightened attention should be paid to the process and mea-
state power information for impedance estimation, and hence, surement noise covariance matrices Qk and Rk , as they are
independent of control parameters. The estimation results cover difficult to design in real-time applications, particularly for the
both the grid resistance and inductance. systems with a large number of state variables [20]. For example,
the full-order state space model of grid-following converters
IV. PROPOSED KALMAN FILTERING SCHEME introduces Qk(14×14) and Rk(4×4) , which are very difficult to
tune due to high matrix dimensions [20]. Therefore, we aim to
A major limitation of many methods in real-world environ- simplify system models with less state variables.
ments is measurement and interference noise. We propose an First of all, a discrete state-space description of (5) and (6) is
advanced filtering scheme that improves the noise rejection given as
performances of our grid impedance estimation. Our proposed
method defines a state space to recursively estimate the grid xk+1 = Ak xk
impedance based on the more general concept of Kalman filters yk = Hk xk + vk (32)
[21], [30].
Among Kalman filters, basic and extended Kalman filters are where vk refers to the unknown random variable that models
popular choices that target at linear and nonlinear problems, the measurement noise. The remaining vectors and matrices are
respectively [21]. In contrast, extended Kalman filters are more derived as
⎡ ⎤
complicated due to the calculation of Jacobian matrices. There- Rgs (k)
fore, it is preferable to use basic Kalman filters in replacement   ⎢ 2 2 ⎥  
x1k (k) ⎢ Rgs (k) + Xgs (k) ⎥ Pg (k)
of extended Kalman filters if possible. xk = =⎢ ⎥ , yk =
x2k (k) ⎣ Xgs (k) ⎦ Qg (k)
Fig. 4 illustrates a flowchart of the proposed Kalman filtering
scheme, where the process works in two recursive steps, i.e., Rgs (k)2 + Xgs (k)2
prediction and update. In Fig. 4, the subscript k stands for the (33)
discrete time step. Ak , Bk , and Hk designate the state, input, and    
1 0 H11 (k) H12 (k)
output matrices, respectively. xk or xk+1 , uk , and yk represent Ak = A = , Hk = (34)
0 1 −H12 (k) H11 (k)
the real state, input, and output variables, respectively. xk|k−1
and x̂k denote the prediction and update of xk , respectively. where the coefficients of Hk are expressed as
Kk , Pk|k−1 , and Pk stand for the Kalman gain, estimate error 3vgf _ref (k)[vgf _ref (k) − Vgf _ref cosΔδgf _ref (k)]
covariance, and updated error covariance, respectively. H11 (k) =

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Descriptions Symbols Values

Fundamental frequency f0 50 Hz
Sampling/switching frequency fs / fsw 10 kHz
Nominal dc voltage Vgdc 400 V
Nominal grid voltage Vgf_ref 110 Vrms
Converter-side inductance Lgi 2 mH
Filter capacitance Cgf 40 μF
Grid-side inductance Lgg 5 mH
Grid resistance Rs 1/10 Ω
Grid inductance Ls 10/5 mH

3vgf _ref (k)Vgf _ref sinΔδgf _ref (k)

