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Applications of 3D Streamline Simulation

To Assist History Matching

W.J. Milliken, Chevron Petroleum Technology Co.; A.S. Emanuel, Consultant;
and A. Chakravarty, Chevron Petroleum Technology Co.

Summary model and historical reservoir performance. Ref. 2 provides a good

The use of 3D streamline methodologies as an alternative to finite- presentation of traditional history-matching techniques.
difference (FD) simulation has become more common in the oil History matching by definition is an ill-posed problem: there
industry during the past few years. When the assumptions for its are more unknowns than there are constraints to the problem.
application are satisfied, results from streamline simulation com- Indeed, any reservoir simulation engineer knows that there is
pare very well with those from FD and typically require less than always more than one way to history match a given reservoir
10% of the central processing unit (CPU) resources. The speed of model. It is the responsibility of the simulation engineer to make
3D streamline simulation (3DSM) lends itself not just to simula- only those changes that are consistent with the reservoir geology.
tion, but also to other components of the reservoir simulation work AHM was designed to facilitate these changes.
process. This characteristic is particularly true of history matching. As defined here, AHM is different from automated history
History matching is frequently the most tedious and time- matching and traditional history-matching techniques. Generically,
consuming part of a reservoir simulation study. In this paper, we traditional history matching involves five key steps:
describe a novel method that uses 3D streamline paths to assist in 1. Simulation and identification of the difference between
history matching either 3D streamline or FD models. We designated model predictions and observed performance.
this technique Assisted History Matching (AHM) to distinguish it 2. Determination of the gridblocks in the model that require change.
from automated history-matching techniques. In this manuscript, 3. Designation of the property(ies) that requires change and
we describe this technique and its application to three reservoir sim- what those changes are.
ulation studies. The example models range in size from 105 to 106 4. Implementation of the changes in the simulation input data.
gridblocks and contain as many as several hundred wells. These 5. Iteration on the above steps until a satisfactory match is achieved.
applications have led to refinements of the AHM methodology, the The two principal uncertainties in this process lie in Steps 2 and
incorporation of several new algorithms, and some insights into the 3, both of which are empirical and tedious and frequently involve
processes typically employed in history matching. ad hoc decisions that have an unknown impact on the ultimate
results. AHM is designed to simplify this process and uses 3DSM
Introduction to facilitate Steps 2 and 3 and thus minimize the ad hoc nature of
The advent of powerful geostatistical modeling techniques has the process. AHM uses an underlying 3DSM model to determine
led to the development of very large (>107 cells) geocellular the streamline paths in the reservoir. These streamlines describe the
reservoir models. These models capture, in greater detail than principal flow paths in the model and represent the paths along
before, the heterogeneity in porosity, permeability, and lithology which the fluids in the model flow from source (injector or aquifer)
that is critical to accurate simulation of reservoir performance. to sink (producer). By tracing all the streamlines from a given well,
Three-dimensional streamline simulation has received consider- the gridblocks through which the fluids flow to that well are identi-
able attention over the past several years because of its potential fied. This process, in essence, replaces Step 2 with a process that is
as an alternative to traditional FD methods for the simulation of rooted in the fluid-flow calculation. Once these gridblocks are iden-
these very large models. tified, changes can be performed according to any (geologically rea-
While 3DSM is a powerful simulation tool, it also has a num- sonable) algorithm desired. Here, a simple program that largely
ber of other uses. The speed of 3DSM is ideal for such applications replaces Step 4 carries this out. Fig. 1 illustrates the concept.
as geologic/geostatistical model screening,1 reservoir scoping, and The AHM process is based on the assumption that history
history matching (the focus of this paper). In this manuscript, we matching is achieved by altering the geologic properties along the
describe the technique and present three example reservoir appli- flow paths connecting a producing well to its flow source. The
cations that demonstrate its utility. source may be a water injector, gas injector, aquifer, or gas cap;
however, the drive mechanism must be a displacement along a
The AHM Technique definable path. Because the technique relies upon identification of
The models used in reservoir simulation today contain details of the flow paths, it is assumed that the grid is sufficiently detailed to
structure and heterogeneity that are orders of magnitude greater resolve the flow paths. In very coarse grids, a single gridblock may
than those used just 10 years ago. However, there is still (and prob- intersect the flow to several wells, and satisfactory history match-
ably always will be) a large degree of uncertainty in the property ing in this case may not be possible with AHM.
descriptions. Geologic data are typically scattered and imprecise. For streamline-simulation models, the calculation model pro-
Laboratory measurements of core properties, for example, often vides the path directly. For FD simulation, a streamline model
show an order of magnitude variation in permeability for any given incorporating the same structure and geologic parameters as the
porosity and several orders of magnitude variation over the data simulation model is used to calculate the streamlines defining the
set. Upscaling replaces geologic detail with estimates of effective flow paths.
properties for aggregated data, placing another level of approxima-
tion on the resulting model. It is unlikely that any geologic model Adjusting the Geologic Model. The streamline simulator is used
will match the observed reservoir performance perfectly, and his- to determine the flow paths and to assign to each producer the grid-
tory matching continues to be the technique by which the adjust- blocks in the model that principally affect the well. Once those
ments are made to the geologic model to achieve a match between gridblocks are identified, it still remains necessary to determine
and implement the changes to achieve the desired history match.
The program described here implements changes to the model
Copyright © 2001 Society of Petroleum Engineers
specified by the simulation engineer. The changes are, in principle,
This paper (SPE 74712) was revised for publication from paper SPE 63155, first presented no different from those frequently made in the traditional history-
at the 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 1–4 October. Original
manuscript received for review 27 November 2000. Revised manuscript received 5 July
matching process. As stated previously, there are many possible
2001. Paper peer approved 1 October 2001. changes that can be made to a model in the course of history match-

