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ddddbddddddd BYELAWS OF CELEBRITY VELLA OWNERS MUTUALLY AIDED COOPERATIVE MAINTENANCE SOCIETY LTD. SY.NO.1223, 1224, 1225 & 1226, CELEBRITY RESORTS, SHAMIRPET, MEDCHAL-MALKAJGIRI-500101 TELANGANA. — | @-©-6-6-G-O-O-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G- OGG GGG" G-G-G-G-B- GCG" G-G-G-G-G-G ‘BYELAWS 5 Oe CELEBRITY VILLA OWNERS MUTUALLY AIDED COOPERATIVE MAINTENANCE SOCIETY LTD. SY.NO.1223, 1224, 1225 & 1226, CELEBRITY RESORTS, ‘SHAMIRPET, MEDCHAL-MALKAJGIRI-500101. NAME AND ADDRESS: a. The Name of the Cooperative society. shall be the "CELEBRITY VILLA OWNERS MUTUALLY AIDED COOPERATIVE MAINTENANCE SOCIETY LTD.”, SY.NO.1223, 1224, 1225 & 1226, CELEBRITY RESORTS, SHAMIRPET, MEDCHAL-MALKAIGIRI- ‘S0O10!, it shall be a Mutually Aided cooperative Society registered under the provisions of Telangana Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies Act, 1995. bb. ‘The Address of the Society for the time being shall be the VILLA - 37, CELEBRITY VILLAS, SHAMIRPET, MEDCHAL-MALKAJGIRI-S00101. Any changes in address shall be informed to the Registrar within 30 days and also published in the local News Papers. 2. AREA OF OPERATION AND CORFORATE STATUS: 4. ‘The ares of operation of the Society shall confine to the limits of CELEBRITY VILLAS MASTER PLAN AREA, in SY.NO.I223, 1224, 1225 & 1226, CELEBRITY RESORTS, SHAMIRPET, MEDCHAL-MALKAIGIRI-SO0101 b. The Society shall be a corporate body with perpetual succession and comman seal and with powers to hold property, to enter into contracts, co suc and to be sued 3. DEFINITIONS: Words atid expressions appearing in these byelswvs shall have the following meaning unless the context otherwise requires a. Act means Telangana Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies Act, 1995. b. Registrar racans the Registrar of Telangana Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies and includes any other person on whom all or any of the powers of the Registrar under the Act have been conferred. ‘c. Board means the Board consisting of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer and members who are clected by the Members of the Society all of whom shall be owners of CELEBRITY VILLAS, @ CELEBRITY RESORTS, SHAMIRPET, MEDCHAL = 500101 4. Byelaws mean Byelaws of the Society. ples means the cooperative principles specified in the Section 3 of the Act e. Cooperative {Default means failure on the part of a member or any other person to repay to the socicty a Joan or any other amount due to it within the time fixed for repayment or faiture to keep any “Tngaisene, . page Lf 32 “= dd dD PPEELELEL ELLER SST CHOC ETE OEE ‘other obligation for the fulfilment of which a time limit has been specified in the byclaws or in the concerned document. Defaulter means any member or dther'person committing default [He/she or his/she or her means a reference gender of the member. Prescribed means prescribed in the Act or in the byelaws Society means "CELEBRITY VILLA OWNERS MUTUALLY AIDED COOPERATIVE MAINTENANCE SOCIETY LTD, Complex/Premises means the gated community area bearing the name "CELEBRITY VILLA. OWNERS MUTUALLY AIDED COOPERATIVE MAINTENANCE SOCIETY LTD,” SY.NO.1223, 1224, 1225 & 1226, CELEBRITY RESORTS, SHAMIRPET, MEDCHAL- MALKAJGIRI-500101, ‘Telangana State, and includes all lands and buildings (both temporary and permanent) in it. Common Areas and Facilities means areas and amenities including club house complex or any other areas that may be earmarked for common use and facilities which are for the ‘common use of residents, their guests, visitors and their employees, and also include all the infrastructure created within the said CELEBRITY VILLAS, © The land on which the Villas is located. © Foundation, columns, girders. beams, supporters, main Walls, roofs including terraces, halls corridors, staits, stairways, storage spaces entrance und exit of the building blocks. © Basement, yards, parking areas, internal access within parking areas, lawas & gardens ‘water fountains, drive-ways, jogging track, play areas children's playground, © Society's office, premises for lodging of caretakers / petsons employed for maintenance of the complex. © Lifts, overhead tanks. ‘bore-wells, mineral water plant, water treatment plant for swimming pool water, Sewage treatment plant, pumps, motors, diesel generators, electric transformers, electric switching systems, intercom control room, and in general all apparatus écinstallations,existing future for common use © Swimming pool, club house including community hall, eym and health club, ‘Any commercial facilities in existence or that may be added in future. ©All other parts of the property necessary or convenient to its existence, maintenance and safety or normally in common use. Cooperative year/financial year means the period commencing on the first (Ist) day of April of every year and ending with 31st March of the succeeding year Declaration means the declaration which the sole owner of the building or all the owners of the building have executed and registered. General body means all the members of the Society or the members of the representative General Body if constituted. General Body mecting means the meeting of all the members of the General Body or the members of Representetive General Body of the society when constituted which includes the ordinary and special general body meetings. . Page 2 of 32 44. Officer includes person appointed by the society to any office ofthe Soelehy according to the byelaws and includes a Manager, Member of the Committee, Liquidator or official assignee fr any other person elected or appointed under the Act, the Rules oF {he Byclaws to give Gleoetions with regard to the businesgdpnd by each of them with thesspetety Office bearer includes a Presidéht/Chairperson, Vice-PresienVice Chainperson, Secretary, ce eae dun Treasurer ofthe Society and includes any other person to be elected bY the Board ofthe Society Owner means the person owning a Vila as por registered sale dgad or Holder of Regisered General Power of Attorney from owner. S oe {. Tribunal means the Tribunal constinuted under Section(f3)of the Act and having Jurisdiction, 1. Unit means a family unit in the Villa. ‘Competent authority forthe purpose of these byelaws shall be the Board of Pieciors Goneeal Body 2s the case may be as prescribed in the Act and the byelaws. ‘w. Pennanent Conus Fund means the Corpus Fund that the builder has collected from the purchasers and later handed aver to the Society. xx Sub-Commitiee means any commitee constituted by the Board of Directors or General Body for any specific purpose. yo. Qumer is a person who owns one or more Villas either singly oF jontys im he complex ov “ogni Sh as «amily means Group of persons who include Kusbend, wife, father, mother, sister, bot ca eek, omitdaw, daughterviaw, brother-in-law, sisterin grandson sranddaughter. 4, OBJECTIVES OF THE SOCIETY: , “The Objectives of the society shall be: “To be and to act as a Cooperative Society of Villa owners of the area calle "CELEBRITY Toe NERS MUTUALLY. AIDED COOPERATIVE MAINTENANCE SOCIETY LITD,, “Herein after called the "said villas” or said society) ‘To invest and use finds of " CELEBRITY VILLA OWNERS MUTUALLY AIDED Te NSRATIVE MAINTENANCE SOCIETY LTD," for the general welfare of ‘the members of the Society 48) To provide forthe maintenance, repairs and replacements of the common seas and faci by contribution from the owners. b) To ensure the basic amenities like clean drinking water both in quantity and quality), bore Near water in adequate quantities, comimon power and other faciliies/services! amenities that ‘are needed for the common good of the members ©) To take possession of all common areas and facilites in the premises of the CELEBRITY VILLAS’ like the compound wall, open land, driveways, common parking 268, children's THALAL. pment recreation, club house, generators, submersible pumps, transformers, cireuit breakers, electricity meter rooms,. cooperative society maintenance office, common toilets, water pumps, storage tanks, water piping system, drainage system, electricity distribution system, cable television wiring system, telephone wiring system. d) To take care of periodical painting distempering of the exterior of the blocks and common aceas in the interior and to undertake repairs