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Chapter 4

23. List, in Sanskrit or English, the five kinds of liberation.

The five kinds of liberation are as follows

1. To be one with Krishna
2. To achieve residence on Krishna’s planet
3. To have Krishna’s opulences
4. To possess bodily features similar to Krishna
5. To gain personal association with Krishna

24. Liberated persons who have achieved these four stages of liberation may also be promoted

Liberated persons who have achieved these four stages of liberation may also be
promoted to Goloka Vrndavana or KrsnaLoka.

Chapter 5
25. What is the mystery of the Vaiśnava (devotional) cult?

As per Rupa Goswami, if one is regularly discharging devotional service, there will be
no question of a fall down. But even if circumstantially there is some fall down, the
Vaishnava need have nothing to do with the prayascitta, the ritualistic ceremony for
purification. A Vaishnava simply has to execute the rules and regulations for discharging
devotional service, and this is sufficient for his reinstatement. This is the mystery of the
Vaishnava (devotional) cult.

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