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Table of contents :

1. United nations xx 2.Army xx 3.Nobel Prize xx 4.Space xx 5.Pakistan in Space xx 6.countries xx (India xx,
Bangladesh xx, China xx, Bolivia xx, Iran xx, Chile xx, Argentina xx, Afghanistan xx, Kuwait xx, Egypt xx,
Maldives xx, Ethiopia xx, us xx, Taiwan xx, UK xx) 7. TTP xx 8. Kashmir xx 9. Opinion xx 10. Nuclear
weapons xx 11. Nato xx 12. sco xx 13. cpec xx 14. books xx

OCTOBER 2023 done

• G20 : an intergovernmental forum composed of most of the world's largest economies' finance
ministries,It works to address major issues related to the global economy, such as international financial
stability, climate change mitigation and sustainable development.

no HQ, 1999, 19+EU+African union (2002, adis adaba ethiopia, 55) 21st member in 18th meeting : 9-10
sep 2023 at new delhi, skipped by russian n chinese presidents,theme : One Earth, One Family, One
Future. 2022 bali, 2024 will be in Rio de Janeiro

10 Sep 2023 : The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) is a planned economic corridor
that aims to connect India with Europe via Persian Gulf by rail and shipping networks. The corridor is
proposed from India to Europe through the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel and


• UNGA 78th : 5 sep 2023, kakar 22 sep • Nighat Dad (Paki lawyer) joins UN chief's AI advisory board.

• Pak is against the inclusion of permanent members to UNSC but only supports addition of 11 or 12 new
non permanent members to make it more democratic n representative, Munir Akram reiterated during
IGN (Intergovernmental Negotiations framework) meeting

• the UNs named Pak's Living Indus Initiative (LII)(2022 by Sherry Rehman) as one of the seven UN World
Restoration Flagship Programmes that will restore more than 30pc of the Indus River Basin by 2030,
aimed at revitalising the ecological well-being of indus within Pak's borders, 95pc of the population, all
the country's agri n most of its industries depend on it, 2nd most polluted in world

• Why us lawmakers dislike Saudi? Military intervention in Yemem,oil prices,killing Jamal Kashoggi(saudi
journalist dissident,columnist for middle east eye and Washington post,2 OCT 2018 Istanbul by crown
prince MBS).

• Nagorno Karabkh : known as artsakh by armenians, landlocked mountaineous area in the south
caucasus, claimed by both since 1917 Russian empire fall, first karabkh war 1988-94,
azerbaijan(baku,manat)seized control of nagorno-karabakh vs armenia(yerevan,dram). Located in
azerbaijan n recognised as part of it also but armenian majority. capital - known as Khankedi by
Azerbaijan and as stepanakert by armenians.
• 1985 elections on non party basis. Jamaat-e-Islami was the only political party that was allowed to
operate as such.

ARMY xx : 3 years term, once renewable, four-star

• Army : Asim Munir 11th or 17th, 29 Nov 2022 from Frontier force Regiment, 1st : Frank Messervy 15
Aug 1947 - 10 Feb 1948, Tikka Khan 3 March 1972 - 1976.

• Air Force : Zaheer Ahmad Babar 16th, Allan Perry-Keene 1st C-I-C of royal PAF 1947, Arthur McDonald
1st C-I-C of PAF 1956, Zafar Chaudhry Chief of Air Staff 3 March 1972.

• Navy : Admiral Naveed ashraf, James Wilfred Jefford 1st C-I-C royal PN 1947, 1956 PN, Hasan Hafeez
Ahmed 1st CNS 3 March 1972.

prefix "Royal" dropped after Pak became Islamic Republic in 1956

• three-star Lt gen awais dastagir : 38th CGS chief of general staff(Akbar Khan first), second in influence
only to the army chief

* 22 June : Operation(now ‘vision’ due to opposition resistace bcoz it will cause massive
displacement) Azm-i-Istehkam launched a day after Liu Jianchao voiced concerns over security
situations, Zarb i Azb 2014 North Waziristan by Rahe l Sharif, Raddul Fasad 2017 by Bajwa

* military operations : 2001 enduring freedom, 2002 Al-Mizan, 2008 Zalzala, sher dil n rah e haq
2007, Rah e rast 2009, rah e nijat 2009, Zarb i Azb 2014 North waziristan by Raheel Sharif,
Raddul Fasad 2017 by Bajwa

• NOBEL PRIZE Stockholm : pierre agostini , ferenc krausz & anne won nobel prize in physics.

• Moungi, Brus, Aleksey won nobel prize in chemistry for discovery of quantum dots.

• STOCKHOLM : Katalin Kariko(Hungary) & Drew Weissman(US) won nobel medicine price for work on
messenger RNA(covid vaccine).

• Stockholm : jon fosse won nobel prize in literature.

• Oslo : iranian women's rights advocate Narges Mohammadi won nobel peace prize.

• Wolf prize in Israel given for agri chemistry maths medicine science arts.

• 117M forcibly displaced worldwide, 37.5M refugees. UNHCR 1950, Geneva, Filippo Grandi from Italy.

1.73m unregistered (2.18 documented)afghans in pak,

Exporters : 1.syria 6.4m 2.afghan 6.4m 3.Venezuela

Hosts : 1.Iran 3.8m 2.Turkiye 3.3m 3.Colombia 5.pak 2m

1951 refuge convention 1967 protocol

• E-tazkiras : Afghan identity card issued to every national and citizen of Afghanistan around the world

• Cop 27 : 6-20 nov 2022 sharm al sheikh, cop 28 : 30nov-12dec 2023 dubai, 2024 COP 29 will be in Baku

• 2012 : first climate policy of pak.

• ELECTION COMMISSIONER A213-217 : 2020 sikandar for five years, min 68 years,by president,oath to
CJ. Commission A218-221

• Rishi sunak conservative party.

• 5 October teachers day (by unesco The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization,1945,Paris) in 1994, first celebrated by china, horace mann father of edu, john amos father
of modern edu, henry invented exams.

• Practice and procedure bill : article 75(president's assent to bills,10 days(other than money bill) then
again 10 days to become law), 29 march by NA,30 march by senate, president returned twice,10 april NA
again with modifications became act on 21 april ,Bandial declared unconstitutional,postponed
indefinitely, 3 member for suo moto, SC practice n procedure unconstitutional declared by SC,
A191 such changes are domain of SC.

• Pak team's first visit to india since 2016.

• Masood khan : pak ambas to us • donald blome : us to pak.

• Afghan embassy in india suspends operations.

• 40pc below poverty line earning less than $3.65/day, extreme poverty $1.90/day.

• IDA (International Development Association) 1960 washington • unhcr High Commissioner for
Refugees 1950 geneva.

• serving general M. Munir Afsar : Nadra chairman for three years. March 10, 2000

• kharif crops : april fool to b'day

• 172 : total parties registered with ECP

• GSPplus extended until 2027, duty free or minimum duty on exports to the eu for developing
countries, riina kionka : eu ambas. To pak, obligagions to meet : 27 conventions on labour, human rights,
political rights and press freedom. Since jan 2014. Pak is lower middle income country(those with a GNI
per capita between $1,036 and $4,045) as $1680 GNI per capita • GSP+ : fy23 $8.1bn, germany top
export market now after brexit

• Namira Salim : first paki to reach space on 6OCT, first paki to visit both the north pole(2007) and the
south pole(2008)

• The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) prohibits “ANY nuclear weapon test explosion or any other
nuclear explosion” anywhere in the world. The treaty was opened for signature in September 1996, and
has been signed by 187 nations and ratified by 177. The treaty cannot formally enter into force until it is
ratified by 44 specific nations, nine of which must still do so: China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel,
Iran, Egypt, Russia and the United States. Although Russia ratified the CTBT in 2000, it withdrew its
ratification of the CTBT in 2023 to "mirror" the posture of the United States; as a treaty signatory, Russia
remains obligated not to take any action contrary to the object or purpose of the treaty

• state duma(lower house) revoked ratification of CTBT(1996,not enforced), russi n us signed in 1996
russia ratified in 2000 US never.

• new start treaty : 2010 signed in prague, 2011 enforced, 10 years duration, 5 year extension now until
4 feb 2026, 21 feb 2023 russia suspended participation but didnot withdraw, no more than 1550 nuclear

• state duma lower house of russia, federation council upper house

• Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment book by Ahmet Kuru✓

• islam : 2nd largest after christianity(2.4bn 31%), 1.8bn 24% of world population, 50 countries muslim

• printing press by johannes gutenberg in 1436, imperial ottoman bank 1856 first bank in a muslim

• operation sunrise lal masjid n jamia hafsa madrasah july 2007 parvez musharraf pm shaukat aziz vs
islamic militants(abdul aziz and abdul rashid), demanded resignations and impositions of sharia, chinese
health care workers took hostage, ministry of environment arson

• 1974 : nationalisation of banks, mehrangate scandal 1990 (aslam beg and NS(IDA Islammic democratic
alliance) against BB, in 1991 two of the publicly owned banks, the Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB) and
Allied Bank (ABL) were privatized.

• Paki firm (gamer pakistan) gets listed on nasdaq (NY based stock exchange,world's second largest in
terms of value of shares traded,Big Board (NY stock exchange) first.

• 10 Oct : world mental health day + world day against the death penalty

• Booker prize : literary award each year for best novel written in english language,uk,1969 first awarded.

• RSF (reporters wo borders,france based) : 3may world press freedom day, norway 1st out of 180,
Eritrea 180th, Pak 152nd(previously 150). Asian development bank : 1966, Mandaluyong manila
• Jamal beker abdullah : first ethiopian ambassador to pak,established relations with ethiopia after 75

• Hezbollah(party of Allah) : lebanese shia political party and militant group, 1985, SG hassan nasrallah,
fired missiles into israel.

• Titanic : 15 april 1912, NA ocean, uk to us

• in a first, Sweden convicts man over sacrilegious act

• March 2023 : International Criminal Court(2002,Hague) It is the first and only permanent international
court with jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against
humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression. issued warrant for putin.

• Collective Security Treaty Organization CSTO : nato style eurasian military alliance,1992 treaty signed
in tashkent, 2002 became organization,HQ Moscow, six post soviet states (kazak kyrgyz tajik russ armenia
belarus), article 4 similar to article 5 of NATO, SG Imangali. 12 Dec 1995 Turkmenistan became a
permanent neutral state

• ml-1 : 1726km, 160km/h, $6.6bn, upgradation and doubling of line from karachi to peshawar

• global hunger index pak : 99/121

• m-6 : hyderabad-sukkur, 306 km


Operation Al-Aqsa Flood (AKA Black Saturday or Simchat Torah Massacre) 7 October 2023, an attack
physically on Israel but diplomatically it was on US,under commander M Deif (M Al Masri) and Hamas
PM Ismail Haniyeh, reasons : the blockade of the Gaza Strip since 2007, the expansion of illegal Israeli
settlements, and international recognition of Israel by muslim countries (Abraham Accors of 15 Sep
2020, Israel was recognised by UAE and Bahrain followed by Morocco and Sudan. Israeli PM Benjamin
mediated by Trump) (after announcement of resumption of Saudi Iran relations-with mediation of China-
on 10 March 2023, Saudi Arabia,with the mediation of Biden,was going to normalize ties with Israel)

• PNA Palestinian National Authority 1994 Gaza–Jericho Agreement/1994 Cairo agreement

after oslo accords, PM Mohammad Mustafa, president Mahmoud abbas. PNA is the Fatah-
controlled government body that exercises partial civil control over West Bank areas "A" and "B"
as a consequence of the 1993–1995 Oslo Accords. The Palestinian Authority controlled the Gaza
Strip prior to the Palestinian elections of 2006 (Ismail Haniyeh 74 seats vs Farrouk 45 seats) and
the subsequent (2007 battle of GAZA) Gaza conflict between the Fatah and Hamas parties,
when it lost control to Hamas; the PA continues to claim the Gaza Strip, although Hamas
exercises de facto control. Since January 2013, the Palestinian Authority has used the name
"State of Palestine" on official documents, although the United Nations continues to recognize
the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) as the "representative of the Palestinian people
The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO; Arabic: ‫ منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية‬Munaẓẓamat at-Taḥrīr
al-Filasṭīniyyah) is a Palestinian nationalist coalition that is internationally recognized as the
official representative of the Palestinian people. Founded in 1964, it initially sought to establish
an Arab state over the entire territory of the former Mandatory Palestine, advocating the
elimination of the State of Israel. However, in 1993, the PLO recognized Israeli sovereignty with
the Oslo I Accord, and now only seeks Arab statehood in the Palestinian territories (the West
Bank and the Gaza Strip) that have been militarily occupied by Israel since the 1967 Arab–Israeli
War. chairman : Mahmoud Abbas. It is headquartered in Al-Bireh, a city in the West Bank. As the
officially recognized government of the de jure State of Palestine, it has enjoyed United Nations
observer status since 1974

• Saudi rules out ties unless an independent palestinian state is recognised on 1967 borders with East
Jerusalem as its capital

• 1967 : WB (incl east jerusalem) from jordan, golan heights from syria, gaza strip n sinai peninsula from
egypt, UN declared occupation illegal, cairo regained sinai under 26 March 1979 peace deal after camp
david accord signed by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin (and
jimmy carter) on 17 September 1978.

Hamas Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya(1987 by Ahmed Yasin,split from muslim brotherhood, islamic
resistance movement, gaza, leader ismail haniyeh)2006 won elections, took control of Gaza from rival
Fatah in 2007, fought 4 wars with israel,first intafada 1987-1993, second 2000-2005

Balfour declaration (2 nov 1917 arthur balfour's(uk's foreign secretary) letter to lord rothschild(leader of
british jewish community) during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a
"national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish

Sykes-picot(Sykes was an english diplomat, Picot was a French diplomat) 1916 secret treaty bw uk and
france for ottoman's territory partition(the accord enabled lord balfour to draft his promise to the jewish

• gaza : 365km2, 41 km long and 12km at its widest, 2.2m people.

7oct : Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. 1973: egypt and syria attacked israel in an attempt to regain lost territory
in 1967

• Argentina (President Javier Milei) announced to move his country's embassy to (occupied)Jerusalem
instead of Tel Aviv,

US first did so in 2018 after recognising it as Int. Capital in 2017 by Trump, 1967 israel seized east
jerusalem from jordan, palestinian claim eastern part as their future state capital

• "every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you
something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control
America, and the Americans know it." Ariel sharon (PM 2001 to 2006), 2000 to 2005 second/aqsa
intifada) to shimon peres ( 2 times PM n President 2007-2014)

• 27 Oct : UNGA adopts resolution for truce in Gaza by 120 to 14 votes, with 45 abstentions. As a non
member palestine can speak but can't vote.

PM Benjamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, Chief of General staff
Herzi Halevi

Israel's Independence Day is celebrated on the fifth day of the month of Iyar (14 May 1948), admitted to
UN (11 May 1949)

120 member Knesset, Benjamin belongs to Likud party

Countries which have cut ties with Israel after Al-Aqsa flood : Bolivia (first in latin america), Turkiye,
Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Brazil

• jabalya : a palestinian refugee camp created by UN following israel war of ind. 1948

• UNRWA 1949, Philippe Lazzarini : UN relief and works agency for palestine refugees in the near east +
UN + France + Pakistan endorse two state solution(reuters)

• 23NOV : 4day hamas-israel truce negotiated by qatar us egypt, truce effective from 24 nov

• UN chief said Gaza has turned into "a graveyard for children"

• UN SG invoked article 99 to push for a Gaza ceasfire, gives him authority to call for SC meeting on any
topic which he views as a threat to int. peac

• PNA Palestinian National Authority 1994 Fatah-controlled government body that exercises limited
self rule in west bank with israel as a consequence of OSLO accords(13 Sep 1993), after Fatah-Hamas
gaza conflict PNA lost control of Gaza strip to Hamas in 2007, HQ Ramallah

• israel in the dock as International Court of Justice ICJ(world court) takes up genocide case, pretoria
(president Cyril Ramaphosa) (shamefully not any arab or muslim country) on 29 DEC 2023 accused israel
of "genocidal acts" in Gaza,charges the israelis have dismissed as "blood libel"(an accusation that Jews
murder Christian and non-Jewish children to use their blood in Jewish rituals and holidays), ICJ decisions
are legally binding and final w/o appeal but has limitied power to enforce them, march 2022 icj ordered
russia to stop ukraine invasion, ignored. Any country that has signed the UN Genocide Convention(first
legal instrument to codify genocide as a crime, and the first human rights treaty unanimously adopted
by the United Nations General Assembly, on 9 December 1948 as response to holocaust, effective 1951)
can sue another at the ICJ in case of violation, endorsed by PAK, post-Apartheid((in South Africa) a policy
or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race.) SA has long advocated the palestinian
Spain(first EU country) to join SAfrica proceedings at ICJ against Israel

• Palestine PM mohammad mustafa(also Foreign minister), WAFA palestinian news agency,

president mahmoud abbas, PA (controlled by abbas's Fatah political faction) vs hamas war 2007

• 25 MARCH 2024 : UNSC approved resolution calling for a ceasefire in GAZA DURING
ramzan+unconditional release of prisoners+gaza aid expansion, 3 vetoed by US, 1 by russia
china (because it was conditional ceasefire attached to the release of hostages in GAZA), US
abstained 14 voted in favour, Algeria only arab member of council, 2728/2024, E(elected)10 non
permanent, P5 permanent, all SC resolutions are binding on member states,A5 n A6 in case of
violation. 111 total articles n 19 chapters

• 24 May 2024 : ICJ ordered Israel to immediately halt its military operation in Rafah(not whole
Gaza strip) + keep open the crossing BW Egypt and Gaza + release of prisoners held in Gaza,
legally binding but lack direct enforcement mechanisms, case brought by SAfrica (Foreign
minister Naledi Mandisa Pandor)

• 11may 1949 : Israel admitted to the UN, 2012 : palestine granted observer status

• from the river to the sea : a political phrase that refers geographically to the area between the Jordan
River and the Mediterranean Sea, an area described as Palestine

• israel was military ally of SA's apartheid regime, it even offered to sell nuclear weapons to SA

• 26 JAN : ICJ ordered israel to prevent act of genocide n do more to help civillians but didnot order
ceasefire as requested by SA, south africa(president Cyril Ramaphosa), turkiye, saudi, pak, EU hailed ICJ
ruling US called genocide allegation against israel "unfounded"

• ICJ president : judge Joan, ruling by 15-2 judges, dissenting : julia sebutinde(only judge to vote against
all 6 measures) of uganda n israeli representative aharon barak(voted in favour of 2 of 6 measures),
ordered 6 measures to protect palestinians.

Current president of ICJ is Nawaf Salam of Lebanon and Vice president is Julia of Uganda

• UNRWA : estd after 1948 Nakba (1949,Amman Jordan n Gaza)United Nations Relief and Works Agency
for Palestine Refugees in the Near East UN agency that provides education, healthcare & social services
to palestinian refugees, israel accused its 12 employees for involvement in OCT 7, US, Britain n european
nations stopped funding. 1.US(largest contributor) 2.Germany 3.EU, • Israel said it had found a Hamas
tunnel beneath UNRWA Gaza HQ, chief Philippe Lazzarini

• Aaron bushnell senior airman in US Air Force immolated himself outside Israeli embassy in

* Haji Amin al-Husayni : Grand mufti of Palestine

Countries sued :

• 4 humanitarian org's sue denmark over arms export to israel

• turkiye gets its first church

28m : out of school children, official claims 22.8m, pak spends 1.5pc of gdp (cumulative by
federal n provinces) on education, at least 4pc required


China : 1 oct 1949 by mao zedong

• 1973 : US recognised that there was only one China and taiwan is part of it. One China.

Pakistan China Joint Consultative Mechanism (JCM) estd in 20119, 21 June 2024 : third meeting
in Islamabad, security threats are main hazards to CPEC cooperation

• russian/bolshevik revolution : 1917-23,

Coal : dirtiest of all fossil fuels,when burned produces sulphuric acid and nitric acid which cause
acid rain. sulphur dioxide(SO2) and nitrogen oxide(NOX) = acid rain

• EURATOM the European Atomic Energy Community : estd with the purpose of creating a
specialist market for nuclear power in Europe, by developing nuclear energy and distributing it
to its member states while selling the surplus to non-member states. 1957 Treaties of Rome(first
estd EEC,second treaty estd EURATOM), 1958 treaty enforced

• pia pakistan international airlines : central hub jinnah airport karachi, 29 oct 1946 as orient
airways in calcutta by Mirza Ahmad Ispahani and Adamjee Haji Dawood, 1955 became pia, first
n only muslim owned in british raj,1955 to london first, 1964 first non communist to fly to china,
emirates 1985, 2020 banned in europe uk us, Sofitel hotel in Paris, Scribe hotel in Paris,
Roosevelt in NY

• 26 March 2024 : PIA Holding Company Limited, Board : Tariq Bajwa(ex sbp governor)
chairman, 11 members(7ind directors+4Gov officials), PIA CEO air vice marshal hayat appointed
as co's CEO, Int finance corporation (a commercial arm of WB) is leading the privatization
process, Khwaja Asif minister of defence+aviation
• greta thunberg : swedish environmental activist

• doomsday clock : since 1947, 90 secs to midnight, nuclear risk and climate change.

