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Revision: 1 Dated 1 JULY 2015 Repair Manual #33196

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List of Effective Pages

Revision Revision
Section Pages
Number Date
General 1-2 1 07/1/2015
General 3 - 05/10/2013
General 4-6 1 07/1/2015
Section 1 7 1 07/1/2015
Section 1 8-20 - 05/10/2013
Section 1 21-23 1 07/1/2015

Table of Contents
General Information
Title Page 1
List of Effective Pages /Table of Contents 2
Record of Minor Revision 3
Record of Major Revision 4
Manual Assignment /Manual Control 5
Technical/Regulatory Basis 6

Section 1
2 Pre Inspection, 3 Documentation, 4 Identification, 5 Evaluation 9
6 Reporting 10
7 Inspection 10 - 14
8 Disassembly, 9 Cleaning, 14
10 Materials 15
11 Inertia Reels Restraint Systems & Subassemblies 16
12 Assembly, 13 Test 17
14 Special Tools, Fixtures and Equipment 18
15 Labels 19
16 Stitch Patterns, 20
17 Equipment 21
18 Documentation 22
19 Configuration 22
20 Appearance 23
21 Final Inspection 23
22 Release to Service 23

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Retain this record in the Manual. It will always be revised when any minor revision to the
Manual is released.

Revisions to this Manual, except those identified here, must be approved by the FAA before
implementation and should be recorded in the Record of Revision table. These corrections will
be included in the next Major Revision by reference on this page.

 Correction of grammatical or typographical errors

 Corrections or clarifications that do not affect any approved process.
 Any revision will be sent to the FAA FSDO for submittal to ACO.

Upon receipt of revisions, insert revised pages in the Manual and enter the insertion date and
initials of persons incorporating the revision in the appropriate block on the record of revisions.
Since this page is revised at the same time any minor change is made to the Manual, only the
most recent revision number will have the date and initial. After inserting the newly revised
pages, care should be taken to ensure that each page date matches the date(s) on the List of
Effective Pages table which will be updated and issued with every revision.

Revision Revision Description of Revisions Insertion Inserted

Number Date and page(s) revised Date By

By my signature below I am certifying that I inserted the latest revised pages and have verified
that ALL pages are current as detailed on the List of Effective Pages.

Signature Date

The revisions noted above are hereby approved for insertion to AmSafe Repair Manual.

Accountable Manager Date

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Retain this record in the Manual. It will always be revised when any revision to the Manual is

Upon receipt of revisions, insert revised pages in the Manual and enter the insertion date and
initials of persons incorporating the revision in the appropriate block on the record of revisions.
Since this page is revised at the same time any change is made to the Manual, only the most
recent revision number will have the date and initial. After inserting the newly revised pages,
care should be taken to ensure that each page date matches the date(s) on the List of Effective
Pages table. Revisions will be numbered sequentially with 0 as the original issue.

Revisions shall be Marked with a to the left of the changed sentence to allow changes to be
easily addressed.

All personnel are expected to suggest revisions to the Repair Manual #33196. The Accountable
Manager will then have the necessary changes produced in a final form for coordination and
approval by the FAA FSDO (Scottsdale) and ACO offices (Los Angeles). The revision will be
submitted to our assigned Principal Inspector. When we receive approval of the revision and an
updated A003 paragraph for our operations Manuals, copies will be made and issued to each
Manual holder for insertion.

Revision Description of Revisions Insertion Inserted

Date and page(s) revised Date By
Pages 1,2,4,5 For revision record, Drive Letter, Page 22 Paragraph
19.1 Repair technicians added, Page 24 Paragraph 21.2 Deleted.
7/1/2015 Page 20 Para 16.1.3, 16.2.2 Deleted, Page 7, references to CAP 7/1/2015 E. Tolliver
list removed. Other changes minor revision to spelling or grammar.
Pages 23-25 consolidated to one page.
Manual revised in reference to FAA letter dated 8 May 2013 Ref:
Page 6 Added AmSafe as Manufacturer, Para 1.1.1 removed
references to “other manufacturers”, Para 1.5 removed references
to Pacific Scientific and Schroth, Para 10.1.2 Deleted paragraph for
6/13/13 J. Riley
non-AmSafe web, Para 15.2 Deleted non AmSafe label example,
Para 15.3 removed reference to other restraint OEM’s. Removed
paragraph 21.2.7.
NEW ISSUE Combined PS-01 and 33196 into one Manual.
Previous issues are archive at last revision.

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Manual Assignment
The most current revision of this table will be in Repair Manual 33196 which is always assigned
to the Accountable Manager of this facility and maintained on the S drive, S:\ISO9000\Repair
Station\Repair Manual 33196 folder.

Revisions (whether major or minor) will be released to the Manual located in the
S:\ISO9000\Repair Station\ Repair Manual 33196 folder.

The contents of this Manual are confidential and proprietary to AmSafe and AmSafe approved
Repair Stations. It may not be shared in any form or fashion without specific approval from the
Accountable Manager and/or corporate senior management.

