10 guess Paper Sample The Hope

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By: Nauman Sadaf

According to New Paper Pattern

For All Punjab Boards
1. The sun _________ in the west.
(a) set (b) setsü (c) setting (d) will set
2. If he offers me a job, I _____ it.
(a) accept (b) will acceptü
(c) would accept (d) would have accepted
3. How long have you been _________ here?
(a) wait (b) waited (c) waits (d) waitingü
4. They always _____ back home late.
(a) came (b) comes (c) have come (d) comeü
5. They ________ tea every morning.
(a) drinkü (b) drank (c) is drinking (d) have drunk
6. I have already _______ three cups of coffee.
(a) take (b) took (c) takenü (d) had taken
7. She _______ in this office for seven years.
(a) has been workingü (b) work
(c) has worked (d) working
8. He _________ twenty minutes ago.
(a) has been left (b) leftü
(c) leave (d) leaving
9. Good students always _________ hard.
(a) worked (b) workü
(c) have worked (d) is working
10. She ________ since morning.
(a) has been sleepingü (b) sleep
(c) slept (d) has slept
11. I _________ her in the plane.
(a) meets (b) has met (c) metü (d) meeting
12. The baby __________ for milk now.
(a) crying (b) cry (c) is cryingü (d) are crying
13. It ________ since last night.
(a) had been rainingü (b) rain
(c) rained (d) was raining
14. They ________ their work by tomorrow.
(a) completes (b) will have completedü
(c) has completed (d) complete
15. They __________ to sleep at ten.
(a) shall go (b) goü (c) goes (d) going
16. It __________ in winter.
(a) rained (b) is raining (c) rainsü (d) has rained
17. She _________ her cat very much.
(a) lovesü (b) loved (c) is loving (d) will love
18. She _________ to school an hour ago.
(a) goes (b) wentü (c) gone (d) has gone
19. The book _________ on the table for weeks.
(a) lie (b) lay
(c) has been lyingü (d) will lie
20. She _________ English quite well.
(a) speak (b) were speaking
(c) speaksü (d) will spoke
16 He noticed that the clock had nounü dependent gerund adverbial
stopped. The underlined words are
a clause:

17 What would you do, if there were First Second Third Zero
no more books? This sentence is: conditional conditionalü conditional conditional

18 If she passed the examination, she first secondü third zero

would be able to enter the
university. This sentence is
________ conditional.

19 Haris mowed the lawn and he compoundü complex simple imperative

earned a hundred rupees. This
sentence is:

20 My pencil was broken so I compoundü complex simple imperative

borrowed one from Bushra. The
given sentence is an example of the
_____ sentence.

21 While I am attending school, I can compound complexü simple imperative

work part time. This sentence is a /
an ______ sentence.

22 You may be wrong but I cannot compoundü complex simple imperative

say. This sentence is a / an ____

23 He worked day and night because compound complexü simple imperative

he did not wish to fail. This
sentence is a/an ______ sentence.

24 I would have been glad if he ______ visit Is visit visiting Had

me in the hospital. visitedü

25 If he had not returned, I would First Second Third Zero

have gladly laid down my life for conditional conditional conditionalü conditional
him. This sentence is:

26 The decision of the judge is final. noun verb adjectiveü adverb

The underlined word is a/an:

27 If they are busy people, they will First Second Third Zero
miss the news. The given sentence conditionalü conditional conditional conditional
is a type of:

