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The theme of this unit is clothes, a topic that will give students the another language. In Mission 6 students will read about kilts, a ra-
opportunity to practise common nouns such as jeans and T-shirt as dically different form of dress typical of Scotland. Both Missions will
well as the verb to wear. In Missions 1 and 2 students will work with give students the opportunity to work with Cool!, a common ex-
this vocabulary through the structures Can I wear my jeans?, I like pression used by younger generations today.
wearing jeans and I’m wearing jeans, all of which reinforce pre-
Just like the language we speak, the clothes we wear are valuable
viously learnt grammar from the course.
tools for self-expression and can be used to assert our own unique-
New grammar will be presented in Missions 3 and 4, where stu- ness and individuality. That being said, as members of society, stu-
dents will learn the possessive adjectives his and her and the Saxon dents must also be taught the value of cooperation and goodwill in
Genitive. This new grammar, aside from giving students new tools their communities. For this reason, in the CLIL section we will focus
to express possession, will also give them the opportunity to per- on Natural Science and recycling. Learning about recycling will get
fect their pronunciation of two very difficult sounds for non-natives: students thinking about their roles and responsibilities as indivi-
the ‘h’ at the beginning of words like her and the ‘s’ at the end of duals in their own communities. Doing this in English will get them
words like Jack’s. Students will also learn the prepositions in, on thinking about the same thing but from a broader perspective, as
and under which are used to describe location. citizens of the world.
In Mission 5 students will be presented with a comic in which Asky, The “I can” section is part of the Portfolio. Have students work on
Yessy and a friend play dress up. Our superheroes’ exchange of their portfolios so that they can evaluate their listening, speaking,
clothes with one another serves as a metaphor for the different reading and writing skills in “My Language Biography” section of
identities students may feel they adopt when communicating in the Portfolio.


dress, jeans, jumper, shirt, shoes, skirt, socks, tracksuit,
trousers, T-shirt, box, wardrobe

Verbs: to wear, to put on, to take off. Adjetives: new, old

Song ‘Jeans, jeans, jeans’

• Is your ... in/on/under the ....? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t

• Are my … in/on/under the …? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t
COOL • Where is his/her …? Where are his/her …?


Cultural subject: Kilts

Around the
World (UK)
Expression: Cool!

CLIL Natural Science Materials

Review: I can


Refresh •


Refresh the vocabulary from the previous unit and year with a short answer
drill. To make this exercise more high-paced and energetic, tell students
s, tracksuit, trousers,
T-shirt to answer either in the style of Yessy (affirmative) or Noella (negative).
missi n 1:
shirt, shoes, skirt, sock
- dress, jeans, jumper,
- to wear TEACHER: Do you have a/an…? (Like Yessy!) STUDENT: Yes, I do!
Dictionary p.73
1.19 1 Shhhh! Listen, point and repeat. PB

8 jumper
1 Shhhh! Listen, point and repeat. CD1
19 PB

4 shoes Have the students listen first to the audio and repeat the words they hear.
3 socks
5 tracksuit In pairs get them to talk about what each other is wearing using the present
10 shirt continuous of the verb to wear, for example, You’re wearing red socks.
9 jeans 1 T-shirt 2 dress

7 skirt Objective in Focus 1 • 34 FC
6 trousers
What? Practise with the clothes vocabulary.
Why? Through constant drilling, the students become comfortable
2 Game time! 1.20 1.21 3 Sing and clap!
using the new words and the teacher gets the opportunity to correct
Jeans, jeans, jeans,
What’s this?
I like wearing my jeans.
Trousers, trousers, trousers, How? Hold up a T-shirt flashcard and ask Is this a tracksuit? STUDENT:
I like wearing my trousers. No, it isn’t. TEACHER: Is it jumper? STUDENT: No, it isn’t. TEACHER:
I’m cold, I’m cold,
can I wear my T-shirt? What is it? STUDENT: It’s a T-shirt.
No, you can’t.
I’m cold, I’m cold,
can I wear my jumper?
Yes, you can.
Back to Basics •
It’s a dress. Shoes, shoes, shoes, Dictate the numbers: 15, 6, 20, 12, 13, 7, 14, 2, 1, 8, 16 and then check your
I like wearing my shoes.
Socks, socks, socks, students’ answers and pronunciation. Are students properly articulating
I like wearing my socks.
the “tíinnn” sound at the end of the numbers 13-19?

2 Game time! PB
14 fourteen
With the “Unit 2: Cool clothes” flashcards, one student goes up to the front
of the class and holds one up, asking What’s this? Then the other students

missi n 1: have to say what it is: It’s a T-shirt or They’re trousers, etc.

Objective in Focus 2 • 35
What? Practise with to wear in the present continuous.
• L earn the following vocabulary: dress, jeans, jumper, shirt, shoes, skirt,
Why? Students must practise new verbs in the grammatical tenses
socks, tracksuit, trousers and T-shirt.
where they are most commonly used.
 eview the structures What’s this? and It’s a…
How? Ask students questions with Are you wearing...?, having them
• L earn the present continuous of the verb to wear. respond in the style of Yessy (affirmative) or Noella (negative). For ex-
 eview the animal, room and classroom vocabulary. ample: TEACHER: Are you wearing shoes? (Like Yessy!) STUDENT: Yes,
I’m wearing shoes.
 udio material Rewind •
 Unit 2: Cool clothes” flashcards Go round the class asking students what their favourite animals are: My
favourite animals are guinea-pigs and tigers.
Recommended Extra Activities
 ctivity Book p. 12 PB
3 Sing and clap! CD1
20&21 learning PB
 ast Finishers: Get fast finishers to write down what they are wearing
today. Encourage them to use the colours they know as well and check This is the first time the students hear the song ‘Jeans, jeans, jeans’. Play it
their spelling when they have finished. twice, and then play it a third time, but this time have the children sing one
line per group of five.

Teacher Tips: Game – Follow me! •

• Remind your students that the pronunciation of skirt isn’t “eskirt”! This is an excellent game for keeping students’ attention. Stand at the front
It’s “ssskéetttt”. of the class and shout out orders such as: Stand up!, Sit down!, Open your
books, Close your books, Touch your head, etc. and the students have to
• Don’t forget about the material in the Teacher’s Resource Book
follow the commands.
from the previous units which allow your students to constantly
review what they have seen.
• Just like in Spanish, remind students that we usually talk about
trousers, socks and shoes in the plural form.

Drill Section
(Hold up the socks flashcard.)
Are these trousers? No, they aren’t.
Are they shoes? No, they aren’t.
What are they? They’re socks.
Do you have a pencil? (Like Yessy!) Yes, I do.
(Hold up the jeans flashcard.)
Do you have an apple? (Like No, I don’t. Are these socks? No, they aren’t.
Are they shoes? No, they aren’t.
Do you have a pencil case? (Like No, I don’t.
What are they? They’re jeans.
(Hold up the tracksuit flashcard.)
Do you have skates? (Like Yessy!) Yes, I do.
Is this a skirt? No, it isn’t.
Do you have a yo-yo? (Like No, I don’t. Is it a jumper? No, it isn’t.
What is it? It’s a tracksuit.
Do you have a snake? (Like Yessy!) Yes, I do.
Do you have a dog? (Like Noella!) No, I don’t. DRILL

Objective in Focus 2
Do you have a chameleon? (Like Yes, I do.

Do you have a guinea pig? (Like No, I don’t. Are you wearing a dress? (Like No, I’m not wearing a dress.
Noella!) Noella!)

Do you have a mouse? (Like No, I don’t. Are you wearing a shirt? (Like Yes, I’m wearing a shirt.
Noella!) Yessy!)

