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Action Potential-Like Activity Found in Fungal Mycelia Is Sensitive to


Article in The Science of Nature · August 1995

DOI: 10.1007/BF01167867


70 2,295

2 authors, including:

Stefan Olsson
Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, China


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of analytical procedures will support the 1. P6rschmann, J., Stottmeister, U.: Chroma- 5. Wershaw, R.L.: ibid. 27, 814 (1993)
understanding of sorption phenomena on tographia 36, 207 (1993) 6. Hawthorne, S.B., Miller, D. J., Pawliszyn,J.,
natural and anthropogenic humic sub- 2. Frimmel, E H., Christman, R,E (eds.): Arthur, C.L.: J. Chromatogr. 603, 185
stances in soil, sediments, and water. This Humic Substances and Their Role in the (1992); Potter, D.W., Pawliszyn,J.: Environ.
Environment. Chichester: Wiley 1988 Sci. Technol. 28, 298 (1994)
knowledge is important for a precise
3. Perdue, E.M., Gjessing, E.T. (eds.): Organic 7. Kopinke,E-D., Remmler, M.: in preparation
description of transport processes in the Acids in Aquatic Ecosystems. Chichester: 8. Daylight Chemical Information Systems,
environment and may also be of relevance Wiley 1990 Inc., Irvine, CA, USA: Pomona 92 Database
for developing remediation strategies. 4. Kopinke, E-D., P6rschmann, J., Stott- 1992; Howard, T.H.: Chemfate Database.
meister, U.: Environ. Sci. Technol. (submit- Syracuse Research Corp. 1993
Received June 1 and August 17, 1994 ted)

Naturwissenschaften 82, 30-31 (1995) @ Springer-Verlag 1995 bing of a hyphal strand with the electrode
by using the micromanipulator coarse
control was a successful method for pene-
trating the cell wall.
Action Potential-Like Activity Found Spontaneous action potential-like activity
in Fungal Mycelia Is Sensitive to Stimulation was found in both fungi (Fig. 1). The
spontaneous activity was relatively even,
S. Olsson and B.S. H a n s s o n but could vary between 0.5 and 5 Hz. The
Department of Ecology, Lund University, S-223 62 Lund recorded potentials had an amplitude of
5 - 50 mV and displayed varying duration,

Basidiomycetes, especially wood decom- A. bulbosa and P. ostreatus were grown

posers, are known to exhibit coordinated on malt extract agar (Oxoid) in 9 cm
responses of the whole mycelium during diameter Petri dishes at 20 °C. Two drops
the search for suitable substrates [1]. Sig- of ethanol were added at the edge of the
nal transmission between different parts A. bulbosa plates to stimulate the forma-
of the mycelium seems at times very rapid tion of rhizomorphs. One- to 2-month-
and long-range [2]. Some basidiomycete old cultures, covering the whole or most
mycelia are among the largest and maybe of the plates, were selected for measure-
oldest organisms and can cover many ments. A glass microelectrode filled with
hectares [3]. Thus, it appears that some 2 M KC1 was inserted among the mycelial Fig. 1. Spontaneous action potential-like activ-
means of fast communication between strands. The tip of the electrode was ity in P. ostreatus (A) and A. bulbosa (B). Ver-
mycelial parts might exist. Since the moved downward by a Huxley style mi- tical scale bar 20 mV, horizontal scale bar I s
fungal mycelium is a network of filamen- cromanipulator, and the tip of the elec-
tous, interconnected cells with a cyto- trode was vibrated electrically to facilitate
plasmic continuum enveloped in a com- penetration of the hyphae. Upon entering
mon membrane, electrical signaling simi- a hypha, potentials could be recorded and
lar to that which occurs in nerve cells stored on a Vetter 8-channel video re-
should, in theory, be possible for the fast corder, adapted for storage of neurophysi- 20-

communication within the mycelium. In ological data. The signal was amplified by
the present study, the wood decomposers an AxoClamp amplifier (Axon Instru- "~ 15-
Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacquin: FrO Kum- ments) and visualized on a Tektronix
mer and Arrnillaria bulbosa (Barla) Kile digital storage oscilloscope. For analysis, i0- 0
& Watling were investigated for the possi- the potentials were printed on an elec- []
ble occurrence of action potentials in the trostatic printer (Gould). The reference
mycelium and the possibility that elec- electrode was inserted into the agar
trical signaling might take place in fungal medium.
mycelia. The probing of undifferentiated hyphae
The isolates were Ams01 for A . bulbosa was not successful in either of the two
and Po2 for P ostreatus, obtained from species. The electrode slid off the hyphae,
Dr. S. Gray, University of Luton, UK. The probably due to the relatively tough cell current ~nA~
Ares01 was a tissue isolate from a basi- walls. The rhizomorph tissue of A . bul- Fig. 2. Effect of current injections through the
diocarp found on Merlewood Grounds, bosa was easier to probe since there was microelectrode. Currents from -0.4 to 0.1 nA
Merlewood Research Station, UK. The no possibility for individual cells to slide were tested. The frequency of potentials was
Po2 was originally obtained from Dr. P. off the tip of the electrode. For P. substantially increased by injection of negative
Markham, Kings College, London. ostreatus strands with looser tissue, stab- currents

