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Identifying and Estimating

Significant Geologic Parameters

With Experimental Design
Christopher D. White, SPE, Louisiana State U.; Brian J. Willis, BP Canada Energy Co.;
Keshav Narayanan,* SPE, Object Reservoir Inc.; and Shirley P. Dutton, Bureau of Economic Geology

Summary skin factor) parameters; they may be deterministic (e.g., well spac-
Variability in production predictions caused by geologic heterogene- ing), stochastic (e.g., permeability fields), or controllable (e.g.,
ity and uncertainty was examined with a new method. The experi- injection rate).
mental design maximized the information derived from the flow Factor ranges should include all feasible factor values. Factors
simulation of various geologic models. Empirical response surface are usually scaled to span the range of -1,1. Factor-response
models were fit to simulation results to assess the consequences of relationships should be as linear as possible. However, linear
varying several geologic factors. Posterior distributions of geologic factor-response relations are difficult to guarantee a priori and are
parameters were estimated from flow responses. Improvements in impossible to obtain when many responses are modeled. This
the accuracy of the reservoir model were quantified by computing scaling difficulty is a motivation for using quadratic rather than
changes in factor uncertainties resulting from response measure- linear models.7,11 Factor scaling should reflect the range of factor
ments. Monte Carlo simulations with prior and posterior factor variability. For example, although a permeability range from 1 md
distributions illustrate uncertainty reduction. This approach can be to 1 darcy could be mapped linearly to the range of -1,+1, a log-
used for model comparison, sensitivity analysis, and estimation of arithmic scaling to the same range gives a more nearly linear
probability distributions of geologic model parameters. response in most cases.
A design is a set of factor-value combinations for which
Introduction responses are measured.1,2 In a two-level factorial design, each
Reservoir simulation is used widely to investigate the effects of factor is assigned to its maximum or minimum value (±1) in all
geologic heterogeneity and engineering parameter variability on possible combinations with other factors (Fig. 1). For three fac-
reservoir production performance. Because many geologic and tors, this requires eight experiments; for K factors, 2K experiments
engineering factors interact to affect recovery predictions, an are needed. Similarly, three-level factorial designs assign each
exhaustive examination of recovery behavior for all possible factor its minimum, centerpoint, or maximum value (-1,0,+1) in
parameter combinations is prohibitively time-consuming and all possible combinations with other factors (Fig. 1b); this design
expensive. The factors that most strongly influence production requires 27 experiments for three factors, or 3K experiments for K
behavior should be identified to focus analyses and measurements. factors. Box-Behnken14 designs are modified three-level factorials
If reservoir-simulation studies are conducted with an experi- (Fig. 1c). This design requires 15 experiments for three factors,
mental design, response surface models can estimate how the varia- including three at the factor centerpoint (all factors assigned to
tion of input factors affects reservoir behavior with a relatively small their centerpoint values). Centerpoint replicates make the design
number of reservoir-simulation models. Response surface models more nearly orthogonal, which improves the precision of esti-
can test the relative importance of the factors in experimental mates of response surface coefficients. There is no simple formula
designs statistically. Because response surfaces are accurate and sim- relating the number of required experiments to the number of factors
ple to evaluate, they are efficient proxies for reservoir simulators. for Box-Behnken designs; however, the number of experiments
A method based on response surfaces, Monte Carlo simulation, needed will always be between 2K and 3K.
and Bayes’ theorem (RSMCB) was used to examine the effects of Box-Behnken designs were used in this study. This design has
geologic variability and different models for permeability fields. several advantages relative to alternatives. Compared with a three-
The method was demonstrated in an analysis of outcrop data from level full-factorial design, a Box-Behnken design reduces the
a heterolithic tide-influenced deltaic sandstone. The data set number of required experiments by confounding higher-order
includes probe permeameter measurements, detailed bedding interactions. This reduction becomes more significant as the num-
maps, shale diagrams, cement maps, facies maps, facies-specific ber of factors increases. For five factors, a Box-Behnken design
rock properties, and variograms. Because of the importance of requires 41 experiments, compared to 243 experiments required
geostatistical methods for reservoir model construction, designed for a full three-level factorial and 32 for a full two-level factorial.
simulations examined the effects of varying geostatistical parame- Box-Behnken designs have the desirable qualities of being nearly
ters and compared stochastic and deterministic geologic models. orthogonal and rotatable for many cases.14 Unlike D-Optimal
designs,1,2,4 Box-Behnken designs neither require nor depend on
Methods prior specification of the model. Further, unlike first-order (e.g.,
Experimental Design. Experimental design1,2 has been used in reser- two-level factorial) designs,8,9 Box-Behnken designs allow esti-
voir engineering applications, including performance prediction,3 mation of quadratic terms and do not imply constant sensitivities
uncertainty modeling,4–6 sensitivity studies,7–9 upscaling,10,11 history of responses to factors. Most two-level designs do not include
matching,12 and development optimization.13 experiments at the design centerpoint. By including the center-
The first step in a designed simulation study is to identify the point, Box-Behnken designs reduce estimation error for the most
factors that may influence flow responses. These factors may be likely responses. Box-Behnken designs require only a few more
geologic (e.g., cement nodule permeability) or engineering (e.g., experiments than two-level designs and allow construction of
more versatile and accurate models.

* Now with Landmark Graphics Corp.

Response Surface Models. A response surface model is an empir-
ical fit of experimental or computed responses. The responses are
Copyright © 2001 Society of Petroleum Engineers
usually measured or computed at factor combinations specified by
This paper (SPE 74140) was revised for publication from paper SPE 62971, first presented an experimental design. The model is usually a polynomial fit
at the 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 1–4 October. Original
manuscript received for review 12 October 2000. Revised manuscript received 26 February
with linear regression. Each term in the polynomial (or regressor)
2001. Manuscript peer approved 26 March 2001. is a function of one or more factors. The coefficients in the poly-

September 2001 SPE Journal 311

Factor Ranges Experimental Point (some are hidden from view)

Fig. 1—Examples of designs for three factors. (a) A two-level factorial requires eight experiments, (b) a three-level factorial requires
27 experiments, and (c) a Box-Behnken design requires 15 experiments (including three replicates at the centerpoint).

