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Welcome Kit

Hey There Dojo Teacher!

Welcome to Dojo Islands, an exciting world of adventure for the whole class! Dojo
Islands is a virtual playground where kids can explore, learn, and grow together through
play. Only verified classmates can join, so it’s completely safe and private. Dojo Islands
also evolves as kids use it, so your class helps shape what it becomes.

Here are some ideas to get your class started…

This Kit Includes:

Community Guidelines Lesson
Dojo Islands is a place where all kids should feel safe, respected and valued while
they’re having fun. We recommend starting your class with our Community Guidelines
lesson, to get the ‘island vibe’ right from the outset.

Hide & Seek

This classic game is fun for the whole class, encouraging teamwork and social skills.
Challenge your class to find the Hide & Seek sign on Dojo Islands to start a game
everyone can participate in. Who’s gonna find the best hiding spot?

Build Challenge Lesson

Have your class head over to the Building Zone, where they can brainstorm ideas and
bring them to life with our fun Build Challenges. Build Challenges encourage creativity,
problem-solving and team-building, while giving kids a chance to express themselves
in a fun, engaging way (small groups work best). When they’re done, kids can share
their creations online with the hashtag #DojoIslandsChallenge. We can’t wait to see
what your class creates!

Act it Out! Lesson

Dojo Islands has lots of fun costumes kids can dress up in. These activities encourage
kids to separate into small groups and act out different scenarios, to see how they can
resolve everyday problems. Perfect for developing critical thinking skills.

Be sure to check back in for more activities. Remember to have fun, and encourage
your class to be creative and innovative while learning on Dojo Islands!
Community Guidelines

Hey There Dojo Teacher!

As your class starts exploring Dojo Islands, we recommend having them
create their own community guidelines for how they interact with each other
in this new space.

By involving the students in this process, they will not only have a sense of
ownership and pride in their virtual environment but also learn valuable
lessons in collaboration, respect, and responsibility. Creating community
guidelines empowers them to establish a positive and inclusive atmosphere
where everyone can feel safe and supported.

First, have the kids brainstorm and discuss the values and behaviors they feel
are important for a fun, respectful environment. Things like teamwork,
kindness, creativity, and the concept of digital citizenship, for example. When
they’re done, help them synthesize their ideas into a set of guidelines that
represents their collective vision.

Creating these guidelines together gives kids a sense of agency, boosts

engagement, and deepens their overall experience on Dojo Islands. It also
teaches them about digital etiquette, and the importance of considering the
needs and feelings of others.

Let’s empower kids to take ownership of their virtual world on Dojo Islands,
starting with creating their own community guidelines together.

Happy Building!

The Dojo Islands Team

Our Dojo Island Guidelines

Lesson Plan: Creating Community Guidelines for Dojo Islands

● Students will work together to create community guidelines for their play
space on Dojo Islands.
● Students will develop an understanding of digital citizenship, respect, and

● Access to Dojo Islands Build Zone
● Paper and writing utensils

Introduction: Introduce the concept of community guidelines to your class, and
explain why they’re important for creating a positive, inclusive environment on Dojo

Brainstorming: In small groups encourage students to brainstorm and discuss the

values and behaviors they believe are important for a fun, respectful environment.
Have kids write their ideas down on a piece of paper.

Creating Guidelines: Have each group share their thoughts with the class. See if
any groups have ideas in common. As a class, have the kids decide which
guidelines are the most important. Use the attached worksheet to list the class’s
agreed upon Community Guidelines.

Accepting Guidelines: Have each student sign the Community Guidelines sheet.

Posting Guidelines: Have the class decide on a central location in the classroom
where they can post their Community Guidelines.
Our Dojo Island Guidelines

Ahoy there, Islanders!

To make Dojo Islands as fun and productive as possible, we need to make sure we
respect each other. So, as a class, let’s work together to create some community
guidelines we all agree on. This way, we can make the most of our time together on
Dojo Islands, and have a great time building and learning!

Our Guidelines

Class Signatures
Hide and Seek

Ready or not, here I come!

This classic game of Hide and Seek is a great introduction to Dojo Islands. Can your
students find the Hide and Seek sign on the beach? Share the photo below to give
your kids a hint.

Once one of your students finds this sign, they will have the option to start a game
of hide and seek! A countdown will begin and other kids will be asked if they’d like
to participate, then should go hide.

When the countdown is complete, the student who started the game will go find
the others hiding. When the seeker finds someone who is hiding, the hider joins the
seeker’s team so they can help find the rest of the kids! Who will have the ultimate
hiding spot?
Build Challenge
Build Challenges are fun, creative ways to keep kids engaged on Dojo Islands.

