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Class 7
Chapter 1. Measurement
Worksheet 1.......................................................................... 3
Worksheet 2.......................................................................... 4

Chapter 2. Motion
Worksheet 1.......................................................................... 5
Worksheet 2.......................................................................... 6

Chapter 3. Energy
Worksheet 1.......................................................................... 7
Worksheet 2.......................................................................... 8

Chapter 4. Light Energy

Worksheet 1.......................................................................... 9
Worksheet 2........................................................................ 10

Chapter 5. Heat
Worksheet 1........................................................................ 11
Worksheet 2........................................................................ 12

Chapter 6. Sound
Worksheet 1........................................................................ 14
Worksheet 2........................................................................ 15

Chapter 7. Electricity and Magnetism

Worksheet 1........................................................................ 16
Worksheet 2........................................................................ 18

Chapter 1: Measurement
Worksheet 1

1. Write T for true and F for false statement.

(i) The mass of an object contained per unit volume is called density.
(ii) The SI unit of area is square metre.
(iii) The volume of the immersed solid is less than the volume of water displaced
by it.
(iv) A needle made of iron floats on water but it sinks in mercury.
(v) The SI unit of speed is metre/second.

2. Fill in the blanks.

(i) The density of a wooden piece is than that of water.
(ii) The distance covered by an object in unit time is called .
(iii) The surface enclosed by an object or a plane figure is .
(iv) A device used to determine volume of liquids is .
(v) The SI unit of volume is .

3. Answer the following questions.

(i) What is the SI unit of density?
(ii) Define capacity.
(iii) Which balance is used to determine the mass of the given object?
(iv) Establish the relation between hectare and square metre.
(v) What is the area of a circle?

4. Solve the following numerical problems.

(i) A tank of 16 m and breadth 10 m is filled with water. If the depth of water
in the tank is 1.2 m, find the volume of water contained in the tank.
(ii) If density of copper is 8.9 g/cm3, find its value in kg/m3.

ICSE Physics 7 3
Chapter 1: Measurement
Worksheet 2

1. Fill in the blanks.

(i) Length, mass, time, etc., are quantities.
(ii) The area of a square is .
(iii) The space occupied by an object is called its .
(iv) Equal volumes of two different substances have different .
(v) The density of gold is than the density of mercury.

2. Match the columns.

Column A Column B
(i) Volume of a cube (a) 1000 kg/m3
(ii) Volume of a cuboid (b) 1000000 m2
(iii) 1 g/cm3 is equal to (c) 1000 mm3
(iv) 1 sq km is equal to (d) l × b × h
(v) 1 cu cm is equal to (e) a3

3. Answer the following questions.

(i) Define physical quantities.
(ii) In which units, the volumes of liquids are measured?
(iii) Name one irregular solid which is heavier than water and one irregular
solid which is lighter than water.
(iv) Can area of an irregular surface be estimated by using graph paper?
(v) What is the CGS unit of speed?

4. Solve the following numerical problems.

(i) Calculate the mass of a metal sphere of radius 5.0 cm if its density is 5 g/cm3?
(ii) Find the volume of a piece of wood having mass 80 kg. The density of wood is
800 kg/m3.
4 ICSE Physics 7
Chapter 2: Motion
Worksheet 1

1. Fill in the blanks.

(i) An object is said to be in a state of if its position changes with
time with respect to its surroundings.
(ii) The flowing water in a river is also in a state of .
(iii) Motion of the earth around the sun is a kind of motion.
(iv) The combination of rotatory and translatory motions is called
(v) The actual length of a path covered by a moving object is called the
travelled by it.

2. Write the type of motion in following cases.

(i) A boy running on a straight road
(ii) Vibrating string of a guitar
(iii) Movement of a swing
(iv) A merry-go-round
(v) Motion of a stone tied to a string

3. Define the following.

(i) Weight (ii) Distance
(iii) Speed (iv) Translatory motion
(v) Periodic motion

4. Answer the following questions.

(i) Define rest.
(ii) Name the motion which does not repeat itself at regular intervals of time.
(iii) What is the ratio of total distance travelled and total time taken for motion?
(iv) Is mass a scalar quantity?
(v) How is weight measured?

ICSE Physics 7 5
Chapter 2: Motion
Worksheet 2

1. True or False statements.

(i) If the motion of an object is along a straight path, it is said to be in rectilinear
(ii) A roulette wheel is an example of rotatory motion.
(iii) The SI unit of speed is km/h.
1 th of its weight on the
(iv) Weight of an object on the moon’s surface is only —
earth’s surface.
(v) Weight is a scalar quantity.