nomial are the factor effects and the interactions. The coefficients The initial model contained all possible regressors for the sec-
are found by solving15 ond order model. At each step, the coefficient with the lowest t-
H H value was eliminated (i.e., assigned a value of zero) if (1) its
{ }
b = ëéX'ûë
ùéX ûù ëéX'ûù y , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) Bonferroni confidence interval included zero, and (2) its univariate
confidence interval included zero or Radj of the model was lower
where [X]=a rectangular matrix with a row rank equal to the num- with the term included.
ber of observations (or design points), n, and a column rank equal Stepwise significance checking continued until no statistically

to the number of regressors, r; [X']=its transpose; and y =an n- insignificant terms remained in the model. Finally, all possible
long column vector of observed responses. The solution of Eq. 1 additions were considered to ensure that no significant terms had
yields r-long vectors of estimates of the regression coefficients b been omitted from the model. If any significant terms were found,

and the standard errors s b. The standard errors are calculated from the most significant term (i.e., the coefficient with the highest t-
value) was added, and the addition process was repeated until no
more significant terms could be found. The last pass provided esti-
{ }
sβ i = sr2 ëéX'ûë
ùéX ûù , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) mates for the coefficients and standard errors of regressors not
retained in the model.
where s r2 = the estimated variance of the residual, The second problem—determining whether the regression sur-
H H ′
( yˆ − yH )( yˆ − yH ) /(n − r ) . The degrees of freedom are v=n-r, and i face adequately fits the simulated responses—was addressed by
the coefficient
of regression, R2, and the residuals,
indicates the i th regressor. ŷ -y®, where ŷ =the regression estimate and y®=the actual
In this study, the initial regression model consisted of the mean, response. A poor fit is indicated by R2 being much less than 1.0. All
all first-order effects and interactions, and quadratic terms for all models in this study had correlation coefficients greater than 0.95.
factors. This commonly used model is particularly appropriate for Other studies with response surfaces have also obtained good
Box-Behnken designs.14 For an experiment with K factors, the max- fits.10,11,13
imum number of regressors in this model is rmax=1+K(K+3)/2.
Two potential problems must be considered before interpreting Sensitivity. In reservoir evaluation, project economics must be
or applying regression results: some model coefficients may be sta- evaluated in the presence of uncertainty. For example, the net pres-
tistically insignificant, and the model may not fit the simulation ent value may depend strongly on initial rate, which in turn
results well. depends on factors such as cementation, tubing diameter, skin fac-
The first problem can be addressed with stepwise regression to tor, shale length, and variogram parameters. It is important to
eliminate insignificant effects from the model.1,15 Coefficients are determine which factors cause variability or uncertainty in project
tested for significance using three statistics: the univariate t-test, the economics. This dependence can be investigated with sensitivity
multivariate Bonferroni t-statistics, and the adjusted correlation analysis. The sensitivity of a response to a factor is the partial
coefficient Radj . For a univariate t-test, coefficients are significant if derivative of the response with respect to that factor.17 Because
response surfaces are usually polynomials, it is simple to compute
bi their sensitivities.
≥ t n − r ,α / 2 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
sβ i With linear models (usually obtained from two-level designs), the
sensitivity is the slope across the entire factor domain. This implies
where t=the student’s t-distribution with v=n-r degrees of free- that responses vary in a constant ratio relative to factor changes. For
dom, and a=1-psig ( psig is the significance level). The univariate many cases, however, this is not a reasonable prediction; for example,
t-test gives optimistically tight confidence intervals for multivari- effective permeability does not typically vary as a constant multiple
ate regression.15,16 The Bonferroni t-method provides reasonable of shale permeability (or its logarithm). Models from Box-Behnken
rectanguloid multivariate confidence intervals and is easy to com- and other three-level designs can include quadratic terms and better
pute. The confidence interval is redefined with aB=a/2r. predict sensitivity variations across factor ranges.
Otherwise, the analysis is identical to the univariate case with aB Response variability is caused by both factor uncertainties and
substituted for a in Eq. 3.15 The final component of the signifi- factor sensitivities; their influences must be combined to under-
cance test is the adjusted correlation coefficient, stand response uncertainty and the value of additional information.
In the following sections, these elements will be combined using
sr2 Monte Carlo simulation and Bayes’ theorem.
Radj =1− , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4)
s y2
Discrimination. Differences between models can be assessed in

where sy=the standard deviation of the response y with v=n-r several ways. Although F-tests assess overall model suitability,
degrees of freedom. and t-tests compare individual coefficients, neither of these tests

312 September 2001 SPE Journal

is easy to interpret if the goal is to compare responses with al distribution, or a reasonable guess) and response distributions
respect to prior distributions of model factors.18 Kolomogorov- conditional to various values of the factors, pR,F.
Smirnov,16 or c2-tests19 comparing two Monte Carlo distribu- Response surfaces can be used to estimate the distribution of
tions, are not meaningful because the Monte Carlo simulations responses conditional to any factor combination. The posterior
were designed to ensure that small differences in response distri- probability that factors have particular values, given observed
butions would be statistically significant. Instead, the test should responses, can then be calculated from Bayes’ theorem.
indicate whether a single realization is significantly more likely
to be drawn from one realization than the other. A c2-likelihood pF , R C pF
pR , F = , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5)
test was used to quantify such differences between pairs of dis- pR
tributions (see Appendix).
where pF,R=the probability density of the factor conditional to the
Monte Carlo Simulations. Monte Carlo simulation is widely used response, pF=the probability density of the factor, and pR=the
to propagate uncertainty in input parameters through a perform- probability density of the response. Bayesian statistics is some-
ance model.16 However, for models with many factors, it is bur- times criticized because of its reliance on priors.19 However, the
densomely expensive to perform the large number of flow simula- ability to use appropriate priors, integrate new data, and infer event
tions required. As other investigators have found,4,6 response sur- probabilities makes the Bayesian approach attractive.
faces provide an efficient and surprisingly accurate10,11,13 alterna- Computing pR,F is time-consuming if flow simulations must be
tive. Several applications of Monte Carlo simulation will be con- performed for each factor combination. Because response surfaces
sidered in this paper. are inexpensive to compute, the conditional distributions needed in
Eq. 5 can be computed easily.
Posterior Distributions. Bayes’ theorem quantifies how new In the RSMCB approach, the probability-density functions of
information changes current perceptions of the state of nature.19–21 one or more responses are specified. Factor values are drawn ran-
To use Bayes’ theorem to estimate factor posteriors, one must have domly from their prior distributions. The response surface is used
prior estimates of the probability that factors assume various val- to compute the reservoir response for the given factor combina-
ues (based on historical data, probability models such as a binomi- tion, and the error characteristics of the measurements are used to

Limit of exposure Bedding surface

Shale Cement Permeameter transect

Scale, meters 0 5,000
Vertical Exaggeration =2X Permeability, md (linear scale)

Fig. 2—View of the bed model. (a) Each stratum bounded by bedding planes was represented as a distinct reservoir-simulation
layer using a cornerpoint grid. (b) The clusters of shale drapes (at the left center and extreme right bottom of Fig. 2b) and the con-
tinuous cement layer (near the top of the right half of the model, Figs. 2b through 2d) have visible effects on flow behavior (Fig. 4).
Probe permeameter measurements were taken every 0.2 m along transects.7 The (c) kriged and (d) sequential Gaussian simula-
tions of permeability use the same variogram (at the centerpoint values for the variogram factors) and conditioning data.