replacements or other general water, electric and other equipment machinery etc, belonging to the cooperative society. ¢) To retain and rent of license, if possible, suitable portion ofthe common areas to outsiders for commercial purpose and 10 distribute the common expenses among owners as common profits or accumulate the same for building up a reserve fund. ©) To provide for and do all and any of the matters provided in the Act. 2) To establish and carry on its own account or jointly with individual or institution, education, physical, social and recreational activities for the benefit of the Villa owners. hh) To frame rules, with the approval of the general body of the cooperative society and after consulting the competent authority and to establish a provident fund and gratuity fund, if necessary for the benefit of the employees of the cooperative society. i) To do all things necessary and or otherwise for enhancing cooperation amongst the villa ‘owners for improving and enhancing the experience of staying at CELEBRITY VILLAS, and provide for the expedient attainment of the objects specified in the byclaws. j) To organize, establish and run social educational cultural recreational and other facilities for the residents/members. k) To improve, alter, repair, reconstruct and incur capital expenditure for special repairs to the common areas of any part of the premises in accordance with the law and decisions taken by majority of the members of the cooperative society. 1) To be of assistance to:members in whatever manner possible, to salve the common problems and promote a feeling of oneness of happy family through mutual cooperation, 1m) To control the use of common parking space and its allocation amongst the owners et 1) To frame, amend or substitute the rules and clauses of byelaws with the approval of General Body to ensure that the Byelaws are in tune with the provisions of the Act and rules wherever necessary. (0) To do all things necessary or expedient for the accomplishment of the aforesaid objects of the cooperative society 1p) The Cooperative Society not to act beyond the scope of its objects without duly amending the provisions of these byelaws forthe purpose. Tae Page 4 of 32 S, POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE SOCIETY: a) b) ) 4) ® i kK) To be and to act a8 a Society of the villa owners! residents of the complex called the CELEBRITY VILLAS, CELEBRITY RESORTS, SHAMIRPET (at address hereinafter called the said Venture). ‘To manage and maintain in proper usable condition, at all times, all the common amenities and facilities, both immovable and'movable, such as the club house, swimming pool, gym, ‘water supply system (up to the inlet of each villa only), water filration plants, all common ‘areas including function hall, parks/lawns lighting of common areas including parking sress, street lighting within the complex, health club and all fitings and apparatus in it, intercom System, security, sewage, house-keeping of the common areas and amenities, garbage disposai, power generators, etc. To collect and put to proper use the monthly maintenance charges and any other money collected from the residents or villa owners and any other sourees of income from time to time und maintains proper accounts of the same. (Detailed account procedure is given in the chapter dealing with finance und accounting of the Society funds) and get it audited and approved by the Genernt Body in each financial year. ‘To liaise with the builders, local authority, any State and Central Government Departments / Ministries etc., or any private body or organization tor and on behalf of the Society and its members as and when necessary. fafety and security of the residents these Byclaws ‘To frame cules ond do all things necessary for the welfere, of the cociety and for attainment of the objectives enshrin To make available to wll concerned the copy of the Byelaws, the Rules and Regulations made therc-under. To ensure that ali residents follow. the provisions of the Byslaws and the Rules and Regulations msde there- under, at all times, thus ensuring a peaceful and amicable tiving for all, > To take all necessary steps / action®’ to address / redress impartialiy all grievances of the residents that may arise from time to time, To take all necessary steps, including legal to ensure that no Commercial or illegal use is made of any of the Villa by auyone and the venture are used exclusively for residential purposes. The society has to provide commercial space for the requirement of the members sand residents. ‘To take appropriate action (legal or otherwise) against any person who violates these. Byclaws and Rules and Regulations made there under To Conduct periodic social get-together functions for all members and residents and their families, thus providing an opportunity for interaction leading to closer bondage and create 8 lyelike atmosphere. To conduct regular periodicel meetings of Board of Directors and other committees appointed by it and maintain written minutes of the proceedings of the same. Wet. : Page $ of 32 im) To conduet regularly periodzal-Annual General Body Mecting and Special ener! Body Neca the ease may be, onthe pressibed date and time and mania written mines of these meetings. 1h) To appoint with the approval af General Body, an external auditor,fach year, on an annual ‘basis and which is to be approved at each Annual General Body Meeting ©) Publish on or before 30 of June each year an Audited Financial Statement penal fe the Previous financial year, This Gnancil statement wil be in the form of balance shee duly arited by the auditor appointed by the General Body and which shell be approved Py the General Body Meeting p) The Society shall not act beyond the scope of these Byelaws without int amending, these tyelaws suitably in the General Body, except in emergencies which shall Pe subsequently ratified by the General Body. 6, MEMBERSHIP ELEIGIBILITY: |All persons who have purchased a Villa in the CELEBRITY VILLAS, CELEBRITY Ae reg. GHIAMIRPET, shall automatically be the members ofthe cooperative society and Shil pay a sum of Rs. 100/ as entrance fee and shall purchase ten(10) shares of 18 face aaa rey Loose each, Each villa owner shall receive a copy ofthe byetaws and rules framed there under on payment of Rs. 100/-. 7. IN-ELEIGIBILITY: |A. Upon any Villa owner selling hisher Villa or absolutely conveying the same b> 0) of gift vee einer will of otherwise, the purchaser oF recipient shall automatically bebows aoe cis ine co-operative society and shall be ariel as member on payment ofthe Share and entrance fee as applicable. B. On death of a Villa owner, hisrher Villa shall be transferred tothe person fo whom Hele bequeaths the same by his will orto the legal representative of hist estale 1 Po he has rade any specific bequest of the Villa, The name of the legatee or the nance of the legal representatives jointly shalle entered in the register of Villa owners maintained by the Srereary for the purpose of administration of the society as Villa owner on rece of the Septcable membership fees Where eny legate i 4 minor; the Villa owner shal B entitled to appoint a guardian of such minor. Joint Owners. Where a Villa has been purchased by two oF more persons jointly they shee be Jini ented for the Villa andthe shares ofthe cooperative society shal be issued in their jBint names, but the person whose name stands firs jn the Share Certificate shall alone have Jpin ant to participate in the meeting and to vate. No objection certificate may Be furnished br he joint owners for proposing the name of any one of the owners for geting membership into the society. D. TRANSFER OF SHARES OR INTEREST OF A MEMBER: [No members shall be permitted to withdraw any of the shares held by hirw/her inthe society fr to resign membership of the society, WGaGoul- Page 6 of 32, E. NAMINATION: Ifa mem! Every member of the society they.nbminate any membér of his/her family as per the bye laws to succeed hinvher in the event of his! her death to his/her share or interest in the society. In the absence of a family, he/she may-nominate any person. Such nomination shall in the event of his/ her death be given effect to by the society provided that. ies, hisfher membership shall ipso facto cease: 4) The nomination was signed by the member in the presence of at least two witnesses who are members ofthe society and attesting the same. b) ‘The nomination has been repistered in the books of the Society kept for the purpose. ©) The nominee continues to possess the prescribed qualifications and to be free from disqualifications Provided further that this shall not apply to widow or the minor, child of the deceased member. 