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1. What is SRS Document?

o Software Requirements Specification (SRS): A document that describes the

software system to be developed, including functional and non-functional
requirements, user requirements, and design constraints.
2. What is Extreme Programming (XP)?
o Extreme Programming (XP): An agile software development methodology
aimed at improving software quality and responsiveness to changing customer
requirements through frequent releases, pair programming, and test-driven
3. What is Formal Specification Language (FSL)?
o Formal Specification Language (FSL): A mathematical language used to
specify the behavior and structure of a software system formally, ensuring
precision and reducing ambiguity in software design.
4. What is Process Decomposition?
o Process Decomposition: The practice of breaking down a complex process
into smaller, more manageable sub-processes or steps to facilitate
understanding, analysis, and implementation.
5. Define Black-Box Testing.
o Black-Box Testing: A software testing method where the tester evaluates the
functionality of the software without looking at the internal code structure,
focusing on input and output.
6. What is Earned Value Analysis?
o Earned Value Analysis (EVA): A project management technique that
measures project performance by comparing planned work with completed
work and budgeted cost against actual cost.
7. What is Contingency Planning? Give an example.
o Contingency Planning: The process of preparing for unexpected events or
emergencies by creating predefined actions.
o Example: Developing a backup system to ensure data recovery in case of
hardware failure.
8. What is Forward Engineering?
o Forward Engineering: The process of moving from high-level abstractions
and logical designs to the physical implementation of a system, typically
involving coding and construction.
9. Define Software Configuration Management (SCM).
o Software Configuration Management (SCM): A discipline for
systematically managing, organizing, and controlling changes in software
during its lifecycle, ensuring consistency, traceability, and integrity of the

. Explain the classification of requirements with examples.

Classification of requirements can be categorized into three main types:

1. Functional Requirements:
o Definition: Describe what the system should do.
o Example: A user login feature where users enter their credentials to access
their accounts.
2. Non-Functional Requirements:
Definition: Describe how the system performs a function, focusing on quality
attributes such as performance, usability, and reliability.
o Example: The system must load the user dashboard within 3 seconds after
3. Domain Requirements:
o Definition: Derived from the application domain of the system and reflect
characteristics of that domain.
o Example: For a banking application, transactions must be processed following
financial regulations and compliance standards.

2. Explain the principles of Agile.

Agile Principles are the core philosophies of Agile methodology that guide teams in their

1. Customer Satisfaction:
o Continuous delivery of valuable software to satisfy the customer.
2. Welcome Change:
o Adapt to changing requirements, even late in development.
3. Frequent Delivery:
o Deliver working software frequently, typically in weeks rather than months.
4. Collaboration:
o Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers.
5. Motivated Individuals:
o Projects should be built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted.
6. Face-to-Face Conversation:
o The most efficient and effective method of conveying information.
7. Working Software:
o The primary measure of progress.
8. Sustainable Development:
o Promote sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace.
9. Technical Excellence:
o Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.
10. Simplicity:
o Maximize the amount of work not done.
11. Self-Organizing Teams:
o The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing
12. Reflect and Adjust:
o At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then
tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

3. Explain the W5HH Principle.

W5HH Principle is a project management framework developed by Barry Boehm that stands

1. Why is the system being developed?:

o Define the goals and objectives of the project.
2. What will be done?:
o Outline the tasks and deliverables.
3. When will it be done?:
o Establish the timeline and milestones.
4. Who is responsible for each task?:
o Assign roles and responsibilities.
5. Where are they organizationally located?:
o Determine the location and structure of the team.
6. How will the job be done technically and managerially?:
o Define the technical approach and management processes.
7. How much of each resource is needed?:
o Estimate the required resources, including time, budget, and manpower.

4. Explain Project Scheduling Tools and Techniques.

Project Scheduling Tools and Techniques help manage and plan project timelines and
activities. Some common ones include:

1. Gantt Charts:
o Visual representation of a project schedule, showing start and end dates of
o Example: Microsoft Project.
2. PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique):
o Uses a statistical approach to estimate project timeframes.
o Example: Estimating time required for tasks based on optimistic, pessimistic,
and most likely scenarios.
3. CPM (Critical Path Method):
o Identifies the longest path of planned activities to determine the shortest
possible project duration.
o Example: Calculating the critical path in a construction project to ensure
timely completion.
4. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):
o Decomposes the project into smaller, manageable components.
o Example: Breaking down software development into modules, features, and
5. Kanban:
o Visual tool for managing workflow and tracking progress.
o Example: Using a Kanban board in tools like Trello or Jira to monitor tasks in
different stages.