September 2001 SPE Journal 313

estimate the probability that the computed response could be shown in Fig. 2. More than 800 probe permeameter measurements
drawn from the measured response distribution. This probability were made along vertical and horizontal transects within this 16-
will be small if the computed response is far from the measured m-long by 1-m-high area. A horizontal transect and semivariogram
response. The sum of these response probabilities divided by the of the probe permeameter data are shown in Fig. 3. The semivari-
total number of trials is proportional to pR in Eq. 5. The number of ogram (based on normal-score transformed data) has a well-
times this joint response is observed is tabulated into discrete bins defined range and sill. The vertical semivariogram is similarly well
for each factor. These counts are proportional to the product of behaved. The semivariograms were used to compute kriged and
pR,F and pF in Eq. 5. After a large number of realizations (each one conditionally simulated permeability fields (Figs. 2c and 2d).7,25
using response surface models rather than flow simulation), joint- Several different models were considered for sandstone perme-
factor posterior distributions pF,R can be computed. Computing the ability: uniform, kriged, and conditionally simulated with sequen-
joint-factor posterior distributions may require millions of evalu- tial Gaussian simulation.25 All geostatistical algorithms used the
ations of the response surfaces, but because response surfaces are normal-score transform of permeability. Shale resistance and
easy to evaluate, the calculations can be done in a spreadsheet on cement permeability were assumed to be spatially uniform but
a personal computer. were varied from case to case.
These permeability fields are different from those commonly
Application and Results encountered in field-scale modeling. First, the horizontal correla-
The RSMCB approach was used to investigate the sensitivity and tion of permeability is small compared to the flow length (Figs. 2
uncertainty of geologic parameters for a model based on an out- and 3), whereas field-scale models often assume correlation
crop exposure of the Frewens sandstone. lengths that are comparable to the interwell distance.20,26 Different
correlation lengths will affect flow behavior and, therefore, sensi-
Geologic Setting. The Frewens sandstone is a heterolithic tide- tivity analysis and parameter estimation. Generally, the shorter cor-
influenced deltaic deposit within the Cretaceous-age Frontier for- relation range causes higher kriging-estimation error and greater
mation in north-central Wyoming.22 Variations within this sand- stochastic fluctuations among permeability realizations. Second, in
stone were quantified using sedimentologic logs, photomosaics this study, there are many permeability measurements within the
of the outcrops, probe permeameter measurements along vertical flow domain, as shown by the heavy gray traces on Fig. 2b. The
and horizontal transects, and thin section analysis.7,23,24 The sand- abundant conditioning data decrease kriging-estimation variance,
stone comprises two major elongate bodies 3 to 4 km wide, opposing the effect of the relatively short semivariogram range.
approximately 20 km long, and up to 20 to 30 m thick. Results of geostatistical studies at different scales and in different
Basinward-dipping beds within each sandstone body (meters settings must be compared with caution.
thick by hundreds of meters long and wide) record episodic
aggradation of sands on the delta front. Shaly layers that formed Simulation-Model Construction. The reservoir simulation mod-
during pauses in delta progradation commonly separate sand- els were built using methods presented in earlier studies of the
stone beds. Near the top of the upper sandstone body, calcite Ferron sandstone27 and the Frewens sandstone.7,10,11 Permeability
cement nodules are common; they reduce permeability and fields were assigned with an average value, kriging, or stochastic
porosity locally.24 Beds are composed of cross sets formed by simulation.7 Flow models were discretized with a 2D cornerpoint
dunes migrating down the delta front. Grain size and permeabili- grid.28 Transmissibility multipliers between layers were based on
ty trends along individual cross sets reflect coarsening preserved the presence of draping shales.7,27,29 Simulation studies with cor-
during initial dune growth, followed by fining as the dune was nerpoint grids have demonstrated the importance of accurately rep-
gradually abandoned and its trough filled. Variations down indi- resenting the geometry of rock property variations and barrier loca-
vidual cross strata reflect grain sorting on the lee face of the dune. tions within geologically complex systems.7,10,11,27,29 Although the
Shale drapes within cross sets, formed during pauses in the depo- skewness of these cornerpoint grids causes errors, it is difficult to
sitional tidal currents, are preserved preferentially in the lower model these systems with reasonable-sized rectangular grids.7,29
parts of the cross sets. Reactivation surfaces with superimposed
ripple-cross lamination and lateral clustering of shale drapes Experimental Design. Five factors were selected for study: semi-
along cross sets record episodic dune migration caused by longer- variogram range, semivariogram nugget, semivariogram
term tidal current fluctuations.23 This paper focuses on a single anisotropy, cement permeability,24 and shale resistance (=hsh/ksh).27
bed of a cross-stratified sandstone (Fig. 2).7,23 The factor ranges are presented in Table 1. The semivariogram
nugget was scaled linearly with xi=( fi-fi,c)/( fi,max-fi,c); all other
Permeability Fields. The bedding diagram, shale maps, and probe factors were scaled with logarithms, such as,
permeameter transects used in simulation models of a cross-strati- xi=log( fi/fi,c)/log( fi,max/fi,c), where xi=the scaled factor and fi=the
fied sandstone bed within the lower Frewens sandstone body are unscaled factor.

10 2
Permeability Variogram
Permeability, darcies




.01 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 5 10 15 20
(a) Distance, m (b) Lag, m
Fig. 3—Probe permeameter measurements. (a) Example of a horizontal probe permeameter transect (moving average superim-
posed to show trends) and (b) overall horizontal semivariogram of normal score transformed data for Facies 3. Vertical semivari-
ograms indicated an anisotropy ratio (horizontal range divided by vertical range) of approximately 0.4. Variogram shape varies
from facies to facies within the Frewens sandstone.7,24

314 September 2001 SPE Journal

Factor Mappings
Index Factor Name Symbol Units -1 0 1
1 Variogram range r m 1 3 9
2 Variogram nugget n fraction of sill 0 0.4 0.8
3 Variogram anisotropy a ratio, vert/horz 0.16 0.4 1
4 Cement permeability c md 0.01 1 100
5 Shale resistance d m/md 0.000328 0.032808 3.28084

Factor combinations for the simulation models were specified number of pore volumes injected, NpD=Np/N,Np=the connate fluid
by a 41-experiment Box-Behnken design14 for the five-factor produced, and N=the connate fluid initially in place. The initial
kriged and stochastic model sets and a nine-experiment three-level regression models considered were of the form
full factorial2 for the two-factor uniform permeability model set. H K