• 17 Oct : XI(first lady Peng Liyuan) welcomes 'dear friend' putin

• Census 2023 : 1march-30may, 5 august approved by CCI council of common interests (A153 appointed
by president PM chairman,1973,5members+3nominated by PM,must meet once in 90 days), currently
being chaired by Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar (not even Finance Minister)

• 24 Oct : world polio day

• World Bank : 1944, first loan to france 1947, washington, 189 members, ajay banga president and 25
executive directors and 29 vp's.

• Mansoor Awan : Attorney General for pak. Khalid Ishaq : advocate general

• Goldman Sachs : NY based multinational investment bank and financial services co.

• 27 Oct 1947 : Black day, india occupied kashmir

• theory of biological evolution by natural selection proposed by Charles Darwin

• Sophia square in Kyiv Ukraine

• Abdul sattar edhi : 1928 Bantva Manavadar, 8 july 2016, 88 years died at karachi, Edhi foundation in
1951, 1957 Asian flu epidemic originated in China, 1985 famine in Ethiopia, 2005 Hurricane Katrina at
New Orleans, lenin prize 1988, Nishan i Imtiaz 1989

bilquis edhi 15 april 2022 aged 74 (1986 ramon magsaysay award)

• karoonjhar mountains in tharparkar sindh


• 22 jan Ram temple at ayodhya(city in UP) inaugurated today, 6 Dec 1992 Babri Masjid(1528 by milt.
Commander of Babar, mir baqi) razed by zealots,location marks the birthplace of Hindu god-king Ram,
2019 SC declared razing illegal but dedicated site for temple. Liberhan commission was an inquiry
commission appointed by the then PM Narasimha Rao to investigate the destruction of Babri
Masjid Led by retired High Court Judge Manmohan Singh Liberhan, submitted the report to
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2009. Kalyan Singh the then CM of Uttar Pradesh was held
responsible in facilitating Sangh Parivar. it was pre planned and the CM was aware of it.

• 14 FEB 2019 Pulwama attack, 26 FEB 2019 India striked at balakot, 27 FEB 2019 Abhinandan
arrested in Operation swift retort

• Bangalore : India's garden city • lakshadweep : archipelago of india

After Pulwama attack of 2019 India imosed 200Pc duty on Paki Imports n suspended trade across the
LOC, Pak retaliated with trade ban,later allowing only pharmaceutical imports. informal trade in the form
of smuggling n reriuting via Dubai. 3,323 KM border length ✓. an economically strong Pak can represent
the wishes of the Kashmiri people a lot better in international forums. normalising trade ties will also
lower the cost of export n import which is currently rerouted via Dubai.

• ashraf ul makhluqat : the noblest of creations, ashar ul makhluqat : the most evil of creations.

• Wadh dispute : city in khuzdar district of balochistan


• Bangladesh : jatiya Sangsad (house of the nation) parliament, 26march 1971 ind. Declared, 16 dec
1971 victory day, President M. Shahbuddin, PM Sheikh hasina fifth term since 2009, (1996-2001,2009-
now) of awami league party, daughter of sheikh mujeeb, opposition BNP of khaleda Zia.

• 27-29 june 1974 first visit by ZAB (any Paki leader) to Bangla after recognition

• G7 : an intergovernmental political and economic forum, 1975, no treaty, no secretariat, 1973 library
group at white house by nixon (WGerman, france, uk, us), 1973 g5 japan, 1975 G6 italy+1st G6 summit
France, 1976 G7 canada, 1998 G8 Russia, 2014 G7 membership suspended

• Covid-19 : 7M deaths, most deaths US, Brazil 2nd most, india 3rd, caused by virus sars cov 2, dec 2019

• Google : 4 Sep 1998 by Larry page and Sergey brin, Sundar Pichai Ceo.

• auction fetches record $212,000 for single markhor kill


• Bolivia xx(La Paz+Sucre, Boliviano) : first (or in Latin America) to cut ties with israel since oct 7

• Chile xx(Santiago, Peso) has the largest palestinian population outside the Arab world O/W Jordan.

• Iran xx :

• Supreme Leader : Ali Khamenei(since 1989), President : Masoud Pezeshkian, Vice President :
Mohammad Mokhber

Capital : Tehran, Currency : Rial (1 Toman = 10,000 Rial)

• 16 Jan : Iran attacked Panjgur(as a part of broader attacks in Iraq and Syria), pak says Baloch separatists
find shelter in Iran, while tehran claims baloch extremist group jaysh al-dhulm (jaish i adal) is anti
iran( army of justice, sunni militant and baloch separatist org, 2012 by salahuddin farooqui)

17 jan : pak downgraded diplomatic relations, recalled its ambassador n expelled iranian envoy in ISB,to
be returned by 26th jan( pak to iran : Muhammad Mudassir Tipu, iran to pak : Reza Amiri Moqaddam)

18 Jan : Operation Marg Bar Sarmachar by Pak Army in iran's sistan o baluchistan province against BLA
and BLF, persian marg bar means "death to", baloch sarmachar means "fighter" or "guerilla"

• 29 Jan : Kakar and iranian FM Hossein Amir Abdollahian met in ISB, both agree to station liaison
officers in Turbat,Zahedan. Pak FM Jalil Abbas Jillani

Qasem Soleimani : iranian military officer(right hand of supreme leader ali khamenei) killed in american
drone strike in baghdad on 3 january 2020 by trump. Trump claims IK was elated at his assassination.
3jan 2024 blast at his tomb, IS Islamic State(daesh) claimed responsibility

• US-often dubbed the "Great Satan" by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini(1979-1989) the founder of the
Islamic Republic in iran, Ali Khamenei current supreme leader

* 28 June : Masoud Pezeshkian (42%, Reformist) vs Saeed Jalili (39%, ultraconservative, former
nuclear negotiator, anti west), Hung parliament, record lowest turnout 40 pc out of 90m

• CFE : (1990,paris,1992 effective) treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, 7 Nov Russia formally
withdrew due to enlargement of NATO(finland sweden)

• China : world's largest creditor, lent $1.3tr to developing countries under BRI. US largest debtor $34tr,
china second largest $14tr

• ECO Economic Cooperation Organization : Eurasian political and economic intergovernmental

organization, It provides a platform to discuss ways to improve development and promote trade and
investment opportunities. Treaty of Izmir signed in 1977 is the founding document of the ECO. 1985 in
tehran(HQ also)(economic bureau in Turkey,scientific bureau in PAk)by pak iran turkey,28 November
(ECO day) 1992 cars+afghan+azerbaijan added, northern cyprus observer.

SG khusrav noziri 3 years,1992-1996 : Shamshad Ahmad, 2006-2009 : Khurshid Anwar.

9 nov 2023 16th summit in tashkent uzbek, 1992 first in Tehran, (3rd)1995 and (13th)2017 in Islamabad,
RCD 1964-79, Uzbek afghan pak UAP railway project, eco vision 2025 adopted by 13th (2017) eco
summit in ISB.

• seato : pak 1954-1973, cento : 1955-1979.

• the Cirata floating solar farm : southeast asia's largest floating solar farm in indonesia(jakarta, rupiah).
The Bhadla Solar Park is a solar power plant located in the Thar Desert of Rajasthan, India. It covers an
area of 56 square kilometers and has a total installed capacity of 2,245 megawatts (MW), making it the
largest solar park in the world. Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park is located in the desert area of Lal Sohanra,
Cholistan, Bahawalpur is largest in Pak 100MW

• US NY surgeons perform world's first whole eye transplant.

• CASA Central Asia-South Asia power project 1000 : CASA-1000 is a renewable energy project that will
bring 1,300 megawatts of surplus electricity from Central Asia to high demand electricity markets in
South Asia through new energy infrastructure. this $1.2bn project will help bring 1300mw summer
electricity from kyryg tajik to afghan and pak,2016-2025. Datka kyrgyz to Nowshera Kp, 1387Km length
of transmission lines

• 2018 : understanding reached with kabul and TTP militants released. 28 Nov 2022 TTP ends ceasefire

• 11 NOV Riyadh : joint emergency summit of Arab League(1945,Cairo,22 members) and OIC on the gaza

• 2010 : organ transplantation law passed

• kulbhushan (hussain mubarak patel), 2016 arrested at mshkel near chaman, naval officer, 2017 death
sentence by court martial ICJ stayed, 2019 ordered to suspend execution.

• NAP national action plan : 16dec2014 APS by TTP, 24dec 20 point NAP. 21st amendment 2015-2017
estd military courts for offence relating to terrorism for 2 years to try terrorists, 23rd amendement 2017
further two years extension until 2019, first estd by Pak Army Act 1952(1967 amended by AK through
ordinances to incl civilians), 1951 tribunal for RWP conspiracy through Rawalpindi conspiracy act tried
11 army officers n 4 civilians(faiz ahmad faiz,sajjad zahir n M. hussain ata from communist party and
begum naseem shah nawaz), 1953 riots against ahmadiya Lahore martial law(GG malik ghulam M.
handed punjab over to Gen Azam Khan 6 March 1953) n death sentence to sattar khan niazi n abul ala
maududi(1941 jamat e islami) for rioting but later released , then Foreign M zafarullah khan was Ahmadi(
a Firqa bcoz alehda mazhab ni hai balkay Musalmano mai se niklay hain,those who consider themselves
to be a part of Muslim faith but does't believe in the finality of Prophet Muhammad PBUH,they believe
mirza ghulam qadiani is rasool while Prophet Muhammad was last nabi, faith founded by Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad in 1889)

The Agartala Conspiracy Case was a sedition ‫ بغاوت‬case in Pakistan during the rule of Ayub Khan against
Awami League, brought by the government of Pakistan in 1968 against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the then
leader of the Awami League and East Pakistan, and 34 other people. Pakistan decided to try the accused
by court-martial since a lot of the accused were military personnel. However, this was overturned in
favour of a civil trial to implicate ‫ ملوث‬the politicians ahead of the 1970 elections as well as to provide
transparency of the trials

• unep : un environment programme, 1972, nairobi.

Kazakh : astana,tenge. Kyrgyz : bishkek,som. Tajik : dushanbe,somoni. Turk : ashghabat,manat,

Uzbekistan : Tashkent, som

Astana fromerly known as Akmola then became Nur-Sultan then Astana lies on bank of Ishim river,
Almaty was capital till 1997)

• BBC(1922 london)Urdu : pak entered into agreements worth $364m to sell arms with two private US
military co's last year under pressure from US in return helped us secure a much needed bailout from
IMF. Allegedly sent to Ukraine. SBP : arms export : $13m 21-22, $415m 22-23, 3,000% increase. denied
by foreign office of pak n ukraine

• APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation : inter-governmental forum that promotes free trade
throughout the Asia-Pacific region (western pacific area : South East Asia, East Asia, Australia)

1989, 21 members (not Pak), singapore, nov 11-17 at San Francisco Biden & XI met, theme : creating a
resilient and sustainable future for all.

• Reko Diq (sandy peak in balochi) town in chaghi dist. : world's 5th largest copper and gold reserves,
25pc fed gov, 25pc baloch gov, 50pc barrick gold, 1993 Chagai Hills Exploration Joint Venture Agreement
(CHEJVA) signed with Australian BHP (Broken Hill Proprietary Company Ltd. ) as per 75(BHP):25(BDA)
share, 2006 TCC (50 50 joint venture B/W Canadian Barrick gold n Chilean Antafogasta) purchased BHP's
shares agreement signed, 2011 permission denied by baloch gov n estd a Co. under Dr Samar
Mubarakmand nuclear physicist to excavate itself having no mining expertise n technology, 2013 SC (CJ
Iftikhar Ch) gave decision in favour of Baloch Gov by declaring CHEJVA invalid,2012 to WB arbitration
court ICSID int. centre for settlement of investment disputes $6bn(+ an interest), London court of
arbitration ($4bn), 2019 $11bn penalty. Mar 2022 out of court settlement, chile's antafogasta withdrew
in exchange for $900m, canadian-israeli barrick gold continued under umbrella of TCC tethyan copper co.
no exact estimation of how much gold and copper is there

• SBP vision 2028 : five-year plan launched to boost banking by jameel ahmad.

• pak ranks 89th among democracies with 20.5pc women in NA and 18.3pc in the senate.

• world meteorological org : 1950, Geneva

• 20 NOV : children's day

• Longest rivers in Europe : 1.Volga 2.Danube (Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bratislava) 3.Ural 4.Dnipro
AKA Dnieper (longest of Ukraine)

• paigham e pak : fatwa by 1800 clerics (religious leader) in 2018 to counter terrorism, prepared by int
islamic uni. suicide bombings or any armed struggle against govt, army n security agencies is 'haram',
No religious scholar will declare a person as non-believer ‫ ) )تکفیر‬as the same falls within the jurisdiction
of the court, The 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is Islamic and democratic and it is a
social contract between all Units of Pakistan that has been unanimously endorsed by all the political
parties as well as ulama-o-masha’ikh of all schools of thought. Therefore, the supremacy and
implementation of this Constitution shall be ensured in every case. Moreover, every Pakistani must fulfil
his/her oath of loyalty with the State of Pakistan in every situation.

• 1955 : first five year plan(proposed by first Finance Minister malik ghulam M. to LAKhan, economic
plans industrialisation, expansion of banking and financial services, first : 1955-60, eighth : 1993-98,
abandoned in 2018, vision 2025 adopted in 2011
• Cricket world cup ODI : held by ICC (1909, previous HQ London now Dubai, chairman Greg Barclay)
every four years, first edition in 1975 at England won by West Indies defeated Australia, tendulkar most
runs, glenn most wickets.

2023 won by austarlia 6th(most) defeated India at India, 13th odi WC, 132000 capacity of Narendra Modi
stadium, 1992 ICC introduced coloured kit and white ball, 1987 co hosted by India n Pak, 1996 co hosted
by Pak India n Sri Lanka. India and West Indies have won twice each, while Pakistan, Sri Lanka and
England have won it once each. Waseem akram and Inzam ul haq pair has won cricket world cup for
Pakistan , 2027 ODI world cup will be held in South Africa Zimbabwe and Namibia, Pak was runner-up in
1999 won by Australia.

The first ever international cricket game was between the US and Canada in 1844 at NY, 1877 first test
match england vs australia at Melbourne won by Australia,1971 first ODI BW Australia n England at
Melbourne Cricket Ground won by Australia, 2005 first t20i match bw Aus n NZ at Auckland won by
Australia. Golden age of cricket : 1890-1914

County Championship of England, Sheffield Shield of Australia, Ashes, Benson & Hedges

Cricket world cup T20 : biennial, also by ICC, first edition in 2007 in South africa won by India defeated
Pak, 2022 in Australia won by England (defeated Pak), 2024 (9th) in US and West Indies (India defeated
SAfrica, won 2nd time), 2009 (2nd) won by Pak defeated Sri Lanka in England, Captain was Younis Khan,
2026 will be in India n Sri Lanka, Pak never hosted, runners up : 2007 n 2022, most successful : India,
England n West Indies 2 titles each. Shahid Afridi brand ambassador 2024. 2026 10th edition will be in
India n Sri Lanka

Blind Cricket World Cup : Pak has won 2 times, first won by India

Women world cup ODI : 1973 first at england won by england, 2022 in New Zealand won by Australia
(7th time,most), 2025 will be held in India. Nida Dar captain.

Women world cup T20 : biennial, first edition in 2009 in England won by England, 2023 in South Africa
won by Australia, 2024 will be in Bangladesh

• 23 OCT 2023 : SC declared provisions(as per article 10a,175,8) of army act 1952 unconstitutional.

Official secrets act 1923

• argentina xx : Land of silver, granary of Europe, S America, buenos aires, spanish, ind from spain,
peso, Asados national dish, 3 time fifa winner incl. 2022, Pampas flat treeless plains of South america,
Falkland War 1982 fought bw England and Argentina, Samina Baig first Paki to conquer Mount
Aconcagua (highest outside Himalaya n Karakoram range, highest outside Asia, located in Andes) in
Argentina, Patagonian desert located

• development pathways : india-pak-bangla book by ishrat hussain

• ossification or osteogenesis : a test that determines age based on the “degree of fusion of bone” by
taking the x-ray of a few bones.

• Darul Harb(house of war) refers to a “nation at war” with an Islamic state, and Darul Amn is that nation
which, even while not being an Islamic state, allows Muslims the freedom to profess and practice their
religion as a matter of right. Dar al-islam(house/abode of Islam) or Dar al-tawhid(house/abode of
monotheism) : Countries under muslim sovereignty. Dar al-ahd(house of truce) or Dar al-sulh(house of
conciliation/treaty) : territories that have a treaty of non-aggression or peace with Muslims

• NFC National Finance Commission :

distribution of resources b/w federation and 4 federating units + other territories which come under
federal gov(not,GB is demanding), The NFC award is meant to distribute financial resources between the
federal government n provinces(vertical distribution), distribution among the provinces (horizontal
distribution). estd after every 5 years, A 160, 1951, first 1974 by ZAB, 7 successful till now(2010), before
2009 based on single factor : 40pc of total will be distributed to provinces on basis of population(major
share to punjab), 2009 multpile factors : The indicators now are population (82%)(still population
outweighs other)(accomodates punjab), poverty and backwardness (10.3%)(in KPK favour), revenue
collection and generation (5%)(sindh) and inverse population density (2.7%)(means less dense will get
more share)(density is number of people living in each unit of area) (balochistan).

1974 award : It federalised the sales tax but recompensed the provinces with an enlarged 80pc share in
net proceeds, leaving the federal government with only 20pc.

57.5% provincial share in divisible pool : punjab 51.7%, sindh 24.6%, KPK 14.6%, Balochistan 9.1% 7th
zardari 2010, members : chairman finance minister + 4 provincial finance ministers + any other
appointed by president.

After the promulgation of the Government of India Act, 1935 which introduced provincial autonomy in
colonial India, then British government announced the first award called Niemeyer Award in 1937 where
the provinces collected the entire sales tax, and also received a 50 per cent share in income tax.

After the partition, the sales tax was partially federalised, but the provinces retained a 50pc share in the
net proceeds of taxes in The Raisman Programme formerly known as the Raisman Award 1952 was the
succession of the on-going programme of economic reforms in Pakistan announced by Prime Minister
Liaquat Ali Khan. The then Secretary Finance, Sir Jeremy Raisman was appointed to prepare the
mechanism for the distribution of tax revenues. Later, the award was renamed as the National Finance

provinces now have more subjects and more responsibilities after the passage of the 18th amendment,
and are demanding greater resources.

the federal government is impoverishing the provinces for its own inefficiencies and failures evident in
its misplaced fiscal and foreign policies. Take the current 9.2pc tax-to-GDP ratio.
The provinces continue to collect less than 1pc of GDP in taxes, or around 8pc of total tax collected

• 7th NFC award : share of provinces in vertical distribution 56pc during 2010-11, 57.5pc during
remaining years.

• due to lower 9.6pc federal tax to gdp ratio,few want rollover of 18th amendment n current
NFC award so that no more provincial autonomy n federation can enjoy taxes collected by
provinces, pak future lies in democracy n federalism not centralised gov,instead of rolling back
18th amendment federal gov should focus on expanding tax base.

• KP's NFC share not increased after FATA merger(currently 14.62pc should be 19.64pc as
population increased), under AGN Kazi formula centre had to pay 1510bn to kp in lieu of net
hydel profit.

Article 161 (2) guarantees the right of net hydel profit for the federating units. In 1986, the then
president had constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Mr A G N Kazi, Aftab Ghulam
Nabi Kazi,former governor State Bank.


• chat gpt : launched in nov 2022, sam altman ceo, open AI estd in 2015

• SECP : 1jan 1999, Akif Saeed launched voluntary pension system in kp.

• International humanitarian law (IHL) is a set of rules that seek to limit the effects of armed conflict. It
lays out the responsibilities of states and non-state armed groups during an armed conflict.

• hardeep singh nijjar(june 2023 canadian sikh separatist leader killed) and gurpatwant singh
pannu( Nov 2023 US thwarted a plot to kill him in US, accused Nikhil Gupta extradited to US from Czech)

• polygraph tests measure a person's “heart rate/blood pressure, respiration, and skin conductivity.

•A war cabinet is a committee formed by a government in a time of war to efficiently and effectively
conduct that war.

• antarctic iceberg called a23a : world's largest iceberg

• The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that starts
on 25 November, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10
December, Human Rights Day. theme : unite! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls

• Afghanistan xx : Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Heart of Asia,Treaty of Rawalpindi 19 Aug 1919

Independence, Kingdom 1926-1973 first : Amanullah Khan last : M Zahir Shah, Republic 1973 first
president : M Daud Khan, Ahmad Shah Durrani father of the nation
Supreme Leader Hibatullah Akhundzada, PM Hassan Akhund, Spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, Foreign
Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi.