Do you have a bed? (Like Yessy!) Yes, I do. Are you wearing a tracksuit? (Like Yes, I’m wearing a tracksuit.
Do you have a pen? (Like Noella!) No, I don’t.
Are you wearing a T-shirt? (Like No, I’m not wearing a T-shirt.
Do you have a ruler? (Like Yessy!) Yes, I do. Noella!)
Do you have a sticker? (Like No, I don’t. Are you wearing a skirt? (Like No, I’m not wearing a skirt.
Noella!) Noella!)
Do you have a door? (Like Yessy!) Yes, I do. Are you wearing shoes? (Like Yes, I’m wearing shoes.
34 Objective in Focus 1 Are you wearing jeans? (Like No, I’m not wearing jeans.
Are you wearing socks? (Like Yes, I’m wearing socks.
(Hold up the dress flashcard.) Yessy!)
Is this a shirt? No, it isn’t.
Are you wearing trousers? (Like No, I’m not wearing trousers.
Is it a tracksuit? No, it isn’t. Noella!)
What is it? It’s a dress. Are you wearing a dress? (Like No, I’m not wearing a dress.
(Hold up the shoes flashcard.) Noella!)
Are these socks? No, they aren’t. Are you wearing a shirt? (Like Yes, I’m wearing a shirt.
Are they jeans? No, they aren’t. Yessy!)
What are they? They’re shoes. Are you wearing a tracksuit? (Like No, I’m not wearing a tracksuit.
(Hold up the trousers flashcard.) Noella!)
Are these shoes? No, they aren’t. Are you wearing a T-shirt? (Like No, I’m not wearing a T-shirt.
Are they jeans? No, they aren’t. Noella!)
What are they? They’re trousers. Are you wearing a skirt? (Like Yes, I’m wearing a skirt.
(Hold up the jumper flashcard.) Yessy!)
Is this a shirt? No, it isn’t. Are you wearing shoes? (Like Yes, I’m wearing shoes.
Is it a tracksuit? No, it isn’t. Yessy!)

What is it? It’s a jumper. Are you wearing jeans? (Like Yes, I’m wearing jeans.
(Hold up the T-shirt flashcard.)
Is this a skirt? No, it isn’t. Are you wearing socks? (Like Yes, I’m wearing socks.
Is it a jumper? No, it isn’t.
Are you wearing a tracksuit? (Like No, I’m not wearing a tracksuit.
What is it? It’s a T-shirt.
(Hold up the shirt flashcard.)
Are you wearing a dress? (Like No, I’m not wearing a dress.
Is this a jumper? No, it isn’t.
Is it a dress? No, it isn’t.
Are you wearing a shirt? (Like Yes, I’m wearing a shirt.
What is it? It’s a shirt. Yessy!)


Refresh •

Start drawing different items of clothing on the board slowly and the
students have to guess what they are, using the structure Is it...? / Are
missi n 2:
- box, wardrobe
- new, old
they...?, for example: Is it a tracksuit?

1.22 1 Look, ask and answer. Then listen and check. What’s in
my box?
There are some black
socks. They’re old.
1 L
 ook, ask and answer. PB

Then listen and check.

What’s in my There’s a yellow 22 PB
wardrobe? T-shirt. It’s new.
Split the class into pairs and have the students discuss the illustrations,
asking and answering questions about what’s in Noella’s wardrobe and
what’s in Fusy’s box. Then play the audio so the class can compare.

Noella: What’s in my wardrobe? Yessy: There’s a yellow T-shirt. It’s new.
There’s a red dress. It’s old. There’s a purple skirt. It’s old. There are
black shoes. They’re new.
Fusy: What’s in my box? Asky: There are some black socks. They’re
1.23 2 Listen and write in your notebook. 3 What are you
old. There’s a blue tracksuit. It’s new. There are some green trousers.
wearing? Give
a presentation. They’re new. There’s an orange jumper. It’s old.
My name’s Rob.
I’ve got dark hair.
I’m wearing a
blue T-shirt and DRILL
black trousers. I’m CD1
wearing socks and Objective in Focus 1 • 37
new shoes.
What? Practise the adjectives new and old in questions.
Why? Working with adjectives and questions will help students with
1 Dad: I’m wearing my green 4 Granny: I’m wearing … . word order in English, something that often gives non-natives trouble.
5 Paul: I’m wearing … .
How? Say a sentence with new or old in the affirmative. Students have
2 Mum: I’m wearing … .
to change it to the interrogative, for example, TEACHER: There are
3 Grandad: I’m wearing … . 6 Nina: I’m wearing … . new shoes in the box. STUDENT: Are there new shoes in the box?

fifteen 15 PB

2 Listen and write in your notebook. CD1

23 PB

missi n 2:
Play the audio and have your students write what each member of the
family is wearing in their notebooks.
1 I’m Dad and I’m wearing my green jumper.
2 I’m Mum and I’m wearing my new dress.
• Learn the words box, wardrobe, new and old. 3 I’m Grandad and I’m wearing my brown trousers.
• Review the structures I’m wearing... and You’re wearing... 4 I’m Granny and I’m wearing my old skirt.
• Practise with the verb to like. 5 I’m Paul and I’m wearing my new jeans.
6 I’m Nina and I’m wearing my old T-shirt.
• Review the daily routine, clothes and food vocabulary.
Materials Solution
• Audio material 1 my green jumper, 2 my new dress, 3 my brown trousers, 4 my old skirt,
• Ball for the game at the end of class 5 my new jeans, 6 my old T-shirt

Recommended Extra Activities DRILL

 ctivity Book p. 13 Objective in Focus 2 • 38

 ronunciation video 2 What? Practise the structure you’re not wearing...
 eacher’s Resource Book, Vocabulary Worksheets, pp. 20-21 Why? Students have worked with to wear in the affirmitive, but now
they must do the same in the negative.
 ocabulary video 2
How? Ask the students different questions that they have to answer in
 ast Finishers: In pairs, get fast finishers to write about what they wear
the negative, and using the full sentence. TEACHER: Am I wearing a
when they’re in hot places and what they wear when they’re in cold places.
purple dress? STUDENT: No, you’re not wearing a purple dress.

Teacher Tips: Rewind •

• Whoever was appointed King or Queen in the last class has to be Ask your students different questions with to like, insisting that they respond
ready to hand over their crown to one of their peers. like Noella (in the negative) or like Yessy (in the affirmative). For example,
• We use the present continuous to talk about things happening now. TEACHER: Do you like eating chocolate? (Like Yessy!), STUDENT: Yes, I like
eating chocolate.
• Make sure your students know that wear isn’t pronounced “gueee”,
but “ueee”. 3 What are you wearing?
Give a presentation. learning PB

Have students write a brief presentation on what they’re wearing. If

students wear uniforms, have them write about their favourite outfit. Have
them present in groups of three.

Game – The Ball • learning
Have students throw a ball around the class while forming a question The other student has to say Yes, I am or No, I’m not and then form
at the same time, for example: Are you wearing green trousers? their own question.

Drill Section
Am I wearing a pink tracksuit? No, you’re not wearing a pink
TEACHER STUDENTS Am I wearing a yellow T-shirt? No, you’re not wearing a yellow
(Draw a tracksuit.) Is it a tracksuit? T-shirt.
(Draw a dress.) Is it a dress? Am I wearing a purple jumper? No, you’re not wearing a purple
(Draw a jumper.) Is it a jumper?
Am I wearing a brown dress? No, you’re not wearing a brown dress.
(Draw a shirt.) Is it a shirt?
Am I wearing a new skirt? No, you’re not wearing a new skirt.
(Draw shoes.) Are they shoes?
Am I wearing old trousers? No, you’re not wearing old trousers.
(Draw a shirt.) Is it a shirt?
Am I wearing a green shirt? No, you’re not wearing a green shirt.
(Draw socks.) Are they socks?
Am I wearing orange shoes? No, you’re not wearing orange shoes.
(Draw trousers.) Are they trousers?
Am I wearing blue jeans? No, you’re not wearing blue jeans.
(Draw a T-shirt.) Is it a T-shirt?
Am I wearing green socks? No, you’re not wearing green socks.
(Draw a tracksuit.) Is it a tracksuit?
Am I wearing a black jumper? No, you’re not wearing a black jumper.

Objective in Focus 1

There are new shoes in the Are there new shoes in the TEACHER STUDENTS
wardrobe. wardrobe? Do you like eating chocolate? (Like Yes, I like eating chocolate.
There’s an old T-shirt in the Is there an old T-shirt in the
wardrobe. wardrobe? Do you like playing football? (Like No, I don’t like playing football.
There’s a new dress in the box. Is there a new dress in the box?
Do you like drinking milk? (Like Yessy!) Yes, I like drinking milk.
There’s an old jumper in the box. Is there an old jumper in the box?
Do you like eating salad? (Like Yessy!) Yes, I like eating salad.
There’s a new shirt in the wardrobe. Is there a new shirt in the wardrobe?
Do you like eating fruit? (Like Noella!) No, I don’t like eating fruit.
There are old jeans in the box. Are there old jeans in the box?
Do you like drinking tea? (Like Yessy!) Yes, I like drinking tea.
There’s an old skirt in the wardrobe. Is there an old skirt in the wardrobe?
Do you like writing? (Like Noella!) No, I don’t like writing.
There are new socks in the box. Are there new socks in the box?
Do you like reading? (Like Yessy!) Yes, I like reading.
There’s an old tracksuit in the box. Is there an old tracksuit in the box?
Do you like playing in the park? No, I don’t like playing in the park.
There are new jeans in the wardrobe. Are there new jeans in the wardrobe?
(Like Noella!)
There’s a new jumper in the box. Is there a new jumper in the box? Do you like going to the zoo? (Like Yes, I like going to the zoo.
There are old shoes in the Are there old shoes in the Yessy!)
wardrobe. wardrobe? Do you like playing basketball? Yes, I like playing basketball.
There are old trousers in the box. Are there old trousers in the box? (Like Yessy!)