Six realizations were run at each design point for the stochastic yˆ j ( x ) = b j ,0 + å b j ,i xi + b j , K +1 x1 x2
i =1
permeability fields.
+b j , K + 2 x1 x3 + K + b j ,K ( K +1) / 2 xK −1 xK
Flow Simulations. Flow was simulated with a commercial reser- K
voir simulator.30 Fluid was injected over the entire left face of the + å b j ,i + K ( K +1) / 2 xi2 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6)
model and produced from the entire right face of the model (Fig. 4). i =1

Fluid and rock properties correspond to ideal tracer flow (no capil- where j=a particular response, and K=the number of factors. Final
lary pressure, straight-line relative permeabilities, and liquids with models were determined with stepwise regression.15 Full five-
no density or viscosity contrasts). Although these simplifications factor models and reduced two-factor models (neglecting vari-
reduced the resources needed for flow simulation, such assump- ogram parameters) were constructed for the kriged and stochastic
tions are not needed to use response surface models.3–13 The flow permeability fields. The reduced models permit direct comparison
model has been described previously.7 of the kriged and stochastic permeability fields to the uniform per-
The flow simulations for selected factor combinations are meability results. The correlation coefficients and model coeffi-
shown in Fig. 4. For this pair of kriged and conditional simulations cients for stochastic, kriged, and uniform-permeability response
(taken at the factor-space centerpoint, [0,0,0,0,0]), differences in surface models are shown in Table 2. Statistically insignificant
front geometry at breakthrough appear to be small. In both models, terms were not retained in the models. All models have acceptably
there is a region near the left end in which flow is downward and high correlation coefficients. Several response surfaces are shown
to the left. This tortuous path is caused by shale drapes (Fig. 2b). in Fig. 5. These surfaces are 2D slices through the 5D factor space.
The flow must be viscous-driven because there is no significant Several points are clear:
density contrast in these flow models. Vertical flow is impeded by • All factors are significant for at least one response.
the cemented zone near the top in the right half of both models • Most interaction terms are insignificant.
(Figs. 2 and 4). These features appear to exert a strong influence on • All factors have significant quadratic terms for at least one
flow behavior. response. A two-level design, or linear model, would be inadequate.
• The variogram parameters have significant effects.
Response Surface Models. Response surfaces for the stochastic, • The kriged and stochastic permeability fields give somewhat
kriged, and uniform permeability fields were computed with step-~ different predictions for some responses. For example, the effect of
wise regression. Analyzed responses are effective permeability k semivariogram anisotropy is opposite for the kriged and stochastic
(computed from steady-state pressure drop and rate in the numerical permeability fields (Figs. 5a and 5c, Table 2).
flow model), breakthrough time in pore volumes tBT, recovery effi- • For most responses, the largest effect is caused by shale
ciency NpD (fw=0.99), and time to flood-out t(fw=0.99); t is the resistance (Figs. 5a and 5b).

0 1
Tracer Concentration, fraction
Scale, meters
Vertical Exaggeration = 2X
0 1 2

Fig. 4—Tracer simulations of (a) kriged (Fig. 2c) and (b) conditionally simulated permeability (Fig. 2d) models at the center of the
factor space [0,0,0,0,0].7 The shales at the left-center of the model (Fig. 2c) shunt flow upward, and the cemented zone at the right
top of the model causes layer-like flow. Although fine details differ, the two flow models appear to be similar.

September 2001 SPE Journal 315

Effective Permeability, Breakthrough Time, τBT , Recovery at Flood-out, N pD , Total Throughout to Flood-
Response k, md pore volumes fraction out, τ(f w =0.99), pore volumes
Permeability Model Simulated Kriged Uniform Simulated Kriged Uniform Simulated Kriged Uniform Simulated Kriged Uniform
Correlation Coefficient 0.9793 0.9859 0.9974 0.9671 0.9797 0.9917 0.9966 0.9984 0.9952 0.9975 0.9963 0.9890
Adjacent Correlation Coefficient 0.9627 0.9747 0.9930 0.9408 0.9635 0.9778 0.9940 0.9970 0.9873 0.9954 0.9934 0.9707
Number regressors retained 6 9 3 7 8 3 7 12 4 8 7 3
Constant b 99.0 101.9 119.1 0.3490 0.4052 0.4185 0.9378 0.9403 0.9598 4.895 4.820 3.858
r -6.1 -19.4 0.0250 -0.0158 0.0007 -0.0028 -0.106 0.032
n -27.3 8.1 0.0091 -0.0121 0.0047 0.0040 -0.237 -0.070
Linear Terms a -10.8 -10.8 0.0215 0.0054 0.0006 -0.0030 -0.129 0.016
c 5.5 6.3 3.6 0.0120 0.0089 0.0072 0.0200 0.0231 0.0244 0.144 0.150 -0.002
d -103.0 -95.6 -100.7 -0.1239 -0.1160 -0.1285 -0.0911 -0.0874 -0.0740 3.590 3.570 3.651
r*n 1.2 7.2 -0.0109 -0.0075 0.0011 0.0031 0.064 0.026
r*a -6.2 0.1 0.0025 0.0085 0.0025 0.0064 -0.059 -0.104
r*c -0.5 -1.1 0.0019 0.0027 -0.0012 0.0026 0.032 0.264
r*d 7.5 23.8 0.0021 -0.0062 0.0037 0.0015 0.056 0.110
n*a 4.2 5.4 0.0118 0.0201 0.0016 0.0051 -0.051 0.030
Interaction Terms
n*c -1.7 -0.1 0.0037 0.0080 -0.0025 -0.0006 -0.117 -0.201
n*d 7.6 -8.4 -0.0145 -0.0065 0.0051 0.0015 -0.054 -0.032
a*d -0.2 -1.0 0.0040 0.0009 -0.0005 0.0010 0.044 0.247
a*c 7.9 13.5 -0.0042 0.0001 0.0027 0.0009 -0.011 0.108
c*d -2.3 -3.7 2.9 0.0010 0.0017 0.0128 -0.0075 -0.0031 0.0080 0.026 -0.010 0.381
r 8.4 4.1 -0.0206 -0.0084 -0.0010 0.0042 -0.012 -0.078
n 10.3 2.1 0.0038 0.0113 -0.0017 0.0029 0.070 0.057
Quadratic Terms a 5.2 -0.4 -0.0105 0.0086 -0.0005 0.0043 -0.031 -0.082
c 5.0 -0.2 7.1 -0.0001 0.0084 0.0193 0.0125 0.0075 0.0025 -0.193 -0.339 -0.587
d 67.1 61.0 48.5 0.0633 0.0724 0.0824 -0.0815 -0.0808 -0.0733 1.511 1.498 2.072
Notes: r=variogram range, n=variogram nugget, a=variogram anisotropy, c=cement permeability, d=shale resistance
Significant coefficients are shown in bold type, and insignificant coefficients are italicized .
Number of flow models used in response surface models: conditionally simulated, 246; kriged 41, uniform, 9.

