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Copyright © 2020 American Scientific Publishers

All rights reserved SENSOR LETTERS

Printed in the United States of America Vol. 18, 1–8, 2020

Comparative Study of Efficient Design, Control and

Monitoring of Solar Power Using Internet of Things
Parminder Kaur11 ∗ , Vikas Pandey1 , and Balwinder Raj2
National Institute of Technical Teacher Training and Research, 160019, Chandigarh, India
VLSI Design Lab, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NITTTR Chandigarh, 160019, India

(Received: xx Xxxx xxxx. Accepted: xx Xxxx xxxx)

The shortage of electricity is a major constraint to economic growth. Renewable energy such as
solar energy has many advantages but also has many challenges to enhance its efficiency which
is limited by the weather changes, dust particles, and material dependant properties. This affect
various parameters like fill factor, short circuit current (jsc ), open-circuit voltage (Voc) and module
efficiency. This paper represents different materials used in solar cell structures and gives a realistic
approach of factors affecting the performance of photovoltaic modules. The material used must
produce cost-effective solar cells by reducing the amount of silicon material used in its production
and enhance the power output. To enhance the performance of the PV cell, various methods and
technologies are used. Effective use of solar power can be obtained using Internet of Things (IoT)
technology which is used for solar tracking, monitoring, and forecasting.
Keywords: Conversion Efficiency, Fill Factor (FF), Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc), Photovoltaic (PV)
Power, Solar Tracking, Solar Energy.

1. INTRODUCTION (e.g., gallium arsenide, indium phosphide and gallium anti-
Throughout the world we are facing the challenges of monide), cadmium telluride, copper gallium indium dis-
scarcity of fossil fuels and higher environmental issues, elenide, and copper indium disulphide, organic solar cell
therefore it is essential to stick to the conservation of and perovskites solar cell [1].
energy. To overcome the electric energy demand, humans Figure 1 represents the development of photovoltaic cell
have been seriously advanced the future path of sustainable efficiency obtained from four generation technologies dur-
development by harnessing renewable energy like solar ing the years. The aims of all generation are to optimize
energy. Thus the solar cell is the best suited among various the efficiency and reduce the cost of the panel during
energy sources to meet the requirement of energy more the year compared to the previous one. Each material has
economically as a long-term source. The solar cell also unique strengths and characteristics that influence its suit-
termed as photovoltaic is a device that converts incident ability for various applications. Multijunction solar cell
radiation to the source of electricity [1]. with CPV technology gives best efficiency of 47% as
The detailed operation of the photovoltaic system is dis- reported by NREL [3]. Regardless of various advantages,
cussed in the literature [2]. The generation of electron-hole there are few limitations of the solar cell such as sun-
pair within the space charge region of the PN junction light doesn’t radiate at night and it is not constant all the
occurs when the incident photons energy exceeds the time. Major factors affect the efficiency of the solar cell
energy bandgap of the material to make the flow of cur- is operating temperature and insulation i.e., solar cell per-
rent according to the Junction voltage. Different materi- formance stagnates with increasing temperature. Variation
als used for solar panel comprises mainly those based in solar irradiance, temperature, weather, and many other
on the use of silicon such as the Monocrystalline, poly- factors causes an impact on power generation of solar PV
crystalline, and amorphous forms, the III–V compounds module. Using IoT technology we can develop the moni-
toring system of solar cell that eases the control, commu-
nication, and automation of the generating units, allowing

Corresponding author; E-mail: to guarantee the predicted energy generation performance.

Sensor Lett. 2020, Vol. 18, No. xx 1546-198X/2020/18/001/008 doi:10.1166/sl.2020.4225 1

Comparative Study of Efficient Design, Control and Monitoring of Solar Power Using IoT Kaur et al.

Fig. 1. Best research cell efficiency obtained from different solar cell technologies by NREL [3].

2. ADVANCEMENT IN SOLAR CELL 2.1. First Generation Solar Cell

STRUCTURE USING DIFFERENT These are also called as silicon wafer-based solar cells
MATERIAL refer to p–n junction PV cell which is made from thick
Based upon the use of materials, the solar cell is catego- crystalline silicon film doped with other elements. These
rized into different classes. The summary of these gener- are the oldest but widely used high efficient solar cells.
ations is presented in Figure 7. Silicon remains dominant
material for solar cell because of its non toxicity, low cost, 2.1.1. Monocrystalline Solar Cells

abundance availability in nature and stable conversion effi- The m-si cells have single crystal lattice structure of
ciency. The more efficient solar module reduces the BOS pure silicon which is often made using the Czochralski
(balance of system) cost more as compared to inefficient process with almost no defects and impurity [4]. Sili-
solar modules because of fewer panel requirement, less con is an indirect energy bandgap semiconductor which
roof space, fewer mounting materials, and less installation results in high optical absorption. Thus a hundred microns
times. thick layer is enough to absorb the maximum of the sun-
light spectrum. They have cylindrical shaped wafers. The
efficiency of monocrystalline silicon cells has recently
reached 24.4% [5].