There’s an old jumper in the Is there an old jumper in the Do you like brushing your teeth? No, I don’t like brushing my teeth.
wardrobe. wardrobe? (Like Noella!)

There’s an old shirt in the wardrobe. Is there an old shirt in the wardrobe? Do you like doing your homework? Yes, I like doing my homework.
(Like Yessy!)
There are new jeans in the box. Are there new jeans in the box?
Do you like eating bread? (Like Yes, I like eating bread.
There’s a new skirt in the box. Is there a new skirt in the box? Yessy!)
There’s a new jumper in the Is there a new jumper in the Do you like drinking water? (Like No, I don’t like drinking water.
wardrobe. wardrobe? Noella!)
DRILL Do you like going to the zoo? (Like Yes, I like going to the zoo.
Objective in Focus 2
38 Yessy!)
Do you like playing basketball? Yes, I like playing basketball.
(Like Yessy!)
Am I wearing a purple dress? No, you’re not wearing a purple dress.
Do you like brushing your hair? No, I don’t like brushing my hair.
Am I wearing a pink jumper? No, you’re not wearing a pink jumper. (Like Noella!)
Am I wearing old shoes? No, you’re not wearing old shoes. Do you like going to bed? (Like No, I don’t like going to bed.
Am I wearing red socks? No, you’re not wearing red socks.


Refresh •
40 FC

Write two headings on the board: New and Old. Hold up a “Unit 2: Cool
missi n 3:
- Where is Fusy’s jumper?
- Is your jumper in / on / under the wardrobe? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
- Are my socks in / on / under the box? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
clothes” flashcard and position it under either New or Old so that students
form sentences such as: Those are old shoes / That’s a new jumper.
1.24 1 Listen and repeat.
Grammar Appendix p.63
This is Noella’s What are PB

T-shirt. those?
1 Listen and repeat. CD1
24 PB
This is Fusy’s
jumper. Play the audio. Then in pairs the students can take turns asking and
answering the questions.

Objective in Focus 1 • 41

What? Practise the Saxon Genitive and questions with Where’s.

Why? It is important students get used to adding the ‘s’ onto the ends
1.25 2 Look, ask and answer. Then listen and check.
of words and this fast paced activity will reinforce that.
Grammar Appendix p.64
Where How? Shout out a name and an object, for example TEACHER: Yessy -
are Yessy’s
trousers? tracksuit. STUDENT: Where’s Yessy’s tracksuit?
trousers are
under the box.
Back to Basics •
Dictate the following words: bread, banana, tomato, chicken, potato, soup,
milk, fish, cereal, chocolate and then check the students’ spelling. Hand
3 Game time! Yes, I Is your dress in
over the title of King or Queen to the best speller in the class.
have. the wardrobe? IN
Have you got Yes,
a dress? it is.
2 Look, ask and answer. PB

Then listen and check.

25 PB

Here the students need to form sentences using the prepositions. They
can do this in pairs and when they have each asked and answered about all
16 sixteen the items of clothing in the picture, play the audio so they can check their
answers and improve their pronunciation.

missi n 3:
Hello! I’m Yessy. Look at my room. My jumper’s in the box. It isn’t
on the box. My shoes are in the wardrobe. They aren’t under the
wardrobe. My skirt’s on the wardrobe. It isn’t in the wardrobe. My
trousers are under the box. They aren’t on the box. My shirt’s on the
• Learn the following grammatical structures: Where is Fusy’s jumper?, Is your bed. It isn’t in the bed. My tracksuit’s in the wardrobe. It isn’t under
jumper in/on/under the wardrobe? and Are my socks in/on/under the box? the wardrobe. My socks are under the bed. They aren’t in the bed.
 eview the structure Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. / Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. My jeans are in the box. They aren’t under the box. My dress’s in the
wardrobe. It isn’t on the wardrobe.
 eview the clothes vocabulary.


 udio material Objective in Focus 2 •
42 FC
 Unit 2: Cool clothes” flashcards What? Practise questions with Where’s/Where are…? and the
prepositions on, in and under.
Recommended Extra Activities
Why? To grasp the concept of how to use the correct prepositions
 ctivity Book p. 14
is fundamental. Visual association will help boost children’s
 ast Finishers: Have fast finishers change Activity 2 into a written exercise. understanding.
How? Prepare a box and the “Unit 2: Cool clothes” flashcards. Then
Teacher Tips: place, for example, the skirt flashcard either on top of the box, inside
the box or underneath the box, each time using the structure Where’s/
• Try to be as visual as possible when teaching the difference
Where are…?. TEACHER: Where’s the skirt? STUDENT: The skirt is on
between the prepositions in, on and under.
the box, etc.
Remind the students that under should be pronounced
“áannndee”, with a long “aa” sound at the beginning of the word.
Sing and clap! •
 he students need to get used to using the Saxon Genitive “’s” 20 learning
sound at the end of words. Get them to exaggerate it. Play the audio. Break the students up into groups of 6. The first team start
the rap and sing the first two lines, the next the following two lines and so
on. Then they all sing it again together.

3 Game time! CD1
20 learning FC PB

Divide the “Unit 2: Cool clothes” flashcards into three groups: items of
clothing, new/old, and wardrobe/box/to wear. Pick the King or Queen of
Spelling to choose a card from each group. The class needs to ask questions
to find out what item of clothing the student has, if it’s new or old, and
whether it’s in the wardrobe, in the box, or if the student is ‘wearing’ it.

Drill Section

Refresh Objective in Focus 2

40 42


Shoes – old Those are old shoes. (Put skirt flashcard in the box.)
Where’s the skirt? The skirt is in the box.
Jumper – new That’s a new jumper.
(Put shirt flashcard under the box.)
T-shirt – old That’s an old T-shirt.
Where’s the shirt? The shirt is under the box.
Jeans – new Those are new jeans. (Put T-shirt flashcard on the box.)
Shirt – old That’s an old shirt. Where’s the T-shirt? The T-shirt is on the box.

Skirt - new That’s a new skirt. (Put dress flashcard in the box.)
Where’s the dress? The dress is in the box.
Socks – old Those are old socks.
(Put jeans flashcard under the
Trousers – new Those are new trousers. box.) Where are the jeans? The jeans are under the box.
T-shirt – new That’s a new T-shirt. (Put jumper flashcard on the box.)
Where’s the jumper? The jumper is on the box.
Tracksuit – old That’s an old tracksuit.
(Put shirt flashcard in the box.)
Where’s the shirt? The shirt is in the box.
41 Objective in Focus 1 (Put tracksuit flashcard under the
box.) Where’s the tracksuit? The tracksuit is under the box.
TEACHER STUDENTS (Put T-shirt on the box.)
Yessy- tracksuit. Where’s Yessy’s tracksuit? Where’s the T-shirt? The T-shirt is on the box.
Fusy – shirt. Where’s Fusy’s shirt? (Put shoes flashcard in the box.)
Where are the shoes? The shoes are in the box.
Asky – trousers Where are Asky’s trousers?
(Put socks flashcard under the
Noella - jumper. Where’s Noella’s jumper?
box.) Where are the socks? The socks are under the box.
Yessy - shoes. Where are Yessy’s shoes? (Put tracksuit flashcard on the The tracksuit is on the box.
Fusy – T-shirt Where’s Fusy’s T-shirt? box.) Where’s the tracksuit?

John – jeans Where are John’s jeans? (Put jumper flashcard in the box.)
Where’s the jumper? The jumper is in the box.
Tom - trousers. Where are Tom’s trousers?
(Put T-shirt flashcard under the
Ellen – dress Where’s Ellen’s dress? box.) Where’s the T-shirt? The T-shirt is under the box.
Sue – tracksuit. Where’s Sue’s tracksuit? (Put jumper flashcard on the box.)
Yessy - jeans Where are Yessy’s jeans? Where’s the jumper? The jumper is on the box.

Mike – trousers Where are Mike’s trousers?

