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‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Entering Gade 5 Name__ This Summer Math Packet is for all students who will be entering 5" grade in the fall - Please Note: This packet contains two sections. ‘The first section is a review of grade 4 concepts. The second section is readiness for grade 5. What could be more fun than a summer packet? ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Entering Grade S Name, Seetio I: Review af Grade 4 Concepts Gino can decorate 9 T-shirts per hour. The pattem below shows the total number of T- shirts he decorates after each ofthe fist § hours he works. Ifthe pattern continues, what are the next three numbers? 9, 18, 27, 96, 45, 63,72, 81 63, 64,72 54,63, 72 54, 62,71 ooa> you know that 3 « 8 = 24, which division fact do you know? 28, 12=2 3-1 oom Howard works 7 hours each day. He eams $8 per hour. Which number sentence shows the total amount of money he ears in one day? [7 total earings —, ‘amount eamed each hour com> ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Entering Geade 5 Name Section I: Review of Grade 4 Concepts Gina wrote the pattem below in her notebook 300, 280, 260, 240, 220, ‘What is the next number in Gina's pattern? A 200 B 210 c 20 D 240 This table shows the number of people who can ft in different numbers of Ferris wheel cars. How many people can ft into 9 Ferris wheel cars? A B c D 64 72 80 84 Name the value of the given digits in the number below:the 3s in 3,345 300; 30 3,000; 300 300;3 3033 goa> ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Fatering Grade S Name Section 1: Review of Gade 4 Concepts Mandy is going to make six-sided figures indifferent sizes fora mural. Each figure will hve sides with equal lengths. She wants o outline each figure with glow tape, How many inches of glow tape will she need fora figure whose sides are 7 inches long? OOCU, 2inohes ainches 4 Tnches 28 42 49 A 5 c D ‘Which number could be written in the box to make the number sentence correct? 10.403 >) A 10,430 B 10,100 © 10,403 D 14,300 Round 232,832 to the nearest ten thousand. 220,000 230,000 240,000 300,000 oom» ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Entering Gade 5 Name, ‘Section I: Review of Gade 4 Concepts The chart gives the number of football tickets sold a five colleges in a 10 year period. FOOTBALL TICKETS SOLD IN 10 YEARS 1.252085 4.379.214, 41277,003 11073,928 41008.746 ‘Which of these teams sold fewer tickets than the Admirals? A Blue Devils B Bull Dogs Admirals D_ Eagles ‘Sandwich buns are sold in packages of either 8 or 12 buns. How many ways can Matt buy exactly 48 buns? oom> Find the product of 50 and 7. A 3,500 B 350 c 7 D 35 ‘Summer Math Packet for Qudents Entering Gade S Name Seetion I: Review of Gade 4 Goncepts At the beginning of a cake sale, there were 72 cakes. In the morning, 43 cakes were sold, When the cake sale was over, 17 more cakes had been sold. How many cakes were left when the cake sale was over?Which picture represents the problem? 7 a Cait 7 8 [a _ Tarr [ir c “a |? 5 Tot a_i ‘What partial products will help you find the product 5 x 302? A Sx3and5x2 B 5x30and5x2 © 5x 300and5 <2 D 5x30and5x20 A box of pens holds 144 pens. There are 6 full boxes of pens in the school supply room, Which number sentence shows the best way to use compatible numbers to estimate the total number of pens in the school supply room? A 6x 150 B 6x 100 © 6200 D 12056 ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Faering Gade 5 Name, Seetion I: Review of Gade 4 Concepts ‘What are the partial products for 75<8? Estimate by rounding to the nearest ten. com> 600 and 40 79x37 ‘96 and 40 ‘560 and 40 A 2,100 640 and 40 B 2.800 c 210 D 280 Find the product of 9 and 207. 