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IELTS Speaking Topic: Study

A. Study

- I study at (school/university) and major in…

Tôi học tại trường … và ngành học của tôi là …

Tôi chọn ngành học của tôi bởi vì…

- I really enjoy my study program because…

Tôi rất thích chương trình học của tôi vì…

- The best thing about my study program is ….

Thứ tuyệt nhất về chương trình học của tôi là…

- I will be qualified for/in… when I finish my study program

hit the books bắt đầu học tập chăm chỉ

an “A” for effort được điểm tốt, được thưởng vì nỗ lực học

Bookworm người mê đọc sách

eager beaver một người nhiệt tình và chăm chỉ

face-to-face classes cách học truyền thống – trong lớp học với
giáo viên.

intensive course khóa học chuyên sâu

not the sharpest tool in the shed một người không được thông minh lắm

subject specialist một người rất tài năng trong một lĩnh vực cụ
Sciences môn tự nhiên

Humanities môn xã hội


- What do you study?

- Do you work or study?

Study - Chủ đề Primary School

1. Sample questions
- How old were you when you started school?

- How did you get to school?

- Did you like your primary school?

- What did you do in your leisure time in your primary school?

2. Useful structures
- My school was within walking distance from my house

- I started formal education at the age of 6

- My mother/father drove me to school

- My friends and I often played together on the playground during recess

- I had a lot of great memories with my childhood friends

3. Sample answers
- How did you get to your primary school?

My father usually drove me to school in the morning on his way to work. However,
since my school was within walking distance from my house, I would just walk to
school when my parents were busy.

Format: Answer (câu trả lời chính), Alternative (câu trả lời thêm/hướng trả lời khác),
Reason (lý do)

- What did you do in your leisure time in your primary school?

My friends and I often played together on the playground during recess. We also
enjoyed grabbing snacks from the school’s cafeteria because we often got hungry
after playing.

Format: Answer (câu trả lời chính), Alternative (câu trả lời thêm/hướng trả lời khác),
Reason (lý do)

Chủ đề Subject trong Study

1. Sample questions
- Do you like Mathematics?

- Do you think Mathematics is important?

- Do you often use a calculator?

- When did you start to learn Mathematics?

- Are you good at Mathematics?

2. Structures
- It’s my absolute favorite subject because…

- I’m not exactly fond of Mathematics because …

- My teacher was very inspiring

- I wasn’t particularly good at Math

- Math was a challenging subject for me

- I was quite mathematically gifted

3. Sample answers
- Do you like Mathematics?

When I was in school, I wasn’t particularly good at Math but I did enjoy the subject
because my teacher was very inspiring. She made me realize the importance of
Math and always captured my attention in her lessons.

Format: Answer (câu trả lời chính) Reason (Lý do) Further explanation (giải thích
sâu hơn)

- Do you think Math is important?

Yes, I do think that Math has a lot of important applications in our lives. For example,
we need to understand calculations and basic statistics in order to manage personal

Format: Answer (câu trả lời) Explanation (giải thích)

- Why did you choose to study that subject?

Well, I've had aspirations of becoming the head of my own company since I was a
little child. I think I'll be prepared to start building a coffee shop in the city once I've
finished my degree because of this, and I want to fulfil my ambition very soon.

2. Chọn lọc từ vựng chủ đề Study

Từ vựng Phiên âm Ý nghĩa

Self-reliance /ˌself.rɪˈlaɪ.əns/ Tự dựa vào sức mình

Rote learning /rəʊt/ /ˈlɜː.nɪŋ/ Học vẹt

Extracurricular activities /ˌek.strə.kəˈrɪk.jə.lər/ Hoạt động ngoại khóa


Credit mania (n) /ˈkred.ɪt/ /ˈmeɪ.ni.ə/ Bệnh thành tích

Gain in-depth Có được kiến thức sâu sắc


Socialization of Xã hội hóa giáo dục


Literate and well- Thành phần cử tri có học

informed electorate và có trình độ văn hóa cao

3. Gợi ý các cấu trúc ăn điểm chủ đề Study

Cấu trúc chủ đề Study theo chiều hướng tích cực
Have a passion for: có đam mê với điều gì
To pull one’s socks up: nhớ về việc gì đã xảy ra ở quá khứ
I really enjoy my study program because…: Tôi rất thích chương trình học bởi
Grow fond of…: dần dần thích…
Chase to try to obtain or achieve something: theo đuổi để đạt được điều gì đó
Chance to improve your speaking skills: mang lại cơ hội cải thiện kỹ năng của
gives you the opportunity to experience a different way of living: mang đến cơ hội
trải nghiệm một cách sống khác
It helps me to develop my imagination and creativity: Nó giúp tôi phát triển trí
tưởng tượng và sáng tạo của mình.
Cấu trúc chủ đề Study theo chiều hướng tiêu cực
There is little chance for: Hầu như không có cơ hội cho…
Burn the midnight oil = Work very late into the night: Thức đêm học bài
lose touch with: mất liên lạc kết nối với ai đó
to miss out something: không làm hoặc bỏ lỡ điều gì
Not stand a chance of doing something: không có khả năng đạt được cái gì đó
There is little chance for: Hầu như không có cơ hội cho…
To go blank: trở nên trống rỗng do gặp phải sự kiện bất ngờ hoặc vào tình thế
khó xử
I had to reserve study results for … year due to personal reasons: Tôi phải bảo
lưu … năm vì lý do cá nhân.
1. What subjects are you studying?
2. Why did you choose to study that subject? Do you like your subject? Is it very
4. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?
5. How much time do you spend on your studies each week?
6. What technology do you use when you study?
8. What changes would you like to see in your school?
Part 2
Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school.