502 December 2001 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

Fig. 1—Identify associated gridblocks from streamlines.

ing. Indeed, there is no correct procedure to follow. In developing the

AHM process, we have attempted to combine typical changes into a
few generic algorithms. These algorithms serve to simplify the
process of updating the model and to facilitate the history-matching
process. In the next section, we describe the algorithms and pro-
vide guidance as to their applicability.

History-Matching Algorithms. Permeability. The gridblock per-

meability is probably the parameter most frequently changed dur-
ing history matching. This is logical because permeability
generally has the strongest effect on fluid flow and is least well Fig. 2—Reset the vertical column DP coefficient.
known. It must be interpreted generally because in most studies,
there is no direct in-situ measurement. Conventional multipliers for Transform. In place of multiplying the permeability by a spe-
horizontal permeability and vertical permeability are implemented cific factor, the permeability also can be altered by rederiving the
in the program. The horizontal and vertical permeability multipli- porosity/permeability transform. Specifically, the program tabu-
ers may be different; consequently, the effective kV/kH ratio can be lates the permeability/porosity distribution from the input data and
assigned on a well-by-well basis. allows the user to reconstruct the input permeability distribution
Heterogeneity. In addition to simple multipliers for the perme- with a different (higher or lower) estimate of the
ability, the program incorporates systematic changes to the hetero- permeability/porosity transform. Essentially, this is similar to the
geneity of the permeability distribution. Building on the 2D use of a cloud transform biased to higher or lower permeabilities.
approach of Emanuel and Milliken,3 the program uses a Dykstra- The technique minimizes the danger, inherent in applying a simple
Parsons (DP) parameter4 as a measure of heterogeneity. For each multiplication factor, of generating permeabilities that are incon-
vertical column along the well flow path, the gridblocks connected sistent with the reservoir porosity. Fig. 3 illustrates a range of
to the well are analyzed and a characteristic DP coefficient is deter- transforms that can be assigned to a particular well (the straight
mined. Based on input for the model well, this coefficient is either lines in Fig. 3).
reset to a specified value or to a multiple of its current value. The Porosity. The program also has been designed to make changes
permeabilities are then adjusted to match the new DP coefficient. to the porosity or pore volume of the model. Multipliers are assigned
The relative order of the permeabilities is not changed, and maxi- on a well-by-well basis to increase or decrease the porosity (or,
mum and minimum values of the permeability can be honored. equivalently from a simulation standpoint, the pore volume). In one
This heterogeneity renormalization is illustrated in Fig. 2. option, a renormalization is done. In this case, the pore volume is
increased along streamlines connected to certain producers, but the
overall pore volume is preserved by renormalization. This is analo-
gous to incorporating a production-based net-to-gross distribution.
In practice, the AHM changes can be processed from a spread-
sheet, as illustrated by Table 1. This spreadsheet then becomes the
document for the matching parameters for each match iteration,
providing a simple method for entering and recording the changes.
The spreadsheet format replaces the usual change set, which is
typically an extensive set of gridblock modifiers appended to the
data input.
The time period selected for generating the streamlines can be
an average over the project history. That is, all wells in the model
are represented with a voidage rate averaged over the history
period. For reservoirs with a significant change in the project well
alignment, matching can be done sequentially, with one set of
streamlines used for matching the initial alignment and another set
for a later alignment.