30 Naturwissenschaften 82 (1995) © Springer-Verlag 1995

from approximately 20 ms up to 500 ms. The occurrence of frequent potentials in The sensitivity to external stimuli is ex-
The resting potential was between - 7 0 fungal mycelia is a new observation and citing, since it means that the fungus can
and - 1 0 0 inV. The frequency of "action might be a special phenomenon for basi- use electrical signaling to send messages
potentials" was increased by injecting diomycete fungi. The rate of the spon- between different mycelial parts, mes-
negative current, and decreased by inject- taneous firing was very similar to that sages conveying information regarding
ing positive current, through the electrode recorded from sensory neurons and cen- food sources, injury, local conditions
(Fig. 2). When a drop of 2.5 M sulfuric tral nervous neurons involved in sensory within the fungus, or the presence of
acid, 2% malt extract, or water was added systems in classic animal preparations. other individuals around it. The findings
to the mycelia 1 - 2 cm from the electrode, The phenomenon of spontaneous firing reported here do not rule out pressure as
the frequency of the "action potentials" potentials is usually interpreted as a way a vehicle for signal transmission [2], since
increased after approximately 30 s, sug- for the sensory system to be prepared for more than one mechanism can be operat-
gesting that the message regarding the incoming stimuli. Spontaneous "action ing simultaneously. Different mechanisms
stimulus was propagated at a speed of potential'like activity in fungi has been of communication might also be present
approximately 0.5 m m s -~. In a few recorded before for the fungus Neuro- in different fungi.
preparations, the frequency after stimula- spora erassa, but the activity was very low If the potentials recorded in this investiga-
tion increased to over 20 Hz. A similar in- (0.005 Hz), and it could not be induced to tion are used for communication in A.
crease in frequency was observed when a change its spontaneous activity by current bulbosa mycelia in nature, where the
fresh piece (5 x 5 x 5 ram) of wood (beech injections [4]. The fungus tested was not mycelia can cover several hectares and
wood), the normal substrate of the one in which the mycelium persists for a weigh tens of tons [3], these mycelia
fungus, was placed on A. bulbosa long time in the natural environment, so would be the largest known electrically
mycelium 1 - 2 cm from the electrode, but the need for a communication system communicating biological systems.
not when it was replaced by a piece of could be questioned in this case.
Perspex plastic of equal size and weight. Current injection modified the cell activi- We thank Dr. S. Anton for her help dur-
The change in activity was reversible, so ty (Fig. 2). The negative current also in- ing the experiments. This work was sup-
that when the fresh-wood stimulus was creased the amplitude of the potentials. ported by grants from the Swedish Natu-
removed, the activity decreased, and was These results indicate that the ions and ral Science Research Council to SO and
subsequently regained when the stimulus ion channels involved in the buildup of BSH.
was reintroduced (Fig. 3). The other fungal action potentials are different
stimuli could not be tested in this way, from those involved in classical action po- Received June 6 and August 15, 1994
since they could not be removed, once in- tential elicitation in animal nerve cells.
troduced. When the piece of wood was There, a negative current injection in-
suspended 1 - 2 mm above the mycelium, hibits the activity of neurons, while a
no effect was seen, thus ruling out the positive current injection depolarizes the 1. Rayner, A.D.M., Griffith, G.S., Wildman,
possibility that the observed effect was neuron to the threshold value for action H.G., in: Shape and Form in Plants and
due to volatile action at the site of the potential initiation, and action potentials Fungi, p. 293 (D. S. Ingram, ed.). London:
are eventually fired. Academic Press 1994
2. Rayner,A. D. M., Griffith, G.S., Ainsworth,
A.M., in: The Growing Fungus (N.A.R.
Gow, G.M. Gadd, eds.). London: Chapman

!!]!!.W!I!!!]!!_IJ.W!!!!!J!_I!!]!;!!!!!]!II and Hall (in press)
3. Smith, M.L., Bruhn, J.N., Anderson, J.B.:
Nature 356, 428 (1992)
4. Slayman, C.L., Long, W. S., Gradmann, D.:
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 426, 732 (1976)

8O off
f i
fJ rj
f2 fj ¢'t
fj f,~ f2 fJ fJ
fj ¢'j ecj f.,~ ~j
011 fJ fJ
O11 fi ¢'j ¢'t r
fj ¢'J e¢2 fJ f~

~'" fj ¢'j fj

r s
~'" fJ
Fig. 3. Histogram displaying the effect of ap-
fJ fJ fj fJ
ft f/ ¢'J f]
f ~ j ~i f2 fJ
fj fj fl fj fJ ,¢j fJ v~ plying a piece of freshly cut beech wood to the
I °
f~ f J
f)' fj
fl fAG~JI~ f~ fJ /1,--, fJ g'J v~ surface of the fungal mycelium. The wood was
r2 fj fj ~'J ~-j fj ,j applied, removed, and applied again to demon-
~i ¢-I ,gj lJ f~
20 fl ~J fJ
¢~ fj fj fJ strate the reversibilityof the response. Note the
~-, fd
increase in the frequency of potentials when
the wood is added, and the decrease when it is
fJ fJ fj fJ f~
fJ ~J fJ fJ removed. Above the histogram the raw data
before stimulation and after is displayed.
5O 150 200 Horizontal scale bar 1 s, vertical scale bar
time, s 20 mV

Naturwissenschaften 82 (1995) © Springer-Verlag 1995 31

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