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Study Questions I 589 1

~on9 essay .
he visual pathway. Explain the effects of lesion at six levels in its co urse.
Trace t .
1. ·n the cause, effect, and correction for errors of refraction
EXP 1a1 •

short Essay
EXplain the formation, drainage, and functions of aqueous humor. What is glaucoma?
· What is refractive index?
· Discuss the principle of optics.
1 Explain the features of cornea.
· Discuss the features and functions of human eye lens.
Name the errors of refraction. Explain its corrections with the help of a diagram.
7. Describe the principle of ophthalmoscopy.
8. Discuss the role of extrinsic muscles of eye.
9. Describe the composition and functions of vitreous humor.
1o. Explain direct and indirect light reflexes with their pathways. What is Argyll Robertson pupil?
11 . Explain the role of lateral geniculate body in vision.
12. Discuss the role of primary visual cortex in vision.
13. Explain the role of secondary visual cortex in vision.
14. Explain the mechanism of analysis of visual contrast.
15. What are Purkinje-Sanson images?
16. Trace the pathway for accommodation reflex. Explain the changes during accommodation.
17. How is visual acuity tested?
18. Explain the design of Snellen's chart and its clinical application.
19. Describe the mechanism of depth perception. .
20. Explain the basis for development of squint. Add a note on its management.
21. Explain rhodopsin cycle.
22. Discuss the electrical activity in retina.
23. Describe the mechanism of processing of visual information.
24 - Explain the procedure of finger confrontation test. What is its clinical importance?
2S. What is field of vision? How is it mapped?
26· Explain Young-Helmholtz theory of color vision. Name the defects of color vision.
· What is color-blindness? How are they classified?
28 · What are the contents and functions of middle ear? Explain the tympanic reflex.
· Explain the mechanism of appreciation of sound.
o. Explain the mechanism of impedance matching.
· Explain the structure of inner ear.
· Describe the structure of organ of Corti.
3. Discuss the mechanism of excitation of hair cells of organ of Corti.
· Trace the auditory pathway with a neat, labeled diagram.
· Discuss the mechanism for pitch discrimination by the ear.
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36. Desen'b e the role of auditory cortex .in perception
· Explain the tests for hearing.
38. Discuss the mechanism of appreciation of different taste sensations.
39. Trace the taste pathway.
40. Describe the structure of olfactory membrane.
41. Discuss the mechanism of stimulation of olfactory cell.
42. Trace the olfactory pathway. What is anosmia?

Short Answer
1. What are the functions of iris?
2. What is diopter?
3. What is principal focus and focal length of lens?
4. List the refracting surfaces of the eye.
5. What is reduced eye?
6. What is corneal grafting?
7. What is cataract?
8. List the layers of retina.
9. Mention the changes in age-related macular degeneration.
10. What is retinal detachment?
11. Mention the clinical importance of electroretinogram.
12. What is critical fusion frequency?
13. What is applanation tonometry?
14. List the functions of lacrimal secretion.
15. Mention the indication and mode of action of contact lens.
16. Name the functions of rods and cones.
17. Draw a labeled diagram of cone.
18. Explain the basis of visual acuity.
19. What is Argyll Robertson pupil?
20. List the neurotransmitters in retina.
21. What is lateral inhibition?
22. List the functions of amacrine cells.
23. Discuss the location and types of visual cortex.
24. Mention the types and functions of ganglion cells.
25. What is macular sparing?
26. Mention extraocular muscles and movements produced by them.
27. What is squint? What are its types?
28. Explain the structure of rods and cones.
29. What is nyctalopia?
30. What are the changes during dark adaptation?
31. Mention the changes during light adaptation.
32. What is binocular vision?
33. Explain the concept of masking of sound.
34 _ List the primary colors of vision.
35 _ Mention the disorders of color vision.
36. Explain the tests for color vision.
37. Draw a labeled diagram of the organ of Corti.
38. Explain traveling wave theory of hearing.
39. What is cochlear microp honic and endoly mphati c potential?
40. What are the types of deafness?
41. Explain briefly audiom etry.
42. Name auditor y cortical areas.
43. Explain Rinne's test.
44. What is Weber's test? What is its clinical importance?
45. What is tinnitus?
46. List the features of audiog ram in conduc tive deafness.
47. List the features of audiog ram in nerve deafness.
48. Name the primar y taste sensations.
49. Draw a diagram of a taste bud.
50. Explain the mechanism for apprec iation of taste.
51. Mention the nerve supply to the tongue
52. Explain the terms: (a) ageusia, (b) hypogeusia, and (c) dysgeusia.
53. Name four differe nt types of taste sensations.
54. Draw a diagram of otolith organs.
55. List the importa nce of smell sensation.
56. What are pheromones?
57. Define the terms: (a) dysosmia, (b) anosmia, (c) hyposmia, and (d) hyperosmia.
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