M0640 Research Proposal 27011.2021

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Impact on social media on customer

Table of Contents

Literature review..............................................................................................................................4

Research methodology.....................................................................................................................6

Research ethics................................................................................................................................9


In this research, the decision-making process of customers for complicated purchases is
examined, with a focus on how this process is impacted by the usage of social media
(Voramontri & Klieb, 2019). Complex buying behaviour refers to costly, infrequent transactions
with a high level of consumer involvement, big brand differences, and a high amount of risk.
Social media's emergence is a relatively recent phenomena. During the preceding decade, the
World Wide Web saw a surge in user-driven web technologies such as blogs, social networks,
and media sharing platforms. These technologies, together known as social media, have enabled
the creation of user-generated content, the development of a global community, and the
dissemination of consumer feedback (Singh, 2021). This trend has impacted how we use the
internet, producing popular sites like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter where people
can engage, produce, and share information.

The social media revolution has brought with it new ways to locate and learn about the broad
number of products and services accessible (Makudza et al, 2020)). It has enabled customers to
interact and discuss businesses with one another in a quick and simple manner. Strangers in
digital settings are quickly influencing customer perceptions toward products and services, which
in turn impacts physical world sentiments. Since advertisers have little control over the content,
frequency, or timing of online consumer dialogues, social media has provided them with more
power (Pütter, 2017). Marketers are keeping a careful eye on how consumers use social media,
but little is known about how it influences purchasing decisions. Many studies focus on customer
behaviour in an online purchasing environment, but they frequently overlook the internet's
influence on the various phases of the decision-making process. The availability and depth of
these new information sources will be examined in this study to see how they impact consumers'
decision-making in complex transactions.

Hence, it has been observed that the research aim is to examine the influence of social media on
the purchasing behaviour of the consumers of the modern era. In order to attain the research, the
study is needed to fulfil the following objectives:

 To assess the impact of social media on human behaviour

 To examine how this behaviour alters the purchasing attention of the customer
 To examine how social media act as electronic word-of mouth

In light of research objectives this study has intended to address the following research

 What impact does social media have on human behaviour?

 What effect does this behaviour have on customers' buying intentions?
 Is social media the technological equivalent of word-of-mouth?

Literature review
This section presents the discussion regarding social media marketing and its impact on customer
experience and influence. Every scope of analysis with essential factors is mentioned through a
structural and detailed viewpoint.

Social media marketing

Social media is one of the most utilized platforms for customer engagement and relationship
building. Most people use social media for their personal and official utility. For this high
presence of people in social media, organizations are implementing social media marketing
procedures to reach out to a larger number of audiences. According to Khan (2015), social media
and social media marketing are two different entities which are used in different ways with
separate objectives. Furthermore, social media monitors all of its users' behavioral features and
collects a variety of data in order to deliver a better user experience. In that case, organizations
can also target the consumers precisely, according to their behavioral and field of interest along
with age and gender. Overall, the whole campaign becomes more target-oriented and effective in
terms of converted leads and sales (Aragoncillo & Orus, 2018). Different organizations, such as
banking sector and cloud-based service providers, also integrate their system with social media
accounts. That provides the provision to notify the consumers about recent activities and offers
on a regular basis. It increases user engagement with the system and the business. They also get
regular updates, confirmation and OTP facility through social media. The social media marketing
process is also very flexible in nature. In that way, adds manager can easily modify certain
details of the campaign and target audiences, accordingly. Starting from age and location, to
every other matrix can be set according to the product or service (Phusalux et al, 2020). Other
analytical reports and add analytics also makes the campaign precise and updated with time.

Customer experience

Social media and marketing are some of the highly used utilities in the market, where customer
experience is mostly focused. Customers or consumers use social media platforms regularly.
Almost 4.8 billion people are using social media, and the number is increasing by 13% every
year (Verma & Shaiba, 2017). Different behavioural traits and information are stored in those
platforms, which enhances their experience. Several sectors, like banking, have integrated social
media into their system. ComBank is one of those companies, who uses social media to update
their consumers about all the news and offerings. Consumers get involved with the system and
the product. According to, Tuten and Solomon (2015), social media is the online medium way of
intense communication and engagement in terms of technology and information system. Where a
large group of consumers are involved, it becomes effective to involve them through marketing
campaigns. Hereby, modified and targeted campaigns are much beneficial for the consumers.
Customers only face the products through different social media platforms, which they actually
need or require. They can select the products according to their needs and targeted audiences
which will eventually increase the sales. According to Saravanakumar et al., (2016), social media
is already the method of statement in the 21 st century. It explains that social media is one of the
primary methods of communication. So, when the campaigns are selective, then all the
consumers get involved together. Proper communication also influences the customer experience
as well

Influence of social media on the customer behavioural outcome

According to Rishika (2013), social media marketing provides a sustainable result in terms of
brand awareness and product sales. This sustainability factor totally depends on optimization and
a targeted approach. In the case of social media, all the factors influence every aspect of people
or customer behaviour. It influences the choices and brand preferences as well through different
graphical ads and offers. Every organization makes their sales content through different systems
and software to make it effective. Several ads and modules influences the user mind and implants
some new brand preferences into their minds (Kizgin et al, 2018). That is the reason, why
organizations, such as Amazon and Google continue their ads throughout the year to influence
consumer nature or behaviour.