Marion – socks Where are Marion’s socks?
Yessy - jeans Where are Yessy’s jeans?
Mike – shirt Where’s Mike’s shirt?


Refresh •

Refresh prepositions with an ‘Ask me’ drill. TEACHER: Ask me if the skirt is
missi n 4:
- to put on, to take off
- Where is his/her jumper?
- Where are his/her shoes?
2 under the table. STUDENT: Is the skirt under the table?

1 Cooperative
Say it and act out.
Take off
1 Say it and act out. learning PB
Put on your your shoes!
tracksuit! Say a command, selecting a student from the class and telling them to put
on an imaginary jumper and then to take it off again. Play in pairs.

Objective in Focus 1 • 44

What? Practise to put on and to take off in the imperative.

Grammar Appendix p.63 & 64 Why? To encourage children to feel comfortable with the imperative
2 Look, complete and answer in your notebook.

Then listen and check.

structure as well as practising the new phrasal verbs.
How? Use a ‘Tell me to’ exercise. TEACHER: Tell me to put on my
shoes. STUDENT: Put on your shoes. The teacher acts out the motion
and asks What am I doing? The student replies You’re putting on your

Cool things, cool clothes! •

45 P

1 Where are her socks? 4 Where’s ... jumper? Point at the ‘Cool things, cool clothes!’ poster and ask questions about the
 They’re under the box. 5 Where are ... shoes? objects you can find in it, for example: TEACHER: Is the pen on the chair?
2 Where are his trousers? 6 Where’s ... dress?
3 Where’s ... shirt?
STUDENT: No, it isn’t. TEACHER: Is it on the floor? STUDENT: No, it isn’t.
7 Where are ... socks?
TEACHER: Where is it? STUDENT: It’s in/on the….
1.27 3 Master the question. Then listen and check.
1 Her tracksuit is in the wardrobe. 4 Her shoes are in the box. 2 L
 ook, complete and answer PB
 Where’s her tracksuit? 5 Yes, Mum’s shirt is in the box.
in your notebook. Then listen and check.
26 PB
2 Noella’s jeans are on the chair. 6 No, his trousers aren’t on the chair.
3 Asky’s jumper is under the chair. 7 Yes, her skirt’s on the bed. Have students complete the questions and answer them based on the
pictures in their Pupil’s Books. Then check through everything on the audio.
seventeen 17
Audio / Solution

missi n 4:
1 Where are her socks? They are under the box.
2 Where are his trousers? They are on the box.
3 Where’s his shirt? It’s in the box.
4 Where’s her jumper? It’s under the box.
5 Where are her shoes? They are on the box.
• L earn the phrasal verbs to put on and to take off. 6 Where’s her dress? It’s on the box.
 eview the use of his and her in questions. 7 Where are his socks? They are in the box.
 eview the structure I’m wearing… and the prepositions in, on and under.
 eview the clothes and feelings vocabulary.
Materials Objective in Focus 2 • 46

 udio material What? Work with the possessive adjectives his and her.
• Item of clothing: coat/jacket/hat etc. Why? Students often confuse his and her.

• Poster 1: ‘Cool things, cool clothes!’ How? Shout out a name and an item of clothing, for example: Jenny
– trousers. One student asks Where are Jenny’s trousers? and another
 eacher’s Resource Book, Focused Translation List, p. 40 student asks the same question, but with the appropriate possessive
Recommended Extra Activities adjective, in this case, Where are her trousers?

 ctivity Book p. 15
 upil’s Book video 2 Translation Challenge • TRB

 eacher’s Resource Book, Listening Worksheet, p. 22 Go through the first fifteen sentences of the Focused Translation List from
the Teacher’s Resource Book, selecting students at random to translate
 ast Finishers: In pairs tell the students to describe two of their mother’s
them out loud.
/ father’s / brother’s / sister’s favourite items of clothes.

3 M
 aster the question. PB
Teacher Tips: Then listen and check.
27 PB
• Students often confuse his and her. If they make a mistake get the Read out the sentences from Activity 3, stressing the words in bold. Have
whole class to point at a boy and then a girl, repeating his and her students form the corresponding question to each statement.
five times.
• Be strict with the pronunciation of his and her. Encourage students
to pronounce the words with a strong “hhh” sound.
• Remind students that it is correct to say both, I’m putting my shoes
on, and I’m putting on my shoes.

Audio / Solution Game – Shout out! • learning
1 Her tracksuit is in the wardrobe. Where’s her tracksuit? Divide the class into two lines, with you standing in front of both. Take a
2 Noella’s jeans are on the chair. Where are Noella’s jeans? jacket, hat or any spare item or clothing and act out either putting it on or
3 Asky’s jumper is under the chair. Where’s Asky’s jumper? taking it off. Students at the front of each line have to compete for who can
4 Her shoes are in the box. Where are her shoes? identify the action first, shouting out either Put on or Take off, depending
5 Yes, Mum’s shirt is in the box. Is Mum’s shirt in the box? on the action. Whoever does this first gets a point for their team.
6 No, his trousers aren’t on the chair. Are his trousers on the chair?
7 Yes, her skirt’s on the bed. Is her skirt on the bed?

Drill Section
Tell me to take off my dress. S1: Take off your dress.
What am I doing? S2: You’re taking off your dress.
TEACHER STUDENTS Tell me to take off my jumper. S1: Take off your jumper.
Ask me if the skirt is under the Is the skirt under the table? What am I doing? S2: You’re taking off your jumper.
table. Tell me to put on my socks. S1: Put on your socks.
Ask me if the shoes are in the box. Are the shoes in the box? What am I doing? S2: You’re putting on your socks.
Ask me if the T-shirt is on the chair. Is the T-shirt on the chair? Tell me to put on my tracksuit. S1: Put on your tracksuit.
What am I doing? S2: You’re putting on your
Ask me if the jumper is under the Is the jumper under the table?
Ask me if the socks are in the box. Are the socks in the box?

Cool things, cool clothes!

Ask me if the shirt is on the table. Is the shirt on the table? 45

Ask me if the tracksuit is under the Is the tracksuit under the table? TEACHER STUDENTS
Is the pen under the table? No, it isn’t.
Ask me if the jeans are in the box. Are the jeans in the box? Is it in the table? No, it isn’t.
Ask me if the jumper is on the Is the jumper on the chair? Where is it? It’s on the table.
chair. Is the ruler in the table? No, it isn’t.
Ask me if the socks are under the Are the socks under the table? Is it under the table? No, it isn’t.
table. Where is it? It’s on the table.

Ask me if the skirt is in the box. Is the skirt in the box? Is the notebook under the table? No, it isn’t.
Is it in the table? No, it isn’t.
Ask me if the trousers are on the Are the trousers on the box? Where is it? It’s on the table.
Are the cards in the table? No, they aren’t.
Ask me if the socks are under the Are the socks under the table? Are they under the table? No, they aren’t.
table. Where are they? They’re on the table.
Ask me if the skirt is under the Is the skirt under the chair? Are the clothes in the shelves? No, they aren’t.
chair. Are they under the shelves? No, they aren’t.
Ask me if the shoes are in the box. Are the shoes in the box? Where are they? They’re on the shelves.


Objective in Focus 2
Objective in Focus 1


Jenny - trousers Where are Jenny’s Where are her trousers?
Tell me to put on my shoes. S1: Put on your shoes.
What am I doing? S2: You’re putting on your shoes.
Jack - shirt Where’s Jack’s shirt? Where’s his shirt?
Tell me to put on my shirt. S1: Put on your shirt.
What am I doing? S2: You’re putting on your shirt. John - socks Where are John’s socks? Where are his socks?
Tell me to take off my jeans. S1: Take off your jeans. Laura - dress Where’s Laura’s dress? Where’s her dress?
What am I doing? S2: You’re taking off your jeans.
Max - tracksuit Where’s Max’s tracksuit? Where’s his tracksuit?
Tell me to take off my jumper. S1: Take off your jumper.
What am I doing? S2: You’re taking off your jumper. Fusy - jumper Where’s Fusy’s jumper? Where’s his jumper?

Tell me to put on my socks. S1: Put on your socks. Yessy - skirt Where’s Yessy’s skirt? Where’s her skirt?
What am I doing? S2: You’re putting on your socks. Noella - shoes Where are Noella’s Where are her shoes?
Tell me to put on my tracksuit. S1: Put on your tracksuit. shoes?
What am I doing? S2: You’re putting on your tracksuit. Asky - jumper Where’s Asky’s jumper? Where’s his jumper?
Emily - skirt Where’s Emily’s skirt? Where’s her skirt?


