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1. Amocba proteus
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum - Protozoa
Class - Sarcodina
Genus -Amoeba

Species - proteus
1. It isa unicellular organism which is found in standing water such as ponds and ditches either sticking
to the vegetation or in the mud at the bottom of the water body.
Ectoplasm Food vacuole


Food vacuole


Pseudopodium Nucleus

Fig. 13.1. Amoeba proteus

2. It is irregular in shape.
3. Its body is surrounded by plasmalemma inside which cytoplasm is present.
4. Cytoplasm is differentiated intoouter ectoplasm and inner endoplasm.
5. Within endoplasm, a prominent nucleus and many food vacuoles lie.
6. Endoplasm also contains a contractile vacuole which stores excretory waste and excess water.
7. Many fnger-like projections called pseudopodia are also present. These pseudopodia help in locomotion
and engulfing the food.
2. Hydra
Kingdomn- Animalia
Phylum - Coelenterata
Class -Hydrozoa
Genus - Hydra
Species - oligactis
1. It is found in cool, fresh water of ponds, Tentacles
lakes and streamns.
2. Its body is elongated and cylindrical (polyp
form). Nematoblasts
3. It has only one opening called mouth which
is situated at the oral end. Aconical region Hypostome
called hypostome is present around the
4. It has 6-10, long, slender and contractile Testes
tentacles which surround the hypostome.
These tentacles play important role in
offence, defence, locomotion and food Full grown bud
capturing. Ovary
5. Contrary to oral end, its basal end is flat.
With the help of this end, it attaches itself Cylindrical body
tothe substratum.
6. In mature Hydra, some buds (for vegetative
Basal disc
propogation) or gonads (for sexual repro
duction) in the form of small bulges may
be seen on the body. Fig. 13.2. Hydra oligactis
3. Fasicola hepatica (Liver Auke)
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum - Platyhelminthes
Class -Trematoda
Genus Fasicola
Species - hepatica
1. It is an endoparasite which is found in the bile ducts of -Oral sucker
liver of sheep and goats.
2. Ithas leaf-like body which is dorso-ventrally ffattened and Acetabulum
covered with cuticle.
3. The anterior part of the body has a conical end called head
4 Head lobe bears a mouth surrounded by a muscular oral
Excretory pore
5. About 3-5 mm behind (posterior) the oral sucker, a muscular
ventral sucker is situated on the ventral side of the body. Fig. 13.3. Liver Fluke
This ventral sucker is called acetabulum.
6 Between the oral sucker and acetabulum an opening called
genital aperture or gonopore is present.
7. At the tip of posterior end an opening called excretory pore is situated.
8. Liver fluke is a bisexual organism.
4. Ascaris lumbricoides (Round worm)
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Aschelminthes
Class - Ascaroidea
Genus - Ascaris
Species - lumbricoides
known as roundworm.
1. The shown specimen is Ascaris lumbricoides which is commonly
intestine of man.
2. It is a common endoparasite of the small
mm in diameter.
3. Its body is cylindrical, measuring 10-40 cm in length and 5-6
4. Both the ends of its body are pointed and male is shorter than
the lateral lines are
5. Adorsal, ventral and two lateral lines extend lengthwise. Out of these,
comparatively more distinct.
and two ventral lips.
6. The anterior end of the body has a terminal triradiate mouth with one dorsal
1. A small excretory pore is present a little behind the anterior end.
copulatory spine
6. In male, posterior end is curved. Besides this, male also has a pair of sickle-like
(penial setae) close to cloacal opening.
3. In female, a female genital aperture called gonopore is present mid-ventrally about one third distance
from the anterior end.
10. 1t causes a diseasecalled ascariasis which occurs at all ages but most common in children.

Mouth lips
Excretory pore


Excretory pore

Lateral line


Male Female

Fig. 13.4. Ascaris lumbricoides

5. Pheretima posthuma (Earthworm)

Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum - Annelida
Class -Oligochaeta
Genus - Pheretima
Species - posthuma
1. It has about 15 cm long, narrow, cylindrical body which is divided into more than 100 externally distinct
Segments of almost equal size. These segments are called metameres.
2. The body has bilateral symmetry.
3. The dorsal súrface of its body is marked by a mid dorsal line (dorsal blood
4. The firstmetamere is called the peristomium. Amouth and a covering for the mouth called
is sitdated on the ventral side of peristomium.
5. A the tip of the last metamere, anus is
6. The segments 14th, 15th, and 16th together form a band which is
called clitellum.
7. Each segment except the first, last and clitellar segments bear
setae which help in locomotion.
8. Female genital aperture is present ventrally in the 14th segment whereas male
in the 1g'h gegment genital aperture is present
9. In the 17h and the 19h 8egments just above and below the
male genital aperture a pair of copulatoy
papillae i8 present.
10. It is a hermaphrodite animal but shows cross pollination.
Ringof setae
Mouth (c)
Clitellum Female
opening Clitellum genital
Metameres papillae
Anus aperture