Well DP kH Multiplier PV Multiplier kV Multiplier

W1 0.8 0.6 1.3 1.2

W2 0.7 0.2 1.0 0.6
Fig. 3—Shifting the permeability/porosity transform.

December 2001 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 503

Fig. 4—Porosity distribution for Example 1.

The AHM technique has been used successfully in a number of proj-
ects. We present here three examples: (1) a streamline model, (2) an
FD model, and (3) a reservoir study using both FD and 3DSM.

Reservoir Example 1. The first example is a large sandstone reser-

voir containing over 1.5 billion STB of oil. The reservoir is char-
acterized by three principal depositional settings: incised channel
fill, regional marine shale, and tidal delta complex. The reservoir
has an average porosity of 20%, with an average permeability of
2,500 md. The field has been produced for approximately 50 years
Fig. 5—Fieldwide water-cut performance for Model 1. White is
by primary depletion and phased waterflooding. Recovery to date
history, orange is the final history-matched model, and red rep-
is approximately 35% original oil in place (OOIP) from 150 wells, resents the initial model results.
and the current water cut is approximately 93%. The oil is a 36°API
gravity oil with a viscosity of 0.3 cp at reservoir conditions.
A geostatistical model of this reservoir was developed based on life of the reservoir. Fig. 5 shows a plot of fieldwide water cut for
the depositional model, available well logs, core, and markers. The the reservoir.
resulting geocellular model, shown in Fig. 4, contains approxi- AHM was used to history match this model. Changes were
mately 2 million gridblocks. Although it is possible to simulate made to the permeability, porosity, and heterogeneity of the model.
models of this size with 3D streamline methods, the simulation Increases to the horizontal permeability were made to increase well
time requirements for this model, with its extended production his- productivity. Changes were made to the vertical permeability both
tory, are prohibitive (the run time is approximately 36 hours). to increase model stratification and promote updip water channel-
Instead, the geocellular model was scaled up from 2 million cells ing (decreases in kV) and to stabilize influx and match delayed
to 0.5 million cells for the purposes of simulation.5 water breakthrough (increases in kV). Both increases and decreases
Initial simulations made with the geologic model showed early were made to the pore volume associated with some wells to bet-
water breakthrough for most of the wells and insufficient total pro- ter capture breakthrough. Finally, changes were made to the per-
ductivity. On a fieldwide basis, the overall water production was meability heterogeneity in the model through a DP
overpredicted by a significant margin, especially during the early renormalization. Increases in the heterogeneity result in earlier
breakthrough of the displacing phase and a more dispersed frac-
tional flow curve.
A very satisfactory history match was obtained for this reser-
voir, as shown in Fig. 5. This match was achieved by changing the
DP coefficient for all of the wells to some degree, by changing the
pore volume of roughly half the wells, and applying kH or kV mul-
tipliers to approximately 20% of the wells. Most of the changes
were relatively modest (~20%), but some were considerably
greater owing to substantial mismatch between the historical and
model well performance. Fig. 6 compares the permeability distri-
bution before and after history matching. The histogram shows an
obvious change in the distribution and a shift toward higher per-
meability values. The permeability for a cross section of the model
before and after history matching is shown in Fig. 7.
The figures show the placement of shales and that the shales are
more continuous in the final model. However, the changes are not
extreme. Subsequent development of this reservoir has shown this
to be an accurate description of the stratigraphy.