In addition to the response surfaces for the primary variables, ratios of stochastic variance to overall Monte Carlo variance (Table
response surfaces were computed for the variances of all responses 3, Column 8). These responses with high components of stochastic
for the stochastic permeability fields. Independent surfaces were fit variance are significantly different by the c2-likelihood test (Figs.
for the mean response and the logarithm of its variance. The model 6a and 6d). This makes sense; stochastic and kriged permeability
coefficients for variance were not significant at 90%. Thus, the fields should respond differently when stochastic fluctuation is a
mean variances are acceptable estimates of variance for all values large fraction of the total response variance.
of the factors (Table 3). Although this case appears to have uni- If Monte Carlo simulations of recovery efficiency (Np/N) for the
form variance, it is possible that variance trends simply cannot be kriged and conditional cases were compared with the Kolmogorov-
demonstrated with only six replicates. The additional response Smirnov test, the test statistic, dmax, would be approximately
variance in stochastic permeability fields affects the resolution of 6´105 times greater than the value required to reject the null
posterior distributions. hypothesis that the distributions are the same.16 The test statistic is
large because the Monte Carlo distributions each include approxi-
Discriminating Models With Monte Carlo Simulation. The dif- mately 5´104 samples. All the pairs of distributions (Fig. 6) would
ferences between the response surfaces for various models of per- be considered significantly different by either Kolmogorov-
meability (stochastic, kriged, and uniform) were analyzed with the Smirnov or a standard c2 test. The results from the c2-likelihood
c2-likelihood test (Fig. 6). The distributions for effective perme- test seem more useful.
ability and breakthrough time are different at 90%. The other The responses for the three permeability field models (uniform,
response distributions do not differ at the 90% significance level. kriged, and stochastic) were compared with the c2-likelihood test.
In this analysis, all prior factor distributions were uniform. The kriged and stochastic response surfaces were significantly dif-
Triangular and normal probability distributions were also ana- ferent from the uniform responses; the probability of identical dis-
lyzed; the conclusions were similar. tributions exceeding the computed values of c2 was far less than
The comparisons between flow models for kriged and stochas- 1%. Therefore, uniform permeability fields are inadequate for
tic permeability fields imply that it may be unnecessary to use con- modeling tracer displacements through this sandstone bed.
ditional simulations to estimate recovery efficiency or time to 99% Simulation responses based on uniform permeability fields will not
water cut for this system. The similarities in recovery efficiency be considered further.
and throughput for the kriged and stochastic permeability fields are
caused partly by the short correlation length of permeability. All Computing Sensitivities. For the three-level designs and models
connected regions, even those with low permeability, can be swept. (Eq. 6) used in this study, sensitivities of responses to factors may
On the other hand, fractional flow and effective permeability vary over the factor range. For example, the form of the sensitivity
responses of kriged and stochastic permeability fields are signifi- of response j to factor 1 for a five-factor design is as follows.
cantly different. Breakthrough time depends only on the continuity
of the fastest flow paths, in contrast to the smoother, time-integrat- Sˆ j1 ( x) = j = b j ,1 + b j ,6 x2 + b j ,7 x3 + b j ,8 x4 + b j ,9 x5 + 2b j ,16 x1
ed character of the recovery efficiency and throughput responses. ∂x1
The effective permeability for the stochastic field (Table 2) is high- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7)
er partly because of the greater continuity of the low-permeability Because sensitivity varies over the factor range, it is not possible
zone in the kriged model compared to the stochastic model, espe- to extract a single sensitivity measure for these quadratic models.
cially in the left half of the models (Fig. 2). In contrast, the linear, two-level models would impose a single
The differences between kriged and stochastic permeability sensitivity measure.
field-flow responses are related to the standard deviation among The estimated sensitivities of all responses to all factors are
stochastic replicates. Compared with throughput and recovery effi- shown in Fig. 7. This presentation is possible for the models based
ciency, effective permeability and breakthrough times have higher on stochastic permeability fields because all interaction terms are

316 September 2001 SPE Journal

zero; this form of plot is not valid if the interactions are nonzero Models for kriged and stochastic permeability fields must be
(e.g., the kriged responses in Table 2). Shale resistance is the dom- treated differently. For models based on conditionally simulated
inant factor (Fig. 7). permeability, the stochastic variance of the response (estimated
from multiple realizations) must be added to the variance caused
Posterior Factor Distributions. Response surfaces for measura- by measurement error. Thus, stochastic variations in permeability
ble responses, such as breakthrough time, can be used to estimate introduce random fluctuations in responses that make estimates of
the posterior distributions of the factors. The accuracy of the factor posteriors less precise. This decreased precision reflects
response measurement can be characterized with either a tabulated uncertainty in the responses of the more chaotic stochastic perme-
histogram or a normal error distribution. A normal error distribu- ability models compared to the kriged models. In addition, increas-
tion was used in this study (Table 4). The response and error model ing the variance in the observations gives the prior distributions
are used in Eq. 5 to compute pR. greater weight if the prior is informative.31

a b

Effective Permeability,

Effective Permeability, md
300 150
200 100

100 50




r Nu


Sh gg

ale a

yF et py


Fa Fa

cto ot rop cto otr
r is r is
An An

c d
Effective Permeability, md

200 0.6
150 0.5

50 0.35
0 0.3





Sh An


ale s iso


tro ale

py Sh
Fig. 5—Two-dimensional slices through 5D response spaces. All factors that are not plotted are set to the zero level. Surfaces are
curved because the quadratic terms are significant. The variability of permeability owing to shale is greater than the effects of
anisotropy or nugget (compare Fig. 5a with 5b). The response surface for the kriged permeability model (Fig. 5c) has less variability
than the conditionally simulated model (Fig. 5c). Response surfaces were also computed for breakthrough time (Fig. 5d), recovery
and throughput, and response variances.