Kam air belongs to Afghan

• Doha talks : 18-19Feb 2024, convened by UN SG for deliberating on the approaches to int. Engagement
with taliban, Amb Asif Durrani(pak special rep to afghan) will lead pak's delegation, Taliban FM Amir
Khan Muttaqi, • 30 June : Doha III,spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid

• Illegal Afghan repatriation : first phase in NOV 2023, 2nd phase : 25 March 2024

• Wapda : February 1958, Chairman Lt. Gen Sajjad Ghani

• spending limits in elections : 10m for NA, 4m for PA, enhanced by pdm

• guru nanak : first of ten gurus, guru nanak gurpurab(birthday), 1469 rai bhoi ki talvandi(janam asthan),
1539 Gurdwara Darbar Sahib kartarpur, Gurdwara Chowa Sahib("Gurudwara of the exalted spring") at
the northern edge of the Rohtas Fort, near Jhelum, where Guru Nanak is popularly believed to have
created a water-spring during one of his journeys known as udasi. Guru Nanak's handprint is believed to
be preserved on a boulder at the Gurdwara Panja Sahib in Hasan Abdal, Pakistan, Gurdwara Dera Sahib
(adjacent to samadhi of Ranjit Singh) commemorates the spot where the 5th Guru Arjan Dev was
martyred in 1606. 2nd: Guru Angad, 3rd: Guru Amar Das, 4th: Guru Ram Das

• guru gobind singh : 10th and last guru(became guru at age of 9 after death of his father guru tegh
bahadur), assassinated in 1708, created khalsa in 1699, a granthi is a person who recites guru granth

• kuwait xx : Emir Sheikh Mishal al-Ahmad al-Sabah, crown prince Sheikh Sabah Al Khalid Al Sabah n PM
Ahmad Al Abdullah Al Sabah, 1961 Independence from UK, Kuwait city, Dinar.

• biophilia : love of living things and nature

• COP : The UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(signed 1992 by 154
states at Earth Summit [UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)] Rio De Janeiro,
entered into force in 1994, secretariat Bonn Germany. The 198 countries that have ratified the
Convention are called Parties to the Convention.

The Kyoto Protocol, which was signed in 1997 and ran from 2005 to 2020 (Doha amendment 2012-
2020) , was the first implementation of measures under the UNFCCC. The Kyoto Protocol was
superseded by the Paris Agreement,2015 signed which entered into force in 2016. By 2022, the UNFCCC
had 198 parties. Its supreme decision-making body, the Conference of the Parties (COP), meets annually
to assess progress in dealing with climate change
The COP meets every year, unless the Parties decide otherwise. The first COP meeting was held in
Berlin, Germany in 1995. The COP meets in Bonn, the seat of the secretariat, unless a Party offers to host
the session. Purpose of cop is implementation of paris agreement and kyoto protocol.

COP 28 : 30NOV-12DEC 2023, dubai, president : sultan al jaber. COP 29 will be in Baku.

• COP 26 glasgow scotland : pak committed to a 60pc reduction in emmissions by 2030, national
adaptation plan and living indus (an initiative- by Federal Minister for Climate Change Senator Sherry
Rehman in SEP 2022 -to restore the ecological health of Indus within the boundaries of Pak, Indus River
is the “mother of the nation” as it watered the entire agriculture system and humanity living around it
from the north to the south)

• cop 28 : 120 states vow to triple renewable energy ( energy from a source that is not depleted when
used, such as wind, solar power, hydroelectric) by 2030 and achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050

Nationally Determined Contributions, or NDCs, are countries’ self-defined national climate pledges
under the Paris Agreement, detailing what they will do to help meet the global goal to pursue 1.5°C.

• Henry Kissinger : US diplomat of cold war era(under Nixon & Gerald ford) died on 29 NOV at 100, came
to the United States in 1938 as a Jewish refugee fleeing Nazi persecution, 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for
ending US involvement in vietnam war, shared with Le Duc Tho(declined), "good old friend of the
chinese people", Books : World Order, Age of AI, Leadership.

• 1 Dec : Aids day, an epidemic

• JT-60SA : world's biggest nuclear fusion reactor in tokyo, unlike fission,fusion carries no risk of
catastrophic nuclear accidents(eg fukushima in japan in 2011)

the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant in Japan has a net capacity of 7,965MW, making it the
largest nuclear power plant in the world

• Daducha Dam : foundation laid by Naqvi, soan river, RWP, The Dadocha Dam would help overcome
water shortage in Rawalpindi and after completion of the dam, it would supply 35 million gallons of
water per day to the garrison city.

• Traffic : 40 to 50 Pc cause of pollution.

• mount marapi in indonesia.

• AUKUS : a trilateral security partnership for the Indo-Pacific region between Australia, the United
Kingdom, and the United States. Announced on 15 September 2021, the partnership involves the US and
the UK assisting Australia in acquiring nuclear-powered submarines to counter China’s growing military
presence in the Asia Pacific.

The periscope is used in the submarines to see what is going on the water surface.

• Five eyes : +canada and newzealand, 1946, an intelligence alliance, 1941 Atlantic Charter was the basis
of establishment (a statement issued on 14 August 1941 that set out American and British goals for the
world after the end of World War II by Frank D. Roosevelt & Churchill)

• Sadam Hussain abd al majid : president/PM of Iraq, iran iraq war 1980-88, 2 Aug 1990 Iraq invaded
Kuwait, gulf war 1990-91 iraq lost to us led coalition,Operation Red Dawn December 2003 US invaded,
30 dec 2006 execution by hanging

• A bull is an investor who expects prices to rise and, on this assumption, purchases a security or
commodity in hopes of reselling it later for a profit. Optimist.

• global risk report 2023 : WEF world economic forum (24 Jan 1971,cologny geneva, by German Klaus
shwab) says welcome to the "age of polycrisis"

• Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela : 18 july 1918 - 5 DEC 2013 died, first SA(cape town;pretoria;bloemfontein,
rand) president 1994 to 1999 African national congress, 1990 lenin prize, 1992 nishan e pakistan, 1993
nobel peace, book long walk to freedom 1994, 1962 to 1990 27years in prison,

• Moody's : new york based credit rating agency

• classical singer hussain bakhsh gullu died

• Italy withdrew on 7 Dec 2023 from BRI(The Belt and Road initiative plan,2013, proposes massive
investments in infrastructure such as roads, bridges and ports to recreate the ancient Silk Road trade
routes linking Europe and Asia, connects China to South asia Central Asia Middle East Europe) ,four
year(2019) after becoming the only g7 nation to sign up.

Build Back Better World (B3W) is an initiative undertaken by the G7. Launched on June 12, 2021, it would
provide an alternative to China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for infrastructure development of low- and
middle-income countries

• 2023 is the hottest year,took title from 2016, 2023 has 6 record breaking months, death valley in
california : hottest driest and lowest national park, 56.7°C (134°F) temperature, Coldest : -89.2°C (-
128.6°F) Vostok Antarctica

• Iftar added to UNESCO(Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)(1945London,Paris) intangible

cultural heritage list along with italian opera singing

• Salman : a space rocket carrying animals launched by iran,under US sanctions since 2018 withdrawal of

• OPEC : a Cartel ‫( تجارتی اتحاد‬an association of manufacturers or suppliers with two purposes
1.maintenance of prices at a high level 2. restricting competition by placing barriers for new entrants) of
largest oil producing countries founded on 14 sep 1960 baghdad conference at baghdad (1961 effective)
by 5 members Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela, now 12, vienna, opec+(opec members +
other oil producing countries, non opec countries which export crude oil) alliance in algiers 2016 10
members incl. Russia, pumps more than 40% of the world's oil. Members : SICKLING UAE V, 79.5% of the
world's proven oil reserves are located in OPEC Member Countries.

Qatar terminated its membership on 1 January 2019. Angola withdrew its membership effective 1
January 2024

Iran has world's third largest proven oil reserves behind venezuela and saudia.

• Denmark's(Copenhagen, Danish Krone) parliament bans desecration of religious books

• sukuk : sharia compliant bonds,

1. Sukuk indicate ownership of an asset. Bonds indicate a debt obligation.

2. The assets that back sukuk are compliant with Shariah. Assets backing bonds may include products or
services that are against Islam.

3. Sukuk are priced according to the value of the assets backing them. Bond pricing is based on credit

4. Sukuk can increase in value when the assets increase in value. Profits from bonds correspond to fixed
interest, making them Riba.

5. When you sell sukuk, you are selling ownership in the assets backing them. The sale of bonds is the
sale of debt.

• Zafar Mahal in mahrauli village,delhi, The last architectural structure built by Mughals

• only sindh has min 18 years for marriage o/w 16 in 3 provinces and ICT, In 2018

the chairman of the CII council of islamic ideology (1962, ‫ِاسالمی نظریاتی کونسل‬, a constitutional body
(A228) of Pakistan, responsible for giving legal advice on Islamic issues to the government and the
Parliament, Raghib Hussain Naeemi 17th Chairman, 1st Justice Abu Saleh Muhammad Akram, 3
year term)

announced that a nikah can be performed at any age but the rukhsati can only take place after the age of

• Malnutrition refers to deficiencies or excesses in nutrient intake, imbalance of essential nutrients or

impaired nutrient utilization. The double burden of malnutrition consists of both undernutrition and
overweight and obesity, as well as diet-related noncommunicable diseases. Undernutrition manifests in
four broad forms: wasting, stunting, underweight, and micronutrient deficiencies.

undernutrition : wasting(low weight for height), stunting(low height for age), underweight(low weight
for age), micronutrient deficiencies(lack of vitamins n minerals).

• KASHMIR xx: youm e istehsal (Day of Exploitation) : a day observed every year as a reaction to the
Revocation of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir on 5 Aug 2019. Pak observing since 2020,
A370(created in 1949) Jawaharlal Nehru :

1. granted "special status" to j&k,autonomy over own internal affairs,Delhi retained control of foreign
affairs,finance,communication n military

2. it also gave autonomy to make own constitution,flag n freedom to legislate laws relating to
fundamental rights(residency,citizenship,ownership of land)

A35a(1954) Jawaharlal Nehru : 1. gave authority to local legislators to define residency rules(selling
buying property,local gov jobs) n prevent outsiders from permanently settling, buying land

Repealing these means all provision of indian constitution will now be applicable to J&K, outsiders can
now buy property too, influx can alter demographics from majority muslims to majority hindu, now
there will be two federal territories : ladakh & jammu-kashmir, both ruled directly by the central gov w/o
a legislature of their own

J&K reorganisation act : divided into two : Union territory of J&K, Union territory of Ladakh, 5 AUG 2019
passed in Rajya Sabha(council of states), 9 AUG president assent(act) ,31 OCT 2019 effective, 11 DEC
2023 validated by SC

after Pulwama attack (14 Feb 2019) india imposed 200pc duty on imports from Pak that's why
trade is suspended.

• UNSC Plebiscite resolutions of 13 August 1948 and 5 January 1949 (right to self determination
day) which were accepted by the Governments of India and Pakistan and which provided that
the question of the accession of the State of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan would be
decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the
auspices of the United Nations,

The Chenab Formula refers to a proposal first discussed in 1962-63 (but gained prominence during
Musharaf era) to resolve Kashmir issue, Under the Chenab formula, the state of Jammu and Kashmir
should be divided BW India & Pak marking Chenab as a boundary river which flows through the
state.According to the proposal, Muslim majority areas on the right of the Chenab River would go to
Pakistan and the rest to India, not accepted by India as it will have to cede a large portion of Kashmir.
Chenab river naturally divides Kashmir into Muslim and non-Muslim population zones

1 April 2020 : The J&K Civil Services (Decentralisation and Recruitment) Act, Domicile Law, one who has
resided for a period of 15 years in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir or has studied for a period
of seven years and appeared in class 10 or 12 examination in an educational institution located in the
territory. Previously J&K was empowered to define a resident as per A35A of J&K constitution

• 5FEB kashmir solidarity day : to renew our love and affection with the people of India-held J&K and
reiterate their commitment & dedication to the liberation of kashmir from indian subjugation

• Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front 1977 at Brimingham UK by Amanullah Khan(DIed 2016) n

Maqbool bhatt(Hanged in 1984 in Tihar Jail Delhi), 2019 banned in India, Leader Yasin Malik.

• mountain's day : 11 Dec, tourism day : 27 Sep

• lahore's first woman CTO : Amara Athar, country's first traffic theme park at GRW by CTO Ayesha Butt

• A186 advisory jurisdiction, 2011 President Zardari filed presidential reference with the SC(when
president wants to take advice of SC on any matter of public importance) asked SC to revisit ZAB death
sentence, March 1978 awarded by LHC, Feb 1979 appeal dismissed(4 3 decision) by SC,

• vietnam : Hanoi, Dong, V boosts china ties as "bamboo diplomacy"( nation’s independent conduct in
foreign relations, that is, strong, and flexible just as a bamboo, neither leaning towards any super-
powers) works

• saudi oil giant "aramco" Entered pakistan's retail market

• Dr Shakil Afridi ( Pakistani physician, 2012 awarded 33 years imprisonment (later reduced to 23 years
on appeal) for treason, He faced additional charges in 2013 related to the death of a patient he had
treated eight years prior, 2019 IK in Washington indicated he could be released in exchange for Aafia)
Helped CIA run fake Hepatitis B vaccine programran ,secured blood samples from bin laden's children
proving where the Al Qaeeda's leader was hiding. We should not repeat the raymond davis mistake
giving the US what it wants without insisting on Dr Siddiqui’s return. davis murdered 3 paki, siddiqui
killed nobody. every year US set aside millions of dollars in budget for Pak to combat terrorism

Doctor Aafia siddiqui : Pakistani neuroscientist, born in 1972 karachi, allegedly linked with al qaeda, 2010
convicted of attempting to murder US soldiers in Afghan n sentenced to 86 years

• Hungarian(budapest on danube,forint) PM Viktor Orban vetoed EU aid package for Ukraine €50bn

• ECC Economic Coordination Committee 1965 ‫ اقتصادی رابطہ کمیٹی‬Ayub Khan, a consultative forum for
economy,security. Finance Minister chairman, 1971 PM chairman 1993 permanently, its primary
functions and responsibility is to finalize executive economic decisions to national economy, and to assist
Prime Minister and his key staff on issues involving the economic security, threat of war,and economic
effects of nuclear weapons

• book "revisiting the durand line" by Dr Lutfur Rehman

• a white flag or cloth used as a symbol of surrender, truce, or a desire to parley.

a black flag hoisted outside a prison to announce an execution.

Yellow flag to indicate the presence of disease or quarantine

• Cloud Seeding (artificial rain or blue skying) used first time from uae, silver iodide, a yellowish salt, is
burned in clouds in a compound with acetone to encourage condensation(vapour to liquid) to form as
rain. based on the principle of coagulation.
• "flood response plan" report released by OCHA un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs

• Pope Francis (Argentina) authorises blessings for same-sex couples, Netherlands 2000 first to pass such
law 2001 effective, Since the Netherlands became the first country to legalize same sex marriage in 2001,
more than 30 countries around the world have followed suit. On Feb. 15, 2024, Greece moved to
become the first Orthodox Christian country to allow such unions. Kingdom of Thailand first n only in
southeast asia(3rd in Asia) to allow it(only royal approval needed, monarch Vajiralongkorn, PM Srettha
Thavisin), in Asia first Taiwan and second Nepal have also allowed.

• Egypt xx : Arab Republic of Egypt, old name was United Arab Republic, Transcontinental, cairo,pound,
abdel fattah al sisi relected for third time president, PM Mostafa Madbouly, village Abu Simbel located in
Egypt, Egypt was conquered during the time of Hazrat Umar under leadership of Amir bin A's,
tahrir/martyr square in Cairo Egypt

• Uranium 235 plutonium 239 : primary materials(isotopes) for nuclear weapons

• 1988 : PPP forced to give up the "sword" symbol, PPP led by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had contested the 1970
and 1977 elections with the symbol of ‘sword’, PPP workers had contested the 1988, 1990, 1993 and
1997 elections with the symbol of arrow. ppp(30 Nov 1967 Lahore) headed by bilawal n ppp-
parliamentarian(2002) headed by zardari

• WEF's global gender gap report 2024 : pak 145 out of 146 (previously 142/146),Sudan 146th,iceland
1st, abortion rate : 50 per 1000 HAZAR, balochistan : highest population growth (3.2pc)n maternal
mortality rate, KPK lowest population growth (2.3pc), maternal mortality rate of Pak (154 per 100000

• the holocaust : genocide of 6M European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945 (anti-
Semitism : hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.)

• Uterus didelphys is a rare congenital ‫ پیدائشی‬condition where you're born with two uteruses.

• 3 indo pak wars on AJK issue : 48,65,99 otherwise 4 : 1971

• facebook( 2004, Mark Zuckerberg, Chris Hughes, Andrew, HQ California) this year was fined $1.3bn in
Ireland for illegally transferring personal data bw europe and the US

• rohingya people : stateless muslims in rakhine state, 2017 genocide

• economic drain is a continuous flow of wealth from one nation to another without any returns ,be it
material or money,to the nation which is being drained.

• Brain Drain is the movement of educated and skilled people from one area to another. Brain drain
often occurs between countries and cities where they can find better opportunities.

Reverse Brain Drain occurs when these individuals return to their home country after several years of
experience to serve their own country. a form of brain drain where human capital moves in reverse from
a more developed country to a less developed country that is developing rapidly.

• Japan's SLIM space probe entered moon's orbit, if landed successfully it would be 5th such country
after US Russia China and India, JAXA, 5 successful countries to land

• nuclear weapons require uranium enriched to 90pc, while 3-5pc is enough for nuclear power stations

• 27 Dec : Int day of epidemic preparedness

• Pak conducts flight test of Fatah-II rocket 400 km range, Fatah-I 140 km, shaheen-III 2750km longest,
Hatf-I first 70km(developed in 1987 n revealed in 1989)

• HDI : The Human Development Index (HDI) measures each country's social and economic development
by focusing on the following factors : life expectancy, education, and per capita income, Pak : 164/193.
previously 161/191

• federalism ‫ ( َو فاِقَیت‬federal means agreement [BW state gov and central gov])is form of a power sharing
which allows people from different communities to live together in a state w/o fear of one culture being
imposed on another, A140a local bodies, Federalism is a system of government in which the same
territory is controlled by two levels of government,constitutionally 2 gov's, none is inferior to other as
both are constitutionally empowered

• A unitary state is a sovereign state governed as a single entity in which the central government is the
supreme authority, constitutionally only one gov that is central.

* Treaty : Int agreement bw two parties,members,nations.

* Protocol : legally binding document that allows alterations and amendments to treaty, KYOTO protocol

* Conference : a formal meeting to consult and deliberate

* Convention : ST that happens prior to the treaty being formed to formalise framework of established
principles in conference, A formal meeting to conclude a treaty, a convention can also mean a treaty,
GENEVA convention

• 1 JAN 2024 : 5 new members formally become part of BRICS, argentina ( President Javier Milei
rejected invitation) Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, UAE, Ethipoia. now 3.5BN or 45pc population and worth
$28.5TR or 28pc of global economy, they were invited in aug2023, argentina rejected being US ally. With
Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAE as members, Brics countries produce about 44% of the world's crude oil.

BRICS : In 2006, Brazil, Russia, India and China created the "Bric" group. South Africa joined in 2010,
making it "Brics". June 16, 2009 first summit in Russia, HQ Shanghai

The group was designed to bring together the world's most important developing countries, to challenge
the political and economic power of the wealthier nations of North America and Western Europe. Brics
countries include major world powers, such as China and Russia, and countries which are influential on
their continent, such as South Africa and Brazil.

2014 : the Brics nations set up the New Development Bank, HQ Shanghai(formerly referred to as the
BRICS Development Bank)(2015 enforced) to lend money to boost infrastructure.

The group sets priorities and makes decisions at an annual summit. Members take it in turns to serve as
president for a year.

The name for the expanded group has not yet been announced, but may be "Brics +".

Russia will host the 16th 20024 Brics summit in Kazan in October. source : BBC

• Nov 2023 Pak applied for BRICS membership, Pak may join Brics with russian support in
2024,Mushahid Hussain. 3 benefits in International Relations 1.promote Democratization (the
introduction of a democratic system) 2.Demilitarisation (the action of removing military forces
from an area) 3.Dedollarisation (reducing reliance on the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency, medium of

• 15th brics : 22-24 aug 2023, johannesburg south africa(3,Rand), sergey represented russia.

17 March 2023, Arrest warrants for Putin n Maria Lvova-Belova (Commissioner for children's rights) due
to crimes against humanity, genocide n unlawful deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia, 124
members of ICC are obliged to arrest them.

• ICC issues arrest warrants of Russian army chief Valery Gerasimov n ex defence minister over
Ukraine war, 124 members

ICC International criminal court : Rome Statute/Belfast/Good Friday agreement 1998, Enforced
on 1 July 2002 at Rome, Hague, President Tomoko Akane from Japan, Prosecutor Karim Ahmad
Khan from Scotland

• Citing A9, IHC strips DC of detaining citizens under sec3 of MPO (The Punjab Maintenance of Public
Order Ordinance, 1960)

9. Security of person : No person shall be deprived of life or liberty save in accordance

with law.

19. Freedom of speech, etc. : Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression,
and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the
interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or defence of Pakistan or any part thereof,friendly
relations with foreign States, public order, decency or morality,or in relation to contempt of court,
1[commission of] or incitement to an

THE PUNJAB MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC ORDER ORDINANCE, 1960 : section 3. Power to arrest and
detain suspected persons. if prejudicial to "national security” and “public safety”

• Hafiz saeed (icl in 4th schedule) : 1950 sargodha,chief of JUD jamat ud dawa, co founded lashkare taiba
(both proscribed org's) , arrested in 2019 on Fatf's request imprisoned for 78 years, 2012 US announced
$10m bounty for his role in 2008 mumbai attacks, isb turns down india's request to extradite him in
money laundering case

• 12pc of global trade passes through red sea

• ethiopia xx :(Addis Ababa,Birr)(2nd most populated african after nigeria[Abuja, Naira]) somali agree
deal on berbera port(belongs to Somali) access

• the adora magic city : china's first domestically built cruise ship, C919 first passenger jet

• UN's world tourism org unwto (1975,madrid) has termed Pakistan the "best performing destination"
for the first nine months of 2023.