4) The person nominated shall have been admitted by the board of Directors as a member of the society under these Byelaws. F. DISQUALIFICATION OF MEMBERSHIP: No Villa owner shall be entitled to vote for the election of members of the Board or the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer or any other office bearer or be entitled to stand for election to such office he/she is in arrears of any sums due from him/her in respect of his/her contribution for common expenses for more than ninety (90) days G. REGISTER OF MEMBERS: Every member shall write or get written his/her name in the Register of Members along with the description and his/her address and shall sign a declaration that he/she will be bound by the byelaws of the society thet may legally be effective. during the period of his/her membership. Thereupon he/she acquirgs all the rights and obligations and responsibilities of @ member, subject t0 other provisions of the Act, the Rules end the byelaws. 8. PROCEDURE: 1a) i, Persons secking membership should submit an application in the prescribed form to the Secretary of the society. He/she shall also submit an undertaking that he/she will abide by the Byelaws of the society. The Board of Directors shall scrutinize the applications so submitted, A list of eligible persons shall be published and displayed on the Notice Board of the society. ‘Then, the person should remit Rs. 1000/- as share capital and Rs. 100/- as admission fee by a demand draft or in cash and obtain a receipt from the society. The member shall pay all the ‘expenditure towards the cost of member and any other expenditure prescribed by the society from time to time, ‘The application for membership shall be deposed of within ninety (90) days from the date of its presentation. Vege Page 7 of 32 ii, The eligible applications shall be entered in the applications register according to seniority of its time and date of receipt and the details of the receipt issued for the draft or cash remitted. b) A person while application is approved for meniibership shall on receipt of eommunicatipn of ‘such approval, remit to the society the value of ten (10) shares each of value Rs. hc. Provided that po person shall be admitted as a member till hc/she pay the membership fee of Re. 100/- and remit the values of ten(10) shares each of the value of Rs.1,004/-, 9, LIABILITY OF A MEMBER: ‘A member shall be liable as provided in the bye-laws for the debis of the society, as on the date, they exist or till when he/she ceased to be a member for a period of three years and the testate of deceased member shall be lisble is provided in the byelaws for debis due to the Society as they existed on the date of hisher death for a period of two years from the date of his/her death, ULSION OF A MEMBER: If the member deceives the society or if he/she has acted adversely to the interests of the society or if his/her general conduct as such necessitates his/her removal from the society in the interest of the society The one may be done by the general body by a resolution at is meeting by the vote of not less than 2/3rd of the members present giving him/her an ‘opportunity to make hishher representation if any. A member who drags the society unnecessarily to court in the process of recovery of dues to him/her shall be liable to be idebarred from the representation on Board of Directors for a period of two years after such expulsion, He shall however continue to pay the dues payable to the Society every month thereafter. 11, RIGHTS OF THE MEMBERS: a. To attend and take: part in the General Body meetings of the Society subject to satisfying the qualifying clause(s), ifany, given anywhere in these Byelaws. b, To move resolutions in the General Body mectings of the Society subject to satisfying the qualifying clause(s), if any, given anywhere in these Byelaws ‘To have the services and benefits and the amenities provided by the Society subject to satisfying the qualifying clause(s), ifany given anywhere in the Byelaws 1d. To inspect the records of the Society by giving prior notice at least (10) normal working days in writing to the Chairman of the Society. The records are to be inspected only during normal working hours of the Society and only at the place ‘where they are normally kept for day to day working. Under no circumstances are the records to be taken to any other place without the explicit permission of the Secretary of the society, wiio will normally be the custodian of all the records and who will record this fact in writing, €. Bach member has the right to cast only one vote per Villa owned by hinyher Owners of two or more Villa shall exercise only one vote in spite of having more than one Villa We sulcet Page 8 of 32 ddd GPP odd dc odd EU £. The memberfowner Whosd\name is first in the share certificate can contest the election for the ‘Boardof-Directors' and also participate in the voting process, if he/she is not a defaulter in‘any’ kind of payments to the Society as specified in the bye laws and has not been expelled from the membership by the General Body as specified in the bye laws. B Only one member per family can contest in the election for the Board of Directors’. Definition of Family’ is given in the bye laws. 12, RESPONSIBILITIES/OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERS/ RESIDENTS: Each Villa owner is required to comply with the bylaws and covenants as per section 10, chapter III and section 31, chapter IV of the Telongana Apartments (Promotion of Construction and Ownership) Act 1987. ‘The code of conduct for residents is designed keeping in mind the common interest of owners/residents with the following objectives: 8) to ensure a safe and secured living environment for the residents, b) to ensure COMFORTABLE and peaceful living for the residents by ensuring that the amenities and common facilities are in good shape and available to al. ©) to facilitate residents enjoying the benefits of COMMUNITY LIVING In addition to above code of conduct, the Society may issue Additional guidelines in line with the above objectives. It is the responsibility of the owners to ensure that these are communicated to the residents in their Villa and are complied with Every Member shall abide by the Byelaws of the Society and follow all instructions of the General Body as conveyed through the Board of Directors. Every Owner shall pay monthly assessment emount as fixed by the General Body for the Proper upkeep and maintenance of the building, which may include monthly payments to the General Operating Fund, Reserve Fund and Sinking Fund and Corpus Fund if any for periodic repairs, renovations, replacements etc. quorum and the meeting may be proceeded with 18, SPECIAL GENERAL BODY MEETINGS: Ut shall be the duty of the Chairman to call a Special General Body meeting of the members as directed by « resolution of the board or upon a petition signed by one tenth (1/10th) of the registered owners/members and having been presented to the Secretary, or at the request of the Registrar, or as the case may be, the Regisirar of the Cooperative Socicty or any officer duly authorized by him/her on his Mner behalf. The Chairman is bound to call the Special General Body meeting within (30) days of the receipt of such notice/ requisition, The notice of any special meeting shall state the time and place of such meeting and the purpose thereof, ‘No other business shall be transacted at a special meeting except as stated in the notice. 19, METHOD OF VOTING AT GENERAL BODY MEETINGS: 2) All matters that may be brought before the: General Body Meeting shall be decided by majority of votes taken by show of hands and where 2 poll is demanded by members, the voting shall be taken in such manner as the Ckairman may direct; provided that for deciding the matters specified in the several provisions of the Act they may be decided as specified therein. b) The proceedings of the general body mecting shall be recorded in the minutes book of the society and signed by the Chairman of the meeting concemed at the close of the proceedings, then and there, ©) The General Body shall be convened by a resolution of the Board of Directors. 