H12 (k) = . (35)
Note that all the variables in (32)–(35) are discretized to
facilitate the recursive process. In addition, the proposed filtering
scheme is of a second-order model, which is linear and much
simpler than the full-order state space model described in [20].
Table II, the process covariance matrix, namely, Q(2×2) , is tuned
Next, the initialization is achieved by randomly designing
as an identity matrix scaled by a small gain factor 1e−3. We
x̂1 and P1 , such as a zero vector and an identity matrix. It
choose a small gain for Q(2×2) as the filter model in (32) contains
should be remembered that the input vector uk and input matrix
no input or input process noise. Alternatively, R(2×2) features
Bk are excluded from the proposed filter. Moreover, the noise
a relatively large gain factor of 1e8, which aims to sufficiently
covariance matrices Qk(2×2) and Rk(2×2) can be simplified as
attenuate the measurement noise.
constant matrices Q(2×2) and R(2×2) . This simplification, along
Fig. 5 illustrates the simulated voltage (vgf abc and vsa ) and
with the reduced system order, greatly eases the tuning of the
power (Pg and Qg ) waveforms of the proposed grid impedance
noise covariance matrices.
estimation method under nominal operating conditions. One can
In what follows, the two steps in Fig. 4, i.e., prediction
notice a small difference between the converter and grid voltage
and update, are alternately performed to yield more accurate
amplitudes in the amplitude perturbation mode. Similarly, there
estimation of xk through x̂k . Finally, the grid resistance and
is a phase shift between the converter and grid voltages when the
reactance are derived as
phase angle mode is applied. However, the voltage amplitude and
x1k (k) x2k (k) phase angle differences are quite small, thereby demonstrating
Rgs (k) = 2 2 , Xgs (k) = .
x1k (k) + x2k (k) x1k (k)2 + x2k (k)2 the high resolution of the proposed grid impedance estimation
(36) method. Moreover, the active or reactive power is tightly regu-
The proposed filtering scheme achieves the mitigation of mea- lated after enabling the power controller in Fig. 5(c) and (d). In
surement noise for grid impedance estimation methods in a very summary, all the proposed modes yield accurate estimation of
simple way. It gets rid of the large system state-space models the grid resistance and inductance, as listed in Table III.
and Jacobian matrix calculation. The filtering effectiveness will We provide the simulation results under various operating
be demonstrated in the following section. conditions of grid-forming power conversion systems, where
only the waveforms associated with the voltage amplitude mode
V. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATIONS are included for simplicity. Figs. 6–8 present the simulation
waveforms of voltages and power with 50 Ω local loads, 10%
We perform simulation and experimental studies in this sec-
5th + 4% 7th grid harmonics, and 5% grid voltage imbalances,
tion for verification purposes. The simulation and experimental
respectively. The relevant results are given in Table III. Despite
results clearly verify the effectiveness of the proposed grid
minor estimation errors, the estimated grid impedances are very
impedance estimation method and filtering scheme.
close to their theoretical values, thereby demonstrating the ef-
fectiveness of the proposed impedance estimation method under
A. Simulation Verification various system conditions.
We simulated the system in MATLAB/Simulink (R2016b) Fig. 9 visualizes the performance of the proposed filtering
with the system and control parameters in Tables I and II, scheme in the presence of measurement noise. Clearly, the pro-
respectively. As noted in Table I, the simulation covers two grid posed filtering scheme ensures successful estimation despite of
conditions, where the theoretical grid resistance and inductance noise. It is worth mentioning that the noise rejection performance
are 1 Ω and 10 mH as well as 10 Ω and 5 mH, respectively. In of filters is strongly related to the measurement covariance

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Cases Rs (Ω) Lgs (mH)

Nominal case Theory 1/10 10/5
Voltage amplitude 1.01/10.0 10.0/4.97
Phase angle 1.00/10.0 10.0/5.00
Active power 1.00/9.99 10.0/5.04
Reactive power 1.00/10.0 10.0/4.98
With 50 Ω Theory 1/10 10/5

local loads Voltage amplitude 1.01/10.0 10.0/4.98

Phase angle 1.01/10.0 10.0/5.00
Active power 1.00/9.99 9.99/5.03
Reactive power 0.99/10.0 10.0/4.98
With voltage Theory 1/10 10/5

harmonics Voltage amplitude 1.00/10.0 10.0/4.99

Phase angle 1.01/10.0 10.0/4.97
Active power 1.00/10.0 10.1/5.03
Reactive power 0.99/10.0 10.0/5.09
With voltage Theory 1/10 10/5

imbalances Voltage amplitude 0.99/10.0 9.99/5.04

Phase angle 1.00/10.0 10.0/5.00
Active power 0.98/10.0 10.1/5.10
Reactive power 0.96/9.99 9.95/5.02

Fig. 6. Simulation waveforms of the proposed grid impedance estimation

method with 50 Ω local loads.

matrix R(2×2) . Generally, a larger norm of R(2×2) translates

into better noise rejection at the expense of filtering dynamics.

B. Experimental Verification
We conducted experiments for further verification purposes,
where the nominal dc and grid voltage are reduced to 200 V
and 50 Vrms, respectively. The method intends to estimate
the inductance and equivalent series resistance of discrete grid
inductors (15 mH ± 10%).
Fig. 5. Simulation waveforms of the proposed grid impedance estimation
method under nominal operating conditions. (a) Amplitude perturbation mode. Fig. 10 presents a photo of the experimental setup, and
(b) Phase angle mode. (c) Active power mode. (d) Reactive power mode. the detailed experimental setup descriptions are documented

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Fig. 10. Photograph of experimental setup.

Fig. 7. Simulation waveforms of the proposed grid impedance estimation
method with 10% 5th + 4% 7th grid harmonics.

