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test performance is dependent on 2 Qiao YL, Sellors JW, Eder PS, et al. A new shows that HPV testing improves
HPV-DNA test for cervical-cancer screening in
the operator and on locality-specific developing regions: a cross-sectional study of
acceptability, increases coverage, and
effectiveness of quality management.4 clinical accuracy in rural China. Lancet Oncol detects significantly more cancers.
From this perspective, the Mexico 2008; 9: 929–36. Suba and colleagues are correct
3 Sankaranarayanan R, Nene BM, Shastri SS,
study1 represents a comparison et al. HPV screening for cervical cancer in rural that our comparison of strategies
of two different sets of largely India. N Engl J Med 2009; 360: 1385–94. represents a particular time and place
uncharacterised quality-management 4 Suba EJ, Raab SS; Viet/American Cervical with many uncharacterised variables.
Cancer Prevention Project. Lessons learned
methods. from successful Papanicolaou cytology cervical Scale-up of a new system is difficult
Because cytology will remain part of cancer prevention in the Socialist Republic of and might not reflect the success seen
Vietnam. Diagn Cytopathol 2012; 40: 355–66.
HPV-based screening programmes,4 5 Secretaría de Salud, Centro Nacional de
in the trial; however, issues of scale
we encourage Lazcano-Ponce and Equidad de Género y Salud Reproductiva. affect the implementation of all new
colleagues to consider whether the Programa de acción específico, 2007-2012: improvements in screening systems
cáncer cérvicouterino. http://www.cnegsr.gob.
quality management parameters mx/programas/cancer-cervico-uterino/interes- and should not preclude progress.
(eg, salaries, training, equipment, cacu/pa-cacu.html (accessed Dec 2, 2011). Finally, Suba and colleagues suggest
supplies, process measurements) that improvements in Papanicolaou
that were effective in their Qiagen- Authors’ reply cytology coverage are the best way
supported HC2 laboratory will also Eric Suba and colleagues claim that to reduce cervical cancer mortality in
be effective in Mexican cytology published studies from China and Mexico—a perspective with which we
laboratories. The disappointing per- India contradict the findings of our disagree. They claim that our assess-
formance of some Mexican cytology MARCH randomised clinical trial, yet ment of cytology was unfair and that
laboratories1 could be rooted in the quoted trial from India1 found that cytology is effective in Mexico, quoting
factors that will similarly affect human papillomavirus (HPV) screen- statistics derived from our earlier work
Mexican HC2 laboratories that lack ing, but not cytology, reduced cervical that used a probabilistic model.5 This
transnational support. cancer mortality. In the other study study showed that cervical cytology
These issues could have problematic from China,2 hybrid capture 2 (HC2) in Mexico seems to have contributed
implications for population coverage, HPV testing was clearly more sensitive to a modest decrease in mortality
given the substantial added expense than was cytology. from cervical cancer; however, other
of HC2, and evidence suggests that Our teams have long studied existing potential factors implicated in the
increasing population coverage is screening programmes in cooperation decline are a decrease in birth rates
a more crucial challenge in Mexico with the Mexican Government. In our and an increase in economic indicators
than is the optimisation of screening experience, screening with cytology such as gross national product.
test performance. Between 1990 and requires expensive infrastructure We see as the biggest challenge for
2006, cytological screening was asso- and frequent repetition of invasive Latin American countries the imple-
ciated with a 45% reduction in deaths sampling. By contrast, HPV testing mentation of organised programmes
related to cervical cancer,5 despite only is more sensitive and cost-effective, to allow effective follow-up of women
30% population coverage in 2000 and requires fewer screening rounds, with HPV infection and cytological
40% in 2005. and can be adapted to self-collected abnormalities.
We declare that we have no conflicts of interest. specimens. Our cost-effectiveness We declare that we have no conflicts of interest
studies show that HPV testing is other than those stated in the original paper.
*Eric J Suba, Ludwig Erick González-Mena, superior to cytology when real-world
Myrna D Arrecillas-Zamora, *Attila Tibor Lorincz,
input data and realistic prices are used.3 Eduardo Lazcano-Ponce
Stephen S Raab
We have also assisted in major efforts
to increase screening coverage, leading Centre for Cancer Prevention, Wolfson Institute of
Department of Pathology, Kaiser Permanente
Medical Center, San Francisco, CA 94115, USA (EJS);
to about 8·5 million cytology tests Preventive Medicine, Barts and the London School
Laboratorio de Citología, Hospital General de in 2011. Yet according to our recent of Medicine, Queen Mary University of London,
London EC1M 6BQ, UK (ATL); and Centro de
México OD, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de audit,4 only 63 cancers were detected
México, México DF, México (LEG-M, MDA-Z); Investigación en Salud Poblacional, Instituto
Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of
by the latest 1 400 000 cytologies Nacional de Salud Pública, Cuernavaca, Morelos,
Washington, Seattle, WA, USA (SSR); and Memorial from women older than 25 years, at a Mexico (EL-P)
University of Newfoundland/Eastern Health cost of about US$20 million—quite a 1 Sankaranarayanan R, Nene BM, Shastri SS,
Authority, St John’s, NL, Canada (SSR) et al. HPV screening for cervical cancer in rural
poor performance. India. N Engl J Med 2009; 360: 1385–94.
1 Lazcano-Ponce E, Lorincz AT, Cruz-Valdez A, As the first randomised clinical trial
et al. Self-collection of vaginal specimens for 2 Qiao YL, Sellors JW, Eder PS, et al. A new
human papillomavirus testing in cervical comparing a simpler vaginal self- HPV-DNA test for cervical-cancer screening in
cancer prevention (MARCH): a developing regions: a cross-sectional study of
collection approach versus clinic-based clinical accuracy in rural China. Lancet Oncol
community-based randomised controlled trial.
Lancet 2011; 378: 1868–73. cervical cytology, our MARCH study 2008; 9: 929–36.