• Salam Pakistan : pak's first national tourism e-Portal to promote tourism to potential visitors, 3 Aug
2023 by SS

• JN.1 newly identified sub variant of covid

• ISB,New Delhi share prisoner and nuclear site lists : NNAA Non-Nuclear Aggression Agreement The
Agreement on Prohibition of Attacks against Nuclear Installations and Facilities (signed 31 DEC 1988,
effective 27 JAN 1991, BB Rajiv Gandhi) (reduction (or limitation) of nuclear arms and pledged not to
attack or assist foreign powers to attack on each other's nuclear installations and facilities) provides that
both countries shall inform each other of their nuclear installations and facilities on 1st January of each

The first list of India and Pakistan's nuclear installations was swapped between two nations on 1 January

• exchanged list of prisoners (who cross border unintentionally,esp maritime border) as per the Consular
access agreement of 21 May 2008 B/W Manmohan Singh and Pervez Musharraf, it requires list sharing
twice a year JAN1 and JULY1.

• 5 Jan : Right to Self-Determination Day ‫ یوم حق خود ارادیت‬for the people of Jammu and Kashmir as the
United Nations Security Council had approved a resolution guaranteeing a free and fair referendum in
Occupied Kashmir on 5th January, 1949.

• neelum-jhelum hydel power station near muzaffarabad, 969MW, designed to divert water from the
Neelum River to a power station on the Jhelum River, 2018

• alvi approved reconstitution of cci A153

• Pak and IMF : 8Dec1958 first loan $25000($274000 now),argentina largest borrower Pak 4th $8bn
outstanding(after additional $3bn we will become 4th and 1st Asian), 23 bailouts in 75 years since 1950

• JN.1 sub variant of omicron lineage

• nawab akbar bugti (Governor, CM, JWP) challenged military ruler in 2006 kiled in an army
operation,killing sparked militant movement,as a result security crackdown enforced disappearance kill
and dump policy

• Spoiler Problems in Peace Processes theory by Stephen John Stedman : it defines spoilers as leaders
and parties who believe the emerging peace threatens their power, world view, and interests and who
use violence to undermine attempts to achieve it

• maldives xx : Republic of Maldives,south asia, Male, rufiya, president Muhammad muizzu, Pink Rose
national flower, most dispersed country in the world, 1192 islands across 26 atolls

• tripledemic : three major respiratory viruses : flu, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and COVID-19 all at

• CPC country of particular concern : India not added, a designation by the United States Secretary of
State (under authority delegated by the President) of a country responsible for particularly severe
violations of religious freedom under the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) of 1998, Pak Saudia
Russia China added

• world economic situation and prospects report by UN

• Parkinson disease (PD) is a brain condition that causes problems with movement, mental health, sleep,
pain and other health issues.

• gabriel attal becomes youngest pm of France, Emmanuel macron president

• Generalised Scheme of Preferences GSP+ upto 2027, EU largest export destination(textile sector 60pc)
for pak, $8.4bn, US $5.9bn, China $2.02 in FY 23. Pakistan was awarded GSP+ status on 1st January 2014
after the country had ratified 27 international conventions (cover the four areas of human rights, labour
rights, environmental standards and good governance) and committed to implement them. • $8.18 Bn
exports to EU in FY23, GSP+(OCT 2023-2027), duty free or minimum duty • gsp+ a program by
EU to motivate developing countries to uphold principles of human right labor rights
environmental conservation and good governance, 2010 sri lanka status suspended over human
rights concerns

• HRCP Human rights commission of Pak : estd in 1986, registered in 1987, SG Harris Khalique,
Chairperson Asad Iqbal Butt

• Alzheimer's is a type of dementia(a general term for the impaired ability to remember, think, or make
decisions that interferes with doing everyday activities) that affects memory, thinking and behavior.
• mukhatara mai : human rights activist, gang raped on the orders of a male jirga 2002

• a girl in the river : the price of forgiveness, documentary by sharmeen obaid chinoy on honour
killings,2016 won oscar(academy), 2012 : saving face

• fauzia janjua : pakistani-american, first muslim n south asian woman to serve as the mayor of mount
laurel in new jersey

• kibor : 21.27%, sbp policy rate : 20.5%

• saudi to allow alcohol sales to non-muslims diplomats, banned in 1952 after king abdulaziz's son got
drunk n shot british diplomat

• ISB's first "anti rape crisis cell" estd at pims

• 40pc of pakis are obesed and 6 out of 10 deaths are caused by NCDs, 33m adult are diabetics (third
highest no of diabetics in the world,no 1 in terms of % of population)

Unites States US xx :

• US Secretary of State awarded peter jacob of pak "religious freedom award"

• 25 June US house of representative passed resolution HR 901 by 368-7 votes "expressing

support for democracy n human rights in pak" in pak, called for probe into feb 8 elections, Pak :
world's second-largest parliamentary democracy, fifth overall.

28 June NA passed resolution terming June 25 resolution of US "an interference" in Pak's

internal affairs

• 'first 100-days' concept originated in 32nd Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency (4 march 1933 to
1945) to fix a broken financial system

"Give me liberty, or give me death!" is a quotation attributed to American politician Patrick

Henry from a speech he made to the Second Virginia Convention in 1775

Biden visited Lahore in 2008 and 2011

• 6 jan 2021 attack on US capitol (seat of US congress : house of representative and senate) to
block certification of biden's 2020 win

• Baltimore bridge in US

• the fourth estate : the press

• 26m(39pc) out of school children, 1.7pc of gdp spent on education, 1:39 teacher student ratio in
primary schools, 24 Jan world education day
• UN n EU condemned the US after the country's first execution of an inmate (a person,usually mentally
ill,who is forced by law to stay in a prison or hospital) using nitrogen asphyxiation rather than more
common lethal injection

• 26Jan : pak, St. kitts n Nevis establish diplomatic ties

• Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is warfare that is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military
action, such as social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such
as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems.

• north macedonia (skopje,denar) elected Talat Xhaferi, first ethnic albanian to lead the Balkan country's
Gov, ind. In 1991 from yugoslavia

• nordic : FINDS, scandinavia : NDS

• TTP xx: 2007 by Baitullah Mehsud, now Noor Wali Mehsud (AKA Abu Mansoor Asim) publicly pledged
allegiance to afghan taliban

• NEC national economic council : A156, (a) a constitutional entity that plays a vital advisory role to both
federal and provincial governments on matters pertaining to finance, commerce, social welfare, and
economic policies

the Prime Minister, who shall be the Chairman of the Council; the Chief Ministers and one member from
each Province to be nominated by the Chief Minister; four other members as the Prime Minister may
nominate from time to time, total 13 members

• Neuralink(2016,elon musk) has installed brain implant in first human patient, aims to build direct
communication channels between the brain and computers

• Transparency International (1993 by employees of WB, Berlin) 2023 Corruption Perception Index 133
out of 180, previously 140 out of 180. Somalia most corrupt, Denmark least

• Red sea carries about 12pc of global trade, 80pc is carried through seas oceans.

• Gilgit Baltistan : local forces in GB revolted against Maharaja Hari Singh (Dogra) n declared
independence on 1 Nov 1948 Nameless, within the disputed territory of J&K, six times larger than Azad
Kashmir in terms of geographical area, became a separate administrative unit in 1970 under the name
"Northern Areas", In 2009, the region was renamed to "Gilgit-Baltistan" and granted limited autonomy
through the Self-Governance Order signed in by the then president Asif Ali Zardari (Legislative assembly
n posts of CM and Governor created), a move that was reportedly intended to also empower the
territory's people, however, scholars state that the real power rests with the governor and not with the
chief minister or elected assembly, The Pakistani government had rejected calls from the territory for
provincial status on the grounds that granting such a request would jeopardise Pakistan's demands for
the entire Kashmir conflict to be resolved according to UN resolutions, has Highest Literacy rate of any
region in Pak

Karachi Agreement : 28 April 1949, BW Gov of Pak n Gov of Azad Kashmir, Azad Kashmir ceded to the
Government of Pakistan complete control over Gilgit-Baltistan, Sardar M Ibrahim Khan President AJK

Governor : Syed Mehdi Shah. CM : Gulbar Khan. 3 Divisions(Gilgit,Baltistan,Diamer). 14 Districts.

demands : subsidised wheat, withdrawal of various taxes, share in NFC award, provision of land
ownership rights to locals.

• EU approves €50bn($54bn) package for Ukraine after appeasing hungary(Budapest,Forint)(PM Viktor

Orban), for the period from 2024 to 2027, €33 billion consists of long-term, low-interest loans. The
remaining €17 billion comprises grants to which all 27 EU member states will contribute proportionally.

• 1985 Gen Zia introduced a separate electorate system whereby Muslim voters elected Muslim
candidates and non-Muslims voted for non-Muslim candidates , Musharraf restored joint electorate in
2002 but was pressured to keep ahmadis separate whereas all other non muslim groups are part of the
general voters' list, separate voters' list-containing personal information-exposes the group to danger,
elections boycotted by ahmadis since 1974

• Operation Khalifa : 1995 coup attempt, maj gen zahirul islam abbasi, Brig mustansir billa, qari
saifullah(al qaeda, freed after he became GOV witness,other two sentenced for few years by Military
Court) vs BB(to assassinate her n COAS), in favour of NS, suppressed by COAS Abdul Waheed Kakar

• Gyanvapi mosque in Varanasi, Akhunji mosque in mehrauli

• Mohsin Naqvi : 37th PCB chief, 1 May 1949, 1952 member of ICC(1909,London,Dubai since
2005,chairman Greg Barclay), 1983 member of ACC Asian Cricket Council(1983,Dubai,Jay Shah)

• Indus River System Authority IRSA :

Irsa Amendment Ordinance 2024 : returned with reservations by then-president Arif Alvi to then-
caretaker PM Anwaarul Haq Kakar. move to neutralise IRSA's powers, proposed amendment (passed by
caretaker cabinet) : restrict the provinces to hold irsa chairmanship currently on annual rotation basis n
instead replace it with a chairman always to be appointed by the PM instead of federal or provincial
gov's, a caretaker government did not have the authority to propose amendment to any Act through an
ordinance. Irsa was created in 1992 by the CCI as part of the 1991 Water Apportionment Act and only
the CCI had the constitutional jurisdiction over Irsa matters.

IRSA has five members : 4 from provinces + 1 federeal gov, Irsa’s chairman will be appointed from a
rotation of members of the provincial cabinets and decisions will be made on majority votes, as per the
Council of Common Interests (CCI), Current chairman : Abdul Hameed Mengal from Balochisan,
notification of Zafar mehmood as chairman(not even member)withdrawn by SS. Amjad saeed currrent
member from Punjab.

• IMO international Maritime Organisation : estd 1948, came into existence 1958, London, a specialised
agency of the United Nations responsible for regulating shipping, also responsible for security at red sea,
12% of global maritime trade passes through bab el-mandeb strait, IMO working tirelessly to solve Red
Sea crisis(yemen houthi attacking ships)

• Measles is a childhood infection caused by a virus. Measles infects the respiratory tract and then
spreads throughout the body.

• A91(2) : the president must convene the NA's seesion after official announcements of election results
OR issuance of its notification within 21 days. A91(3) Muslim PM.

The National Assembly shall meet on the twenty-first day following the day on which a general election
to the Assembly is held,unless sooner summoned by the President

Nato xx

• Mark Rutte-Dutch PM-will take over Jens Stoltenberg on Oct 1 2024

• In 2006, Nato countries made a vague commitment — formalized in 2014 — to spend two percent of
their GDP on their own defense. Trump accused western allies of being freeloader, he would
“encourage” Russia to attack members of Nato who had not met their financial obligations. Kenya has
become the first major non Nato ally in sub saharan Africa, total 19, Pak designated as MNNA by
George Bush in 2004.

• 7 March 2024 : Sweden became 32nd NATO member, PM Ulf Kristerson, Monarch Carl XVI

• Economist Intelligence unit(London based) democracy index 2023 titled "Age of Conflict", 4
classifications : Full democracy, Flawed democracy, Hybrid regime, Authoritarian regime. Top three :
1.Norway Newzealand Iceland, Bottom three : NK Myanmar 167.Afghanistan, first published in 2006,
Pak score 3.25 hybrid regime to authoritarian regime(only asian country to be downgraded),
118th(down by 11 places) out of 165countries+2territories, India 41 flawed democracy.

Authoritarian Regime : A style of government in which the rulers demand unquestioning obedience from
the ruled. no civil liberites or political rights, usually run either directly by Army or by puppet civillians

• EIU global liveability index : Vienna most liveable, Damascus least liveable city

• top kremlin critique, alexei navalny, died in arctic prison(nicknamed Polar Wolf)

• MARI discovered gas reveres in Kohlu Balochistan

• 8Jan 2024 : SC scrapped its 2018 judgement by 6-1 which had permanently shut the doors of
parliament of lawmakers disqualified under A621F
• Julian Assange : founder of WikiLeaks(a media organisation, founded in 2006 by Julian) It released
footage(in 2010) of the 12 july 2007 Baghdad airstrike which it titled 'Collateral Murder', in which Iraqi
Reuters journalists and several civilians were killed by a U.S. helicopter crew, US wants Australian born
extradition to US from UK, exposed war crimes of US in Iraq n Afghan, Assange is set free after
pleading guilty,labelled 'digital terrorist' by Obama administration

International days and National days :

• 1 Jan : Global Family day. 22 Jan : National Sanctity of Human Life/right to life day. 24 January :
Int. day of education. Third Sunday of Jan : Religion day. last Sunday of January : Leprosy day.

• 4 Feb : Cancer day. 10 February : Pulses day. 13 Feb : Radio day. 20 Feb : world day of social
justice. 21 Feb : Mother language day

• 4 March : World Obesity Day. 8 March : Women's day. 14 March(Second thursday in March) :
Kidney day. Friday before Vernal Spring Summer Equinox (21 March) : Sleep Day. 21 March :
World Forest day. 22 March : Water day. 24 March : TB Day (Theme : 'Yes! We can end TB'). 30
March : International Day of zero waste.

• 10 April : Homeopathy day(German Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann). 12 April Int day
for street children. 17 April : world Hemophilia (Blood doesn't clot) day, Palestine prisoner day.
22 April 1970 : Earth day. 23 April : Book day. 26 April : Intellectual Property day. 29 April :
Dance day. Last week of April : World Immunization week.

• May : Mental Health awareness month. first tuesday of May : World Asthma day. 2 May : Tuna
day. 3 May : world press freedom day. 12 May : Nurse day. Second Sunday in May : Mother's day.
25 May : Africa day. 29 May : UN peacekeeping. 31 May : no tobacco day

• 1 June : Parent's day. 3 June 2018 : Bicycle Day. 7 June : Food safety day. 11 June 2024 : First
International day of Play. 12 June : against child labour. 14 June : Blood Donor day. 15 June :
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. 20 June : Refugee day. 21 June : Yoga day. 23 June Widows
day. 26 June : Victims of torture, International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. 27
June : Helen Keller day. 3rd Sunday in June : Father's day.

• 1 July : Joke day. First Saturday of July : Cooperative day. 2 July : UFO & Sports Journalists day.
6 July : Zoonoses day. 11 July : Population day, International Day of Remembrance of the
Srebrenica Genocide. 15 July : Youth skill day. 17 July : for International Justice. 20 July : Jump
day. 26 July : Mangrove day. 30 July : World Day against Trafficking in Persons.

• 12 August : Youth day. 19 Aug : photography day. 21 August : Senior Citizen day. 26 Aug : Dog
day. 29 August : Anti-nuclear day.
• 16 Sep : Ozone. 21 Sep : Peace day. 27 Sep : Tourism day. 28 Sep : Rabies day. 29 Sep : Heart

• 1 Oct : International Day of Older People. 2 Oct : Int day of Non Violence. 4 to 10 Oct : World
space week. First monday of october : Habitat day. 5 Oct : Teacher's Day. 7 Oct : Cotton day. 9
October : World Post day. 10 Oct : Mental health day n world day against death penalty. 15 Oct :
White Cane day. 17 Oct : Day for Erdaication of Poverty. 24 Oct : Diplomats day, Polio day. 27 Oct
1947 : Black day, india occupied kashmir. 29 Oct 1923 : Republic day of Turkey

• 2 Nov : end impunity for crimes against journalist. 10 Nov : Science day,Immunization day. 14
November : Diabetes day. 16 Nov : Tolerance day. 17 Nov : Int. Students day. 19 Nov : Men's and
Toilet day. 20 NOV : Children's day

• 1 Dec : Aids day. 2 Dec : Abolition of slavery. 3 Dec : International Day of Persons with
Disabilities. 5 Dec : world soil day. 7 Dec : Int Civil aviation day. 9 Dec : Anti Corruption. 11 Dec :
mountain's day. 12 Dec 1995 (Turkmenistan) : Int day of Neutrality. 18 December : Migrants day.
20 Dec : International Human Solidarity Day. 27 Dec : Int day of epidemic preparedness.

Culture Days : Punjab 14 March, Sindh 1st Sunday of December, Baloch 2 March, Pashtun 23

• Linda Thomas-Greenfield : US ambassador to UN, US vetoes ceasefire resolution third time

• BDS : Boycott Divestment n Sanction movement, a nonviolent Palestinian-led movement promoting

boycotts, divestments, and economic sanctions against Israel, 20 baras purani (2005) adam tashadud pe
yakeen rkhti hai, boycott or pabandio ne SA mai nasal parast hakoomat ke khatmay mai madad ki

• 22-24 FEB 1974, 29 Moharram to Ist Safar, 1394 H : heads of states n govs from 21 countries
participated in OIC conference, PM ZAB, President Fazal Elahi Ch, BD recognised before conference
opening, jummah prayer by all leaders at badshahi mosque. OR 35(incl Bangla and excluding Pak),
36th Iraq representative joined as observer, 37th SG of Rabitat al-Alam al-Islami(Muslim World
League, Makkah based NGO) as guest.

Iran–Pakistan gas pipeline : Peace Pipeline, 705Km in Pak(border to gwadar), around 1172Km in
iran(completed), or total 2775KM, 1955 idea by civil engineer Aftab Malik, sistan-baluchistan iran to
balochistan then sindh pakistan, in 1995, Iran n Pakistan signed an agreement which made Iran
responsible for 1,180 kilometres of the IPI pipeline, Pakistan 705 km , 1999 India joined (termed as Iran-
Pakistan-India (IPI) Gas Pipeline)(sindh-multan-india) n became responsible for construction of 850 km

In 2008 India signed two major agreements with the US on nuclear energy and military cooperation and
next year it withdrew from the project on the pretext of over pricing and security issues, left due to 2
reasons 1.unpleasant relations with pak we could stop gas anytime we wanted 2.civil nuclear deal by US,
2012 during PPP Gov agreement formally came into action to be completed by 2014, Iran did so in 2014,
Pak didnot bcoz of US(threatened with sanctions,asked us to focus on TAPI pipeline) and Saudi(gave us
oil on concession n deferred payment) pressure, 750 million cubic feet daily (mcfd), around 1600BN
cubic feet is annual consumption of PAK.

Iran has second largest gas reserves(1,200 trillion cubic feet,enough for 162 years) after
Russia(US is largest producer). Pakistan has natural gas reserves of only 18 tef, enough for the
next 12-15 years.

• may 2009 pak iran signed agreement(after India withdrew) for 750mmcfd gas for 25 years,
dec 2012 iran proposed to finance the project backed out in march 2014, 21Dec2023 iran gave
us 180 day time limit to implement the project.

On 11 March 2013, the construction work on the Pakistani section of the pipeline was inaugurated by
president of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari and president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Iran threatened to go in paris based arbitration council for fine of $1m per day since 2014 which could be
around $18bn, also not favourable for iran they want someone to trade with them n if we do it will also
be politically good for them as it means we set aside US pressure just for Iran. we should pursuade US.

it promised to provide enough gas to generate up to 5,000MW (one-fifth of our present thermal

Pak should exercise Deft diplomacy : an art of maintaining cordial ties with two countries who
are against each other. as our economy is on ventilator n US holds control of it, we can ill afford
strained relations with either country.

In the last care taker setup finance minister Shamshad Akhtar sanctioned construction of 80km patch to
ward off $18bn potential penalties from tehran(it can move paris based int court of arbitration 1923),
decision by Cabinet Committee on Energy(CCoE) presided over by shamshad akhtar, 80km patch from
iran border to gwadar to be completed in first phase, may 2009 agreement signed for 750m cubic feet
per day(mmcfd) for 25 years. Iran has granted Pakistan until September 2024 to complete the remaining
625 km.

US assistant secretary of state for south and central asian affairs Donald Lu claims that it was american
"goal" to ensure pipeline is not completed.

• Germany legalises use,cultivation of cannabis

12th General Elections

First-past-the-post system (oppossed to proportional representation)
1970 Awami league, 1977 PPP, 1985 Independents, 1988 PPP, 1990 PMLN, 1993 PPP, 1997 PMLN, 2002
PMLQ, 2008 PPP, 2013 PMLN, 2018 PTI

• 16th NA, 18th PA

• 128.5m voters, punjab 73.2m more than other 3 combined

• 47.6% turnout, 2002 41%, 2008 44%, 2013 53%, 2018 51%, 1988 42%, 1997 36%

• young voters : 18-35years 57m, more than 47%(44) of total

• new voters : 23.5m 18% of total,

• women's participation : 59.3m 46.1%, Male : 69.2m 54%

• 167 registered parties

• out of total 5112 NA candidates only 313 are women that too on constituencies with slim winning
chances, canvassing by and for women declared unislamic in Kohistan

• PTI 93 MWM 1 = 94 , PMLN 75 PPP 54 MQM 17 PMLQ 3 IPP 2 BAP 1 = 152

• FAFEN Free and Fair Election Network, 2006, Islamabad

• PTI allies itself with SIC sunni ittehad council for centre,punjab and kp to claim reserved seats, SIC
doesnot have single seat in parliament, its head sahibzada m hamid raza elected as ind from FSD.