1,963 1,863, 23 216 voo> ‘Mark's football team has scored about 21 points each game. They played 12 games this ‘season. What is the best estimate forthe total number of points they scored in the season? A 5 c D 360 200 100 20 Cathy bought 4 rings at $5 a ring and 2 bracelets at $6 a bracelet. Which number sentence ‘can be used to find the total amount Cathy spent on the rings and the bracelets? voa> 20412 20+ 10 10+ 12 546= ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Entering Grade $ Name Section |: Review of Grade 4 Goncepts| Rau’s dad bakes bread 5 days a week. I he bakes 85 loaves each day, Now many loaves ‘f bread wil his dad bake in two 5-day work weeks? 850 595) 425 400 voo> A bicycle company needs to send 171 bicycles across the country in 4 groups that are as close to the same size as possible. Which is the best estimate for the number of bicycles Ineach group? A Abicycles B_ a0bicycles © 40bicyeles D SObicycles It takes 68 days for John's piants to grow three centimeters, About how many weeks is. that? ‘about 10 weeks about 12 weeks about 14 weeks about 15 weeks goa> Summer Math Packet for sudeats Entering Grade 5 Name Section I: Review of Grade 4 Concepts ‘The Reading Club has 48 members. Ms. Kingston wants to frm groups of 5 to read Gilerentypes of books. How many groups can be formed? How many members wil be len over? ‘A. 7 groups wih 6 members let over BB groupe wih 3 membere let over © 8 groups witn 2 members left over D1 groups with | member le over Dives 7R5 BRI 9Ra aR coa> Which of hese i a story for 6x87 Enichas 6 bags with 8 bananas in each bag. How many bananas does he have in a? Exichas 6 bags to put 8 bananas ito. How many bananas wl he putin each bag? Goes he have mal? Eric has 8 bananas. He put Gin one bag. How mary bananas does he have let to A 8 ‘¢ _Ealchas 6 bananas in one bag and & bananas inthe other. How many bananas, > putinanoter bag? ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Entering Grade S Name, Section I: Review of Gide 4 Concepts “There are 40 marchers ina band. The marchers are in 8 rows. Each rw has the same ‘umber of marchers. Which number sentence shows haw many marchers are in each row to marenees 4 coe ow many 2s are there in 227 A 9 Bou cw Do ‘Sharon has 99 apples. she can put appies in each bag, how many bags wil she need? Aa B98 © 0 on ‘Owning stock in a company means owning part ofthat company. Each paris known as. a share. Carol Tucker has $4 shares of stock that she wil give to her 3 children. Wf each child {gets the same numberof shares, now many shares wil each cid recelve? How many shares wil be let over? A 10 shares with 4 le over B11 shares with tet over © 126shares win none et over D 11 shares win none let over ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Fatering Gade S Name, Seetion I: Review of Gade 4 Concepts ‘Acard store was having a sale, The prices are shown below. Sales Items $0.75 Large Candles Greeting Cards Wrapping Paper $2.50 Small Candies Ribbon $1.25 Music Boxes Picture Frames $6.00 Books ‘Morgan spent $16.00 atthe card store sale. He bought a music box, a picture frame, and 1 ‘other tem. What else did ne