1588 Vol 379 April 28, 2012


3 Flores YN, Bishai DM, Lorincz A, et al. HPV testing Patients in the intervention group did a secondary analysis of respiratory
for cervical cancer screening appears more
cost-effective than Papanicolau cytology in
received 100 mg/kg of surfactant. Did support at different times, and reported
Mexico. Cancer Causes Control 2011; 22: 261–72. any patient in the standard treatment it in the webappendix. Intubation rate
4 Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica and Centro group receive 200 mg/kg as the first is expected to be higher in the standard
Nacional de Equidad e Genero y Salud
Reproductiva. Evaluación del programa de dose of poractant?2 treatment group from 1 h to 12 h after
Prevención y Control del Cáncer Cervical en It would be interesting to know birth, because respiratory distress
México, 2008–2011: problemas y
whether there were differences be- syndrome will often develop within the
images/stories/Centros/cisp/Docs/120412_ tween patients getting poractant first 12 h and intubation is the only way
cneg.pdf (accessed April 13, 2012). and beractant via catheter in terms to deliver surfactant in these infants.
5 Lazcano-Ponce E, Palacio-Mejia LS,
Allen-Leigh B, et al. Decreasing cervical cancer of the lowest heart rate and lowest Concerning the surfactant dose
mortality in Mexico: effect of Papanicolaou peripheral oxygen saturation reached delivered, 100 mg/kg was given, as per
coverage, birthrate, and the importance of
diagnostic validity of cytology.
during administration. Differences the design of the study, to all infants
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2008; could affect the generalisability of the in the intervention group and to 99%
17: 2808–17. findings to units that predominately in the standard treatment group. Only
use beractant. a single child received the intervention
I declare that I have no conflicts of interest. after an initial standard treatment.
Surfactant treatment for Differences between different sur-
Sourabh Dutta factant preparations and doses have
spontaneously breathing
been discussed elsewhere.5 However,
preterm infants Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University
Medical Centre, Hamilton, ON L9K 1S7, Canada
we found no differences between
surfactant preparations in terms of
1 Göpel W, Kribs A, Ziegler A, et al. Avoidance of
Wolfgang Göpel and colleagues mechanical ventilation by surfactant effects or side-effects (median lowest
(Nov 5, p 1627)1 deserve kudos for treatment of spontaneously breathing heart rate: 133/min, IQR 120–155
preterm infants (AMV): an open-label,
their novel method of administering on poractant; 150/min, 138–177 on

