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The subjects you choose at high school will fast track your journey to become an engineer.
English (or English and Afrikaans at Stellenbosch University), Mathematics and Physical
Science are the required high school subjects to study towards a BSc (Eng) in these fields of
engineering at higher education institutions (HEIs) such as the University of Cape Town
(UCT) and Stellenbosch University (SU).

See the Cape Peninsula of Technology (CPUT) prospectus for the minimum requirements for
a National Diploma (ND) in Engineering.
Civil engineers

Civil engineers are tasked with assisting the Department in the development of roads, health,
education, and general building facilities.

Annually, we welcome engineering graduates into our Professional Development Programme

(PDP). The graduates are Masakh’iSizwe bursary recipients and receive practical experience
including training, mentoring, support, on-the-job-exposure and professional supervision to
be registered as professionals with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA).

A Grade 12 National Senior Certificate (NSC) and a minimum score of 32 points on the CUT
scoring scale, plus a minimum mark of 50% to 59% (Level 4) in both Mathematics and
Physical Sciences.
Candidates must also adhere to the general admission regulations for candidates who
matriculated in 2008 or thereafter.
Mathematical Literacy will not be accepted in any of the Engineering disciplines.
Candidates in possession of the National Certificate Vocational (NCV) will be selected
according to the selection requirements as approved by Senate and they should also adhere to
the general admission regulations for candidates who completed the N3, N4, N5 and N6
qualifications at a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college.
In cases where a candidate does not meet the minimum admission requirements, recognition
of prior learning (RPL) in addition to the minimum admission requirements could be
considered on a case-by-case situation. In other words, RPL in combination with the criteria
stipulated above, would only grant prospective students admission to the programme and
therefore no exemption of individual subjects as such. In the latter case, the selection of such
students will be conducted on an individual basis and in accordance with the RPL Policy of
the CUT.
For admission to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, applicants must have
a National Senior Certificate endorsed for degree studies, meet the required admission point
score and satisfy specified subject requirements. Admission will be based on both National
Senior Certificate and National Benchmark Test results.

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