Heat Properties of Carbon Materials (1)

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Heat Properties

of Carbon
Exploring the thermal properties of carbon allotropes
and composites
Introduction to Carbon Materials

Atomic structure and High thermal conductivity Anisotropic thermal Low thermal expansion
bonding Graphite, nanotubes, and
properties Diamond and some fullerenes
The unique thermal properties of graphene exhibit exceptional Materials like graphite and have ultra-low thermal expansion
carbon materials arise from their thermal conductivity due to their nanotubes exhibit directional coefficients, making them stable
tightly-bonded atomic lattices highly ordered structures and dependence in thermal at high temperatures.
and sp2/sp3 hybridization. strong C-C bonds. conductivity due to their
anisotropic bonding.

Understanding the atomic-level structure and bonding in carbon materials is

crucial to explaining their remarkable thermal properties.
Carbon Allotropes

Graphite Diamond Fullerenes Graphene Carbon Fibers

Graphite is an allotrope of The diamond allotrope has a Fullerenes, such as buckyballs Graphene, a single layer of Carbon fibers exhibit
carbon with a layered rigid tetrahedral structure, and carbon nanotubes, graphite, has exceptional anisotropic thermal
structure, allowing for leading to high thermal exhibit unique thermal thermal conductivity due to conductivity, with higher
efficient heat conduction conductivity but poor thermal properties due to their its 2D structure and strong conductivity along the fiber
along the planes. expansion. spherical or cylindrical covalent bonds. axis than across it.
Heat Properties of Carbon Materials

1.92 2.1

0.52 0.71

Diamond Graphite Carbon Nanotubes Graphene

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