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The Awakening of Humanity

“How can we get a resource based moneyless economy without a global totalitarian dictatorial regime?
Wouldn’t we have to kill off populations to preserve resources for others?” Someone asked this recently.

It’s a very good question, and one I’ve been asking myself several times. The only answer I can come up
with to this is this:

1. The global population in general has to have a ‘spiritual awakening’ where we see all people as
One, as we see our close family and friends, wanting to share equally with them.
2. In addition, the ‘no money’ paradigm has to be seen as more beneficial for everyone than the
money paradigm we’re in now. People have to share more and more without money, and this praxis
has to ‘take over’ from the trading praxis we have today with money.

I can see many evidences for both of these directions today. There is a huge global rising awareness about
‘who we are’, about consciousness, about how our thoughts influence the world, etc., both within and
outside science, and there are more and more people doing things ‘for free’ all over the planet. I am
thinking about everything from volunteers in, which you find millions of, in all kinds of projects and
organizations, free software (like Linux, WordPress, etc. etc.), free information (Wikipedia, + + + + + + ),
and free efforts in all kinds of places.

Throughout history, there has been several ‘paradigm shifts’, like when the earth turned from flat to round,
or when the earth was not longer the center point of the universe, but actually circled around the sun.

We’ve been living in a ‘money paradigm’ for millennia, and I think we are on the tipping point today. On one
hand, money has a bigger stronghold on the planet than ever before, with millions of people in need of
money, not knowing about anything else. On the other hand, there’s a strong rising of people wanting to
simply share and stop this whole ‘money charade’ and create a moneyless society.

In any case, most people on the earth are fed up today with the situation we are in, and something has to
happen. Which way we will fall depends on the totality of the people on this planet. But the more people
wake up and become aware of the ‘no money’ possibility, the bigger is the chance that we will get there.

So, I can not see any ‘totalitarian world regime’ controlled by machines. Far from it. What I see, IF we get a
no-money-paradigm, is something completely different.


How will people act? And what will the world look like?

Of course, most greed has to be gone, most ego has to be gone. We have to realize that what we do for
others we actually do for ourselves. And this can be illustrated well when one person makes an invention
that will benefit both her AND society. When someone comes up with an idea to a betterment of something,
one usually does that because it is something that one wants oneself. So, to realize this invention through
the joint effort of others will of course a very exiting thing. It has got nothing to do with money. The same
goes for art, or food, or basically everything you can imagine. Creating and sharing something and taking
part in this is what it is all about. Not hoarding, competing and trading. This is a game we have played for
so long. Now it is time to change.

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People think that ‘we need money’. They live in this mindset and that is why everything is the way it is on
this planet right now. The so-called ‘scarcity’ is money based. There is no real scarcity, and there definitely
is no need to ‘kill off’ parts of our population to ‘save resources’. All of these thoughts are based in the old
money mindset. There’s more than enough land, water, food and resources on this planet for everyone and
then some. I have to say it again; ALL scarcity is money based. All scarcity is PERCEIVED. The system
NEEDS us to feel this scarcity for the system to stay alive. If we were to wake up and realize that there’s
abundance all around us, and that with our own minds, we can create more of this abundance, the system
would simple cease to exist. And of course, the system doesn’t want that.

‘Famine’ is economically based, not environmentally. Today, we have the ability to change, design and
help nature give us it’s best, and at the same time create sustainability. We can produce food for everyone,
there’s no doubt about that. 50% of all food is thrown away today. And this is because of our economic
system, the monetary based market system. It is because food needs to be sold to those who have money.
If is was simply given away instead, based on who needed it, one could streamline the distribution 100%
without waste. This is but one example of the wasteful system we have today.

The capitalistic system produces more waste than any other system on this planet. Which means that
without this system, but RBE instead, the resources we HAVE will go a whole lot longer. That’s the point of
RBE. It is resource based, not money based. There IS enough resources for everyone WHEN they are
managed properly.

Instead of hundreds of TV and computer producers competing with each other, releasing hundreds of new
models each year, each model doing almost exactly the same, and depleting resourced needed to produce
these models, a resource based economy would never let that happen. In RBE, we would rather produce
ONE model, the best. Or maybe 5 models, of say different sizes, to cater for some different needs. But we
don’t need one model WITH USB, and one model without. ALL models would have USB, if you see what I
mean. There are minuscule differences on different models of products today, only to give the
manufacturers more to sell, and the consumers (it’s a shame we are called ‘consumers’) a so-called
‘choice’. In RBE, we would focus on producing the best, most efficient solutions for everything. We would
focus on not producing any waste, and make lasting products for all people of the planet to enjoy for a
much much longer time than today.

So, what will society be like when people wake up from this mindset? If people woke up, say, tomorrow,
what would happen…?

