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1) A first order reaction is 50% completed in 1.26×1014s.How much time it take for
100% completion?

i) 1.26×1014s ii) 2.52×1014s iii) 2.52×1024s iv) infinite

2) When a catalyst increases the rate of a chemical reaction, the rate constant

i) remains same ii) increases iii) decreases iv) depends on the order of reaction.

Assertion – Reason type questions—

In each of the following questions two statements are given one of the
statement is labelled as assertion A and other one as Reason R. Read the
statement carefully and mark correct choice a, b, c or d according to the
following instructions.

a) If both A and R are correct and R is a correct reason of A

b) If both A and R are correct and R is not a correct reason of A

c) If A is correct and R is wrong

d) If A is wrong and R is correct.

1) Assertion A: Half-life period is always independent of initial concentration.

Reason R: Half-life period is inversely proportional to the rate constant.

2) Assertion A: In a zero order reaction, the concentration vs. time graph is a

straight line.

Reason R: The rate of change of concentration per unit time in zero order
reaction remains constant.

3) Assertion A: A pseudo first order reaction occurs slowly.

Reason R: Reactions of high order can follow kinetics of first order under
special conditions.
One word or one line answer, questions ---

1) For the reaction A+2B C, if rate = K(A)1/2(B)3/2. Write the order of

2) Write the order of reaction if k=2.0x 10-4mol-2L2s-1.
3) Under what condition does the rate of a reaction equal its rate constant?
4) What is an elementary reaction?
5) Give an example of fractional order reaction.
6) What is pseudo first order reaction? Give an example.
7) From the given graph write the order of reaction

8) A catalyst increases the rate of a reaction. Give reason

2 Marks

1) What is order of a reaction? Give one example of zero order of reaction.

2) The rate of a reaction doubles when temperature changes from 270C to 370C.
Calculate the energy of activation for the reaction.
3) The slope of the line in a graph of logk (rate constant) versus 1/T for a
reaction is -5841K. Calculate the energy of activation for the reaction.
4) A first order reaction is 20% complete in 10minutes. Calculate the time for
75% completion of the reaction.
5) Find the two third life ‘t2/3’ of a first order reaction in which k=5.4x10-14s-1.
6) Show that the rate constant of first order reaction is independent of initial
concentration of reactant.
7) For a first order reaction, it takes 5minutes for the initial concentration of
0.6mol-1 to become 0.4moll-1 . How long in all, it take for initial
concentration to become 0.3mol-1
8) Derive k=([R0]-[R])/t for zero order reaction
9) Rate constant of a reaction with respect to A is 6 per minute. If we start with
(A)= 0.8mol-1, when would (A) reach the value of 0.08 mol-1.
10) Show that the time required for the completion of 3/4th reaction of
first order is twice the time required for completion of ½ of the reaction.
11) SO2Cl2 SO2 + Cl2 is a 1st order reaction. For this t½ =
2.15 x 104 s at 320˚C. What Percentage of SO2Cl2 would be decomposed on
heating for 90 minutes?
12) Write the order of reaction from the mechanism:
NO2 + NO2 NO + NO3 (Slow)
NO3 + CO NO2 + CO2 (Fast)
13) For a reaction Ea=0. Find out k at 300K if k=1.6 x 106 s-1 at 280K.

3 Marks

14) The activation energy is 75.2 KJ/mol in the absence of catalyst and
50.14 Kj/mol find out the times the reaction rate increase in presence of
catalyst at 250C.
15) For the decomposition of PH3 ,
4 PH3 P4 + 6H2 , rate law expression is rate = k
[PH3 ]. The rate constant is 6.0 x 10 s at 300K and Ea is 3.05 x 105J/mol.
-4 -1

Find out rate constant at 310K.

16) Decomposition of NH3 is a zero order reaction with K= 2.5 x 10 mol-1
s-1 . Find out the rate of formation of N2 and H2.
17) Find out order of reaction for the given data ---
Cl2 + 2NO 2NOCl

[Cl2][M] [NO2][M] Initial Rate

1 0.01 0.01 1.20 x 10-4 Ms-1

2 0.01 0.03 10.8 x 10-4 Ms-1

3 0.02 0.03 21.6 x 10-4 Ms-1

Also find the value of ‘K’.

18) The K1 and K2 of a reaction is 1.5 x 107 s-1 at 50˚C and 4.5 x 107 s-1 at
100˚C.Calculate activation energy for the reaction.
5 Marks---

1(a). For the reaction 2 A+B → A2B, rate=k [A][B]2 with k=2.0× 10-6 mol-2 L 2 S-
.Calculate the initial rate of the reaction when [A] =0.1 mol/L and [B]=0.2 mol/L.
Calculate the rate of reaction after[A] is reduced to 0.06 mol/L.

(b). The rate of decomposition of a substance A becomes eight times when its
concentration is doubled. What is the order of this reaction?

2. (i). A first order reaction is 15% completed in 20 minutes. How long will it
take to be 60% completed?

(ii). Define pseudo first order reaction. Give one example.

(iii). Write the order of reaction if----rate=k [A]2 [B]

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