Manual Date Date

Issued to: (name, title, organization)
Number Issued Returned
S:\ISO9000\Repair Station\ Repair Manual 33196 \Repair 05/10/2013
33196 7/1/2015
Manual 33196 05-10-2013
S:\ISO9000\Repair Station\ Repair Manual 33196 \Repair 7/1/2015
Manual 33196 01/01/2015

*This Manual is electronically distributed on all internal employee work stations in read-only

Manual Control

There is only 1 copy of the Repair Manual #33196 and it will be maintained on the S
drive:\ISO9000\Repair Station\ Repair Manual 33196\ Repair Manual 33196 7/1/2015. This
Manual is distributed on all internal employee work stations in read-only format.


Each Manual section is identified by a section title in the footer. The pages in the Manual are
numbered consecutively starting with “1”. If additional pages must be inserted, only consecutive
whole numbers will be used and the section pages will be renumbered as required.

When revision to a page within a section is necessary, the entire section will be reissued. All
pages in the section will carry the new revision date.

A list of effective pages (LEP) will be issued with each revision so each Manual can be checked
and kept current.

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AmSafe performs minor repairs on all models of AmSafe manufactured aircraft cockpit, crew,
personnel and passenger restraint systems by replacement of damaged or dirty webbing, the
replacement of hardware deemed unserviceable and not repairable, and repair of inertia reels
when required.

Minor repairs are accomplished in accordance with 14CFR Parts 43 and 145. The restraints
maintained per this process are approved for return to service and a properly executed FAA
form 8130-3 Authorized Release Certificate will be issued in accordance with FAA Order
8130.21 as revised.

Technical / Regulatory Basis

The original approval basis for items manufactured then maintained by AmSafe may be in
Technical Standard Order (TSO), Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA), Type Certification (TC),
Supplemental Type Certification (STC), or 14CFR Part 21. Regardless of the approval basis
the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) used for the restraint, all must conform to
applicable requirements in 14CFR Parts 23, 25, 27 and 29. These CFR requirements are
reflected in FAA TSO-C22f, FAA TSO-C22g, and FAA TSO-C114 which are the most common
approvals for units maintained at AmSafe.

In addition to the CFR Parts in the preceding paragraph, this Repair Station will perform all
minor repairs in accordance with our Operation Manuals, Repair Station Manual/Quality Control
Manual, 14CFR Part 43, 14CFR Part 145, FAA Orders, FAA Advisory Circulars, FAA
Airworthiness Directives, Service Bulletins, Customer Requirements, Approved Technical Data
and/or this Manual as applicable.

This repair Manual provides materials, procedures, and a test program to assure continued
compliance to airworthiness standards following AmSafe. maintenance. AmSafe policy of
extending the current requirements to older restraints assures that all work performed by
AmSafe Inc. meets or exceeds all current and former regulatory requirements. However, units
that were originally certified to older regulations will NOT be marked as certified to meet newer
requirements due to probable hardware limitations. This is dealt with more in depth in the Label
portion of this section.

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1.1 General

AmSafe (I6AR839J) performs minor repairs on products originally built by

AmSafe The model and/or the base part number designations of the lap belt
systems, restraint assembly systems, and associated components are listed in
the separate “capability list” appendix.

The restraint system assemblies and lap belt assemblies can be supplied with
different end fittings and in various lengths to suit the prevailing installation
conditions in the aircraft.

1.1.1 AmSafe will perform minor repairs on items originally manufactured by

AmSafe when the approved technical data is available.

1.2 Description

1.2.1 Restraint System Assemblies may consist of one or more of the following
assemblies: Shoulder Harness Assembly Single or Dual Inertia Reels Lever and Cable Control Buckle Assembly Lap Belt (LH & RH Portions) Assembly Extensions and Connector Halves Electronic Module Assembly Bag Belt (LH & RH portions) Assembly Installation Hardware Inflator/Gas Generator Sub Assembly Crotch Strap Sub Assembly Cable Harness Assembly

1.2.2 A Lap Belt Assembly consists of a left hand and a right hand portion
which are connected by the insertion of a connector / tongue into the

1.3 Documents

FAA Form 8130-3 will be issued after repair in accordance with this document,
Repair Station Manual/Quality Control Manual and 14 CFR Part 43.9.

1.4 Applicable Manuals and Codes of Federal Regulations

AmSafe OEM/TSO approved technical data, and 14 CFR Parts 43 and 145.

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1.5 Technical Data

Design and Manufacture: AmSafe

1043 N. 47th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85043

Technical Data: Approved technical data available for use

during repair operations includes PMA/TSO
design documents, Service Bulletins,
Component Maintenance Manuals (CMM’s),
and Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
(IAC’s) or other data provided by the AmSafe
as the OEM.

AmSafe design technical data consists of the

original and current revision design documents
available to the repair station via the AmSafe
intranet engineering files. This data is
accessed by part number.