Science Photo Library

randomised, controlled trial. Lancet 2011;
surfactant. 378: 1627–34. beractant; median lowest oxygen
However, there is no information 2 Ramanathan R, Rasmussen MR, saturation: 80%, 70–86 on poractant;
Gerstmann DR, et al. A randomised,
on age at randomisation and number multicentre masked comparison trial of 77%, 70–85 on beractant). Although
of patients intubated at baseline. In poractant alfa (Curosurf) versus beractant the absolute numbers of infants who
(Survanta) in the treatment of respiratory
supplementary table 2, whether values distress syndrome in preterm infants. received different surfactants in our
for continuous positive airway pressure Am J Perinatol 2004; 21: 109–19. study were too small to allow valid
(CPAP) at 1 and 12 h of life were baseline conclusions to be drawn, the procedure
variables or outcome variables is not Authors’ reply was well tolerated with 4 mL/kg
clear. If these were post-randomisation Sourabh Dutta has some concerns beractant (25 g/L) as well as 1·25 mL/kg
variables, the subgroup analysis is clearly about the status of patients at entry poractant (80 g/L phospholipids).
inappropriate. However, if CPAP status into the Avoiding Mechanical Ventil- We declare that we have no conflicts of interest
was a baseline variable as claimed, it ation (AMV) trial.1 By contrast with other than those stated in the original paper.
means that at 1 h, 10·2% and 25·9% other studies—eg, the COIN trial,2 which *Egbert Herting, Christoph Härtel,
were mechanically ventilated in the excluded infants who needed intubation Angela Kribs, Bernhard Roth,
intervention and standard treatment in the first minutes of life—we included Wolfgang Göpel
groups, respectively (p=0·003). At patients irrespective of their respiratory
12 h, 19·4% and 35·7% were mech- status. This meant that eventually only University of Lübeck, 23538 Lübeck, Germany
anically ventilated in the intervention 60% of all infants in the intervention (EH, CH, WG); and University of Cologne, Cologne,
and standard treatment groups, group received surfactant by gastric Germany (AK, BR)
respectively (p=0·007). There is an tube. Some infants were intubated and 1 Göpel W, Kribs A, Ziegler A, et al. Avoidance of
mechanical ventilation by surfactant treatment
imbalance in the proportion ventilated ventilated directly after delivery, and of spontaneously breathing preterm infants
at baseline, suggesting that patients others never reached the threshold of (AMV): an open-label, randomised, controlled
in the standard treatment group had 30% oxygen saturation (see original trial. Lancet 2011; 378: 1627–34.
2 Morley CJ, Davis PG, Doyle LW, et al. Nasal
more severe disease than those in the figure 11). A similar design has also been CPAP or intubation at birth for very preterm
intervention group. chosen for the SUPPORT trial,3 since it infants. N Engl J Med 2008; 358: 700–08.
Previous surfactant treatment allows us to get an idea of how many 3 Support Study Group of the Eunice Kennedy
Shriver NICHD Neonatal Research Network. Early
with intubation was not an exclusion infants of a given gestational age might CPAP versus surfactant in extremely preterm
criterion. How many patients in each benefit from such a procedure. infants. N Engl J Med 2010; 362: 1970–79.
4 Cools F. A new method of surfactant
group had received surfactant with In light of similar questions that administration in preterm infants. Lancet
intubation before randomisation? arose during the review process,4 we 2011; 378: 1607–08. Vol 379 April 28, 2012 1589

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