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SEQUENTIAL CIRCUI WHAT IS SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT / STATE AND STATE VARIABLE DIFFRENCE BETWEEN COMBINATIONAL AND SEQUENTIAL CLASSIFICATION MEMORY ELEMENT MULTIVIBRATORS AND LATCHES QUESTIONS THE PRESENT OUTPUT NOT ONLY DEPENDS ON PRESENT INPUTBUT IT ALSO. DEPENDS ON PAST OUTPUT Sequential is derived Prom the word Sequence Inputs ——> | © Next term im @ Sequence Feats os sat only depends on pabtern input: to but also on previout term cormbinabiere stoves te post % Memory Elements State: Present operatin condition vf 0. system, 3- bit counter which is goven by presembly stored value q _ in the syptern % 8. & _ . | Stoke Vowiable: Variables used to def me state Son oo bem ce: the al chose v 7 tod gwd in the spite are called state Stake Voriables Sa, GG, each ove called a8 State Variables: Ree TUE ee Umea LK Ly Output depends on the present value of the input The memory element is not required Faster circuit <-no dock reqd. Easy to designv No feedback is Required Used For Boolean as well as Arithmetic Operations CT Cicer} Output depends on the past value of output and the present value of the input Memory element is required Slower circuit < waits for the clock Difficult to design cia Feedback is Required to generate next output Used for data Storage | ‘Synchronous Asynchronous —> Common clock signal. for alt storage elements — output com only chonge when, CLK signal arrives B IU then even if inputs change the op doa not change: In This Circuit, All Memory Elements Are Activated Or Triggered By A Common Activating Signal Known as Clock 2. BH Synctronous UP Counter HGH: TQ ° Fpl a\ F pup Flop Same clock signe! in both ° Square toave gemerabed by o oo cystad oscillator & dekerminss the time ak which outpuke cf FEEL. a sequential eke will change: CuK 1 ay rer “musing faueng edge edge In This Circuit, The Memory Elements Are Applied With Different Clock Pulses At different Instant Of Time ic {(e external CLK Ouky Signal to fevst FR acks 04 FF CLK to second FP MEMORY ELEMENT | LATCHES. FLIP FLOPS Concept of memory in humans excitation Aekenkion © When Y/p is applied —» When t/p is removed, the memory Stoves then memory holds the the value present ot value thak wor the input stored * AMemory Element Should Store Input Data When Excitation Is applied * It Must Retain data even when excitation removed * To store new data new excitation required * Output pin of the memory element is called the state » both the states 0& 1 are stoble & the memory element dow net ch its state unkil excitation is applied if X=I is applied ¥e0 Qe! L gets stored whem. /p is removes, Gods os i/p if x= 0 ts opplied X=) Q=0 0 gets stored Characteristics of Pryenter, Voor: Bistable element mea stable (neither Wwe P Co state > nor doo) Bau hit analogy Oe Sm mext state or next Sample is same ad present stabe CHotD) Cae2: Seo R=4 Ret owkput of I No - hit pat ante: Po Quis0 ta,) < propagation delay of gate ION aes oe oe (D) Nor Su = OF et imiti S=1, RI noo His L ppa a Convolrd) t Q, . “ee Quis OF =0 mow when $20, R=0 *% = 31l0W ofp oh qote-> appenrt font 2 Qos 0 cathe 9L0 Leo glow A latch is an example of a a) Monostable multivibrator b) Astable multivibrator jistable multivibrator d) 555 timer Latch is a device with a) One stable state bYTwo stable state c) Three stable state d) Infinite stable states The NAND latch works when both inputs are G active Low when both ave 4 bo both inactive c) Inverted uot 9 d) Don’t cares tatte taster (blink) se reste tartar (0,1) SEQ of (P,Q) = (0, 0) -> (0, 1)-> (0, 0)-> (1, 0) > (0, 0)» (2, 1) (0, 0) SEQ of (S,5)=? | y \ L ta< ten Cho) HoLD=>C1, 0) (1,0) (0.1) (0.1) -9(0, 0) Q5 Which of the following circuits come under the class of sequential logic circuits? P. Full adder R. Half adder Q Full subtractor S. JK flip T. Counter Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (a) PandQ (b) Qand R (©) Rand S Sand T Q6 Which one of the following is not a sequential circuit / system ? (a) Clocked S-R flip-flop (b) Shift register 4fROM (d) Ripple counter An astable multivibrator has: (a) two stable states no stable states (c) one quasi-stable state (d) two quasi-stable states Q8 Which of the following multivibrator is called the flip flop? (a) Astable multivibrator (b) Monostable multivibrator (@Bistable multivibrator (a) Both (b) and (c) Q9 The digital circuit using two inverters as shou in the figure below acts as @@ A bistable multivibrator (b) A astable multivibrator (c) A monostable multivibrator (d) An oscillator Q10 A 1us pulse can be converted into a 1ms pulse by using a monostable multivibrator (b) an astable multivibrator (c) a bistable multivibrator Ee! (d) a J-K flip-flop PNET QUESTION NO eae 2 Pv owe rN oO 4 6 © nN oF

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