New Strategies For Cultural Enterprises: UNESCO Forum On Cultural Industries

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Strategies for Cultural Enterprises UNESCO Forum on Cultural Industries

24-26 September 2009 Monza, Italy

Thomas H. Aageson Execu2ve Director Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship

The cri7cal new strategy is to focus on the Cultural Entrepreneur

The 2me has arrived, the movement has begun to develop strategies that support the cultural entrepreneur in ve key areas: Cultural Industries Policy Educa9on, Training & Mentorship Investment Strategies Crea9ng Markets, Developing Market Links Sharing our Wisdom

The Cultural Entrepreneur

Cultural Entrepreneurs are cultural change agents and resourceful visionaries who generate revenue from a cultural ac2vity. Their innova2ve solu2ons result in economically sustainable cultural enterprises that enhance livelihoods and create cultural value and wealth for both crea2ve producers and consumers of cultural services and products.

Aageson, Thomas H. Cultural Entrepreneurs: Producing Cultural Value and Wealth. The Cultures and Globalization Series: The Cultural Economy. Ed. Anheier, Helmut and Yudhishthir Raj Isar. London: Sage Publications, 2008. 92-107.

Cultural Industries Policy

Cultural Industries Policy creates the framework and priori2es for investment in Cultural Entrepreneurs, Cultural Enterprises and, Cultural Industries Develop Cultural Industries Policy in three areas: 1. Policy that fosters the development of cultural entrepreneurs 2. Policy that addresses public and private strategies for cultural industries to grow 3. Policy that focuses on specic sectors and clusters

Policy that address public and private strategies for cultural industries to grow
Several strategies are available to us to build and strengthen our cultural enterprises: Invest in Market development and Market Linkages Locally: Cultural & Crea2ve Tourism Na2onally: New Channels of Distribu2on; Malls and Fes2vals, etc. Interna2onal:Expor2ng cultural products and services Create Investment Funds for Enterprise Growth Crea2ng new funds, private and public, that invest in our cultural entrepreneurs who will convert cultural capital into successful enterprises, enhancing cultural workers livelihoods Support Technical Assistance for Product Development The irony of preserving tradi2ons is the seed of innova2on and crea2vity is needed.

Ini9ate Facility Development We need cultural incubators, studios, performing venues, such as the Brewhouse in Gteborg, Sweden Foster Network and Cluster Development Linking together creators and markets will create posi2ve synergy Provide Legisla9on that fosters the development of cultural enterprises and industries Zoning for arts and cultural districts Tax incen2ves to promote investment and market development Architecture restora2on, preserva2on and zoning Simplify enterprise regula2ons and permits Laws that protect cultural property

Policy that focus on specic sectors and clusters

Key to cultural industries policy is selec2ng cultural sectors and clusters integra2ng crea2on, produc2on and distribu2on

Cultural Industry Sectors include:

Ar9sans Authors Ar9sts Architecture Culinary Design: Graphic, Fashion, Industrial Educa9on Fes9vals and Markets Film

Music Media: Radio, TV, Newspaper Museums Performing arts Publishers Tourism: Cultural, Heritage, Crea9ve and Eco tourism Visual Arts

Cultural Entrepreneurship Educa9on and Training

We need a new form of entrepreneurship educa9on and training to develop our emerging cultural entrepreneurs. Cultural Entrepreneurship takes a dierent form in emerging economies versus economies moving out of the industrial age into the crea9ve age. How do we develop cultural entrepreneurship with indigenous communi9es as a tool for economic development in emerging economies? What is the new role of mentorship for assis9ng cultural entrepreneurs? The trend in cultural entrepreneurship educa2on is using examples where 20% of the people live and prosper yet some of the most vibrant cultural enterprise opportuni2es are occurring where 80% of the people reside in some of the poorest countries. How do we shape our cultural industry development in the context of emerging economies? What about people who do not have two years nor the funds for a higher educa2on opportunity? What prac2cal ways can we meet cultural entrepreneurs in their moment of need and developing their cultural enterprise? (See appendix)

Inves9ng in our Cultural Enterprises and Entrepreneurs

attract other enterprises to the local economy enhance livelihoods increase tax revenues

