Homework Speed

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Classwork #2 – Speed

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________

1. What is speed?

2. Jamila is a skier. Here are the time and distance measurements for three of Jamila’s

Journey Time in seconds Distance in metres

A 30 40
B 60 120
C 60 30

Journey B has the greatest average speed. Explain why.


3. Angelique finds information about the stopping distance of cars. The stopping distance
is the distance a car moves after the driver wats to stop the car.

Angelique calculates the stopping distance for a car with a speed of 32 km/h. Here is
her calculation. 6m + 6m = 12 m
a) Calculate the stopping distance for a car with a speed of 112 km/h.
b) Describe the pattern in the information for thinking distance. Complete the
As the speed increases by 16 km/h the thinking distance

c) Predict what the thinking distance will be at 128 km/h.


d) The speed of the car doubles from 32 km/h to 64 km/h. Answer the questions
choosing words from
More than doubles
More than halves
What happens to the thinking distance from 32 km/h to 64 km/h?
What happens to the braking distance from 32 km/h to 64 km/h?
What happens to the stopping distance from 32 km/h to 64 km/h?

4. Oliver and Chen walk to school. Here is information about their walk to school.

Time in s Oliver’s distance in m Chen’s distance in m

0 0 0
200 200 0
400 400 300
600 600 600
800 800 900
1000 1000 1000
a) They plot a distance-time graph. Chen’s graph has been done for you. Plot the
graph for Oliver’s results on the same graph paper.
b) The school is 1000 m from where Oliver and Chen started walking. Who walked to
school in the shorter time? Circle the correct answer.
Cannot tell from the information
They never reached the school
They took the same time
Explain your answer

5. Chen and Yuri draw a distance/time graph for their journeys.


In meters

Use the distance/time graph to answer the questions.

a) How many meters did Chen move in the first 8 seconds? __________________ m
b) How many seconds did Yuri stop moving his journey? ________________ s
c) Average speed can be calculated from the graph.
i) Complete the equation for average speed
Average speed = ________________________
ii) Calculate Yuri’s average speed during the whole journey.

Yuri’s average speed _______________________ m/s

6. A family left the city of Recife bound for Maceió. He left the capital of Pernambuco at 6
am. On the way, everything happened: a flat tire, no gas, the baby developed a fever,
they stopped for lunch... Well, they reached their destination, traveling about 300 km
to Maceió, at 4 pm. Effectively, without stopping, it would have taken only 5 hours to
travel. Determine the average speed.

7. In a Formula 1 car race the pole-position made a lap in 1 min 20 s. Estimating your
average speed at 216 km/h, approximately how long is the track? Show your

8. An urban bus line has a distance of 25 km. If a bus travels this route in 85 minutes, its
average speed is approximately (show your calculation):
a) 3,4 km/h b) 50 km/h c) 18 km/h d) 110 km/h e) 60 km/h

9. You can travel a certain route in 2 hours, by car, if your average speed is 75 km/h. If
you took a trip at an average speed of 100 km/h, you would gain (show your
a) 75 min b) 35 min c) 50 min d) 30 min e) 25 min

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