You should say:

what subject it was

what class you were then

how interesting it was

and explain why you enjoyed studying this subject at school.

Part 3 Sample
1. Why should children be kind to their classmates?
In my opinion, children should show their kindness to their classmates since it fosters
a positive and inclusive learning environment. Acts of kindness promote empathy,
friendship, and emotional well-being among peers. For example, when children are
kind, they build trust, reduce bullying, and create a supportive atmosphere where
everyone feels valued and safe. As long as they are kind to everyone in their
schools, they are likely to widen their circle of friends and hence promote a
supportive learning environment.

2. Can children choose their deskmate?

While children often have the opportunity to express their preferences for a
deskmate, the final decision typically rests with the teacher. For instance, in many
elementary schools in Hanoi, kids are given a chance to provide input on their
preferred deskmate at the beginning of the school year. However, the teacher
considers various factors such as compatibility, learning styles, and social dynamics
to ensure a harmonious classroom atmosphere. In the end, the teacher's decision is
aimed at balancing students' preferences with what would work best for the overall
learning environment.

Câu hỏi: How has teaching changed in your country in the last few decades?

Trả lời: It is clear that the teaching methods in Vietnam have changed significantly.

In the past, teachers used to be the main source of knowledge, the leader and

educator of their students. Nowadays, although they are still considered to be a kind

of leader in the classroom, they are more of facilitators in learning. Another

difference is represented by the technical support they need to be able to use

effectively, such as computers, projectors, adaptive software, etc. Instead of

teaching with chalk, they become IT managers of the classroom.

Câu hỏi: What is the difference between the way children learn and the way

adults learn?

Trả lời: I think that flexibility makes the difference in the learning ways of children

and grown-ups. Mature people tend to be fixed in their ways of thinking and living.

Therefore, they need a longer time to imbibe new knowledge and concepts

compared to children. On the other hand, kids are more adaptable and able to

change easily to take in information. In addition, children use all five senses to adapt

to new things and they learn all the time in their daily life. By contrast, adults learn
mostly through their sight and hearing, and they separate study from living. It means

that they think knowledge is mainly from classes, not from their everyday life.

2. Chọn lọc từ vựng chủ đề Study

Từ vựng Phiên âm Ý nghĩa

Distance education /ˈdɪs.təns ˌedʒ.u Đào tạo từ xa


Plagiarism /ˈpleɪ.dʒər.ɪ.zəm/ Đạo văn

Completion certificate /kəmˈpliːt/ /səˈtɪf.ɪ.kət/ Bằng, chứng chỉ

Self-reliance /ˌself.rɪˈlaɪ.əns/ Tự dựa vào sức mình

Rote learning /rəʊt/ /ˈlɜː.nɪŋ/ Học vẹt

Professional /prəˈfeʃ.ən.əl/ /dɪ Phát triển chuyên môn

development ˈvel.əp.mənt/

Extracurricular activities /ˌek.strə.kəˈrɪk.jə.lər/ Hoạt động ngoại khóa


Credit mania (n) /ˈkred.ɪt/ /ˈmeɪ.ni.ə/ Bệnh thành tích

Gain in-depth Có được kiến thức sâu sắc


Socialization of Xã hội hóa giáo dục


Literate and well- Thành phần cử tri có học

informed electorate và có trình độ văn hóa cao

3. Gợi ý các cấu trúc ăn điểm chủ đề Study

Cấu trúc chủ đề Study theo chiều hướng tích cực
Have a passion for: có đam mê với điều gì
To pull one’s socks up: nhớ về việc gì đã xảy ra ở quá khứ
I really enjoy my study program because…: Tôi rất thích chương trình học bởi
Grow fond of…: dần dần thích…
Chase to try to obtain or achieve something: theo đuổi để đạt được điều gì đó
Chance to improve your speaking skills: mang lại cơ hội cải thiện kỹ năng của
gives you the opportunity to experience a different way of living: mang đến cơ hội
trải nghiệm một cách sống khác
It helps me to develop my imagination and creativity: Nó giúp tôi phát triển trí
tưởng tượng và sáng tạo của mình.
Cấu trúc chủ đề Study theo chiều hướng tiêu cực
There is little chance for: Hầu như không có cơ hội cho…
Burn the midnight oil = Work very late into the night: Thức đêm học bài
lose touch with: mất liên lạc kết nối với ai đó
to miss out something: không làm hoặc bỏ lỡ điều gì
Not stand a chance of doing something: không có khả năng đạt được cái gì đó
There is little chance for: Hầu như không có cơ hội cho…
To go blank: trở nên trống rỗng do gặp phải sự kiện bất ngờ hoặc vào tình thế
khó xử
I had to reserve study results for … year due to personal reasons: Tôi phải bảo
lưu … năm vì lý do cá nhân.
1. What subjects are you studying?
2. Why did you choose to study that subject? Do you like your subject? Is it very
4. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?
5. How much time do you spend on your studies each week?
6. What technology do you use when you study?
8. What changes would you like to see in your school?

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