• PA speaker : Malik Ahmad Khan, deputy : Zaheer Iqbal Channar

• Sindh Speaker : Syed Awais Qadir Shah, deputy speaker : Anthony Naveed

• Murad ali shah's 3rd consecutive term as CM Sindh (2016,2018,2024)

• 26 FEB : Maryam first woman CM(19th or 21) of any province (28 OCT 1973, 2012 entered politics)
220/371 votes.

• Malik Ahmad Khan Bhachhar opposition leader. Maryam Nawaz leader of the house

• Baloch speaker : Abdul Khaliq Achakzai (PMLN), Provincial Assemblies

Deputy speaker : Ghazala Gola (ppp) Punjab Sindh Balochistan KPK

• KPK speaker : Babar Saleem Swati, 371 168 65 145


Deputy speaker : Suraiya Bibi WOMEN 66

• NA speaker : Sardar Ayaz Sadiq MINORITIES 8

Deputy speaker : Ghulam Mustafa Shah(PPP)

• 8 Political Parties in ruling coalition :

Pmln 106 (123 after reserved), PPP 68 (73), MQM-P 20 (22), PML-Q 4, IPP 4, BAP PML-ZIA and national
party with 1 each = 209.

• 5 parties in opposition :

Sunni Itthead Council 91, JUI-F 7 (11), Majlis wadat-i-muslimeen Balochistan national party and
Pakhtunkhwa mili awami party have 1 each = 102

• Sarfaraz Bugti : Balochistan's CM(caretaker interior minister,resigned n joined ppp n contested


• Ali Amin Gandapur : 22nd CM KPK

• 3 March : SS vs Omar Ayub Khan : 169 votes needed, A91(3), SS 201 votes, Omar Ayub 92 votes, 24th
PM (23 September 1951 at Lahore, 23rd PM : 11-4-2022 to 13-8-23), 3 times CM (1997-1999, (2008-
2009, 2009-2013) 2013- 2018).

Omar Ayub : Leader of opposition NA. SS leader of the house

• 4 March : Arif Alvi administered oath to SS

Province / Area General Seats Women Seats Non-Muslim Total Seats

Punjab 141 32 - 173

Sindh 61 14 - 75

Balochistan 16 4 - 20

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 45 10 - 55

Federal Capital 3 - - 3

10 10

Total 266 60 10 336

• president : 6 legislatures, 696-vote electoral college, formula in 2nd schedule of constitution, Senator,
MNA n Balochistan assembly(65) members vote counted as ONE each, Punjab 371÷65=5.7 (six
MPAs=one vote). 696 = 336 NA + 65*4PA's(=260) + 100 Senate.

9 March : zardari(26 July 1955 at Karachi, 1987 married to BB,11th President : 9sep 2008 to 9sep 2013)
411 votes, Mehmood Khan Achakzai 181 votes, 14th president, First civilian president to complete
tenure,first paki to hold that office twice, one of four democratically elected presidents to complete 5
year term, 10 March Oath to CJ, alvi term had ended in (9 september 2018) sep 2023, A41(3).

• it is mandatory for every political party to field at least 5pc women candidates on general seats in tha
NA n PA's, ppp pmln jui-f fail to do so.

18 member Cabinet + 1 Minister of state + 1 adviser to PM

• Finance minister : Muhammad Aurangzeb (former HBL president and CEO), 3rd banker after shaukat
aziz (CITI Bank) n shaukat tarin (CITI Bank, Habib Bank, Union Bank, chairman KSE), Additional Portfolio:

• Foreign : Ishaq Dar

• Interior : Mohsin Naqvi, Interior, Additional Portfolio: Narcotics Control

• Defence : Khwaja Asif, Additional Portfolios : i. Defence Production ii. Aviation

• Planning : Ahsan Iqbal, Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, Additional Portfolio: Inter
Provincial Coordination

• Law and Justice : Azam Nazeer Tarar, Law and Justice, Additional Portfolios : i. Human Rights ii.
Parliamentary Affairs

• Information : Attaullah Tarar, Information and Broadcasting, Additional Portfolio: National Heritage and

• Power (energy) : Awais Laghari

• Science : Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, Science and Technology, Additional Portfolio: Federal Education
and Professional Training

• States n frontier region : Amir Muqam, States and Frontier Regions, Additional Portfolio: Kashmir
Affairs & Gilgit Baltistan

• Petroleum : Musadik Malik, Petroleum, Additional Portfolio: Water Resources

• Industries : Rana Tanveer Hussain, Industries and Production, Additional Portfolio: National Food
Security and Research

• Economic Affairs : Ahad Cheema, Economic Affairs, Additional Portfolio: Establishment

• Maritime Affairs : Qaiser Sheikh

• Housing & works : Riaz Pirzada

• Overseas Pakis : Salik Hussain, Overseas Pakistanis and Resource Development, Additional Portfolio:
Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony
• Privatisation : Aleem Khan, Privatization, Additional Portfolios : i. Board of Investment ii.

• Commerce : Jam Kamal Khan

• minister of state for IT : Shaza Fatima Khwaja

• Rana Sanaullah Khan : Advisor to PM on political affairs

• Senate chairman : Yousaf Raza Gillani(has been elected to 3/4 top constitutional offices PM
NA speaker n Senate chairman, Deputy chairman : Syedaal Khan Nasar

Shibli Faraz : Leader of opposition in Senate, Ishaq Dar leader of the house

GOVERNORs : Punjab : 47th Sardar Saleem Haider (oath to CJ LHC), Baloch : Jaffar Khan
Mandokhail, KP : Faisal Karim Kundi

• 44pc debt owed to multilaterals (IMF WB ADB), 41PC bilateral (Paris Club (OECD-plus japan)) n non
paris club members China Saudi UAE.

PARIS CLUB : 1956,Paris,22 permanent creditor countries (not china) are member,Argentina in 1956 on
the verge of default met with the countries it owed money to in Paris to discuss solution to difficulties
being faced in debt payents. Paris Club is a group of officials from major creditor countries whose role is
to find co-ordinated and sustainable solutions to the payment difficulties experienced by debtor
countries by either cancelling debts or rescheduling payments over a longer periods. debtors ko paisay
wapis krne mai jo problems ati hain unka solution find krna

DEBT RESCHEDULING Means change in due dates

DEBT RESTRUCTURING Means change in FOL facility offer letter,involves lowering interest rates or
change in nature of loan i.e running finance converted to cash finance.

LONDON CLUB : 1976, unlike paris club it is an informal group of private lenders on international stage

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development : 1948 as OEEC, 1961 OECD, Paris, 38
members. to stimulate economic progress and world trade. It is a forum whose member countries
describe themselves as committed to democracy and the market economy, providing a platform to
compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practices, and coordinate
domestic and international policies of its members.

• NASA : 1958 by dwight D eisenhower, Washington DC has planned artemis(crewed) no sooner

than 2026,china plans to put its crew on moon in 2030, administrator Bill Nelson.

• production order : A legal order issued to a Law Enforcement Agency either by Speaker or
Chairman to produce the arrested parliamentarian in assembly.

• there are 200M(14% of 1.4BN) muslims in India, India's muslim population is world's third
largest after 1st Indonesia(87%) and 2nd Pakistan(96.5%), assam has highest pc of muslim
among 28 states and 8 union territories. 1947 : 35M muslims stayed in india

• nepra National Electric Power Regulatory Authority, December 16, 1997, a regulatory
authority responsible for overseeing PPs discos n kelectric n hold accountable in case of
overcharging, chairman Waseem Mukhtar .

CIRCULAR DEBT : State oil companies (PSO) imports oil on credit/deferred payment - Sold to
those who produce electricity from oil( power producers K-electric ) on credit - Sold to DISCOs
( LESCO GEPCO FESCO ) in every district/city - transfered to grid stations - to end consumers -
consumes and pay bill after consuming. whole process is circular everyone owes to another, 5
reasons : transmission and distribution losses due to no proper energy infrastructure, energy
theft, poor governance, weak exchange rates, lower bill recovery. when foreign country doesnot
recieve due payment it stops oil export so Pak Gov either pays from own budget or overcharge
customers, in both cases consumer pays ; in over charging consumer pays directly in case of
former gov imposes several other taxes to recover money, when it doesnot have money gov
borrows money which is consumed instead of being invested anywhere, to pay back loan gov
imposes taxes, causes inflation, higher interest rate, less economic activities, unemployment.
solution is dont depend on fossil fuels focus on renewable energy.

Power Rs2.7tr + Gas Rs3tr = Rs5.7tr.

• surfshark : a lithuania based internet shutdown tracker

• Hungary(PM Viktor Orbam) approved Sweden's(PM Ulf Kristerson) NATO accession, became
member on 7 March 2024, Finland 4 April 2023. 12 founding members.

• 24 FEB 2022 : Russia (PM Mikhail Mishustin, state duma lower house) invaded Ukraine (PM
Denys Shmyhal, Rada parliament)

• Article 20 Freedom to profess religion and to manage religious institutions, Religious freedom
is not absolute and subject to law,morality and public order

• A91(2) added after Musharaf in 2002 delayed convening the NA

• Houthi formerly Ansar Allah (supporters of god) 1992, Shia Islamist political and military
organization, Hussein al-Houthi † (1992–2004) Abdul-Malik al-Houthi (since 2004) in Yemen, HQ
Sanaa, control northern yemen incl sanaa seized in 2014

Under the leadership of Zaidi religious leader Hussein al-Houthi, the Houthis emerged as an
opposition movement to Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh, whom they accused of corruption
and being backed by Saudi Arabia and the United States. In 2003, influenced by the Lebanese
Shia political and military organization Hezbollah, the Houthis adopted their official slogan
against the United States, Israel, and the Jews. Hussein Al-Houthi resisted Saleh's order for his
arrest, and was afterwards killed by the Yemeni military in Saada in 2004, sparking the Houthi
insurgency(an active revolt or uprising). Since then, the movement has been mostly led by his
brother Abdul-Malik al-Houthi. attacks red sea ships in solidarity with Palestinians.

• EU launches mission,named ASPIDES (greek for "shield"), in red sea to protect ships from houthis
attacks(1992 or 1994, Zaidi Shias, Ansar ullah supporters of god,HQ Saada Yemen,emerged as an
opposition movement to Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh,Hussein al-Houthi †1994–2004, Abdul-
Malik al-Houthi since 2004)

• Hezbollah Party of Allah( as chosen by khomeini ) Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and
militant group, 1982 by Subhi al-Tufayli and Sayyed Abbas Al-Musawi, Beirut, SG Sayyed Hassan
Nasrallah. 2006 Israel Hezbollah war/2006 Lebanon War/Second Lebanon War/July War

• Zelensky's 10-point "Peace Plan" calls for full withdrawal of russian troops from ukrainian

Food security means Physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet
their dietary needs so that they can live a healthy lifestyle

Ecocide ‫ خاص طور پر جب جان بوجھ کی گی ہو‬، ‫ قدرتی ماحول کی تباہی‬destruction of the natural environment
by deliberate or negligent human action.

The IEA (1974 paris) defines energy security as the uninterrupted availability of energy sources
at an affordable price

• NZ had banned tobacco sales to those born after 1 JAN 2009, 27 FEB scrapped world-first
tobacco ban, effective from july. In 2004, Bhutan became the first nation in the world to ban
the sale of tobacco and to outlaw smoking in all public places. • 37m 13-35 years old use
tobacco globally, 160000 annual deaths in Pak, increase tax : cosumption reduction + revenue
for gov + low healthcare cost. • New Zealand bans disposable e-cigs and vapes

• "karo kari ‫" "کاروکاری‬chor" custom : to kill for bringing dishonour to the community, honour

Vani (Urdu: ‫)ونی‬, or Swara (‫)سوارہ‬, is a custom where girls, often minors, are given in marriage or
servitude to an aggrieved family as compensation to end disputes, often murder. Vani is a form
of arranged or forced child marriage, and the result of punishment decided by a council of tribal
elders named jirga. Some claim Vani can be avoided if the clan of the girl agrees to pay money,
called Deet (‫)دیت‬. It is a Punjabi word derived from vanay which means blood. It is also known
as Sak and Sangchatti (‫ )سنگ چتی‬in different regional languages of Pakistan.

Though laws in 2005 and 2011 have declared the practice illegal, the custom still continues to be
practiced. In 2004, the Sindh High Court outlawed all such "parallel justice" systems. But the
writ of government is weak in rural areas, and local police often turn a blind eye.

• UVAS produces its first IVF calf

• Global waste mgmt outlook 2024 report by UNEP(1972,Nairobi). Moving towards a CIRCULAR
ECONOMY(an economic system based on sharing,repairing,reusing or regeneration of materials or
products as long as possible so that the life cycle of product is extended) and taking a ZERO
WASTE APPROACH is only way to safe future

• US has used veto four times against GAZA. Russia used veto most, France least user

• Pak's credit rating by moody's(NY) : Caa3 from Caa1 means higher probability of
default,greater degree of investment risks

• 28 FEB NA speaker Raja parvez asharaf inaugurates Yadgar i dastoor(constitution monument)

and bagh e dastoor in front of parliament D-chowk

MARCH 2024
• 772nd 3-day urs of lal shehbaz qalandar : Usman Marwandi, 1177 marwand afghan, 1274
sehwan jamshoro, 2017 suicide bombing

• Hospice care : aesay hospital jahan naqabal i ilaj amraz mai mubtala afraad ki dekh bhaal ki
jati hai takay akhri dino ki takalif ko kam kia ja sakay

• Asia's richest man : 1.Mukesh ambani 2.Gautam Adani. World's : 3. Bernard Arnault (French,
Founder of LVMH, parent co. of Louis Vuitton) 2. Jeff Bezos 1. Elon Musk

• Daducha dam : Soan river, 25km from RWP, 123ft height, 737ft length, by NOV 2025,

• more than 1bn around world afflicted by obesity,an epidemic, 4 March World Obesity Day.
Endemic (Malaria,ChickenPox,Flu,HIV) consistently present but limited to a particular region.
Epidemic (Polio,Dengue) an unexpected increase in the number of disease cases in a specific
geographical area. Pandemic when a disease’s growth is exponential,covers a wide area,
affecting several countries and populations

• Earth's natural resources could surge 60PC by 2060. Global resource outlook by UNEP
• 25 amendments till now, proposed 26th wants federation to establish local govs under
A140A(which was failed to establish local gov's and develove authority), Metropolitan city Gov's
in every city with population more than 5 Million, municipal city gov's in cities with population 1
to 5M, two-point agreement signed by Ahsan Iqbal and Syed Mustafa Kamal.

Article 90,91 and 99 defines GOVERNMENT : as interpretated by SC gov is Prime minister and
his cabinet which includes under it the bureaucracy and army but not courts and parliament.

there are 3 Pillars of GOV : 1. Parliamet (legislature) (kanoon banany walay) which legislates 2.
Executive (kanoon nafiz krnay walay) implements the law made by parliament which is
bureaucracy eg teachers clerks health professionals etc all these are subordinate to ministry
headed by a minister,means cabinet is executive 3. Judiciary to interpret the law and resolve
disputes among 1 and 2 on the issue of any interpretation of law.

structure of federal gov given in RULES OF BUSINESS(konsa idara kis ministry ke under hai or
uska kam kya hai), cabiet ke andar minister,minister ke neechay ministry jis ka political head
MINISTER hoga or administrative head SECRETARY(BPS22) hoga, secretary ke neechay

besides pillars of gov there are also diff LEVELS OF GOV: FEDERAL, PROVINCIAL(subai gov ke
federal se hat ke apne rules of business hain), province mai departments hotay ministries nahin,
same hierarchy but joint secretary province mai nahi hoty, LOCAL zilay ke level pe kam krtin
lekin Pak mai nahi ban patin,military gov mai banti hian lekin civilian gov mai nahi, iska structure
Local Gov Act mai likha hai, Mayor head hota hai jo saray municipal functions perform
krtay,zilay level ke saray kam (galiyan bnana,town planning,building control,tax lagana,parking
kabristan,libraries,Urban planning(pak mai urban planning sahi ni kiun ke jis ne ye kam krna
wohi majood ni),in sab kamo ke liay local gov(TMA tehsi municipal administration) tax laga ke
apna kam chala skti eg parking fee

Federal gov kya kam kray gi or provincial kya ye constitution mai list hai eg currency
chapna,army ko dekhna,foreign policy is under federal gov. jo cheez is list mai ni likhi wo
provincial government ki responisibilty hai eg health education agriculture.

aik ministry ka kam hot hai policy making or inke neechy bht se ddepartments hotay eg interior
ministry ke andar ISB POLICE, FIA, NADRA, RANGERS

WHY LOCAL GOVERNMENTS? it is not the duty of MNA or MPA to fix roads and provide utility
connections they have much more important work to do, that funds should be given to Local
governments which are much more connected to the people at the grassroots level. doing so
will strengthen the democracy as people will have a direct say in deciding on what their money
should be spent.

issue to 'Taxation without representation' (more tax wo improvement in basic public services in
return) will be resolved

• chairman : Gohar Ali Khan, SG : Omar Ayub Khan, President Parvez Elahi, PTI 25 April 1996 by
IK (5 OCT 1952), • Sehat Insaf Card scheme 2016, • billion tree tsunami launched in 2015

• ECP denied SIC share of women and minorities reserved seats due to violation of mandatory
provision of submission of party list for reserved seats, allocated to other
parties(unconstitutional,A51),2018 one day delay in list submission was condoned by LHC

• Forbes 100 most powerful businesswomen 2024 : 2 paki's, Shaista Asif and Shazia Syed. most
powerful person : 1. Xi Jinping 2.Vladimir Putin

• 6 march : SC said LHC trial and SC 1979 appeal didnot meet the requirements of fundamental
right to a fair trial and due process (A4 Right of individuals to be dealt with in accordance with
law, etc., A9 Security of person., A10a Right to fair trial.) , earlier SC upheld decision of LHC
bench, 2011 reference by zardari, convicted for 1974 M ahmad khan kasuri murder(He OR GC
Hilton ,after justice Agha Haider refused, was the judge and magistrate who signed and witness
the hanging of Bhagat Singh), son Ahamd raza khan kasuri

• 10 april 2023 : parliament passed practice and procedure bill, The Act aims to address
concerns about the chief justice of Pakistan's authority, procedures, and discretionary powers,
particularly in relation to suo moto proceedings and the composition of benches for hearing
crucial constitutional issues, On March 29, 2023, the National Assembly (NA) passed the
legislation without referring it to the relevant standing committee. This came one day after the
Senate approved the bill. President Arif Alvi returned the bill to Parliament twice, asking for
further consideration. A75 after 10 days the bill becomes law and be called act of majlis e
shoora, became law on 21 April 2023

Requiring a three-member committee of senior judges, including the CJP, to approve all suo
moto notices. an appeal to a larger bench for order passed under 184(3) n be fixed for hearing
within 14 days.

• CCP competition commission of pakistan (2007 ordinance, parliament passed act in 2010,
Kabir Ahmad Sidhu, formerly monopoly control authority, Pakistan decided to update its
monopoly law after becoming a member of the World Trade Organisation in 1995, and thereby
becoming increasingly aware that if it wanted to avail of the benefits of trade and globalization,
it needed a new competition law and policy framework to improve the competitiveness of its
domestic markets) warns content creators against false endorsements
• Moody's(1909 John Moody,US) upgrades banking outlook to stable from negative

ASIA CUP : men's international cricket tournament, One Day International format (50 overs) and
Twenty20 International format (20 overs) on rotation basis every 2 years, It was established in
1983 when the Asian Cricket Council (HQ UAE, President Jay Shah) was founded as a measure
to promote goodwill between Asian countries, 1984 First edition in Sharjah UAE won by India,
India 8 titles, Sria Lanka 6 titles, Pak 2(2000 n 2012).

2023 Asia Cup (16th) : Aug to Sep 2023 hosted by Pak and Sri Lanka, first time in 2 countries,
won by India, Sri Lanka runners up. Pak had also hosted in 2008. 2025 will be in Bangladesh.

ASIAN GAMES : Asiad, motto : Ever onward, every four year, 1951 first in Delhi, 2022 19th Asiad
at Hangzhou China (motto Heart to heart), 2026 20th Asiad will be in Nagoya, 0 times hosted by

Rizwana Yasmeen : current Captain of Pakistan women’s Hockey Team. Ali Iqtadar Shah Dara
first captain of Pakistan Hockey Team. current : Ahmad Butt. Roeltant Oltmans : head coach of
Pak male hockey team

FIFA WOMEN : every four years and one year after the men's FIFA World Cup since 1991 in
China, US won most 4 times, 2023 in Australia n Newzealand won by spain, 2027 will be in

• 8March : Clara Zetkin (German) tabled idea of women's day, "inspire inclusion" 2024 theme,
1975 first celebrated in UN.