buy? Greeting Cards Ribbon Large Candie ‘Small Candle gom> ‘What are all the factors of 16? A 1,2,8,16 B 1,2.4.8,16 © 1,2.4,6,8,16 D 1.2.8,4,6.8,16 ‘Summer Math Packet for Students Entering Grade $ Name Section I: Review of Gade 4 Concepts Whi fist contains al prime numbers? com> 19,28, 23 11, 19,30 11,19,28 11, 15,23 “Wich fs NOT a lupe of 6? A 5 c D 12 16 18 30 ‘What generalization can be made about all multiples of 4? A 8 c D ‘They are ll odd ‘They are all mutiples of 2 They are ll factors of ve ‘They are both even and odd ‘Whats the missing number that makes the fractions equivalent? 4 i. goo gseR ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Entering Gade S Name, ‘Section I: Review of Grade 4 Concepts “This table shows the aistance a ball was roled to the goal by diferent tearnmates. DISTANCES TO THE COAL z Denk 3 H vamos 7 a t wont mo rolled tne bal the closest tothe goat? Derrick James Eric ken coop 2 A Monday night Tyrell spent hour on his homework and Eva spent nour on her homework. How much more time did Eva spend on homework than Tyrell? ® Fhow BF hour © Ehour © *F hours Summer Math Packot for Students tering Geade $ Name Section I: Review of ade 4 Concepts anya took a survey about favorite sports, The following table gives the resut infractions. FAVORITE SPORTS Soot Frecian foot eastesat t a 3 saceer A é 1 Trace a 5 "Which sport was the favorite among those surveyed? A. Football B Basketball © Soccer D Track ‘At home, Tommy piayed his guitar and saxaphone. He spent 12 minutes on the guitar and. twice as iong on the saxaphone. Which expression can be used to find how much time he spent on the instruments? A 12-@x12) B 12+ (2x12) © (12+2)-12 D (12-2) 12 Which Improper traction does NOT equal a whole number? 2 iG i Dry 24 cg 38 ny S Summer Math Packet for Students Entering Gade S Name, Section I: Review of Gade 4 Concepts Ken ate 3 containers of yogurt. What is ? expressed as a mixed number? ea goo > Mike needs 'e cups of flour to make a cake and 's cups of flour to make a piecrust. How much flour does Mike need to bake the cake and piecrust? Use this model to find the sum. ‘Summer Math Packet for Qudents Entering Geade S Seetion I: Review of Gide 4 Qnncepts 3 Which is a way to show 87 Name, Kendra s doing her math homework. For each problem, she uses ? of a sheet of paper. How many sheets cf paper will she need to complete 10 problems? A 8 © D 20 sheets fi 10? sheets 8 sheets 5 sheets @ Which decimal is equivalent to 207 09 045 0.18 035 com> 4 \Whien decimals equvatent to 20 com> os 020 12 0.28 Summer Math Packet for Students Entering Grade 5 Name, - Section I Review of Grade 4 Concepts A meteorologist reported that 2.5 inches of snow fel ast night. What is the value of the 5 in2.5? five ones, five hundredths five tens five tenths goa> ‘What decimal fs shown in the oid below? 810 a) 0081 oat coum ‘Order ne decimals trom least to greatest. 8.39, 843,04 8.4, 8.99, 8.43 8.43, 8:9, 84 84, 843,899 8.98, 84,843 com> A packet of spices contains 0.62 ounces af gave pourser, 0.36 eunees af sat AG ounces Coffea pepper fakes, and 025 ounces of oregano. Wnich spice does the packet have the mest of? Gari powder sat Red pepper fakes Oregano voa> ‘Summer Math Packet for Students Entering Grade 5 Name ‘Section I: Review of Gade 4 Concepts ‘How many pints are therein 2 gatons? A 16m 8 2p © apt D Bp How many quarts are there in 24 pints? A 12¢ B Bq © eq D aq ‘Three brothers individually measured the capacty of