Standard Deviatio ns Observed in For Monte Carl o Simu lations
Condit io nal Simulat ion Standard Deviatio ns Rati o of
(Stoc hastic Fluc tuations ) Uniform Triangul ar Col. 3 to
Resp ons e Mini mum Average Maximum Mean Pri ors Pri ors Col. 6.
Colu mn: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Effect ive Permeabilit y, m d 14.6 30.6 48 112 65.0 46 0.47
Breakt hrough Time, PV 0.035 0.041 0.047 0.356 0.077 0.054 0.53
Recovery at 2 PV, fractio n 0.001 0.013 0.025 0.926 0.060 0.04 0.22
Throu ghpu t, PV 0.058 0.25 0.46 5.11 2.13 1.5 0.12

September 2001 SPE Journal 317

1.2 0.02
a Difference is significant.
1 0.8 b PDF from S 16
PDF from K

Probability Density
Probability Density
0.8 Likelihood of S PDF from K

0.6 12

0.6 Likelihood of S
0.008 0.4 8
0.4 Difference is not significant.
PDF from S
0.004 0.2 4

0 0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
Effective Permeability, md Recovery Efficiency, fraction

1.2 12 1.2
Likelihood of S d PDF from K
c Difference is not significant. 0.4

Probability Density
1 10

Probability Density
PDF from K PDF from S
0.8 PDF from S


8 0.8 0.3
Difference is significant.
0.6 6 0.6 Likelihood of S
0.4 4 0.4
0.2 2 0.2

0 0 0 0
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Breakthrough Time, PV Throughput, PV

Fig. 6—Monte Carlo simulations of stochastic (indicated by ‘S’) and kriged (‘K’) permeability field responses and the likelihood of the
simulated response based on a null hypothesis that the distributions are identical. The permeability (a) and breakthrough time (b) are
significantly different by the c2-likelihood test. The differences in recovery efficiency (c) and throughput (d) are not significant.

The RSMCB approach was used to estimate posterior distribu- The correct variance, including the stochastic variation of the
tions of variogram parameters, cement permeability, and shale response, must be used when computing posteriors for the condi-
resistance given observations of effective permeability, break- tionally simulated model. Otherwise, incorrect posterior distribu-
through time, total throughput, and sweep efficiency. The respons- tions are obtained (Fig. 8d). Seen on the multivariate posteriors
es are summarized in Table 4. The factor combinations used in this (Figs. 9c and 9d), the correct maximum-likelihood estimate was
example were not part of the experimental design. The responses obtained in this case, but the peaks are higher if stochastic fluctua-
could be obtained from field measurements (e.g., effective perme- tions of the responses are neglected (compare Figs. 9a and 9c and
ability from a pressure-transient test or breakthrough time from a Figs. 9b and 9d). While the tighter peaks might seem attractive,
tracer test). they are unrealistically optimistic—they understate factor uncer-
tainty. On the other hand, more precise factor posteriors could be
Discussion of Posteriors. For simplicity, some of this discussion obtained by reducing the measurement variance of the responses,
will refer to univariate distributions (Fig. 8), but ultimately, one making multiple measurements, or obtaining data to justify more
must refer to the multivariate posteriors (Fig. 9). restrictive priors. In general, the correct maximum-likelihood esti-
The maxima in the joint-probability distributions correspond to mate will not be obtained if the incorrect measurement error is used
the maximum likelihood estimates of the factors given the obser- and the parameter prior is informative (rather than the flat, nonin-
vations; these maxima are similar to Bayes-based methods used for formative prior used for this case).31
history matching.20 The factor posteriors become more sharply Incorrect factor posteriors may be obtained if response surfaces
defined (i.e., have lower variance) when additional responses are fit to kriged models are used when permeability variations are not
used to compute the posterior (Fig. 8a). Other authors have com- smooth (compare Figs. 8e and 8f). More generally, response sur-
mented on the improvement of estimates owing to multiple data face models based on unrealistic permeability fields will misesti-
sources.32 The multivariate distributions show that the posterior mate factor posteriors.
distributions provide reasonable estimates of factor values (Fig. 9). The posterior distributions are not normal, and their shapes
With the correct model and variance, the only factor that was vary for different factors (compare Figs. 9a and 9b and Figs. 9e and
misestimated (i.e., assigned to the wrong interval) is the range fac- 9f) and for different measured responses (compare Figs. 9a and 9e
tor for Point I. This poor estimation is not surprising, given the low and Figs. 9b and 9f). Although all factors had identical uniform
sensitivity of most responses to the variogram range (Table 2, Fig. priors, posterior distributions of the factors are quite different
7). Unfortunately, this is one of the parameters that is hardest to (Figs. 8b and 9).
measure directly. The resolution of the factor posteriors could be improved by
The high sensitivity to the shale factor dominates the joint pos- increasing the number of bins. However, even with only five bins
terior estimates. To filter this effect, the univariate posterior of the per factor, this five-factor problem required 3,125 total bins to
shale factor was used as if it were a prior when computing the pos- compute the multivariate posterior.
teriors of the remaining factors in Figs. 8c through 8f. Applying the
univariate posterior is not a solution method; it was done to sim- Discussion
plify the presentation of the results. The uniform shale prior was Factor posteriors derived from RSMCB can be used in several
retained when computing the joint posteriors (Fig. 9). ways. If some responses were not measured, factor posteriors can

318 September 2001 SPE Journal

50 0.05
a: Effective Permeability
Sensitivity, md 0 0

Sensitivity, PV
-150 -0.2 b: Breakthrough Time
-200 -0.25
-250 -0.3
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Factor Value Factor Value
0.1 7
Sensitivity, fraction

c: Sweep Efficiency
6 d: Throughput

Sensitivity, PV
0 5
-0.1 Range 3
Nugget 2
-0.2 Anisotropy 1
Cement 0
-0.3 Shale -1
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Factor Value Factor Value
Fig. 7—Sensitivity of stochastic permeability fields to study factors. Shale is the most important factor for all responses over the
majority of the factor ranges. Overall, the responses are least sensitive to variogram range. Many factor sensitivities vary across
the response range because of quadratic terms. Different responses are sensitive to different factors. Therefore, even if a given
response is not sensitive to a given factor (e.g., effective permeability is insensitive to variogram range), other responses (e.g.,
breakthrough time) may be sensitive.

give improved Monte Carlo estimates of the unknown response If the estimated posteriors are applicable at another location,
distributions conditional to the measured response(s). For example, then updated estimates of all responses could be made on the basis
if effective permeability were measured, then improved estimates of the observed response. This could improve estimates of uncer-
of breakthrough time, recovery efficiency, and throughput could be tainty at the analogous location.
obtained (Fig. 10). In this example, RSMCB has correctly classi- Shale resistance dominates other factors (variogram range, var-
fied Point I as having higher shale permeability than Point II on the iogram nugget, variogram anisotropy, and cement permeability) in
basis of its relatively high measured-effective permeability (Table this system. Although shale resistance was assigned a wide range
4). This leads to intuitively reasonable predictions of later water compared to other factors (Table 1), examination of the coeffi-
breakthrough, higher recovery, and less required throughput for the cients in the response models (Table 2) and the sensitivity plots
high shale permeability (Point I). These updated estimates show (Fig. 7) indicates that shale resistance would remain the dominant
how the measurement and parameter-estimation procedure reduced factor even if its range were reduced up to four-fold. Further, the
response uncertainty compared to prior estimates. specified range in shale resistance realistically reflects uncertain-