20. ORDER OF BUSINESS The order of business it all general body meetings shall be as follows: a) Roll call PELLLLE Edd neta sreee sees se dada J 'b) Proof of notice of meeting; or waiver of natice ¢), Reading and confirmation of minutes of previous meeting. 4) Reports of officers. ) Reports ofthe Competent Auibrity oF the Registrar ‘of Cooperative societies or of the officer duly authorized by them. 1) Report of committees. g) Election of Board. hh) Unfinished Business, if any i) New business 21. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: ‘atthe first election all the directors are elected at once 7d their terms staggered by draw of fons specifying different terms. AT. the members of 1 ‘General Body having right to vote shall elect directors by secret ballot. ‘it shall be the responsibility of the incumbent board 10 sa ese ections before expiry ofits tema. The board shal appoint an clection officer 10 cond fhe elentions of dieciors and office boaters. The election officer should not be a conde tbe Snploye of the society. The election officer shall conduct the elections 4 per lection Rules. ‘Any casual vacancy shall be filled by co-option fo fe omaining term of the director because Any Fim the vacancy arose. If any diector resigns th ‘board shal fill up the vacancy by ot on, "The board shall elect ofice bearers ithe Chairmaty “Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer 22. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: * ‘There shall be Board of Directors entrusted with the Managomne™ of the society in accordance Minne provision of the Act and bye laws. The Board shall consist of Nine{09) Directors as indicated below: Te Ai fin Chairman 1 Vice-Chairman 1 Secretary 1 Joint Secretary 1 ‘Treasurer 1 Directors, s ror 10 VyMoL. Page 16 of 32 23, TERM OF DIRECTORS: a3 Age eo ‘The term of each Director is The (8) years. Every year two Directors shall retire. They shall however be eligible for re-eléctidii” = = 24, REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS: The General Body may remove any director. Similarly, the board may remove any office bear. The removal of # director or an office bearer shall be through a no confidence motion, Not less than Six directors or not less than 1/3rd members of the general body ean send a “Notice of No confidence” against any office bearer or any director to the Secretary who shall Convene the board meeting or the general body meeting as the case may be, following due procedure prescribed for such meeting as per provisions of Act, If the No confidence Motion is against the Secretary, the notice shall be sent to the Chairman who shall convene the board meeting or the general body meeting. 2S. ELIGIBILITY AND INELIGIBILITY FOR ELECTION AS DIRECTORS: In order to be eligible to be elected as a director or a member of the board a person i. Shall have been a voting member least two years preceding the year of election (barring first election) ii, Shall have attcaded the three annusl general meetings immediately preceding the ‘meeting in which he/she stands as 2 director (barring first election) iii, Shall not have been penalized under the Act. iv. Shall not have lost the right to vote or right to continue as a Director (barring firs election), ¥. A person shall cease to be a director if he/she incurs any of the disqualifications mentioned against i i, iii and iv above, vi. Further the directors of the board incur disquslification for a period of three (3) years for being chosen as directors and shall be ineligible to continue as directors, if during their term as directors -@. They did not conduct election to the vacancies falling due to staggered terms before expiry of term 'b. They did not conduct the annual general body meeting within six months of closure of financial year or # requisitioned general meeting within the specified time, or ©. They did not place the audited accounts for the preceding financial year along with the report of the auditor before the annual general body meeting, Vii. Shall not be a defaulter to the society on the date of notice convening general body ‘meeting in which election will be held. 26. MEETINGS OF THE BOARD DIRECTORS AND QUORUM: 8) The Board of Directors shall meet at least once in three months or as often as necessary 10 conduct the affairs of the society, The quorum for the meetings of the Board of Directors shall Wegrelsl : Page 17 of 32, : , . : : : > > > > y : : : eee ee we oe ew ee ? be majority of total number of the clected Board of Directors/members, irrespective of ‘vacancy in the office of the Board of Directors. b). No member of the Board of Directors shall be present at a meeting of the Board when any ‘matter in which he/she is personally interested is being discussed. In case of urgent matters for want of time to convene the meeting, the Secretary may obtain orders by circulation among all the members of the Board. Such decisions arrived at by circulation shall be placed before the next meeting. If any disagreement arises in the course of such circulation the matter shall not be decided by circulation but shall be placed before the next meeting of the Board of Directors. c) All decisions in the meeting of the Board of Directors will be taken by the majrity vote, In case of a tie the Chairman is entitled to an additional vote 4) The Secretary shall send notice of the meeting. along with the agenda to the board members with details of date and time. The notice shall be sent to the members at least seven (7) days before the meeting. However, the Chairman can call for an impromptu meeting of the Board to discuss prior tissues; however, no financial decision will be taken in such meeting except if there is an emergency, which will be ratified in the next to meeting, ©) Recording of Minutes of the Meetings: The minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and General Body shall be recorded in a minute's book maintained for the purpose by the Secretary then and there and signed by members present in the meeting at the beginning of minutes: token of attending the mecting. The proceedings/resolutions recorded at the end shall be authenticated by the Chairman of the meeting. 27. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: 1) The board shall in accordance with the byelaws, be the Authority to 8) admit and terminate membership, b) elect the Chairperson and:other office bearers. ©) remove from office the Chairman and other office bearers. 6) appoint and remove the chief executive ©) fix staff strength, f) frame policies concreting i. organisation and provision of services to members, {i, recruitment and conditions of service ofthe staff of the cooperative society. ili, mode of eustody and investment of funds, iv. manner of keeping accounts. Tait, ‘ rita 28, taobilisation, utilisation and investment of vious funds; monitoring and management information-ystsms inchiding vi, statutory retums to be filed and such other subjects and matters necessary for the effective functioning of the cooperative society 2) place the annus! report, annuol financial statements, annual plan and budget for the approval of the general body. h) consider audit and compliance reports and place these before the general body. i, review membership other cooperatives; and ii, undertake such other functions as may be delegated by the general body. 2) The Chairman shall be elected in accordance with the byelaws, preside at meetings of the board and the general body. a) have a casting vote inthe event of equ by the board. b) exercise such other powers as may'be delegated by the board and specified in the policies framed or resolutions adopted by te board cof votes on any matters being decide upon OTHER DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS {In addition to the duties imposed by these bye laws ané act or by resolution of the co- operative society, the Board shall be responsible for: a) Care, upkeep and surveillance of the Villa and the common areas and facilities and the restricted common areas and facilities. b) Collection of monthly assessments from the owners. ©) Designation, employment, remuneration and dismissal of the personnel necessary the maintenance and operation of the common area and faces and the restricted common areas and facilities. 