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Pleiadian Gift Economy - an Equal-Value System of


The equal-value system transcends the dichotomy of wealth and poverty as well as alternative money
systems. It is a system for truly advanced civilizations in which everyone is valued and able to freely do
what they love to do without contorting or selling themselves in order to “make money”.

The following excerpt from Millennium — Tools For the Coming Changes (ISBN: 0-9631320-3-2) by
Lyssa Royal, pp. 113-115, provides the seed idea of the equal-value economic system (EVES). It is cited
with permission from the authors.

Most people have not yet learned how to step into this state and let it serve them. Let us say
that you could have everything you wanted whenever you wanted it. How then is wealth
defined? There can be no wealth because it is only measured against a state of lack. Wealth is
a measure of what you have compared to what others have — lack.

Some extraterrestrial societies (such as on several Pleiadian planets) have a system called the
equal value system, which is a reflection of their beliefs about abundance and the free state of
their society.

The equal-value system might sound simplistic, but it actually requires tremendous spiritual
and emotional evolution to master. As an analogy, if you need food in that society, you simply
walk into the supermarket, get the food and leave without paying. When someone comes to you
for your service, you provide it without charge. This system reflects a balance of wealth that has
no arbitrary, constantly shifting values. The foundation of thier wealth is a deep sense of value
for each member of society. Everyone is eager to keep their world evolving by constantly
following their creative excitement. [Bold face added — editor]

This type of planetary economy is a holistic unit. In criticizing this type of society, one might ask
obvious questions such as, “Who takes out the garbage or performs the unpleasant tasks?”¹ In
a society where creative freedom is encouraged and not suppressed, there are many inventors
who create technology to deal with every challenge, garbage included. Free-energy devices
have been created to handle all of the planet’s energy demands.

Without a government or a corporation hoarding profits and controlling new discoveries, the
best interests of the society as a whole or as individuals are never overlooked. The spirit of the
society is expressed through constant achievement and creative freedom rather than constant
profits. This is a symptom of a healthy holistic organism. Where there is a need there is
someone to fill the need. This might sound alien to you, but look at the many enthusiastic
inventors in your world who want to promote alternative fuel sources but who are stopped by
big business.

Any planet can eventually develop this type of society. However, it cannot happen now on Earth
while you are in the present level of fear. If one day all the world leaders said, “Okay, now on
we have the Pleiadian equal-value system,” there would be chaos! There would be tremendous
hoarding, because you would not believe you deserve it. You would feel as if you had to grab as
much as you could before someone changed their mind. Your planet is simply not emotionally
ready for this type of system. There is too much invested in lack and victimhood. There is too
much invested in the polarized belief of the have and have-not mentality.

Page 1 of 2There must be a deep internal transformation before you can embrace the Pleiadian
Jul 07, 2016 12:08:41AM MDT
There must be a deep internal transformation before you can embrace the Pleiadian
equal-value system or your own version of the equal distribution of wealth. Communism was an
immature attempt at an equal-value system. So is capitalism. A true equal-value system that
supports society will not have any oppressive control, rigidity or constraints attached to it.
Because society is tiring of the old game of lack and wealth and you are moving toward ideas
that reflect self-responsibility, a precursor to an equal-value system will appear when the time is

Freedom begins at the individual level. However, you must remember that freedom and equality
are inherent properties of your spirit. Once recognized, you must then begin exercising your
freedom, otherwise you will continue the cycle of dependence and corruption in a downward

If you become more self-responsible and affiliate yourself with others who are making the same
choice, you will always have what you need when you need it. Always. It is a very different way
to live. These words do not convey the true depth of the meaning of freedom of the spirit,
because words always fall short in such matters. Be aware that bondage is a state of mind and
a state of heart.

Choose freedom, live that freedom, and watch your lives and your planet transform before your

Editor’s comment: The issue of “who takes out the garbage” need not be dependent on having technology
take care of it. The cultivation of a spirit of service or “karma yoga” goes a long way to handling unpleasant
tasks and is inevitably necessary — in any society. To discover more about the authors of this book, go to

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