General design types and operating limits:

Single occupant restraint systems with rated

strengths of 1500, 2000, and 3000 lbs as
defined in the OEM Technical data and product
identification labels.

Restraint System lengths defined on drawings

in accordance with customer requirements.
Length adjustment is by means of a load bar in
the buckle / connector / adjuster. The shoulder
straps have Manual adjusters or a self
adjusting inertia reel. Webbing conforms to
TSO-C22f, TSO-C22g or TSO-C114 as
applicable with color option. End fittings are
also defined on the OEM technical data to
meet prevailing conditions on the aircraft.

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2 Preliminary Inspection

2.1 There are four basic steps in all preliminary inspections: Documentation,
Identification, Evaluation, and Reporting. Regardless of the complexity, all units must
go through a preliminary inspection by an authorized employee.

3 Documentation

3.1 Review all paperwork from the customer for special instructions, airworthiness
directives, service bulletins, or other requests. Warranty claims should be turned over
to the Quality Manager for review.

4 Identification

4.1 Restraints and subcomponents must be positively identified in order to be processed

through this repair station. If positive identification is not possible using one or more
of the methods below, it must be rejected and returned to the customer as is.
Restraints carrying a rated strength greater than 3,000 pounds may NOT be repaired
at this facility.
4.1.1 OEM or OEM approved repair station’s marking on the unit(s)
4.1.2 OEM reference drawings
4.1.3 Reference to the AmSafe database and/or drawings compiled.
4.1.4 Illustrated Part Catalogs, Component Maintenance Manuals, and/or Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness

4.2 Care must be taken to ensure that identification based on another repair station’s
data is acceptable. If the repair station in question is not an authorized AmSafe repair
facility, their label data is not sufficient to make a positive identification. Identification
based solely on verbal communication or customer input is not acceptable. Restraints
having insufficient identification shall not be repaired.

5 Evaluation
5.1 All incoming units must undergo a thorough evaluation of all components for wear,
damage, applicability and cosmetic appearance. Any item that is no longer eligible
for continued airworthiness must be rejected unless it can be repaired and brought
back to an airworthy condition. For ease of reference, the evaluation is broken into
three sections: Configuration, Webbing, and Hardware. Each of the following points
is to be considered as applicable during the initial evaluation phase and any errors or
issues are to be clearly noted in the reporting phase.
5.2 Configuration
5.2.1 Review technical references in comparison to the incoming unit
5.2.2 Verify the turns (fold-over’s) are in the appropriate direction and are of the
appropriate length
5.2.3 Verify that hardware on the incoming unit is appropriate to the restraint
5.2.4 Verify end fitting orientation
5.2.5 Verify inertia reel orientation
5.2.6 Verify overall layout of the unit is in accordance with reference material(s)

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5.3 Webbing

5.3.1 Any frayed webbing regardless of time installed must be replaced

5.3.2 Webbing of an incorrect strength rating or unknown provenance must be

6 Reporting

6.1 After all evaluation and inspection steps have been completed, a work order will be
initiated in accordance with the instructions in the RSM/QCM. Care is to be taken
that notes to customer service regarding corrections to customer supplied information
is clearly stated and any instructions to repair technicians are complete and written in
such a way that interpretation is not necessary.

6.2 Repair technicians should check several from each batch to ensure the lengths are

6.3 Hardware is to be installed in the same orientation as reference document with turns
(fold over) also in the same direction as noted in the document using the appropriate
sewing machine(s) for the required stitch pattern(s). Care should be taken that the
sewing machine is loaded with the correct thread type and color. Turns should be
approximately 2.75 inches unless the reference documents deem otherwise. End
rolls are to be folded in accordance with the reference document or in the same
direction as the original unit.

6.4 Repair technicians should monitor the stitch patterns as they are removed from the
sewing machine for unacceptable shape, skips, or broken threads. Excess thread at
the tie offs should be snipped as short as possible without damaging the knot;
generally approximately 1/8th of an inch.

6.5 Labels are to be attached with an appropriate pattern in approximately the same
location as the OEM label on the original item unless otherwise requested by the

6.6 A constant review of materials looking for damaged/dirty webbing, unacceptable

appearance, unacceptable hardware or any other issue should be undertaken during
the assembly process to avoid sending an assembled item that will not pass to final

7 Inspection

The following criteria will be used in the absence of specific primary inspection
requirements, or as approved by certified air carriers and commercial operators.

7.1 Webbing
NOTE: Slight wear of the webbing is permitted. However, excessive web wear
that has progressed to cut or worn edges must be replaced as defined below.

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Examine webbing for cut or worn edges, damaged stitching, broken fabric
threads, tears, excessive chafe marks, excessive wear, excessive fusing.
Replace webbing if any of the following are observed:

A limited amount of “frayed” webbing will retain sufficient strength necessary to

meet the required strength. Frayed webbing is defined as broken filaments from
either the warp (longitudinal) yarns or the filler (transverse) yarns. Any web that is
cut or torn on the edge should be replaced.