2.1.2. Polycrystalline Silicon Cells

Poly-si cells constitute different silicon crystals, coupled
to one another in individual cell. Molten silicon is cast

Fig. 2. Structural view of single junction a-si cell [11]. Fig. 3. Schematic view of multijunction a-si photovoltaic [9].

2 Sensor Letters 18, 1–8, 2020

Kaur et al. Comparative Study of Efficient Design, Control and Monitoring of Solar Power Using IoT

into square ingots, which is cooled and cut it into square 14%) due to degradation of induced light makes a-Si:H
wafers. Lower capital costs, less energy required for pro- solar cells less important.
duction and higher packing density of cells make it more
advantageous over the Czochralski method. Despite many 2.2.2. Cadmium Telluride (CdTe)
advantages, they are less efficient 19–20% compared to The chalcogenide-based cell is one of the cheaper, eco-
single crystal solar cell. nomically viable photovoltaic (PV) devices. It has direct
bandgap of 1.5 eV which presents high absorption coeffi-
2.2. Second Generation Solar Cell (Thin Film cient and improves the performance of panel. CdTe pho-
Solar Cells) tovoltaic’s efficiency usually operates in the range of 9%–
Thin-film technology utilizes less and thinner material than 11% [1]. However, main environmental issue with this
wafers for design of cell which makes panel flexible and module is the toxic nature of cadmium which makes it
deformed. The main advantage of using this technology is least beneficial for large scale commercialization. Signifi-
less material usage lower the material cost as well as the cantly, developers of other solar cell technologies, such as
amount of energy required for manufacturing of cells [6]. CIGS are attempting to manufacture cadmium-free solar
However, it has efficiency lower as compared to the silicon panels.
wafer cells. These are further classified as:
2.2.3. Copper-Indium Gallium Diselenide (CIGS)
2.2.1. Amorphous Silicon Cells CIGS cells also called as the chalcogenide-based cells are
The a-si cells are composed of silicon atoms in a thin promising light absorber material having direct band, high
homogenous layer which absorbs light more effectively absorption co-efficient and less material wastage. CIGS
than c-si. It is hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) based thin film technology have achieved an efficiency of
in which hydrogen improve the quality of material and 22.8% comparable to crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafer based
performance of cell. It also has a direct optical energy solar cells. However, the price of indium raises the material
bandgap as well as a strong absorption coefficient which issue for CIGS cells.
means very less amount of material is needed to absorb
most of the incident light [7]. Therefore it reduces material
2.3. Third Generation Solar Cells
usage and hence costs. The basic structure of a-Si has a
These are the new promising thin film technologies that
p–i–n configuration in which the formation of electron-

hole pairs occurs due to the absorption of solar radiations aim to achieve high-efficiency with lower cost and less
and a field is created in i-layer due to their work-function energy intensive to manufacture. It employs a new range
difference [8]. of solar technologies that include polymer solar cells, tan-
As per rule, the higher the initial energy conversion effi- dem cells, nanocrystalline cells, and dye-sensitized solar
ciency of the device, the more performance will degrade cells. Among all the technologies included in the third gen-
during outdoor exposure. Therefore to improve the sta- eration, tandem cells provide the highest efficiency with
bility and efficiency of the cell, two or more pin struc-
tures are stacked on top of one another with different
energy bandgap i-layers to make multijunction structures
as shown in Figure 4. The stabilized efficiency of single-
junction a-si is 12% and of multijunction solar cell reaches
14%. The low stabilized conversion efficiency (less than

Fig. 4. Schematic view of DSSC [28]. Fig. 5. Image of multijunction photovoltaic [7].

Sensor Letters 18, 1–8, 2020 3

Comparative Study of Efficient Design, Control and Monitoring of Solar Power Using IoT Kaur et al.

formed between a photo-sensitized anode and an elec-

trolyte, a photoelectrochemical system [10]. When sunlight
falls on dye molecules, it initiates a series of electrochem-
ical processes similar to natural photosynthesis to generate
electron–hole pairs. However, due to poor optical absorp-
tion of sensitizer, low conversion efficiency and stability
is attained.