5. Explain Code Restructuring and Data Restructuring in Reverse


Code Restructuring:

• Definition: Refactoring code to improve its structure without changing its

• Example: Simplifying complex conditional statements or breaking down large
methods into smaller, reusable functions.

Data Restructuring:
• Definition: Modifying the organization of data structures to improve efficiency and
• Example: Normalizing a database schema to reduce redundancy and improve data

6. Explain SPICE, Bootstrap, PSP, TSP, and ISO.

1. SPICE (Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination):

o Definition: A framework for assessing and improving software processes.
o Example: Using SPICE standards to evaluate and enhance software
development processes.
2. Bootstrap:
o Definition: A method for self-improvement of software processes through
feedback and incremental changes.
o Example: Implementing bootstrap methodologies to iteratively improve
development practices.
3. PSP (Personal Software Process):
o Definition: A structured framework for individual software engineers to track
and improve their performance.
o Example: Engineers use PSP to measure their coding, review, and testing
processes for continuous improvement.
4. TSP (Team Software Process):
o Definition: An extension of PSP focused on team-based software
o Example: Teams use TSP to plan, track, and manage their work more
effectively and collaboratively.
5. ISO (International Organization for Standardization):
o Definition: Develops and publishes international standards, including those
for software engineering.
o Example: ISO/IEC 12207 standard for software lifecycle processes, ensuring
best practices in software development

Explain the Phases of Spiral Model.

The Spiral Model is a risk-driven software development process model that combines
iterative development with systematic aspects of the waterfall model. It consists of four main

1. Planning:
o Objective: Determine objectives, alternatives, and constraints.
o Activities: Requirements gathering, feasibility studies, resource allocation,
and risk analysis.
o Example: Defining project goals, identifying potential risks, and exploring
possible solutions.
2. Risk Analysis:
o Objective: Identify and evaluate risks, develop strategies to mitigate them.
o Activities: Prototyping, simulations, and alternative analysis.
o Example: Creating a prototype to test the feasibility of a new technology.
3. Engineering:
oObjective: Develop and verify the next level product by implementing the
identified solution.
o Activities: Design, coding, testing, and integration.
o Example: Writing and testing code for a specific module of the software.
4. Evaluation:
o Objective: Assess the progress and plan the next iteration.
o Activities: Customer evaluation, feedback collection, and review.
o Example: Presenting the developed module to stakeholders for feedback and
making necessary adjustments.

Each cycle of the spiral represents a phase of the software development lifecycle, with the
product gradually evolving through repeated iterations.

2. What is Cleanroom Strategy? Explain Cleanroom Process Model.

Cleanroom Strategy is a software development approach aimed at producing high-reliability

software through a combination of formal methods, rigorous inspections, and statistical
quality control.

Cleanroom Process Model consists of several steps:

1. Specification:
o Objective: Formally specify the system requirements using mathematical
o Activities: Create formal specifications that describe the system behavior
o Example: Writing a formal specification for a user authentication system.
2. Development:
o Objective: Incrementally develop the software using a box structure approach.
o Activities: Develop code incrementally, performing thorough reviews and
inspections at each step.
o Example: Implementing small, incremental code units and verifying their
correctness through peer reviews.
3. Verification:
o Objective: Verify correctness through mathematical proof and rigorous
o Activities: Conduct formal proofs to ensure the software meets its
o Example: Using formal methods to prove the correctness of an algorithm
implemented in the software.
4. Statistical Quality Control:
o Objective: Monitor and control the quality of the software using statistical
o Activities: Perform statistical testing to estimate software reliability.
o Example: Using statistical models to predict the number of potential defects
in the software.
5. Certification:
o Objective: Certify the software for release based on its reliability metrics.
o Activities: Review and certify the software based on statistical quality control
o Example: Issuing a certification that the software meets the required
reliability standards for deployment.