7.2 Fittings
Replace fittings that show signs of the following conditions:
7.2.1 Burrs, nicks, or scratches (material that is raised above the normal
7.2.2 Cracks
7.2.3 Dents that damage the finish or functional operation
7.2.4 Corrosion or wear through the plating
7.2.5 Deformation or bends

7.3 Buckles
Replace buckle assemblies or component parts that show signs of the following
7.3.1 Cracks
7.3.2 Excessive Scratches
7.3.3 Corrosion or wear through plating
7.3.4 Rough or inhibited movement
7.3.5 Missing components
7.3.6 Failure of Functional Test of the buckle Hold the buckle in a vertical position with the inserted connector
pointing downwards. The connector should release from the
buckle, when the buckle cover is lifted by either 30 degrees or 90
degrees (approximately and as applicable) (or rotated CW or
CCW as applicable). Open the cover against the buckle housing
and release it. The spring force must cause the cover to return
automatically to the closed position.

7.4 Reel Assemblies

Replace reel assemblies or component parts that show signs of the following
7.4.1 Damage to threaded parts-note damage must not be more that 50% of
one thread.
7.4.2 Mobile parts that do not operate smoothly and correctly.

7.4.3 Functional Test check,

Fully extend webbing and allow to retract when checking for proper
retraction effort. Next, extend approximately 75% of webbing; jerk
webbing at this position until locking mechanism is activated.

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7.5 Control Cables

Replace control cables that show signs of the following conditions:

7.5.1 Damage to machine threaded parts
7.5.2 Broken cable strands
7.5.3 Cable ends are loose or missing (balls and ferrules)
7.5.4 Cables with restricted movement in conduit and damage.
7.5.5 Cables that Lock/Do Not Lock/Inoperable

7.6 Magnet Plate Assembly

Replace buckle assemblies that have magnet plates showing signs of the
following conditions:
7.6.1 Cracks
7.6.2 Excessive Scratches
7.6.3 Corrosion
7.6.4 Missing components

7.7 Electronic Module Assembly

Follow guidelines per E510721, as revised, for EMA P/N 507534-(401 -409). For
all other part numbers, replace EMA’s or components that show signs of the
following conditions:
7.7.1 Excessive wear
7.7.2 Dents, dings, rust, cracks
7.7.3 Corrosion
7.7.4 Missing components i.e. pins, screws, etc…
7.7.5 Functional test
EMA P/N 507534-401 through 409 per E508605 as revised.
EMA P/N 508224-411 per E508191 as revised.
EMA P/N 508358-409 through 423 per E508750 as revised.

7.8 Printed Circuit Board (if applicable)

Replace Printed Circuit Boards that show signs of the following conditions:
7.8.1 Loose or missing components
7.8.2 Broken wire strands
7.8.3 Cracks in board
7.8.4 Corrosion
7.8.5 Dead batteries
7.8.6 Or Failed board

7.9 Belt / Bag Assembly

Replace Belt/Bag Assemblies that shows signs of the following conditions, unless
conditions pertain only to the bag cover sub-assembly.
7.9.1 Cut or worn edges
7.9.2 Damaged stitches
7.9.3 Broken fabric threads
7.9.4 Tears
7.9.5 Chafe marks
7.9.6 Wear-slight wear of assembly is permitted.

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7.10 Seat Brackets

Replace Seat Brackets that shows signs of the following conditions:
7.10.1 Damage to threaded part that does not allow for proper fitting
7.10.2 Corrosion
7.10.3 Excessive wear
7.10.4 Dents, dings
7.10.5 Missing components, i.e. PEM nuts

7.11 Strap-Brace (P/N 507447)

Replace Strap Brace that show signs of the following conditions:
7.11.1 Corrosion
7.11.2 Excessive wear
7.11.3 Dents, dings

7.12 Life Vest Strap/Clamps

Replace Life Vest/Clamps that show signs of the following conditions:
7.12.1 Damage to threaded part that does not allow for proper fitting
7.12.2 Corrosion
7.12.3 Excessive wear
7.12.4 Dents, dings, rust
7.12.5 Cut or worn edges
7.12.6 Damaged stitches
7.12.7 Broken fabric threads
7.12.8 Tears or holes
7.12.9 Excessive chafe marks Wear-slight wear of assembly is permitted. However, webbing
material that has cut or worn edges must be replaced.