2.3.2. Multijunction III-V Solar Cells

Solar panel made by using single material transforms only
15% of available energy into useful electricity. Therefore,
Fig. 6. Image of concentrated photovoltaic cells [12].
multiple cells in stack with different band gaps are com-
bined to boost the efficiency of the PV module. An III–V
architecture contain a number of the junction of different tandem solar panel made from different semiconductor
bandgap levels to a stack. materials captures a broader range of solar spectrum and
increases the productivity of electricity [11]. The silicon
2.3.1. Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) heterojunction reduced recombination loss for greater effi-
Dye-Sensitized cells, commonly referred to as Gratzel ciency. Among the various multijunction cells, the triple
cells are low cost thin film cells based on a semiconductor junction is considered common so far. Triple junction

Generation Material used/combination Efficiency(%) Advantages Disadvantage References

First generation Mono-crystalline solar cells 24.4% Occupy less space. More Expensive and complicated [5, 27]
(MCSC) efficient than manufacturing process.
polycrystalline solar cell.
Stability and non-toxicity
of silicon.
Polycrystalline solar cell 19% Cheaper to produce than Efficiency is smaller than [5, 27]
Mono-crystalline solar MCSC

Second generation Cadmium telluride 22% Performs better at high Tellurium is not abundant in [7]
temperature. It outperform nature. Toxic nature of
silicon panel in low light cadmium.
and shaded condition.
CIGS 22% • Low material wastage Less stable. Complicated [5]
• The cost of production is structure.
Amorphous silicon 12% • Absorb more energy than Lower efficiency than c-si [5, 28]
c-si due to high absorption
• Less expensive.
• Lighter weight.

Third generation Perovskites solar Cell 23% Excellent thermal stability Contain toxic element: Lead. [13, 14]
Poor LCOE.
Dye-sensitized Solar Cells 12% Robust in nature. Flexible. Low stability. [10, 29]
Perform in low sunlight.
Non-concentrated 38–42% Small area is required. Used High cost [3]
multijunction for space application.
Concentrated multijunction 47% Higher productivity CPV perform efficiently in [3]
throughout the day due to concentrated light as long
tracking. Reflectors are as modules are kept cool
cheap. with some heat sinks.
Complexity in increased
Fourth generation Graphene 10% • High conductivity [5]
• High transparency and
lightest material
• Flexible
• Mechanical hardness

Fig. 7. Comparative study of various solar cells.

4 Sensor Letters 18, 1–8, 2020

Kaur et al. Comparative Study of Efficient Design, Control and Monitoring of Solar Power Using IoT

technology is get replaced by the four junction solar cell thin sheet in place of pt to manufacture conducting elec-
solar cells that give efficiency value up to 44%. trode in DSSC improves its efficiency.
Not only bandgap energy of material affects the perfor-
mance of the device but also specific material properties
such as absorption coefficient, mobility, minority car-
rier lifetime, and availability of suitable barrier materials.
These devices have been designed to operate under the The most significant factors that impact the performance
condition of matching the current generated by each layer. of solar cells is temperature, dust, amount of irradiation
This condition makes it sensitive to spectral changes that falling, MPPT (maximum power point tracking), shading,
occur due to the movement of the sun in the sky and by angle of tilt [16]. The study of these factors can help to
the atmospheric phenomenon. enhance the conversion efficiency and output power. Since
these parameters cannot be measure directly, other per-
formance parameters such as conversion efficiency, open-
2.3.3. Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV)
circuit voltage (Voc) ratio, and fill factor are estimated. The
CPV technology converts sunlight into electricity as a con-
fill factor (FF) measures the ratio of the maximum power
ventional solar cell system does but utilizes cost-efficient
obtained from the photovoltaic module to the product of
concentrating optics (curved mirrors or lenses) to focus
Voc and Isc. It determines the quality of a cell.
solar radiation onto a solar panel that enables continuous
improvement in the performance. In order to achieve the Vmpp Impp
highest efficiency, multijunction solar cells are used. The FF =
Voc Isc
use of expensive solar cell material is reduced by 500 or
1000 times by concentrating solar radiation onto the small When photon strikes the solar module the only portion is
area of solar cell material [12]. Hence, electricity is gen- converted into electricity, the rest part of it is converted
erated at a lower cost than traditional silicon solar panels. to heat increasing the junction temperature. As a result
However, solar tracker and sometimes a cooling system is bandgap reduces, which deteriorates open circuit voltage
used to achieve high cell performance. (Voc) linearly and raises short circuit current slightly caus-
ing drop in solar power, fill factor, and cell efficiency. The
2.3.4. Perovskites Solar Cell (PSCs) output power of silicon-based solar cells at higher temper-
atures decreases up to 0.65%/ž [17]. Figure 8 shows effect
Among the most promising of solar cell materials,
of temperature on Voc and Isc. As temperatures increases,