28 The class has just had a physics Abstract Collective Compound Proper
lesson. The underlined word is noun nounü noun noun
Unit 1. Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬an Embodiment of Justice 1. Why did the non-Muslims trust the
Rasool ‫ ?ﷺ‬2. What does the word “proclaimed” mean? 3. How can people achieve perfection in the moral,
spiritual and social areas of life? / How is Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬a perfect model and example for all of us?
4. How did the Rasool ‫ ﷺ‬set high and noble ideals for all mankind? 5. How were people of Makkah
convinced of the Rasool’s ‫ ﷺ‬justice even before his Nabuwat? 6. What standards of justice did the Rasool
‫ ﷺ‬prasctise as head of the state of Madinah? 7. What made the non-Muslims bring their suits to the Rasool
Unit 2. Chinese New Year 1. Why does this dinner consist of eight or nine dishes? 2. When does
Chinese New Year start? 3. Why do Chinese families do thorough cleaning of their houses before New Year’s
Day? 4. Which colour is not allowed and which colour is encouraged on Chinese New Year? Why? 5. What
do decorations on doors and windows symbolize? 6. What is the significance of New Year’s Eve Dinner? 7.
What do the little red envelopes filled with money symbolize? 8. What is the importance of Chinese New Year
for Chinese families?
Unit 3. Try Again (Poem) 1. Why is trying again important in life? 2. Why is the poet repeating the
sentence ‘try again’?
Unit 4. First Aid 1. You should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped? Why? 2. Why is it
necessary to keep away soap from the wound? 3. How is an antibiotic cream or ointment good in healing the
wound? 4. What should you do if you are allergic to adhesive material used in most bandages? 5. When do
you need to see a doctor?
Unit 6. Television vs. Newspapers 1. How does television make us lazy? 2. How is a newspaper more
convenient medium of news? 3. How does a viewer get restricted while watching TV news? 4. In what way
viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper? 5. How do newspapers give us more in-depth
coverage? 6. Why do some people read more than one newspapers? 7. How can readers give feedback to the
newspaper articles? 8. Which medium do you prefer for news? Why?
Unit 7. Little by Little One Walks Far! 1. What has motivated the author to participate so actively?
2. What are some distinctions of the writer? 3. How has the writer spent his summer vacation? 4. What has
he gained from his summer jobs experiences? 5. How are these experiences helpful to him in future? 6. What
kind of student is the writer? Which of his qualities impress you?
Unit 8. Peace (Poem) 1. How does the scene look like when wind is still?
Unit 9. Selecting the Right Career 1. Explain the phrase “profitable livelihood”. 2. What were some
famous careers for the young people in the past? 3. Nowadays non-traditional careers are more appealing to
young minds. Why? 4. What is meant by the “right profession”? 5. Why is it important to consider the scope
of any field? 6. Is there any need of proper career counselling department? Why? 7. How can career
counselors help the young people?
Unit 10. A World without Books 1. How does a book connect the reader and the writer? 2. In what
way are books better than radio, TV and internet? 3. Why should people be given more opportunity to read
books? 4. Which book has inspired you the most? Why? 5. What is the responsibility of parents? 6. What are
the factors responsible for diverting people’s attention from books?
Unit 11. Great Expectations 1. What kind of boy was Pip? 2. How did Pip become a successful business
man? 3. Who looked after Pip after the death of his parents? 4. Who was Joe? How did he treat Pip? 5. Why
did Pip give food and drink to the prisoner? 6. What happened to the prisoner?
Unit 12. Population Growth and World Food Supplies 1. What does the word “depleted” mean? 2.
Do you also face shortage of water in your locality? Why? 3. How is fossil energy a finite resource? 4. Which
areas are most affected by incessant growth in population? 5. Why are the developing countries going to