Refresh •
47 FC

Hide the clothes flashcards around the classroom and ask Where are my
missi n 5: Reading
shoes? The students have to reply saying where they are: They are on the
Aha! Can I wear your
chair, They are under the table etc.
1.28 1 Story time! shoes, Yessy? And can
I wear your glasses
You’re wearing Mum and Dad’s Tom, please?
clothes. Is the blue dress in the box? Hi Miranda!
Yes, you can. 1 Story time! CD1
28 PB

Play the audio once. Then choose four students to read the story. Ensure
you correct pronunciation errors whenever they come up.

Objective in Focus 1 • 48

No, the dress

Yes, you can.
What? Practise the verb to wear in negative and affirmative sentences.
isn’t in the box.
Why? Students often have trouble pronouncing the verb to wear.
I’m wearing Yessy’s shoes. I’m wearing Tom’s How? Ask your students a question with the verb to wear. They must
Yes, you can! glasses. I’m wearing Asky’s jumper. I’m granny!
respond either as Noella would, in the negative, or as Yessy would, in
Can I
wear your the affirmative. For example, TEACHER: Am I wearing a jumper? (Like
please? Yessy!) STUDENT: Yes, you’re wearing a jumper.

Let’s play match up! • learning TRB
Cool! Cool! Cool! Split the students into groups of four or five students. Using Class Material
Worksheet 1 from the Teacher’s Resource Book, have them colour and
cut out the images and the sentences to create their own cards for their
memory game. When they have finished, all the cards get shuffled and
2 Read again and say true or false. 3 Act out.
placed upside down on the desk. The students will then each take turns
1 The children are playing in the 4 The blue dress isn’t in the box.
living room. 5 The boys have an idea.
to lift up two cards. The aim is to try and remember where their cards are
2 Yessy’s wearing glasses. 6 Miranda’s wearing Asky’s jumper. and combine the correct image with the sentence. If they aren’t a pair, they
3 Asky’s wearing a dress.
have to be put back in the same place but if they match up a pair, they get
18 eighteen another go. The student with the most correct pairs is the winner.

missi n 5:
2 Read again and say true or false. PB

Have students read the story again individually and then answer the
comprehension questions. Play the audio after to check their responses.
 eview the use and pronunciation of to wear.
1 True 2 False 3 False 4 True 5 False 6 True
 eview the prepositions in, on and under.
• Practise questions with Where’s / Where are...? DRILL

 eview the clothes and room vocabulary.
Objective in Focus 2 • 49

What? Practise formulating questions with the verb to wear.

• Improve reading skills.
Why? Students need to be able to manipulate all types of sentences.
Materials This exercise reinforces what they have seen in the story and allows
 udio material them to gain more fluency with the language the story uses.

• Box big enough to hold flashcards How? Say a sentence in the affirmative. Students have to transform this
sentence into a question, just like Asky would. For example: TEACHER:
 eacher’s Resource Book, Class Material Worksheet 1, p. 18 You’re wearing Mum and Dad’s clothes. STUDENT: Are you wearing
 Unit 2: Cool clothes” flashcards Mum and Dad’s clothes?

Recommended Extra Activities DRILL

Ask me… •
 ctivity Book p. 16
Review the room and clothes vocabulary with a fast-paced ‘Ask me’ exercise.
 eacher’s Resource Book, Speaking Worksheet, p. 23 If any student answers particularly well or with perfect pronunciation,
 ast Finishers: Ask students to write their own story including the appoint them the new King or Queen of Grammar or Pronunciation and let
following vocabulary: put on, take off, old, new and cool. them start first in the game at the end of the class.

Teacher Tips: Cooperative

3 Act out. learning PB
• Remind your students that we don’t say “Can I to wear...?” but
rather Can I wear...?, leaving “to” out. Choose four different children to act out the story in front of their classmates.
Allow the students to choose which character they’re going to be and
• Make sure your students pronounce cool “kúul”, with a long “u” encourage the other students to try and learn the dialogues off by heart.
sound in the middle of the word.
• Don’t let the students get bored watching the other groups act out Game – What am I Wearing? • learning
the story. Give them an activity, like counting how many times the One student has to say a sentence with I’m wearing..., which can be either
word wear comes up, for example. true or false. The other students have to identify whether this statement is
true or false, and whoever does this the fastest goes next.

Drill Section
Am I wearing a shirt? (Like Noella!) No, you’re not wearing a shirt.
Am I wearing a tracksuit? (Like Yes, you’re wearing a tracksuit.
Where’s the shirt? It’s on the table.
Am I wearing shoes? (Like Yessy!) Yes, you’re wearing shoes.
(Put the flashcard on the table.)
Am I wearing socks? (Like Noella!) No, you’re not wearing socks.
Where’s the jumper? It’s under the chair.
(Put the flashcard under the chair.) Am I wearing a dress? (Like No, you’re not wearing a dress.
Where are the socks? They’re in the box. Noella!)
(Put the flashcard in the box.)
Where are the shoes? They’re on the box. DRILL

Objective in Focus 2
(Put the flashcard on the box.) 49

Where’s the T-shirt? It’s on the table. TEACHER STUDENTS

(Put the flashcard on the table.) You’re wearing a black shirt. Are you wearing a black shirt?
Where’s the skirt? It’s under the chair.
They’re wearing jumpers. Are they wearing jumpers?
(Put the flashcard under the chair.)
I’m wearing a tracksuit. Am I wearing a tracksuit?
Where are the trousers? They’re in the box.
(Put the flashcard in the box.) You’re wearing a green dress. Are you wearing a green dress?
Where are the socks? They’re on the box. They’re wearing old T-shirts. Are they wearing old T-shirts?
(Put the flashcard on the box.)
I’m wearing new shoes. Am I wearing new shoes?
Where’s the dress? It’s on the table.
(Put the flashcard on the table.) They’re wearing old shirts Are they wearing old shirts?

Where’s the tracksuit? It’s under the chair. You’re wearing new socks. Are you wearing new socks?
(Put the flashcard under the chair.) I’m wearing a blue shirt. Am I wearing a blue shirt?
Where are the socks? They’re in the box.
They’re wearing green trousers. Are they wearing green trousers?
(Put the flashcard in the box.)
You’re wearing old shoes. Are you wearing old shoes?
Where are the shoes? They’re under the box.
(Put the flashcard under the box.) I’m wearing a new shirt. Am I wearing a new shirt?
Where’s the T-shirt? It’s under the chair. They’re wearing new tracksuits. Are they wearing new tracksuits?
(Put the flashcard under the chair.)
Yessy’s wearing a pink dress. Is Yessy wearing a pink dress?
Where are the shoes? They’re on the box.
(Put the flashcard on the box.) Asky’s wearing yellow shoes. Is Asky wearing yellow shoes?

Where are the trousers? They’re under the chair.

(Put the flashcard under the chair.) DRILL

Ask me...


Objective in Focus 1
Ask me if I can see shoes. Can you see shoes?
TEACHER STUDENTS Ask me if I can see socks. Can you see socks?
Am I wearing a jumper? (Like Yes, you’re wearing a jumper. Ask me if I can see a T-shirt. Can you see a T-shirt?
Ask me if I can see trousers. Can you see trousers?
Am I wearing a T-shirt? (Like No, you’re not wearing a T-shirt.
Noella!) Ask me if I can see old clothes. Can you see old clothes?
Am I wearing a shirt? (Like Noella!) No, you’re not wearing a shirt. Ask me if I can see new clothes. Can you see new clothes?
Am I wearing a tracksuit? (Like Yes, you’re wearing a tracksuit. Ask me if I can see a shirt. Can you see a shirt?
Ask me if I can see a skirt. Can you see a skirt?
Am I wearing shoes? (Like Yessy!) Yes, you’re wearing shoes.
Ask me if I can see stickers. Can you see stickers?
Am I wearing socks? (Like Noella!) No, you’re not wearing socks.
Ask me if I can see cards. Can you see cards?
Am I wearing a dress? (Like No, you’re not wearing a dress.
Ask me if I can see a door. Can you see a door?
Am I wearing a skirt? (Like Yessy!) Yes, you’re wearing a skirt. Ask me if I can see a table. Can you see a table?

Am I wearing a jumper? (Like Yes, you’re wearing a jumper. Ask me if I can see a ruler. Can you see a ruler?
Yessy!) Ask me if I can see a pen. Can you see a pen?
Am I wearing a T-shirt? (Like No, you’re not wearing a T-shirt. Everyone..., 3..., 2..., 1! Can you see a pen?