Perovskites gives remarkably efficient sun-traps due to
voltage is affected more as compared to current.
significant property of large absorption coefficient. But
The decrease in open circuit voltage causes variation
the presence of a toxic element in the Lead (Pb) based
in fill factor value while increase in short circuit current
halide Perovskites hinders their commercialization. Fur-
due to temperature value does not contribute much to fill
ther, degradation of these Perovskites in the presence
factor. Figure 9 shows graph of fill factor (FF) against
of moisture makes it less stable and therefore has poor
temperature [19].
LCOE [13] However, Pb free halide double Perovskites
In order to reduce the rate of thermal degradation of a
with formula A2 M(IV)X6 exhibits excellent stability in
PV module, the operating temperature of the surface of the
humidity, hot weather and light generate high-performance
panel is needed to reduce. It can be done by cooling the
of solar module [14] The efficiency of PSCs has recently
solar panel to prevent the cell from damage and degrada-
reached to 23.7%, comparable to that of conventional sil-
tion [20]. The Improvement of Silicon Solar Cells can also
icon photovoltaic cells [15].

2.4. Fourth Generation Solar Cells

This solar cell technology is formed by combining low
cost polymers with nanomaterials such as graphene, metal
oxide, and metallic nanoparticles. Most of the solar panel
can generate power only on sunny days, which limit the
generation of electricity. A new trend of fourth genera-
tion technology in the solar cell system using a wonder
material “Graphene” brings its new usage by producing
electricity in all weathers [5]. Electrons travel much faster
in graphene relative to silicon material which makes it a
good candidate for its usage as an additional layer in pre-
vious cells. The substitution of ITO (indium tin oxide) by
graphene and its derivative improves the flexibility as well Fig. 8. Temperature effect on short circuit current and open circuit
as transparency of solar cell. Further, usage of graphene voltage [18].

Sensor Letters 18, 1–8, 2020 5

Comparative Study of Efficient Design, Control and Monitoring of Solar Power Using IoT Kaur et al.

Fig. 11. PV graph for various tilt angles [23].

Fig. 9. Effect of increase in temperature on fill factor. 3.2. Dust

Dust accumulation on the surface of panel resists the
incoming radiation to reach onto module and consequently
attain by using the smaller width of the cell. A second and decreases the output power [21]. To get better perfor-
better approach is the application of contact grids. Effi- mance, the surface of the solar module must be clean either
ciency is enhanced using optimum dimensions of contact manually by water or add robots to wash the surface.
grids in solar cell which reduce resistive loss.
3.3. Angle of Tilt and Tracking System
3.1. Irradiance The angle of tilt plays a crucial role in the performance of
It is the measure of solar radiation striking the particu- PV panel. According to research, the Installation of solar
lar photovoltaic area. It is commonly expressed in W/m2 . panels should be at an angle normally close to value the
The standard level of incident solar energy at the earth’s local latitude [22]. So to maximize the conversion effi-
surface = “One sun” of solar insulation which is defined as ciency, a photovoltaic module should be tilted at an opti-

1 kW per m2 of irradiance under spectral conditions specif- mum angle throughout the year. Further increase in tilt
ically defined by Air Mass 0 for space application, 1.5 angles causes degradation of irradiance. It is concluded
Air Mass for terrestrial application at 25ž . When the sun’s from Figure 11 that 45ž angle of inclination gives better
intensity increases at noon on sunny days, more packets of output power as compared to other angles [23]. However,
photons strike the module causes an increase in solar cell due to the rotation of the earth, the angle between the solar
temperature and thus output power is reduced compared to radiation and the solar surface keeps on changing. Simi-
low temperature the cell. Figure 10 shows that an increase larly, the range of sun’s radiations may vary according to
in the intensity of solar radiation lowers the efficiency. The time, location, and climatic condition which cause varia-
highest value of efficiency for silicon solar cell is found to tion in optimum tilt angle.
be 11.4% at an irradiance of 0.55 kW/m2 [18].

Fig. 12. The plot of comparison of power output between tracking sys-
Fig. 10. Variation in efficiency and irradiance with time. tems and fixed panel.

6 Sensor Letters 18, 1–8, 2020

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in the technology of solar panels has brought down the

Sensor unit
price of solar electricity which makes it cost competitive
with other power sources. However, degradation over time
Arduino is a serious concern. The efficiency of modules deterio-
rated during undesirable condition like foggy days, stormy
days, rainy weather, dust etc. Hence, more attempts are
need to improve power efficiency of solar panel with IoT
Cloud technology which helps in monitoring solar cell smartly.

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