Example 2: An FD Model. Our second example of the use of

AHM comes from a mature offshore field that has been under pri-
mary production for 30 years. The reservoir is a mixed carbonate-
clastic environment, and the top of the structure is depicted in Fig. 8.
Reservoir pressure has dropped from an initial value of 720 psi to
between 200 and 300 psi currently. The bubblepoint of the oil is
Fig. 6—Horizontal permeability distribution before (top) and approximately 550 psi; consequently, a significant amount of gas
after history matching. Note that this is a logarithm of perme- has been evolved, and a secondary gas cap currently exists in the
ability, and the ordinates are different. reservoir, requiring the use of an FD simulator. The oil is moder-

504 December 2001 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

Fig. 8—Porosity and structure for Example 2.

production data. As mentioned previously, this process reflects the

distribution of net-to-gross in the reservoir.
The two models were history matched sequentially, and it was
found that the AHM method for this reservoir appears to scale with
model size. That is, the set of history-matching parameters used to
history match the 25,000-gridblock model were identical to those
for most of the wells for the 114,000-gridblock model
Scalability of history-matching changes is not unprece-
dented, but the AHM technique generally provides this benefit
on a consistent basis.
Fig. 9 shows the final history match obtained by AHM for the
larger model. For each of the two model sizes, an excellent match
was obtained after approximately a dozen iterations and was com-
pleted in approximately 2 weeks. Although a direct comparison to
traditional methods is not possible, this is much faster than would be
expected typically. A comparison of the history match of three indi-
vidual wells is shown in Fig. 10. Excellent agreement is observed.

Fig. 7—The horizontal permeability in the model before (top) Example 3: The Saladin Reservoir. Our third example comes
and after history matching for a cross section through the from the Saladin reservoir, an elongated semianticlinal structure
model. The changes are evident—there is much less low per- bounded by two southwest/northeast-trending parallel faults and an
meability in the history-matched model. However, the overall underlying aquifer that extends out to the northeast and southwest
structure of the permeability remains. Note that the scale in the (Fig. 11). A geostatistical reservoir model was constructed using a
figures is logarithmic. Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS) technique and data from five
(out of seven) wells. The model used a 50´50-m areal grid and a
ately heavy (27 cp at original reservoir conditions) and produces 0.2-m (average) vertical grid and has a total of 3,036,000 cells.
under limited aquifer support. Recovery in the reservoir to date is
14% OOIP, and there is a total of 71 wells in the field. The field Scaleup and Initial Simulation Runs. Scaleup of this model was
was under consideration for waterflooding, and reservoir simula- done principally in the vertical direction, with some coarsening of
tion was used as part of the evaluation process. A full-field model cells areally around the edges of the model. The scaled-up model
of the reservoir was developed with proprietary geostatistical soft- consisted of 282,080 cells (164´40 areal cells and 43 layers). A
ware. The detailed model was scaled up to two sizes: 25,000 and permeability cross section through the length of the reservoir is
114,000 blocks. The 25,000-block model was matched first for shown in Fig. 12.
scoping purposes.
Before history matching, water production in the model was
considerably less than that observed in the field. Simple increases
in the size of the surrounding aquifer were inadequate to match the
observed water production and caused a discrepancy between
model and field pressure decline, especially at late times. The
AHM process was implemented to improve the match. Well-by-
well analysis of the field led to changes to three principal variables:
the horizontal permeability, the kV/kH ratio, and the local pore vol-
ume. The kV/kH ratio is assumed in the fine-scale model to be 0.7,
which is typical of that found in core and plug samples for the
reservoir. However, a significant number of thin-shale regions exist
in the reservoir that limit the vertical connectivity of the field.
Lowering the kV/kH ratio of the gridblocks is consistent with this
aspect of the reservoir geology. As described earlier, decreasing the
kV/kH ratio (i.e., decreasing the vertical permeability preferentially)
leads to greater horizontal encroachment of the water (a less grav-
ity-stable displacement). A renormalization of the pore volume was
also made. This process did not change the overall reservoir vol-
ume, but it redistributed some of the volume, as indicated by the Fig. 9—Overall field match for Example 2.

