Explanation Vocab Unit5 Pages60 61

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Explanation vocabulary unit 5 - pages 60-61

cuisine food cooked in a certain style

to simmer hervir a fuego lento
to chop picar (food)
to grate rallar
to blend mezclar
to whet your appetite to increase;
Normally used in figurative sense:
to increase someone's interest in and wish for
something, usually by giving them a small
experience of it
to sip beber a sorbos (to drink, taking only a very small
amount at a time)
to nibble to eat something by taking a lot of small bites
(mordisquear, picar)
to munch to eat something, especially noisily (masticar
to gobble to eat hungrily (tragar, devorar)
sour = acidic /əˈsɪd.ɪk/ = tart ácido
salty /ˈsɒl.ti/ salado
ravenous /ˈræv.ən.əs/ = starving = famished extremely hungry
stunted prevented from growing or developing to the
usual size (atrofiado)
banquet /ˈbæŋ.kwɪt/ = feast = spread banquete
supper a light meal served late in the evening
to poach to cook something such as a fish, or an egg with
its shell removed, by putting it in gently boiling
water or other liquid (escalfar)
to blanch to put vegetables or similar foods into boiling
water for a few minutes to make them white,
remove the skins, get rid of strong flavours, or
prepare them for freezing (blanquear)
to bake to cook inside an oven, without using added
liquid or fat (hornear)
to boil to reach, or cause something to reach, the
temperature at which a liquid starts to turn into a
gas (hervir)
stale no longer new or fresh, usually as a result of
being kept for too long (rancio, seco)
mouldy covered with mould (mohoso)
off (of food and drink) no longer fresh or good to eat
or drink because of being too old (en mal estado)
scrumptious = delicious delicioso
appetising apetitoso
bland soso (not having a strong taste)
portion = helping = serving ración
platter bandeja
dishcloths towel for drying dishes (trapo, paño)
napkin servilleta
to harvest cosechar
covering a layer of something that covers something else
(capa); something that covers something
topping a substance, especially a sauce or pieces of food,
that is put on top of other food to give extra
flavour and to make it look attractive
staple food alimento básico
eatable Food that is eatable is good enough to eat, but
not excellent (comible, pasable)
edible suitable or safe for eating (comestible)
ethnic food ethnic foods are defined by others outside of the
respective ethnic groups as cuisines originating
from the heritage and culture of specific ethnic
groups. For example, Chinese food, Mexican
food, Italian food, etc., are only considered to be
ethnic foods outside of their respective countries.
(comida étnica)
Scraps VERSUS leftovers Leftovers are any amount of a meal that remains
Scraps are when there isn’t much food left. If
you want to emphasize how little food is
remaining, you can call it scraps.
Beverage VERSUS drink The word drink is commonly used in the sense
of soft drink, and it helps to refresh the body,
while beverages refer to brew or hot drink.
to pack something away ponerse morado (to eat a lot of food)
to dine out to eat at a restaurant
to live on to eat only a particular type of food
to pick at to eat unwillingly (picotear algo)
to polish off to finish all of some food or drink (zampar)
to tuck in to start eating enthusiastically (engullir, devorar)
to whip up improvisar (food: to prepare very quickly)
to wake up and smell the coffee to face reality (abrir los ojos)
have your cake and eat it (too) tener lo mejor de dos mundos (to have two good
things at once)
the best thing since sliced bread la octava maravilla (lo mejor de lo mejor)
it's no use crying over spilled milk (US), a lo hecho, pecho // lo pasado, pisado
it's no use crying over spilt milk (UK)
to have egg on your face quedar en ridículo
to be toast estar j...
to be full of beans to be full of energy
a hot potato a situation or subject that people disagree
strongly about and that no one wants to deal with
skimmed milk leche desnatada
dietary /ˈdaɪətəri/ dietético
In this day and age hoy en día

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