Dojo Islands Build Challenges are a great activity for all kids, developing creativity
and problem-solving skills in a fun, engaging way. Tell your class to head to the
Build Zone, where they can use colorful blocks to create structures like castles,
mazes, rocket ships, and so much more. We hope your class has a blast creating
and building!

Lesson Plan
Introduction: Start by introducing the challenge to your class, explaining the goal and
any specific guidelines or rules they need to follow.

Brainstorming: In small groups, give students some time to brainstorm ideas for their
builds. Use the attached worksheets so kids can get their ideas down on paper first.
Encourage them to think creatively, and come up with unique solutions to the

Building Time: Give your students enough time to build their creations in the Build
Zone. Walk around the classroom, and provide guidance and support as needed.

Sharing Time: When building time is over, have each group share their creation with
the class. Encourage them to explain their thought process, and any challenges they

Reflection: Using the reflection worksheet, have your students reflect individually on
the challenge and building process. What did they enjoy most about the challenge?
What obstacles did they face, and how did they overcome them?

Extension Activity: Depending on the challenge, you may want to extend the activity
by having kids play with their creations, or incorporate them into another activity or

Have fun, and encourage your class to be creative and innovative in their builds!
Build Challenge
Teacher Tip!
You can split the Build Zone into smaller areas, giving each of
your class’s student groups their own building space.
1. Click “Zones” in the top right corner
2. Select the number of zones you’d like for your activity
3. You’ll now see dotted lines separating the Build Zone into
smaller zones!

To The Stars
Our Group:

Your Challenge: Write Ideas:

Attention, Builders! Today’s
challenge is to build a rocket ship
in the Build Zone. Use your
imaginations to design a rocket
that’s ready to blast off into the
stars. Think about what
materials and features
you’ll need to make
your rocket fly high
and far. Let’s work
together to make the
best rocket
we can!

Sketch Ideas:

All set? Now

bring your
ideas to life!
Build your
creations in
Dojo Islands.
to work as a
team so you
can get the
job done!

Our Group:

Your Challenge: Write Ideas:

Sketch Ideas:

All set? Now

bring your
ideas to life!
Build your
creations in
Dojo Islands.
Remember to
work as a
team so you
can get the
job done!
Build Challenge Reflection


What was the most challenging part of building your creation?

How did you overcome this challenge?

How did you work with your group during this activity? What
made your group successful, or what could be better next time?

Looking back at your creation, what would you do differently if

you were to build it again? How would you improve your
Act it Out
Lights, camera, action! In this activity, students will get several different stories to
read. After reading, they’ll discuss in small groups how they would react to the
situations in the stories. Then comes the fun part: acting it out! Kids can pick
costumes that match their story, then find the stage on Dojo Islands to act out
proposed solutions. It’s a fun and creative way for kids to explore their emotions,
and develop critical thinking.

Lesson Plan
Introduction: Start by explaining the importance of empathy, and the need to see
things from someone else’s perspective. As a class, brainstorm the different emotions
and reactions people might have in different situations. Discuss how our actions can
influence other people’s feelings..

Reading Time: Divide the class into small groups, and give each group a different story
passage. In their groups, have the students read their passage and discuss how they
would react if they were the characters in the story. Encourage them to think about
emotions, challenges, and possible solutions.

Sharing Time: Time to bring the stories to life! Have each group choose costumes that
match the characters’ personalities. Let them explore Dojo Islands and find the stage to
act out their story. Remind them to work together as a team to incorporate their
understanding of the characters’ perspectives into their performances.

Reflection: When the performance is over, have kids independently fill out the
reflection worksheet to share more of their thoughts and feelings.

Extension Activity: If you want to build on this activity, try having the kids in their
groups create their own short story passages centered around problem-solving and
empathy. They can then swap stories with another group, and act out each others’
ideas. This activity helps them apply their understanding of concepts in a creative,
imaginative way.

Baking Contest
Our Group:

Your Story: How are They Feeling:

Mojo, Katie, and their friends are
all entering a baking contest!
Mojo wants to bake an apple pie,
but Katie wants to bake a
chocolate cake. Since they are
entering as a group, they can only
select one treat to bake! Mojo
wants to bake the apple pie
because he has an apple tree at
home he can pick apples from.
Katie wants to bake the
chocolate cake because the
recipe is from her mom’s own
recipe book!

What would you do:

All set? Now

bring your
ideas to life!
Pick the best
costumes and
act out your
resolution on
the Dojo
Islands stage!

Our Group:

Your Story: How are They Feeling:

What would you do:

All set? Now

bring your
ideas to life!
Pick the best
costumes and
act out your
resolution on
the Dojo
Islands stage!
Act it Out Reflection


Have you ever experienced something like the situation in

your story? How have you handled that in the past?

How did you work with your group during this activity?
What made your group successful, or what could be better
next time?

Looking back at your performance, what would you do

differently if you were to do it again? How would you
improve your play?

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