3. Explain the Techniques of Black Box Testing.

Black Box Testing is a software testing method that focuses on evaluating the functionality
of an application without peering into its internal structures or workings. Common techniques

1. Equivalence Partitioning:
o Objective: Divide input data into equivalent partitions that can be tested.
o Example: For an input field accepting values 1-100, creating partitions for
valid ranges (1-50, 51-100) and invalid ranges (0, 101).
2. Boundary Value Analysis:
o Objective: Focus on values at the boundaries of input domains.
o Example: Testing values at the edge of the input range, such as 0, 1, 100, and
101 for a field that accepts 1-100.
3. Decision Table Testing:
o Objective: Use decision tables to represent complex business rules and
o Example: Creating a table with combinations of conditions and actions for an
online order system to ensure all scenarios are covered.
4. State Transition Testing:
o Objective: Test the different states of an application and the transitions
between them.
o Example: Verifying the behavior of a login system as it transitions from
logged out to logged in states and vice versa.
5. Error Guessing:
o Objective: Use intuition and experience to guess the most likely error-prone
o Example: Testing boundary cases, invalid inputs, and stress conditions based
on prior knowledge of similar systems.
6. Cause-Effect Graphing:
o Objective: Identify the relationships between causes (inputs) and effects
o Example: Creating a cause-effect graph to ensure that all logical conditions
and their effects are tested for a feature like user access control.

4. What is Risk Mitigation? Explain the approaches to Risk Mitigation and

Techniques of Risk Mitigation.

Risk Mitigation involves identifying, assessing, and taking steps to reduce the impact of
risks on a project.

Approaches to Risk Mitigation:

1. Risk Avoidance:
o Definition: Changing the project plan to eliminate the risk or its impact.
o Example: Choosing a technology with a proven track record over an
experimental one to avoid technical risks.
2. Risk Reduction:
o Definition: Taking actions to reduce the likelihood or impact of the risk.
o Example: Implementing additional security measures to reduce the risk of a
data breach.
3. Risk Transfer:
o Definition: Shifting the impact of the risk to a third party.
o Example: Purchasing insurance to cover potential losses from project delays.
4. Risk Acceptance:
o Definition: Acknowledging the risk and preparing to deal with its impact if it
o Example: Accepting the risk of minor schedule delays due to external
dependencies and planning accordingly.

Techniques of Risk Mitigation:

1. Prototyping:
o Definition: Creating prototypes to identify and mitigate risks early in the
o Example: Developing a prototype of a critical module to test its feasibility.
2. Contingency Planning:
o Definition: Developing plans to deal with potential risks if they materialize.
o Example: Having a backup supplier in case the primary supplier fails to
deliver on time.
3. Risk Audits:
o Definition: Regularly reviewing and assessing risks and the effectiveness of
mitigation strategies.
o Example: Conducting quarterly risk audits to ensure all identified risks are
being managed appropriately.
4. Root Cause Analysis:
o Definition: Identifying the root causes of potential risks and addressing them.
o Example: Analyzing past project failures to understand their root causes and
implementing measures to prevent recurrence.
5. Risk Workshops:
o Definition: Bringing together stakeholders to discuss and address potential
o Example: Organizing a workshop with the project team to brainstorm and
plan for potential risks.

5. What is SCM Repository? Explain the features of SCM Repository.

SCM Repository (Software Configuration Management Repository) is a database or storage

area where software configuration items are stored and managed throughout the software

Features of SCM Repository:

1. Version Control:
o Definition: Tracks and manages changes to software artifacts.
o Example: Keeping track of different versions of source code files to manage
updates and rollbacks.
2. Baselining:
o Definition: Establishes a set of configuration items at a specific point in time,
serving as a reference.
o Example: Creating a baseline for a software release that includes specific
versions of code, documentation, and test scripts.
3. Access Control:
o Definition: Manages permissions and access rights to the repository.
o Example: Granting read/write access to developers and read-only access to
testers and stakeholders.
4. Audit Trails:
o Definition: Maintains records of changes, including who made the change,
when, and why.
o Example: Logging all changes to a configuration item to provide a history of
5. Automated Builds:
o Definition: Facilitates automated building and integration of software
o Example: Using continuous integration tools to automatically build and test
the software whenever changes are committed to the repository.
6. Dependency Management:
o Definition: Manages dependencies between different configuration items.
o Example: Tracking dependencies between libraries and applications to ensure
7. Change Management:
o Definition: Supports the process of requesting, evaluating, and implementing
o Example: Implementing a change request system that allows tracking and
approval of changes to configuration items.
8. Branching and Merging:
o Definition: Supports parallel development efforts by allowing multiple
branches of development.
o Example: Creating a branch for a new feature while maintaining the main
branch for bug fixes, and later merging the changes back into the main branch.

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