• Abraham (father of christianity,judaism and islam) was born in ur iraq, Iraq builds new church
nearby to lure christians to visit

• 10 March 2024 : India and EFTA European Free Trade Association : Schengen countries but
not members of EU, 1960, SLIN Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, for those
European states that were unable or unwilling to join the then European Economic Community
(EEC), the main predecessor of the EU. signed TEPA (India-EFTA trade and economic
partnership agreement) a $100bn (to be invested in india over 15 years) free trade deal to
promote investment and exports, not yet ratified by any of 5.

Free trade is an agreement to reduce barriers to trade, like tariffs and quotas.

Tariffs are taxes on imports or exports. Quotas are physical limits on the volume of goods that
can be imported into a country.

• Caretaker Gov : idea emerged after 1977 polls, first time made in 1990 since then every
election under CG except 2002(under musharaf), 90 days term.
• OSCAR : awarded for excellence in film industry, US, 1929 first, its equivalents – the Emmy
Awards for television, the Tony Awards for theater, and the Grammy Awards for music – are
modeled after the Academy Awards, Walt Disney has won most 22, Mahershala Ali Is the First
Muslim Actor to Win an Oscar, Riz Ahmed has become the first Muslim to win the Academy
Award for best live-action short film, Oscar of science (Breakthrough : Maths, Physics n Science)
was first awarded in 2012.

96th academy awards : Best picture : Oppenheimer(about the race to build first atomic bomb),
Best director : Christopher Nolan, Best actor : Cillian Murphy, Best actress : Emma Stone, Best
supporting actor : Robert Downy, Best supporting actress : Da'Vine Joy Randolph

• agni-5 : india tests missile capable of carrying multiple warheads, can split up and hit diff
targets, MOD Rajnath Singh.

• The ability of a government to perform all its constituted and other responsibilities in any area
is called writ of government.

"Writ of the government" means that the laws enacted by the government are followed and
that the agents in charge of protecting those laws (judges, magistrates, police, etc) are

Where there is no writ, there is anarchy in the sense that laws are not obeyed and government-
appointed individuals become powerless.

• Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 : law that offers amnesty to non-Muslim illegal
immigrants from neighbouring countries, passed 11 december 2019 by rajya sabha, 12
december assent by president, 16 Dec 2019 NA of Pak passed a resolution against CAA of india,
It amended the Citizenship Act, 1955 (by which all people born in India subject to some
limitations were accorded citizenship), by providing an accelerated pathway to Indian citizenship
for persecuted religious minorities from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan who arrived in
India by 31 december 2014, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis or Christians will only have to
live or work in India for six years to be eligible for citizenship by naturalisation, the process by
which a non-citizen acquires the citizenship or nationality of that country. Ahmadis of Pak and
Rohingya of Myanmar should've been included as well.

11 March 2024 : citizenship law implemented, in 2019 protests forced gov to delay its

The National Register of Citizens (NRC) is a list of people who can prove they came to the state
by 24 March 1971, a day before neighbouring Bangladesh became an independent country(26
• national register of citizens:muslims would be disenfranchised if failed to prove citizenship,
CAA to accomodate non mulims, NRC against muslims

• Dr rafiq mughal discovered Ganweriwala in cholistan in 1973

• IT city to be built in Lahore

• Senate : 52 seats vacant,elections for 48 seats scheduled on 2 april,3rd time in history senate
will remain defunct for few days, first time in history chairman seat is vacant(acting senate
chairman who was actually deputy chairman also retired)

• UNDP's(1965,NY) HDI human development index : pak 164/193, previously 161/191, to asses
country's propserity, sri lanka 73rd top in SAsia, Afghan 180 bottom most in SA, somalia 193rd,
switzerland 1st. three dimensions : 1. The health dimension is assessed by life expectancy at
birth 2. education dimension 3. The standard of living dimension is measured by gross national
income per capita.

• A223(4) bars dual membership

• hangman/executioner Tara Masih hanged bhutto at a fee of rs25

• wef's ( January 24, 1971 by Klaus Schwab, Cologny, Switzerland) global gender gap report :
145/146 in 2024, 142/146 2023.

• india's 11 march missile test didnot follow 3 day time line of any land or sea launched, surface
to surface ballistic missile. as in article 2 of "agreement on pre notification of the flight testing
of ballistic missile" 3 OCTOBER 2005

• abu jahal and abu lahab first islamophobes, histroy of islamophobia began with
announcement of prophethood

autumnal/ fall equinox 22 september

• UN WHO head : tedros adhanom, April 7, 1948, Geneva, 7 April World Health day

• Global Climate Risk Index : Pak is world's 5th most climate vulnerable country, climate change
Act 2017, 2012 first National Climate Change Policy of Paksitan

• one year extension of air chief zaheer babar, originally 3 year term

• article 224 (1B) caretakers cant contest IMMEDIATE elections, naqvi appointed under Section
91(9) of the Constitution

• Pak high commission to india : Saad Ahmad Warraich or no one since Pulwama n 5-8-2019

• IMF mission chief in Pak : Nathan Porter.

US to Pak : Donald Blome , Pak to US : Rizwan Saeed Sheikh. • Donald Lu : US Assistant

Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs since 2021. Asad Majeed Khan Pak
ambassador to US : 2019 to 2022, Foreign Secretary : 2022 to 2023

China to Pak : Jiang Zai Dong , Pak to China : Khalil-ur-Rahman Hashmi.

Saudia to Pak : Nawaf bin Said Al Malki, Pak to Saudia : Ahmad Farooq

• Iran's ambassador to pak : Dr Reza Amiri Moghadam. Pak to Iran : Mudassir Tipu

• Palestine's ambassador to Pak : Ahmad Jawad Rabei

• Jamal beker abdullah : first and current ethiopian ambassador to pak

* Pak ambass to UAE : Faisal Tirmizi

• Pak to Kyrgyzstan : Hasan Ali Zaigham. Kyrgyzstan to Pak : Ulanbek Totuiaev

• Pak permanent representative to UN : Munir Akram, Pak's additional permanent representative to the
UN : Asim Iftikhar


•Reporters Without Borders (RSF) press freedom index : 152/180, previously 150/180

• World Happiness Report : Finland 1st/143 for 7th consecutive year, Afghan 143rd, Pak

• gender gap index 145/146, from 142/146 UN HDI human development index : pak 164/193,
from 161/191.

• global hunger index pak : 102/125

* Global Corruption Index : 133/180, previously 140/180, 7 spots improved. Transparency

International 1993, Berlin.

• Gender Inequality Index 135/166. EIU Democracy index 118/167 from 107/167

• Global firepower index : 1.US 2.Russia 3.China 4.India 9.Pakistan

• WEF's Travel and Tourism development index : Pak ranks 101 out of 119, first US
• 4 to 5 May 2023 : Bilawal ,first Pakistan foreign minister to visit India in 12 years, visited india
to attend SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

SCO xx : a Eurasian political, economic, international security and defence organization, 26 April
1996 : Shanghai Five by China Russia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan , 15 june 2001 Uzbekistan
at Shanghai, India n Pak on 9 June 2017 at Astana, HQ Beijing, 10 members, RATS at Tashkent,
SG Zhang Ming, Official Languages : Chinese n Russian, Iran 4 july 2023 at 23rd SCO (virtual)
summit, Belarus 4 July 2024 at Astana. Jaishankar FM of India. 2025 summit to be in China.

• ramzan relief package : RS7.5BN to RS12.5BN

• Putin reelected 5th time for another 6 years, 1999 PM and acting president, 2000 first time
president, Mikhail Mishustin PM

• Gaza : from open-air prison to now world's biggest open-air graveyard

• Methane (CH4) 2nd largest contributor to climate change,warming effect is 80times greater
than CO2 over a 100-year time scale. IEA 1974 Paris. * Methane is 80times more potent than
CO2 but its life span is shorter, China largest emitter

• OAPEC Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries : 1968 by 3 Saudia Kuwait and
Libya at Beirut after The 1967 Oil Embargo began on June 6, 1967, the second day of the Six-Day
War with a joint Arab decision to deter any country from supporting Israel militarily, coordinates
energy policies among oil-producing Arab nations, 11 Members, HQ in Kuwait, imposed 1974
oil embargo after The Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War / the October War / the
1973 Arab–Israeli War / the Fourth Arab–Israeli War. Arab-Israel wars : 1948, 1956 Suez crisis,
1967, 1973.

• World Meteorological Organization WMO 1950, Geneva

• 2023 World Air Quality Report (by IQ air) : Pak second most polluted, 73.7ug/m^3 annual avg
particulate matter,WHO recommends no more than 5ug/m^3 (micrograms, one-millionth of a
gram), Lahore 5th most n most polluted mega city, loss of 4.4 yrs life, 1st Bangla, 3rd India.

• Saudia donates $40M to UNRWA The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
Refugees in the Near East (1949,Philippe)

• Taoiseach (Head of GOV or PM of Ireland) Irish PM Leo Varadkar resigned saying he is not best
to lead nation. Simon Harris new PM

• Apni chatt apna ghar project initiated by CM punjab

• 21 March 2024 first nuclear energy summit at Brussels Belgium, IEA 1974 Paris, IAEA 29 july
1957 Vienna.

• Elon Musk's neuralink(2016) implants brain chip in first human (Noland Arbough played chess
by mind not hands)

• Baby Boom : a temporary marked increase in the birth rate, especially the one following the
Second World War. 1946 to 1964

Baby Bust : a period of sharp decrease in the birthrate. after 1965

• US surgeons perform first pig-to-living human kidney transplant. • Richard "Rick" Slayman
from US first patient to get pig kidney transplant dies after 2 months, Xenotransplantation is the
transplantation of organs or tissues from an animal source into a human recipient

• Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank : 2016,Beijing, president Jin Liqun for 5 years

• Nacta : 2008, M Tahir Rai. 16 December 2014 APS, 20-point National action plan 24 December
2014, 14-point (kinetic n non kinetic) revised plan in 2021

• Zardari has filed for immunity in two NAB cases under article 248

• Aurat March began in 2018, gender gap index 145/146, 23m children out of school

• Greatest (1901-1924), Silents (1925-1945), Boomers (1946-1964), Gen X (1965-1979),

Millennials (1980-1994), Gen Z (1995-2012), Gen Alpha (after 2013)

PSL 9th edition : T20, founded in 2015 by PCB (1 MAY 1949, ICC affiliation in 1952, Asian
Cricket Council affiliation in 1983, Mohsin Naqvi 37th), 6 teams : IU LQ KK PZ MS QG, ISB 3
times, Lahore 2 times, remaining 1 time each.

winners : 2016 ISB, 2017 Peshawar, 2018 ISB, 2019 Quetta, 2020 Karachi, 2021 Multan, 2022 n
2023 Lahore, 2024 ISB. IP IQ KM LL ISB

Runners up : QQ PP LP MMM

2020 5th edition held entirely in Pak for the first time

current version of trophy is named SUPERNOVA

Anthems : 2016 "Ab Khel Ke Dikha" by Ali Zafar. 2023 "Sab Sitaray Humaray" by Asim Azhar,
Shae Gill, Faris Shafi. 2024 "Khul Ke Khel" by Ali Zafar n Aima Baig

• 17FEB to 18 march : ISB defeated multan sultans in final at karachi, Babar Azam : winner of
The Hanif Mohammad award and a green cap are awarded to the leading run-scorer, Usama
Mir : winner of The Fazal Mahmood award and a maroon cap are awarded to the leading
wicket-taker, Imtiaz Ahmed award to Azam Khan awarded to the best wicket-keeper, all 3
awards were introduced in 2017 season, Shaheen Afridi : first captain to win PSL twice, Feb
2016 : first in UAE won by Islamabad United defeated Quetta G,

• A Panda bond is a Chinese renminbi-denominated bond from a non-Chinese issuer, sold in the
People's Republic of China

• Highest permit for the astor Markhor : $186000, second : $181000, third : $177000

• Dawn : 26 October 1941 (as a weekly and transformed into a daily in 1942) in Delhi, Zafar
Abbas current editor

• CPEC xx : a trade corridor that connects Pakistan's Gwadar port on the Arabian Sea with
Kashgar, a city in China's western Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (Urumqi).

Motivation behind China sponsoring this corridor is that China can use Pak for transit trade n
can access the whole world (esp middle east from where it imports crude oil to meet its energy
needs) through Arabain sea

Jiang Zaidong China ambassador to Pak, Five new economic corridors under the second phase

• 17-18 Oct 2023 : third BRF belt and road forum in beijing, 10th anniversary of BRI(2013)

20 April 2015, 3000 KM, originally $46BN, 2020 $62BN, 2022 $65BN. Xinjiang to all over the
world through Pak by infrastructure development (roads,rails).

Projects under CPEC : 660MW Engro Thar Coal Power Project, 1000MW Quaid-e-Azam Solar
Park 2016 (Bahawalpur), AJK/Punjab (Hydel,on jhleum river), 27 KM Orange Line Metro Train -
Lahore, 392 KM M5 Multan-Sukkur Section (part of Peshawar-Karachi Motorway), M8 Sukkur-
Larkana (Ratodero) to Gwadar 892 KM.

• Kohala hydro power project 1124MW planned on Jhelum river in Azad Kashmir, Azad Pattan
hydropower project 700MW on jhelum river in Azad Kashmir, 720MW Karot Hydropower
Project on Jhelum river at the dual boundary of District Rawalpindi & District Kotli

9 SEZs : 4 completed ( Rashakai (nowshera) Special Economic Zone, Allama Iqbal Industrial City
(faisalabad), Dhabeji (thattha) Special Economic Zone, Bostan (pishin) Special Economic Zone), 5
in pipeline.

• ECC (Economic Coordination Committee (Pakistan) will be chaired by PM, CCoE ( Cabinet
Committee on Energy ) will be chaired by PM, CCI by foreign minister Ishaq Dar not PM or even
finance minister Aurangzeb
• Saudi defence minister : Prince Khalid Bin Salman was conferred nishan i pakistan(highest),
saudi ambassador to Pak Nawaf bin Said Al Malki

• Pak to train Africa to deal with South Asian mosquito


• China's world view : demystifying China to prevent global conflict by David Daokui Li

• aitchison college 1886 principal Michael thompson(AUS) resigned, first foreign principal of
college, DR. Turab Hussain new principal aitchison appointed by Saleem Haider

• 23 march 1940 lahore resolution, 23 march 1931 bhagat singh hanged 23 yr old, give me
liberty or give me death, a speech gave on 23 march 1775 by patrick henry (American politician)

• META : 2004, mark ceo and founder. 2004 The Facebook, became Facebook in 2005

• 25 March : 6 out of 8 judges of IHC wrote a letter to SJC members(CJP+2next senior+CJ of IHC
and PHC) on what judges ought to do when being blackmailed threatened etc. Mansoor ali shah
senior puisne judge, SJC is responsible for complaints against JUDGES only, correct authority for
this case is CJP not SJC.

* inquiry commission approved by SS to be headed by tassaduq hussain jillani(21st CJP 2013 to

2014), task is to investigate allegations n recommend judges what to do if faced with such
situation. tasaduq jillani recused himself from commission,SC took suo moto

* Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused(causes infection) by gram-positive, rod-shaped

bacteria known as Bacillus anthracis, used after 9/11 attacks to terrorise the american public in
same way(letter sending). it was arsenic in letters not anthrax

• presidents of Brazil n France unveil green investment plan on Amazon (South America) visit

• shaukat khanum estd in 1994

• C5+1 a diplomatic summit held every year since 2015 between the foreign ministers of the
five Central Asian countries with the US Secretary of State to discuss and work on common
issues of concern to improve and strengthen the U.S. relationship with CARs, but to also
enhance the relations between the individual nations in Central Asia. The format is used to
discuss regional issues such as the war in Afghanistan, the Syrian civil war, the War on terror,
combatting drug and human trafficking, economic issues regarding trade relations, job growth in
the region, and combatting environmental issues.

The C5+1 is viewed as an attempt by the US to gain influence in the CARs countering Russia
where U.S.–Russian relations have worsened since 2014, and what the U.S. has perceived as
being Russia's ambitions to restore the Soviet Union.

• world's biggest smartphone makers 1.Apple 2.Samsung 3.Xiaomi(introduced E cars)

• three categories of electricity consumers :

1. Protected(lifeline) : upto 100units/month for last 12 months,Protected : upto 200 units for 6
months 2. Unprotected : more than 200 units 3. Time of use (tou) those who have sanctioned
load of 5kwh or higher

• GOOD FRIDAY : the holy day commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus by christians, they
consider hazrat isa son of god, He was beaten and forced to carry a wooden cross to the place
of execution — called Golgotha or Calvary outside jerusalem — where he was nailed to the
cross and left to die, the word "good" originally meant "holy" in Old English

• inquiry commission by Gov(not SC) to address concerns of 6 judges, headed by ex CJP

• Vaughan Gething : First Minister of Wales(Cardiff), first black leader of any european country

• world's first 3D printed mosque unveiled by Saudia

• UK tests a laser weapon "Dragon fire" that can hit a coin from a km range

• International Solar Alliance : initiative was first proposed by Narendra Modi, 2015 Paris, HQ
Gurugram Haryana, an alliance of more than 120 signatory countries, most being sunshine
countries(that lie either completely or partly between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of
Capricorn which demarcates the zone where sun is exactly overhead atleast once a year +
nickname of Florida), Panama became 97th member.

• MethaneSAT satellite launched into orbit launched by SpaceX

APRIL 2024
* UNTSO United Nations Truce Supervision Organization set up in 1948 (after 1948 war) that
accompanied israel's creation to monitor armistice agreements reached with its arab
neighbours, HQ Jerusalem

* Kharif 1 april to 30 sep

* inquiry commission approved by SS to be headed by tassaduq hussain jillani(21st CJP 2013 to

2014), task is to investigate allegations n recommend judges what to do if faced with such

* 29 March : POTUS letter to SS

* ECC Economic Coordination Committee (top most poilcy making forum) will be chaired by PM,
CCI Council of Common Interests by foreign minister not even finance minister, usually by PM

IG's Inspector General of Police :

* DIG Lahore Ali Nasir Rizvi new ISB IG, 3 DIGs refused to salute a junior,IG Sindh : Ghulam Nabi
Memon , IG NHMP : Salman Ch, IG Balochistan : Abdul Khaliq Sheikh, IG GB Afzal Mehmood
Butt, IG KPK : Akhtar Hayat Khan, IG Railway : Rao Sardar Ali Khan, IG Kashmir : Rana Abdul

* Havana syndrome is a disputed medical condition reported primarily by U.S military officials
stationed in overseas locations. first reported by U.S. and Canadian embassy staff in Havana,
Cuba. U.S. intelligence and government officials expressed suspicions to the press that Russian
military intelligence was responsible.

* Taiwan xx : Republic of China, Formosa, capital Taipei, President Lai Ching-te, Currency new
taiwan dollar, 1912 Taiwan established, 1945 came under ROC, 1949 separated from China, the
leaders of the Nationalist and Communist parties Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong, Eva airline,
Formosa strait separates China from Taiwan. Sun Yat Sen first president of China.

* ISRAEL - IRAN relations : 1 April israel flattens iranian embassy in damascus, * 14 april :
Operation true/honest promise by Iran's IRGC, • 19 April israel attacked isfahan

* Hormuz : 20-25% of global oil flow, 90% of persian gulf oil, 1/3rd of global natural gas flow,
blocking this iran will also bear loss but much global repercussion to be faced by every other,
pak imports 85% of its oil consumption, if prices increased means inflation increase n more high
interest rate so no economic activities will lead to higher unemployment rate. Iron dome 4-
70km, David's Sling(AKA Magic Wand) upto 300km, Arrow-3 for ballistic missiles(this stopped
iran). US not supporting israel because election year n increased oil prices inflation will hurt
every country in the world incl US.

Except disputed Abu Musa, Greater Tunb, and Lesser Tunb islands, Iran controlls every other
island located in strait of Hormuz.

* 2011 palestine applied for UN membership which is still pending,it needs to be approved by
SC(atleast 9 votes in favour with 0 veto) and then atleast 2/3rds of the 193 member UNGA. NOV
2012 became non member observer state. 146/193 states have recognised palestine(10 EU
included). Nov 1947 UNGA voted to divide British Mandate in two states jewish and arab, 14
May 1948 only israel estd which sparked war. 2014 : Sweden became the first EU member to
recognise a Palestinian state.

On November 15, 1988, during the first Palestinian intifada Yasser Arafat unilaterally proclaimed
an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, He made the announcement in
Algiers n Algeria became the first country to officially recognise an independent Palestinian
state(then turkey n india also). Pakistan recognized the Palestinian Authority on 16 November

* tajir dost scheme : a drive to get undocumented trade sector in tax net

* tasaduq jillani recused himself from commission,SC took suo moto

* Economic reforms in India 1991 were founded within the democratic framework of India.
These reforms concentrated on the listed factors: (LPG Formula by Prime Minister Dr Narasimha
Rao and Finance Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh)

L – Liberalization (lowering of government power) : Commercial banks decided the interest rates

P – Privatization (Transfer of economic resources ownership from the public to the private

G – Globalisation (Blending the national economy with the international economy) : Decrease in
the taxation on imports and exports,

* Tolonews belongs to Afghanistan

* France(president Charles De Gaulle) withdrew from NATO in 1966 due to de Gaulle's desire to
assert French independence from the United States and NATO's perceived dominance by
American interests and that France should pursue its own defense policy, NATO shifted its HQ
from Paris to Brussels(1949 in London,1952 to Paris,1967 to Brussels,2018 new location in
brussels), France(Nikolas Sarkozy) reversed it in 2009

Judiciary/Judges :

• CJ Islamabad HC : Justice Aamer Farooq, CJ Peshawar High Court : Justice Ishtiaq Ibrahim , CJ
Sindh HC : Shafi Siddiqui, CJ Lahore HC : Aalia Neelum first woman 53rd, CJ Balochistan HC :
Muhammad Hashim Khan Kakar. appointed by President,Oath to Governor.