Point Point 1 Point 2
Fact or Settings (0.5,0.25,0.75,0.0,-0.5) (-0.5,0.75,0.25,0,0.5)
Maximum Likelihood Estimate (0.8,0.0,0.8,0.0,-0.4) (-0.4,0.8,0.0,0.0,0.4)
Permeability Resp onse Resp onse
Variable Model Response Std. Dev. Response Std. Dev.
Simulated 153 34 47 38
k, md
Kriged 138 14 78 8
N pD , fraction Simulated 0.964 0.016 0.875 0.023
Kriged 0.968 0.010 0.881 0.010
Simulated 0.450 0.046 0.291 0.061
τ BT , PV
Kriged 0.475 0.020 0.374 0.020
(f w =0.99), Simulated 3.27 0.27 6.91 0.35
PV Kriged 3.41 0.10 6.98 0.10
Notes: Response standard deviation based on reasonable measurement errors.
Conditionally simulated response variance includes stochastic fluctuations.
Maximum likelihood estimates are based on bin widths of 0.4.

September 2001 SPE Journal 319

0.3 0.07 0.07
a b c Range

0.06 Shale Range 0.06

Probability Density

Probability Density
Probability Density All
k 0.04 0.04
Prior Prior
0.03 0.03
0.1 τ - Cement Cement
BT τ(fw=0.99) 0. 0.02 0.02
0.5 N5pD
Value 0.01 0.01
0 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Factor Value Factor Value
Factor Value
0.07 0.07 0.07
d e Cement f Cement Range
0.06 Nugget 0.06 0.06
Range Nugget
0.05 Cement 0.05 Nugget 0.05

0.04 0.04 0.04


Prior Range Prior
0.03 0.03 0.03
0.02 0.02 0.02
0.01 0.01 0.01
0 0 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Factor Value Factor Value Factor Value

Fig. 8—Univariate posterior distributions of factors computed from responses. Figs. 8a through 8d use Point I (Table 4), and Figs.
8e and 8f use Point II. Vertical arrows pointing to the corresponding posterior distributions indicate the correct (input) factor val-
ues (Table 4). Figs. 8b through 8f use all four responses for posterior estimation. Figs. 8c through 8f use a modified shale prior. (a)
The posterior of the shale factor becomes increasingly precise as more responses are used to estimate it. (b) Univariate posteri-
ors for all factors estimated from all four responses show that the shale factor is estimated most precisely. The complete shale
factor posterior is shown in Fig. 8a. Although the peaks are not pronounced, the maximum likelihood in the univariate distribu-
tions is near the correct value for all factors (Table 4). (c) The posteriors of factors other than shale are clearer if a more restrictive
prior is imposed on the shale factor; in Figs. 8c through 8f, the univariate shale posterior was used as if it were a prior. (d) If
response variability owing to stochastic fluctuations is neglected, incorrect posterior distributions are obtained. (e) At Point II
(Table 4), the univariate posteriors are more disperse. Posterior factor distribution depends on the response measurement,
response errors, factor priors, and factor sensitivity. (f) If a response surface model computed from kriged permeability models is
used to estimate posteriors when the response is drawn from a conditionally simulated model, incorrect estimates of the factor
posteriors are obtained. All analyses should be done with multivariate distributions (Fig. 9).

ties in shale permeability and thickness. The effects of the shale Examinations and statistical tests of Monte Carlo simulations
factor would be different if shale resistance varied spatially. The and factor posteriors indicate that appropriate spatial models of
effects of shales also depend on the 3D distribution of shales permeability must be used. Although some of the kriged and sto-
in reservoirs. chastic permeability-response models were similar, front shape and
There is sufficient response sensitivity to estimate posteriors for effective permeability were different. In addition, response vari-
all factors, including variogram parameters. In this study, vari- ability caused by stochastic permeability fields significantly affects
ogram range is estimated with the least precision. The precision of posterior factor distributions.
estimating variogram parameters is related to the variogram range The spreads of the posterior factor distributions are often quite
and the density and locations of conditioning data. These factors wide (e.g., Figs. 8 and 9). This is not a flaw in the approach, but a
may be very different in field cases compared to this outcrop study, reflection of response and factor uncertainty.
which would affect the relative sensitivities of responses to vari- The response surface approach is best suited to problems with
ogram and other parameters. a limited number of factors and responses, especially when models
Previous investigators have used response surfaces for reser- for response-factor relationships would provide useful insights. On
voir-simulator history matching, with the response surfaces serving the other hand, if there are many factors and responses—there may
as proxies for the reservoir simulator in a least-squares approach.12 be for field-scale history matching problems—then conventional
The RSMCB method is different in that it does not use least- gradient approaches or Bayesian inversion without response sur-
squares optimization but does incorporate prior information. faces might be a better solution method.
Response surface history-matching procedures could be modified In the course of this study, many millions of responses were
to include prior distributions.12 computed from the response surfaces based on fewer than 300
Reservoir models should be based on sound measurements and numerical flow simulations. The direct Monte Carlo/Bayes
geologic principles. This designed simulation study of the Frewens approach would not be economically feasible if a flow simulator
sandstone used detailed maps of shale layers and cemented zones, were used rather than response surface models.
dense permeability measurements, and well-behaved variograms. RSMCB analysis can be integrated into the reservoir modeling
process. It allows a systematic identification and investigation of
Conclusions factors and their influence on responses.
Response surface models can be used to summarize results of
designed simulation sets. The response models can test differences Nomenclature
between scenarios, assess sensitivities to factors, estimate the effects bi = estimated coefficient in response model
of measurements on response uncertainty, and calculate maximum- fi = unscaled factor i
likelihood estimates of factors conditional to sets of responses. fi,c = unscaled factor, i, center
Compared to the resources required for numerical simulation, analy- fw = fraction of injectant flowing
sis of response surfaces using statistical methods (RSMCB) is very
k = permeability, md
efficient. Response surface models can represent flow behavior over
the factor ranges with acceptable accuracy (R2 > 0.95). The error K = number of factors
caused by having response surfaces as proxies for flow simulations  = likelihood
often will be small compared to measurement errors, numerical n = number of simulations
errors, and stochastic fluctuations in responses. M = model (Eq. A-1)

320 September 2001 SPE Journal

0.8 0.8 X
a b

0.4 0.4

0 0

-0.4 X -0.4

-0.8 -0.8
-0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 -0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8
Range Probability Density Nugget
0 0.3 0.6
0.8 0.8 X
c d

0.4 0.4


0 0

-0.4 X -0.4

-0.8 -0.8
-0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 -0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8
Range Nugget
Probability Density