On other hand, consumers’ behaviour also goes through certain influenced thoughts and
responsive behaviours while facing different social media marketing ads or campaigns (Lim et
al, 2017). Better ads optimization and technical aspects influences the behaviour of the
consumers or customers. In that case, impulsive buying mentality or behaviour got in focus.
People have already started to buy things that they don’t need on a practical basis, this is actually
called impulsive buying behaviour. This specific aspect of has created research gap due to
having the confusion either social media influences consumer behaviour positively or negatively,
which will be addressed in this particular study. This is also a huge influence on social media and
marketing. According to Hudson (2016), social media creates emotional engagement with
brands. It also presents, that social media marketing can influence brand engagement with
consumers. It eventually enhances the buying potential of that certain product. This is also
another significant influence of social media on customer behaviour outcomes.

Research methodology
The processes used to fulfil a set of study objectives are described in research methodology.
Methods are chosen in accordance with the research criteria, which are the questions to be
investigated (Pandey, 2021). The research technique chapter includes the following sections:
research objective, research design, strategy, philosophy, data gathering method, and data
analysis procedure. The primary goal of this study has been identified as a critical examination of
how social media has changed customer behaviour.

A collection of views held by researchers about how research should be performed is referred to
as research philosophy (Snyder, 2019). The philosophical perspective is present throughout the
research process, from data collection to analysis and classification in the report body. The
positivist philosophy is seen to be significant in this study since it has assisted the researchers in
obtaining trustworthy and reliable information in order to successfully accomplish the research
objectives by concreting the basis of the data collection and data interpretation procedure.
The strategy and techniques used to describe the actions involved in research methodology are
referred to as the research approach (Mohajan, 2018). In the instance of a study on the impact of
social media on customer behaviour, however, the inductive method will be shown to be the
most effective. The research design serves as a framework for the many tactics used to collect
and analyse data on the research topic. The three sorts of research designs encountered are
explanatory, exploratory, and descriptive research designs (Dźwigoł, 2018). In these domains,
the descriptive research design will be employed, and the research questions will be answered as
part of describing a phenomenon, population, or situation.

In terms of supporting researchers in efficiently fulfilling the study's aims and objectives, the
research strategy is likely to have the biggest impact on data collection and analysis procedures.
In this study, the researchers will adopt a qualitative approach as the study will go to be based on
secondary research only (Nayak, 2021). The inquiry will only use secondary data due to time
restrictions and ethical permissions. It is apparent that the government adopted the self-isolation
rule during this period, when Covid had spread to every corner of the globe. As a result, the
primary data collection strategy was not employed in order to meet the Covid criterion.
However, because of its cost-effectiveness, speed, and accessibility, churning secondary data
will be useful for this inquiry (Bairagi et al, 2019). In terms of data sources, the information will
be collected from academic books, journal articles from the data bases Research Gate, Science
Direct, and Elsevier, as well as authentic internet sources. The usage of NVivo Pro 11 software
is recommended for evaluating data acquired in the context of the study topic.

This particular research will be selected to begin in December 2021 and will be carried out until
August 2022. The project timeline has been expected to be the following:

2021 2022
December January February March April May June July August
of the
of data
Data analysis
Writing the
the findings,
the research
printing and
binding the

Research ethics
In terms of research ethics, the researchers' institution's Ethics committee will guarantee that the
study is ethically sound. Secondary data collection will be carried out to ensure that the data
sources are valid and relevant to the study topic. Copyright infringement shall be avoided at all
costs, and patented books and periodicals will be eliminated. In order to ensure that, inclusion
and exclusion strategy will be put on place. Furthermore, considerable effort will be taken to
ensure that the data collected for this project is safely stored and used just for educational

Understanding how digital and social media are utilised in the purchase selection process, their
effect on buyer behaviour, and their position as a marketing tool is a critical challenge for
marketers right now. Overall, the findings suggest that the classical decision-making model is
still viable in characterising consumer decision-making in the age of social media. Ease,
pleasure, trust, and confidence are stage traits that are positively connected with better customer
satisfaction. The three steps and the final purchase were more satisfying for those who
appreciated the decision-making process. High levels of trust and confidence resulted in higher
levels of satisfaction with the stages and purchase. Satisfiers were happier with their information
search than maximizes, who were less happy. However, in order to research more on the topic
“Impact of social media on consumer behaviour”, this study has intended to conduct a secondary
research by gathering information from the secondary sources, as well as evaluating the existing
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Bairagi, V. and Munot, M.V. eds., 2019. Research methodology: A practical and scientific
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