the same water pitcher. Which, brother do you think measured incorrectly? Why? Brother Measurement Claude 15 quarts David 5 pints Elton 410.cups A B c D Claude, because the other brothers’ measurements are the same. David, because the other brothers’ measurements are the same. Elton, because the other brothers’ measurements are the same, All the measurements ate the same, so they are all correct or allincorrect. Summer Math Packet for Students tering Gade 5 Name, Section I: Review of Grade 4 Concepts How many miiters are therein 250 ers? 25m. 25 mL 250,000 mL 0.25 mL. com> Wat is the missing dimension for»? wen. petimater = 86 in 1ain. 25in, 551. Bin com> Dover used a $10 bil to pay fora comic book. He received $5.72in change. How much did ‘the comic book cost? A $608 B $528 c $48 D $428 “The tne plot below shows the distances of ciscus throws in a contest What was the most ‘common throw? Dsus Tow Ostarces in Melo 3) 31 92 93 4 5 35 aT ae 3e bw 35 meters 39meters a6 meters someters ooa> ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Entering Grade $ Name, Section I: Review of Grade 4 Concepts \Wnat type of angle is formed by the hands on the clock? com> nal ype of angle shown? A acute acute 8 ght straight straight obtuse obtuse fight Remy wanted to measure the angle of he side inthe playground, He used apiece of folded paper that was 10°. He measured that 3 ofthe folded paper angles would Fin the ‘angle made by he side. What was the angle ofthe side? A 8 ce D 78° a 45° 30) ‘which quadrateral always has exacty one pat of parle! sides? coer square trapezoid paraleogram rombus ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Entering Gade 5 Name, Section I: Review of Gade 4 Concepts How many lines of symmetry does the figure have? voo> Raa ‘Which dotted line is a line of symmetry? ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Entering Grade 5 Name, Section 2: Grade $ Readiness Mark the best answer. 41. Which ofthe following is another ‘way to write the number 11,0407 ‘A. One thousand, one hundred forty B One thousand, forty © Eleven thousand, forty Eleven thousand, four hundred 2. Which statement is true? ‘A. 510,080 > 510,000 B 510,800 < 510,008 © 510,080 > 510,800 D 510,008 < 510,000 3, What is 148,479 rounded to the nearest thousand? ‘A 140,000 B 143,000 © 143,080 D 143,500 4. In September, a group of ith ‘graders read 2,866 pages. In October, they read 3,154 pages. How many pages did they read inal? A 6,000 B 6010 © 6020 D 6.920 5. Doug had 6,000 seeds. He planted 3,670. How many seeds does he have left? ‘A 2480 B 2,990 © 1,820 D 1,720 I Raul counted the cabins in ‘groups of 9, which lst shows humbers he could have named? A 15,20, 25, 30 B 18,96, 48, 69, © 28, 95, 42, 48 D 18, 27, 98, 45, Summer Math Packt for Students tering Grade S Name Section 2: Grade 5 Readiness 1. Three friends have 18 marbles to | 10. A store sold 316 phones ina thare equal How many marbles | "” week AL hs rate, how many will each friend get? phones would the store sell in 18 marbles. ‘Sweeks? ———enaree a B 930 Marbes each elem frend oes D saa As ys 11, A soccer team played 8 games The same number of people Cy came to each game. Ifa total De (of 2,400 people attended the 8 games, how many people 8, Tinahas a garden. Tomato plants came to each game? are in six-eighths of her garden. What fraction is equivalent to $2 ag 1 B 30 AS © 300 Be D 3,000 c8 ‘ 42. Which statement is true? ps 6 ‘A. The only factors of 6 are 6 and 1. 