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Parag Jain
+91 9821278883
Bengaluru, India 560035

B.E. IN ELECTRICAL ENGG: Guided multiple organizations through the journey of setting up their analytics and
PEC UNIVERSITY OF data science infrastructure from inception. Having been part of several 0 to 1
TECHNOLOGY initiatives, I am proficient in creating robust frameworks tailored to each
Chandigarh organization's specific needs. Passionate about delving deep into complex datasets
to uncover hidden patterns for driving impactful business decisions.

• Machine Learning 08/2022 - Current
• Predictive Analytics
• Worked closely with founders and aligned data strategies with core business
• Deep Learning
objectives. Empowered them to leverage data as a strategic asset right from
• AWS Redshift
• Lead growth experiments by clustering users through machine learning based on
• PG Admin
their trading pattern, pocket size and in app behavior to improve retention by
• Redash
• Metabase
• Sole creator and owner of complete data science layer of the organization. Single
• Dune Analytics
point of contact for dashboards and data analyses for all teams. Automated
• Microsoft Excel and Access
monitoring of key KPIs on daily, weekly and monthly level.
• Flask
• Spearheaded automation across various trading markets. Identified bottlenecks
• Docker
and implemented end-to-end logic which automatically created and settled
• Redis
markets across finance, sports and media by pulling data through various apis.
• Streamlit
• Improved the health of entire system by reconciling all trading and payment
• H2O
activities and flagging mismatches. This alone helped in improving user
• Pycaret
experience and brought withdrawal time from 1-2 days to couple of hours.
• End to end creation of different trading strategies to provide the market with
liquidity and depth while profiting from the difference in the bid-ask spread.
NLP Projects Deployed arbitrage strategy to take advantage of various bookmakers and
exchanges having different odds. Implemented scalping strategy by estimating
• Tweet Sentiment Analysis with fair price system by pulling odds from bookmakers and own orderbook.
logistic regression: Extracted
positive and negative frequencies
from nltk tweet data and built a
Bengaluru, India
binary classifier using logistic
06/2021 - 07/2022
regression and naive bayes from
scratch • Founding member of decision science team.
• Document Search: Transformed • Implemented hierarchical model based on Dtree clustering and Random Forest in
word vectors and assigned them pycaret ecosystem to qualify good quality leads for sales agents (Lead
to subsets using locality sensitive Qualification Engine)
hashing using approximate • Built AutoML tool to be used by all analytics teams using streamlit
nearest neighbours • Implemented RNN based sequential model to classify engagement sequences of
students for demo booking (Customer Journey)
• Created data dictionary for team to have common knowledge about inputs,
outputs, components of database and intermediate calculations.


• Opinion Trading Noida, India
• Online Gaming 12/2018 - 05/2021
• EdTech
• Implemented Churn ML model to mark at risk players and optimise marketing on
• US Healthcare
valuable users in our continuous and non-contractual business context
• Compared Random Forest (RF) and XGBoost ML models to finally implement RF
Linkedin Profile with 0.81 Precision and 0.76 Recall
• Using BG/NBD model on player's RFM data to predict future no of deposits and
• hence Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)
/in/parag-jain-07583a167/ • Created User Life-cycle Stages using K-Means algorithm to find macro-segments
and clubbing them to get smallest unit that business can interact with
• Clustered Non-Depositors hierarchically using K-Means to figure out most
probable depositing cohort
• Designed and implemented Bayesian approach to AB Testing to replace
traditional methods such as T-test, Chi-square Test within organization
• Developed a personalized algorithm where based on past login behavior we can
figure out best time to send sms/push notification to a user.


Noida, India
10/2015 - 12/2018
• Identified overpaid claims for one of the leading US Health Insurance company
• Identified Diabetic and Congestive heart failure patients to market remote
monitoring device and used time based analysis to measure its effectiveness

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