Cultural Enterprises

Create jobs attract outside capital create sustainable economic development

enrich the quality of life

Economic Importance of the Arts and Cultural Industries in Santa Fe County hbp:// City of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Economic Development Strategy for Implementa2on hbp://


Let us think together today how we can connect Financial Capital, Cultural Capital and Cultural Enterprises. It is up to us to capitalize cultural enterprise investments. hbp:// Create a Cultural Entrepreneur and Enterprise Fund (See appendix)

Crea9ng Markets, Developing Market Links

Our work to support cultural entrepreneurs must be long term and sustainable. Is our work to build our brand or to lig people up? How do we balance Mission and Market ? If we leg, would the cultural workers livelihoods con2nue to grow and their families be beber o?

Crea9ng Markets, Developing Market Links

We have mul2ple markets for our cultural entrepreneurs:
Local: Cultural and Crea9ve Tourism Regional and Na9onal: Fashion, Decora9ve, Film, Books, Interna9onal: Export oriented entrepreneurial eorts

We must nd the appropriate channels of distribu2on that increase the benet to the creator and the merchant.

Trends are emerging that can help us create new markets for cultural markets: 1. The Internet is crea7ng direct, global markets

Design 21/UNESCO inspires young designers hbp:// URL_ID=35082&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html Not on the High Street represents 800 ar2sts and cragspeople in the UK hbp:// Etsy has created a new market in two years for Do-it-Yourself folks hbp://

Culture Label is a new site for culture shoppers featuring products from museums aggregated together. hbp:// New Mexico Creates is a brand in Museum of New Mexico Founda2on s museum shops that now works with over 800 New Mexico ar2sts and ar2sans. eBay developed a new fair trade site with over 6000 products from around the world. hbp://

2. Individuals with heart and talent

Shahidul Alam create Drik (Bangladesh) to promote the photographic work of ar2sts in the majority world to media in the minority world. Sandra Browne created Pelican Village in Barbados for local ar2sans through the public oce of the Barbados Industrial Development Corpora2on hbp:// Carol Cassidy created Lao Tex7les that has developed tradi2onal weaving by connec2ng the weavers work with high-end markets globally. Lan Tran created CraN Link to help create markets for ethnic communi2es in northern and central Vietnam hbp://

3. Market crea7ng organiza7ons

ASEAN HandicraT Promo9on and Development Associa9on promotes the tradi2onal work of ar2sans in Asia hbp:// Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurs promotes the development of cultural entrepreneurs Aid to Ar9sans A very clever market crea2on is have a Month of Ar2sans each year in a major grocery chain which is done in Guatemala and El Salvador Heartwear in Paris has a dis2nguished history of working with ar2sans to bring their new products in the markets. hbp:// African Publishers Network promotes the work of publishers across the con2nent and opens markets. hbp:// IndusTree in India is crea2ng markets and building ar2san capacity through its founda2on. hbp://

Share Our Wisdom (SOW)

Many of us are cultural entrepreneurs and have created cultural enterprises and all of us who have know what it takes to be a cultural entrepreneur. Un2l today, there lacked a plaporm to share our experiences that we may each grow and create more cultural wealth. There also lacks a forum where we can train future cultural entrepreneurs by sharing our wisdom. Let us SOW seeds of cultural entrepreneurship across the world.

World Forum on Culture

An annual World Forum on Culture would bring together the leading creators, educators, policy makers, market makers, investors in the world s cultural industries crea2ng a plaporm to nd solu2ons through partnerships formed at our gatherings that create a beber world economically, socially, environmentally and culturally.

World Forum on Culture

The Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship oers to host the rst World Culture Forum in Santa Fe, NM (USA) in collabora2on with the City of Santa Fe hbp://, the College of Santa Fe and the State of New Mexico Department of Cultural Aairs.

Cultural Capital

Aageson, Thomas H. Cultural Entrepreneurs: Producing Cultural Value and Wealth. The Cultures and Globalization Series: The Cultural Economy. Ed. Anheier, Helmut and Yudhishthir Raj Isar. London: Sage Publications, 2008. 92-107.