Urdu + English Medium

According to New Paper Pattern

For All Punjab Boards


D C B A Questions / ‫ت‬#‫ا‬$ ‫" ر‬

8 6 8 9;'<
‫اور‬B97 ‫رىا‬-‫ان‬
‫ن‬P‫در‬Q?‫وڈ‬A 8 6 8 9;'<
B97 ‫وڈ?دو>رہرىا‬A &'
COR‫دو‬STUُ‫ ا‬J‫وا‬-‫اف‬K‫ںا‬M‫دو‬H 34‫*ا‬+,-.‫درجذ‬-‫ت‬/012‫ر)ر( رىا‬
N NCO :5 1
They never Products never
They have a They proceed complete The characteristics of reversible
recombine to
double arrow in both ways reactions are many, except this one:
form reactants
reactants and
_1 CaCO3
‫رج‬cda CO2 :5V‫و‬1WOXQY‫رىا‬.‫درجذ‬-Z1W[
efga CaO bO`‫ز^دہ‬a CaO \]‫ز^دہ‬
übO CaCO3(s) ¾¾ ®CaC(s) + CO2(g) 2
CaO is not CaO is more of high
dissociated CO2 escapes temperature In the lime kiln, the above given
stable than
continuously reaction goes to completion because:
oh‫ ا‬i+ jk ‫ى‬l‫ ا‬m ‫ن‬+ n Q Y‫ رى ا‬.‫درج ذ‬
3 2 :5p‫در‬
éC ù ëé 3Cûù éë A ùû éëB ùû ëé 2A ûù ëéB ûù
ü ë 2û 3
2A(g) + B(g) 3C(g) 3
éë A ùû éëB ùû éë 2A ùû éëB ùû éëCùû éë 3Cùû
For the above given reaction, the
expression for the equilibrium constant
‫رى‬1‫رورڈاورر)رس‬€ 8 6 8 9;'<
…‫ر‬aY‫ر)رسرىا‬ 1?‫وڈ‬A‫اور‬B97 ‫رىا‬
rxOy‫ا‬y…‫ر‬a2‫ا‬ ‫رورڈاور‬€)2‫‚رىا‬ƒ 8 6 }69~
5rxO‡† 5wxOy‫ا‬yo{|7
ü5 NCx‫ر)رس(رك‬
the rate of the
the opposing
the :q5rO-st1jk‫ى‬l‫ا‬u4‫ا‬v
the rates of 4
reverse concentration When a system is at equilibrium states:
the forward reactions
reaction of reactants
and reverse becomes very (forward and and products
reactions reverse) stop
low becomes equal
become equal
6 6 6• 8
a•‫اد‬ž,‫‹س‬Œ‫ا‬ ™y“˜+‫‹س‬Œ‫ا‬ 8 }9~
|7 rO Ž‫و•ر‬A• ‘7'’<“‫ڈا‬Q
o{ ”•+‫‹س‬Œ‫ا‬
ü5‫‹س‬Ÿ 5rxš›œ- 5 ‫؟‬53p‫ˆندر‬‰‫ن‬+,-‫ان‬ŠQ‫‹س‬Œ‫ا‬
Active mass Active mass is Rate of Which one statement is not correct 5
Active mass is
means total represented
taken in molar reaction is about active mass?
mass of by square directly
substances brackets proportional to
active mass


3% &'( ) * & ,
+ -.#- / 01 2 !# $

,! ,% *+ (%)  !"#$%& '
59 5-8 57 56 3 4%-./%012"  
@$CD @$B @$A @$%! :;8<=>?
(%)'P!O 2 L!O
52 R!O 5>QP!O HIJ-KLM5N2EFG/01
5 5
2  `a bc d[-  ]? <^_%!
Z[ A \ 
rst opq$ m!nl j/-kl !Ohi5" ^_%!
/ G1
yUz1 / G1
{|/%0 2w1 uvYm!nl
2 2!x
q„/01 ‚ƒz1
EFG <%!d† }~%Q-5y€V5(%)%'LM5N
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Urdu + English Medium

