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Questionnaire for farmer Survey on Cassava Preferences in Ashanti, Brong Ahafo and Eastern
Regions of Ghana

Introduction: The objective of the project is to determine farmers’ preferences for cassava
variety traits and to find adoption and impact of improved cassava varieties on incomes and
consumptions in these areas. I would like to ask you some few questions. Your participation is
voluntary and your identity will remain anonymous.
The questionnaire is in two parts:
1. The general farmer information and adoption questionnaire
2. The choice experiment questionnaire for the determination of farmers’ preferences

1.0 . General Farmer information

1.1. Farmer identification

Question Response
1.1.1Questionnaire number
1.1.2 Date
1.1.3 Name of Village or Town
1.1.6Name of enumerator
1.1.7 Name of farmer

1. 2. Personal characteristics of farmer
Table 1. Farmer characteristics
No Question Response
1.2.1 Age of farmer in years
1.2.2 Sex of farmer 1= Male 2= Female
1.2.3 Residence status 1= native 2= settler
1.2.4 What is your level of education?
1= Primary 2= JHS/Middle 3= Secondary 4=
Vocational/Technical 5= Tertiary 6= Other
1.2.5 Marital Status :1= Single; 2= Married 3=Divorced 4=
1.3. Household characteristics of farmer
Table 2. Farmer household characteristics
No Question Response
1.3.1 Household size:
1.3.2 Economically active household members (> 65).
1.3.3 Adult males (16-65)
1.3.4 Adult females (16-65)
1.3.5 Children < 16 years Male child< 16 years Female child< 16 years

2.0 Farmer’s Income and Assets (Wealth) in 2010 production year

2.1. Farmer ownership of implements/tools
Table 3. Please complete the following table about your use of farm implements in 2010
production year.
Tool /equipment No owned at Unit price (₵) Value of assets
2.1.1 Vehicles
2.1.2 Motorcycle
2.1.3 Bicycle
3.1.4 Tractor
2.1.5 Plough yoke
2.1.6 Hoe
2.1.7 Cutlass
2.1.8 Sickle
2.1.9 Axe
2.1.10 Knapsack chemical
2.1.11 Others(specify)

2.2. Income from crops
Table 4. In the table below indicate the major crops you grew in 2010, how much was
Consumed, sold and the value
No Crop No of acres Total yield Total sale Value of Total
per acre (local Unit) sale (₵) consumed
(local unit) (local units)

2.3 Income from livestock

2.3.1 Do you own livestock? 1=yes 0=no
If yes proceed to table 5 and if no proceed to 2.4
Table 5. Livestock ownership and value in 2010 production season
Livestock Quantity owned Quantity Sold Unit Price(₵)
2.4. Non-farm employment
2.4.1. Off-farm wage employment
Table 6. Please indicate in the table below your other income generating activities in the 2010
production season
No Question Response Were you involved in any off/non-farm activity in 2010?1=yes 0=no If yes, what activity were you involved in?

Casual Labour.=1 ,Self-employment=2, Skilled labour =3, Salaried
employment =4, Petty trading .=5 7= others (specify) Average no of months or days per year engaged in this activity? Average income per month or day did you receive?

2.4.2. Non-labour income

Table 7. Non –labour income
Question Response Did you receive any non-labour income such as
remittances, gifts etc in 2010? 1=yes 0=no If yes was it in cash or in kind?
1. In-cash 2. In-kind If in-cash, how much did you receive (₵)? If in-kind, what is its value (₵)?