9. Partof the calculation for 23 x 4 B The only factors of 7 are 7 and 1. 's shown below. What partial © The only factors of 8 are 8 and 1 product should replace (107 D The only factors of 9 are 9 and 1 AB 23 B12 — ce eke Daz 13, 14, 15. ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Fatering Geade 5 Name, Seetion2: Grade $ Readiness Which line is parallel toJC? DBF What is the missing number in the table? x [72 30 | 96 26 y Le [2lel? A 33 B32 cst D 30 Which geometric terms best describe the triangle? w= A Isosceles, obtuse B Isosceles, right © Equilateral, obtuse D Scalene, acute 16, 17. 18, Which of the following is NOT a quadrilateral? A square B rhombus © pentagon D trapezoid Keny used 12 yards of fabric for a project. How many feet did she use? A Steet B 4 fest © 36 fest D 48 fest Ken ate § containers of yogurt What is this number writen as @ mixed number? ‘Summer Math Packet for Sudents Entering Grade 5 Name Seetion 2: Grade 5 Readiness 49. Which fraction represents the 22. What decimal does the model smallest part of a whole? represent? 1 ay 4 BG ed q A 008 D 5 B 018 20. What is & in simplest form? © 028 D ost 23. Kyle jumped 2} feet. Which ae point on the number line best 3 represents the point where a2 Kyle landed? 3 ct 3 Or AL 21, The measurements of afence ‘Mr. Walling built are shown below. BM What is the perimeter ofthe fence? on DP 24, Steve's model train has a mass of 8 yads ‘5 kg. How many grams is 6 kg? A509 Toe B 5009 © 1,000g ‘A 180 yards tesa B 56 yards © 28 yards D 8 yards ‘Summer Math Practice. Students Entering Sth Grade Name Determine the place value of the undertined dig © g04 2 6088 = a “ Find the sum, 5 9 8 se Sh HR Be BH 8 TE As 8 48 83 “4 1% 9B a 24 +7 +82 48 41 +2 +43 +60 +42 + 20 Find the patter, * 92, 85,78, 71,64, 57,50, 1 6,9, 18,28, 99, 45,89, ———— Draw the clock hands to chow the passage of ine. ws aa ‘what ime wilt be in 3 hours What time lit be int hour minutes? 7 minutes? Compare the fractions. ‘Complete the equivalent fractions. What ime was it2 hours 3 minutes ago? Identity the fraction, » = * -“(- “(7- ame: ‘Summer Math Practice. Students Entering Sth Grade Name Identity the fraction. Shpity Ure hac. Find the sum. Find the difference. Find the greatest common factor. “49 _ #38 _ = 65 _ 28 ry 0 Find the lowest common multiple. m9 2 ‘Convert the given measures to new units 18cm mm © 91mm = em & 62cm mm % 63¢m =, om ‘Convert the given measures to new unis 25s ys © 79in ® % B0in = vs ‘Summer Math Practice Students Entering Sth Grade Find the perimeter and area, Name : “| 10 78 real tin Solve, hotdog cola = $4.10 dorder of French-fies = $1.35 ioe cream cone = $1.95 hamburger = $2.35 rik shake = $2.00, deluxe cheeseburger = $3.80 taco = $2.60 «= What sth total cost of a mi shake, a hamburger, and a deluxe cheeseburger? o I Michele wanted to buy a hamburger, @ hot dog, and 2 taco, how much would she have to pay ifthe items were on sale for ten percent off the regular pice? 1m __Marin purchases @ hot dog and a taco. How much change will she get back rom $10.00? Solve the folowing 10 If Sandra earns $25.75 after working five hours whats the hourly ata? se How much wll Carlos eam ithe eams $15.80 per hour and works 11 hours? Find the produc te. eg 7Q BHO. xm «or 48 DO Th x 8S Find the quotient Orr) ae 2m oe a8 sri oe ad 101770 Ded Cac ae ‘Summer Math Procive- Stents Entering in Grade Name ‘Complete the bar graph. * tee Favorite Fits jE : Frits Total a —— Peaches we 