4d) To provide for the manner in which the audit and account of the cooperative society shall be carried out @) To inspect the accounts kept by the Secretary and /or the Treasurer and examine register and account books and to take steps for the recovery sums due tothe cooperative society 1) To sanction working expenses pertaining o repair, upkeep, maintenance and development of the complex, count cash balance and deal with other miscellaneous business, 8) To see that cash book written up promptly and is signed, hh) To hear and deal with complaints & ee : Page 19 of 32 29. MANAGER: The board may appoint a Marler for the cooperative society at a compensation determined ‘by the Board to perform such duties ad services as the board shall authorise. 30. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE OFFICE BEARERS: 1. CHAIRMAN: The Chairman shall reside over all meetings of the Society and The Board of Management he/she shall exercise general control and supervision over the affairs of the Society/Board of Directors. In ease of an emergency, he/she may on his/her own OF through the Secretary, Convene the Board of Directors and General Body Meetings as and when he/she deems necessary by following the procedure given in the Byelaws. The Chairman shall ensure that the Board of Directors function as per the Byelaws, He/she shall have an additional Casting Vote in the event of a tie in the voting. 2. VICE-CHAIRMAN: ‘The Vice-Chairman shall assist the Chairman in the functions of the Chairman In case of the Chairman being absent (planned absence only) above seven normal working days, the Chairman shall hand Over the duties to the Viee- Chaicmas who shall carry out all the duties and funetions of the Chairman till the Chairman gets back and assumes charge, which shall be automatic, except if decided otherwise by the General Body. In case of unforeseen absence of the Chairman and if any matter of urgent nature arises for which immediate action / decision has to be taken, the Vice- Chairman may take necessary action/decision and appraise the Chairman on the later returns, The Vice-chairman shall also perform some other specific duties/function ‘entrusted to hinvher by the Board of Directors/General Body over time to time. 3. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall be responsible to the Board of Directors for all day-to-day activities relating tothe proper management, maintenancé and upkeep of the complex and shall 4) Be the main administrative/executive officer of the Society. He/she is the custodian of all records, documents, files and correspondence of the Society 'b) Undertake all correspondences on behalf of the Society. He is responsible for recording the proceedings, minutes of all meetings of both General Body and the Board of Directors. ©) Keep accurate minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Annual and Specisl General Body Meetings, 4) Be responsible for convening various meetings, ensuring adequete notice period, and calling for and issuing the approved agenda to the members. ©) Give effect to the direetions and decisions taken at such meetings. y ey WOR, . Page 20 of 32 1) Prepare reports of all relévat General Body. . 2) Assist the Treasurer in the preparation of financial statements, along with audit feports, which are to be presented at the General Body Meetings. 1h) Be responsible for all aspects concerning the overall security and the maintenance of ‘800d order in the CELEBRITY VILLAS. he various office bearers of the Society Be the coordinating officer betw J) Be the PRO of the Society and shall be the representative outside agencies when the ‘Chairman has nominated no other member for the work of the society k) Be responsible for the overall development, proper upkeep and general maintenance of the complex. 1) Be required to oversee per working and performance of duties by the staff and other employ of the Society. 'm) Be responsible for close and contiiuous liaisor. and coordination with concerned department. 1) Be the officer to sue or it be sued on behalf of the Society and shall have the powers to appt Advocates, sign appropriate legal or written documents and swom affidavits ‘with the approval of Board of Directors. ©) Implement decisions of Board of Directors and General Body. ) Be authorized to represent the Society before any authority, cour, tribunal for the purposes of prosecuting or defending any legal proceedings or other applications q) Collect all the dues to the socféty and ensure through the Treasurer that proper accounts re maintained of al finaricial transactions relating to the Society ") Manage and control the staff and take disciplinary action where necessary 8) Institute, prosecute and defend suits and other proceedings in which the Society may bbe involved. 8). Prepare the Annual Repost and financial Statement of Accounts, under the guidance of the Board of Directors. 'u) Maintain a cash amount of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) or as decided by the General Body for incidental expenses. V) Maintain a Register of Members. W) Have charge of books and papers of as The Board of Directors may direct VEeaet, . Page 21 of 32 x) Perform in general all duties a8 authorized by the Board of Directors and incidental maintenance of the office of.a Society. 4. JOINT SECRETARY Joint Secretary shall assist Secretary In the functions of the Secretary. In case of planned prolong absence of the Secretary, the Joint Secretary is to take charge of all functions and duties of the Secretary. This includes the duties of custodian of the properties of both movable and immovable, of the society. The Joint Secretary shall perform other specific duties of Directors/General Body from time to time. 5. TREASURER: ‘The Treasurer is the custodian of the funds and accounts of the Society. He/she shall act as per the advice of Secretary and maintain faithfully records of records of all income and the respective books of accounts and Society in respective books of accounts and ensure that all funds of the Society are duly accounted for at all times. Helshe shall put up Monthly’ Quarterly/Y early statements to the Board of Directors approval The Treasurer shall issue Heccipts for all incomes of the Society. He/she shall maintain the record of inventory of the properties of the Society both movable and immovable. The Treasurer shall not disburse any funds unless duly passed in writing by the Secretary / Chairman the Board of Directors as specified in these Byelaws. The ‘Treasurer shall operate the bank account(s) along with the Secretary and Chairman. ‘The Treasurer has to make available all books of accounts and inventory to committee of members appointed by the Board of Directors to earry internal audit and physical check of the properties of the Society time to time. The Treasurer will close all books of accounts and inventory at the end of the financial year and submit these and any of records as called for by the extemal auditor, appointed by the General Body for auditing. Treasurer shall liaise with the appointed auditors and take guidance on all financial affairs of the Society. 31. DEALINGS WITH NON-MEMBERS: The Society shall not deal with non-members. 32. PENALTIES: 4) Violations to the Rules of conduct can be penalized by Board of Directors, The amount penalty for each violation/additional violations can be decided the general body. The penalty amount will be treated as due to Society till paid and will be treated at par with any other ducs. CUVETTES ESED TES ESEESESESEEESSSMSS b) Board of Directors of the Society may after due notice of not less than fifteen (15) days, for Ist and sufficient cause, the board shall initiate legal action against the defaulter for recovery the dues as per the provisions of the MACS Act, 1995. c) If the outstanding dues become significant (the limit of amount to be set from time to time by general body of owners), the property of the member will be attached, for its sale. for the settlement of dues, and for retum to the members of any balance remaining. NSO : mee Page 22 of 32 4) Violation of any part of the'byelaws resulting in expenditure to restore the Villa to original condition by Cooperative soticty; shall be recoverable form the Villa Owner who caused such 33. LIABILITY OF DIRECOTRS AND OFFICE BEARERS: i. The expenditure incured in excess of the budget provisions shall be made good by the office bearers or the directors responsible for such expenditure, unless ratified by the general body. fi. the directors shall be jointly and severally liable for the loss if any incurred by society due to wilful negligence or dishonesty on their part. 34. AUTHORISED SHARE CAPITAL: ‘The authorised capital of the society shall forthe present be RS. 1.00 Lakh (Rupees One Lakh only) made up of 1,000 shares of Rs 100/-cach, 35. MAXIMUM CAPITAL A MEMBER CAN HOLD: Every member shall hold minimum ten shares and not entitled to take shares to the extent of more than 1/10th of the authorised share capital of the society. The society shall issue a Share Cenificate signed by the Chairman and Secretary with the seal of the society t0 every member. . 