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Before we leave:
• Some leaders will be heading to site earlier on 4th and 5th August and will set up our tents,
therefore ALL tents, sleeping bags, camping chairs and large luggage that won’t fit on laps
must be handed to Harvey or to reception before 5pm on Wednesday 2nd August. Bringing
them to church on 30th July would also work. PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS WITH NAMES AND
• Please sort out your own tent and who you are sharing with. Make sure you don’t leave people
out! Please get in touch if you need any assistance with organising tents.

Leaving day:
• We will meet at Lifecentral Halesowen at 2:30pm in order to be ready to leave at 3pm on the
5th August.
• We have a mixture of volunteers who will be driving us to site in various cars.
• We will be arriving on site around 4pm where our tents will already be set up.
• When we arrive we will have some time to unpack into our tents. We will also have a brief
meeting together to go over rules before dinner and some free time to explore the site, the
first main session is 7pm.

Rules on site:
• Everyone MUST attend the morning main sessions (10:30am), a seminar stream through the
day and evening main sessions (7pm). Authorisation to miss them can only be given by Harvey
• No boys in girls tents and no girls in boys tents. Do not enter tents of other youth groups. Do
not go into another Lifecentral Youth tent that is not your own unless given permission.
• You must be back on our site by 11:15pm (15 mins after the venues close) and then in your
own tent and SILENT by 11:30pm. Failure to do this will result in a warning (see consequences
• We would like everyone to attend at least one seminar per day - info on seminars will be
available via programmes available on site.
• Everyone will be placed into a group once on site - these will be for duties as instructed by
Darroch & Debbie (Heads of Catering and Lifecentral Youth Site). It will mostly involve washing
and clearing up!
• During the main meetings, you MUST NOT LEAVE THE VENUE without a leader’s permission.

• If you fail to contribute to duties, break any rules, disrespect someone/something or miss the
curfew you will be given a warning.
• If you do the same again you will be given a final warning and we will have to contact your
• A third step out of line will result in being asked to leave site, we will ask parents to come and
collect you immediately, if they can't, a leader will take you home.
Special Events:
• Special Events during the week include foam party and slip and slide, fancy dress colour fun
run, skatepark and inflatables. Please bring appropriate clothing if you wish to take part in these
events (please do not wear white for the slip and slide).

Other details:
• We will have electricity on our camp site, this is not for hair straighteners or hair dryers but for
cooking. We will however be able to charge phones. Please clearly mark your chargers as we
don’t want confusion over who’s is who’s lead etc. You are responsible for your phone and
charger, do not leave it unattended.
• Please make sure you shower, the best time to do this is during the afternoons. If you start to
smell, leaders will tell you!
• Don't go off with strangers, don't arrange to meet anyone in dark corners of the site, and at
night make sure you go to your own bed (sleep walking is not a great excuse!).
• Never be anywhere on your own, always go in groups of 2 or 3 from Lifecentral! Any
suspicious behaviour please report it to a leader or nearest steward immediately.
• Tell leaders where you are going at all times.
• You will get tired during the week - it’s ok to go to bed early or go for an afternoon nap.
• Leaders will also get tired, please be nice to them and thank them for giving up a week to
camp with us!

Coming Home:
• We’ll be leaving site at 9:30am on 11th August, be ready to be woken up at 7am to pack up
• We’ll hopefully be back at church about 11:00 - 11:30am. We will send a text with an ETA.

Kit List:
• Tent • Waterproof, warm clothes, hat etc to keep
• Cutlery – knife, fork, spoon warm at night!
• Bowl (preferably plastic or non breakable) • Wellies / waterproof boots
• Plate (preferably plastic or non breakable) • Clothing suitable for hot weather
• Mug (preferably plastic or non breakable) • Water bottle
• Sleeping bag • Snacks
• Pillow • Torch
• Blow up bed/lilo/camp bed/roll mat • Fold out/ camping chair
• Bible • Money (for tuck shop and resources - we
• Notepad/pen recommend around £20)
• Towel • Tea towel
• Toiletries (toothbrush, shower gel etc) • Swimming gear
• Suncream

Harvey Hather (Leader in Charge) - 07592 622 743
Darroch & Debbie Reid (Head of Catering & Site)
William Morris
Iona Hather
Alex Dunn
Nathan Blanch
DAILY Timetable
08:00 - 08:30 Leaders meeting

08:30 - 09:15 Breakfast

09:15 - 10:15 Seminars*

10:15 Leave for main session

10:30 - 12:30 Main session

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

13:00 - 17:00 Seminars*/Activities/Sports/Free Time

17:15 - 18:15 DINNER

18:30 Leave for main session

19:00 - 21:00 Main Session

21:30 - 23:00 After hours

23:15 Back on camp

23:30 In your own tents and silent!

*You musT attend at least 1 seminar a day

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