According to New Paper Pattern

For All Punjab Boards


D C B A ‫ت‬$‫ا‬% ‫" ر‬
B bx + c = 0,b ¹ 0 A :&'‫*وات)(رى‬+‫دودر‬
ax2 + bx + c = 0,a ¹ 0 1
ax2 = 0,a ¹ 0 D 2
ax = bx,a ¹ 0 C Standard form of quadratic equation is:
:&‫اد‬,)‫ں‬.‫ر‬/ ax2 + bx + c = 0 ‫(رى*وات‬+‫دودر‬
4 ü3 2 1 The number of terms in a standard quadratic 2
equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 is:
4 ü3 2 1 The number of methods to solve a quadratic 3
equation is:
b ± b 2 - 4ac B -b ± b 2 - 4ac A
x= üx=
2a 2a :&$8‫ر‬9+‫دودر‬
b ± b2 + 4ac D -b ± b 2 + 4ac C
The quadratic formula is:
x= x=
2a 2a
( x + 7 ) & ( x - 7 ) &ü ( x + 7) & ( x - 7) & ‫۔‬0‫<ز‬+‫دو=در‬3 x2 -15x + 56
( x + 8) ( x - 8) ( x - 8) ( x + 8) Two linear factors of x2 -15x + 56 are:
‫&۔‬BC،DEFGA45‫ )@ درج‬x />‫وہ*وات‬
MH7 ‫رى*وات‬L ü‫س*وات‬K ‫*وات‬HI‫ت‬J x
None of Radical Reciprocal Exponential An equation, which remains unchanged when 6
these Equation Equation Equation 1
x is replaced by is called a/an:
MH7 ‫س*وات‬K ‫رى*وات‬L ‫*وات‬HI‫ت‬J
‫&۔‬N) 3x + 32-x + 6 = 0 ‫*وات‬
None of Reciprocal Radical Exponential 7
An equation of the type 3x + 32-x + 6 = 0 is a/an:
these Equation Equation Equationü
ü {±2} ‫&۔‬O6P 4x2 -16 = 0 ‫*وات‬
{2} {4} {±4} 8
The solution set of equation 4x2 -16 = 0 is:
MH7 ‫*وات‬HI‫ت‬J ‫رى*وات‬L ü‫س*وات‬K ‫&۔‬BC 2x4 - 3x3 + 7x2 - 3x + 2 = 0 ‫*وات‬
None of Exponential Radical Reciprocal An equation of the form 9
4 3 2
these Equation Equation Equation 2x - 3x + 7x - 3x + 2 = 0 is called a/an:


Solve by factorization: 5x2 = 30x 5x2 = 30x :R6‫ى‬ST‫ر‬U 2 1.2(i)

Write the quadratic equation in the standard :RWXY)‫*وات‬+‫ر دو در‬Z‫ [ اور‬/ ‫رم‬9 ‫(رى‬7‫*وات‬
(i) Q1
form and point out pure quadratic equation: (x + 7)(x - 3) = -7