35-A. ISSUE OF A DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE: Ifthe share certificate is lost or destroyed, a duplicate certificate may be issued afler giving such publicity of the ficts as may be considered necessary by the Board of Directors. In case of any objection raised it will go into by the Board of Directors whose decision in this regard will be final. If any certificate is worn out or damaged the Board may order the same to be CANCELLED AND ISSUE A DUPLICATE*CERTIFICATE IN LIEU thereof on surrender of such worn out or damaged certificate. A fee of Rs 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) shall be collected for every duplicate certificate issued under the byelaws. 46. INTEREST ON SHARE CAPITAL; ‘The rate of interest payable on the paid-up share capital shall not exceed the highest rate paid by the scheduled banks to their SB account depositors. 37. ACCOUNTS: 8. A Saving Bank Account shall be opened by the Board of Directors of the Society, into. which all moneys received on behalf of the Society shall be deposited. Petty cash ot exceeding Rs 10,000/ will be kept with the Secretary for day today expenditure As far as possible all payments to be made by cheques only, However, all payments above Rs.2000/- (Rupees twenty thousand only) shall be made by cheques on to. b. ‘The account of the Society will be opersted by the Chsimman, Secretary and the ‘Treasurer. The Chairman and any one of the evo others will operate he bank account as two signatories. : Tega. rae 8010 —#- eS eee eee See eEC EE BE vee ee & ey ¢. The Society shall, on ét.before April 30th of each year, publish an audited Annual Financial Statement contetaing. i, ‘The profit and loss account |. The receipts and expenditure of the previous financial year. fis, A summary of the properties and assets and liabilities of the common area and facilities of the Society, giving such particulars a5 will disclose the general nature of these liabilities, and assets and how the value of fixed assets thas been arrived at. 6. The audited financial statements shall be open for inspection by any member of the Society during the office hours and in the office of the Society, © Every financial statement shall be accompanied by a complete list of the Villa ‘Owners as on March 31st each year. The financial statement shall state up to what dates profits and expenses of common areas are included PUBLICATION OF ACCOUNTS AND REPORTS: The financial year the Society shall be from Ist of April to 31st of March. A copy of the last financis! statement and the report of the Auditor, if any, shall kept in a conspicuous place in the Office of the saciety. Display of accounts! balance sheets/income expenditure detats will bbe done by te treasurer for information board/s every quarter for information of all the residentvowners. A list of defaulters on any type of payment with the details will also be put up on the notice boards of the Society. 39. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS: . ‘The Society shall appoint its the Annual General body Meeting. The auditor shall ‘audit the accounts of the Society, to, be prepared by the Board of Directors as hereinbefore Provided, and shall examine the annual return and verify the same with the accounts relating thereto, and shall further sign thesame i$ found by binvher to be correct, duly verified and in accordance with Law, or specifically report to the society in case if he/she finds it incorrect, ‘un-vouehed, and not in accordance with the law. 40. POWERS OF AUDITORS: ‘The Auditor shalt be entitled to call for and examine any papers or documents belonging the society relating to the building including the common areas and facilities and limited common areas and shall make @ special report to the society upon any matter connected with the accounts which appear to hinvher to require notice, 41, INTERAL AUDOTRS: {Internal auditor auditors may be appointed by the Board of Directors if required to ensure that all receipts are properly accounted for and the expenditure is supported by proper authority and budget provision and to ensure that the socicty runs in accordance with the bye-laws and Provisions of the act. He may be an outsider or a member of the society other than a director TRUCE, raeatet3t m0, ig Peihetution-f germinated by the general body. Internal ora staf members He'may "by tionth toe Secretary who will place them before auditors shall submit these the'board for theie considers ‘42, SOURCE OF FUNDS: The source of funds entirely contributory from the members of the CELEBRITY VILLA. OWNERS and consists of the following: 8) Corpus Fund, which is a onetime collection fom purchasers by the builder. 1b) Interest income from the banked Corpus Funds. ©) Maintenance funds collected from the members. 4) Rental income eamed from the temporary letting out of the common areas like Function Hall ete 43. CONSTITUTION OF VARIOUS FUNDS AND THEIR PURPOSES: The society shall form its surpluses in any year and apportion as follows after allocation interest on share capital in accordance with the provisions of the society. i) 25% for general reserve fund ii) 10% for building fund iii) 10% for the education fund to be operated by the society. iv) 25% to community development fund -v) 30% for member's welfare fund, 44, UTILISATION OF FUNDS i = 2) The funds s0 raised the Society shall be utilized towards achieving the aims and objects set out hereinabove. * 1) The funds of the Society shall be spent only the accomplishment of the aims and objectives of the Society and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to any of the members through any means ©) The funds should not diverted/utlised for any other purpose liked donation, organizing private/social/cultural events 44) The interest fom corpus fund will only be utilised for repairs, maintenance, upkeep and development of the complex after prior approval in the moctings of The Board of Directors/General Body, as the case may be NG, : Page 25 of 32 45, INVESTMENT OF FUNDS INCLUDING CORPUS FUND: ‘The corpus funds of the Sociely shall consist of contribution of members, transfer fees, the ‘registration fees etc. and shall be fixed deposits:in any nationalized Bank and shall not be utilised for any other purpose, other than those approved in @ legally constituted General Body Meeting. The Socicty may invest or deposit its funds in any Nationalized Bank only. 46. FINANCIAL POWERS: 4. The Chairman and the Secretary have the full powers for all the recurring expenditure once the budget for the ensuing year has been projected and approved in the Annual General Body Meeting. For non-recurring expenditure the Chairman and Secretary may sanction expenditure up to Rs.50,000/- for one transaction fo meet urgent remedial measures. 