Well, that is many things. With a ‘no money’, ‘no property’, mindset based on sharing, accessibility,
compassion and real resources instead of trading, competition, ownership and fake money, we would:

1. Close down all banks and other so-called ‘financial institutions’.

2. Get rid of the so-called ‘government’ and develop a direct computer aided democracy instead, to
take care of real needs, rather than fake ‘money needs’.
3. Start to survey what we actually have in terms of resources on this planet. Both human,
animalistic, plants and minerals. Both locally and globally.
4. Start to make sure everyone has what they need in terms of food, housing, clothing, medicine, etc.
5. Start to develop new more efficient and automated distribution systems.
6. Start to develop and use new sustainable energy and materials.
7. Start to respect each other more and more.
8. See this planet as ONE HOME for everyone, and think in terms of all people on this planet, rather
than ‘this country’ and ‘that country’.
9. Get rid of all artificial borderlines.
10. Get rid of all military.
Page 2 of 411. Start to organize ourselves based on need, want, skills and abilities, rather that ‘heritage,
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10. Get rid of all military.
11. Start to organize ourselves based on need, want, skills and abilities, rather that ‘heritage, race,
money and greed’.
12. Educate everyone about real and important aspects of life.
13. Not get too many children, knowing that we have to stay within the caring capacity of the planet.
14. Not need to punish each other, but rather help each other reach our full potential and get well of
any disease.
15. Work together to develop the best technology for the planet and everyone.
16. Still have ‘jobs’, some more desirable than others, which of course depends on your interests,
but be able to change ‘job’ more often, and do tasks that are really fulfilling, because you will know
that what you do is actually needed here on the planet.
17. Utilize this planet and this world to work for everyone in every way, everywhere.

When we truly get out of our money mindset, this is all feasible. Not only feasible, but desirable and the
best we can all experience. ‘When we all share, we all get more’. Instead of being limited to ‘one car each’,
we could have automated cars (Google have developed that already) that we can simply order when we
need it. Much fewer cars would be needed, and we would all have access to a whole lot more cars!

Access, rather than ownership would be the new value, when people really open their eyes. Instead of
‘owning land’, we could use land where and when we need it. We could travel anywhere we want. We
could move to anywhere we want and live anywhere we want. We could basically DO anything we want, as
long as we all live in this NEW MINDSET. As long as MOST PEOPLE live in this ego-, money- and
propertyless mindset, this mindset of giving, sharing and collaboration, this world will change automagically
based on this mindset.

This whole blog is about ‘what it will be like’ and ‘how society will work’. This blog is about visualizing this
new society, keeping a steady focus on this until we get there, and then keep focussing and creating. Not
focussing on what we don’t want. We have to constantly imagine, visualize and focus on what we want in
order to get there.

These new times is not about ‘grabbing positions’, ‘running in the rat race’ or ‘competing for resources’.
No, these new times is about realizing that every little thing I do, I do not only for myself, but for everyone.
For everyone to benefit. Even if it is me making myself a better person in any way, this will also benefit
others and the whole. When everyone benefits from what I do, I will benefit too. In a much much higher
degree than ever before, because it will all be free. For everyone. Even the richest of today will be freer,
since they too will benefit from this new society. A society where true collaboration and sharing is possible
and where everyone can travel freely everywhere and contribute anywhere it is needed.

It is about doing things for the joy of doing them. Just like I do now. I write this because I enjoy using my
mind to visualize this new world. Not for money. Not for any egotistical reasons. Not even to be credited, as
I even do this anonymously. I write this because I believe this world will be a better world to live in. Both for
me, and for everyone else. And everything written here I share freely for anyone to copy.

So, in answer to the question I would say that this new world will not work through any dictatorship of any
kind. No, it will be created through the awakening of Humanity, and work through self governance, with
people deciding over their own lives wherever they might live, or want to live. And it has to be based on the
notion that ‘it is better to share and collaborate than to trade and compete’. This notion has to be the NEW
BASIC VALUE, like money and trading is the basic value today.

It has to be like this: Instead of the majority of people thinking ‘what’s in it for me’, the majority has to start
thinking ‘what’s in it for all of us, both locally and globally’. This mindset has to WIN, somehow.

Page 3 of 4people think this way already today, working ‘for free’ on projects, but they haven’t realized
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Many people think this way already today, working ‘for free’ on projects, but they haven’t realized that it
might be possible to build a world totally with this mindset. Even those people; volunteers, developers of
free software, artists, doctors that work for free, etc. etc. think that ‘yes, I suppose we need money to build
roads, hospitals and schools and to pay for resources, teachers, doctors and nurses’ and so on. Actually,
most people don’t even think this. Most people think of money and ownership as AIR: It is something that’s
always been here, that always will be here, and that we can’t live without. Most people doesn’t really think
about the possibility that we can live without money. It doesn’t occur to them. It didn’t occur to me either,
until I heard about TVP and TZM a couple of years ago.

Now I see these ideas are spreading like an unstoppable wildfire. Projects are popping up everywhere.
New thoughts are emerging. More resources are shared. More people are collaborating.

As you can see, the new ‘no money’ mindset will change this world so drastically in itself, that it is difficult
to imagine exactly what it will look like in praxis. But if you imagine a world where the emphasis lies on
global cooperation, rather than competition, global sharing, rather than hoarding, free travel, rather than
restricted, a focus on fast development of new efficient technology, rather than sticking with old outdated
models, global and local direct democracy, rather than fake politics, and compassion rather than cynicism,
well, then you’ve come a long way in picturing this world.

And if you’ve read this far, you’ll probably be interested in seeing this:

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