Around the World Refresh •
The UK
Ask students questions with the verb to wear, having them answer in the
missi n 6: - Cool!
- kilt style of Yessy (affirmative) or Noella (negative). For example, TEACHER:
Do you wear a tracksuit on Mondays? (Like Yessy!) STUDENT: Yes, I wear a
1.29 1 Say it! Find it in the story.
tracksuit on Mondays.
Look! I’m
wearing my
I’ve got a mum’s shoes.
new tracksuit. Cool! Cool shoes! PB

1 2 1 Say it! Find it in the story. CD1

29 PB

Play the audio once and choose two students to act out the short role play.
Allow the students time to look through Mission 5 to find out where the
superheroes used the word cool in the story.

Objective in Focus 1 • 52
1.30 2 Listen and read. Then answer the questions 3 Let’s make a kilt!
in your notebook. What? Practise the clothes vocabulary and the structure Have you
In Scotland boys and men
sometimes wear a kilt. A kilt is Why? Working with questions will help students with word order.
similar to a skirt, but it isn’t for
girls! They’ve got big and small
squares. They can have different
How? Say a sentence with have got in the affirmative and have students
colours, for example blue, green,
black and red.
ask the question using Have you got...? TEACHER: I’ve got a new dress.
Different families wear different
kilts. You can’t wear trousers
STUDENT: Have you got a new dress?
when you are wearing a kilt. You
can wear a kilt with a shirt, socks
and shoes. You can wear it when
it’s cold and when it’s hot. Translation Challenge • learning TRB
Boys and men in Scotland
don’t wear kilts every day. They Put students into groups of four, giving each group a photocopied Focused
wear kilts on special days.
Kilts are cool! Translation List from your Teacher’s Resource Book, but in which all of the
sentences, both in English and in Spanish, are cut out. Have groups match
1 Who wears a kilt in Scotland? the English sentences with their equivalents in Spanish, timing them for
2 Describe a kilt. who can go the fastest. Tell students that members of the fastest team will
3 Can you wear trousers when you wear a kilt?
be crowned Translation Kings and Queens for the day.
4 When can you wear a kilt?

nineteen 19 2 Listen and read. Then answer the questions PB

in your notebook.
30 PB

missi n 6:
Get a student to start reading the text aloud in class. Catch the children
by surprise by having another student randomly continue reading mid-
sentence. Afterwards, have the class answer the reading comprehension
questions individually.
• L earn the new vocabulary: kilt and cool.
1 Boys and men wear kilts in Scotland. 2 It’s similar to a skirt. It’s got big
• L earn about Scottish traditional dress. and small squares and it can have different colours. 3 No, you can’t wear
 eview the clothes vocabulary through a translation list. trousers when you’re wearing a kilt. 4 You can wear a kilt on special days.
 eview the numbers 1-100 with a dictation.
3 Let’s make a kilt! PB
Using the art and crafts materials they have available in the classroom, the
 rts and crafts materials to make a kilt
students need to get creative and design their own kilts. As students work,
 udio material test them with their pronunciation of the words cool, Scotland and kilt.
 eacher’s Resource Book, Class Material Worksheet 2, p. 19
 eacher’s Resource Book, Focused Translation List, p. 40 photocopies DRILL
Objective in Focus 2 • 53
 Unit 2: Cool clothes” flashcards
What? Practise can and to wear in the interrogative.
Recommended Extra Activities Why? Students tend to say “can to wear” rather than can wear so this is
 ctivity Book p. 17 a good opportunity to correct this mistake.
 eacher’s Resource Book, Reading Worksheets, pp. 24-25 How? Hold up a “Unit 2: Cool clothes” flashcard and have students use
 ast Finishers: Photocopy the General Translation List from the Teacher’s the word on the card with Can I wear that/those...? For example, if you
Resource Book for fast finishers to work with. Have them translate as hold up a socks flashcard, they must say Can I wear those socks?
many sentences as they can from Spanish to English. Cooperative
What we wear! • learning TRB

Teacher Tips: Have the students get into groups to complete the second Class Material
Worksheet (My Autonomous Community). They have to think about and
• Homework idea: have the students research or ask their parents draw the clothes people in their local community wear at different times
about other things that are typically Scottish. of the year. In the last box, if there are any public holidays in your region
• Make sure students don’t pronounce Scotland “escótland”, in where people dress up in special clothes, have the students write which
three syllables, but rather “ssscótland”, in two. holiday day/date it is and describe the clothes people traditionally wear.
• As the teacher, it’s your job to dictate the energy and flow of the Cooperative
Game – Name it • learning FC
class. Approach each activity with passion and positivity, and your
students will follow suit. Put the class into teams of five. Show them a “Unit 2: Cool clothes” flashcard
for only a second, and have them compete to be the team that can write
the word on the card down the fastest.

Drill Section
I’ve got old socks. Have you got old socks?
I’ve got green trousers. Have you got green trousers?
I’ve got a yellow dress. Have you got a yellow dress?
Do you wear a tracksuit on Yes, I wear a tracksuit on Mondays.
Mondays? (Like Yessy!) I’ve got a pink shirt. Have you got a pink shirt?

Do you wear a T-shirt in the Yes, I wear a T-shirt in the summer. I’ve got a brown jumper. Have you got a brown jumper?
summer? (Like Yessy!) I’ve got a purple tracksuit. Have you got a purple tracksuit?
Do you wear socks in the summer? No, I don’t wear socks in the
I’ve got a brown shirt. Have you a brown shirt?
(Like Noella!) summer.
I’ve got pink shoes. Have you got pink shoes?
Do you wear a dress on Tuesdays? No, I don’t wear a dress on
(Like Noella!) Tuesdays. I’ve got old socks. Have you got old socks?
Do you wear a shirt on Sundays? Yes, I wear a shirt on Sundays.
(Like Yessy!)

Objective in Focus 2
Do you wear jeans on Saturdays? Yes, I wear jeans on Saturdays. 53

(Like Yessy!)
Do you wear trousers on No, I don’t wear trousers on
Thursdays? (Like Noella!) Thursdays. (Hold up socks flashcard.) Can I wear those socks?

Do you wear a jumper in the Yes, I wear a jumper in the winter. Everyone..., 3..., 2..., 1! Can I wear those socks?
winter? (Like Yessy!) (Hold up dress flashcard.) Can I wear that dress?
Do you wear a dress to school? No, I don’t wear a dress to school.
Everyone..., 3..., 2..., 1! Can I wear that dress?
(Like Noella!)
(Hold up jeans flashcard.) Can I wear those jeans?
Do you wear a shirt to the park? No, I don’t wear a shirt to the park.
(Like Noella!) Everyone..., 3..., 2..., 1! Can I wear those jeans?
(Hold up trousers flashcard.) Can I wear those trousers?
Everyone..., 3..., 2..., 1! Can I wear those trousers?
Objective in Focus 1
(Hold up jumper flashcard.) Can I wear that jumper?
TEACHER STUDENTS Everyone..., 3..., 2..., 1! Can I wear that jumper?
I’ve got a new dress. Have you got a new dress?
(Hold up shirt flashcard.) Can I wear that shirt?
I’ve got an old tracksuit. Have you got an old tracksuit?
Everyone..., 3..., 2..., 1! Can I wear that shirt?
I’ve got new socks. Have you got new socks?
(Hold up shoes flashcard.) Can I wear those shoes?
I’ve got an old jumper. Have you got an old jumper?
Everyone..., 3..., 2..., 1! Can I wear those shoes?
I’ve got a new shirt. Have you got a new shirt?
(Hold up tracksuit flashcard.) Can I wear that tracksuit?
I’ve got an old dress. Have you got an old dress?
Everyone..., 3..., 2..., 1! Can I wear that tracksuit?
I’ve got a new skirt. Have you got a new skirt?
(Hold up skirt flashcard.) Can I wear that skirt?
I’ve got an old jumper. Have you got an old jumper?
Everyone..., 3..., 2..., 1! Can I wear that skirt?
I’ve got new trousers. Have you got new trousers?
(Hold up T-shirt flashcard.) Can I wear that T-shirt?
I’ve got old jeans. Have you got old jeans?
Everyone..., 3..., 2..., 1! Can I wear that T-shirt?
I’ve got a new tracksuit. Have you got a new tracksuit?