5. The Board of Directors has powers to sanction up to Rs.2,00,000/ for any one transaction towards non-recurring expenditure, Beyond Rs.2,00,000/-, approval of a legally constituted Genera! Body Mecting/Special General Meeting will be required. ©. Payments shall be made only on supporting documents like Vouchers bills, et: 47. NOTICE TO SOCIETY & A villa owner, who mortgages his/her unit shall notify the Society in writing through the General Secretary of the Board of Directors the name and the address of the party 19 whom the unit has been mortgaged and the Secretary shall maintain all such information in a book eatitled "Mortgage of Unite” b. A Ville owner shail notify in writing to the Society of his/her intention before he/she conducts Sale, Lease or monigage Agreement in respects/her Villa and in such case he/she shall pay all the unpaid assessments of the Society including interest, if any, on such outstanding balance. The defeult ef all such outstanding amounts automatically devolves upon the buyer ‘or the new lessee. ‘c. Without an explicit written No Oifjection Certificate from the Society no such transaction, as referred in (e) and (b) above is to be taken up. The Society witl have the first lien over the rent payable or over the sale proceeds in the event of any defeult by eny member in paying the dues. The mortgager shall pay all dues to the Society before affecting the mortgage failing which the services of the Society shall not be made available to the mortgagee. 48, RULES REGARDING UTILISATION OF CLUB HOUSE, SWIMMING POOL GAZEBO AND GYM General: Gym, swimming pool being special facilities having high cost of maintenance can be utilised by the residents on advance payment fixed by the Bosrd of Directors duly approved in the General Body Meeting of the Society. b. General Rules and Guidelines: i. Only those persons residing within the Celebrity Villas is permitted to utilize these facilities, VO SLC.4, RE ii, Under no circumstances guésts and casual visitors not residing in the CELEBRITY VILLAS will be permitted £6 utilize these facilities i, Owners/Residents will give a writien declaration with names, age gender, and relationship with two photographs in respect of persons having in their respective Villa based on which pool and gym will be made for each member residing within the complex to enable hinvher to utilize the above-mentioned facilities, On any addition/reduction fresh declaratiow/intimation will be given by the respective residentresidents. The Hoard of Directors along with the documents Servant residing in the flats are not allowed to use these facilities. Detailed rules/guidelines ‘and charges if any for use of gym, club house and swimming poo! will be displayed on the notice boards. 49, RULES REGARDING USE OF COMMON AREA, CENTRAL PARK AND ROADS: a. Each Villa owner/resident may use the common area and facilities for the purpose for which they are intended without hindering or encroaching on the lawful rights of other owners as mentioned in chapter section 9.3 of Telangana Apartments (Promotion of Construct and Ownership) Act 1987 b. Cabs/autos will be stopped at the main gate and allowed entry ten (10) minutes before the departure on confirmation from the residents . Playing of games like ericket, football, basketball, baseball etc is not allowed in the central pati/lawn, on the road inside of the complex, anywhere tracking area or any other vacant place in the common area. This will aso prevent damage to the grass in park/lawn and injury to the people including small children and elderly moving around in the central park and on the road/common area besides causing damage fo the property. Cycling is also not allowed in central park. Only small children can play in the central park and specifically designated children play area. . . Central Lawn/Park will ‘be used only for furttions organized centrally by the society, Republic Day, Independence Day, and Children’s Day etc. ce. While driving any vehicle inside the complex, speed limit of 10 km per hour will be strictly adhered to in order to prevent injury to the people including small children and elderly walking and cycling in the area, This rule applies equally to bicycles, skates etc. The responsibility/accountability in case of children, minors and dependents will lie solely the parents/guardians, £, Parents are requested to guide their children to do eycling/ skating/running ete with moderate specd only on the left side of the road to avoid/prevent any accident. This responsibility/accountability lies solely with the parents 8. Loudspeakers are not allowed in the complex except during central functions organized by the Society. Loud music will not be played inside the villa, which cause disturbance to others including neighbours. VeeNest NOs. et Page 27 of 32, 1b. Carpenters / electricians/contractors ete-ivorking in a Villa.or in the common area will not be allowed to carry out drilling/ cutting work from 6 pm to 8 am which cause disturbance to the residents. . i. Plucking of Flowers and leaves from plants inside the complex is not permitted. 50. RULES REGARDING PETS: Peis are not allowed to be taken on the parks/lawns, gym swimming pool, club house and for walking inside the complex. Barking loudly, pooping on the road and any aggressive behaviour of the pets will be curtailed and controlled by pet owners. Accidental pooping on the road will be cleaned by the pet owner immediately. It is the responsibility of the residents/pet owners to ensure that pets are not a nuisance. 51. RULES REGARDING CASUAL VISITORS/ GUESTS: All visitors/ guests of residents will be stopped at the main gate and the details will be ascertained by the security at the main gate and same will be confirmed from residents through intercom/ mobile. They will then be guided to the visitors parking area for parking their vehicle, They will then proceed to the concerned resident's Villa. b. Visitors will not be allowed by the security to park their vehicles on the road inside the complex in other's parking space or at any other place in the common area. However, visitor can park his/her vehicle inthe parking space of the resident he/she is visiting, in ease it is vacant Unauthorised parking vehicle will be clamped and released only after payment of a fine as. ecided by the Board of Directors 52, SECURITY INCLUDING RULES REGARDING ENTRY OF SERVANTS, DRIVERS, MAIDS, WASHER MEN ETC: i. Security measures in the complewinstallation depends on threat perceptions, resources available and administrative requirements, A balance has to be worked out ‘depending upon the changing situations environment. fi, Detailed rules/ regulations on security will be placed on the notice boards from time to time. Servants, maids, driver, washer men etc. employed by the residents will be allowed entry inside the complex the complex only on production of valid security pass issued by Board of Directors. Passes issued by builder will be valid till the expiry. All residents are required to verify their antccedents/ character and get the security pass made for these people by filling up form lying with security at the gate. Proof of identity and two recent pass of port size photos will be submitted along with the filled forms. Workers, carpenters ete will not be allowed to stay in a vacant villa during the right. They will have to leave the complex after fixed working hours during day to be decided by the Board of Directors, iv, All vehicles without Celebrity Villas stickers will be stopped outside the gate and deals ascertained before allowing entry. All owners/tenants are requested to obtain these stickers from the security afer completing the necessary form VQADAL Page 28 of 32 ¥. All visitors will park theigévehicles in the visitors parking area only. If the visitors parking s full then they areequested to pak their vehicles ouside the premiss. Vi. Service providers, vendors, carpenters.-ete will be allowed entry only after ‘confirmation from the residents whose villa they are visiting. vii. Any other person/vendor will be allowed entry only after permission of the Board of Directors viii, Record of all servants, drivers, maids, washer men ete. will be maintained by the security ix. Cabs will be stopped at the gate and allowed entry only after confirmation from there concerned resident. X. All residents are requested to cooperate and not indulge in any argument with the security staff, They are only implementing orders of the Board of Directors. Issues! complaints, if any, is to be brought to Security Committee. 