7.13 Shroud
Replace shrouds that show signs of the following conditions:
7.13.1 Excessive wear
7.13.2 Dents, dings, cracks
7.13.3 Missing Velcro

7.14 Inflator Assembly

Follow guidelines in E509036 as revised, Inflator Inspection & Refurbishment

7.15 Cap Assembly, E-Clip, Support Rod, Clamps, End Plates

Replace items that show signs of the following conditions:
7.15.1 Burrs, nicks, or scratches (material that is raised above the normal
7.15.2 Cracks
7.15.3 Dents that damage the finish or functional operation
7.15.4 Corrosion
7.15.5 Deformation or bends

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7.16 Cover Sub-Assembly

Replace cover sub-assemblies that show signs of the following conditions:
7.16.1 Cuts/Holes/Tears to material or labels
7.16.2 Damaged stitches
7.16.3 Illegible part number label
7.16.4 Illegible warning label
7.17 Hose Assemblies
Replace all hoses that show signs of the following conditions:
7.17.1 Rough or inhibited movement
7.17.2 Cutting or Fraying
7.17.3 Excessive chafe marks
7.17.4 Cracks
7.17.5 Dents that damage the finish or functional operation
7.17.6 Corrosion
7.17.7 Deformation or bends
7.17.8 Excessive wear of outer hose sleeve is acceptable as long as no hose is
7.17.9 Replace all O-Rings as applicable
Note: Hose Assemblies do not have shelf life considerations

7.18 Electrical Cables

Replace all cables that show signs of the following conditions:
7.18.1 Damage to threaded part that does not allow for proper fitting
7.18.2 Broken cable strands / broken insulation
7.18.3 Cable ends are loose or missing
7.18.4 Cables with restricted movement in grommet or damage
7.18.5 Fraying
7.18.6 Damage to connector / locking mechanisms
7.18.7 Replace diagnostic connector track, if damaged. Damage to the diagnostic
connector track does not require the cable to be replaced.
8 Disassembly and Evaluation
8.1 Disassembly
Once the material has completed incoming inspection the material will be
disassembled and serviceable metal components will be cleaned when required.
Plastic parts will not be cleaned with lacquer thinner. Components found with
significant wear, broken components or not serviceable will be placed in
containers identified with a “Rejects-Do Not Use” tag and removed from the
Repair Station area at the end of the shift.
9 Cleaning

9.18 Components may be placed in a cleaning solution to soften and remove

excessive grimy deposits. Particularly heavy or stubborn deposits may be spot
treated with lacquer thinner or isopropyl alcohol. It may then be placed in an
ultrasonic bath if necessary, rinsed and brushed clean. Neither temperature nor
time is critical to the ultrasonic bath. Excess water is blown off using
compressed air or dried with shop towels. The cleaned hardware is then ready to
be used in the repair process. No chemical cleaning is allowed on plastic

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10 Materials

10.1 Webbing
10.1.1 Standard (AmSafe) Webbing Nylon (1655) may be used in Lap Belt, Upper Harness, and/or Crotch Strap
reconditioning. It conforms to SAE AS-8043 (rev. March 1986), meets 14CFR
25.853 for horizontal burn requirements, and has a minimum tensile breaking
strength of 6,000 pounds. Nylon (1845) may be used in Upper Harness and/or Crotch Strap reconditioning.
It conforms to SAE AS-8043 (rev. March 1986), meets 14CFR 25.853 for
horizontal burn requirements, and has a minimum tensile breaking strength of
4,000 pounds. Polyester (T1200-5 and T1200-4) may be used in Lap Belt, Upper Harness,
and/or Crotch Strap reconditioning. It conforms to SAE AS-8043 (rev. March
1986), meets 14CFR 25.853 for horizontal burn requirements, and has a
minimum tensile breaking strength of 6,000 pounds.

10.2 Thread

10.2.1 207 Nylon This thread conforms to Federal Manual V-T-295, Type II, Class A,
Number Size 3. It is a 3-ply construction using colorless nylon polymer
with either an oil or silicone finish. The ultimate strength is 27 pounds as a
minimum and may be used in any structural application.

10.2.2 184 Nylon This thread conforms to Federal Manual V-T-295, Type II, Class A, Letter
Size N/A It is a 3-ply construction using colorless nylon polymer with
either an oil or silicone finish. The ultimate strength is 25 pounds as a
minimum and may be used in any structural application.

10.2.3 138 Nylon This thread conforms to Federal Manual V-T-295, Type II, Class A, Letter
Size FF. It is a 3-ply construction using colorless nylon polymer with
either an oil or silicone finish. The ultimate strength is 17.5 pounds as a
minimum and may be used in any structural application.

10.2.4 92 Nylon This thread conforms to Federal Manual V-T-295, Type II, Class A, Letter
Size F. It is a 3-ply construction using colorless nylon polymer with either
an oil or silicone finish. The ultimate strength is 11.8 pounds as a
minimum and may be used in any structural application.

10.2.5 69 Nylon This thread conforms to Federal Manual V-T-295, Type II, Class A, Letter
Size E. It is a 3-ply construction using colorless nylon polymer with either
an oil or silicone finish. The ultimate strength is 9 pounds as a minimum
and may be used for all labels and any non-structural application. This
thread is limited to specific structural applications for Pacific Scientific
restraints using 7408 or 9015 webbing types.