80) ‘Apples a7 70} Pears Ey 60} ‘Oranges: 10 sol Plums 4 40} 30} 204 10f— - ° ‘Complete the line graph “ 1 Book Sales =. Month Total rs January 35 80} February 38 704 - - March a 60 . Po ‘Apa 5 sol May 52 “ 7 a So} ‘August 8 20} ‘September @ 19 October 53 November 50 December 25 ‘Summer Math Practon- Students Entering Sth Grace CHALLENGE Name Determine the place value ofthe underined digit 1 gaa 2 6054 a 47784 = 8 ang ® sar9= 2 4599 8 265, 10 64g9= 97 98g Find the sum. 42% 20 oo 2D aS gO ah 20 TH 3 Sw 7 se +e +m +O +2 + +2 +2 +47 + 9 4 Find the pattern, 272,70, 68, 66, 64, 62, 60, 2 Draw the ae hands to show the passage of time. 3 wt Koy ‘What time was itt hour 8S minutes ago? +4 minutes? C el ‘What time was it hours 57 minutes ago? 52 minutes? Compare the rections \What time wil ibe in 5 ours ba ‘What ime wiitbe in 3 hours 36, 99,42, 45, 48,51, 54, What time wilt be in 4 hours 46 minutes? What ‘ime wilt bein 4 hours 41 minutes? ‘Summer Math Practice: Students Entering Sh Grade CHALLENGE Name ‘Complete the equivalent fractions she s jue Identity the fraction. «0 rs © »§l - on - 8 “oO Idontity the fraction, ‘Simply the fractions. ‘Summer Math Practice: Students Entering Sth Grade CHALLENGE Name Find the sum. Find the aiference. Find the greatest common factor 1 88 _ st — “a 3 12 me es _ Q 55 190. 49 15 28 2 20 Find the lowest commen multiple. "= 10 " 7 ‘Summer Math Practes: Students Entering Sth Grade CHALLENGE Name Conver the given measures to new units. 154 20mm cm 1 Stmm = em 88 85mm = om 86mm = om 88. Stem mm 1 73mm em 0 tem mm 181 32mm =, om 2. 63.em mm 16. tem mm 1 91mm fem 8 34 mm 188. 77m mm 18% a6 om = mm 1 24mm em 18 266m mm Conver the given measures to new units, 1. 61k yd 97h yd ™ otin =, f 1m ean dm 19h © 478 18 ry 1 48m = wd 17 6oft yd 78 32tt = yd Find the perimeter and area, 12 i) 14 if on 26 i| 15 in 19 in zl 2 12 | 24 In zat Tem ‘Summer Math Practee- Stason Entrog Sth Grade CHALLENGE Name Find the pattern. 105.14, 4.2,1.8,2,2.7,9647% 106. 44,36, 38,2.9,3.1,21,2.3, 187. 2.5, 2.9, 34, 47,55,64, 108. 1.7,1.9, 2,2.3,2.4,2.8, 2.9, 109. 9, 85, 8, 74,69, 6.2, 8.7, 190. 9.4,8.9, 8.5,7.9,74,6.4,49, 191. 1.9, 18, 2.4,2,23,22,25, 182. 7,67, 68,64,6.5,6,6.1, Solve shit= 87.78 Jacket = 45.80 pal of socks = $4.00 pair of pants = $28.30 ha bathing suit = $16.85 teshit = $16.60 ‘Steven purchases a t-shirt and a pal of pants. he had $50.00, haw much money will he have left? What isthe taal cost of a bet? If Sandra wanted to buy @ shirt and a bet, how much would she have to pay ifthe items were on sale for 10% off the regular price? IFEllen wanted to buy a belt, how much would it cost her i there was a ten percent discount? I David wanted to buy @ shit, a pal of pants, and a t-shirt, how much would he have to pay? Jennifer wants to buy a pai of pants and a pair of socks. How much wil she have to pay? Marcie wants to buy a jacket, How much wilt cost her? ‘Summer Mth Practe- Stusents Entering Sth Grade CHALLENGE Name Solve the ftowing, 2 __f Sandra ears $38.00 after working fe hours what isthe hourly rate? 201. __Janet baby-sat for 23 hours over two weeks, She earned $8.85 an hour. What washer gross pay? 22 _ Marcie baby-satfor 31 hours over two waeks. She eamed $7.26 an hour. What was he gross pay? a How much wil Audrey ear she ears $10.35 for each hour werked, works 48 hours, and has payroll deductions of $60,557 1 Whats Zare's net pay fhe earns $10.60 for each hour worked, works 36 hours, and has payroll deductions of 13%? a, It David ears $106.48 after deductions of $14.52 and after working 10 hours what isthe hourly rate? Find the product. 