Urdu + English Medium

According to New Paper Pattern

For All Punjab Boards


D C B A Questions / ‫ت‬#‫ا‬$ ‫" ر‬

=@ ‫ا‬E‫ا‬5F‫ز‬
5HIJKُ‫ا‬L‫ش‬M 5:;‫ <وا‬ü+,56‫و‬7‫دہ‬9
+,‫د‬G ‫*)ن('&؟‬+,-,‫ر‬./‫ل‬01‫ا‬2‫*ن‬34‫ان‬
+, +, Motion of a 1
The spinning Which one of these is an example of simple
A bouncing The motion simple
of earth on its harmonic motion?
ball on a floor of ceiling fan pendulum
\OPJbR‫ر‬c \OPJbR‫`ے\ دو‬a‫ق‬MI* \OP‫^ھ‬R‫دو‬ ‫\؟‬OPJ
decreased by decreased by remained increased by a If the mass of bob of a pendulum is 2
a factor of 4 a factor of 2 sameü factor of 2 increased by a factor of 3, the period of the
pendulum’s motion will be:
o=p(‫ا‬e‫ز‬f‫ںو‬h‫دو‬i‫ڈ‬kl‫رساور‬m‫ا‬n d‫آ‬9‫*ن‬34‫ان‬
‫}|{رك‬ ? tu‫ر‬
üvwxyz ‫ڈورى‬ ‫&؟‬qPr‫ل‬s‫ا‬
Tuning Ripple 3
Slinky A String Which one of these devices can be used to
Fork Tank produce both transverse and longitudinal
‡ ?
Œ#‫و‬ †ˆ‰xŠC ‹f‫و‬ „…M ü‚ƒ‫ا‬ :•'(~‫ز‬f‫و‬
Velocity Wavelength Frequency Energy Waves transfer:
+,5f‫و‬ ‫•&؟‬J‫ل‬s‫ا‬o=p(~*‚ƒ‫ا‬Ž•9‫*ن‬34‫ان‬
ü‫”“م‬ ’‫ىا‬Z‫ر‬ •‘
Wave Which one is the method of energy 5
All of these Radiation Conduction
Motion transfer?
‡ ? •Cž :••‫–ر‬1‫زا‬f‫“ما˜و—و‬4‫و™م‬
†ˆ‰xŠ‹C f‫و‬ ‫}ڈ‬v›œx ‫ا‬ „…M üš
In a vacuum all electromagnetic waves 6
Wavelength Amplitude Frequency Speed
have the same:
¤ 50 L„…M5¢£ 30 ¡9= Ÿ ‫وا‬1‫ا‬tu‫^ار‬1‫ا‬
‫¨؟‬JrŒ#‫و‬5f‫ا(•&۔اسو‬e‫ز‬f‫و‬ª 25 4¥¦=§
-1 -1 -1 -1
1500cms 750cms ü 60cms 53cms A larger ripple tank with vibrator working 7
at a frequency of 30 Hz produces 25
complete waves in a distance of 50 cm. The
velocity of the waves is:
‡ ? •Cž ‫'؟‬Ja«L‫¬ت‬-‫¯دو®ى‬-2‫*ن‬5f‫و‬34‫ان‬
†ˆ‰xCŠ‹f‫و‬ ü‫}ڈ‬v›œx ‫ا‬ „…M š
Which one of these characteristics of wave 8
Wavelength Amplitude Frequency Speed
is independent of the others?
‡ ?
λ :&°‫ن‬±‫ˆ†=در‬‰xŠ‹C f‫…„اورو‬M،Œ#‫و‬5f‫و‬1‫ا‬
v= vλ = f ü fλ = v vf = λ The relation between velocity, frequency 9
and wavelength of a wave is:
üµ b3b ‫دہ‬Q‫ز‬3‫دہ‬Q‫ز‬ :&'JŒ#‫و‬L’‫ز‬³I´‫ا‬4+,-,‫ر‬./
Sometime 10
Zero Minimum Maximum In SHM, velocity at extreme position is:
k =-
x w = mg ük = -
F :&·*¸¹
F = ma 11
m x The spring constant is:

m 1
T = 4π T = 2π m T = 2π Formula for the time period of mass 12
4 m T = 2π m
k attached to spring is:
-2F :&‫وات‬À5‫ن‬hÁ=ÃÄ ُ Å
ü F = -kx 13
k kx x The equation of Hooke’s law is:
f = 2π f=
üf =
1 :&'JÆ‫ا‬Æ„…M
f = kx g g
T Frequency is equal to:
ü¢£ ÌÍ § ÉË :&ÈfU„…M
Hertz Pascal Meter Newton The unit of frequency is:
ü‫ت‬à5‫وزن‬ ‫ؤ‬Û4ÜÝ‫د‬ Ø‫ا‬Ù5‫ا‬J :&'(Î‫ر¸{رس‬Ð‫ر‬OJÕ(Ö×*6‫و‬7‫دہ‬9
Force of Tension in Air In motion of a simple pendulum restoring 16
gravity string Resistance force is provided by:
1.88s 1.89s 2.11s ü 1.99s The length of a simple pendulum is 1 m. Its 17
time period will be:
§¤ ü§ ¢£ ç :&Èf SI U‫}ڈ‬v›œx ‫ا‬
Centimeter Meter Hertz Second The SI unit of amplitude is:
ü :&#,‫¦ر‬UZ[¼½=6‫و‬7‫دہ‬9
g m m
T = 2π T = 2π T = 2π The formula for the time period of a simple 19
T = 2π k g
g pendulum is:
\OPJbR‫ر‬c \OPJbR‫دو‬ ü\&‫ںر‬è \OPJR‫دو‬ ‫\؟‬JrZ[U+,56‫و‬7‫اس‬NOPQ‫(د‬R‫سدو‬TU6‫و‬7‫دہ‬9G‫ا‬
decreased decreased remained increased If mass of the body is increased 2 times, 20
four times two times same two times then period of pendulum’s motion willê be:
? é
1956 1756 ü1656 1856 Christian Huygens invented the pendulum 21
clock in:
çñóé •ô * çñ‫ل‬ò ¢£ üç :&ÈfUZ[¼½
Cs-1 Js-1 Hertz Second Unit of time period is:
+,üV ü+,ûœx•Cž‫ڈ‬ +,‫ى‬Ÿ ‫وا‬ ‫ل&۔‬05______‫ز‬Æ‫ار‬ö‫ں=÷ركا‬f‫\ڑ‬
Linear Damped Vibratory The shock absorbers of vehicles are 23
Motion Motion Motion example of:
‫ز‬f‫ا˜و—و‬ ?
‫ز‬f‫"!و‬C #ŠxC B
‫ز‬f‫ؤ و‬9 ‫'؟‬Ja‫ورت‬ý5þÿo=p‫ز=•ر‬f‫و‬2‫*ن‬
o=%‫ان‬ Electro-
Mechanical Sound Which waves do not require medium for 24
All of these magnetic
Waves Waves their propagation?
•Cž :&'J5‫•ح‬1‫ا‬5‫ز‬f‫ا˜و—و‬4‫&ء‬
‫}ڈ‬v›œx ‫ا‬ „…M üš Œ#‫و‬
In a vacuum all electromagnetic waves 25
Amplitude Frequency Speed Velocity
have the same:
‡ ? •Cž ‫'۔‬Ja«L‫¬ت‬-‫_____دو®ى‬5‫ز‬f‫و‬
†ˆ‰xŠ‹C f‫و‬ ü‫}ڈ‬v›œx ‫ا‬ „…M š
______ of waves does not depends upon 26
Wavelength Amplitude Frequency Speed
other properties of waves.
4 3 ü2 1 :•‫(دىا'م‬5‫ز‬f‫و‬ 27
The main categories of waves are:
‫ز‬f‫رسو‬m‫ا‬n ‫ز‬f‫و‬i‫ڈ‬kl
‫”“م‬ Electro- :•‫ز‬f‫و‬fZ‫ر‬
Transverse Longitudinal 28
All of these magnetic Radio waves are:
Waves Waves
Wavesü ?
- +, ü!"C #ŠxC *˜‫ا‬ ‫)&؟‬2‫*ن‬5‚ƒ‫ا‬، ‫ؤ‬9
Chemical Thermal Mechanical Electrical Which form of energy sound is?
‡ ?
†ˆ‰xŠ‹C f‫و‬ ÈMf‫و‬ ‫ف‬n ü3( :&
Wavelength Wave front Trough Crest The part of the wave where particles of the
medium are higher than its mean position
is called:
= 45+,5f‫و‬+,‫ى‬Ÿ ‫وا‬5‫=ذرات‬þÿ45f‫و‬6‫ا‬