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11 Inertia Reel Restraint Systems & Subassemblies

11.1 The repair process for passenger lap belts consists of six steps: Review, Disassembly,
Clean, Repair, Assembly, and Test.

11.2 Review

11.2.1 When the repair technician is ready to begin the repair process, the work order is
to be reviewed for accuracy. At a minimum the following should be checked: Label Data Customer requests are included in the Work Order Hardware is appropriate to the application and in good condition Web color and type match the customer’s request and the Work
Order Availability of a approved data document Specific repair instructions noted during the preliminary inspection
11.3 Disassembly
11.3.1 Digital picture(s) and/or one or more sketches on the Work Order are permissible
but are only intended as aids in the repair and visual inspection processes. The
approved technical data defines the item configuration.

11.4 Cleaning
11.4.1 Hardware may be placed in a cleaning solution to soften excessive grimy
deposits. Particularly heavy or stubborn deposits may be spot treated with
lacquer thinner or isopropyl alcohol. It may then be placed in an ultrasonic bath if
necessary, rinsed and brushed clean. Neither temperature nor time is critical to
the ultrasonic bath. Excess water is blown off using compressed air or dried with
shop towels. The unit(s) may be placed in a drying oven to remove any
remaining liquid if necessary. The cleaned hardware is then ready to be used in
the repair process. Inertia reels, rotary buckles, and end release buckles may
NOT be submerged in cleaning solution due to the inability to effectively dry
internal parts. These items may be cleaned using compressed air and may be
spot cleaned using a dry brush or specific application of a cleaning aid using a
dampened towel or cotton swab. No chemical cleaning is allowed on plastic

11.5 Repair
11.5.1 The inertia reel and/or rotary buckle may require repairs to be returned to an
airworthy condition. These should be noted on the Work Order with specific
instructions given by the receiving technician. Individual parts should be included
with the order and tested 100%. If internal parts are required to repair the
functionality of an inertia reel, it must be G-tested. Replacing missing screws or
caps only does not require testing. Repaired rotary buckles must be function
tested following a repair.

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12 Assembly

12.1 The configuration of the reconditioned assembly must be identical to the original.
Corrections to units may be accomplished during reassembly if the article received is
known to be incorrect by comparing to the AmSafe approved technical data. Except in
cases where the customer has specifically requested a (modification) length adjustment,
the repaired assembly shall be within a half inch on a fixed side and one inch on an
adjustable side when compared to the document. Repair technicians shall check to
ensure the lengths are acceptable.

12.2 Hardware is to be installed in the same orientation the data document with turns (fold
over) also in the same direction as the document using the appropriate sewing
machine(s) for the required stitch pattern. Care should be taken that the sewing machine
is loaded with the correct thread type and color. Turns should be approximately 2.75
inches unless the reference documents deem otherwise. End rolls are to be folded in
accordance with the reference document or in the same direction as the original unit.

12.3 Repair technicians should watch the stitch patterns as they are removed from the sewing
machine for unacceptable shape, skips, or broken threads. Excess thread at the tie offs
should be snipped as short as possible without damaging the knot; generally
approximately 1/8th of an inch unless otherwise noted on the work order.

12.4 Labels are to be attached with an appropriate pattern in approximately the same location
as the OEM label on the original item unless otherwise noted on the work order. Decals
on AmSafe inertia reels are to be corrected or replaced as necessary.

12.5 A constant review of materials looking for damaged/dirty webbing, unacceptable

appearance, unacceptable hardware or any other issue should be undertaken during the
assembly process to avoid sending an assembled item that will not pass to final

13 Test

13.1.1 Functional tests of the inertia reel, Manual locking system, and buckles will be
accomplished following reconditioning. See the Preliminary Inspection section for
specific steps for the functional tests.

13.2 A G-test using an approved machine will be required following any repair, airworthiness
directive, or service bulletin accomplishment that requires replacing, repairing, or
adjusting the internal piece parts of an inertia reel.

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14 Special Tools, Fixtures and Equipment

14.1 Special tools are required to test the function of the seatbelt airbag system. No other
special tools or fixtures are required for maintenance or repair work to be carried out on the
non-airbag aviation restraint systems. Standard tools suffice for these operations. Inertia
Reels are required to be retested on the G Tester.

14.1.1 System Diagnostic Tool (SDT) is provided to verify certain critical aspects of the
seat belt airbag system upon receipt and prior to return to service.
14.1.2 507915 SDT, T507980 Test Tool-Used to verify proper function of V1.5 EMA
14.1.3 Thruster, Multi-meter – Used to verify proper function if V1.5, V25 EMA, and V23
14.1.4 T508305 LRU Test Tool V1.5- Used to verify proper function of V1.5 Packed bag
14.1.5 509391-401 V25 SDT, 508224-411 EMA, and 508328-203 Cable- Used to verify
proper function of V25 Packed sub-assemblies.
14.1.6 508668-201 SDT and T509484 Test Tool-Used to verify V23 buckle.