53, MEANS OF COMMUNICATION BETWEEN RESIDENTS/ OWNERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS/MAINTENANCE AND SECURITY STAFF: i, Means of communication with the residents will primarily be through the notice board placed, WhatsApp group messaces/other sources. All the residents are requested to read the notice boards regularly, since all may not be on WhatsApp. ji, Security will communicate through intercom and door to door visit only in case of emergencies when sufficient time is not availabe, iii, Means of communication to the owners will be through mobile number and email/WhatsApp 54. RESOLVING OF COMPLAINTS RELATED TO MAINTENANCE AND SECURITY AND SUGGESTIONS FROM MEMBERS/RESIDENTS. i, Routine complaints related to maintenancé and security will be entered in the register/ form lying with the Estate Manager and security at the main gate after for working hours. Only in case of emergency complaints will be made on mobile or intercom with the in gate after working hours. ii, Residents will be kept informed on the progress. On resolving/completion, residents will be required to sign on the register/form by visiting the office of security, so that a record Is maintained. fii, im case of emergency residents should call the Security Staffimaintenance/Supervisor/Estate Manager on their mobile/intercom. Mobile numbers of these persons will be displayed on all the notice board for routine complaints, procedure as explained above will be adhered. iv. Complaints) suggested can also be given via mail which may be obtained from the office of the Society. V. Owners and residents should not get into any argument/ altercation with the security and maintenance staff! supervisor on any issue, since they are only following the orders of the Board of Directors. For any clarification or compliant related to them, they are requested to contact the Estate Manager/Secretary/Chairman, vi, Owners and residents will not issue any instructions/directions to the security and maintenance staff including the supervisor and estate manager. For any issue pertaining to them they should discuss the matter with Seeretary/Chaitman. Suitable Wega, ee * w instructions may be issued to the maintenance and security staftsupervisors regarding this . vii. A suggestion register may also be kept available with the Estate Manager, where residents/Owners can write their suggestions. 58. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES: 1. If any dispute arises vouching the constitution, management or business of the society and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto, ‘8) among members, past members or persons claiming through members, past ‘members and deceased members; or ) between a member past member or a person claiming through a member, past member or deceased member and the Cooperative Society and its board, director, office bearer, or Liquidator, past or present or, c) between the cooperative Society or its board and any past board, director, office bearer or the nominee, heirs, or legal representatives of any deceased director, deceased officer of the cooperative society, or d) between the cooperative society and any other cooperative society oF, ©) between the promoters of the cooperative society and the Registrar, or the ‘cooperative society and Registrar, or f) between & Cooperative society and liquidator of another cooperative societies/society or between tie liquidators of two or more Cooperative Societies. ‘Such disputes inay be referred to the Cooperative Tribunal for decision, Provided that no dispute shall be referred under this section to the cooperative tribunal unless the disputing parties exhausted ali the remedies available in the byelaws for the settlement of disputes. 2. Any dispute relating to elections held to the cooperative society may be refered to the cooperative tribunal for decision. 56, DISSOLUTION BY MEMBERS: 1. A cooperative society may by special resolution authorize its own dissolution, provided that a notice of the general meeting shall also sent with an invitation to attend to the Registrar, to any declaration of which the cooperative society is affiliated, to directors and to any ‘organization with which a partnership contract has been entered into. 2. Invitees under the proviso of provision (I) of this byelaw shall have the cooperative society shall have the right to make @ representation to the general body if they wish to, giving reasons why dissolution is not called for. 3. Within fifteen 15 days of such authorization for dissolution, the cooperative society shall send to the Registrar a copy of the authorization to dissolve the cooperative society, by registered post. 4. The authorization approved in pursuance of provision (1) of this byelaws requested to set ‘out the niet. ~ (agnQas . page 300132 ‘The assets and liabilities of the cooperative society, the chain of creditors and collaborators and promoters and shareholders ‘The interest and extent of the:member’s interest in the cooperative society, and ‘The name of the Liquidator, if-appoisted by the General Body or « request to the Registrar to appoint a Liquidator or a request to issue a certificate of dissolution Where there are no other liabilities. pose ‘5. Where the Registrar reveives the special resolution passed in pursuance of provision (1) of this byclaw, he/she shall cause at the expenses of the cooperative society a notice of the special resolution to be published once a week for two weeks in # newspaper published or distributed in the district where the cooperative society is located 6 The Registrar may require from the cooperative society, the liquidator appointed by the cooperative society or any other person who is required to furnish information, a periodical return shown; a. The progress of liquidation 1b. ‘The distribution of any undistributed surplus or reserves: ¢. Any other relevant information that he may require, 57. DOUBTS: In case of doubts rules/details mentioned in Telangana Apartments (Promotion of Construction and Ownership) Act, 1987 as amended from time 0 time and Telangena ‘Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies Act, 199Swill prevail and will be followed by all the residents, tenants and owners. 58, REMOVAL OF DOUBTS: IF there is a conflict between the byelaws and the provisions of the Act, The Act shall prevail ‘over the byelaws and further where a provision in the byclaws is absent to that extent, the ‘Telangana Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies Act,1995 shall apply. 59, MISCELLANEOUS i, We all the rales and regulations cannot be ‘mentioned in the byclaws, residents are requested to act as per their conscience applying common sense and logic to their actions and conduct. Guiding principle here isto respect each other's freedom and concern. ii These byelaws are binding on all the owners and tenants as per Section 31 Chapter 1 of Telangana Apartments (Promotion of Construction and Ownership) Act, 1987, iii, The Society earlier registered under Telangana Societies Act, 2001 will be deregistered and being registered under the Telangana Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies Act, 1998. 60. TRANSITORY BYE-LAW: ‘The adhoc committee shall @.En-roll all eligible persons as members of the society. b. Shall take steps for conduct of elections within (60) days from the date of registration of the society WeERLWch. ee hdd dd dd ddd acacia eesererer’ cc. Obtain approval of the preliimary expenses incurred for registration of the society from the General Body. We. tf eny dispute arises touching the constitution, managemeyt OF ‘business of the society and certain matters connected therewith ‘of! incidental, they shall be referred to the Cooperative Tribunal concemed where the soriety’s fanetional office’ head office is located ‘he folowing promoters have attended, approved and adopted the above byelaws in the promoters mecting held on 29° October 2022 SuNo, | Name of the Promoter Signature 1 M Rajashekharaiah a Wea eet % VAshok ~~ N doe 3 CB Sandhya Reddy eo CG. B Seer Fob 4 G Sree Devi ~~ = S, . . s G Devender Reddy ~~ feds : Harish Chandra Pandey 9“ DPF, \6 7 CH Krishna Reddy 8 P Harsha Vardhan G o Khana 1K Radio 10 | A Venugopal Reddy heen if wicca pay Ge YA beeen hyn gerative Office Dist . Page 32 of 32 REGISTERED No.3601915- Dated: 14/03/2023. Registered the byelaws of the Celebrity Villa Owners Mutually Aided Cooperative Maintenance Society Ltd., at C-37, Celebrity Villas, Shamirpet Village, Shamirpet Mandal, Medchal-Malkajgiri District with Registration No. TS/MLKG/MACS/2023-10/FOW&M page No’s (1-32) with the area of speration confined to the limits of entire Celebrity Villa, Shamirpet. Registrar of Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies, Medchal - Malkajgiri District. rn PREPARA Pp PP Pp PRP PPP PP a

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