3.0 Plot characteristics

3.1. How much total agricultural land do you owe?
3.2 How many years have you been farming?
3.3 Please complete the following table for the three largest farm plots in 2010 production
Table 8. Three largest farm plot in 2010
Plot number
1 2 3
3.4.1 Size of plots (acres)
3.4.2 What is the land tenure arrangement?
1 = Own 2 = sharecrop
3 = rent 4 = others (specify)

3.4.3 Type of vegetation

1=forest, 2=transition ,3=savannah

3.4.4 The type of soil that you cultivated?

1=sandy, 2=loamy , 3=clayey, 4= specify
3.4.5 Soil fertility
1= very fertile, 2=fertile, 3=poor
3.4.6 slope of your plots
1=flat ,2=hilly, 3=valley bottom
3.4.7 Distance of field from the village (km)

3.4.8 Distance of field from the main road(km)

3.4.9 Do you have access to market

1= yes 0=no
3.4.10 Distance of nearest food crop market from your
village (km)

4.0 Cassava production

4.1. How much of your farm is under cassava production? ( ) Acres
4.2. Are you growing improved cassava variety in your farm? 1 = Yes 0 = No
If the answer to question 4.2 is ‘yes’, go to question 4.3 if ‘no’ proceed to question 4.9
4.3. Please complete the table below about your adoption of improved cassava varieties
Table 9. Years of adoption of improved cassava varieties
No. Cassava variety Number of years of

Plot1 Plot Plot 3
1 Plot size (acres)
2 1= afisiafi
2 2=bankyehemaa
3 3= tekbankye
4 4= Abasafitaa
5 5= Essam Bankye
6 6= Dokuduade
7 7=agblefia
8 8= Fillindiakong
9 9= Eskamaye
10 10= Nyerikobya
11 11=others specify
12 How did you get to know about improved cassava
varieties?1 = Extension services (MOFA) 2 =
Research 3 = Radio (multimedia) 4 = other farmer 5=
Other (specify)

13 Source of planting material

1=Previous harvest, 2= Purchased, 3=borrowed
4=Gift , 5=Other (Specify)
14 Main intercrop
1=none, 2=maize,3=plantain,4=cocoyam
5=cowpea, 6= groundnut, 7=others(specify)
15. How much cassava are you able to harvest from growing improved varieties? Yield per
4.4. Why did you decide to grow improved cassava? (Rank in order of importance)
1 = Observation of their performance on demonstration trials on other farmers field
2 = Motivation by extension staff 3 = Motivation by researchers
4 = Influence by neighbours 5 = other (specify)
4.5 Which of the following recommended management practices of the improved cassava
varieties do you follow?
Table 10. Management of improved cassava varieties
Recommended Codes If no, why not?
management practice 1=yes 0= no Codes
1 = Labour intensive 2 = Lack of money
3 = Not aware 4 = Not beneficial 5=other(specify

4.5.1 Fertilizer application

4.5.2 Mulching
4.5.3 Line planting
4.5.4 Spacing
4.5.5 Use of healthy
planting material
4.5.6 Regular weeding

4.6. In the table below indicate the differences you have found between producing improved
cassava varieties and local cassava varieties:
Table 11. Differences between improved and local cassava varieties
No Pest and Labour Yield
disease requirement Higher=1 Lower=2
susceptibility Higher=1 Lower=2 Similar=3
Higher =1 Lower = 2 Similar=3
Similar =3
4.6.1 Improved
4.6.2 Local variety
4.7. Since you started growing improved cassava varieties has there been any change in any
of the following household livelihood outcomes?
1 = Increased production 1=Yes 0= No
2 = Extra income 1=Yes 0= No
3 = More food for the household 1=Yes 0= No
If the answer to question 4.7 is 2 go to question 4.8 otherwise proceed to question 4.9
4.8. Which are the four major household expenses (in order of importance) is the extra
income from cassava in your household used for?
1. Education 2. Food 3. Household items 4. Clothing 5. Health
6. Investment 7. Saving
4.9. Why are you not growing improved cassava variety? (Indicate the three main reasons)
1 = Planting material not available 2 = A lot of labour is required 3 = a lot of fertiliser is
required 4= Never heard about them 5 = other (specify)

4.9.1 Please complete the table below about the local varieties that you grow
Table 12 Years of cultivation of local variety
No. Cassava variety Number of years of cultivation
Plot1 Plot 2 Plot 3
Plot size (acres)