Qazi Faez Isa : 29th, Oath to President, 17 sep 2023-25 oct 2024.

• Salus Populi Supreme Lex Esto : the welfare of the people should be the supreme law

HC of Balochistan built in 1976 after separation from Sindh HC

* 2018 Tahira Safdar first female chief justice of (Balochistan) any court, lubna waseem parvez
judge IHC, Ayesha Malik judge SC, musarat hilali CJ PHC (2nd chief justice n 2nd judge in SC)

Yousaf Saleem first blind civil judge of Lahore High Court

• 10 Jan : justice mazhar ali naqvi(charges of misconduct n possible corruption against him), 11 Jan : ijaz
ul ahsaan resigned to president(no charges)(next in line of cjp), sanctioned 17

• 8Jan SC scrapped its 2018 judgement by majority six to one, A62(1)(f) honest n righteous now not
lifetime disqualified but only five years

* talks with TTP already tried, ceasefire collapsed on 28 NOV 2022 (because military of Pak
didnot stop and continued attacking TTP), The group demands the imposition of hardline
Islamic law, release of key members arrested by the government and a reversal of the 25th
amendment (NA : 24 May, Senate 25 May, KPK 27 May, President 31 May 2018) merger of
Pakistan’s tribal areas with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province

* 2022 WB report says Pak has potential to produce 40GW of solar electricity,

1GW = 1000MW, 1MW = 1000KW, 1KW = 1000 Watts/Hr or 1 Unit.

35,000 MW is demand in summer n 10,000 MW in winter.

IDG Israel Defense Forces. tesla 2003.

“Al-Quds” or “Quds” is the Arabic name for Jerusalem. Hence, this event is also called
“Jerusalem Day” (last friday of ramadan) an annual, international day to express support for
Palestine and oppose the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, started by Iran’s Supreme
Leader Ruholla Khomeini in 1979. In Arabic, the word “al-Quds” translates to “the holy one”.

Gastroenteritis is a short-term illness triggered by the infection and inflammation of the

digestive system, a water borne disease.

* 1949 : Turkey first muslim country to recognise Israel, 1950 : iran second but relations strained
after 1979

* Bill Burns : chief of CIA (1947 by Truman,Virginia), Hope Island in Australia and India

maritime cooperative activity : military drills by US Japan Philippines and Australia in south
china sea(which is claimed by China), Jericho Palestine or Damascus oldest city in the world,
Peshawar (5th century BC) oldest in SAsia, Multan oldest in Pak, qissa khwani massacre 1930.
(British Indian army vs Khudai Khidmatgar protestors)

* 2000 calories recommended a day for women, 2500 for men, 7 April : SS 3-day visit to saudi,
world health day.

* Nicaragua(Central America,capital Managua) filed an appeal against Germany at ICJ to stop

Berlin from arming Tel Aviv with lethal weapons, breach of 1948 UN genocide convention,
rulings are binding but lacks an enforcement mechanism

* Entente Cordiale 1904, comprised a series of agreements signed on 8 April 1904 between the
United Kingdom and the French Republic which saw a significant improvement in Anglo-French
relations, the agreement dealt with minor issues related to fishing and colonial boundaries,
foundation of alliance bw 2 countries

* Electric vehicles policy : 2020-2025. Largest economies : USA China Germany Japan India, Pak
is 42nd largest by GDP

* 2012 n 2022 : eid in pakistan celebrated on 3 diff days all over the country : Fata(north
waziristan) kpk n remainin pak

* Saudia to expedite $5bn investment(part of $25bn pledged under Special Investment

Facilitation Council (SIFC) (joint initiative by Federal Gov n Pak Army in June 2023, $28bn worth
out of which $10bn oil refinery by saudi aramco, that is seeking investment in 5 fields : I MADE
energy,IT,minerals,defence and agriculture sector from Arab countries)

Along with SIFC Pak also made PSWF Pak sovereign wealth fund (a pool where many can invest
and the return on this will be used to manage expenses of country) worth RS 100tr, Norway
largest sovereign fund invests in Oil

• On April 17, 1973, India and Bangladesh jointly proposed that the problem of the detained
and stranded persons should be resolved on humanitarian considerations, Delhi agreement
signed on 28 August 1973 BW India and Pakistan, Bangla became part after we recognized it

9 April 1974 Tripartite accord signed after 5 days of negotiation, 195 Pakis POW in India will be
freed, it was first tripartite accord in the subcontinent, Swaran Singh, Aziz Ahmad and Kamal
Hossain ministers. 30 April 1974 : all pows returned, last : Lt. Gen Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi

• 9th Senate chairman : Yousaf Raza Gillani(has been elected to 3/4 top constitutional offices
18th PM(2008-12) NA speaker(1993-97) n Senate chairman, Deputy C : Syedaal Khan Nasar

* Shahpurkandi dam under construction on ravi in indian punjab. two major transboundary
water treaties in South Asia : 1960 indus and 1996 Ganges treaty, bhakra dam on sutlej river,
The IWT remains to date the only treaty in the world that diverts and divides actual rivers and
not their flows or specific amounts of water, It is crucial to get the waters of the eastern rivers
for the proposed Rajasthan canal (now called the Indira Gandhi canal) and the Bhakra Dam on
the Sutlej River. Without these waters both the Indian states of Punjab and Rajasthan would be
left dry, severely hampering India’s food production.

Revision of IWT : the treaty is outdated in the sense that it does not take into account new
realities and grounds for cooperation such as the proper survey of the basins for better
exploitation of water resources; reconsideration of the interests of Kashmiris whose interests
were overlooked; and new technologies being used for dam-making, de-siltation and ecological
issues, among others. there is a change in flow or amount of water also due to changed
behaviour of glaciers as a result of climate change

The Ganges Water Sharing Treaty was signed by India and Bangladesh in 1996. The 30-year
treaty was the culmination of decades of negotiation, and specifies the minimum level of water
flow to be shared by India with its downstream neighbour Bangladesh during the dry season,
from January to May.

SPACE xx: • Artemis 3 to moon planned for 2026(it would be first woman n non white
japanese),China plans to put human on moon by 2030. • 4.5 bn years : age of moon, 4.5bn : Earth,
4.6 bn : solar system + sun

• 22 feb : Odysseus by US landed on moon's south pole,

• Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko set a world record for most time spent in space 878 days and 12
hours, baikonur cosmodrome in Kazak, 1957 sputnik 1 first satellite, 1961 Yuri Gagarin first to travel to
space on vostok 1, 1965 Alexei Leonov first person to walk in space.

• Valentina Tereshkova is a Soviet cosmonaut and the first woman to travel into space. On June
16, 1963, she was launched in the spacecraft Vostok 6

• Chang'e-6 Chinese mission to collect sample from far side of moon

• mysterious star "old smoker" discovered in milky way

• 20 jan 2024 Japan : 5th successful soft landing on moon SLIM(dubbed moon sniper), Russia(1959 Hard
landing,1966 Soft), US(1966,Surveyor 1), China(2013,Change 3), India(23 Aug 2023,Chandrayaan-3,first
one on South Pole)

• aditya L1(named after hindu sun deity): india's sun probe entered sun's orbit on 6 jan after 4 months of
launch in sep, to observe sun's outermost layers, first asian nation to be placed in orbit around the sun.
Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO : 15 august 1969

• peregrine : america's first moon landing since apollo set to take off, will touch down on a mid-latitude
region of the moon called SINUS VISCOSITATIS or BAY OF STICKINESS, mission failed two days later, loss
of fuel
• US only country to put people on moon, 12 have walked on moon, Neil Armstrong July 21, 1969, Apollo
11. Eugene Cernan December 11–14, 1972, Apollo 17. 4 alive.

Pakistan In Space xx : Namira Salim : first paki to reach space on 6 OCT 2023, first paki to visit both
the north pole(2007) and the south pole(2008)

3 May 2024 : iCube Qamar satellite pak's maiden lunar mission from Wenchang Space Launch
Site Hainan Island China, part of Chang'e 6 carried by Long March 5 rocket aims to collect
samples from far side of moon, crewed by China by 2030, iCube Qamar is Pak's lunar research
payload employed by Chinese mission, Pak ambass to china : Khalil Hashmi, iCube Q developed
by IST Institute of Space Technology UNI which launched first cubesat iCube-1 in low earth orbit
in 2013.

chang'e-6 mission carrying payload from Pak Italy n France. Rehbar-I was the first rocket
launched by SUPARCO on 7 June 1962 from Sominani in Baloch with US help.

Badr-1 (Full Moon-A) was the first artificial and the first digital communications satellite
launched SUPARCO on 12 july 1990 from China

8 May : ICUBE-Qamar successfully deployed in lunar orbit, Pak became 6th country to launch
moon satellite.

• 30May Pak launched multi mission communication satellite PakSat-MM1 (to improve internet
connectivity) from Xi Chang launch centre, SUPARCO (September 16, 1961 as a committee, 1981
status of commission) chairman M. Yusuf Khan


* Aeroflot Russian airline, Lufthansa German airline • 12 April Int day for street children • O J
Simpson american footballer

• French-Canadian scientist Michel Sadelain awarded an Breakthrough prize(world's largest

science prize, in 3 categories : Maths Physics Life Sciences,2010) dubbed Oscars for Science •
TTIP tahreek e tahafuz e ayien e pak

* Friba Rezayee first woman to represent Afghan at olympics, 2024 olympics in paris, IOC
suspended Afghan's NOC in 1999. • Sarabjit Singh(Indian national convicted of terrorism n was
awaiting death sentence) killed in 2013, Amir sarfaraz tamba(alleged murderer of sarabjit) got
killed • DG FIA Ahmad Ishaq Jahangir • 15 April : FM Faisal Bin Farhan al saud visited Pak
* Gaia BH3 : largest blackhole discovered in milkyway with a mass 33 times that of sun

* Global Hepatitis report by WHO : hepatitis C most in pak (8.8m), hepatitis B and C combined
then pak is fifth, hepatitis is an inflammation of liver, China tops in hepatitis B and hepatitis B
and C combined, Egypt first country to achieve gold tier status on the path to elimination of
Hepatitis C

• Algeria UNSC member drafted resolution that recommends palestine admission, Riyad
Mansour(Palestinian ambassador to UN), Gilad Erdan(israel ambassador to UN). • Time
Magazine 100 most influential people : motaz azaiza(ind. Palestinian photo journalist incl. ). •
Climate impact set to cut 2050 global GDP by nearly a fifth. • UAE got independence on 2 dec
1971 from Britain under Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. • Reuters M. salem won the 2024
world press photo of the year award. • Diana(princess of wales died in 1997 in car crash in Paris
aged 36,1996 divorce) wife of Charles III Prince of wales • Shibli Faraz senate opposition leader
• 18 April US vetoes Palestine membership,other p5's voted yes, Britain n Switzerland
abstained,(12 in favour, 1 veto, 2 abstain),PA headed by Mahmoud abbas (PM M. Mustafa)
exercises limited self rule in WB, Hamas ousted PA from power in Gaza in 2007 • 18 april US
announced new sanctions against Iran • Pak economy has potential to grow from $300bn to
$3tr by 2047 • Francis Ogolla Kenyan Army Chief died in plane crash, president William Ruto

• Rule of law : The rule of law is a fundamental principle of governance that emphasizes that
everyone, including government officials and institutions, is subject to and accountable under
the law

Rule by law : refers to a system where laws are used as a tool for governance, but they may be
arbitrary, selectively enforced, or manipulated by those in power to serve their interests.

• Iraqi Prime Minister Mohamed Shia alSudani, president : Abdul Latif Rashid • Palestinian news
agency Wafa • to curb inflation : increase interest rate, ban food exports to curb food inflation

• United States imposed sanctions on four entities for their alleged involvement in supplying
`missileapplicable items` to Pakistan`s ballistic missile programme (3 chinese,1 from Belarus),
all property and interests in property of the designated entities that are in the United States or
under the control of US persons are now blocked. Furthermore, any individuals or entities with
ownership, directly or indirectly, of 50 per cent or more by the designated persons are also
subject to these sanctions

• NEOM in Tabuk launched in 2017,at northern tip of Red Sea • Pak should exercise Deft
diplomacy : to maintain cordial ties with two countries who are against each other, bcoz if
tomorrow US say they don't like even CPEC would we backout from CPEC too?
Iran-Pak:threat of sanctions can be overcome by barter trade • A Dream Gone Sour by Roedad
Khan • 22 to 24 April president Ebrahim Raisi n wife Dr Jamileh-Sadat Alamolhoda (awarded an
honorary PhD degree in educational sciences from NUML) visit to Pak, committed to increase
trade from current $2.3bn to $10bn/year over the next 5 years, 3 topics were discussed : Trade,
border security and peace pipeline

Major General Aharon Haliva : Israeli intelligence head resigns over OCT 7 failure • The
Kurdistan Workers' Party or PKK is a Kurdish militant political organization designated as
terrorist org by turkiye. • Buckingham Palace : Monarch, Downing street : PM. • `the
government has no business being in business`M. Aurangzeb for SOEs(PIA).

Human Development Index rank of 164 out of 193 countries, coupled with a Gender Inequality
Index position of 135 out of 166 countries.

• Over half of Pakistan does not have access to internet, 83.5pc of women claimed their spouse
or parents dictate their phone ownership.

• US ($916bn) top defence spender, 2nd China 3rd Russia 4th India. Largest army : China 2M,
India 1.4M, US 1.3M, Pak is 6th largest O/W Vietman has largest over 5M due to standing policy
of conscription for young adults.

• Anthony Albanese hailed as hero Faraz Tahir, a Pakistani security guard killed in Sydney while
trying to stop a mass stabbing attack. • Carbon credits, also known as carbon offsets, are
permits that allow the owner to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse

MAY 2024
* secretary aviation n DG CAA Civil Aviation Authority (1982,Karachi) : Saif Anjum

* Doha Accord failure : Afghan women sidelined, 29 February 2020, Negotiated for the US by
Zalmay Khalilzad for the Trump Administration n Abdul Ghani Baradar

* Pak ambass to UAE : Faisal Tirmizi, UAE to Pak : Hamad Obaid Ibrahim

* case study "Pak 2022 floods" released by ADB

* 24 to 30 April (last week of April) : world immunisation week, 10th November Day.

* new charter of democracy required : civilian supremacy over military matters,ind. Of judiciary,

* Akhand Bharat means to undone partition which caused vivisection of Bharat Mata. a term for
the concept of a unified Greater India. It asserts that modern-day Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tibet are one nation.

Hindutva (literally “Hindu-ness”) is a modern political ideology that advocates for Hindu
supremacy and seeks to transform India, constitutionally a secular state, into an ethno-religious
nation known as the Hindu Rashtra (Hindu nation). Hindutva ideology is promoted by an array
of vigilante, political, and cultural groups, known collectively as the Sangh Parivar. The RSS(1925
by Keshav Baliram Hedgewar), a paramilitary organization based in India, is at the center of the
Sangh and sets the priorities and tactics for promoting Hindutva ideology.

* Senkaku(known by beijing as diaoyu) islands disputed BW china japan

* test coach (red ball) : jason gillespie, white-ball coach (head coach) : Gary Kirsten, Umar Gull
fast n Saeed Ajmal spin bowling coach, M Yousaf batting, Shan Masood test captain, Babar odi n
t20i captain

* 28 April : Ishaq Dar 4th deputy PM 1. ZAB 7-20 December 1971 under nurul amin 2. Parvez
Elahi 2012-2013 under Raja Parvez Ashraf. The post is symbolic, non-constitutional and without
specific authorities, created only to ceremonially protect the space of the prime minister in
his/her absence.

• SAARC Development Fund in Thimphu Bhutan, SAARC Disaster Management Centre (SDMC) at
Gujrat India

• first and third world : by the French anthropologist Alfred Sauvy in 1952. originally political
terms later became economic terms.

The First World was the affluent developed world, the industrialised nations of North America,
Europe and Australia: stable and democratic, life held infinite satisfaction for its citizens.

Third World, where I lived, was characterised as poor, illiterate, underdeveloped, violent and

The Second World was made up of the Soviet Union and the countries aligned with it, but it was
more familiarly known either as `the enemy` or `those Communists`.

The Global South-a metaphor for underdevelopment- is made up of Latin America, Africa and
Asia. Yet some countries in it began to achieve economic industrialisation: India, China, Brazil

• Mt. Ruang volcano in Indonesia

* Pak has now become 4th largest($8bn) IMF debtor. 1st.Argentina 2nd.Egypt 3rd.Ukraine. The
SDR is an international reserve asset. The SDR is not a currency, but its value is based on a
basket of five currencies($,Euro,Yen,Yuan,Pound)
* AstraZeneca admits its covid vaccine could cause blood clots in rare cases

* 2019 : Uber (2009 by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp,California) acquired Careem for $3.1bn

* Labour/May/Worker's day : 1 may in the memory of those labourers who were killed in 1886
HayMarket affair/massacre in Chicago during eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight
hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. 1923 first time in India,1
May 1950 Pak Labour Federation estd.,1972 first time in Pak following Pak's first labour policy. a
protestor hoisted a white flag soaked in blood of killed fellows that's why this colour became
related to labourer.

* PAC Public Accounts Committee 20 May 1948, chairman : Sheikh Waqas Akram, a body whose
primary objective is to uphold transparency and accountability across all public bodies and
constitutional institutions,audits the revenue n expenditure of fed gov, chairman must be from
opposition as per Charter of Democracy(14 May 2006).

* Cabinet after Rana n dar : 18 federal ministers, 5 coordinators of the PM, 1 minister of state, 1
adviser to PM(Rana Sanaullah on political affairs), 1 special assistant to PM.

A Minister of State is a lower level position than Cabinet Ministers. a cabinet minister is
responsible for developing and implementing government policy, while the MOS assists cabinet
minister in these tasks.

* 17 PC of world's school-aged children are out of school, UN

* 5 April ecuador security forces stormed Mexican embassy in Quito to arrest ex VP over
corruption charges

* Karachi crime index : 6 in 2014, 82 in 2024

* Colombia (Bogota) severs diplomatic ties with Israel amid war in Gaza

* April 2024 wettest since 1961 due to above average rains+heaviest one day rainfall+coldest
day temperature

South pole of moon is described as 'Golden Belt' by scientists.

* 2 May : NCCIA National Cyber Crime Investigation Agency : a new dedicated body tasked with
fighting cybercrimes and ensuring strict enforcement of social media regulations, replaced FIA
cyber crime wing, it will have sweeping power to police cyberspace, DG having powers
equivalent to Inspector General,for 2 yrs term(extendable) max 63 age at time of appointment.
Civil Servants Act 1973
Advantages : digital rights of people will be safeguarded by ending online harassment, it will
help counter propaganda and rumors on unbridled social media.

Disadvantage : funding required for infrastructure, recruitment,training, agencies may use it for

* Mayor of London : Chief executive of the Greater London Authority. The role was created in
2000 after the Greater London devolution referendum in 1998. 4 years,renewable.

2000-2008 : Ken Livingstone, 2008-2016 Boris Johnson, sadiq khan labour party secured third
term (since 2016) defeating Susan Hall of conservative(Sunak party). Liberal Democrats 3rd
most popular

* steadfast defender(first held in 2021) : Nato's largest exercise since cold war, near Russia's

* more than 40pc Pakis are below the poverty line

17 May Paki students attacked in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

* Aizaz Ahmad ch : former foreign sec, maleeha lodhi : ambassador, Tariq Khosa : IG Baloch

* Naila : first Paki woman to summit 11 peaks over 8000m after recent Makalu(first paki
woman). Alpine club of Pak(1974, Head Office in ISB). Fastest paki(both male female) to summit
11 8000ers(<3 yrs). 2023 first paki woman to summit anapurna + 2nd paki woman to mt.
Everest + first paki woman to summit nanga parbat n broad peak

* OIC 15th summit at Banjul Gambia, Banjul declaration. themed "Enhancing unity and
solidarity through dialogue for sustainable development"

* 25-27 may : Pak saudi investment summit. Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud

* Russia n US holds 88% 10600 of world's 12100 nuclear warheads, 3rd China 4th France

* Special rapporteur (or independent expert) is the title given to independent human rights
experts whose expertise is called upon by the United Nations to report or advise on human
rights from a thematic or country-specific perspective.

Ms. Mary Lawlor : Current mandate holder

*The Chora or Kariye Mosque in Istanbul : Byzantine church then mosque then museum then
mosque in 2020. Hagia sophia built in 537 : Cathredal to mosque to museum to mosque in 2020

* Savak was secret agency of Iran until 1979

* Global Corruption Index : 133/180, previously 140/180, 7 spots improved.

* SC practice n procedure unconstitutional declared by SC, A191 such changes are domain of SC

* John Swinney first minister of Scotland

* International Conference on Population and Development ICPD in 1994 in Cairo by 179


* 8 May : ICUBE-Qamar successfully deployed in lunar orbit, Pak became 6th country to launch
moon satellite.