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15 Labels

15.1 Marking requirements are established by 14CFR 45.15 with additional guidance available
in AC 43-213 and FAA Order 8150.1 as revised.
15.1.1 All labels attached directly to any portion of webbing as required per drawing or
technical data.
15.1.2 Non-OEM labels as designated by Customer need are admissible in lieu of an
AmSafe OEM label.

15.2 Sample labels:

Standard Box version Inertia Reel

Webbing replaced R10/11 by
AMSAFE AMSAFE Phoenix, AZ 85043
1043 N. 47TH AVE TH
1043 N. 47 AVE Repair Station I6AR839J

PN: 2010-1-791-2428
SA: 2010-3-791-2428
Rated: 3000 lbs
DOM: RA0207
Conforms to FAA TSO C22g
CAA Model: 502751-1 AR663

Webbing replaced per 33196
Date: R02/11 by Webbing replaced per
AmSafe Phoenix, AZ 33196 Date R11/12 by
Repair Station I6AR839J AmSafe Phoenix, AZ
Repair Station AAIR-AM-SAFE
1043 N. 47TH AVE


Conforms To:
ASSY: 7167-1-011-8111
S/A 7167-2010118111
1043 N47TH AVE
CAA AR-34 DMF RA1112
Conforms To:
PNR 5001-1-121—2396 FAA TSO-C22g
S/A 5000-2011212396 RATED 3000 LBS.
C/PNR 5,984,350; 6,439,600
6,442,807; 6,505,854

15.3 Data requirements and organization of the data may vary from restraint to restraint. At a
minimum the OEM (AmSafe) is to be noted in the top lines of the label, the repair station
statement at the bottom, and a part number and date of manufacture (or serial number that
includes the date of manufacture in its format) must be included in the body. AmSafe
restraints will have label data in accordance with the applicable drawing notes used for

15.4 The TSO which the unit was originally conformed to may not be changed nor may TSO
conformity be added to a label for a unit not originally carrying the authorization.

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15.5 Additional information requested by the customer may be added to the label provided it
does not conflict with the above statement or any data on the original label. Common
additions are an internal serial number, the work order number, or internal part number(s).

15.6 Standard abbreviations to be used on the labels:

15.6.1 PN part number

15.6.2 FA final assembly; also known as the top assembly
15.6.3 SA sub-assembly; identifies the subcomponents of a final assembly
15.6.4 NA next assembly; identifies the next higher assembly if applicable
15.6.5 DOM Date of Manufacture
15.6.6 SN serial number; used for an OEM serial number only
15.6.7 CPN customer part number; used for a customer part number; usually has no
official standing
15.6.8 CSN customer serial number; used for a customer’s internal serial number only;
usually has no official standing
15.7 All labels that are sewn onto webbing are approximately 1.39” wide and should be kept as
short as possible to minimize damage from wear and tear.

16 Stitch Patterns

16.1 Camatron cam-driven patterns

16.1.1 BC42-128 “Box X”. This is a structural stitch pattern with eight (8) stitches per
inch and an overall pattern size of 1.5 inches in width and 1.25 inches in length.
This is not a proprietary stitch pattern and is commonly used in the industry for
TSO C-22f and g as well as FAA TSO-C114 applications. This in addition to a
supplementary tacking stitch included in the pattern that reduced belt damages at
the cut ends of the web is the reason this particular pattern is the standard stitch
pattern for this repair station.
16.1.2 B467-36 “End Roll”. This is a non-structural pattern used to create an end roll on
the adjustable portion(s) of a restraint. It prevents the webbing from sliding out of
hardware and provides the user a handhold to make adjustments to the restraint
while in use.
16.1.3 Deleted

16.2 Programmable machine patterns

16.2.1 EPROM 01, 02, 03 (Juki programmable, Brother Machines optional). These are
non-structural patterns used to attach various labels to restraints.
16.2.2 Deleted
16.2.3 AmSafe specified stitch patterns (Brothers machines). Using software provided
with the Brothers sewing machines, AmSafe stitch patterns can be created to
duplicate the OEM technical drawings for the pattern.

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17 Equipment

17.1 Deleted

17.2 An approved G-tester (and calibrated) is used to verify inertia reels that meet OEM design
requirements when unit(s) have undergone repair requiring the removal of one or both end
caps. It may also be used if there is any question regarding the continued airworthiness of
an inertia reel during the jerk testing called for in the preliminary and final inspections. This
is a calibrated machine and is included in the repair station’s calibration program.

17.3 Hot Knife Strip Cutters are used to simultaneously cut webbing to appropriate lengths and
seal the ends using heat. This is neither a precision machine nor is it subject to calibration.
The unit is checked periodically to see whether any adjustments are necessary.

17.4 Sewing machines are used to attach hardware to webbing lengths creating a restraint or
subassembly. AmSafe uses both cam driven and programmable machines.