2. Match the columns.

Column A Column B
(i) Rectilinear motion (a) Motion of the moon around the earth
(ii) Curvilinear motion (b) Motion of string of Veena
(iii) Circular motion (c) Motion of a swing
(iv) Oscillatory motion (d) A freely falling stone
(v) Vibratory motion (e) A bullet fired from a gun

3. Answer the following questions.

(i) Why are rest and motion relative terms?
(ii) What is meant by random motion? Give its two examples.
(iii) Define average speed.
(iv) How is speed calculated?
(v) What is meant by uniform motion?

4. Solve the following numerical problems.

(i) A bus is running at a uniform speed of 80 km/h. Find its speed in m/s.
(ii) Find the time taken by a 500-m long train to cross a 2000-m long bridge at
a speed of 20 km/h.
6 ICSE Physics 7
Chapter 3: Energy
Worksheet 1

1. Write T for true and F for false statement.

(i) The capacity of doing works is called energy.
(ii) 1 calorie is equal to 4.186 joule.
(iii) The energy of an object depends on its mass and its height from the surface
of the earth.
(iv) Energy possessed by an object in motion is called potential energy.
(v) A cell phone transforms electrical energy into sound and light energy .

2. Match the columns.

Column A Column B
(i) Chemical energy (a) Coolers
(ii) Magnetic energy (b) Laser light
(iii) Electrical energy (c) A firecracker
(iv) Light energy (d) Drum
(v) Sound energy (e) Speakers

3. Tick the odd one out.

(i) Electric heater, electric iron, table fan, geyser
(ii) Electric bulbs, tubes, CFLs, solar cookers
(iii) Coal, wood, kerosene, electric bell
(iv) Mechanical energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, muscular energy
(v) Kilocalorie, calorie, joule, newton

4. Answer the following questions.

(i) What is meant by kinetic energy?
(ii) Name the process of changing energy from one form to another form.
(iii) What is the law of conservation of energy?
(iv) Which transforms sound energy into electrical energy?
(v) Which energy is also called thermal energy?
ICSE Physics 7 7
Chapter 3: Energy
Worksheet 2

1. Fill in the blanks.

(i) Potential energy, PE = m × g × .
(ii) The SI unit of energy is .
(iii) An object placed at height possesses potential energy due to
its position.
(iv) Greater the speed of an object, greater the energy possessed
by it.
(v) A coolie carrying heavy loads possesses energy.

2. Define the following.

(i) One calorie
(ii) Elastic potential energy
(iii) Nuclear energy
(iv) Solar energy
(v) Magnetic energy

3. Name the following.

(i) The electricity generated through flowing water.
(ii) This transforms nuclear energy into electrical energy.
(iii) This energy enables us to see the objects.
(iv) This energy causes the sensation of hearing.
(v) This energy is used in an electromagnetic crane to lift heavy loads of iron
and steel.

4. Answer the following questions.

(i) How can we say that a weightlifter possesses energy?
(ii) Mention two examples of kinetic energy.
(iii) Which form of energy gives the sensation of warmth?
(iv) Which transforms electrical energy into magnetic energy?
(v) Name the energy radiated by the sun.

8 ICSE Physics 7
Chapter 4: Light Energy
Worksheet 1

1. Tick the correct answer.

(i) The light ray which strikes the reflecting surface is called
(a) reflected ray (b) incident ray
(c) emergent ray (d) none of them
(ii) Which of the property/properties is/are correct about real image?
(a) It meets at one point. (b) It can be obtained on a screen.
(c) It is an inverted image. (d) All of them.
(iii) If angle of incidence is 30°, then the value of angle of reflection is
(a) 60° (b) 30° (c) 45° (d) 90°
(iv) Plane mirrors are used
(a) in hair cutting saloons (b) in solar cookers
(c) in watches (d) all of them

2. Name the following.

(i) This image cannot be obtained on a screen.
(ii) The perpendicular line drawn on the reflecting surface at the point of
(iii) These mirrors are used as looking mirrors.
(iv) These colours are the combination red, blue and green colours.
(v) Bouncing back of light in a given medium.

3. Answer the following questions.

(i) Write two laws of reflection.
(ii) What is obtained on mixing of seven constituent colours of sunlight?
(iii) Name the secondary colours.
(iv) How is rainbow formed?

