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Vowel perception in noise

A comparison of children with cochlear implants and

their peers with typical hearing

Marcel Schlechtweg, Mark Gibson, Judit Ayala,

Xianhui Wang & Li Xu
Noise and spoken language
Table 1. Noise and the perception of spoken language: Overview of relevant factors
Hearing impairment and spoken language

➢ Surgically implanted electronic device

➢ Sound converted to electrical signal, directed to the

auditory nerve, bypassing damaged areas

➢ Severe-to-profound or moderate hearing loss / if

hearing aids are not efficient

➢ Sound impression different from typical hearing

(see, e.g., Battmer 2009; Clark 2003; Dang & Sweeney

2020; Dwyer & Gifford 2020; Faes & Gillis 2017; Gilbert
Figure 1. Ear with a cochlear implant & Pisoni 2012)
Hearing impairment and spoken language
➢ Despite benefits, several challenges remain

➢ Syntax (see, e.g., WaldmanDeLuca 2015)

➢ Morphology (see, e.g., Davies et al. 2020)
➢ Phonetics and Phonology (see, e.g., Basirat 2017)
➢ …
Focus on vowels I: Noise
➢ Confusions of articulatorily and acoustically similar vowels
in noise (see, e.g., Bent et al. 2010)

Figure 2. Vowel space (taken from

Focus on vowels II: Hearing impairment
➢ Vowel duration, F1, F2, and F3 can be affected
(production) (see, e.g., Hocevar-Boltezar et al. 2008;
Jafari et al. 2016; Kishon-Rabin et al. 1999; Nicolaidis &
Sfakianaki 2016; Nunez-Batalla et al. 2019; Palethorpe et
al. 2003; Rahilly 2012; Schenk et al. 2003a, 2003b)
Focus on vowels III: Noise and hearing
➢ Much less is known about vowel perception in noise (but
see Ferguson & Kewley-Port 2002; Iverson et al. 2006;
Munson & Nelson 2005; Winn 2011), especially for
Our experiment
Research question

How do children with two cochlear implants (CIs), in

comparison to their peers with typical hearing (TH),
perceive the five Spanish vowels [a], [e], [i], [o], and [u] in
different types of adverse listening conditions?
➢ 7 children with two CIs and 7 children with TH

➢ Matched for hearing age and biological sex

➢ Monolingual native speakers of Spanish

Table 2. Further characteristics of the children

➢ Five syllables [da], [de], [di], [do], [du]

➢ Spoken by one female and one male Spanish-speaking adult

➢ Embedded in two types of noise

➢ Multi-speaker background babble (six speakers)
(informational masker)
➢ Speech-shaped noise (energetic masker)

➢ Three SNRs (0, 6, 12)

➢ Matlab-based test

➢ Five syllables presented on a computer screen

➢ Selection of syllable children heard

➢ 240 trials (5 vowels x 2 noise types x 3 SNRs x 2 speakers x

4 presentations each)

➢ Random distribution
Analysis I
➢ Descriptive analysis plus binomial logistic regression in R
(R Core Team 2021), using the packages lme4 and lmer
Test (Bates et al. 2015; Kuznetsova et al. 2017)

➢ Tukey tests (Lenth 2020)

➢ Response variable = Accuracy (in %)

Analysis I
➢ Fixed effects
➢ Group (children with CIs, children with TH)
➢ Vowel ([a], [e], [i], [o], [u])
➢ NoiseType (babble, speech-shaped)
➢ SNR (0, 6, 12)

➢ Random effect = Intercept by Participant

➢ First model = Only main effects

➢ Second model = With all possible two-way interactions

Analysis I

➢ Non-significant terms removed from the model

➢ In case of convergence issues: Change of optimizer

Analysis II
➢ Error type analysis (types of vowel confusions)
Figure 3. Main Figure 4. Main
effect of Group effect of Vowel

All comparisons significant

except for [a] vs. [e]

Figure 5. Main Figure 6. Main

effect of effect of SNR

All comparisons significant

Significant interaction

➢ With the exception of [a] and [u], children with CIs

responded significantly less accurately than
children with TH

➢ Children with CIs only: Significantly higher accuracy

for [i] than for [o]

➢ Children with TH only: Significantly higher accuracy

for [o] than for [u]

Figure 7. Interaction of Group and Vowel

Significant interaction

➢ Significantly higher accuracy for speech-shaped

than for babble noise at 0 dB only

Figure 8. Interaction of NoiseType and SNR

Table 3. Error types
Summary and discussion
➢ Main effects for Group and SNR are in line with many
previous findings (e.g., Fowler et al. 2021; Jin & Liu 2014)

➢ Main effect of NoiseType (and the direction) finds some

support (see Garcia Lecumberri & Cooke 2006; Regalado et
al. 2019; Ren et al. 2018)

➢ Main effect of Vowel partly compatible with findings based on

listeners with TH (see Cutler et al. 2004)
Summary and discussion
➢ Lack of visual support possibly especially problematic for the
perception of rounded (back) vowels (see Robert-Ribes et al.

➢ Problem with [o] and [u] also reported in the literature (see
Välimaa et al. 2002)

➢ Order of Spanish vowel acquisition reflected in our data (see

Hernández Pina 1984 cited in Lléo 2012)
Summary and discussion
➢ Children with CIs seem to have difficulties in perceiving
vowels on more acoustic levels (F1, F2) in noise than their
peers with TH

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