(a) (b)

Fig. 13.5. Body of earthworm: (a) dorsal view (b) ventral view (c) lateral view showing mouth opening
7. Paloemon malcolnn sonii(Prawn)
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Arthropoda
Class Crustacea
Genus - Palaemon
Species - malcolmsonii
1. It is found in fresh water.
2. Its body is curved and 20-30 cm long.
3. Although its colour is variable but it is usually orange-red in colour.
head and thorax) and posteriox
4. Its body is divided into two regions--anterior cephalothorax (fused
Anteriorly the carapace
5. The cephalothorax has athick and hard shield-like cover, called the carapace.
extends to form aserrated and pointed rostrum.
end of cephalothorax.
6. A pair of stalked compound eyes are present on the anterior
mandibles, maxilullae and
7. The head region bears five pairs of appendagesantennules, antennae,
while posterior
8. The thoracic region has 8pairs of appendages. Out of these, anterior three help in feeding
ffve helpn walking.
9. The abdonen consists of six segments and ends in a pointed telson.
10. Each abdominal segment bearsa pair of appendages. Appendages of the last segment are broader than
appendages of other five segments. The appendages of last segment are called uropods while appendages
of next five segment are called pleopods or swimming legs.
Antennal spine Orbital notch
Hepatic spine


Carapace Eye
Hinge joint

Pleural plate
Telson Walking legs

Walking legs
Uropod (non-chelate)

Fig. 13.7.Palaemon (Prawn)

10. Pila globosa (Apple snail)
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Mollusca
Class - Gastropoda
Genus - Pila
Species - globosa Shell
1. It is usually found in shallow freshwater like paddy
felds, ponds, etc.
2. The animal lodges within a hard and spirally coiled
calcareous shell.
3. The lower whor! (coil) of the shell has a wide Opercutum
opening through which its head and foot come out.
As it withdraws its parts acalcareous plate called
operculum closes the opening.
4. Its body has four regions-head, foot, visceral mass Fig. 13.10. Pila
and mantle.
5. The head has a pairs of eyes and two pairsof tetacles.
6. On the ventral side, a muscular foot is present with the help of which it moves.
11. Asterias (Starfish)
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Echinodermata
Class - Asteroidea
Genus - Asterias
Species - rubens
1. It is a marine organism, which has
star-shaped body and radial symmetry.
2. It has a central disc from where five
tapering arms radiate.
3. The entire body surface is covered with
numerous small-sized spines.
4. The lower surface has mouth and hence this surface is also called
the oral surface.
5. Oral surface also bears five ambulacral grooves in which special organs, called tube feet, are situated.
Tube feet help in locomotion and capturing of prey.
6. The upper surface also called aboral surface bears an anus and a circular sieve-like structure called
madreporite. The madreporite allows water to pass into vascular system.
Madreporite Anus



(a) (b)

Fig. 13.11. Starfish (a) Aboral view(b) Oral view

12. Scoliodon (Cartilaginous fish)

Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum- Chordata
Subphylum - Vertebrata
Superclass - Pisces
Class- Chondrichthyes
Genus - Scoliodon
1. It has streamlined body with apointed snout.
2. The skin is tough. containing minute placoid scales.
3. The body is divided into head, trunk and tail.
4. Head bears aventrally located nouth and two large eves.
5. The teeth are modified placoid scales which are arranged in several rows and pointed backwardly
6. It has five pairs of gill slits which are not covered by operculum.
7. It possesses a number of paired and unpaired fins. Pectoral and pelvic fins are paired fins while .
dorsal ins and a lobed caudal fin and medial ventral fin are unpaired fins.
8. Amedian groove-like cloacal aperture is situated ventrally between the two pelvic fins.
9. Tail is heterocercal i.e., both lobes of caudal fins are unequal.
10. Lateral line sense organs are
11. Sexes are separate. Males bear claspers (copulatory organ) in pelvic region.
Lateral line
Dorsal fins