f‫و‬59‫رو‬ f‫و‬fZ‫ر‬ üf‫و‬5‫آواز‬ f‫و‬58Í :&'.،&'J‫ازى‬7

light wave radio wave sound wave water wave In ______ the particles of the medium move
back and forth along the direction of
propagation of wave.
Õ. •ÕJ:3’‫ز‬³0‫=ذراتو‬þÿ‫ں‬1;‫=وہ‬f‫و‬
‡ ?
†ˆ‰xCŠ‹f‫و‬ ÈMf‫و‬ ü‫ف‬n 3( :•
Wavelength Wave front Trough Crest Parts of the wave where particles of
medium are lower than its mean position,
are called:
+,5‫ز‬f‫و‬ ‫•&؟‬J‫ل‬s‫ا‬o=p(~*‚ƒ‫ا‬Ž•9‫*ن‬34‫ان‬
ü‫”“م‬ ’‫ىا‬Z‫ر‬ •‘
Wave Which of these is a method of energy 33
All of these Radiation Conduction
Motion transfer?
‡ ?
ü‚ƒ‫ا‬ Œ#‫و‬ †ˆ‰xŠC ‹f‫و‬ „…M :•'(~‫ز‬f‫و‬
Energy Velocity Wavelength Frequency Waves transfer:
‡ ?
:¨Jš5f‫و‬NJ 0.4m †ˆ‰xŠ‹C f‫ اورو‬4Hz „…M5f‫و‬G‫ا‬
1.6m 16m ü 1.6ms-1 16ms-1 If frequency of a wave is 4 Hz and 35
wavelength is 0.4 m then its speed will be:
‡ ?
λ :&‫وات‬À5°‫ن‬±‫ˆ†=در‬‰xŠ‹C f‫…„اورو‬M،Œ#‫و‬5f‫و‬1‫ا‬
v= vλ = f ü v = fλ vf = λ The relation between velocity, frequency 36
and wavelength of a wave is given by:
‡ ?
5 ‫ اس‬N J 0.5m †ˆ‰xŠ‹C f‫ اور و‬J 340ms-1 š 5 f‫ و‬1‫ ا‬G‫ا‬
ü 680Hz 3400Hz 340Hz 170Hz :¨J„…M 37
If the speed of a wave is 340ms-1 and
wavelength is 0.5 m, then frequency will be:

t2 d t :&°‫ن‬±‫=در‬¥¦‫اور‬š،<‫و‬
v= üv= v = dt v= The relation between time, speed and 38
d t d
distance is:
‡ ? •Cž :••‫–ر‬1‫زا‬f‫“ما˜و—و‬4‫و™م‬
†ˆ‰xŠ‹C f‫و‬ ‫}ڈ‬v›œx ‫ا‬ „…M üš
In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves 39
Wavelength Amplitude Frequency Speed
have the same:
4 3 2 1 :#,‫?&>ر=¦ر‬P5‫…„@م‬MNJ‫@م‬Z[¼½G‫ا‬
f= f= f= üf = If the time period is given the frequency 40
can be calculated as:
‡ ?
'PJ †ˆ‰xCŠ‹ f‫و‬5‫ان‬N•'JA‫دا‬4;;‫وا‬I‫ا‬Bb‫ز‬f‫و‬58ÍC
&D‫ر‬E‫و‬ µ
‫دہ‬Q‫ز‬ üb :&
remains become 41
increases decreases When water waves enters the region of
same zero
shallow water their wavelength:
‫}|{رك‬ ü¸¹!"C #yCxFÄ tu‫ر‬ :&•Pr‫ل‬s‫ا‬d‫آ‬o=p(‫ا‬e‫ز‬f‫و‬i‫ڈ‬kl‫رساور‬m‫ا‬n
Tuning A Helical Ripple Which device can be used to produce both 42
A String
Fork Spring Tank transverse and longitudinal waves?
¤ 50 L„…M5¢£ 30 ¡9=Ÿ ‫وا‬1‫ا‬tu‫^ار‬1‫ا‬
‫¨؟‬JrŒ#‫و‬5f‫ا(•&۔اسو‬e‫ز‬f‫و‬ª 25 4¥¦=§
-1 -1 -1 -1
1500cms 750cms ü 60cms 53cms A larger ripple tank with vibrator working 43
at a frequency of 30 Hz produces 25
complete waves in a distance of 50 cm. The
velocity of the waves is:
‫ز‬f‫ا˜و—و‬ ? o=p(HIU‫¬ت‬-_______ ò&d‫آ‬G‫ا‬1‫ا‬tu‫ر‬
ü‫ز‬f‫"!و‬C #ŠxC B
‫ز‬f‫و‬fZ‫ر‬ ‫ز‬f‫و‬59‫رو‬
Electro- ‫•&۔‬J‫ل‬s‫ا‬ 44
Radio Light Mechanical
magnetic Tipple tank is a device which is used to
Waves Waves Waves
Waves study properties of:
N ú
? BCxyP :•J*pPK‫د‬G=‫روں‬L=‫ز‬f‫و‬
RST‫ا‬ üQM‫ڈ‬ QM‫ر‬ MO ‫ر‬
The bending of waves around the corners is 45
Interference Diffraction Refraction Reflection
‡ ?
†ˆ‰xŠC ‹f‫و‬5‫اس‬ „…M5‫اس‬ 45‫اس‬ ‫'؟‬JaUV‫ار‬W2‫*ن‬34‫=دورانان‬QM‫ر‬59‫رو‬
Its Its Its Which of these quantities is not changed 46
Its Speed
Wavelength Frequency Direction during refraction of light?


