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Eltek Rectifier

Tools Needed

PowerSuite software
Printer cable
LAN cable
Accessing Eltek Rectifier System

Access via LAN cable

Set Laptop IP Address into

Access Via Printer Cable

Choose the correct COM Port

Open PowerSuite software

Accessing Eltek Rectifier System

Click Connect Button

Accessing Eltek Rectifier System

Choose Network
Set the needed parameters
IP Address
Accessing Eltek Rectifier System

Select Log In
Type 3 as password
Accessing Eltek Rectifier System

Successfully Connected
Commissioning Proper: System Voltage Levels

Click System Voltage Levels

Commissioning Proper: System Voltage Levels

 Set the following

 Reference: 2.25*+
 Boost: 2.35*+
 Rectifier Standby: 1.85
 Battery Disconnect: 1.8
 Battery Reconnect: 1.9666
 Rectifier OSV limit: 2.4583

 *-depends on the battery specs

Commissioning Proper: Alarms Overview

Click Alarms Overview

Commissioning Proper: Alarms Overview

 Defined the Alarms that need to be monitor

Commissioning Proper: Alarms Overview

 Set the Alarms into their specific Alarm output number

Alarm Output 1: AC Mains Alarm
Alarm Output 2: Rectifier Module Alarm
Alarm Output 3: Load/Batt Fuse Alarm
Alarm Output 4: High Temperature
Alarm Output 5: Battery Low Voltage
Commissioning Proper: Mains

Click Mains
Number of Phases: 1
Commissioning Proper: Mains

 Click MainsLow

 Set the following

Check Enable
Major Alarm: 1
Minor Alarm: 1
Alarm Group: Mains Fail
Apply then Ok
• Commissioning Proper: Mains

Click MainsPhase 1
Click MainsVolt 1
Commissioning Proper: Mains

 Set the following

Check Enable
Major High: 300
Minor High: 300
Minor Low: 190
Major Low: 190
Alarm Group: Mains Fail
Apply then Ok
Commissioning Proper: Rectifier

Click Rectifier
Click Rectifier Error
Commissioning Proper: Rectifier

 Set the following

Check Enable
Major alarm: 2
Minor alarm: 1
Alarm Group: Rectifier Alarm
Apply then Ok

Repeat process for RectComm Error

Commissioning Proper: Rectifier

 Click the Configuration Tab

Number of rectifiers: X
Check the Suppress..
Walk in time: Long Time
OSV limit: 2.4583
Apply then Ok

X- actual rectifier module

Commissioning Proper: Load

Click LoadBank 1
Click LoadFuse 1
Commissioning Proper: Load

Set the following:

Click Enable
Alarm Group: Load MCB Fail
Apply then Ok
Commissioning Proper: Battery

 Click Battery
Click Status Tab
Click Battery Voltage
Commissioning Proper: Battery

 Set the following

Click Enable
Major High: 57
Minor High: 57
Alarm Group: Non Selected
Minor Low: 46
Major Low: 46
Alarm Group: Low Voltage
Apply then Ok
Commissioning Proper: Battery

 Click Battery
Click Status Tab
Click Battery Temp
Commissioning Proper: Battery

 Set the following

Click Enable
Major High: 55
Minor High: 50
Alarm Group: High Temp
Apply then Ok
Commissioning Proper: Battery

 Click Battery
Click Configuration Tab
Number of banks: 1
Number of Strings: 4*
Battery installed date: today
Capacity AH: 100*
Commissioning Proper: Battery

 Click Battery
Enable Temp comp
Reference voltage: 2.25*
Reference temp: 25*
Temp slope: 3*
Min comp voltage: 2.1*
Max comp voltage: 2.35*

*-depends on battery specs

Commissioning Proper: Battery

 Click Battery
Click Current Limitation
Enable Current Limitation
Set Current Limit: 40*
Apply then Ok

*-current limit always 10%

of total battery capacity
Commissioning Proper: Battery

Click Currents
Click BattCurrent1.1
Commissioning Proper: Battery

 Click General Tab

Click Enable
Apply then Ok
Commissioning Proper: Battery

Click Fuses
Click BattFuse1.1
Commissioning Proper: Battery

 Click General Tab

Click Enable
Alarm group: Battery MCB Fail
Apply then Ok
Site and System Identification

Input the following information:

Site Name & Site ID
Date Installed
Date Commissioned (Service)
Responsible w/ Contact Number
Experience the power.

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