4.9.2 How much cassava do you harvest from growing a local variety? (Yield per acre)

5.0 Input use in production
5.1 Please complete the tables below about input use in your plots in 2010 production year.
Table 13 production input
Planting material Fertilizer (kg) herbicide
Quantity Unit cost(₵) Quantity Unit cost(₵) Quantity Unit cost

Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3

Quantity Unit cost(₵) Quantity Unit cost(₵) Quantity Unit cost(₵)

Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3

5.2 Hired Labour Input

Table 14 adult male
Land preparation Planting Fertilizer application
Quantity days Unit cost Quantity days Unit Quantity days Unit cost
(₵) cost (₵)
Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3
Pesticide/herbicide Weeding Harvesting

Quantity days Unit cost Quantity days Unit Quantity days Unit cost
(₵) cost (₵)
Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3

5.3 Hired Labour Input
Table 15 adult female
Land preparation Planting Fertilizer application
Quantity days Unit cost Quantity days Unit Quantity days Unit cost
(₵) cost (₵)
Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3
Pesticide/herbicide Weeding Harvesting

Quantity days Unit Quantity days Unit Quantity days Unit

cost(₵) cost cos(₵)t
Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3

5.4. Family Labour Input

Table 15. Adult male
Land preparation Planting Fertilizer application
Quantity days Unit cost Quantity days Unit Quantity days Unit
(₵) (₵)cost cost(₵)
Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3
Pesticide/herbicide Weeding Harvesting

Quantity days Unit cost Quantity days Unit Quantity days Unit
(₵) cost cost(₵)
Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3

5.5 Family Labour Input

Table 16 adult female
Land preparation Planting Fertilizer application
Quantity days Unit Quantity days Unit Quantity days Unit cost
cost(₵) cost (₵)
Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3
Pesticide/herbicide Weeding Harvesting

Quantity days Unit cost Quantity days Unit Quantity days Unit cost
(₵) cost (₵)
Plot 1
Plot 2
Plot 3

5.6 Access to credit

5.6.1 Did you have access to credit for your farming
activities in 2010 production season? 1= Yes 0=

5.6.2 If yes, what was the source of the credit?

1=government programme 2=commercial/ rural
3=family member
4=money lender 5=other (specify

5.6.3 What was the volume of the credit received (₵)?

5.7. Extension contact

5.7.1 Were you ever visited by an agricultural
extension agent in 2010?
1= yes 0=no
5.7.2 If yes, during the 2010 production season how
many times did an agricultural agent visit your

5.7.3 Have you ever participated in cassava field day

or cassava extension programme before?
1= yes 0= no
5.7.4 If yes, what kind of extension service (s) did you
receive in 2010?

5.8. Constraints to cassava production

Please indicate with respect to the following your level of constraint to the production of
Very High Low Very None
High Low
5.8.1 Lack of planting materials
5.8.2 High prices of inputs
5.8.3 Lack of access to credit
5.8.4 Land accessibility
5.8.5 Marketing of produce
5.8.6 Lack of access to
Extension services
5.8.7 Other (Specify!)

6.0 Food security and food expenditure

Please provide the following information about the management of food throughout the year.

6.1 In a normal year, how many months out of 12
do you have sufficient food from your own
household production to meet your household
6.2 How many months do you expect to have food
from your current harvest?
6.3 If production is not sufficient year-round,
please specify the main reasons.
Not enough land. = 1 Drought =. 2
Poor soils =. 3 Not enough labour = 4
Not enough planting material= 5
Lack of input= 6 Other= 8
6.4 In the last 12 months, what was the proportion
of your total household income spent on food?
6.5 Besides your own production, what are the
other sources of food for your household?
Gift from family and relatives=1
Market purchases=2 lease of land 3
Hunting and gathering wild food= 5


In this choice experiment we will give you six different cassava choice sets. Each set will
contain three options and each option will have information on five characteristics that make
up a particular cassava variety.

 Please choose only one of the three options

 Your choice will imply that you will plant that variety if it is given to you for at least
one growing season.
 The purpose of this exercise is to determine which cassava characteristics are
important to farmers and to inform the design of improved cassava varieties that will
be widely adopted.