Define simple harmonic motion. ‫۔‬XYZ5+,-,‫ر‬./ 1

Give two features of simple harmonic motion. ‫۔‬X[\‫¬ت‬-‫دو‬5+,-,‫ر‬./ 2
Write two necessary conditions for a body to execute
‫۔‬X[\^‫ز]_ا‬#‫دو‬5p(‫ا‬e+,-,‫ر‬./o=¾X 3
simple harmonic motion.
State Hooke’s law. Write its mathematical form. ‫۔‬X[\`ab5‫۔اس‬X‫ن)ن‬hÁUÃÄ ُ Å 4
Find the time period and frequency of a simple
g = 10ms-2 cX‫…„@م‬M‫اور‬Z[¼½U6‫و‬7=Iå§1‫ا‬ 5
pendulum 1 m long at a location where g = 10ms-2
‫۔‬Xd‫قوا‬M4‫}ڈ‬v›œx ‫وا ’اورا‬3‫ظ‬e=6‫و‬7‫دہ‬9
With respect to simple pendulum, differentiate
between vibration and amplitude.
?? N ú
‫۔‬f‫لد‬01‫ا‬5‫اس‬3¨g‫ہز‬h‫۔روز‬XYZ5@ijC Š‹2‫او‬ûœx•Cž‫ڈ‬
Define damped oscillations. Give its one example
from daily life.
•Cž ? ž
How damping progressively reduces the amplitude of oscillation? ‫('&؟‬bop‫ر‬k*‫}ڈ‬v›œx ‫=ا‬l2‫او‬،mxœŠnC ‫ڈ‬ 8
Define crest and trough. ‫۔‬XYZ5‫ف‬n‫اور‬3( 9
What is the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves? ‫ق&؟‬Mr4‫ز‬f‫رسو‬m‫ا‬n‫اور‬i‫ڈ‬kl 10
Name two types of waves. ‫۔‬q‫م‬r=‫دو(دىا'م‬5‫ز‬f‫ و‬11
Define equation of wave and write its formula. ‫۔‬q#,‫اور¦ر‬YZ5‫وات‬À5f‫ و‬12
‡ ? Š‹ ?
ˆ‰x wxyz
A wave moves on a slinky with frequency of 4 Hz and 5f‫ &۔و‬0.4m † C f‫ اورو‬4Hz „…M5f‫و‬IJ'(+,Lv
wavelength of 0.4 m. What is the speed of the waves? ‫۔‬X‫@م‬š

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