2.50.58 Bw] w 2 Az 7O 2 4m eM MTB A BR BO ma 12 Skt. 3D 4 MDOT st 3 53 Eid 18 2 x28 x 86 Round to the undertined digit 222. $52.03 223. $87.31 24. $8681 =. 228. $87.31 225. $59.04 227. $50.14 228, $4003 = 228. $92.08 250. $49.98 = 231, $22.33 282. $31.48 = 253, $68.25 234, $95.32 235. $67.68 238. $87.54 237. $8588 ‘Summer Math Practice: Stcens Entering Sth Grade CHALLENGE Name Find the quotient oa ie 8 2788 as 76 oe aT laa 788 ad 51760 Tea ard 34 ales Oe 820 Complete the bar graph, “ 00 Favorte Fats Frits Teta 7 ‘Swimming 10 80 Bing 33 9 Soft 46 69 Hiking A 0 ump Rope 46 wl Hopscotch 70 29 29 10) — ‘Summer Ith Practie- Students Entering Sth Grade CHALLENGE Name Draw the eS hand to show the passage of me ys What time wilt bein 4 wnat time wi tbe in 2 ‘hat ime wi tbe in 2 hour 45 minutes? hours 49 minutes? hours 46 minutes? 200. aE aE, sé DO “EOS EI "OED “OOD What time will it be in 3 ‘What time will ite in 2 What time wilt be in 2 hhours 8 minutes? hours §2 minutes? hours 26 minutes? ‘Complete the table. *\xlslelele]a« ™*\xlel7[a]1]2 7 1 8 4 5 2 2 6 6 8 Complete tho tate. 208. | =| 79 | 61 | 64 | 87 | 47 268. | = | a1 | 66 | 80 | 86 | 96 2 5 3 7 1 8 7 1 6 3 ‘Summer Math Practes- Students Entering Sth Grade CHALLENGE Complte the tne graph. 268, 270. 272 274 Book Sales 100) — Month Total Ly January 10 80 February 9 70 March 25 60 ‘Apr 35 A May 0 ” une S uy 30} August 6 29} ‘September 2 10 October 0 a November 4 December 10 st the mutiples foreach number. 92 269. 3 2 am. 4 7 273, 18 5 275. 39 7 277. 40 276, Find the lowest commen multiple. 2 ‘Summer Math Practos: Students Entering Stn Grade CHALLENGE Find the greatest common factor. Solve a7, 66 33 1" 66 at 3 ——— 0 50 2 208. 7 48 “0 ‘Summer Math race: Stents Entering Sth Grade CHALLENGE Nave *lo9|- [2a] + [50 ms 40] + | 30 2a| + [26] - | 7 za] - | 19 2e| - [20] + | 2 + | 89 Provide the standard neta foreach value. 2a six thousand one hundred forty 292. __six thousand six hundred five 283, ___elght thousand eight hundred eighteen 294, ___ three thousand eight hundred twenty-two 295. __ three thousand one hundred thirty-eight 296, __one thousand four hundred thity 297. __sistysve Wirt each vale in words. 298. 8,296 299. 7.670 300. 8,541 301. 6,131 302. 2,161 TH Summer Math Practice: Students Entering Sth Grade CHALLENGE Name Provide the standard notation fr each va, 303,___ 1,000 + 600+ 10+8 304, 2,000 + 300 +60 +8 305, ___3,000-+500.+4 308, ___ 5,000 + 500 + 60 307, ___ 6.000 + 200+ 20+3 308, __ 6,000 + 200+ 50 +4 309, __7,000+70+1 (000 + 900 + 60 +6 Provide the standard notation for each value 313.__9 thousands + 7 hundreds + 3 tens +7 ones 314, __3 thousands + 7 hundreds + 7 tens 315, _1 thousand + 1 hundred + 8 ones 316.___2 hundreds + 8 tons + 2 ones 317. __9thousands + 4 hundreds + 1 ten +2 ones 318.___B thousands + 7 hundreds + 8 tens + 4 ones 319. __7 thousands + 3 hundreds + 4 tens + 8 ones 920, __B hundreds + 8 tens 321, __1 thousand + 5 hundreds + 1 ten +6 ones. 322, _6 thousands + 1 hundred + 4 ens + 8 ones Ta ‘Summer Math Practice: Students Entering Sth Grade CHALLENGE Name, Salve, 923. 9, 32, 2,49, 11, 25 324. 5,1,6,1,9,5 328. 76, §2, 42, 7, 99,3 Meat Mean Mean 326. 19,51,3,5,8,6 327. 87,20, 19,2, 21,3 928. 1,61,93,2, 1,1 Mean Mean= _ Mean= 328. 7,20, 97,1, 18, 94 330. 97, 64, 92, 50, 33, 1 331. 71, 30, 1,6,7, 2 Mean Mean Mean 382. 