CLIL Refresh •
Natural Science
Do a drill incorporating the word cool, where the student has to agree with you
missi n 7: - cotton, glass, materials, paper
- to recycle about everything by adding too on the end of the sentence. Encourage the
children to use their ‘coolest’ voices to create a high-energy start to the class.
1.31 1 Listen and read.
TEACHER: I like his cool trousers. STUDENT: I like his cool trousers too!
The objects around you are all
made of different materials. plastic
They can be made of plastic,
1 Listen and read. CD1
31 PB
wood, cotton, glass or paper.
For example, a toy can be MATERIALS Play the audio. Then have the children read the text out loud in class. Keep
made of plastic and a
T-shirt can be made of cotton. them alert by moving quickly from one student to another.
Look at the materials in the
pictures. Do you recycle any DRILL
of these materials?
wood Objective in Focus 1 • 55

glass What? Practise the pronunciation of the word wood.

2 Look and classify in your notebook. Why? Many Spanish speakers have difficulty pronouncing the word
1 2 3 4 5 wood as they tend to say “guuddd” instead of “uuddd”. Constant
drilling will help students improve their pronunciation.
a b c d e How? Who is the current King or Queen of the class? If no one has
been appointed recently, select the child that read best in Activity 1,
and they are going to be the ones that decide whether the rest of the
students answer in positive or negative, depending on if they stick up
their thumbs, or turn down their thumbs. For example: TEACHER: Is
the green table made of wood? KING/QUEEN: (Thumbs up). STUDENT:
3 Look, ask and answer. Yes, the green table is made of wood.
this made of? It’s made

Rewind •
of paper. 56

Write a number from 1-100 on the board and then ask a How many…?
question, for example: TEACHER (Writes 11 on the board.): How many
dolls are there? STUDENT: There are eleven dolls.
20 twenty

2 Look and classify in your notebook. PB

missi n 7: Here the students look at the items on the page and classify them according
to the material they’re made of.

Objectives Solution

• Learn the vocabulary: cotton, glass, paper, materials and recycle. 1 - e, 2 - d, 3 - a, 4 - b, 5 - c

• Review the use of the word cool. DRILL

• Learn the structure to be made of. Objective in Focus 2 •


• Review the toy vocabulary and the structure, How many…? What? Reinforce the new material vocabulary.
Materials Why? It’s important for students to put new vocabulary into use, as this
 udio material will help them assimilate it more effectively.
 bjects made of cotton, wool, glass, plastic and paper How? Use an ‘Ask me’ drill. TEACHER: Ask me if my chair is made of
wood. STUDENT: Is your chair made of wood?
Recommended Extra Activities
 ctivity Book p. 18 PB
Sing and clap! •
20&21 learning PB
 eacher’s Resource Book, Writing Worksheets, pp. 26-27
Make this into a competition. Divide the class in half and listen once to the
 ast Finishers: Have them write as many objects as they can that are
song ‘Jeans, jeans, jeans’. Then have all the students close their books.
made from the materials they are learning about in the unit. For example:
Play the audio and the students take it in turns to sing it. The winners are
Plastic: ruler, sharpener. Wool: jumper. Paper: books, notebooks. Wood:
the ones who sing the song best and remember all the lyrics.
pencil, chair, etc.

3 Look, ask and answer. PB

Teacher Tips:
• Remind the children of the importance of the correct pronunciation Have students work in pairs and gather objects in the classroom that are
of the word wood. Ensure they emphasise the “u” sound to say made of the materials they’re learning about. Then have them take turns
“uuddd”. Prevent them from saying “guuddd”, and repeat asking and answering questions about what the objects are made of.
“uuddd” until they get it correct. Cooperative

• Homework idea: ask the children to write about the things they
Game – Shiri Tori • learning
recycle at home and the material they are made of. They should Everyone sits in a circle. Whisper a word and each student subsequently
have at least five sentences to present to the class the next day has to add a word that begins with the last letter of the word just spoken.
using the verb to recycle. For example: cat – trousers – small – love – egg.
• While the children are studying this unit, set up a recycling point
in class where they can recycle their plastic and paper waste. This
will encourage the children to recycle, but also expose them to the
vocabulary at all times.

Drill Section

Refresh Rewind
54 56


I like his cool trousers. I like his cool trousers too! How many toys are there? (11) There are eleven toys.
I like her cool dress. I like her cool dress too! How many dolls are there? (10) There are ten dolls.
I like his cool shirt. I like his cool shirt too! How many planes are there? (8) There are eight planes.
I like her cool T-shirt. I like her cool T-shirt too! How many cars are there? (18) There are eighteen cars.
I like his cool jumper. I like his cool jumper too! How many bikes are there? (45) There are forty-five bikes.
I like her cool shoes. I like her cool shoes too! How many skates are there? (50) There are fifty skates.
I like his cool socks. I like his cool socks too! How many yo-yos are there? (17) There are seventeen yo-yos.
I like her cool jeans. I like her cool jeans too! How many robots are there? (2) There are two robots.
I like his cool tracksuit. I like his cool tracksuit too! How many dolls are there? (13) There are thirteen dolls.
I like her cool T-shirt. I like her cool T-shirt too! How many planes are there? (18) There are eighteen planes.
I like his cool jumper. I like his cool jumper too! How many cars are there? (22) There are twenty-two cars.
I like her cool shoes. I like her cool shoes too! How many bikes are there? (29) There are twenty-nine bikes.
I like his cool socks. I like his cool socks too! How many skates are there? (35) There are thirty-five skates.
I like her cool jeans. I like her cool jeans too! How many cards are there? (38) There are thirty-eight cards.
I like his cool tracksuit. I like his cool tracksuit too!

Objective in Focus 2

Objective in Focus 1
TEACHER STUDENTS Ask me if my chair is made of wood. Is your chair made of wood?
Is the green table made of Yes, the green table is made of wood. / Ask me if my pen is made of plastic. Is your pen made of plastic?
wood? No, the green table isn’t made of wood.
Ask me if my book is made of paper. Is your book made of paper?
Is the yellow chair made of Yes, the yellow chair is made of wood. /
wood? No, the yellow chair isn’t made of wood. Ask me if my dress is made of Is your dress made of cotton?
Is the blue pencil made of Yes, the blue pencil is made of wood. /
wood? No, the blue pencil isn’t made of wood. Ask me if my cup is made of glass. Is your cup made of glass?
Is the big bed made of Yes, the big bed is made of wood. / No, Ask me if my jumper is made of Is your jumper made of cotton?
wood? the big bed isn’t made of wood. cotton.
Is the small chair made of Yes, the small chair is made of wood. / Ask me if my bottle is made of glass. Is your bottle made of glass?
wood? No, the small chair isn’t made of wood. Ask me if my doll is made of plastic. Is your doll made of plastic?
Is the big table made of Yes, the big table is made of wood. / No,
Ask me if my table is made of wood. Is your table made of wood?
wood? the big table isn’t made of wood.
Is the doll made of wood? Yes, the doll is made of wood. / No, the Ask me if my chair is made of wood. Is your chair made of wood?
doll isn’t made of wood. Ask me if my pen is made of plastic. Is your pen made of plastic?
Is the plane made of wood? Yes, the plane is made of wood. / No, Ask me if my book is made of paper. Is your book made of paper?
the plane isn’t made of wood.
Ask me if my dress is made of cotton. Is your dress made of cotton?
Is the car made of wood? Yes, the car is made of wood. / No, the
car isn’t made of wood. Ask me if my cup is made of glass. Is your cup made of glass?

Is the brown table made of Yes, the brown table is made of wood. / Ask me if my jumper is made of Is your jumper made of cotton?
wood? No, the brown table isn’t made of wood. cotton.
Is the small chair made of Yes, the small chair is made of wood. / Ask me if my bottle is made of glass. Is your bottle made of glass?
wood? No, the small chair isn’t made of wood. Ask me if my doll is made of plastic. Is your doll made of plastic?
Is the yellow pencil made of Yes, the yellow pencil is made of wood. /
Ask me if my table is made of wood. Is your table made of wood?
wood? No, the yellow pencil isn’t made of
wood. Ask me if my socks are made of Are you socks made of cotton?
Is the small plane made of Yes, the small plane is made of wood. /
wood? No, the small plane isn’t made of wood. Ask me if my chair is made of plastic. Is your chair made of plastic?
Is the orange chair made of Yes, the orange chair is made of wood. /
wood? No, the orange chair isn’t made of wood.
Everyone..., 3..., 2..., 1! Yes, the orange chair is made of wood! /
No, the orange chair isn’t made of wood!