* Biopiracy AKA scientific colonialism : the practice of commercial exploitation of biochemicals

or genetic materials which occur naturally. the act of taking living things, especially plants, from
an area or taking the knowledge of local people about these living things, and using them or it
to make money for a particular company or organization. UN WIPO World Intellectual Property
Organization 1967 enforced in 1970, Geneva. IP is a category of property that includes
intangible creations of the human intellect

• Brain Drain due to : 1.unemployment 2.poverty 3.lack of security • Rubina Khalid chairperson
BISP (July 2008) • 2021 : UAP Pak Uzbek Afghan agreed on UP railway through Afghan, 760kms,
by 2027 • "9 May,never again" Gov. Slogan • Muslim population in India : 200m or 15% • Red
Square in Moscow • 9 May Victory day, Russia defeated Nazi Germany in WW2, 12 June 1991
Independence • Iran is enriching Uranium upto 60pc,weapon grade Uranium is enriched about
90pc • 8May SS declared four-year education emergency, 62.8pc literacy rate, 1.7pc of gdp on
education(Norway 6.6, Israel 6.2), 26m out of school

* 10 May : UNGA approved Palestine membership resolution, 143 favour, 9 against(US), 25

abstentions(Britain). Only member states can vote, but the Palestinian Authority can now be
seated among member states in alphabetical order; submit and introduce proposals and
amendments; and co-sponsor proposals and amendments.

* SC suspended ECP decision of allocating reserved seats of SIC to other parties which was on
pretext that SIC neither contested elections nor had submitted list of nominees

* Troika : TTP, Afghan Taliban, Al Qaeeda, wants to replicate Afghan situation in Pak

* Sultan Azlan Shah Cup a hockey tournament named after king of Malaysia (ruled 1989-
1994),first in 1983 (won by Aus,Pak runners up) as biennial, 1998 annual event, 2024 30th
edition at Ipoh won by Japan(1st time) Pak runners up, Australia most titles(10), Pak won : 1999
2000 2003, captain Ammad Butt

• Tehreek e tahaffuz e ayin e pak : 6party opposition alliance

• 11 may 1949 Israel admitted to the UN • India signed agreement with Iran to develop and
operate Chabahar port for 10 yrs, consists of two separate ports named Shahid Kalantari and
Shahid Beheshti, The port is partly intended to provide an alternative for trade between India
and Afghanistan as it is 800 kilometers closer to the border of Afghanistan than Pakistan's
Karachi port • Nathan porter IMF mission chief to Pak

• Nakba 15 May 1948, literally translates as “The Catastrophe”. It refers to the mass exodus of
at least 750,000 Arabs from Palestine during 1947-1948 war.

• summer 2023 was hottest in 2000 years, July 2023 was hottest month ever recorded • 14
may : privatisation programme 2024-2029, all SOEs (incl Discos) privatised except strategic

* Dubai unlocked : an international investigation into the owners of real estate in Dubai, 14
May, after a six-month invetigation led by OCCRP(Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting
Project,an investigative journalism organization) and E24( formerly N24, is a Norwegian, online
business newspaper),obtained by C4ADS(WDC), 17000 Pakis listed, actually 22000, worth $10bn
in 2022 now $12.5bn, Dubai : playground for the world's rich, 2019 transparency int dubbed it
"money laundering paradise", individuals with questionable sources of income can invest wo
restrictions, property dealers accept crypto currency or full cash payment zero questions
asked,according to expert lawyers there are 2 economic financial n security systems running in
parallel : one is formal to comply with int requirements(such as Fatf) other is informal to attract
dirty money for those who dont want to be asked any question, in Fatf grey list from 2022 to

1st. India : 35000 properties 29700 owners $17bn in 2022, 2nd pak : 17000 owners 23000
properties, pull factors : zero questions asked, accepts full cash payments, denies requests of
foreign authorities to provide any info for help arresting and extraditing fugitives(despite having
extradition treaties), data till spring of 2022, most of army officers n politicians such as zardari
naqvi sharjeel memon vavda property declared to FBR n part of army records or ECP
respectively, ssp rao anwar(most notorious cop)assets not declared, also politically exposed
persons ( an individual who is or has been entrusted with a prominent public function and is
more susceptible(likely) to being involved in bribery or corruption) (Heads of State or of
government, senior politicians, senior government, judicial or military officials)

* Lawrence Wong took oath as Singapore PM at Istana • Fatah II 400km successfully launched •
France blames Azerbaijan for new Caledonia(French territory in pacific ocean bw Aus n Fiji)
violence • Pak agriculture : 37pc of labour force employed, 23pc contribution to gdp • Saudi
Arabia held its first fashion show featuring swim suits • Wapda Chairman Lt. Gen Sajjad Ghani •
Nepra chairman Waseem Mukhtar • Umar Gull fast n Saeed Ajmal spin bowling coach, M Yousaf
batting, Azhar MD head coach, Shan Masood test captain, Babar odi n t20i

19 May 2024 : Ebrahim Raisi Heli crashed near varzaqan while coming back from Qiz Qalasi (a
dam jointly built on (President Ilham Aliyev)Azerbaijan-Iran border on Aras river). Foreign
Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, Governor of East Azerbaijan province Malek Rahmati also
died. total 8 people. VP Mohammad Mokhber was picked to become interim president.
military`s chief of staff Mohammad Bagheri found nothing foul in investigation. ISNA IRNA
Tasnim news agencies of Iran. Ali Bagheri Foreign Minister.

Ebrahim Raisi : 1960 born in Mashad, buried in Imam Raza Shrine Mashad, 8th president since 3
August 2021, CJ 2019 to 2021.

• The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is an international document adopted by

the United Nations General Assembly that enshrines the rights and freedoms of all human
beings, 10 December 1948 at Paris, "civilians should not be tried by military courts under
UDHR". Dr Agnes Callamard (French human right activist n SG of Amnesty International, AI was
founded in London in 1961 by the lawyer Peter Benenson)

OHCHR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights : works to promote
and protect human rights that are guaranteed under international law and stipulated in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1993, Geneva, Volker Turk of Austria)

• 20 May defamation bill 2024 passed • wheat largest producing crop, cotton 2nd • Karim Khan
(prosecutor of International criminal court) requested arrest warrants of Benjamin, Defence
Minister Yoav Gallant,3 from Hamas : Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh, Diab Ibrahim • Hamqadam
app to help survivors of gender based violence • Sirbaz Khan became first n only paki to
conquer 11 8000ers • Ontario tech UNI reaches divestment deal with pro-Palestine protesters

• 22 May Norway(Oslo, Monarch Harald v, PM Jonas Gahr Stّre), Ireland(Dublin, president

Michael Higgins, taoiseach Simon Harris) & Spain(Monarch Felipe VI, PM Pedro S ‫ل‬nchez)
announced their intention to recognise Palestine on 28 may, want pre 1967 border with WB
east jerusalem n Gaza strip in Palestine, 2014 Sweden was first EU to recognise, 146/193 UN
recognise already • UAE promises investment of $10bn, WAM. Earlier Saudia had promised

* Tariq Khosa IG Baloch, Aizaz Ahmad Ch Foreign Sec, Maliha lodhi

Hockey Champions Trophy : 1978-2018 by Air Marshal Nur Khan, 1978 at Lahore, 2018 at Breda
Netherlands, won by Pak : 1978,1980,1994. most by Australia 15 times incl 2018

• Nepal's Phunjo Jhangmu Lama : fastest ascent of Everest by a woman, 14H 31mins. Lhakpa
Gelu sherpa fastest in 10H 56 mins • head coach Gary Kirsten • Talat Hussain Warsi an actor
* we can achieve peace by eliminating extremist elements from the society by giving death
sentences to a few n by preventing further emergence of these elements by providing quality
education to the youth of this country

* we should use CARs,China,Russia,Iran to put pressure on Taliban into taking effective CT


* Methane is 80times more potent than CO2 but its life span is shorter, China largest emitter

* now 146/193 UN members recognise Palestine, total 10 EU countries included

* cyclone Remal recently hit Bangla 36 Hours, Cyclone Aila in 2009 lasted for 34 Hrs, Bhola
cyclone November 1970 most severe

• Pak has participated in 46 peacekeeping missions across 29 countries. 168 have lost their lives
since 1948 • Global peace summit from 15 june in switzerland on Russia-Ukraine war • world's
first wooden satellite built by Japan • Dianne Abbott UK's first black woman lawmaker • Pak
ambass to Kyrgyz Hassan Ali Zaigham

• Pak DOESN'T have no first use policy NFU : a type of pledge or policy wherein a nuclear power
formally refrains from the use of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction
(WMD) in warfare, except for as a second strike in retaliation to an attack by an enemy power
using WMD.

• Jades-GS-z14-0 most distant known galaxy discovered by James webb space telescope • 37m
13-35 years old use tobacco globally, 160000 annual deaths in Pak, increase tax : cosumption
reduction + revenue for gov + low healthcare cost

CII recommends special 'mob justice' courts to try MOBs cases.

• 30 May Trump became first US president to be convicted of crime on 34 counts. hush money
to pornographic actress pornographic film actress. 5Nov will be presidential elections

• high interest rate means less inflation + no economic activity causing no GDP growth(bcoz
high cost of borrowing + people preferring to deposit than investing) + no jobs. Low interest
could cause depreciation bcoz investors will start depositing somewhere else with high interest
(carry trade) • M anwarul haq new polio head • 31 May : three phase Israel peace proposal by
Joe Biden • intolerant extremists (more than terrorists) control the environment for investment
in Pak,eg priyantha Kumar n chinese national at Dasu. Pak has controlled much of the terrorism
by military operations most recently zarb e azb in 2014, current wave of terrorism has came
from Afghan where we can't conduct a military operation now we've to handle extremism
Abu Musa,greater n lesser tunb claimed by UAE n Iran n held by Iran since 1971 • Dr Helen
Mary first christian woman to be appointed brigadier • Afghan treatment : conduct limited
airstrike in Afghan, restrict transit trade, expulsion of 7L afghans + 6L next phase, public
denunciation of Kabul failure • Claudia Sheinbaum Mexico's first woman president

• 1974 Rabwah(formally Chenab Nagar,a city in Chiniot) incident, anti ahmadiya riots, served as
HQ of Ahmadis,

• 4-8 June SS 5-day visit to China • IATA International Air Transport Association 1945,Montreal •
SBP issues Monetary Policy Statement and Decisions eight times a year (after every 45 days) •
2021-30 UN decade on ecosystem restoration • 66 million years ago, an asteroid struck eastern
Mexico and wiped out the dinosaurs. • after Slovenia (Ljubljana, Euro) 146/193 recognise

• The total fertility rate of a population is the average number of children that are born to a
woman over her lifetime South Korea 0.72 world's lowest birth rate, Niger has highest 7
children per woman, 3.1 in Pak, Monaco world's oldest population, Japan 2nd oldest •
tatrinote-chakan da bagh crossing boundry bw Indo Pak, territory of Tatrinote was reportedly
purchased by a landlord using a single 1/100th Georgian lari (GEL) note, also known as Tetri(1
cent) • Bird flu, also called avian influenza


* 272 needed for majority in 543-seat (550 max) Lok Sabha (House of people) elected for 5

Rajya Sabha (Council of states) has 245 members (250 max) for a term of 6 years

NDA (National democratic alliance led by BJP) vs INDIA (Indian National Developmental Inclusive
Alliance led by Congress)

240 won by BJP, 99 by Congress. 293 won by NDA, 234 by INDIA

Allies : Telugu Desam Party of Andhra Pradesh(largest BJP ally) led by Chandrababu Naidu

Janata Dal (United) of Bihar (2nd largest ally) led by ex Bihar CM Nitish Kumar,

Narendra Modi : became 14th PM in 2014, 2019 second term, 2024 third term, born in Gujrat,
MP for Varanasi. $650bn FEX reserves

Gov to Gov negotiations are known as Track One (Diplomacy,activity, or skill of managing
international relations) . It is carried out by diplomats, high-ranking government officials, and
heads of states

Track two diplomacy refers to unofficial interactions in which participants are generally former
officials and academics who can speak with authority on their Gov's position.

Amit Shah Home minister, Rajnath Singh Defence, Nirmala Sitharaman Finance, Jaishankar

BJP : 1980 by Atal Bihari Vajpayee & Lal Krishna Advani. President Jagat Parakash Nadda

• Rashtrapati Bhavan : Residence of president, 7 Lok Kalyan Marg (7LKM), formerly 7, Race
Course Road : Residence n workplace of PM

* 6June 2024 : Pak's 8th term at UNSC,usually on rotation basis of geographic region but
consensus may change selection, 1 Jan 2025 - 31 Dec 2026 182/190 votes,we will replace Japan
on Asian seat, 124 2/3 majority of present n voting members was required, secret ballot,
winning candidate called "endorsed" candidate. elected for two-year term with five replaced
each year. 1952,1968,1976,1983,1993,2003,2012. P5+E10=15 members. outgoing member
can't contest immediate elections.

• 1202 Dastak helpline • Mount of evil counsel (Abu Toor) in jerusalem(south of old city) where
a jewish (Saihooni) Caiaphas decided to betray Jesus to romans

• Hamoodur Rahman Commission (War Enquiry Commission) : a judicial inquiry commission

that assessed Pakistan's political–military involvement in East-Pakistan from 1947 to 1971, set
up by ZAB on 26 Dec 1971 under CJ, released in 1974, held Yahya responsible for doing all this
to regain power

• D8 : 1997 by Necmettin Erbakan (PM of tukey) ,Istanbul. • Israel and Hamas put on UN 'list of
shame' of countries that fail to protect children in war, killing them and attacking on schools and
hospitals. Russia AlQaeda Iraq Afghan Syria Yemen already in list • "earthrise" first colour
photograph of Earth taken from space by William Anders, 22 April 1970 first Earth day •
terrorism n political instability biggest obstacle in FDI, political stability means consistency in
policy frameworks • Israr Kakar third Paki to elected oxford union president • 10 June UNSC
adopted US drafted ceasefire resolution in Gaza,abstained by Russia. 31 May Joe Biden
proposed plan • Armed conflicts in 2023 highest since end of WW2

Budget 2024-25 : passed on 28 June 2024

* Rs2.12 tr for armed forces (1.7pc of gdp) 12.33pc of expenses, 17.6pc increase from Rs1.8
tr(1.83 actually spent), +Rs662 bn pensions, + hidden budget for nuclear power related
acquisitions n missiles etc • debt servicing 9.7 tr (interest payments on domestic and foreign

* Health sector Rs27bn • Education sector Rs93bn (for federal ministry of education+HEC)

* Rs37000 min wage • Rs1.014 tr for pensions • Rs1.36 tr for subsidies

* income tax, sales tax, customs duty, federal excise duty are subjects of federal gov, provinces
to get Rs7.4tr under NFC • Rs12.97tr targeted tax collection • real estate, stock investors,
exporters, retailers will also be taxed • Gov expenditure Rs17.2 tr • inflation target 12pc •
Rs50000 tax exempted salary, 5pc tax on amount exceeding 600000/year

* Budget deficit = gross revenue (17.815 tr) - transfer to provinces (7.438 tr) + provincial surplus
(1.217 tr) - total expenditure (18.877tr) = 7.283 tr (5.9 pc of gdp)

• largest expenses : debt servicing, defence, development, pension

* gdp of Pakistan Rs106 tr, Rs106,045 bn. 42nd largest economy

* Punjab Budget

Education Rs669.74bn, Health Rs539 bn

Revenue Rs5.4tr, expenditure Rs4.8tr

Surplus Rs630bn, 37000 min wage

* Sindh Budget

Education Rs454bn, Health Rs300bn

Balanced budget Rs3.05 tr

* Balochistan Rs955.6bn surplus budget, FM Shoaib Ahmad Nosherwani

Receipts Rs955.6bn, Expenditure Rs930.20bn, Surplus Rs25.39bn

Education Rs115bn, Health Rs67.3bn

Economic survey 2023-24 :

* contribution to GDP : LSM large scale manufacturing(textile major) 8.2pc, Services 58pc
largest, livestock 14.6pc (60.8pc of agriculture sector), Agriculture 23pc

Literacy rate 62.8pc

* total labour force is 71.76 million out of which 67.25 million are employed and 4.51 million
are unemployed with unemployment rate of 6.3 percent.4.5m individuals unemployed, 15-24
age 11.1pc, 25-34 age 7.3pc

* 2.38pc gdp growth rate, 3.6pc target • investment to gdp ratio 13.14% • per capita income
$1680 from $1551 • agriculture rose by 6.3pc • tax to gdp ratio 9.6pc

Reverse remittance : money and goods which families send to their migrant members, money
flowing from poor to rich countries ie costs of rejected visas, £5.3m by UK • 2 bn population of
SAsia • additional $1bn approved for Dasu (Indus river, near Dasu in Kohistan, 4320MW, by
WBank,total financing $1.7bn • Qatar (Emir Tamim bin Hamad) and Egypt (President Abdel
Fattah el-Sisi, PM Mostafa Madbouly) were mediators of Gaza truce plan • Muslim world
league, Rabitat al-Alam al-Islami (an NGO based in makkah,1962) • 12 June Biden Zelensky
signed 10-year defence accord at Italy • 15-16 june Ukraine summit in Switzerland, China and
Pak absent • 1.5m pilgrims to perform hajj • dissociative fugue : a temporary state where a
person has memory loss (amnesia) and ends up in an unexpected place.

how to end corruption : Downsizing (eliminate contractual employees,merge departmnets) n

increase pays

• Father of Linguistics : Ferdinand de Saussure (Swiss), Father of modern Linguistics : Noam


How to deal with extremists? exists due to weakness of State, illiteracy, Intolerance. due to
extremism writ of state in challenged n Anti Pakistan Elements take advantage

immediate actions : Zero tolerance, ensure execution in case of any casualty, not public
execution as it will leave a negative affect on children through social media, the State should
have a friendly image

Other actions : spend more on education (atleast 4 PC of GDP) to promote Literacy, ask Ulema
to play role for peace by delivering peaceful messages in Khutbas, lessons on coexistence in
schools and seminars

Priyantha Kumara, Mashal Khan, Chinese engineer about to die at dasu, lynching of in Madyan
Swat, Jaranwala incident

• Sierra Leone : a country in West Africa, Capital Freetown

• Karbal Katha/Dah Majlis by Fazl Ali Fazli, karbal means karbala katha means story

* 19 June "Comprehensive strategic partnership" pact BW Russia n NK,mutual defence in case

of aggression • cold start doctrine intoduced by India in 2004 aimed at swift deployment of
troops on its western border or even conduct an attack in case of any attack from Pak, Pak has
170 nuclear warheads,India has 172, global total 12121, 9585 ready for potential use • Ehsan
Malik chief of Pak Business Council • Pak Google partner for digital transformation of
education,500,000 chromebooks by 2026

black September

Opinion xx

* what would you do as a PM? Declare this country secular constitutionally, Saudia also doing
religious reforms

* how to achieve stability? Supremacy of constitution, rule of law, adherence to democratic

principles n recognition of true mandate of the electorate

• Gov must play the role of a regulator instead of running businesses n leave business to

Nuclear weapons xx

* Russia n US hold 88pc of world's nuclear weapons

• RO reverse osmosis plant

* Butcher of Swat Muslim Khan + 101 terrorists were set free by Army Ismail • everyday 2000
children die due to bad air, 8.1m people died in 2021, second largest factor for premature death
after high BP, air pollution cuts life expectancy in Pak by 3.9 years(7 in Lahore). • 30 by 30 is a
worldwide initiative for governments to designate 30% of Earth's land and ocean area as
protected areas by 2030 to protect wildlife that is being decimated by climate change &

* 2.6m die annually due to alcohol, one in 20 deaths each year, WHO.

• De-radicalization is the process of making someone become less radical (=extreme) in their
political or religious beliefs. Educational Programs: Offering education to improve critical thinking
skills and knowledge about diverse viewpoints. Religious Reeducation: Engaging with religious scholars
who can offer alternative interpretations of religious texts and debunk extremist ideologies.

• Myanmar has overtaken Afghan as world's largest opium producer • Polio only in two
countries : Pak n Afghan, 24 June Bill Gates met SS

• UAE : Pak's largest trading partner in Middle East

• G7+ G7 plus : an intergovernmental organisation bringing together countries that are either
facing active conflict or have recent experience of conflict, purpose is to promote peace and
stability, founded on 10 April 2010, Dili East Timor, 20 members incl Afghan but not Pak.

• 30 June : "Patriots for Europe" a political alliance announced in Vienna by Hungary, Austria
and Czech Republic

• LIMS Lawful intercept management system • 2-3 July : SS in Astana, 24th heads of state SCO
summit, India n Pak joined on 9 Jue 2017, Iran on 4 July 2023, Belarus on 4 July 2024 = 10

• Pak part of two regional economic blocs : ECO SAFTA(came into force in 2006, succeeding the
1993 SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement) (both dormant)

UK xx : United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

* 783 members of House of Lords, 650 member house of common, Tory (conservative) led by
Rishi Sunak lost after 14 years founded in 1834, 412 won by labour's 1900 led by Keir Starmer,
Angela Rayner deputy PM, Liberl Democrats led by Ed Davey 3rd largest.

• Kensington Palace : royal residence in London

* albedo effect : lighter surfaces reflect heat rather than absorbing it. A surface with a high
albedo will reflect more sunlight than a surface with low albedo.

High albedo : snow n ice covered areas, light coloured urban material. Low albedo : asphalt,
oceans, forests

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