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for General Zoology

3rd term, A.Y. 2023-2024

Task: Mini-Interdisciplinary Research with Oral Presentation

“Climate Chronicles - "Climate's Imprint on Evolution: An Inquiry from Past to Future"
TOPICS: Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
1. The Theory of Evolution by Natural CLO 1: Apply the basic principles, laws and
Selection theories of zoology to experiments and
2. Adaptation practical situations.
CLO 2: Build and improve leadership skills
3. Climate Change
through working as a team and participating in
group activities.
CLO 5: Students will develop the ability to
effectively communicate scientific information
and research results in written and oral formats
that show critical and creative thinking skills
and understanding.
This interim assessment aims for the students of General Zoology to:
1. put into context the basic principles of evolution, natural selection, and climate change.
2. investigate specific examples of how climate change has influenced evolutionary
adaptations in the past and present.
3. predict future evolutionary trends in response to ongoing and future climate change.
4. write interdisciplinary research on a chosen animal species that has undergone noticeable
evolutionary changes that are attributed to climate change.
5. apply technical skills in preparing for and conducting the oral presentation.

DIRECTION. Carefully read the instructions and rubrics below.

1. The class will be divided into 10 groups.
2. Each group will prepare interdisciplinary research about how a particular species has
undergone noticeable evolutionary changes that can be attributed to climate change. It
may be a historical example, a current phenomenon, or a prediction for the future.
3. Each group will select a species (subject to the approval of the professor/ no duplication)
and research on the following:
a. specific traits that have evolved in response to climate change.
b. timeline and environmental conditions that prompted these changes.
c. impact of these evolutionary changes on the ecosystem and other species.
4. If possible, you may interview a biologist, ecologist, or climate scientist to gain deeper
insights into your chosen species and its evolutionary journey.
5. Craft a sub-title of your specific topic/ focus.
6. A specific format must be strictly followed for this project.
• A4 size bond paper, Times New Roman, 12 font size, double spacing, and one-inch
margins in all sides

Format for Interdisciplinary Research

I. Introduction ( at least 2 paragraphs)
• Provide essential background information about your research. Incorporate SDG 13 and
its importance.
• State the purpose of your research.
• Conclude the introduction with a clear thesis statement outlining the focus of your
research of the paper.

II. Objectives
• Set specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timebound objectives.
• Clearly state at least 3 objectives of your research. (See Direction #2)

III. Literature Review

• Look for at least 5 research articles/ journals about your chosen topic to serve as basis for
establishing the following:
o Chosen species and its significance.
o Description of the climate changes that influenced its evolution.
o Detailed account of the evolutionary adaptations and their implications.
o Predictions for future evolution of the species based on current trends in
climate change.
o Data to support objectives.

IV. Discussion and Interpretation

• Organize the discussion into sections corresponding to each objective.
• Provide actual data to support your discussion.

V. Conclusion
• Revisit each objective and summarize the main insights gained.
• Highlight the broader significance of the conclusion within the context of SDG 13.

VI. References
• List all references alphabetically following the specified APA citation style.
• Include books, articles, and any other sources used in the research.
• Ensure accuracy in formatting and citation details.

Useful websites:

Ten Species That Are Evolving Due to the Changing Climate

Animals 'shapeshifting' to adapt to rising temperatures

Keeping up with a warming world; assessing the rate of adaptation to climate change

Adapting to climate change: a perspective from evolutionary physiology

Written Research Paper Rubric:

Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Needs Improvement
(10 points) (7 points) (5 points) (3 points)
Extensive research is Good research is
Basic research is
evident. The student evident with a clear
conducted, but the Minimal research is
provides a thorough explanation of the
analysis lacks depth. evident. The analysis is
Depth of examination of the species and its
Some key aspects of vague or incorrect, with
Research species, including adaptations, but
the species' evolution many details missing or
detailed descriptions of some details may be
are not well misunderstood.
evolutionary missing or
adaptations. superficial.
Information is accurate,
well-sourced, and Information is
Information is Information is
reflects a frequently inaccurate,
mostly accurate and generally accurate,
Accuracy of comprehensive misleading, or
sourced, with minor but there are several
Information understanding of unsourced, indicating a
errors or unverified notable inaccuracies
evolutionary processes lack of understanding
details. or unsourced claims.
in response to climate of the topic.
The analysis The analysis is shallow,
The analysis is
demonstrates deep The analysis shows with little to no critical
insightful, with
insights into the an understanding of insight or
Analysis some evidence of
relationship between the topic but is understanding of the
and Insight critical thinking,
climate change and superficial or lacks relationship between
though it may lack
evolution, showing critical insight. climate change and
depth in places.
critical thinking. evolution.

Oral Presentation Rubric

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
(5) (3) (2) (1)
Demonstrates a deep
Displays limited
understanding of the Shows a good grasp Demonstrates a basic
Content knowledge or
topic, with accurate and of the topic, providing understanding of the
Knowledge misinformation about
comprehensive relevant information. topic but lacks depth.
the topic.
Engages the audience
Engages the audience Delivery is
through confident and Shows some
effectively, with good monotonous, lacks
Engagement dynamic delivery, engagement, but
eye contact and a engagement, or
and Delivery maintaining eye contact, delivery may lack
generally confident demonstrates
and using a variety of variety or confidence.
delivery. nervousness.
presentation techniques.
Visual aids enhance the Visual aids are present Visual aids are
Visual aids are mostly
presentation, are relevant, but may not effectively distracting, irrelevant,
effective, relevant,
and support key points. enhance the or not effectively
Visual Aids and support key
Slides are well-designed, presentation. Slides are utilized. Slides are
points. Slides are clear
uncluttered, and easy to somewhat cluttered or confusing or poorly
and organized.
read. hard to read. designed.
Responds to questions
Responds to questions Unable to effectively
confidently, Struggles to answer
Question and adequately, showing a address questions or
demonstrating a deep questions or provides
Answer good understanding of provides inaccurate
understanding of the incomplete responses.
the topic. responses.
subject matter.

Prepared by: Reviewed/Approved by:


Faculty, Arts and Sciences Cluster Coordinator, Math and Science

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