Equipment Models Descriptions

Dc power supply ITECH IT6536D 750 V/30 A
Controller DSPACE Microlabbox 48 PWM + 32 AD
Oscilloscope LeCroy HDO8038 350 MHz, 8 channels
Current probe LeCroy CP030 50 MHz, 30 A
Voltage probe LeCroy HVD3106 120 MHz, 1 kV
Grid emulator Chroma 61830 30 kVA, 4 quadrants
SiC MOSFET CREE C3M0065090D 900 V, 36 A

Fig. 8. Simulation waveforms of the proposed grid impedance estimation EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS OF GRID IMPEDANCE ESTIMATION
method with 5% grid imbalances.
Cases Rs (Ω) Lgs (mH)
Nominal case Theory ≈0.95 ≈15.5
Voltage amplitude 0.90 15.9
Phase angle 0.93 15.3
Active power 0.97 15.2
Reactive power 0.86 15.8
With 50Ω Theory ≈0.95 ≈15.5

local loads Voltage amplitude 0.95 15.9

Phase angle 0.99 15.2
Active power 0.91 15.2
Reactive power 0.88 15.6
With voltage Theory ≈0.95 ≈15.5

harmonics Voltage amplitude 0.91 16.0

Fig. 9. Simulation results of the proposed filtering scheme.
Phase angle 0.97 15.4
in Table IV. A grid emulator (Chroma 61830) together with Active power 0.94 15.3
the grid inductors emulated the power gird. The grid-forming Reactive power 0.86 15.7
converter was fed by one dc power supply (ITECH IT6536D) and
With voltage Theory ≈0.95 ≈15.5
employed SiC MOSFETs (CREE C3M0065090D) as main active
switches, which were controlled by a dSPACE microprocessor imbalances Voltage amplitude 0.91 15.8
(Microlabbox). An oscilloscope (LeCroy HDO8038) captured Phase angle 0.94 15.4
all the experimental waveforms. Active power 0.92 15.4
Fig. 11 illustrates the experimental waveforms of the proposed Reactive power 0.83 15.8
grid impedance estimation method under nominal operating

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Fig. 12. Experimental waveforms of the proposed grid impedance estimation

method with 50 Ω local loads.

Fig. 13. Experimental waveforms of the proposed grid impedance estimation

method with 10% 5th + 4% 7th grid harmonics.

conditions. Furthermore, Figs. 12–14 present the relevant ex-

perimental waveforms in the cases with local loads, grid voltage
harmonics, and grid voltage imbalances, respectively. These
experimental results agree well with the simulation results.
Nevertheless, the converter and grid voltages, paired with their
active and reactive power, are changed in values according to
various system operating points.
The estimated grid resistances and inductances are listed in
Table V. It is noticed that the estimation errors are slightly
magnified as compared to the simulation results. However, the
errors are within 5% and 10% concerning the grid inductance
and resistance, respectively. One possible source of errors lies
in the power measurement, particularly for the reactive power
measurement. Referring to Table V, one can observe that the
voltage amplitude and reactive power modes yield more rel-
atively unreliable results, which are caused by large reactive
power ratings in these cases.
Finally, Fig. 15 shows the experimental results of the proposed
filtering scheme. The Kalman filter sufficiently attenuates the
noise, resulting in clear and readable grid impedance results.
These experimental results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness
Fig. 11. Experimental waveforms of the proposed grid impedance estimation
method under nominal operating conditions. (a) Amplitude perturbation method. and benefits of the proposed grid impedance estimation method
(b) Phase angle method. (c) Active power mode. (d) Reactive power mode. and filtering scheme.

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Jingyang Fang (Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. Muenchen, Munich, Germany, and from Columbia
and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from University, New York, NY, USA, in 2012.
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 2013 His research interests include precise high-power
and 2015, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from pulse synthesizers for magnetic neurostimulation and
the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineer- noninvasive brain stimulation as well as integrative
ing, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, power electronics solutions for microgrids and elec-
in 2019. tric vehicle applications.
From May 2018 to August 2018, he was a Visit- Dr. Goetz is currently on Faculty at Duke University and TU Kaiserslautern.
ing Scholar with the Institute of Energy Technology, He was awarded a Ph.D. Thesis Prize on a thesis on medical applications of
Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. From August power electronics from TU Muenchen.
2018 to August 2019, he was a Research Fellow with
the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore. Since August 2019, he joined the Duke University and
TU Kaiserslautern, as a Postdoctoral Fellow. He has authored and coauthored
two ESI highly cited papers. His research interests include power quality control,
stability analysis and improvement, renewable energy integration, and digital
control in more-electronics power systems.
Dr. Fang is the recipient of the Best Paper Award of IEEE Asia Conference on
Energy, Power and Transportation Electrification in 2017, and the Best Presenter
of IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Ex-
position in 2018. He received the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding
Self-Financed Students Abroad in 2018 and the Best Thesis Award from NTU
in 2019.

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