ICSE Physics 7 9
Chapter 4: Light Energy
Worksheet 2

1. Write T for true and F for false statement.

(i) We can read a book or newspaper due to diffused reflection.
(ii) The incident ray, the normal and the reflected ray all lie in the same plane.
(iii) Virtual image is an inverted image.
(iv) Curved mirrors are used in periscopes.
(v) Cyan colour is also called peacock blue colour.
2. Fill in the blanks.
(i) A transparent object appears if it allows light of all the colours
to pass through it.
(ii) image can be obtained on screen.
(iii) The light which bounces back after reflection from the reflecting surface is
called ray.
(iv) Colours seen on TV arise due to formation of these three
(v) In mirror, the image is formed as far behind the mirror as the
object is placed in front it.
3. Match the columns.
Column A Column B
(i) Reflection of light (a) Primary colour
(ii) Regular reflection (b) Secondary colour
(iii) Irregular reflection (c) Helps us to see our image formed by a mirror
(iv) Blue (d) Bouncing back of light
(v) Cyan (e) Helps us to read a book
4. Answer the following questions.
(i) What is regular reflection?
(ii) Is angle of incidence equal to angle of reflection?
(iii) Mention two uses of plane mirrors.
(iv) Name the seven colours of white light.
10 ICSE Physics 7
Chapter 5: Heat
Worksheet 1

1. Fill in the blanks.

(i) The is the main source of heat energy for us.
(ii) The degree of hotness or coldness of a body is called its .
(iii) Copper is a conductor of heat.
(iv) The capillary tube is protected by a thick glass tube called .
(v) Glass is the conductor of heat.

2. Define the following.

(i) Conduction
(ii) Convection
(iii) Radiation
(iv) Thermos flask
(v) Thermal expansion

3. Answer the following questions.

(i) What is the SI unit of heat?
(ii) What is a thermometer? What is the range of its temperature?
(iii) What happens when heat energy is supplied to a substance?
(iv) Name two conductors.
(v) Which is the fastest process, conduction or radiation?

4. Solve the following numerical problems.

(i) What is the temperature at which the reading is same both on Celsius and
Fahrenheit scales?
(ii) Covert 40°C into Kelvin.
(iii) The temperature of an object is 70°C. What will be its value on Fahrenheit
(iv) The recorded temperature of a patient is 102.4°F. Find its value on Celsius
ICSE Physics 7 11
Chapter 5: Heat
Worksheet 2

1. Tick the correct answer.

(i) Which of the following is a bad conductor of heat?
(a) aluminium (b) copper (c) iron (d) stone
(ii) Which of the following is the slowest method of heat transfer from a hot
body to a cold body?
(a) conduction (b) convection (c) radiation (d) none of these
(iii) Thermos flask was invented by Sir James Dewar in
(a) 1875 (b) 1890 (c) 1860 (d) 1900
(iv) The SI unit of temperature is
(a) celsius (b) fahrenheit (c) kelvin (d) none
(v) Which shows the correct relation between kelvin, celsius and fahrenheit
C K − 273 F − 32 C K − 273 F − 32
(a) = = (b) = =
5 5 9 7 5 9
C K − 273 F − 32 C K − 273 F − 32
(c) = = (d) = =
9 7 9 8 5 9

2. Match the columns.

Column A Column B
(i) Conduction (a) Takes place in liquids and gases
(ii) Convection (b) Dark-coloured
(iii) Radiation (c) Takes place in solids
(iv) Good absorbers of heat (d) Medium not required
(v) Poor absorbers of heat (e) Light-coloured

3. Name the following.

(i) Heat can be transferred in any direction in this mode of transfer of heat.
(ii) This thermometric liquid is a good conductor of heat.

12 ICSE Physics 7
(iii) Materials which allow the heat energy to pass easily through them.
(iv) This is the process of heat transfer from a hot body to a cold body directly
without heating the space in between them.
(v) In this breeze, the land cools down faster than the sea water.

4. Answer the following questions.

(i) What do you mean by thermal expansion?
(ii) What is temperature?
(iii) What do you mean by ocean currents?
(iv) Why are radiators of solar heaters and air conditioners painted black?
(v) Why can mercury be seen as a fine thread in the capillary tube?

ICSE Physics 7 13
Chapter 6: Sound
Worksheet 1

1. Write T for true and F for false statement.

(i) A tuning fork is a useful device to show how a vibrating object can produce
(ii) The SI unit of frequency is hertz.
(iii) Loudness does not depend on the area of the vibrating body.
(iv) The speed of sound in air at a room temperature of 15°C is 340 m/s.
(v) A harmonium is an example of wind instrument.

2. Fill in the blanks.

(i) is a form of energy which causes sensation of hearing in our
(ii) A sitar is a kind of instrument.
(iii) Speed of sound is extremely as compared to the speed of light.
(iv) is produced due to reflection of sound.
(v) The number of vibrations completed by a vibrating particle in unit time is
called its .