December 2001 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 505

Fig. 10—Individual well matches for Example 2. Fig. 11—Saladin top structure showing existing wells and
oil/water contact.
An FD simulation model was constructed with this scaled-up
model, and initial history-match results were satisfactory. As a further attempt to reduce the run time while retaining the
However, the run times were typically 10 to 15 hours. In an attempt fine scale, a 3DSM model was designed based on the fine-grid FD
to reduce run times, it was decided to coarsen the model further. A model. The 3DSM model was easily constructed, and run times
coarsened model was created by scaling up to 15 layers, keeping were typically around 2 hours. The initial history-match results
the areal scaleup unchanged. The resulting 98,400-cell model compared very favorably between the FD and 3DSM simulators.
(164´40 areal cells and 15 layers) was again run with FD. The run The 3DSM approach was then adopted, in preference, for history
times were now reduced to 5 to 7 hours, but history-match results matching and predictions in this study.
were significantly different and unsatisfactory. In scaling up to 15
layers, the bioturbated zones or effective shales were significantly History Matching and Results. History matching was conducted
diffused, resulting in an unrepresentative geologic and flow model. with the 3DSM model. The simulation grid showing initial satura-
The scale up to 15 layers was clearly too coarse. tion conditions is shown in Fig. 11.
As mapped geologically, the aquifer extends further to the
northeast than in the southwest (Fig. 13). Pore-volume multipliers
at both the northwest and southeast ends and at the bottom layer of
the model were applied to account for the full extent and support
of the aquifer. Also, the transmissibilities at the faces of the aquifer
multiplier cells were reduced to diffuse the flow of aquifer into the
model. Although an overall field pressure and fluid match could be
achieved easily, sizing of the aquifer to the northeast and southwest
was crucial to the matching of individual wells. The 3DSM tech-
nique, with its streamline display, was immensely helpful in under-
standing the effect of the aquifer on the drainage areas and well
patterns. The simulator was then run to predict the yearly oil rates.
Results showed that changing the aquifer size to the northeast
and southwest changed the drainage pattern of the wells signifi-
cantly, especially the centrally located ones. With the help of
streamline displays (Figs. 14 and 15), this effect could be visual-
ized and understood easily.
Using conventional history-matching parameters (such as kV/kH
Fig. 12—Permeability cross section highlighting (in green and red) ratios, Sorw, krw, and aquifer size) assisted by the streamline dis-
the bioturbated zones (shales) in the 43-layer scaled-up model. plays, most of the wells were matched. However, two wells,

Fig. 13—Three-dimensional streamline simulation grid showing Fig. 14—Streamline display showing individual wells and their
1990 initial conditions, oil (dark blue), and water (light blue). drainage areas.

506 December 2001 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

Fig. 15—Streamline display showing water saturation.
Fig. 16—Saladin reservoir-field history match.
Saladin 4 and Saladin 6, could not be matched satisfactorily.
Saladin 4 was drilled very close to the crestal fault, and Saladin 6 To overcome these well-matching problems, the matching
was not used as a well control (owing to data quality) in the con- process was continued with AHM. For this continuation, a stream-
struction of the geostatistical model. It was therefore suspected that line pattern representative of the general flow in the reservoir was
the unsatisfactory well matches could perhaps be attributed to local chosen (see Fig. 15). To improve a particular well match, the prop-
geostatistical misinterpretations. Owing to the complex nature of erties of the cells through which the associated streamlines pass
flow in the reservoir, ad hoc assignments to history match the prob- were modified by changes to the DP coefficient and the pore vol-
lem wells were not attempted. ume. In this way, the heterogeneity around a well could be modi-
fied to improve the well match. One had to be careful that the good
matches were not being adversely affected. Several iterations of
this process were required to improve the matches of the problem
wells while maintaining the good matches of the other wells.
The field history match is shown in Fig. 16. The historical oil
rate, water cut, and cumulative production are shown in red, yel-
low, and blue, respectively. Field gas/oil ratio (GOR) (not dis-
played) is constant at 440 Mscf/STB because the field pressures
are well above the bubblepoint.
Some of the well matches are shown in Figs. 17 through 19.
The historical oil rate and water cuts are shown in red and green,
respectively. It can be seen that the wells have generally good
matches. Saladin 6, one of the problem wells (Fig. 19), has been
reasonably matched.

Recommendations and Action. The history-match results from this

3DSM model clearly indicated potential for future recovery from the
Saladin 4 crestal area and from the lower sands beneath the biotur-
bated zones around Saladin 2. From visual inspection of the satura-
tion maps, the rest of the field was found to be fairly well swept.
Based on these findings, a horizontal well (Saladin 24) was
Fig. 17—Saladin 1 history match. drilled in mid-1999 in the crestal location, and bypassed oil was

Fig. 18—Saladin 2 history match. Fig. 19—Saladin 6 history match.

December 2001 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 507

found. The well came on at 4,400 STB/D, declining to approxi- Traditional methods often rely on the introduction of channels,
mately 1,400 STB/D in about 1 month. The well was forecast to faults, barriers with holes, and other features that create artificial
stabilize at approximately 1,000 STB/D and recover around 1.5 flow paths more easily controlled by the simulation engineer.
million STB in 5 years. Owing to wellbore complications, recom- Three-dimensional streamlines allow the engineer a similar
pletion of Saladin 2 below the bioturbated zone was not possible. degree of control, directed along the complex flow path of the
Other alternatives are being evaluated. geologic model.