2,87, 40, 42, 7, 95 Mean = solve. 333. 51,6, 1,9, 3,69 334. 9,01, 4,7, 98, 3 Mean Median = Mean Median = 335. 89, 5, 65,9, 43, 8 336. 10, 3,2, 10, 85, 88 Mean= Median = Mean= Median = 337. 24, 80, 29, 7,17, 43, 338. 90,7, 7,9, 7.5 Mean Median = Mean Median = 339. 7, 46,5, 21, 3, 80 340, 40, 3, 7, 82, 7,2 Mean Median Mean= Median = 341. 8,84, 92,1,4,2 342. 69, 5,5,7, 3,87 Mean Median Mean Median See 343. 7, 48,6, 11,73, 41 344. 51,9, 51,98, 97,3 Mean= Mod Mean Mode = 345. 99, 84,9, 26, 16, 18 348. 5,8, 74, 1,43, 33 Mean Mod Mean Mosk Te ‘Summer Math Practeo- Students Entering Sth Grade CHALLENGE 347. 8,8, 3, 98, 4,10 349, 351 385, 357, 359, 361 2 xs. Mean Mean = Modk 9,3,4,2,3,6 350. 20,31, 5, 18, 45, 66 Mean Mean Modi 5,3,22, 4,2, 58 382. 5,91, 76, 74, 91,6 Mean Mean Mode = 52,3, 8,23, 1,3 354. 88, 75, 3,6,6, 35 Mean Range = Mean Rang: 95, 6, 63, 62, 78, 87 356. 7,7, 40,7, 70, 14 Mean Range = Mean = Range = 52,71, 1,3, 87,20, 358. 2,6,7, 23, 9,59 Mean Range = Mean = Range = 41, 73, 9, 96, 4, 26 360. 23, 7,51,4,3,7 Mean= Range = Mean = Range = 55,17, 6,78, 48, 95 362. 3, 73,6, 15, 3, 20 Mean Mean Range Filin the missing numbers 85 65 50 18 45 | 40 30 15 70 80 95 | 100] 50 35 10 38, Name 4,73, 67, 73, 11,31 Tae ‘Summer Math Practice Students Entering Sth Grade CHALLENGE Find the perimeter and area, =. oa sn sn 11 onl isin tem a0 sin Jem oem 15 em 2 22m 24 f fn 230m Mosse the rectangles 373. 374 375. 376, am. 378 ‘Measure the lines. a7, = Summer Math Practes- Students Entering Sh Grade CHALLENGE 380, aw. ‘Measure the lines ‘33, 0, 386, Identity the polygons. 07, 288, 39 00, 6 2301 2 388. 08 398, 396, si+ tgs 998 1f4 az= 400 401. 52+ ate 402 403. 6i+ 73= 404 405. 52+ 2t= 408 7h+ of= 407, 28+ 2f= 408 409. 424 4d= an 412. Te ‘Summer Math Pracioe: Students Entering Sn Grade CHALLENGE Name comer 413, 4 414, 3 415. = 416. a7 418, 419 420 421. 422. 423. B= 424. He 425.8 426, 421, 428, 2 = Determine the place value ofthe underlined dig 20, 326 = 400. 592 an 181 42. O87 = 40. 98 an 609 5. 256 = 498. 137 aor. 451 = 8, 971 0 95 440, 208 Complete the table “*. Count by 1 from 264 to 288 #2. Count by 1 from 449 to 473 Tie Summer Mah Pacis Soden Eng Sth Grae CHALLENGE Nar “2 Count by 1 from 504 to 528 4. Count by 1 from 216 to 239 sotve shit = 68.75 Jecket = $46.00 pair of socks = $5.25 pair of pants = $30.75 hat = $13.25 bathing sut= $19.00 belt= $8.00 tshirt = $725 us If Elen buys a bathing suit and if she had $25.0, how much money il he have let? a, 1 Carlos wanted to buy three pais of socks, a shit, and four shits, how much would it cost him? an Whats the total cost of four bets ifthe sales taxis 5%? a, ‘Sandra wants to buy two belts and fve shits, How much wil she have to pay? as, Whats the total costo thre tshits, five bathing suits, an five pars of socks? 40, Marcie wants to buy fie belts and a tshirt. How much wilt cost her? 4s, Jennifer purchases two bets and four pais of socks. How much money wil she get back if she pays 850.007 62 1¥ Steven buys two bathing suis and three shits, an ihe had $70.00, how much money wil he have left? 8. ‘Summer Math Practice. Students Entering Sth Grade CHALLENGE Name Flin a inseated. 453, | A=(2,2) B=(7,1) C=(6,2) Calculate. 458 a7 a7 0, 15 0 7186 +4 sms 7 44 a7 wr 4 ee m6 mh 9S “8 a8 8140 png} a e140 oni) jr 9, m 9m 2 a +8 a 820 a a] a m6 4 a a} +2 oraz xa) at alse wm 7 dw v8 4,2 +6 +4 +6 47 a4 +2 | | | | 7207

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