Eye Trunk Tail

Head Caudal fin


Gill slits Pelvic fin

Pectoral fin

Fig. 13.12. Scoliodon (Dog fish)

13. Labeo rohita (Bony fish)

Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Subphylum - Vertebrata
Superclass - Pisces
Class -Osteichthyes
Genus - Labeo
Species - rohita
1. It has strearlined body.
2. Skin is cghered with cycloid dermal scales.
3. They ave a broad head with terminal mouth.
4. Théy have four pairs of gill slits which are covered by an
opereulum on each side.
5 They have different types of paired and unpaired fins. Paired fins,
(pectoral fins and
fhsh to sWim in water in upward and downward directions while unpaired fins (dorsalpelvic fìns) help tne
fin, ventral fin and
caudal fin) provide stability to fish while swimming.
6. Tail is homocercal i.e., both lobes of caudal fins are equal.
7 Lateral line sense organs are
8. Sexes are separate. Males do present.
not have claspers.
Dorsal fin

Head Lateral line



Operculum Caudal fin

Pectoral fin
Pelvic fin

Fig. 13.13. Labeo (Bony fish)

14. Rana tigrina (Frog)

Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Subphylum -Vertebrata
Class - Amphibia
Genus - Rana
Species - tigrina
1. The body is divisible into two parts--head and trunk.
2. Skin is dark green with black patches. Due to presence of mucus, it is moist and slimy.
3. The head bears a wide terminal mouth, a pair Head

of nasalopening and a pair of bulging eyes.

4. Underwater, a membrane called nictitating Trunk
membrane protects the eyes. A circular Mouth
membrane called tympanic membrane is Eye
present behind each eye. It covers the outer
boundary of middle ear. Tympanum
5. Trunk bears two pairs of limbs. Forelimbs
are smaller than the hindlimbs.
6. Theforelimbs have 4 while hindimbs have -Forelimb
5 clawless digits.
7. Web-like membrane is present in between
the digits of hind-limbs. This is adaptation
in the frog for swimming. Webbed hindlimb
8. In male frog during the breeding season, Fig. 13.14. Rana tigrina
nuptial or copulatory pads develop at the
baseof inner finger of cach forclimb.
Hemidactylus (Wall lizard)
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum -Chordata
Subphylum - Vertebrata
Class -Reptilia
Genus - Hemidactylus
1. It is common lizard which is found in our homes.
2. Its body is differentiated into head, trunk and a tapering tail.
3. Minute epidermal scales cover the body.
4. Head bears a pair of eyes with movable evelids, nostrils and
external ear openings.
5. Trunk bears four limbs, each with five clawed digits. The
to climb on the wall.
limbs have vacuum pads which help the lizard
6. On approach of enemy. it can break off its tail. It can also regenerate new tail.







Adhesive pads


Hemidactylus (Wall lizard) Vacuum pads in the limbs

Fig. 13.16

17. Columba livea (Pigeon)

Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Subphylum - Vertebrata Eye
Class - Aves
Genus - Columba
Species - livea
1. It has streamlined body which is divisible into
head, neck and trunk. Wing
2. Entire body is covered with feathers.
3. Head is small and round which bears a pair of
nostrils, large eyes, opening of the ears and a
beak without teeth. Hindlimb
4. Eyes are red colour and provided with movable
eyelids and nictitating membrane.
Fig. 13.17. Pigeon
5. Forelimbs are nmodified into two wings which help in flying.
6. The hindlimbs have four-clawed digits of which three are forwardly directed and the fourth
backwardly directed. This orientation of digits helps in perching.
7. Closcal aperture is present at the posterior end of the trunk.
18, Oryctolagus lagomorpha (Rabbit)
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Subphylum - Vertebrata
Class - Mammalia
Genus -Oryctolagus
Species - lagomorpha
1. Body is covered with soft hair called fur.
2. Body is divisible intohead, neck, trunk and a small tail.
3. Pear-shaped head bears a mouth and a pair of eyes and external ears or pinnae.
4. In the upper lip, a cleft is present through which incisor
teeth get exposed.
5. Few touch-sensitive, prominent and stiff hair called
vibrissae are present on the upper lip.
Head is connected to trunk through the short and highly flexible neck.
7. A short, upwardly directed and furry tail is
8. Sexes are separate. Males have a
muscular penis anda pair of scrotal sacs.
9. Females have four to five pairs of
mammary glands.

-Neck -Trunk


Fore arm -Shank

Upper arm

Fig. 13.18. Orytolagus lagomorpha (Rabbit)

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