0 0.6 1.2
0.8 0.8
e f

0.4 X 0.4

0 0 X

-0.4 -0.4

-0.8 -0.8
-0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 -0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8
Range Nugget
Probability Density
Input point
X Maximum likelihood estimate
0 0.2 0.4
Fig. 9—Joint posterior distributions of factors at Points I and II (Table 4). All four responses were used. All figures show 2D slices
through the 5D joint multivariate posterior distributions. Slices were taken through the plane containing the maximum likelihood
point. Figs. 9a through 9d are for Point I; Figs. 9c and 9d neglect stochastic variance; and Figs. 9e and 9f are for Point II. The shape
of the distributions is different for different factors for the coarse binning used (five bins for each factor). The distributions do not
appear to be normal. There is a pronounced ridge in the shale-range cross sections owing to the much greater sensitivity to shale
compared to range (Figs. 9a, 9c, and 9e). If the stochastic fluctuations in responses are ignored, and a lower response variance is
used in computing the posteriors, an unrealistically concentrated joint posterior is obtained (compare Fig. 9a with Fig. 9c and Fig.
9b with Fig. 9d; note that the color scale for Figs. 9c and 9d is twice as wide). The factor posteriors have different shapes at Points
I and II (compare Figs. 9a and 9e and Figs. 9b and 9f). The maximum likelihood points are all in the correct intervals except for the
variogram range estimate at Point I (Table 4).

N= initial volume of fluid in place, standard conditions pR = probability density, responses

Np = volume of initial fluid produced, standard conditions pR,F = conditional probability density of responses given
p= probability density factors
pF = probability density, factors r = number of regressors
pF,R = conditional probability density of factors given R = coefficient of correlation
responses s = estimated standard deviation

September 2001 SPE Journal 321


a Posterior II

Probability Density

Posterior I

pr i


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Breakthrough Time, PV

Posterior I
Probability Density


pr i


10 Posterior II

0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Recovery Efficiency, fraction


0.7 c Posterior I

Probability Density


d pri

0.3 Posterior II



0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Throughput, PV
Fig. 10—Updated response distributions using factor posteriors. Univariate posteriors computed from measurements of effective
permeability (Points I and II, Table 4) were used to generate estimates of the distribution of (a) breakthrough time, (b) recovery
efficiency, and (c) throughput. Knowledge of the effective permeability reduces uncertainty in other responses.

t= student’s t-statistic Subscripts

x= scaled factor value adj = adjusted
[X] = matrix BT = breakthrough
y= response value D= dimensionless
a= probability of excessive results in significance tests i, j, m = dummy subscripts
bi = true coefficient in response model max, min = extreme values
n= degrees of freedom r= residual
s= standard deviation sig = significance level
t= time in pore volumes w= injectant or water
c2 = chi-squared statistic x® = vector

322 September 2001 SPE Journal

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p( y | M 1 )
14. Box, G.E.P. and Behnken, D.W.: “Some New Three Level Designs for the l( M 1 ) = , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (A-1)
Study of Quantitative Variables,” Technometrics (1960) 2, No. 4, 455. p( y | M 1 ) + p( y | M 2 )
15. Montgomery, D.C. and Peck, E.A.: Introduction to Linear Regression
Analysis, John Wiley, New York City (1982) 527. where the prior probability of each model is equal to 1/2, consistent
16. Jensen, J.L. et al.: Statistics for Petroleum Engineers and Geoscientists, with the null hypothesis.
Prentice-Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey (1997) 390. 3. Compute the likelihood of Model 1 from the Monte Carlo
17. Van Voorhees, F.D. and Bahill, T.A.: “Parametric Sensitivity Analysis: simulations of the responses (Eq. A-1).
A Tool for Robust Design,” paper presented at the 1995 IEEE Intl. 4. Because the likelihood is a probability, we can convert the
Conference On Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vancouver, Canada, vector of likelihoods (computed for each y-value, with Eq. A-1)
22–25 October. into a vector of standard normal deviates.
18. White, C.D. et al.: “Identifying Controls on Reservoir Behavior Using 5. The sum of the squares of normal deviates computed in Step
Designed Simulations,” paper SPE 62971 presented at the 2000 SPE 2 follows a c2 distribution and can be tested accordingly.
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 1–4 October. For responses y with =1/2, stipulated by the null hypothesis, the
19. Bulmer, M.G.: Principles of Statistics, Dover Publications Inc., New normal deviate is zero, the contribution to the c2 sum is zero, and
York City (1979) 252. the null hypothesis will tend to be supported. On the other hand,

September 2001 SPE Journal 323

when  is near one or zero, the square of the normal deviate will be viously worked at the Bureau of Economic Geology and for
large, and the null hypothesis will tend to be rejected. Shell Development Co., principally researching reservoir simu-
lation of complex geologic models. White holds a PhD degree
The null hypothesis will be rejected (i.e., the distributions will
from Stanford U. in petroleum engineering. Brian Willis, a geol-
be considered different) for values of c2 greater than the critical ogist with BP Canada Energy Co., specializes in sedimentol-
value on the basis of the confidence level and the number of ogy, stratigraphy, and reservoir characterization. e-mail:
degrees of freedom, n.33 Willis spent several years at the Smithsonian
Likelihoods must be computed carefully at the extremes of the Inst. and the U. of Texas documenting large outcrops of fluvial-
distributions (i.e., where the probability density is small). For dis- deltaic strata in northern Pakistan and the western United
tributions with infinite ranges, a minimum cutoff probability must States. His interests include developing process-based deposi-
be used. Similarly, the tails of the Monte Carlo distributions have tional models and better methods for quantifying geologic
to be extrapolated sensibly for tabulated probability functions. In variation. He holds a PhD degree from Binghamton U. Keshav
Narayanan is a petroleum engineer with Landmark Graphics
this study, the distributions were rebinned and the tails extrapolat-
Corp. in Austin, Texas. e-mail: His inter-
ed with a power-law formula.25 In addition, the likelihood was ests include reservoir simulation, upscaling, and experimental
restricted to the range of e££1-e , where e is small relative to design. Narayanan holds a BS degree in chemical engineering
the smallest nonzero probability tabulated in the distribution. from I.I.T., Madras, India, and an MS degree in petroleum engi-
The c2-likelihood test performed well for a wide range of trial neering from the U. of Texas at Austin. Shirley Dutton is a senior
distributions, including normal, Cauchy, and triangular.33 research scientist at the Bureau of Economic Geology, where
she has been employed for 24 years. e-mail:
Christopher White is an assistant professor of petroleum engi- Her research focuses mainly
neering at Louisiana State U. e-mail: His on clastic sedimentology and diagenesis. Dutton holds a PhD
research includes reservoir engineering and statistics. He pre- degree in geology from the U. of Texas at Austin.

324 September 2001 SPE Journal

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