Suppose that you have three cassava varieties to choose from (cassava variety 1, cassava
variety 2, and cassava variety 3). Although many attributes vary from cassava variety 1 to
cassava variety 3, they are all improved cassava varieties from research. The following are
the description of the attributes that may vary from cassava variety 1 to cassava variety 3:
Productivity. It is the total output you obtain from a hectare of cassava field. This is
expressed in terms of tons per hectare.
Disease resistance. It is the ability of the cassava to defend itself against cassava mosaic
virus disease (CMVD). The crop will still produce maximum yield even in outbreaks of
In soil storage. It is the ability of the cassava roots to remain in the soil for a specific period
of time. The cassava root can either remain in the soil for up to 24 months or less than 24
months .
Usage. The food product from a cassava variety. Cassava can be used for ‘fufu’, ‘gari’, or
Producer price. The amount of money that you will receive from a 100 kg bag of cassava.
The price is expressed in Ghana cedis per 100kg bag.
Assuming that each of the following six boxes (1.1-1.6) are separate sets of choices. In each
of the six boxes please choose the cassava variety set that best suit your preferences:


Assuming that the following cassava varieties were your ONLY choices, which one would
you prefer to plant
Choice set 1
1.1 Cassava variety 1 Cassava variety 2 Cassava variety 3
Productivity 10 tons per acre 15 tons per acre 15 tons per acre
Disease and pest No Yes No
In-soil storage less than 24 months up to 24 months less than 24 months
Fresh tuber usage Dough ,gari Gari,fufu, dough Fufu, gari
Producer price ₵15 ₵15 ₵45
I would prefer to
plant ….(please
check only one

Choice set 2

1.2 Cassava variety 4 Cassava variety 5 Cassava variety 6

Productivity 20 tons per acre 20 tons per acre 10 tons per acre
Disease and pest No Yes Yes
In-soil storage Up to 24 months Less than 24 less than 24 months
Fresh tuber usage Fufu , gari Fufu ,gari Gari ,gari, dough
Producer price ₵15 ₵30 ₵15
I would prefer to plant
….(please check only
one option)

Choice set 3
1.3 Cassava variety 7 Cassava variety 8 Cassava variety 9
Productivity 15 tons per acre 10 tons per acre 20 tons per acre
Disease and pest Yes Yes Yes
In-soil storage Up to 24 months Up to 24 months less than 24 months
Fresh tuber usage Dough , gari Fufu, gari Gari ,dough , fufu
Producer price ₵30 ₵45 ₵30
I would prefer to plant
….(please check only
one option)

Choice set 4
1.4 Cassava variety 10 Cassava variety 11 Cassava variety 12
Productivity 20 tons per acre 20 tons per acre 15 tons per acre
Disease and pest No Yes No
In-soil storage Up to 24 months Up to 24 months Up to 24 months
Fresh tuber usage Gari , fufu , dough Dough , gari, Gari, fufu , dough
Producer price ₵45 ₵15 ₵30
I would prefer to plant
….(please check only
one option)

Choice set 5
1.5 Cassava variety 13 Cassava variety 14 Cassava variety 15
Productivity 20 tons per acre 10tons per acre 15 tons per acre
Disease and pest Yes No yes
In-soil storage Up to 24 months Up to 24 months Less than 24 months
Fresh tuber usage Dough, gari Dough,gari Dough ,gari
Producer price ₵45 ₵30 ₵45
I would prefer to plant
….(please check only
one option)

Choice set 6
1.6 Cassava variety 16 Cassava variety 17 Cassava variety 18
Productivity 10 tons per acre 10 tons per acre 15tons per acre
Disease and pest Yes Yes Yes
In-soil storage Up to 24 months Up to 24 months Less than 24 months
Fresh tuber usage Fufu ,gari Gari , fufu, dough Fufu ,gari
Producer price ₵30 ₵45 ₵15
I would prefer to plant
….(please check only
one option)


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