17.5 Assembly

17.5.1 The configuration of the reconditioned assembly must comply with the approved
data. Corrections to units may be accomplished during reassembly if the article
received is known to be incorrect. Except in cases where the customer has
specifically requested a length adjustment, the reconditioned unit should be
within a half inch on a fixed side and one inch on an adjustable side when
compared to reference document. Repair technicians should check several from
each batch to ensure the lengths are acceptable.

17.5.2 Hardware is to be installed in the same orientation the reference document with
turns (fold over) using the appropriate sewing machine(s) for the required stitch
pattern. Care should be taken that the sewing machine is loaded with the correct
thread type and color. Turns should be approximately 2.75 inches unless the
reference documents deem otherwise. End rolls are to be folded in accordance
with the reference document.

17.5.3 Repair technicians should watch the stitch patterns as they are removed from the
sewing machine for unacceptable shape, skips, or broken threads. Excess
thread at the tie offs should be snipped as short as possible without damaging
the knot; generally approximately 1/8th of an inch.

17.5.4 Labels are to be attached with an appropriate pattern in approximately the same
location as the OEM label on the original item unless otherwise requested by the
work order.

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17.5.5 A constant review of materials looking for damaged/dirty webbing, unacceptable

appearance, unacceptable hardware or any other issue should be undertaken
during the assembly process to avoid sending an assembled item that will not
pass to final inspection.

18 Documentation
18.1 All documents relating to the repaired item are reviewed for accuracy and completion. The
following are to be reviewed as applicable:
18.1.1 Compare customer order with Work Order
18.1.2 Part numbers should match or a correction to the original customer order should
be noted in some way (email, handwritten CSR notes) in the event the customer
had an error on their paperwork.
18.1.3 Customer order number should match the referenced number on the Work Order
18.1.4 All new hardware, thread, and webbing used should have lot numbers associated
and the initials of the person issuing it.
18.1.5 Signatures should be present as applicable
18.1.6 Special instructions on the customer’s order such as serial number application,
color change requests, or any other specific request have been noted on the
Work Order
18.2 Reference Data
18.2.1 Technical reference document(s) must be available
18.3 Labels, Decals, Test Report
18.4 Part Number, Final Assembly Number, Subassembly Number, and Serial Number (as
applicable) match on customer order (or correction), Work Order, and reconditioned item.
18.5 Decals have been updated or replaced when color changes are part of the reconditioning
process, are missing or have become illegible
18.6 OEM noted at the top of the label(s) is correct
18.7 Dates are correct
18.8 Reconditioned items requiring G-testing have a report with passing results attached to the
Work Order package

19 Configuration
19.1 To ensure items returned to service are in an appropriately reconditioned and airworthy
condition, all units will be inspected using appropriate reference data by the Repair
Technicians during assembly. Acceptable data includes reference technical documents.
The reference technical document may be used as necessary to review the following as
19.1.1 The overall layout of the restraint is correct
19.1.2 Webbing is not twisted or installed backwards
19.1.3 Orientation of all hardware is correct
19.1.4 Hardware is in an airworthy condition
19.1.5 Web and thread are of appropriate color and strength rating
19.1.6 Turns are in the correct direction
19.2 Special instructions have been accomplished
19.3 Finished lengths are within tolerance
19.4 Individual parts and/or hardware top assemblies have been repaired, replaced or installed
as called out on the Work Order
19.5 End rolls are installed and in the correct direction
19.6 Appropriate stitch patterns have been used and there are no broken threads
19.7 Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins have been accomplished.

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20 Appearance
20.1 As a final step prior to releasing a repaired item to service, the overall appearance and
workmanship must be considered. While this does not directly affect the serviceability of
the article, it is a point of AmSafe pride to send out the best product possible. Some points
to consider:
20.1.1 Is the webbing free from excessive dye spotting and weave anomalies?
20.1.2 Does it have a smooth surface?
20.1.3 Is the thread color a reasonable match to the webbing?
20.1.4 Are the stitch patterns straight and neat without excessive skips?
20.1.5 Are the tie-off knots of a reasonable size and secure?
20.1.6 Is the article clean and neat.

21 Final Inspection
21.1 Final Inspection
Prior to release for return to service the inspector will check for the following:
21.1.1 Customer Purchase Order
21.1.2 Overall appearance and workmanship.
21.1.3 Loose or omitted stitches and approximate centering. Edge distance is defined
on the drawings. If specific tolerances are not available, the distance is controlled
by the sewing machine and shall be approximately 3/16 inch.
21.1.4 Functional Test EMA 507534 per E508605 as revised.
21.1.5 Functional Test EMA 508224 per E508191 as revised.
21.1.6 Functional Test EMA 508358 per E508750 as revised.
21.1.7 Green light test or system diagnostic test of bag belt assembly.

21.2 Deleted

22 Release to Service
22.1 When an article has been accepted by the final inspector, an FAA form 8130-3 will be filled
out in accordance with the AmSafe I6AR839J RSM/QCM.

AmSafe Cage Code 35FB9

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