Refresh •

- Talk about clothes. Say a sentence in the affirmative and have students change it to the
- Ask where his / her clothes are.
- Talk about possession using ’s.
- Use in, on and under. My portfolio
negative. TEACHER: My trousers are made of cotton. STUDENT: My
trousers aren’t made of cotton.
1 Ask and answer. What They’re
are Noella’s
these? jeans. 1 Ask and answer. PB

This exercise can be done as a class or in pairs. The objective here is to

get the children to review the Saxon Genitive. They need to ask each other
questions such as, What’s this? What are these? and their partners need to
answer using the structure It’s Fusy’s shirt, They’re Noella’s jeans. etc.

Objective in Focus 1 • 59

What? Review the clothes vocabulary and the Saxon Genitive.

Why? The more you repeat a structure the better the students will be
1.32 2 Look at Activity 1 and choose 1.33 3 Read and answer the questions
able to assimilate it.
the correct answer. Then listen in your notebook.
and check.
How? Ask your students questions using the Saxon Genitive. This time,
1 Where are Noella’s jeans?
they can decide themselves if they want to answer like Yessy (affirmative)
I’m Martha.
a Her jeans are in the wardrobe. I’m wearing my old jumper. It’s
or Noella (negative).TEACHER: Is this John’s shirt? STUDENT: No, it isn’t
b Her jeans are under the bed. red with a big black umbrella on it. John’s shirt.
It’s cool!
c Her jeans are on the bed.
I can wear it with jeans, trousers
2 Where’s Yessy’s jumper? or a skirt. Today, I’m wearing the

a It’s in the wardrobe.

jumper with my green skirt. It’s
new and has got small squares.
2 L
 ook at Activity 1 and choose the PB

correct answer. Then listen and check.

b It’s on the bed. I’m not wearing my shoes. They’re under the table. CD1
I’m wearing my cotton socks. I like photos. Say 32 PB
c It’s under the wardrobe.
3 Is Fusy’s tracksuit on the The students have to look at the picture from the first activity and select
wardrobe? 1 Has Martha got a new jumper?
2 Has Martha got an old skirt?
which option is correct. Play the audio to make sure that all your students
a No, it isn’t. It’s under the bed.
b No, it isn’t. It’s in the box. 3 Is Martha’s skirt blue? have the correct answers.
c No, it isn’t. It’s on the chair. 4 Where are Martha’s shoes?
twenty-one 21 1 Noella’s jeans are on the bed and her skirt is under the wardrobe.
2 Yessy’s jumper is in the wardrobe and her trousers are on the table.

3 Fusy’s tracksuit is on the chair and his socks are in the box.

1 - c, 2 - a, 3 - c
 eview all the clothes vocabulary learnt in the unit. DRILL
Objective in Focus 2 • 60
 ractise the prepositions in, on and under.
What? Review the prepositions in, on and under.
 eview the Saxon Genitive.
Why? Students often have trouble differentiating between prepositions,
 eview his and her. mistaking on for in and vice versa.
Materials How? Ask your students direct questions using the illustration in their
 udio material books. For example, TEACHER: Is Yessy’s jumper in the wardrobe?
STUDENT: Yes, Yessy’s jumper is in the wardrobe.
• L anguage assistant video 2
 eacher’s Resource Book, General Translation List, p. 41
3 Read and answer the questions in PB
Recommended Extra Activities your notebook.
33 PB
 ctivity Book p. 19
Have students read the text and answer the questions that follow. Move
•T  eacher’s Resource Book, Test, pp. 28-29 around the classroom and choose students to read at random to keep up
• After doing the activities on the page and the Teacher’s Resource Book the energy in the class.
Test, the students will self assess their linguistic skills in “My Language
Biography” section of the Portfolio.
1 No, Martha has got an old jumper. 2 No, Martha has got a new skirt.
 ast Finishers: Get fast finishers to write a paragraph similar to the one 3 No, Martha’s skirt is green. 4 Martha’s shoes are under the table.
by Martha where they talk about what they’re wearing, it’s colour and
when they wear it. They must include the following vocabulary: to wear, Translation Challenge • learning TRB
in, under, squares, old, new, wardrobe and bed.
Break students into groups of five and read out a sentence from the General
Translation List in the Teacher’s Resource Book. Call on a student from the
Teacher Tips: first group where all five students have their hands raised. If this student has
• Homework idea: get the students to draw their own bedrooms with the right translation, they win a point for their team.
a bed, wardrobe, table and a box in them. They can also draw the
Back to Basics •
items of clothing and talk about where they are in the room using
all of the new vocabulary from the unit. Dictate the following numbers: 86, 15, 73, 32, 38, 65, 33, 98, 41, 71, 17, 100
• Watch the pronunciation video and the language learning assistant Game – Mission Accomplished! • learning
videos which, as well as being fun to watch, also helps iron out any
Get students to vote for their favourite game from the previous missions
pronunciation mistakes.
and then finish this unit playing it!

Drill Section
Are these Yessy’s dresses? Yes, they are Yessy’s dresses. / No,
they aren’t Yessy’s dresses.
TEACHER STUDENTS Are these Asky’s shirts? Yes, they are Asky’s shirts. / No,
My trousers are made of cotton. My trousers aren’t made of cotton. they aren’t Asky’s shirts.
Is this Noella’s T-shirt? Yes, it is Noella’s T-shirt. / No, it
His shoes are new. His shoes aren’t new.
isn’t Noella’s T-shirt.
Her table is made of plastic. Her table isn’t made of plastic.
Are these Jenny’s trousers? Yes, they are Jenny’s trousers.
Your book is made of paper. Your book isn’t made of paper. / No, they aren’t Jenny’s trousers.
My bottle is made of glass. My bottle isn’t made of glass. Is this John’s tracksuit? Yes, it is John’s tracksuit. / No, it
isn’t John’s tracksuit.
My glass is made of plastic. My glass isn’t made of plastic.
Are these Paul’s shoes? Yes, they are Paul’s shoes. / No,
Her trousers are made of cotton. Her trousers aren’t made of they aren’t Paul’s shoes.
Is this Laura’s jumper? Yes, it is Laura’s jumper. / No, it
His T-shirt is made of cotton. His T-shirt isn’t made of cotton. isn’t Laura’s jumper.
Your doll is made of wood. Your doll isn’t made of wood.
My notebook is made of paper. My notebook isn’t made of paper. DRILL

Objective in Focus 2
His toothbrush is made of plastic. His toothbrush isn’t made of
Her table is made of wood. Her table isn’t made of wood. Are Yessy’s trousers in the No, they aren’t.
Your toy is made of plastic. Your toy isn’t made of plastic. wardrobe?
Where are they? They’re on the table.
My doll is made of wood. My doll isn’t made of wood.
Is Fusy’s shirt on the wardrobe? No, it isn’t.
Their chair is made of wood. Their chair isn’t made of wood. Where is it? It’s in the wardrobe.
Are Noella’s jeans under the bed? No, they aren’t.
Where are they? They’re on the bed.
Objective in Focus 1
Is Noella’s skirt in the box? No, it isn’t.
Where is it? It’s under the wardrobe.
Are Fusy’s socks under the box? No, they aren’t.
Is this John’s shirt? Yes, it is John’s shirt. / No, it isn’t
Where are they? They’re in the box.
John’s shirt.
Is Fusy’s tracksuit under the chair? No, it isn’t.
Are these Mary’s shoes? Yes, they are Mary’s shoes. / No,
Where is it? It’s on the chair.
they aren’t Mary’s shoes.
Is Yessy’s jumper under the bed? No, it isn’t.
Is this Laura’s dress? Yes, it is Laura’s dress. / No, it isn’t
Where is it? It’s in the wardrobe.
Laura’s dress.
Is Fusy’s shirt under the box? No, it isn’t.
Are these Jack’s socks? Yes, they are Jack’s socks. / No,
Where is it? It’s in the wardrobe.
they aren’t Jack’s socks.
Are Fusy’s socks in the wardrobe? No, they aren’t.
Is this Jenny’s shirt? Yes, it is Jenny’s shirt. / No, it isn’t
Where are they? They’re in the box.
Jenny’s shirt.
Are Noella’s jeans under the No, they aren’t.
Is this Tom’s coat? Yes, it is Tom’s coat. / No, it isn’t
Tom’s coat.
Where are they? They’re on the bed.
Are these Joseph’s jeans? Yes, they are Joseph’s jeans. / No,
they aren’t Joseph’s jeans.
Is this Fusy’s jumper? Yes, it is Fusy’s jumper. / No, it isn’t
Fusy’s jumper.


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