3. Encircle the odd one out.

(i) Shehnai, trumpet, flute and guitar
(ii) Sitar, guitar, violin and harmonium
(iii) Hertz, second, metre and amplitude
(iv) Bass drum, dholak, sarangi and tabla
(v) Bugle, violin, trumpet and clarionet

4. Answer the following questions.

(i) How is sound produced?
(ii) What are vocal cords?
(iii) What is called the time taken by a vibrating particle to complete one vibration
to and fro about its mean position?
14 ICSE Physics 7
Chapter 6: Sound
Worksheet 2

1. Tick the correct answer.

(i) Sounds having frequencies higher than 20,000 Hz are called
(a) ultrasonic sounds (b) infrasonic sounds
(c) audible range (d) none
(ii) Speed of sound is maximum in
(a) liquids (b) gases (c) solids (d) none
(iii) The SI unit of wavelength is
(a) second (b) hertz (c) metre (d) centimetre
(iv) This is the maximum displacement of a medium particle on either side of
its mean position.
(a) amplitude (b) wavelength (c) frequency (d) echo
(v) The speed of sound in steel is
(a) 7000 m/s (b) 5941 m/s (c) 9000 m/s (d) 8000 m/s

2. Fill in the blanks.

(i) Sound requires a material medium for its .
(ii) are the regions where medium particles are spread apart and
medium density is low.
(iii) In a wave, alternate regions of compressions and rarefactions
are formed.
(iv) Speed of sound is maximum in gas.
(v) Echo is based on of sound.
3. Answer the following questions.
(i) Define wave motion.
(ii) Why can sound not be heard on the moon’s surface?
(iii) The frequency of a tuning fork is 100 Hz. What is the time period of vibration?
(iv) What is soundproof box?
ICSE Physics 7 15
Chapter 7: Electricity and Magnetism
Worksheet 1

1. Tick the correct answer.

(i) The property of attracting iron pieces by a magnet is called
(a) electricity (b) electrostatics (c) magnetism (d) light
(ii) Which one of the following is incorrect?
(a) Magnetic poles exist in pairs only.
(b) Like magnetic poles repel one another.
(c) Unlike magnetic poles attract one another.
(d) The magnetic force of a magnet is minimum at its poles.
(iii) Which of the following is secondary cell?
(a) Daniel cell (b) dry cell
(c) cell used in mobiles (d) Leclanche cell
(iv) What is used to measure the voltage in the circuit?
(a) ammeter (b) galvanometer
(c) voltmeter (d) none of these
(v) The connecting wires in an electric circuit are covered with
(a) an insulating material (b) a conducting material
(c) a colouring material (d) silk cloth

2. Give one word for the following.

(i) A combination of two or more cells
(ii) A simple source of continuous flow of electricity
(iii) An electric device used to put a circuit on or off
(iv) Material which easily allows the flow of electricity through it
(v) This cell consists of a carbon rod inserted into a black-coloured powder.

16 ICSE Physics 7
3. Fill in the blanks.
(i) Material which does not allow the flow of electricity through it is called
(ii) The electric cell is also known as an cell.
(iii) A cell is that which once used, cannot be reused.
(iv) Whenever mains supply is off due to power failure, can be
used to supply electricity.
(v) A is a closed path along which an electric current flows.

4. Answer the following questions.

(i) Define electric current.
(ii) Write two examples of good conductors.
(iii) What is meant by secondary cell?
(iv) What is an inverter?

(v) Why are copper used as connecting wires in all electric circuits?

ICSE Physics 7 17
Chapter 7: Electricity and Magnetism
Worksheet 2

1. Write T for true and F for false statement.

(i) An electromagnet is a coil with a soft iron core.
(ii) The hammer is made of steel and is attached to armature.
(iii) Electric wires are covered with nonconducting material.
(iv) Rubber is a good conductor of electricity.
(v) We draw electricity from mains supply in our home.

2. Encircle the odd one out.

(i) Iron, plastic, rubber and wood
(ii) Nickel, tin, copper and wool
(iii) Ampere, galvanometer, ammeter and voltmeter
(iv) Dry cell, manganese dioxide, carbon and hydrogen
(v) Battery, negative terminal, positive terminal and magnet

3. Define the following.

(i) Battery
(ii) Electric conductor
(iii) Electric insulator
(iv) Electromagnet
(v) Electric current

4. Answer the following questions.

(i) State law of magnetism.
(ii) Give two uses of an electromagnet.
(iii) Name the constituents of black-coloured powder used in dry cell.
(iv) Draw open and closed switches.
(v) What does an electric circuit consist of?
18 ICSE Physics 7

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