Conclusions Nomenclature
The development of the 3DSM technology over the course of the kH = horizontal permeability
past 5 years has opened a large number of reservoirs to simulations krw = water relative permeability
that previously were prohibitively large in size. However, the kV = vertical permeability
speed of this technology lends itself to potential applications other Sorw = residual oil saturation
than reservoir simulation. In this manuscript, we have described
one such application: AHM. References
AHM uses the unique information contained in streamlines to 1. Saad, N., Maroongroge, V., and Kalkomey, C.T.: “Ranking
assist the traditional methods of history matching. In this paper, we Geostatistical Models Using Tracer Production Data,” paper SPE
have presented three applications of AHM. We have shown the util- 35494 presented at the 1996 European 3-D Reservoir Modelling
ity of this technique in examples covering a wide range of geologi- Conference, Stavanger, 16–17 April.
cal conditions and spanning production histories from mature to 2. Williams, M.A., Keating, J.F., and Barghouty, M.F.: “The Stratigraphic
recent. In each case, a good history match was obtained in a fraction Method: A Structured Approach to History-Matching Complex
of the time that might be expected for traditional history matching. Simulation Models,” SPEREE (April 1998) 169.
In particular, the first example shows the utility of a heterogene- 3. Emanuel, A.S. and Milliken, W.J.: “Application of Streamtube
ity renormalization technique coupled with the streamlines to affect Techniques to Full-Field Waterflood Simulation,” SPERE (August
a well-by-well history match. In the second example, we show how 1997) 211.
changes to the kV/kH ratio, a common history-matching parameter, 4. Dykstra, H. and Parsons, R.L.: “Prediction of Oil Recovery by
can be quickly applied to achieve the desired result. Finally, the last Waterflood,” Secondary Recovery of Oil in the United States, second
example presents a rather unusual history-matching problem, using edition, API, New York City (1950) 160–174.
both FD and streamlines for the same reservoir model. 5. Durlofsky, L.J., Jones, R.C., and Milliken, W.J.: “A Nonuniform
All history-matching problems are, in some sense, reduced to Coarsening Approach for the Scaleup of Displacement Processes in
the application of property changes along flow paths. The speed of Heterogeneous Porous Media,” Adv. Water Res. (1997) 20, 335.
streamline simulation and the character of the streamlines provide
this information in an accessible format. Any history-matching
action that can be codified can then be implemented easily. A.S. Emanuel is currently a consultant in reservoir simulation.
In all three examples, the changes made to the model were e-mail: He retired from Chevron in 1996
within the general uncertainty of the initial data. Indeed, this is one after 34 years of service in reservoir engineering and EOR lab-
oratory positions. Emanuel holds BS and MS degrees from the
of the key advantages that we are realizing in the application of California Inst. of Technology and a PhD degree from the U.
AHM: relatively modest changes are required to obtain a history of California, all in chemical engineering. W.J. Milliken is a
match from a well-constructed geologic model. It is believed that staff research scientist for ChevronTexaco Exploration and
this results from the decoupling of the history-matching problem. Production Technology Co., where he has worked for the past
In most cases, changes made to improve the match of a particular 10 years in reservoir engineering- and simulation-related
well do not influence other wells significantly, provided that the areas. He holds a BS degree from Washington U., St. Louis, and
simulation grid is sufficiently detailed to define individual well MS and PhD degrees from the U. of California, Davis, all in
flow paths within the model. This decoupling minimizes changes chemical engineering. A. Chakravarty is a reservoir engineer-
and simplifies history matching. ing advisor for ChevronTexaco Exploration and Production
Technology Co., where he has been working with the
Property changes using AHM are made along the flow paths set Reservoir Simulation Consulting Team for the past 6 years. He
by the initial assignment of geologic properties. We find that these also has held various positions in the RE & NOJV groups at
flow paths are largely invariant during the field history until there Chevron UK. Chakravarty holds BS and PhD degrees in
is a major change in the pattern alignment; at that point, a new mechanical engineering from Imperial College of Science &
streamline set can be used to address the new alignment. Technology, London.

508 December 2001 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

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