Cultural Enterprise

Aageson, Thomas H. Cultural Entrepreneurs: Producing Cultural Value and Wealth. The Cultures and Globaliza2on Series: The Cultural Economy. Ed. Anheier, Helmut and Yudhishthir Raj Isar. London: Sage Publica2ons, 2008. 92-107.

Two Examples of Economic Impact Studies

San Francisco, CA USA In San Francisco, the arts create more than 31,000 jobs and generate $1.2 billion in economic ac9vity every year. The arts produce $105 million in local and state tax revenue for the San Francisco Bay Area (far more than the government spends on the arts). Surveys report that 93 percent of parents believe that the arts are essen2al to a well-rounded educa2on. Ten million new jobs in the next decade will be in the "crea2ve class," according to economist Richard Florida. These are jobs that involve imagina2on and ingenuity which are best developed by experiencing the arts.

Educa2on, Training and Mentorship

Higher Educa7on:
Ins2tute of Crea2ve and Cultural Entrepreneurship, Goldsmiths College, London University (UK) Oce of Entrepreneurship and Liberal Arts-The Program for Crea2vity and Innova2on, Wake Forest University (USA) Kings College London Business (UK) Columbia College Chicago Art + Design (USA)

Post Graduate Entrepreneurship Educa7on: TITAN Teaterskole, The Interna2onal Theater Academy

Aus2n Conservatory of Professional Arts (USA)

Associa7ons with focus on Cultural Entrepreneurship United States Associa2on for Small Business and Entrepreneurship has an area for cultural entrepreneurship. hbp:// (USA) Arts Educators Entrepreneurship Network hbp:// (USA) ENCATC (Belgium) Na2onal Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA) hbp:// (UK) Example of Ar7san Entrepreneurship Arkansas Crag School (USA) Cultural Entrepreneurship Educa7onal Blog Entrepreneur the Arts hbp:// (USA)

Example of Professional Development Crea2ve Skills Cornwall hbp:// (UK) Natverkstan, Gothenburg hbp:// (Sweden) Example of Mentorship and Entrepreneur Fellows Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship (USA) Texts: Crea2ng Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship educa2on for the crea2ve industries , The Higher Educa2on Academy Art Design Media Subject Centre and NESTA, 2007 The Cultures and Globaliza2on Series: The Cultural Economy , Eds Helmut Anheier and Yudhishthir Raj Isar, Sage Publica2ons, 2008

Inves7ng in Our Cultural Enterprises and Entrepreneurs

Crea7ve Strategies for Financing Cultural Enterprises and Entrepreneurs Philadelphia Innova2on Denver, CO Crea2ve Enterprise Mapping hbp:// Default.aspx Arts Funding through a Quality of Life Tax hbp:// Oregon Cultural Trust supported by the people of Oregon hbp:// Future Jobs Fund (UK) L1 billion hbp:// The Founda2on for the Culture of the Future (Sweden) hbp://

Inves7ng in Our Cultural Enterprises and Entrepreneurs

Inves2ng in Crea2ve Industries? A guide for local authori2es hbp:// Excellent checklist Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs ANDE (USA) hbp:// Coali2on of organiza2ons, founda2ons and individuals inves2ng in entrepreneurs in the developing world Fast Forward Youth Inves2ng in Youth for Global Change <hbp://> Crea9ve Capital suppor2ng American ar2sts (USA) hbp:// PULSE/IRIS Project A high impact method of measuring how investments in cultural enterprises make a dierence hbp://

Inves7ng in Our Cultural Enterprises and Entrepreneurs

Inves7ng in Our Cultural Enterprises and Entrepreneurs

Bilateral Vietnam and Denmark joined together to invest in Vietnam s cultural industries hbp:// AC8A-63DCBE09B087/0/2ArtsEduca2onComponentFinal.pdf USAID They have made investments in ar2san enterprise development in Ghana, Peru, southern Africa, Hai2, and Mexico. Mul7lateral Inter-American Development Bank They have made their rst three investments in cultural industries: Columbia, Ecuador and Panama hbp:// Na7onal Programs Endowment for the Arts (USA) Social Innova2on Fund hbp:// Iden2fy-and-Expand-Eec2ve-Innova2ve-Non-Prots/

Thomas H. Aageson 341 E. Alameda St. Santa Fe, NM 87501 USA (505)216-9812

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